🖌️ Multicolor Surprise Paint Job 🖌️ | Go Learn With Buster | Videos for Kids

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huh [Music] oh uh [Music] pasta surprise happy birthday Scout you didn't think I'd forget my best friend's birthday did you oh thanks Buster it looks so delicious oh it was delicious but don't worry Scout I have more surprises follow me but close your eyes no peeking no peeking now Buster where are we going it's a surprise is it the race track wait disco tunnel in even better you'll see okay peek wait no wait surprise uh what are we doing in Jade's garage Buster you'll see it's a special surprise did I mention it ready Scout uh sure we're gonna turn you into a race car you'll be the speediest car in the whole town go go go Buster you missed one this is fun it sure does take a long time though but it's worth it only the best for my best friend uh Buster maybe I'll be a mechanic someday Buster oops sorry Scout I promise my painting will be better painting but we've just come from the car wash oh double oops that was a surprise too come on uh everything okay Buster um yeah [Music] oh no I've used the wrong colors I just wanted to make you feel special on your birthday now I've messed it all up I'm sorry don't be sorry I've had the best day this is so much fun it is of course what could be more fun than messing around in the garage with my best friend whoa but we were supposed to have a photo not yet I've got a great idea Buster it's time for a makeover not like buses to be late [Music] this was the best birthday ever oh welcome Scout this was so much fun ready diggly sure you look super cool [Music] come on bump a bunch let's move this way to the zip Zoom race track oh watch out for Speedy Scout move down buster [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa what is it pasta it's not on my map it must be brand new interesting it's some kind of color car wash check this out yes yes yes that's awesome Scout we can all be different colors let's go go go I don't know guys maybe we should just go back to the racetrack relax Ash we'll go racing later this is gonna be such a fun adventure [Music] this car wash is the best thing ever a possible let's make this Curry faster yes yes yes a buster are you sure we should do that oh come on ash don't be such a slow coach uh diggly how do we make it faster but over Buster push this pull that punch this and there Turbo Charge [Music] Terry [Music] oops we're gonna be in so much trouble Ash you are a genius um a what we can use your hose to clean all this up bumper Bunch let's go [Music] what's on this then what mischief and flim flamery is going on here today Mr Rubble uh how are you we were just um speeding to the racetrack nothing interesting here no paint explosions at all uh that's a nice hat is it new there's something funny going on here I beat it in my hubcaps nobody can trick Mr Rubble nobody I can sense mischief Mr Rubble no no wow Buster Scout are you practicing your Halloween scares uh-huh we're gonna break the wheelie feels super scary records and scare everyone in town starting with you Monty didn't you know I'm unscarable nothing frightens me ah [Music] okay apart from Rabbits oh they could be the creepy GPS rabbits huh come on Buster we've got some scurring to do next up super scary record let's go careful not to scare anyone too much you don't want to upset them [Music] oh nobody is scared of me not Josh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah one more person left to scare Monty but he said he's unstable you sure about that this is gonna be the scary scare in the whole history of scariness [Music] rescue [Music] a little bit [Music] terrible is keep away keep away [Music] sorry Monty we just really wanted to break the super scare record maybe we took that a bit too far it's okay I forgive you [Music] good [Music] too [Music] eight nine ten ready or not here I come next stop hide and seek how to find my friends hey I'm dickly according to my calculations piles of leaves make X in the Tiding spots [Music] oh I'm Speedy Scout no one can find me [Music] found you yeah my 575th pile of leaves done go Rubble hey why don't you be more careful you little tired [Music] and I always ruined everyone's fun near me [Music] the perfect hiding spot oh I don't ruin everyone it's funny I guess oh he likes me the Rob was really upset did I do that oh I didn't mean it I feel so bad Ghostbuster found you buster Wiggly forget hide and seek guys we need to help Mr Rubble Mr Rubble no it's bad we hurt his feelings we need to cheer him up next stop Leaf cleanup [Music] all tidy [Music] Rubble budge reporting for Duty I wanted to say sorry for making fun of you so we cleaned up all the leaves wow you kids have got a great job I did it I won hide and seek say Mr Rubble why don't we tidy up this last pile together I can't wait to see the shooting stars by my calculations the best place to see them will be up top of the mountain loading map it's go time this way follow me shouldn't we stick to the road we'll get the shooting stars in time promise I have a bad feeling about this [Music] oh [Music] oh skid marks I'm stuck me too oops oops sorry Ash tickly quick [Music] [Music] I need this stupid shortcut was a bad idea why couldn't you just go the way I wanted for once never gonna miss the shooting stars uh uh we will see the shooting stars we can get out of this how uh I've got a brilliant idea [Music] ah forget it no one can hear us according to my calculations we'll miss the shooting stars for sure [Music] wait that's it diggly what happens when you add water to mud I don't know it goes gloopy I guess that's wrong and if you make it creepy enough we'll slide out let's move Ash it's working [Music] it's not a cliff Edge it's a stunt job are you sure about this trust me diggly I won't let you down this time [Music] I believe you that was some sugar oh look oh this is a great viewing spot we made it after all [Music] sorry digly I should have listened to you next time maybe we'll just stick to the road hurry up we're gonna be late for the show I can't wait to see him he's my favorite [Music] I'll cut through the construction side Foster are you sure absolutely [Music] uh maybe we took a wrong turn diggly how do we open the door uh there's a button on the other side we're going to miss blippi's show this is a disaster ah diggly do that again [Music] guys that sounds good [Music] [Applause] whoa groovy guys keep going [Music] pasta what's the matter nothing it's just you guys are all so good at making music but but I can't do that but Buster Our Song is missing the most important thing words you can sing Buster oh I don't know you can do it Buster oh stop the music bump a bunch let's move [Music] la la la [Music] pasta [Music] [Music] oh I can't wait to see this blippi the excavator concert [Music] and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long wow that was amazing you kids are really good see Buster you can do it the gate is open thanks Mr Rubble we can see blippi after all let's move wait for me [Music] this is it the super Speedy way we're finally big enough to ride it yay yay next stop super Speedy way [Music] Buster Ash Bandit I'm going to teach you to ride the Speedy way remember this rhyme and you'll be just fine take it slow look left look right then drive drive come on [Music] Ash let's go I'm nervous how does the rhyme go take it slow uh look left look right left right drive drive drive okay try so fast not as fast as me watch out folks it's Buster the fastest bus in the whole world this is impossible later Slow Coaches [Music] please don't crash please don't crash hey Foster can't ride the super Speedy way try the lullaby Road I'm not a slow coach come on Buster you can do this you're a big butt no I can't do this I'm going back [Music] forget it I can't do it I'll just drive on the slow roads for the rest of my life it'll be fine oh Buster it's okay if it takes a few tries don't give up but Jada no butts Buster now go on back on the super Speedy way with you you can do it God buster the Speedy way is scary fast I don't know if I can do this go Buster look left and right take it slow then drive drive [Music] [Music] I am thanks Jada fastest boss in the universe [Music] here [Music] oh no bust down bust down what [Music] by my calculations Buster your tooth is about to fall out you will have to get a robot too to replace it what this is all don't be silly diggly everyone knows when your tooth falls out you lose it forever forever no no look a tooth maybe we can get help there we'll never get there in time we have to get there Ash Scout sirens on [Music] we're doomed what are we gonna okay so here's the plan let's go you Scout let's go bet you can't catch me stop this blimp lemery at once oh [Music] I'll get you sorry Mr Rubble we have a tooth to say [Music] all we nearly nearly yet yeah I'm running low on charge yes I think so just one more Road uh Buster thank you we can do this [Music] look there it is [Music] my tooth congratulations Buster but but it's gone it's gone forever yes it is but a bigger one will grow in its place a bigger one I don't have to get a robot tooth Dearing me no and you can keep your old tooth wow it's amazing that's even cooler than a robot too I wanna lose my I know is the best these monkey bumps are the funnest fun whoa that jump looks awesome let's do it Buster I'm not sure guys what if we crash come on ash you're a super fire truck you can do anything come on bump a bunch let's move [Music] let's go [Music] oh you guys okay oh I don't feel so good me neither I want to go home oh no Zapped up power we need to get to Jada's garage we need to get down the mountain Ash help us please I got this [Music] sorry guys I can't do it don't be sorry Ash you can do anything remember you're a super fire truck hmm [Applause] [Music] you're doing it keep going you've got this ash [Music] whoa this isn't helping I feel dizzy we nearly at the bottom of the mountain [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] sounds like you both had a big bump it was really big yeah probably the biggest jump in the world sorry [Music] tickles well you're both very brave but especially you Ash told me fire trucks can do anything save the day he really did thank you Jada no thank you now what you two need is a good rest to get fully charged next time Scout we'll land that jump [Music] the bus stop the bravest boss in the whole world and Speedy Scott the fastest race car in history and Professor excavator the Digger with the ginormous Brave oh I wish I could fly but I'm not so good with Heights hmm come with me Professor excavator has a cunning plan behold my greatest invention yet the excavator turbo fire earth digly Professor excavator sorry Professor excavator uh this is a trailer that won't fly not in a million billion trillion years but this isn't just a trailer it's a big balloon-powered cloud bouncer [Music] Bandit whoa these balloons are cool we should fill them with water and have a water fire leave them Bandit we're trying to fly [Music] whoa that's high but I'm super Buster super Buster isn't afraid of heights get me down I don't think Heights bust the hell how do we do uh I didn't think of that uh we'll think of something just don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down look down by my calculations they can flow all the way into space uh we can do this with a bumper bunch aha Buster catch [Music] Bandit pop some balloons I'm scared I can't move you can be brave Bandit you can do it we both can thank you [Music] stop that stand back turbo flyer coming into land whoa that that was fun we faced our fears that's awesome and it turns out buses can fly Merry Christmas everyone Santa's Grotto has come to wheelieville time for your presence oh wow I can't wait to get my present oh company tires this is gonna take forever Ash look we can sneak in through the back door the Buster isn't that cheating oh come on we'll just have a peek inside and find our presents next stop Santa's Grotto wow [Music] this is turbo-tastic look at all the presents maybe I'll get a siren or Digger tracks let's go hmm note whoa Knight where's mine [Music] I'm almost [Music] out oh no this is a disaster Santa is gonna be so mad I've gotta fix this [Applause] oh my goodness I love Santa sorry Santa we just really wanted our presents so bad you know kids if you wait until Christmas day to open your presents it's much more magical oh come on ash let's fix this next stop laughs oh speak and span Merry Christmas kids yay it'll be more magical if we wait until Christmas day Merry Christmas kids [Music] the frightful Forest fat spooky let's explore next stop frightful Forest it's a no Buster those clouds look really dark but if it rains relax Scout it's not gonna rain come on bumper Bunch let's move [Music] I've never been here before maybe there are monsters here or a secret treasure faster way top we'll get lost diggly relax I'm a boss remember I know where I'm going guys I don't like this place Ash relax [Music] don't worry according to my calculations the chances of a storm are really loud I don't like it oh lightning is very dangerous and we're made of metal nobody panic nobody panic Master what do we do uh guys relax we can't relax it's pouring with rain uh we need to get home now I can find the way uh I think [Music] lightning not now diggly oh it's so wet I'm out of charge nobody gets left behind come on Scout we'll push you it's a river park has for dead what if we sing Oh rust we can get across if we go together we'll be strong enough we can do this bump a bunch let's move [Music] I am a brave adventurer [Music] come on let's get out of here thanks to you Buster sorry I led us into the rain but we made it back together well done everyone [Music] I'm gonna be the fastest boss in the whole wide world next stops the moon according to my calculations Buster the rip roaring Rockstar rocket will make you Turbo FAST just a few more adjustments oh come on jiggly let's go ready steady [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no [Music] I'm stuck Don't Panic Buster I know where the key card is um I think help get me get me out it's okay guys I found the key card [Music] no this is awful this is bad this is bad this is bad hey give it back oh this is a disaster Don't Panic Don't Panic don't panic guys stop you're scaring him you need to slow down we need to take a breath and think [Music] if we can't get to the bird maybe we can make the bird come to us [Music] um [Music] [Music] ha thanks little Robin dude bye bye little buddy Mr Rubble slow down no no it's okay Mr Rubble we can get you out just need to take it slow next stop ice cream roll up roll up time to try the new ice cream car wash on this hot sunny day all exciting flavors so many flavors I want to try them all not so fast Buster only one ice cream per vehicle per day those are the rules but it's so hot butt spend it now skedaddle why does Mr Rob always ruin the fun if only we could sneak past him ah weight Bandit I've got a brilliant idea [Music] Mr Rubble come look at this there's a cloud in the shape of a forklift it looks just like you what where look it's up there look that's where we're looking but I can't see it to the left and the right well where is it Mr Rubble did you even know what a cloud is Bandit let's go uh oh well my mistake bye hey stop right there [Music] come back here you little tired [Music] this way what no this way that's a dead end down there oh huh [Music] stop this film family [Music] shortcut ice cream [Music] here Buster Bandit why did you take all this ice cream I'm sorry we just wanted to try all the flavors and we were so hot this ice cream was for everyone to share taking it for yourselves wasn't a nice thing to do but you know all these flavors melted together taste pretty good maybe you'd like to share it with your friends roll up roll up get your rainbow ice cream here flavors just once [Music] Buster Scout diggly oh you guys look so cute cute I'm not cute I'm a Terry scarifying don't you mean a scary terrifying zombie oh next stop trick or treat ah Buster's overcharged he's gonna explode it's okay everyone this paint is glow in the dark the lights are out everywhere it must be a power cut but don't worry I'll have it fixed in no time flat toodles so it's kinda creepy in here maybe it says creepy outside according to my calculation Scout it's really dark it's really really dark it's okay Buster you've got this look nothing to be afraid of yep it's creepy out here too trick or treat is ruined no one can see where they're going wait I have an idea we can use the go paint then people can see where they're going we dream bump a bunch style but that means going out in the dark [Music] wow that is dark there might be monsters but I can light it all up oh yeah go faster [Music] we're saving Halloween next stop blow up [Music] turbo-tastic really feels Halloween is saved lights are fixed piece of cake Jada wait uh uh thanks so much but I really feel glowing in the dark it looks kind of cool maybe we could turn the lights off again now that you mention it it did look pretty cool happy Halloween [Music] [Applause] [Music] massive sharp teeth and a terrifying growl my mama Monster in there it's okay Ash monsters aren't real are you sure about that or are you just scared uh I'm not scared who I am we should go find out if the Monster is real like detectives Bubba Bunch let's go sure just um try and keep up [Music] there is no way anyone will enter the forest now [Music] sign nobody yeah [Music] hello uh Mr monster are you there we're monster detectives we want to know if you're real ah are you frightened too um of course not bumpers my map doesn't work here wait I might get my wheels on those little tire skitters [Music] what was that the wind stopping a bunch of Scaredy buses imagine wait faster help I'm stuck [Music] stop there Mr monster I'm a monster detective and I'm not afraid of you I am afraid of you but I want you to go away oh huh Mr Rubble you're the monster oh what's so funny how will I find my way out now hmm just follow the tire tracks hey roster so uh thanks I guess you know for saving me and stuff that's okay Bandit a bus never leaves anyone behind and now we know the monster isn't real after all mission accomplished of course monsters aren't real you silly kids [Music] I'm super excited to win the wheelieville road race oh Buster it's not about winning it's about having fun race fun fun fun [Music] fully charged [Music] if I Turbo Charge myself I'll easily win [Music] next stop winning [Music] what's taking Buster so long hey buddy hmm Buster are you okay oh what yeah yes sir ready absolutely Ready Set [Music] counts and how I'm here [Music] I'm gonna win not today ah Buster are you okay oh Buster did you overcharge I'm sorry Jada I thought if I had more charge I'd be faster I just really wanted to win I can't have fun stuck in a bush I just want to race with my friends [Music] ah dare fully charged next stop race fun fun [Music] D it you're going so fast oh yeah yes soon ah a yes [Music] [Music] yay now that was a turbo-tastic road race bumper bunch fun fun fun [Music] you said there's an emergency at the car walk there is I've decided I want to be an emergency vehicle today but I couldn't decide which one so you decided to be all of them uh-huh I'm a fire ambulance police car bus next stop emergency oh there must be an emergency here somewhere I want to use my sirens being an emergency vehicle isn't all about the sirens Buster look that kitten must be lost emergency [Music] hey wait kitten come back next up kitten rescue [Music] excuse me [Music] no tunnel wow oh yeah I love the music [Music] it's best to go this way Scout who cares [Music] foreign [Music] I'll rescue you activate ladder this is kinda hard [Music] oh I think the kitten is scared of me I have to help her like a true emergency vehicle master gently gently it's okay little kitty you're safe now looks like you whacked out the first rule of emergency vehicles Buster it's not all about the siren it's about helping people and paying attention to what they need that's right you make a great fire ambulance please whatever [Music] foreign [Music] I found myself in the wild west and that's how I got my hat the mark of a real cowboy whoa I want to be a cowboy I really want that hat patience a true Cowboy also takes that time whoa fat [Music] Don't Panic Sheriff Buster is on the trail next stop cowboy hat skid marks I need that hat you leave that hell alone partner but I need it I can't be a real cowboy without a cowboy hat oh [Music] and it I need it you can't oh follow me Ash [Music] a cactus garden that's not on my map Texas don't fry fresh air if Buster weight Buster that's that's not allowed you'll get a flat tire but I have to get Monty's hat now remember what Monty said a true Cowboy also takes that time out of the way Slow Coaches [Music] ow [Music] I'm sorry I just I really wanted the hat so I could be a true Cowboy like Monty no it takes more than a hat to make a true Cowboy Bandit a true Cowboy takes their time right Monty that's right you really are a true Cowboy I think you found a cowboy hat and I think Bandit could use a toe to the garage settle them up Cowboy yeehaw thanks guys [Music] you're no match for super Buster next stop snowball fight [Music] huh hi I'm Professor excavator the greatest snowball thrower no I'm the greatest nice try but you can't get up here unless you have Digger tracks we'll see about that [Music] haha oh no no [Music] you'll never defeat Professor excavator like this we have to work together and use our special powers [Music] guys I have a perfect plan [Music] thank you hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] this lip slide stunt jump [Music] aha [Music] excavate this year [Music] that was awesome shake with fish Bioshock is here [Music] it's me Santa I fly on my sleigh delivering all the presents in just one night how you ask well it's simple magic magic Santa can't deliver all those presents in one night he must have robot helpers and slaves don't fly maybe he uses a helicopter no ties he uses Magic 's not real huh that looks magical I bet it leads right to Santa next up faster are you sure about this yes it has to lead to Santa there guys did you see huh oh Buster I'm hungry maybe we should go back home no we can find Santa we just need to follow the magic oh Buster magic isn't real oh maybe magic isn't real but Christmas is the most magical time of the year I can't give up now [Music] hmm we want my set come on [Music] fancy seeing you here [Music] does your sleigh really fly you really deliver all the presents in one night of course how why with magic I told you so now I'd best be off but I could use a bit of a push would you help me oh Merry Christmas [Music] wow I'm flying flying we wins oh buckets magic is real merry Christmas kids [Music] characters having so much fun playing on his drum kit oops there goes a drumstick it's rolling over to Mommy what's mommy doing oh she's clearing out all Buster's old toys the ones he doesn't use anymore I wonder what's inside look Buster's baby drum he remembers that mommy is going to recycle it so someone else can enjoy it Buster is sad but he has a bigger better drum kit now but Buster wants to keep his little drum he doesn't like to let go here's Scout with her tambourine She's Come round to play hooray time to make some music Buster and scouter ready to play and here's Ash too he's come to listen now Buster and Scout have an audience they're ready to rock one two three four nice Buster and Scout are really grooving nice work guys Scout shakes the tambourine Buster fangs the drums oh he's trying to play his little drum at the same time that doesn't work so well he's trying to do too much at once oops ah Ash wants to join in but he doesn't have an instrument and Buster has one too many what's he going to do oh ster is giving his little drum to Ash to play now Ash can play along and all three of them can have fun ready one two three four there that sounds even better than before at the end of the day Ash is going to give the drum back but Buster knows he doesn't need two drums he wants Ash to keep it Ash is so happy what a kind thing Buster does and Buster are driving across the hills oh look it's a baby deer what's it running from huh it's tracks in the train oh no what's wrong traction Can't Stop quick Buster and daddy bust to the rescue [Music] oh no he's speeding up daddy bus is calling Otis the police car this is an emergency ah there's a branch on the tracks daddy bus swoops in and moves it hooray well done Daddy bus looks like the tracks change directions up ahead [Music] daddy bus and Buster are pulling the levers to change the direction of the tracks but oh no Terry is crossing the tracks change them quick that was close now trackson is going round and round he's getting dizzy oh no watch out ew Daddy was just in time looks like Buster has a plan they need to direct traction towards the hill the hill is slowing him down he stopped hooray Go Buster [Laughter] Otis has arrived on the scene this doesn't look like an emergency oops Buster and his friends are on a holiday at the beach what a fun day out wow the sea looks amazing what is that in the water ah it's a shark Buster's very scared oops watch out Iggy mommy bus is taking a nap on the beach Buster is trying to tell her what he saw it had scary fins and jumped out of the water it was a shark mommy bus can't see anything don't worry Buster everything is fine and Mommy bus is going back to her nap Buster is still very scared [Music] I wonder if the shark is still there ah it's a shark Go Buster go [Music] oops not again [Music] Buster is still frightened but he wants to get over his fear he's going back again [Music] there's the shark [Music] wait a second what's wrong the shark has a sore wobbly tooth that's why it was jumping out of the water don't worry shark Buster can help he's trying to get Mommy's attention she's awake she's got a red Kit and Mommy bust to the rescue splat yum yum mommy bus is removing the shark's wobbly tooth it's out hooray the shark feels so much better now well done Buster he can't wait to show the tooth to his friend Buster mommy bus and Ash are at the soft play center how exciting looks like Buster wants to play in the big kids section but he's not quite big enough yet wow this is amazing Ash is very excited but Buster thinks he's too old for soft play they're having so much fun look at them go but muster doesn't want to join now they're bouncing on the trampolines [Music] that does look like lots of fun Buster going to play what is Ash running from oh look it's Captain mommy ARG hmm quick run away Ash he's escaped to the ball pit that looks like so much fun now Buster wants to join in hmm [Music] quick the captain is going to catch you go Buster Buster is really getting into this now Ahoy me Hardies what was that [Music] gotcha it's piratebuster and pirate Ash to the rescue run away look at them go watch out Captain mommy pirate Buster and Piper Dash have saved the day see Buster the soft play center was lots of fun after all during Ash or on holiday at the beach mommy bus and Mommy fire truck are preparing a barbecue and Buster and dash are building an amazing sand castle [Music] whoa those waves are really coming in quick the sand castle could be ruined Ash to the rescue he's protecting the castle with a wall of sand great idea Ash oh look it's Iggy the ice cream truck hooray oh no Ash's wall couldn't stop the waves they've ruined their sand castle Buster is very sad [Music] but Ash has got a plan to save it Buster is too upset to help [Music] maybe an ice cream will cheer him up I wonder what flavors he'll choose [Music] wow that's a huge ice cream whoa steady Ash is still fixing the sand castle [Music] Buster could get Ash and ice cream too but he's upset with Ash because his wall didn't protect the sand castle Buster's only getting ice cream for himself whoa Ash has rebuilt the sand castle good as new Buster now feels bad he didn't get Ash and ice cream so he's giving Ash his be careful don't drop it he gives them another cone now they can share the ice cream yum yum delicious it's Christmas Eve buster is so excited he can barely stay still laughs [Music] he can't wait for Christmas Day Daddy has a Christmas cracker for Buster who's going to win hole buster whoa well done Daddy but now it's time for bed or else Santa won't come [Music] look Buster's dreaming about the presents he hopes his present will be the biggest present ever it's Christmas Day and Buster and Daddy are going to Mommy's house Buster can't wait [Music] Buster's so excited to see the presents he's rushing Buster is wondering where is his present this one is for Mommy Daddy's present one for Grandpa is the small one for him Foster is a bit disappointed [Music] oops the labels have come off oh no Buster doesn't know who's present is whose Buster hopes the labels are on the right presence it's time to open the presents mommy grandpa and daddy roll up to find Buster sneaking a look at the presents grandpa has some weights that doesn't seem right mommy has some glasses but mommy can't see with them and Daddy has a stethoscope that doesn't seem right either [Music] oh oh no the presents got mixed up nobody has the right presence maybe Buster can work out which present belongs to who [Music] the weights must be for daddy he's really strong and the stethoscope is for Mommy because she's a vet and the glasses are for Grandpa [Music] good job buster it's just Buster's small present left what is inside [Music] oh a camera Buster loves it [Music] he's going to take a selfie with his family Merry Christmas Buster look it's Bandit he's coming over to visit Buster today Bandit is so excited I wonder why wow what a cool dinosaur Buster and Bandit has one too they're off to play at the park [Music] they're having so much fun playing with their dinosaur toys but wait what's that could it be a dinosaur hmm Buster and Bandit are using their imaginations to pretend they're on a dinosaur adventure [Music] what was that it's a T-Rex run go go go [Music] how will they get across quick the dinosaur is coming aha Buster has his Cowboy lasso Go Buster but Bandit is a bit nervous come on Bandit you you can do it [Music] Bandit is facing his fears whoa good job Bandit there's no way the T-Rex can reach them over here [Music] oh or maybe it can look they can hide behind that tree oh quick Bandit [Music] wait a second an egg oh the T-Rex wasn't chasing them after all it was looking for its egg oh no it's heading towards that Cliff quick Buster [Music] phew huh the egg is safe now the dinosaur is so grateful to Buster what a fun game and it wasn't really a dinosaur it was just deadly and he was looking for his ball oh everyone loves playing dinosaurs roar roar what a fantastic day playing at the park it's time for the annual nature race which daddy bus has organized this is going to be so much fun Ash and Buster are going to work together they need to race through the woods as fast as they can and the first one back gets the shiny trophy hahaha get set go go go bandit has overtaken Buster and dash he really wants to win what is he up to he's changed the sign so Buster and Ash are going the wrong way oh no [Music] huh there's no more path this can't be right and what's that a huge Tire print Ash thinks it must be a monster no don't worry Ash monsters aren't real oh [Applause] I think they're lost but they need to keep going they're slowing down oh dear they're stuck in the mud what are they going to do what is that it sounds like a monster don't worry it's just a monster truck and they're very friendly she's pulling Ash out of the mud wow she's strong and now it's Buster's turn this monster truck is called Mira she's lost too just like them Buster says they can work as a team there's naughty Bandit he's almost at the finish line but look Buster and his friends are ahead they ended up taking a shortcut [Music] hooray Mira won the race but she couldn't have done it without her new friends and she's won the trophy yippee [Music] ah but Mira feels sad for Bandit being on his own she knows what that feels like Bandit feels bad for Cheating in the Big Race don't worry Bandit there's no need to cheat when you have friends by your side and it's always fun to make new friends Buster and Mommy are decorating the house for Halloween but look they still need a pumpkin [Music] looks like there are pumpkins for sale this way Buster and grandpa will go and fetch one whoa so many pumpkins to choose from Foster wants this big one now Grandpa's going to carve a face into the pumpkin and turn it into a Jack-o-Lantern eyes a mouth and a nose but what's Buster scene a sheet [Music] oh Buster pretended to be a ghost and scared Grandpa but now the pumpkin is rolling away oh no it's rolling towards the road phew he just missed it quick Buster and Grandpa are chasing after the runaway pumpkin Busters almost got it oops there's digly building a wall [Music] oh dear the pumpkin spooked him now it's rolling away again no time to stop and play they've got to keep chasing it poor grandpa is out of breath it's up to Buster to catch the pumpkin quick it's heading for that pond Buster's jumping for it Well Done Buster it rolled right into place outside the front door [Music] that was lucky [Music] mommy looks very pleased good job Buster and Grandpa Buster has arrived early for school today their Scout and diggly whoops Buster slipped on some oil oh dear the Blackboard is wrecked that Scout flipped too [Music] Pew oh no the clock is broken too what a mess and here comes the teacher they'll need to clean everything up really quick but the board is too heavy for Scout and digly can't pick up the letters Buster tries to fix the clock but there are so many pieces [Music] I think Buster has a plan they can swap jobs Scout can collect up all the letters then digly and Buster can lift the Blackboard together [Music] Scout knows her ABCs she can put the letters back [Music] now for the clock digly can fix that he loves fixing machines [Music] they're all done just in time here comes the teacher everything looks normal [Music] apart from that letter and the time isn't right [Music] and the number one two three four good as new it's Buster the bus but now he's a fish in the Big Blue Sea and look there's a tiny baby shark that crab is snapping his claws just like the baby shark's Jaws Buster wants to play with them and look there that must be the mommy shark she's dancing with the crab she looks like she's having so much fun what fun look it's sham the shark he must be the daddy now sham is dancing excitedly with the crab Buster is happy to see his old friend who's this glasses wrinkles this must be Grandma shark she's having a great time dancing with the crab too look at her go and this happy shark with a mustache that must be grandpa shark he's having such a good time now Buster has met the whole shark family now sham and Buster are playing together in the ocean they're swimming through the coral and then up towards the surface all but the poor little crab can't keep up look at Buster and Sham jump gracefully out of the water but the little crab is having a tough time up buster jumps whoa watch out little crab uh Buster wants to play together now all three of them can swim together oh dear Buster looks all worn out sham and the crab are saying goodbye they've had such a nice day oh it was all a dream or was it there's the little crab again it's a brand new day and it's time for Buster to head off to school there's digly they can go to school together they're going to race to school whoosh I wonder who will be fastest whoa there's a little duckling in the road he should be more careful ooh there's a mommy duck she's trying to cross the road with her ducklings but look out here comes Terry [Music] here comes the teacher too oh no you thanks to digly and Buster the duck family can cross the road safely oh they're going to swim in that pond uh oh that duckling is walking back to the road good job Buster now the Ducks are going back over the road [Music] Buster and digly are helping them cross safely foreign duck is crossing Too Well Done everyone for helping [Music] but Terry and the teacher want to get moving or they'll be late wait a minute I think Buster has an idea what are they doing with those paints White Lines and some signs it's a duck crossing now the duck family could cross the road safely whenever they like hey there's the teacher again he's telling them to hurry up the kids had better get to school or they'll be late nice work everyone [Music] it's a brand new snowy day and Buster can't wait to go outside and play it's so much fun to play in the snow and the best game of all is a snowball fight digly and Scout are on one team but Buster needs a teammate look there's Bandit he can be on Buster's team though Buster and Bandit don't always get along [Music] time to start throwing snowballs [Music] Buster and Bandit are hiding behind that Hill Buster thinks they should go this way but Bandit thinks they should go that way oh dear they can't agree they are not working together as a team Buster is sneaking through the trees but Scout has spotted him look out oh dear [Music] Bandit is trying to sneak behind the fence [Music] Foster and Bandit aren't doing very well but look Scout and diggly are working together that's it if Buster and Bandit want to win they'll need to work together like a team [Music] whoosh off they go and that's more like it now it's a real fun snowball fight it's much better with teamwork [Music] who threw that snowball the more players the more fun it is Buster and Grandpa are visiting the Christmas Winter Wonderland look at all the amazing stalls wow Buster really wants to win that teddy bear [Music] he's asking Grandpa if they can play [Music] they get three throws to knock down the cans oops Buster mist [Music] oh dear that's all three of his throws he's having another go oh no he missed again [Music] mr's upset but I think Grandpa can teach Buster a thing or two about throwing the key to hitting what you aim at is to take your time [Music] first you take a big long breath then take Aim Crouch low and throw whoa Grandpa hit the cans now it's Buster's turn a big long breath Take Aim Crouch low and throw hooray Nice Shot Buster now time to go in that teddy bear oh dear Buster didn't take his time he needs to take a big long Breath Take Aim Crouch low and throw hooray Buster did it Well Done Buster and here's his prize [Music] Buster's so proud of himself look there's Buster Mommy and Grandpa I wonder where they're going on such a snowy day oh wow they're going to get a Christmas tree so many trees which one to pick ha ha hmm what's this yeah Buster wants the biggest tree there is that really is tall now it's time to take it home mommy is pulling the tree in her trailer you that looks heavy wait oh no the tree is too big to fit through the front door but wait grandpa has an idea now they're trying to take it up the ramp nope that doesn't work either hmm but now Mommy has a bright idea hmm it doesn't fit down the chimney either but grandpa has another idea three two one charge oh dear it still doesn't fit it's just too big look it's Scout she's off to get a Christmas tree of her own I think Buster has an idea I wonder what he's thinking [Applause] [Music] Grandpa's using his saw whoa they cut the big tree in two the Scout can have half and the other half will fit through the front door hooray there that Christmas tree is just the right size for the house [Music] Buster and diggly are having so much fun playing with that remote controlled car vroom vroom look at it go [Applause] [Music] look there's Mommy she's coming to tell them Lunch is ready [Music] and she's reminding Buster to put his toys away Buster is putting the controller away but look the car is still outside [Music] now Buster and digly are back to carry on playing but oh no they can't see the toy car anywhere where could it be could it be in the toy box no maybe it's in the dust bin no [Music] maybe it's buried under the Autumn Leaves it must be here somewhere [Music] oh wait I think Buster has an idea if they use the control listen the car's engine where's the noise coming from under that pile of leaves [Music] they found the toy car but wait now the controller is missing where did it go oh there it is well spotted Buster now digly and Buster can have fun playing with their remote controlled car again but this time they'll remember to put their toys back in the toy box when they're finished with them good job for Ash and Mira are playing hide and seek tag in the soft play area there's Buster hiding in the ball pit ashes found him now Ash is trying to tag Buster quick Buster Ash is right behind you [Music] looks like you found Mira tag well done Ash you got him there's daddy bus he says it's time to go but Buster Ash and Amira don't want to leave yet looks like they have a plan run and the game is on daddy bus is trying to catch Buster but Buster is too quick [Music] almost oh no Daddy bus has crashed into the ball pit it's the perfect time to find somewhere to hide where should they go oh Mira has found a place behind the play blocks [Music] Buster has seen a space behind the slide but Ash is already there quick Buster quick daddy bus is back on the hunt for them now where is Buster there he is but Daddy bus hasn't seen him yet [Music] daddy bus spot some Wheels by the play blocks hmm who could it be it's Mira well found daddy bus now where could the others be [Music] what was that moving behind the slide Boo there's Ash but where's Buster there he is hiding behind the tunnel looks like he has an idea to distract daddy bus what's that a bouncy ball [Music] daddy bus is going to investigate now Buster can find a new hiding spot that's very sneaky [Music] maybe Buster can use that trampoline to help him hide hmm daddy bus still can't find Buster anywhere he's found a new hiding spot in the ball pit oh well Daddy Bus ash and Mira decide that it's time to go oh no did they leave without Buster [Music] found you that was very sneaky well done guys now it's really time to go what a fun day hooray it's time for The Big Race diggly Scout and Buster are going to race to see who wins the cup oh Bandit is racing too ready steady go and they're off Buster's driving as fast as he can and his wheels are going round and round bandits in the lead but Buster is passing him hooray Buster's in the lead everyone is driving really fast look out gout is speeding ahead gout's taking the lead uh-oh a low bridge little Scout can fit under but everyone else will have to go around [Music] Buster and digly have reached a river how will they cross nice digly made a bridge it was a shortcut now they've caught up with Scout there's Bandit oh no that's an oil barrel spilling all over the road Scout and diggly are sliding on the oil [Applause] what a cheater but Buster is still racing he's catching Bandit Bandit kidding he ended up in that pond serves him right there's the Finish Line Buster speeding ahead hooray buster one and as his price he can have a nice tasty ice cream and of course the Winner's cup what a bright sunny day it is oh look it's digly and CJ they're filling up CJ's mixer with water what are they both up to look there's Buster and Scout phew what a hot day I wonder what they can do to cool down whoa digly and CJ are making colorful water balloons looks like Buster and Scout have got an idea the water balloon fight off they go water Buster and Scouts planning oh look digly and CJ are sneaking up behind them and splash uh-oh Scout has been hit and bullseye now things are getting interesting who is that hiding in the bushes it's Scout but she managed to hide just in time it's CJ's second chance but look here comes Buster he splashes CJ from behind quit buster [Music] oh no CJ and digly have Buster and Scout cornered what are they going to do aha an umbrella I think Buster's got a plan [Music] okay CJ and digly take Aim but Buster's keeping dry with the umbrella great idea buster uh-oh digly and CJ are filling up again whoa look at the size of that balloon looks like Buster is in trouble [Music] wow nice shot Buster I think that was so much fun it's Buster the bus but whoa he sure looks sleepy he's driving off the road oh no Busters ended up in the muddy puddle [Music] and now he's stuck poor Buster how will he get out the next morning Scout visits Buster's garage but oh dear Buster is nowhere to be found where is he oh but look muddy tracks Scout is following them to see where Buster is there's diggly the Digger Scout tells him Buster's missing they need to find him Scout and digly search together look a trail of sweets where could it lead whoa what was that ah phew it's just Robin Scout explains that buster is missing and Robin agrees to help search too they'll have a better chance of finding him if they work together poor Buster is lonely and cold [Music] Scout looks behind the trees digly looks beside the rocks what's Robin's theme some more tire tracks look there's Buster he's stuck in the mud he's been here so long robin goes to tell diggly and Scout that he's found Buster he's just over the hill there's poor Buster digly and Scout can help working together digly and Scout pull Buster out of the muddy puddle now Buster is free at last he's very grateful to his friends for rescuing him now he's back safe and sound in his garage it's a sunny day in the park and everyone is having a great time playing together look Buster has a skipping rope ready Buster that's it pop over the Rope [Music] phew that was tiring what a great day and now it's time to go home but uh oh that's an awful lot of mess they've Left Behind Buster doesn't want to clean up but look Scout and digly are stopping him they can't leave all this behind without cleaning up it won't take long to clean up it could even be fun Scouts grabbing the skipping rope to show how easy it is all the toys need to go back into the toy box bouncing the soccer ball between them this is fun [Music] diggly's collecting up all the small toys [Music] passing the toy box between them this is almost like a game next the cone look Scout's catching them on her bonnet now Buster's collapsing the goal nice work everything is back in the toy box you're all done and that wasn't so hard oops Buster nudged the toy box and now it's rolling off down the hill [Music] Buster Scout and digly are all chasing after as fast as they can the toy box is tumbling off the road oh no it's fallen over and all the toys have spilled out after all that hard work what's Scout up to she's right they can have just as much fun cleaning it up all over again everything will be cleaned up again in no time foreign [Music] well done everyone [Music] Buster Bandit and Scout are having a sleepover but they're still Wide Awake [Music] they're having a great time staying up they're too excited to go to sleep [Music] who's that it's Grandpa bus he says it's getting late it's time to go to bed they can't play games and be up all night [Music] maybe this NightLight will help them get to sleep [Music] wow look at those Stars Buster loves Stars he wonders what it would be like to be a space rocket flying fast through them oh look it's space rocket Buster Buster and his friends are using their imagination they're flying through space [Music] check it out there's Earth they're going to race to it ready steady go Buster is in the lead oh no Bandit knocked him off course ah now Buster's far behind how can he Zoom back ahead aha whoa Buster is spinning around Saturn now he's going really fast what a clever idea he's overtaking Bandit and Scout what's Bandit up to now [Music] careful meteors Bandit is throwing them at Buster and Scout hmm they have to stop him [Music] they're throwing an even bigger meteor back at Bandon that'll teach him and the race is back on Buster and Scout are neck and neck nearly there [Music] this rocket Buster wins the race way to go oh busted again Grandpa heard them playing that was a lot of fun but now it really is time to go to bed good night everyone Buster Bandit and Mira are outside playing with their soccer ball daddy bus is fishing he hasn't caught any fish yet [Music] Mr has some great skills whoa and so does Mira that's a big kick Bandit watch out Mira oh oh no the ball knocked Mira's hat off where did it go [Music] it's not over here it's definitely not over there Mira is upset that her favorite hat is missing don't worry Mira we'll help you find it Foster has an idea we can look for the hat using our imagination now we can turn the search into a fun game off they go it's time to look for that hat whoa those are very big footprints [Music] they decide to follow them and see where they go stop what's that up ahead it's a dinosaur Andy's wearing Mira's hat uh-oh run they're going as fast as they can but the dinosaur isn't far behind and Buster spots a big volcano up ahead they've got to get over that puddle Foster and Mira make it but oh no Bandit gets stuck Buster is trying to help Bandit get out uh oh the dinosaur caught up with them he looks very scary but what's the dinosaur doing he's seen his reflection and I think he likes the hat but that's Mira's hat and she wants it back looks like she has an idea wow nice shot Mira the ball knocks the hat right off oh no but looks like the hat is flying straight towards the volcano how are they going to get it back now Buster can do it using his imagination it's super Buster off he flies to save the Hat [Music] it's getting closer and closer to the volcano he needs to be quick Go Buster he got it [Music] thanks Buster you're a great friend [Music] they played a fun game and Mira got her favorite hat back everything is more fun when you use your imagination daddy bus is reading a book about Wildlife there are so many amazing animals ah what was that Buster's taking photos with his new camera what a silly picture Daddy it's giving daddy an idea daddy bus and Buster are on a wildlife scavenger hunt to find this red and blue butterfly wow Buster is determined to find it there it is Buster behind you oh no they didn't see it maybe the butterfly is hiding in that long grass let's check it out oh look Buster has spotted something snap wait a second it wasn't the red butterfly it was Ash the fire truck with his mommy Buster takes a photo for them what a nice thing to do buster hahaha Buster look up quick there's the butterfly oh no he missed it again aha Buster knows where they should look next maybe the butterfly will be by the lake hmm there it is there's the butterfly it's Daddy Buster don't scare it away oh no don't worry Buster you just have to be patient what's that it's red and blue oh no not again it was just teachers red bow tie it's a great photo though buster [Music] poor Buster he's upset he hasn't found the butterfly yet it's okay Buster you just need to be patient [Music] there it is Buster look up Buster look up and that's it take a deep breath and be patient he's getting some amazing photos of all the wildlife there's the butterfly [Music] quick go Buster oh he finally managed to get the photo and it was definitely worth the wait it's Halloween and Buster is at Daddy's house oh but Halloween can be scary daddy bus has an idea he's going to tell a Halloween story daddy is going to tell a story of the Brave Wizard's adventure to find the magic gems and save Halloween Buster the brave wizard went on an adventure he had to find all the magic gems there must be gems in that castle they're guarded by a monster come on this wizard must be very brave dad the wizard was the bravest of all buster [Music] the hero presses On Through The Dark Woods towards the castle [Music] something stirs in the darkness up ahead in the forest what is it Dad a werewolf a ghost a were ghost the mysterious Shadow grows larger is it the monster you oh he found a jewel well done [Music] finally the wizard reached the mysterious Castle there must be more gems inside but how to get there [Music] he needs to lower the drawbridge but how the wizard could use his magic good idea the brave Adventurer pushed forward inside the castle walls foreign onward into the castle How brave the wizard is what will our hero do run or continue continue continuing the wizard has to find the treasure and save Halloween [Music] but what's that behind them it's the monster if the wizard wants to get those magic Jewels he'll need to get past it wait daddy the monster must be really lonely oh I suppose so yes the monster is lonely maybe the wizard should help the monster he meets a friend and so the brave wizard rolled up and used his magic to make the castle all warm and bright the monster is you Dad the monster was so grateful he gave the wizard all the magic Jewels so brave Buster Saved Halloween for everyone Buster and his friends are back at school they are telling each other what they got up to over the summer Buster's so excited to tell everyone about his shark tooth but first Scout is telling everyone what she got up to over the summer this summer I went surfing for the first time ever it was so cool there was this one wave I saw that was absolutely massive but I still got to serve it without falling off and I went so fast scoot scoop wow Scout told such a cool story what's wrong with buster oh he thinks his shark tooth story won't be interesting enough after Scout's story hmm ah Buster is going to tell everyone how he got the tooth this summer I went exploring in the deep dark wood it's full of animals and Monsters the Tai wasn't afraid one bit [Music] oh but then I came face to face with a dinosaur [Music] foreign so I took it out for him to make him feel all better wait a second that's not right dinosaurs are extinct oh dear Bandit thinks Buster isn't telling the truth he couldn't really meet a dinosaur could he oh all right it's not really a dinosaur tooth it's a shot I thought that wouldn't be interesting enough but Buster trucks are way cooler than Dinosaurs Go Buster tell us the story this summer I was at the beach but then I saw no yes the Pirates are even cooler than sharks from the hearties okay the Pirates and me we found a shark but he had a sore tooth so we decided to take the tooth out with a little help form a friendly little bee [Music] we took out the Sawtooth and then they played cats with it God and they played on the beach all day long what a great story it's so much fun to use your imagination especially with friends sister is at Daddy's house today oh look it's Daddy bus tomorrow Buster is going back to school it's going to be great but first they need to get ready daddy bus has a checklist of everything Buster needs before he goes back to school tomorrow he needs his rucksack a lunchbox his school book a pencil case and a ruler hmm rucksack check lunch box check everything else check [Music] and last but not least the shark tooth from his holiday for show and tell wow [Music] Buster needs to get a good night's sleep before school tomorrow [Music] good night buster [Music] there goes the alarm it must be time to get up oh no Buster has gone back to sleep oh dear and now he's going to be late for school quick they've got to get everything ready huh what does Buster need rucksack check [Music] lunch box check [Music] pencil case and school book check but what is he missing the ruler [Music] aha there it is time to head off for school wait a second Buster forgot his shark tooth quick Buster quick [Music] shark tooth check they're going to have to race to get there on time go Buster [Music] looks like the teacher is getting worried all his friends are already at school and he's going to be late oh no [Music] phew he did it just in time [Music] what a crazy morning it's Halloween and Buster is having a party [Music] he's looking for a cool costume to make himself super scary what has he found whoa Buster is dressed up as a cowboy awesome it's time to put this costume to the test boo Buster tries to scare mommy did it work maybe the cowboy costume isn't scary enough he needs to find something scarier [Music] aha he's got it he's a pirate this is going to be much scarier oops be careful buster there's Grandpa bus scare him Buster [Music] no dear Buster's still not scary enough but looks like he's got an idea [Music] hang on a second where has Grandpa's laundry gone oh it's time for snacks what was that there's a noise coming from that shed but what is making that noise it's a bit spooky [Music] ghost [Music] wait a second I recognize that giggle it was Buster all along that was definitely a scary costume sounds like people have arrived for the party and Mommy has a plan [Music] Ash and Scout have arrived they are so excited [Music] there's nobody there whoa they're a little bit scared [Music] what is that oh ah run away [Music] don't worry Ash and Scout it was just Buster what a great prank and a very scary costume today Buster and his family are having a picnic Buster is so excited mommy bus is off to get Grandpa [Music] and while she's gone Buster and Bandit need to prepare the picnic first they have to lay down the picnic blanket whoa the wind is bloated away it looks like a cape it's super Buster banded wants a cape too and it's a tug of war Buster is imagining that he is a superhero super Buster flying through the sky it's bad guy Bandit he's stolen the picnic oh no super Buster has got to save it thank you they are chasing through the sky go super Buster go you can catch him [Music] oh no bad guy Bandit is aiming at Super Buster with his laser shapes but super Buster is too fast wow look at him go hooray super Buster has saved the picnic but what is that it's a giant blue laser ball oh no what is super Buster going to do [Music] aha he's using the flagpole as a bat bring it on bad guy Bandit great shot super buster wow that was such a fun game but oh no they've made a huge mess and Mommy bus and Grandpa are on their way what are they going to do quick they've got to clear it up as superheroes of course super Buster and bad guy Bandit are clearing up the city even superheroes need to clean up after themselves just in time great teamwork guys [Music] yum yum delicious [Music] and all that Superhero work has left them very hungry heading off to school wait a second buster don't forget it's school photo day today so you need an extra polish bye mommy bus look Terry tractor is here to take the school photos Bandit and Ash are up first smile Buster's turn next and he wants to get an action shot Buster slip watch out Scout oh no what's wrong oh the teacher is handing Buster a mirror Buster has knocked out his wobbly front tooth oh no and now Buster is too embarrassed to have his photo taken it's okay Buster you can have it taken another day Luster's feeling really sad about missing out on the photos but mommy bus is here to pick him up and she's taking him to the dentist to get his tooth looked at hooray Buster is a little bit nervous don't worry Buster Amber the ambulance is here to take a look at that tooth for you it's time to sit in the special dentist chair foreign wow that looks like so much fun and now it's time to check that tooth don't worry Buster there's nothing to be scared of First Amber is looking at the tooth with a little mirror open wide Buster say ah [Music] and what's that Amber's going to play Buster a video yeah it's another bus just like Buster and his tooth has fallen out but don't worry another one will grow in its place he might be missing a tooth for now but soon he'll have a brand new one so there's nothing to be embarrassed about Buster now feels much better thanks Amber and now he's going back to school to get his photo taken [Music] Gather in Buster say cheese it's Halloween Ash and Scout are at Buster's house ready to go trick-or-treating whoa that zombie costume looks amazing Bandit is not impressed boo nope Bandit doesn't want to join in he thinks dressing up is for babies Buster Scout and Ash head off on their trick-or-treating Adventure hang on Bandit would really like some Halloween sweets looks like he's got an idea bandit has copied Buster's costume they look exactly the same he's arrived at Terry's Farm looking like Buster trick-or-treat oh [Music] wow look at all those sweeties oh look Buster Ash and Scout have arrived some sweeties for scout some sweeties for ash hang on nope Terry thinks he's already given Buster lots of sweets but it was actually naughty Bandit poor buster hash and Scout like how they look in their reflections what is that a sweet wrapper and another [Music] it's banded eating all the sweets [Music] Buster has a plan Ash and Scout are pretending to think that Bandit is Buster [Music] Bandit is looking at himself in the reflection wait a second now there are two Bandits laughs Bandit is a bit confused and a bit scared where have the others gone boo Buster's plan worked candidate has been caught in the act [Music] and here's Terry with more sweets [Music] he's confused by the two zombies he's given them to Bandit again but Bandit is sharing it with buster what a funny mix-up happy Halloween [Music] Buster is packing his bag for Ash's birthday picnic he will need a picnic blanket something to drink [Music] what else does Buster need marshmallows to toast on the fire thanks Daddy bus oh oh don't forget Ash's present oh [Music] Buster is so excited to celebrate Ash's birthday what's wrong Buster he looks a bit unwell he really doesn't want to miss the party Buster and daddy have arrived [Music] time to play some party games together hmm Foster really doesn't look well but he doesn't want to miss out on the fun they're playing hide and seek oh no Buster is feeling really poorly maybe sitting by the fire will make him feel better his friends are worried about him and want to make sure he's okay maybe some marshmallows will make him feel better oh don't even eat toasted marshmallows daddy bus is taking Buster home to rest but he can't forget Ash's birthday present what is it it's a painting set that's very thoughtful Buster it's given Ash an idea he's passing a paintbrush to Bandit and Scout I wonder what they're going to paint Buster is resting at home he isn't his usual Happy self oh he needs to take his medicine and get some sleep to feel better well done Buster the next day Buster is feeling a bit better now but he still said he missed Ash's birthday Daddy bus has got Buster some warm soup and what's that his friends made a painting for him oh who and they're outside hooray Buster is so happy to see his friends and the painting has made him feel much better it's a cold Winter's Night what's Buster up to oh wow a drawing of some fireworks Buster's so excited because tonight he's going to a real fireworks display but wait he's forgotten something a nice warm hat hey there now it's time to go and watch the fireworks [Music] oh what's that fireworks make loud noises oh dear they frightened Buster he doesn't like loud noises oh poor Buster he's shaking [Music] what's mommy doing oh Buster's toy car makes loud noises but that's not scary what's that loud noise it's grandpa with a soccer whistle Buster loves soccer he doesn't find that loud noise either what's that loud noise huh oh it's popcorn popping Buster loves popcorn he doesn't mind that noise wow the fireworks are so pretty [Music] maybe loud noises aren't so bad after all Buster's going to give it another try [Music] those colorful fireworks [Music]
Channel: Go Buster - Learn with Buster
Views: 2,213,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bus, bus cartoons, bus video, bus videos, buster, buster bus, buster recharged, buster the bus, car video, cartoons for kids, cartoons in english, drive, education, english cartoons, for children, for kids, fun, go busta, go buster, gobuster, kids bus, kids cartoon, kids cartoons, kids stories, kids tv, kids videos, learn, learning, little baby bus, new, paint job, paint video, paint work, painting, stories for kids, story time, videos for kids, wheel, wheels on the bus, yellow
Id: j_g1sTtII8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 27sec (8727 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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