šŸ”µ London Has Fallen | Financial Collapse

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this is closed that's closed that's close and there's police everywhere like on the streets okay today's video then is here in london boots on the ground in the field so i can show you the truth of what's actually going on here in the uk in london mainstream media saying we're in this v-shape recovery everything's great all the businesses are coming back i'm going to show you today the truth that you're not seeing on the [Music] tv ladies and gentlemen we're now approaching london houston where this train completes this journey your next and final stop london houston all change or change thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and you may see some of our customers things all right so you've seen it now you've seen the footage this is oxford street just behind us and people for some reason thought i was faking the footage the other week on my video and i put fake um footage in there of oxford street we're in central london now and you can see just absolutely dead so here we go i'll show you some more footage now so here is the world famous carnaby street and it is lunchtime and it's dead carnaby street is dead guys there is just people walking from point a to point b to get to work or what not but as for shopping nobody so pretty much as you know all the shows are closed here so we've got book of mormon through to wicked and everything else so here we are in leicester square again world famous the leicester square london and it is dead and this is you know probably peak time right now in the early afternoon lunch time again this is leicester square prime real estate here prime retail center world is gone oh right here and it's gone i i don't just mean it's you know temporarily closed it's gone [Music] there's the hampshire these are all the retail look this is prime retail real estate here and it's gone gone this one's gone as well all right here i am in trafalgar square okay again you can see this is me no fakery and let me show you trafalgar square now then there's kristin not sure what she's up to dead really quiet there's no one here here is the famous lions i don't know i guess it's more like you know when we used to live in london and if you would go out on a sunday morning and it's really really quiet the people are just going to work type things that's kind of what it is there's not really any tourism people aren't out shopping they don't have bags of stuff they just purchased it's just super quiet all of london it feels like an early sunday morning is the best thing that i can kind of compare it to so this has surprised me so we're here in st james's park this is my favorite park in london i used to live quite close to here and i worked over at horse guards but this was my favorite cafe i used to exercise around this park every day i'd come here at least two or three times a week for a coffee and this is closed it says until further notice but according to a couple of people here they are not going to be reopening so that is a real shame if you haven't clicked the like button yet please do so now whilst watching this very entertaining video of a pelican oh okay okay chill out so this is the royal opera arcade here and again this is not looking good we got a lot of units just gone in this place just to prove it to you as well look through here these units have gone they're not just temporarily closed you don't remove all of your stuff here we go out of a unit right if you're just going to close temporarily there's a lot of units here and they have gone here we go again gone we have moved have you really gone how about this one goodbye gone okay this one's still going some musical instruments about in here gone gone this is gone this is gone this one's gone as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't understand why there's so many ambulances and police everywhere there's no one out what's going on everything's shut sports bar is gone this one used to be huge and just in case anyone says no it hasn't gone neal are you sure do you really think they're still here a lot of them are doing this clever thing as well where they're putting a front on the business so it doesn't look like it's empty you can see this here it's very clever but this is the long acre near covent garden there's another one with a front on it look at this poor guy performing to like [Music] okay it's 5 p.m now so it's now rush hour in london masses of people okay so central covent garden now would just come in after 5 p.m so you'd expect this to start getting busy now with everyone finishing work coming for a drink and entertainment as you can see it's empty this is it from the other angle okay i can't believe this this when i was younger used to be my favorite hangout again another big business gone this is empty it's about as busy as i found a restaurant so far so okay guys don't worry the garrick club is still open and well look at that beautiful portraits millions worth of art in there this one's properly gone out okay we're in chinatown now and you can see more of these units empty they're putting these fronts on them again more of this here in chinatown just covered up the shop fronts well chinatown is surprisingly quite busy considering although at this time of night usually this is absolutely rammed you can't get it anywhere all right well that was a long long day in london i've now traveled back home again and in tomorrow's video you're gonna get another video so that's two this week i'm going to be wrapping all of this up going over my analysis what does this even mean what you know what i've showed you today what does this mean for the economy does it mean what the mainstream media are saying or is it something entirely different i'm going to go into all of this i'm going to talk about how these business closures will bring down the economy as we go into the end of the year into 2021 i'm going to show you what this means for unemployment rates for wages for everything that ties in with all of this and debt and everything that we have going on this is all going to be explained in tomorrow's video released at the same time all right thanks for clicking the like button and also let me know if you want more of these videos in the field or was it not useful to you do you prefer if i just stay here and talk in front of the camera let me know what you like best um drop it in the comments below i love the feedback i always appreciate you thank you so much make sure you subscribe to the channel leave me a comment and i'll see you tomorrow god bless
Channel: Neil McCoy-Ward
Views: 1,263,844
Rating: 4.8993058 out of 5
Keywords: london shows closed, neil mccoy-ward, london empty, business collapse, london, collapse, crash, crisis, finance, economics, news, economy, economic collapse, tenants not paying, foreclosure, debt, jobs, retail, evictions, foreclosures, commercial property, hospitality, entertainment, job losses, shop closures, business closures covid, buisness closures, retail closures 2020, live in london, london footage, tube, underground, bankruptcy, recession, downturn, restaurant closures, Coffee shop closures
Id: Dd2-VY6roL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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