🔵 Are These The Best Pancakes Ever⁉️

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welcome friends today we are going to make the most-viewed pancake recipe on youtube so let's get searching and we'll filter that by viewcount and here we go how to make the best pancakes in the world by kind Kitocks-- seventeen million views let's take a look oh my so that song that's a traditional scottish folk song called the parting glass it's like the saddest song in the world anyway let's get started okay let's get started first in our some eggs pancakes generally not my thing Jules and I are more waffle people and when we do have pancakes we have a variation on a Nordic pancake or pancake that we ate a lot when we lived in Thunder Bay in Northern Ontario and they're really thin they're almost crepes they're fantastic this looks like it's completely different thick and fluffy into the egg goes some milk and now we just beat this together I think that's enough next the recipe asks for self-raising flour that's not really a thing where we live when you go to the grocery store here any of the grocery stores here there's one brand of self-raising flour and it's in a tiny little bag I've never seen it in a regular-sized bag and I've never seen any other brands except for that one brand so we're just using regular all-purpose and we are upping the amount of baking powder that they asked to put in to compensate so that goes in and then the sugar goes in as well and they don't mix any of that together beforehand they just dump it all in and I guess that's because we're gonna continue mixing with the hand mixer so far really simple pretty straightforward the recipe at this point says to leave this on the counter for an hour to rise so I'll see you in an hour now the next instruction is to stir this down so um quite a bit of gas in this the baking powder really went to town and we've got a pretty thick batter it also says that if you think it's too thick to add a little bit more milk but how thick is too thick I don't know that seems pretty good now I've got a cast-iron frypan here and we're just gonna heat that up to medium now the instructions say to put a piece of butter in a serviette and then rub it over I find serviette to be a very funny word it's a word that we use here in Canada quite a bit I just can't do it so I've melted a bit of butter I've got a brush and I'm just gonna brush it on if you don't want to use butter you could use oil but I have to agree with the video I think butter really is the fat of choice now it then says to turn the heat all the way up to high depending on your stovetop you might get away with that this stovetop that would just be way too hot the butter would burn really quickly so now we put on a dollop of batter okay so here we have a stack of pretty fluffy looking pancakes we hit that with a little bit of maple syrup and we'll give them a taste and see if they are the best pancakes in the world see if they can deliver on all of that promise light fluffy a little bit of sweetness a little bit of sweetness from the sugar that's in them and of course from the maple syrup um they are pretty much what was promised I mean they are they are thick they're fluffy they're light I can't really judge whether the greatest pancakes ever because I'm not a pancake person but you know if you put these in front of me I'd eat them um not really something that I think I would make for myself though I would still go for a very thin finish pancake or a crepe before I ordered something like this but they are quite good and I mean seventeen million views somebody likes them I'm gonna keep eating cuz you know I've made them now and it's breakfast time so thanks for stopping by hope to see you again soon you
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 65,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glen & Friends Cooking, recipe, how to make pancakes easy, how to make pancakes at home, how to make pancakes from scratch, pancakes recipe, how to make pancakes without pancake mix, Are These The Best Pancakes Ever, the best fluffiest pancakes ever, how to cook the best pancakes ever, how to make the best pancakes ever, pancakes recipe easy, recipes for pancakes, fluffy pancakes, fluffy pancakes from scratch, how to cook pancakes from scratch, best pancakes in the world
Id: vDFvqUuvA_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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