🔴LIVE - We're BACK! Ranked Grind on Fortune's Keep Resurgence Warzone

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[Music] [Music] oh my God God y hello hello hello ladies and gentlemen how are we doing I missed you guys I was gone uh for the last four or five days but we're back Dirk Braden gamer Eli Carson O Block Huck ghost Cody tranquil uh CEO mid uh nicth Mr Flex ladder sooner hi rol hello everybody miss you guys how was Florida Florida was great got to go visit my parents uh down in warm sunny Florida was good uh it was great to see them obviously and then um the weather was great as well but I was I was I was missing out on watching Everybody grind Rank and stuff so I am excited to be back at the same time I I did miss streaming and stuff so I'm glad we're back the mods be slacking what's going on what's going on there also Dirk with the $5 Deno says teap is oiled I I got a little bit of a tan nothing like crazy got a little bit of a tan more red than anything probably and then uh H hbe bro with a dollar thank you hbe appreciate [Music] that we we're holding it down right all I have it we're holding it down right off there's Harry py Bowman in the chot how are you good sir Harry what's up Ry nice hi Connor is oil dere thank you for the five sir thank you for the five I'm not oiled I'm not oiled up I'm not that greasy okay I promise nice Oh no you're good rad how's work CAD rad hbe thank you for that dollar I appreciate that what's the load I am rocking I am testing the new guns I've got the bp50 and the ram 9 I haven't really got to use them uh I got home late last night from the airport and I got them leveled up but I haven't I this is legit my first war zone game in like four or five days since since season two dropped um H exactly rain I got to catch up um fnf I yeah I've covered that in my settings video you can you can use that what's up newbie parents were great it was good to see them um they're they're my parents just retired so they're enjoying life in Florida I'm jealous of them um they've got a and they're like pretty far Southwest in Florida so it's really warm where they are it's really nice um but yeah no they're doing great bp50 is cheeks long range use as tax stance SMG hello there whoa I'm having some weird texture okay I so I have not used it wrz and actually we we just realized today that on ggs we might have some data that is slightly we think we messed up the damage range values when we were testing them um so we got to fix that rally welcome aboard as a member by the way appreciate your rally welcome welcome um I'm going to give it a go as a long range but I think we'll probably shift back to like the ram seven I think the ram 7even is just two is just going to be hands down the meta for Resurgence until they make some other adjustments official abap with the $2 Dono I love teap teap ah peace out thank you brat appreciate that um we are we're waiting on our third teammate to jump in so we're going to run this first game as just a pubs game just to kind of get warmed up I have actually not uh played since Wednesday so this will be a little bit of a warm-up for me I played some multiplayer but they fixed the MTZ mag did day okay well that's fine I think the MTZ is probably the only like the next best kind of competitor up there as well though o that's interesting wz uh our third teammate is going to be uh grumpy hog we used to run with him all the time back in the rebirth days everyone's using MTZ yeah I've seen most people running that or the ram um I might mess around with MTZ but I feel like I like the ram more a thank you for that too appreciate it sir hi hog are you getting here hog what's going on we're waiting on you we're going to we're just running a pub until you're here your team redeploy elate toing back to uh sure or I mean we can go wherever no let's go town since that's where we've been Landing uh for ranked I want to I don't know where hog just typed in my chat he just said hi I don't know what he's doing he might be getting ready I don't know how do you level up guns I just go into multiplayer enemy soldier incoming all right this is not this is just a pubs game we're just going to warm up here few more days till gold boat when's the next let's go Luke W welcome back as a first mate yeah people up in the center part more uh Luke appreciate you welcome back um we will probably run a community night probably not this weekend but next weekend I think will probably be the plan I put a prox on the front door so okay um since I missed a bunch of days I'm trying to use this week to get caught up uh on ranked why why are the chests like saying pushing in yay when I hit the chest yeah enemy in and I'm hearing one HTI Counter UAV got the P guys straight down below me in the building Straight Ahead yeah I got yeah one up yep one's in there I'm going to push up top dead I need to actually Hogs and drag me I need to do a PC reset after this so my game's really stuttery okay hi hog uh we can buy Joe you want to go over here back behind us um for the yeah we're fine hog we're just in a PB we're I'm just warming up no take your time I got to restart my Discord anyway cuz my is not making the noise got it got it got it got it got it where did you where did you oh there it is Conor chess are yeah are yeah because they added power oh it's just cuz it's in P I haven't played really I played like two games of Pub so that makes sense thank you Conor for that too there I think he's up top oh I didn't realize okay I got it guys cing team Straight Ahead [Music] okay CH are because they power ups again bunch over at Overlook as well Conor thank you for that info sir hostile guard on the roof 20 on kind of like behind you he's straight up this fast yeah he's somewhere around this ene the in the back pushing up from the the crack dead good lead is yours stay still was high alert in the back here I don't know where from I don't think it was that guy watch over to our left side here somewhere down below us load out crate Straight Ahead too yep yep flying somewhere I'm going across you want go right side here um wait one just ping maybe below yeah below below I'm up the hill somewhere yeah these guys are all I need to like learn this area I haven't really been down here yet where am I getting shot from what are you doing one there's another one in here the enemy down getting high alerted sniped from straight across here I'm down below I'm down below you fighting someone okay lead is yours keep the pressure on enemies are dropping into the area watch the skies I down one right below you below me or right above you probably okay signal broadcast detected encrypted signal confirmed to decode the signal priori opening loot caches how do I get out of here I got to learn this part of the map I have one straight across down I'm coming up I'm figuring my way around here somewhere walk my way downtown walking fast team are down below and more enemy down below there on that team okay people back in graveyard as well I don't know what that means I uh I'm going to go pop maybe why are they shooting fireworks over there is that what happens when you open the thorn room maybe I don't know they SL something what the heck what is is this is there a bunch of people back behind us I don't know I'm confused up over where we came from town yeah yeah Town's pretty popping and then one down below there oh on you got him dead one more yeah smoke I should have CW a little bit probably sucks gas is closing in your Squad M's back on station good work where I am going to drop on load out here and die okay oh nope I'm alive oh lots of people sniping here yeah Bunch what is this slous area it's the BB doesn't feel bad at like mid-range probably not a long range beam but I think it could still be really solid on Resurgence I mean he's got great ttks Reco con what a team is wiped oh wi yeah I I did know that Connor Thank you for that though thank you for the two over here uh Lots in the load out area Lots in behind you one below me oh no I'm dead no why am I not going I'm sprinting my guy's not doing anything are you good I got a few on me here station have reduced one above me on your get [Music] hun I got to learn this Underground area dudes dude I just got people all around me here and I'm getting highered everywhere uh let me try to get back to you no am asses here I have no Ames here I literally had none there nice dude I got last gu body flares Connor Thank you for the information thank you for the two can't see what I'm shooting at kill confirmed we located if I can land back where I died the first time might be a little risky but we're going to try it enemy soldier incoming or I'm lost in this underground area head to the safe Zone nice misses half the shots Zach welcome back for 22 months also Connor has a beam misses half the shots listen Connor Connor hello there guess who's back thank you for the two listen listen listen Linda yeah you definitely have people below you yeah yeah I got a I got multiple down here yeah I don't have smokes crap down one yeah there should be another one over there one pushing you right here down below you one more yeah it should be down below us around the corner closed no more Second Chances maintain your position for Squad eliminations Supply are rest ad load I'm going to pop you here okay you have enough buyback yeah yeah got another U in it there's one down above me somewhere okay right Shield guy okay I got one down way far to the right I got kill confirmed on one ground moving another team by me I sh up there oh they're below to the ghosted on me yeah I I feel like I'm hearing people where are you right in the middle of here coming up right now there's definitely yeah somebody's somebody's close ene Dr into the AO getting uh high alerted from all down below okay all down here yeah I'm getting high alerted from I think Winery yeah right side right side right side right side Lots coming from Gate House area yeah we need to go push in here yeah one right across here right across here in here yeah yeah there's two teams here for sure we can play play Rooftop no I got stuck bro and one's down I have a a a respawn on my body still in success right up on the stairs do your yep y ad you head to the safe Zone you got a lot of ground to cover go no my gun is glitched dude you got to be kidding me oh wait no it's not dude I don't understand how how I don't get that guy War stay alert right outside on me I might be dead here I lost that I have a self dude what the only understand I don't get that wild CC cyber with the five hey tab what is your input on hybrid side mechanics just got the dub with the E Talker by the way pretty excited about it cyber thank you um I actually am exper oh let me reset let me reset really quick mechanics just got up with the xrk stalker BTW pretty excited about it um cyber thank you sir I am trying hybrid I literally just started playing with it the other like today so I'm not like set on it yet um but I do definitely think you should either be running slide only or hybrid you should pick between one of those I think hybrid what's up Jay I think hybrid ultimately is probably going to be the best one as long as you can get used to and be consistent with it is what I would say yeah that's the thing is like some people are going are going to struggle with it that are used to like hitting L3 I've been okay with it so far Wasing my pause what we got going on hello grumpy ho hi Mr hog paddles or claw whichever you're more comfortable with claw is I'm sorry paddles is much more comfortable for me I do like yourb over head headsets Joseph I'm just more comfortable you know Born Ready it does seem very quick yeah yeah once you get used to hybrid I think it's a really good option but I'll be interested to see if I end up accidentally um diving some we should J yeah man I'm wased oh yeah right sge what you doing hi bro so um my dogs have what's up Zach good how are you man uh also Zach welcome back again for 22 months sir um my dogs like love their their toys and stuff and uh we couldn't find they had like a bunch of uh these like rubber squeaky balls that they love we couldn't find them my wife was cleaning today and literally found like six balls like under like a certain piece of furniture so we literally found all of them yeah I think I think they do have a squeaky tour I think I need to get rid of it I'm coming I'm Bo up right now that's our losses for the next two matches nice all right I yeah going on you um yeah Bo ready ready let's rock um wood you know what I don't think I am going to I think I'm going to run the ram seven not the uh not the BP for long range um but I am going to give the ram n a go are we doing tap easys would it make sense are we was great was great uh we should I've heard that there have been issues we shall see um will one of the mods that has access to ggs for me uh add a Loadout add this load out I think there's been issues with like skill division and stuff like that so it's my normal high P or no it's not p no it's Conor hi Connor best sniper support bp50 might be it it was good Matthew it was good man glad to be back though do you yeah I have yeah I do John have two PCS MTZ 762 is better than Ram no not the spreadsheet just just no no no no Connor just um like in ggs so so I so I can log my game like add this Ram 9 build with like the perks and the equipment and everything MTZ and the ram are you going no optic or no optic no silencer no I run silencer and an optic you go in you're going Barrel yeah I brought the silencer the long barrel you don't Conor it's cuz you haven't made one did you find you made yours finally Conor going MTZ Precision Blackthorn that way okay did you add me back velocity in this game not it why does that why does the long barrel feel like it has less Reco let me add you the Cinch Pro no I wait Conor I have you that 100% has less Rec Conor you have you have it you have mod access on my ggs yeah you have it Connor Joe are you not running the Blackjack sock now I took it off really yeah give myself a little extra range I mean you probably could actually go as crazy as this sounds uh X audio what's up sniper soccer ended finally lot of people run no optic I just hate the iron s it's like you could go no optic with the with the uh the stock on the on the MCW yeah now or or the MTZ yeah I need to I need to give the MTZ a go I love fortune keep Joseph yeah I mean I haven't got to play it a ton cuz I've been gone but diamond and gold can play together right yes uh yeah it would have let us Quee with not Crimson is the the cut off uh um H I'm passing it to you Okie doie or the chokey yeah copster I have it up right now the overlight it's above my webcam I agree R all I wonder if all right all right de Z I got you I I need to try that maybe with the with uh sniping whenever I play Fortune keeps pubs I am ex IAP how's your vacation uh it was great yeah where'd you go get oh you were down in Florida yeah South Southwest Florida yeah um yeah weather was great it was like high 70s every day we were in the pool most days went to the beach got some some much needed vitamin [Music] D I'm jealous yeah I wish I could just like move my setup down there and just stay down there cuz I would no state income tax true I don't know if Joe's streaming or not I don't think he might not be I tell you what tax knocking at my door uh like near Fort my sniper yeah taxes are never F dude I would move to Florida just it would be hard because we'd be leaving so many family and friends but like my parents are down there so that's like the one thing not looking forward to nice Matthew that's funny Jay uh I have been there before sniper but we were not there this time I did Huck so yeah so oh yeah did you guys hear about that plane that crashed in the freeway in Florida I just saw the video on Tik Tok dude so that was like 30 minutes south of us that's actually crazy um this one Connor that's actually kind of crazy yeah and was your plane was it yeah it's my fav Jet and you like jumped out at the last minute pulled my shoot pull it early Tom Cru style all right what's going on with you why is it taking so long to find a game dude I'm telling you this is a common issue for people give me H since I'm Lois okie dokie dude I'm telling you uh War Resurgence they just they just tweeted an update saying something like they thought I think they fixed something with something something doing yeah definely 42 minutes ago Call of Duty updates we're investigating reports that players who meet the party Sr restrictions requirements are unable to matchmake with each other other but wouldn't it say no it just endlessly cues and never finds a game oh really well that's unfortunate oh wait maybe uh it's the pin comment Elite gs. a har recol uh you're still host H you're still searching that's why oh or still searching on M no they had an engine failure I believe Huck I don't think it was that man takes chat says takes ages if you're different ranks prob because it's very confused maybe we just trying to get some games in with the fellas man why they always hate just trying to get some games in um I just want to play video games are you que are you queuing in US recolor wait was it no way I think it does that when you uh what H I have not heard that bro that sounds a little wild he turned off the engines what I don't know if I believe that bro nice Rec color why not Barrel on the ram 9 uh which one by the way Harry do you approve of my build cuz I'm going this is a different build than the one on GG's this is more of a Mobility build that has better Sprint to fire oh really recolor dang Omar I haven't got to use it a lot statistically it looks really good arm assist Barrel like in game uh yeah as in like being able to live ping no seeing what your ping is in the game oh yes which one would you switch this for Harry uh hi Blaze what's up boey for what reason let's go right off I was just complaining too much and used it as a skate I would die so now I turned it off so that I don't even know that's fair which we all know wasn't the Ping game just tabbed out say it was I think there are times where it does factor in but it's also very easy to make it an excuse like if you die and you feel like behind a wall perks are right here Conor and then you have 78 ping definitely [Music] ping um we might have UK I've been playing high alert Harry we we took off I took off the stock for the barrel if you want you can edit it Conor on UK he freaking fries on 120 150 meanwhile Knights over here on nice recolor two ping I wonder what that yeah I know I would I'd be crazy to be on like two ping the lowest I ever get is eight I did a it I did uh the usually best I gets like 15 which is still solid but oh boys that was fun while it last you are a pilot hook no that'd be nice recolor we'll get in there I mean it makes sense Harry because ghost is definitely strong I just love high alert bro t cap what are you at Gold what uh one diamonds above is it Diamond above PL is it gold than Platinum than diamond gold platinum diamond yeah gold and diamond can play together Crimson Crimson cannot no after Diamond no crimson diamond Crim cannot play with gold I know but is Crimson after d uh yeah hug what's your Sr I'm only Diamond one I just hit it the other day so you grinded for that top 250 [Music] no I couldn't be bothered with that that's like such a dedication man I don't want to take oh here we go we're finally in no I don't want to take this laser off because of I want the spr fire me like you got to like dedicate like you got to play 12 hours a day every day although that sock does give you a good amount of movement speed you got to be super super well just worried about losing the but you also need a good team I don't want the solar Sprint to fire I feel like that's half the battle yes but that's what I'm saying that's what I'm thinking all right we're getting in a game finally I don't even know if like that'd be nice too bi could solo C it iridescent in Resurgence rank oh for sure H dude I H your recoil too much but not ads do you realize how how C I agree Harry I think the HRM is definitely the better we have a ranked higher on GG's um have your teammates being freaking for the muzzle I I like the Zen oneis not the Jack BFB just get smoked I don't think you lose Sr for them dying they just lose Sr for when they die yeah but if you get wiped and you're at negative 120sr because your teammates because you die once you know what I mean a bunch of people did it solo to ER in the last Rank and I feel like I easier than it is the last one well we talked to Rob and Rob said basically like he just a lot of times would just basically play till end game that's it I feel like it's much harder to play till end you know you got to be really strategic in this to play till end I mean I think the big thing that I was watching of uh the people like I was watching like ad a bunch the other night and they stick together and kind of like roam roughly together but the end game they are making sure like when they're in like the top five teams they're really trying to make sure that everyone gets Taps yeah that I wish I wish they would just get rid of the whole tap system and make it just so it's total team kills like make it all the same that way there's not it's definitely a tough balance though because then you it's literally just a it's a team score right like are you really ranking individually at that point that's true you know what I mean like say I put zero kills I still get a ton of Sr for you guys I could literally just go sit in a corner the whole time and just let you guys get Sr and I would get a lot of it right versus a little bit yeah but then you also need the tap system because you can't be you can't punish people for assists or you need the tap system you you need the what it should be is that they take away the assist on a down that's what they should do that's the solution to this yeah so if you get the assist on the actual down it's an assist if you get the assist on the full kill it doesn't count probably but then people are still going to be like be like oh like don't down him like get get your shots on him kind of thing there's still going to be uh an element highrisk High reward play let a guy run around you know what I mean uh I'm down to land wherever we've been I was Landing here the other day and can get a quick load out but I'm also down to just go go town first game go town first game just cuz like we've we've done that a bunch all just be ready T the game has changed my friend the game has changed uh it is significantly sweatier than when we played that first day okay yeah look at everybody here bunch of people I didn't mean your as a I can't find a gun I got I have a sniper and a shotgun pretty sure why are you iuav I'm not with you guys I don't have a gun or PL yeah I have like basically no good guns up somebody's got to take out counter if you can see it okay there's definitely a bunch of people around us yeah I'm going to work through top here I'm just kind of waiting just because I have such crap guns where's that Counter UAV above us and I get hit by the mortar of course all right I'm going up you got an extra plate I do not h ene i I love that you I do too Joe doesn't con explain G my friend was so hard listen tell him it'll make him better thank you Connor for the two sir um people on a roof to the side here I did down one to the side over here but I we got a team we got this way too by the way I'm going to see if I can get my finish people right below me yeah people straight across people straight across in in the corner in the corner coming up below us coming up below us Taps on him y he's helping or give me a better gun we can by Taps on this guy if you want it over here somebody got him one up top here we have enough for Lo we got let's go get Lo let's go get load come back to the B enemy UAV overhead just be careful I'm going to pop UI here somebody buy armor box too nice explaining ggs to my friend was so con thank you for the two sir con explaining log in games is so difficult I feel like it's pretty s explanatory but uh no go ahead go ahead armor box down that's Rock there's a bunch of people up top here I don't know where these guys are on my level they're in Tower I think there was one close here yeah I don't know where his guy just went that was right here nice yeah explain so difficult got highlight in the back yeah I think there's a guy tower High alerted uh oh right in Fr me and behind me behind me at the Gazebo and then one was right in front of me yeah sniper sniper over gazebo I'm pushing gazebo he's he's one down gazebo okay yeah one flying in backside on the beach he's landing on load out H One landing down here as well live down I'm dead no I'm good I'm good I'm good down way up there on the hill yeah I feel like let's go get in here wait right below us here right below us here moving here I just heard them I swear yeah they're they're flying across they're flying across yeah up here fighting at PD uh behind us where we just came fromy down the of right here whole team whole team the guys warning like literally coming I got full kill over that way watch snipers we can take and get out of here one back on the Gaz gazb gazebo and's a h i got Taps I got Taps get that if you can uh just interrogate him Joe there you go is that the Seeker to yep uh up on the roof right here I feel like we got to push in here let's go push that guy one he down on the by kind of yeah I'm I'm getting shot at from yeah from the tower to the right H guy close here smoke if you can he's pushing he's pushing he's pushing yep crack down I got you one tap one tap on just watch our right side here down get we do have enough I'm dropping cash no inside I need a little more for you nice drop money hog and I'm going buy a yes hold up if I'm missing donos here I'm going to read them after guys I apologize for me I'm going to I'm going to St no I'm I'm going to keep more money for BuyBacks and stuff yeah yeah let's push up I guess right side here nice you guys want to go stack right system is 237 Kill by teamate plus 5 kill or assist Z thank you yeah I just I still don't love the tapping system they've got a freaking suppression mine on the stairs got one down two down oh last one last one nice keep suppression m y [ __ ] map that quick let's keep no sense these [ __ ] are tra got Bounty down here am I getting why am I getting comms I'm throwing a uh uni okay up top or down low it's up top second floor let's take zip yep uh Team straight across where you going here or Lighthouse yeah I thought there was a team here I'm land on it can pop U yeah yeah matter dude my way out I'm feel like I'm hearing people fire they just landed right behind us one in this sh one's in the air coming straight down on us team nice I got snip you still get points us us don't tap it's just not a time one down other one's weak thanks yeah we're getting shot in the back too it's all below us zipped up zipped up yeah we're getting shot from freaking Lighthouse Lighthouse is the issue down yeah I'm just going to wait out this M for is being annoying dude yeah no I know what you mean d z but in the end game dude it makes a big difference if you get your Taps it it adds up a lot when you're getting when you're like top 250 like you have have to get it when you're that high lighthous is jumping lighthous jumping lighthous jumping sniped in the back shot in the back shot in the back shot in the back shot in the back there's like a bunch down below to the other side that are like super weak that are landing in over there your made where's the sniper keep kicking us off from not me to do that one right below f one flying in I'm down to go push down low let's go push down low all right all right two landing on us landing on us dead top one team's coming down you guys right now yeah one right here I'm not with another one another one another one another one I'm pushing right side here or left side yeah uh I'm ads walking he's a b bullet he's so Oney think he went up I'm on me on me on me on me dead nice thei missed it uh hog watch straight ahead of gr area uh we need to get back up top here we need to get right above where we are yeah let's save some for buyback oh one flying one flying one flying one flying [Music] nice uh let's buy self right here yeah yeah make sure we have Pas and stuff make sure you have a gas ideally I bought a self bunch of people up top there throwing out armor just to get rid of it got a portable radar as well put down I have I'm getting high alerted up up from uh like the market area yep oh how did he see he was coming there's another self Down Below in the thing they double sniping those are some a deep way out here yellow ping across yeah a lot of people around us here yeah they're still sniping yeah let them let them come somebody's going to run up on them if they keep doing that jumping L jumping left yep get just watch our backs here I'm with you they're still looking sniping to the right throwing in a portable radar here yeah they're going right side right behind this right behind Shack on the right side and a little higher up B on us these guys are rapping behind us uh these guys are going to push us these guys are going to push us guaranteed straight yeah yep up here he's one do you have a knock let me know I have a PA yeah left side station yep on us on us on us pushing in another one two two two two two two two got one got two got second nice these guys got to be down low oh one flying in straight back gas move to the sa Zone all team down low on that P yeah they got to push towards us stay on the ground I have another portable radar I'm putting down en One landing on us yeah flying in back side get Taps on that guy if you can it's okay he was a solo it's okay yeah yeah these guys got to be down everyone's down below now just keep your High Ground don't do anything too stupid here just try your best to get Taps here I just don't know where these guys are we're going to have to jump up top I'm going up top yeah he's down below last one last one here I cracked him I cracked him nice boys we just kind of that was a good first team back all teams good stuff boys what's up Solomon broy what's up um Z thank you for the two $5 donos I'm sorry I was I I missed those no I completely agree I think you you still get plenty of points on assist but think of I don't know I'm still not in love with the tapping system capping capping is like when you get someone down you're you're trying to shoot them like once or twice so you can get assists and get more points yeah I don't think any of us said um also Conor with the two she's in NPC definitely a sub5 KD in bot lobbies hey you better use her to get some some bot lobbies and con SC on uh who's host uh me sorry I was say I am a pooling let's go bir w hello there dang 8 months ggs nice win yeah I think okay I got 249 Sr that game 208 which is all right let me log this cops are welome back for eight months what's Bugg is the is the left trigger one bugged if you hit left trigger is that Sr accurate all right I had 15 what was uh my damage I had I don't think I died at all that it was a clean game I don't believe so it's 5864 said 204 on my left trigger it says 176 tag some ways okay how did I get kills um definitely good positioning aim and I did not die so lucky there all right we dropped town and we ended Lighthouse call that balanced um see thank you Connor for adding that load out by the way oh hog I got to get you added on uh ggs so I can log you as my teammate what are we doing yeah I'm I'mma sign up after this I was talking to Joe or do whatever I got to do all right there we go there's Connor I did the ram n did feel good there for sure hi G that was a fun first game um so it oh wait hold up did my stream overlay automatically update let's see oh it did let's go look at that so okay I think I I think I figured out what's the accurate Sr I have more today crazy if you um wait like if you hit the the trigger one that one's not accurate the heck could not connect you just backed out on us what it says I hit okay so don't hit stats cuz it kicks you out of the game when you do that I'm coming um right on you guys I just joined you okay join with party I should be able to take us nice I left uh I invited you hog there we go wait what should I make bigger the the thing above Conor okay hold up first of all Connor Thank you for the two second of all Connor gets his like second or third 20 ever he's like I dro the 20 guys move your overlay to the left to make it bigger it's not oh it is not on the screen all the way what am I doing guys what am I doing I swear it wasn't like that before yeah I'm only at I don't have much to brag about I'm only gold it's cuzz I have only played one day of ranked but we're going to catch up don't you worry don't you worry H are you still going Mountaineer yeah I don't really know what else to use to be honest dude I'll tell you what somebody had a hot take that might not be wrong uh I don't know yeah I'm going to probably you want a bigger being able to get armor plates off of everybody it's crazy small is it okay I don't want it to be like with this tracker might be nice or slate of hand I mean I know I know like we already have slate of hand but like even having it quicker probably could go EOD the text is small uh EOD is what I would I was going to say EOD would definitely be worth considering of in this uh could go mechanic too reduce vehicle repair time increase fueling speed definitely super important is that better where' I get my controller aim controller.com expanation Point aim use code T Captain x uh but yeah Omer I mean yeah now that I left Zen I mean um recoil pattern I'm going to probably rock solo for a bit I'm not too worried about it I mean if another team came along and dude what about something made sense I would consider it but explosive damage delays enemy health regen slows enemy movement and briefly disables tactical Sprint when the enemy legs are hit okay so Gus are you in here still they Chad is saying that we should make the text bigger on the overlay about start my own maybe maybe we'll make a GG's or I don't know yeah I don't know what is the the perk that does that is like my number one enemy what I mean not the perk the ammunition that makes you Frable oh yeah Connor with a five dropped by 22 only using two ground Lo wp9 and just running around the key the entire game only had loaded for the end game sometimes it works like that that's that's awesome Connor what uh what mode was it in Conor it was fortune stos or quads yeah yeah I uh I didn't renew my contract with then um there was no you know no bad blood or anything it was all good it just was something where um it didn't feel like it with with everything I'm doing with ggs and trying my own content life just was too busy to try to really do anything with the team so I just wanted to focus on myself nice Serge am I going to reach top 250 I don't know I mean I'm I'm way behind cuz I only got a this is my only my second day I've got to play um I would love to I'd like to go for it but we'll see I'm I'm I'm good Mato thank you though Bud a skir with a 5 pound Dono getting into the contact grind feels good to see the green ticks uh taking the advice you offer me over the years I have watched nice I saw you been posting man that's awesome only using two ground loot WSB n and just just go like that game I only had load for the end game L you're just build different Conor built freaking different it was it was quad okay yeah esir keep keep at it man it the biggest saying like the biggest piece of advice honestly is like it just hey you just got to be consistent when are you joining phase what do you need for uh I mean no me gtis and I were joking the other day about making like a GG's org just for fun but I don't know getting into the content grind feel feels good to see the green ticks advice you've offered over the years I have watched yeah man just keep at it every video try to improve a little bit don't worry too much about the views early on just kind of do what you enjoy and it'll it'll start to figure out what you know what things work and stuff should I post on YouTube Tik Tok everything yeah absolutely post on everything you can absolutely oh these Q times are forever right now though guys holy when GG's getes enough money can y'all go to the CDL like make a CDL team right that's like million does it get in that I think it's like crazy XL Point headphones fumes Q up again 90 ping doesn't get you in a match for a while I think I did add uh GG's to my clan tag or can you not have clan tags un ranked oh I Went Away Joe you got to add the the GG's clan tag oh true I don't even think I know how to add a clan tag uh customize I mean jez dude okay you know what enough's enough yeah gtis did you hear the some of the feedback on the overlay people were saying that they think the text is a little bit too small like the numbers and stuff are a little bit too small for the size of the banner should I try to re you or should I just keep let it letting it go I just leave it okay exactly Harry that's light work Conor Conor you going to cover in $2 donos right uh X Point audio Villa I'll give it let me give it another minute if it if it still doesn't queue I'll recue yeah Connor is going to cover in $2 nice this ge heck yeah man wait clan tags are bugged you need to change the activation display name to GG oh like actually change my display name ebate said the opposite I mean I I honestly looking at it I think it looks fine but that's just what chat's saying I think it looks fine the way it is in my humble opinion he wanted it thinner like the banner thinner I'll pay for the CDL if you sign a Bengals Jersey I mean I got you Connor why what's wrong with that uh operator day one asking to become a mod all right I feel like I should re bro can you show the ram 7 build yeah or you could also just type xbo Point random 7 or you could also go to gs. and look at all of our [Music] loadouts the SR text is too small and Sr today text is too small per Aid favorite player on the Bengals I mean probably Jo Baro Ram bt50 as a long range gun probably yeah um Ram just has much better range Jay you can type XP Point Monitor why do you use a stock for extra recoil control um I'm liking the ram 9 overall right now a skier um I feel like the HRM is probably a smidge better but the RAM definitely has really good ttks Q doesn't work cuz it detects Hogs cronis that's it they got him boys they got him thank you got her I am I do need to give the MTZ a try because a lot of people are still saying MTZ 762 is great what should you remove if you want an optic uh probably the stock don't like the AMR uh the AMR is great it has really bad Mobility though in handling for an SMG sounds like a skill as your hairy yeah I um um yeah I do need to try that one rad Harry you'll send me which MTZ build you're using are you using the GG's one or are you using a different one I don't think you can do it anymore in rank to scare I think they fixed it what's up puppet Customs X I appreciate it man n no go Browns X good Browns and Bengals Browns and Bengals is there M7 still good it's probably the best AR there we go all right we're queuing into a game finally here boys sorry it's taking so long Conor does my cam show too much of my body um I think it was kind of a weird angle Connor I'll be honest I mean hey you look great but I would yeah yeah I would I would maybe adjust it slightly but there's nothing wrong with it like I it's fine nice Q doesn't work BC it detects Hogs cronis they got they they got him boys they got him thank you Conor Biff says the best is MTZ and HRM I definitely agree on the HRM I do think the HRM is overall the better SMG cuz CU way better handling it off already but I do need to try fact kids are using in ranked is mind blowing mind blowing let's go CER there you go it was a good game just all right we're finally getting into a game eight years later nice yeah the Q sign has been awful show too much of my body you think so my body my body wp9 does look like a really good option as well it does look really good as well so okay so you're using the Zam I might try I might try yeah yeah let let me know what you're using Harry I might give the mtz's a go now yeah I don't know what the deal is with matchmaking the other day it was really quick but yeah today has been slow how do you like fortunes I love it man um I'm not crazy about the big open area Gap underground area I'll admit um but it's fine but no I I have always really really enjoyed the fortune keep map a lot dgls w Really Jay what's up B bold city con the call Joe Joey this whole game tell him I say hi I will try my best but you have to remember that we're in ranked and I'm l loed the FN uh Connor says hi Joey oh jeez that's rough hi Connor hi ranky also he said the reason we couldn't queue was cuz Hog's cronis was detected oh that's rough you got that right we're on fire boys that's all you get I guess Conor that's all you get go lay down sege all right we do the same thing G say that is a no probably don't we want to get the scav uh I we should be able to loot up around here I mean we could let's see what happens when we land in I mean that's the biggest thing like I I'm down to kind of like and land on somebody here I don't see anybody maybe we do this Gap No No One landed uh PD team landed at PD I'm grabbing I'm grab most I'm going to grab Most Wanted here all right got it yeah mared as AED tar kill enemies and SEC Supply help take the Bounty off their head yeah they're doing a bounty over there as well or Most Wanted okay scared I'll SC you I'm easily startled frighten sobody say there's a bunch of crates they're not going to push are they maybe I just saw two of them just peep over at us yeah oh I down one I down one down one down low friend we can go I'm going to fly on the PA one's Up on the Roof let's just be careful here we we're going to have enough the load out here in a second okay that one p I'm with you guys I a strike he's 20 on the roof one on me down yeah yeah he's running backside here to the like gazebo area yeah yeah uh I think they're Landing in they're going to go away all right we we have Lo money the guy just kill me too grabbing this anybody have an extra plate by any chance yeah I haveo I just dropped two on the yeah let's go and grab uh Lo playx and we're going like we cash cash we could technically throw another load out in that's not a bad idea to be honest uh I have I up got a UAV what do you want to hear let me grab a play box yeah grab play box and then I will get UAV I'm holding UI uh all right let's rock graveyard I think uh do you want to go I don't know where everybody is I haven't seen yet yeah multiple graveyard and then like graveyard like the building UAV over they just popped UI so this is kind of straight up 3v3 100% yeah yeah I don't have the red outline though hold on hold on we're not with you hog we're pushing for close en [Music] UAV I needed that I just stuck him and kill confirmed him nice that works uh torpedo flying around here I got it I got okay and then there's a counter somewhere and I can we do have enough cash for I'm popping I have another another that guy's one he's down he's down I'm going I'm flying at that where on on top of uh okay yeah there's a t of people up there two teams there just jumped just jumped just jumped one guy chasing after him one ran to the left do buch down below me smoke me if you can y I got to reload U over over oh he's so bad oh no but I'm almost with you guys one down below here on me hold on all right not having the 50 round with Above Me On My Level On My Level the rest of them one outside behind me dead landing on my loot I'm not with you T got him got him got him yeah uh hog you should be good to come right down y I'm good all my stuff damn not having them ra there were people on like the Y blueing coming up I'm going on that he's down below me yeah under me under me he ran through he ran through 100% ran through this way I'm with you he's one that's corrupt who yeah who that's a different crap with a K that's not oh I'm dead I might be able to sell I'm dead no I'm [Music] dead myself out wait I might be okay here we probably need to get that team out if we can on me somewhere enemy UAV over was overhead it's gone now above me and then my might be dead here Landing in CRA one shot on me right above us I'm totally separated from no I I I'm not I'm not slow down I'm literally getting pinched where I have to move I'm not trying to do this yeah yeah I'm with you watch this mortar he's right on the other side there's a guy up above y'all on the edge I don't see this guy anywhere hog he to jump the yeah I'm going to push up here hog trying to get the yeah people definitely at keep uh we can combine for a UI if we want yeah that guy's dead another one we should not jump at this yeah don't jump alerted right side high alerted from high alerted from church church church church we're in a bad spot here the uh one pinging right here green ping yeah I'm pushing towards keep a little bit all right all right I we oh he's up top oh no no no that's you that's you that's you high alerted left side keep yeah sniper sniper on keep sniper on yep saw saw saw yeah sniper rooftop don't challenge that no no I'm avoiding it just get out of here just rotate ahead yeah yeah Ling nearby down in under the keep gate the big gate another one another one another one another one getting looked at at getting looked at from like up top somewhere hold up I'm I'm getting looked at from behind got him I got more on me I might be dead here still on the roof lots of snipers up here I just got sniped yeah I don't have um smoke grenades to really get out of here yeah I'm like H can you get up are you able to work this way and we can just go lowke here yeah I'll try I'm getting into keep they are eyeballing me you fo coming in definitely footsteps around me probably right above us here you hold on hold on slow down we either need to get load out down load out is not cannot get load out here we got to play as a squad here age very is about to end Make It Count I mean I have if you get down to come come land right here here and then H give me your money I'll buy a load for Joe gas nice Joe of all people mad at you for splitting SMH C her okay I'm throwing it real quick here you have plates yeah I have 15 we can buy plates Straight Ahead there's six right there for now UAV people on our roof I'm going to buy uh Munitions you need down people ahead people above us here just be careful did you get those plates Joe yeah I did okay high aler in the back high alerted high alerted high alert all right let's snip broke up top let's work through keep here and get up here we can go straight yeah I'm down for that yeah let's get yeah I'm people up top here people up top there okay heard go get into one of these buildings a little ahead of us here yeah they're looking at us again there's definitely people in this building to our left yeah people close to me people close to me one HP on me outside nice I still got a full team on me so got a full team on me and sniper still up top now I think they're mostly up top I'm watching I have stairs down low I watch up top I have low stairs we're going to need to move though why don't we get ahead of this and just go okay right side right around the corner here yep yep yep nice yeah just keep just just go Zone here just watch sniper left side sniper left side is going to be an issue here I mean he can't hit it but we can hold we can hold this keep team easy yeah I got on them right now they're up top wait T where no there's a whole team just sitting in that uh right to the left of where I died another one another one they just sitting there they even made a they haven't even made like a noise yeah whole team on the the ledge I got by back okay Connor Thank you for the twos sir right side right side right side here outside like literally right outside there straight ahead Straight Ahead straight ahead on here we're in a really tough spot here is this team still above y'all yes okay oh I'm here yeah right outside my door climbing a ladder I hear yeah he's one I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming there's a whole team still in that team K they're still up here okay which one dead I have no idea from where I on what the heck right outside our ledge to our left I have on me dead multile dude where did oh he sat there the whole time I didn't know that guy team was there man what's up zap just just try to get placement just do your best to get that's not even a load you only need uh you only need one team to die for top five yep just get in that little building there you got top five nice he's him ah all right left in the war zone stay alert less than 10 standing no you're good only remain finish the job I think we got to we got to slow down as a squad we either got to play together or we split no I would agree I wasn't trying to split in that situation what happened was I started getting I went down and I had to smoke away and it was just I was kept getting forced away from you guys like okay so I probably should have won the one but when we challenge that guy on load out like I'm expecting you to be with me I mean I understand that but when I'm getting shot in the back from a different person I have to Veer off cuz if not then I'm just going to die too we just we put oursel in a really bad spot there because we didn't realize where we were walking in there there was like three teams focusing that area wait which one at gate house uh at yeah Gate House when we were in like that Center like below keep all good I mean we'll take the SR yeah it's still a positive game uh all right how much did I get what is math is hard 263 1 minus 24 96 135 Sr it's still a good game actually cyber It's actually an all black camo just so I can see the iron side better such a brutal End Circle all right so we had a tough one 14 kills I believe I died we were in perfect position to be honest that like that rat team sa is a top 250 guy that Conor thank you for the wait who savy s I died to a top 250 guy is that what you're saying I didn't realize that that's weird if I'm in a top 250 Lobby when I'm gold that's wild if I am uh we got fourth and I got how much should I say 135 Sr I mean we're playing well at town and then ways that you died um I have this caught off guard by an enemy for sure nasty it's just yes didn't realize they were there and then the second time was well and then multiple enemies yeah um I got kills that's some good call outs positioning at least that was a quick que uh okay so we went town we ended at let's keep I'm looking Harry I'm looking up to get evil okay I will after this game I'm going to try that MTZ build uh explation Point settings Villa Connor with the five I think there is regular SPM in rank that Lobby looked harder than any gold l i than oh 100% there is 1,000 that's not even a debate they actually thinking of correct last game they uh confirm that you're thinking of corrupt with the c from war zone one potentially 100% there is skill-based matchmaking on top of ranked which I think is who wild um it's it's annoying but there is 1,000% skill-based matchmaking still inside of the ranked matchmaking I hate to do it to Rick Grimes so often better lock in newbie okay big Sr game right here I still got pretty good Sr last game and I had a terrible game I agree James I agree what's up Eric nice I think there is still regular spmm in ranked that Lobby looked harder than any gold Lobby I've been in drive dropped 12 in a gold Lobby already what did you say rad Conor thank you for that Vibe by the way but yeah no I agree you're right yeah Nova wanted one of the action should I be running re Supply should I run re Supply instead of tempered ready boys yep let's rock in we do have to rotate out of here ah not fully but we will have to rotate a little bit so I think we can grab Bounty if nobody else goes I'm going to pull here just see what's happening there are people here en oh my gosh right out of the sky definitely team across people landing on my left and then three teams don't don't forget that there's three teams definitely people building and all the way cuz I just seen a team the fact that literally within like 2 seconds there's a Counter UAV guys's one guys literally one like coming I'm working on my way over they're pushing yeah yeah yeah pushing one's pushing from PD one right here down another one down below yeah yeah one outside one out straight outside's an enemy for you yeah I'm going to let him roll I don't I'm going to replay here [ __ ] oh nope you are getting hunted we can grab this bounty over this way if we wanty what is that gun MTZ 762 why would they not grab Bounty contract um we're pretty close Lo yeah I was going to say we're not too far hostiles deoy the mosito I'm going to loot up over this way there was there were definitely teams like um like church okay and there is a team then the Bounty team as well across at the yeah yeah Bounty team I we can go push that way once we're yeah let's just get let's try to get loaded here real quick be I'm going to push one GI every time Joe says let's rock basically it's once a game team still in church 100% nice we got it we have money oh crawling crawling keep coming just keep coming just keep coming I tagged him oh my gosh I got yeah you got as you get they like timed it they might be pushing no they're still sniping let's be quick and get a load but they were watching it yeah they are like literally watching it I have a smoke I have a smoke I have a smoke where's our cash here driving it yeah I'm going to th I'm going to I'm going to grab it and then throw it it's fine yeah I'm going to throw it inside here I'm going to throw roof two games I haven't ran into many snipers yeah get to the safe Zone there's they're over here still yeah I mean we could we could go let's go get up ahead here we have one minute until Zone CL stra ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead Straight Ahead trust okay okay okay this guy was sitting on a rooftop just chilling here I'm I'm now I think we push ahead this guy was literally like I'm with you up to my left yeah two they're back uh they're way back on the edge of Z still got high alerted yeah yeah I got left side here I'm going to hold left side we do need to push up ahead a little bit jumping jumping jumping jumping cracked down down I get did you get the full for that yes yes and then Landing Landing yep hel floating above me yeah yeah I'm going to go get on top of this building and get angles peek across footsteps on me slow down I I'm in a safe spot I'm in a safe spot I'm vibing we just got that full one down below On My Level inside this building here right here right here down at church watch to the right incoming I'm getting onad on our load out on our loadout yeah one down below here he's one like literally one nice people behind us from load okay zipping on load zipping on loady live ping yeah yeah wait they're they're they're gone going P landing on us landing on us huh UAV I am behind the wall there I knocked one hog you got to get out dude there's no Noy from freaking when people are landing on you oh like guy missed theof 4 seconds one we're back okay let's look see how load he [Music] is go get after it uh load looks okay I just hit it your back there's the ammo uh crate here okay I've got plenty of plates I've got 11 I'm stuck they're pinching me somethings okay I mean we can work over six plates yeah uh drop cash or pop right in front of me right in front of me here he slid down uh torpedo torpedo torpedo we got to work back to hog got to go we're coming two on hog above him they're going to know where we are I'm you're split a little for me Joe I'm just kind of like way on High Ground right here down yeah I got one one's Landing other one's Landing oh [Music] dead I'm going to try to hit the load out real quick fell yeah yeah we're going to work back to you just be careful there's people straight across here like right there oh my gosh game can't loot bro I just got d destroyed holy smokes you made top 25 well done we can pop you if we want's past 5 he can have a beer there's still a bunch straight across here I can't gu down low oh do not go under this you will get crushed by the way one right below down here on to our left he's On My Level it says UAV dead down one another one maybe somewhere on me not sure yeah y y coming where got it fire sell can maybe try to get U UAV up yeah I think we go work ahead here yeah let's go get to near Lighthouse you want to work left by or right by here go go right we need to start thinking positioning I think earlier okay I think there's a team over here for sure I think somebody just pinged over here joints P 5 p.m he can hey yo joe we have a beer uh Team Lighthouse for sure no comment J to Locked In be careful Counter UAV there Lighthouse Lighthouse y Ling Lighthouse as well H they're flying they're flying they're flying they're flying they're flying he's going to take zip oh ber hold on knocked one no the mortar bro I should have just I'm safe Joe I'm oh my God no way the mortar killed both of us bro no way the mortar hits us like that bro this guy flanked all the wow great play by that guy I mean to sh moving oh I cannot believe we just died to a mortar like that I've never seen dude mortars got buffed I swear that's crazy I've never been like directly hit three times in a row from a mortar unfortunate heat seeking mortar that's so dumb bro oh let me put on this um MTZ class okay so you going [Music] zision uh Connor says have a beer Joe Joey I'm good give this a go that was it he wanted me to have multiple beers at like 3:00 in the afternoon on Saturday that's funny yo Brayden yeah I'm getting over a cold a little bit I this like annoying cough for a hot minute yo will any chance I did not get to log that game any chance we got Ninth Place is are there is there a mod available to log for me real quick by chance or would you be able to by chance Connor also Connor Thank you for the those two twos yeah I do need to try that Dom I've heard about that one um I think overall the HRM is probably better than the ram 9 to be honest but the RAM n is still a great SMG extremely rarely like at said to have a beer uh at Absolute most maybe once a night I get someone who I'm slightly suspicious of maybe Walling but like I would need way more information to be it's not like blant by any means a buddy of mine just said I run into numerous hackers every time I'm on the game oh you Conor the two he needed the beer Saturday L's all day Connor said you needed the beer Saturday uh you can make an account Ricardo Conor are you by chance able to log that for me it's just my gun I think I mean it's just when uh not saying this necessarily but it's like all of a sudden you start actually going up against good players with with actual skill-based match picking you see that like hey it's not allam in our uh two I believe we just got real unlucky that yeah we were in a we were doing fine it was just yeah it's just unfortunate but dude that's what that's like stuff like that like that's what sucks is like when you do get in like the IRS in top 250 then you just lost a ton of from something dumb like that oh yeah I got a buddy who's top 250 and he's like dude this like it's like every game I want to pull my hair out and I was like that just doesn't sound enjoyable anymore I I don't think I Saturday day like just all the time I thank you got it for the two I don't think my I don't I don't think I have the mental capacity for it uh for what rank rain I mean I would love to crack into the top 250 I'm like definitely not going to get like top 10 or anything like that but um I think if I'm consistent I 100% can crack in the top 250 I'm it's annoying that I'm getting such a late start though CU I I didn't get to play the last like four days so I'm like catching up here but um hopefully we can make some good gains tonight and keep it and get into a rhythm here no riardo no no no you will not get I I promise uh Ricardo we would we're definitely not doing that pinky promise we would never oh we got a good Circle here should pull right to town nice we we probably should experiment with other drop spots though like if Town's going to be out so we're not fighting Zone up grab your going the war nice wardo nice way to go that play like all day every day they a lot of them seem to land Ground Zero really survive to redeploy Fallen teammates kill to bring them back fast yeah I need to experiment with some of other drop spots um yeah it looks like we got people with us definitely team I might be dead here this guys where are you I'm dead no I'm just better thank you uh sniper sniper over at uh sniper over at hel building team to our right side here I don't have like the best guns ever but W speed yeah I got a w speed a nine or a ram so like I'm chilling UAV I don't know where these guys are I hear footsteps Ral yeah I hear footsteps yep yeah popping F yeah they're split pretty well and watch the team back behind us here the guy's one on the left side we got back behind us too yeah let's go push the PD team let's go push back let's yep y yep y yep I'm going I'm going from the roof HTI has deployed they above or below they just put a guardian all right atast I up somewhere else I have stuns behind I'm getting shot they're all they're all they're all in there all in okay we we had to dip for a second Joe we got out there's a mort so I'm dead down from them down you're not going to die I was able to out down another one another one another one yeah down nice nice good help another one below getting shot from multiple multiple more than one team I believe just get out get out here this guy at all man why do I why do we not get this guy pushing up top nice one okay okay I'm flying right back in on this guy I don't see him anywhere right me right only will be aail for a bit going to store soon sounds good Conor thank you for the two sir uh Joe I have an extra cell for you flying in over by graveyard my bad you're good good good yeah top of the um Tower still do we want to go back try to get go back to the bu and let's start working cuz we're very close I broke them top Tower call back to you guys yep yep yep picked up a daddy 200 IQ put it on our fe uh Team on me team on me team on me coming the enemy soldier incoming jumped yeah over to my right side here watch the mortar he went over this way somewhere yeah in this building right here in this building okay waiting for the mort multiple hostile guard yep he's on the roof I'm I had the drop down how does that hit me dude what the freck two down dude my audio is chocked like literally chocked it sounds like those guys are all down below super close MoneyWise like literally sounds like all those guys are down below uh uh we have it we have it let's go let's go on it uh I got it there is a team over this way all right let's get kind of like maybe High Ground in town here oh left side left side right here right here yep saw I'm going to take height I got looked at more farther right like maybe Church yeah it's sniping Church multiple down one yeah it's still church church is still up there little enem deploy The Counter UAV are they second floor or all the way uh they were all the way but they might have dropped down I'm not sure I'm in here I'm in counter's out oh no no no coming he's all the way up top okay no no he moved he moved he moved he's [Music] second he's one he's one in there keep coming keep coming is it just one up there I didn't see iyed you're ground there has be an angle that you can get from up there Landing graveyard hold I might have an angle on these guys I do down finished other one is down below Straight Ahead down below hog from you nice who D idea was adding Dead Silence in uh he's somewhere in front of me here I don't want to get too far from you guys one did land he's somewhere around here one did land graveyard as well I'm going to look at from behind yep top in here second window Second Story window deing Dead destroy uh Landing in back at church another one over here yeah this guy's just running we can pop Yi there were people up like Overlook area uh drop money Joe drop money I'm going to go by up here I don't know where my perk package went oh it's right here good up above here one right above here he might be flying no no no they're here they're here they're here right down below me though are they all the way down where do these guys just go yeah he's one he's one the teammates are still over there someone just zipped on me hold up we're getting a little split here yeah still right below you Joe one on the roof chasing one's running away right near me back behind us I don't know where this guy is he ran ran yeah yeah yeah go back to let's get back to hog here cuz people are going to be rotating out of town okay long timeyard okay I'm going to push up just a little bit don't turn around for like far back or close near he was we' got in the landing back at Overlook it looks like I don't know where this guy went head to the safe Zone enemies are dropping the in the yeah in the under pass and then deep live right in front of mead your Taps free Taps got M I'll right here right here finish this guy hog straight across got Zone got two got two oh my no way I don't have that angle dud I'm smoking you guys hog you get out first just get out just get out I don't have any more smokes can you smoke me I have no smoke Landing right in front of me oh I have a smoke as soon as yeah nice let's start playing let's start playing positioning here before we get to wrapped up and holding yeah yeah dropping right yeah yeah crack down hold on give me I I can I can call this in here yeah one guy right there full team up here full team up here full team three down on the roof right in front of me down two t cap you're in the wrong spot I I know that guy's broke down down that guy finished they tag me still two more up there coming on me dead down one down one down one coming yeah another one another another one another one dead terrible watch down low yeah watch our back too yeah I'm going to look towards the other way I'm popping a UI okay on this roof above floating dead and landing in of your outs the safe Zone straight across yeah Joe maybe get yourself uh uh down down here down to our left coming up get your uh s on this by if you can maybe hold on hold on hold on we got to hold all these people pushing in yeah yeah there's so many people pushing in here right below me one one on this ledge right here coming up right below close probably going to zip one close to me here knocked another one I don't have anything portable radar going down he pushed all the way down below okay L to my left watch that mosquito where's this guy going I got it I got it I got the mosquito one shot down to my left two crack down left they mted one's wrapping oh my gosh my Cod timing is impeccable BR I I'm just going to bed you guys can buy yeah yeah yeah I I had to drop down here the safe I have a durable so I can take my time no I'm dead no no no no no I'm going to L rotate this dead one left I'm buy back get the get the buyback so Joe can get points you can't I don't think I don't know if you can I can I can he's all the way down low oh got smoke nice hold on get Taps get Taps oh I'm sorry yeah that's huge Taps there at the end let that happen it's all good good stuff we'll take it good stuff good stuff oh that MTZ is nice that MTZ is definitely nice I do like it a lot that'll be a huge Sr game let's see let's see what we got there no Ricardo I actually left today I didn't resign uh oh didn't tell me my P fell is but incredible game yes sir I got too excited I turned on him really bad oh you're it's all good it's only a matter of like a few points but it's all good all right 292 how much did I get there got a lot there what are you guys is chewing on 29 I wonder what triggers the bug in in the firing range that you just your gun just constantly shoots I wondered that the same thing I had it earlier two we got 253 wait how do you look at my last game why is that not an option it does where's the thing to look at I can't see my my last game is that like not like the log yeah mine's not available yeah I every can someone can uh can someone in stream tell me what I had so I can log that we had to do good I think I had like 10 kills I had I think I had 16 I don't know if I'm getting I don't know if I'm listening to or we're just not coming I like we are very split at times and like somebody's coming something and then like we're just not all there yeah no I know what you mean I mean it's we're we're playing well but as we go up against better squads it's 6260 than we're going to get caught in those you're if we both push separate teams CU we don't like hey and then how much Sr did I say I gained then we're going to get 3v2 and 3v1 and then we're how much Sr did I I I gained that one um how much did I say I gained guys like I said I don't know if it's just we're 23 thank you I'm missing it we're missing it or I think we need to put our final Sr here and let it auto calculate I think that would be easier yeah I think we get a little excited you know you crack someone yeah for sure but I think we're doing phenomenal this is the most success I've had in playing this [ __ ] I don't think I died that game no I didn't where did that game end town that was a good game bro what are my dogs chewing my dogs are chewing to they're not supposed to be chewing hold up I got to see what they're doing hey what you have get out there come here TR boys is there way to delete a game we added the same oh did you yeah you can Connor you can go in an edit game wait did you log that last one yeah so uh prod our first few games took forever to Quee and then now our last you have queued really quick I don't know we didn't change anything I'm not sure what happened uh Jay acation Point Monitor oh yeah no I I appreciate it Conor yeah you can you should be able to go in there and hit delete mods can't delete games only you can that's interesting might have to fix that um on maybe I'll do it really quick we do have a Most Wanted here if we want it uh yeah I see here I can delete this I got it I got it Connor thank you though I do like that this MTZ a lot though it's nice um I ran MTZ that game by the way that thing fries I mean the ram is still phenomenal but mpz was fine in nice is there a way to delete CL wait why did my clan tag change what okay let's watch for I'm going to con thank you for that too by the way and thank you for helping trying to I'll get it for now unless I say something just to see cuz people will looks like a bunch of people me one a dude there's like no sound Noy of people landing on you uh two one guy on I wish you you would get a a sound I don't have a gun yet they're definitely pushing in I don't have a gun to fight mining here for sure going in from down low down low I got shot from like multiple there's two down low and then there's one holding an angle on the roof to the side H deoy the mosquito okay I just need to delete my uh another one another one I might to try that one rad with the iron sight T hog I'm going to pinch this comping two seconds I do not have right in this corner here enemy soldier incoming nice another one another one oh straight outside straight outside straight outside he's running behind you hog hostile online on me dead tap oh sorry oh let us tap that sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I tried to stop uh we don't have anywhere close enough uh people over it please for sure yep yep cracked at PD okay I mean if you want to push this we they're all on a jet key hit that that most wi crate and we can get a bunch of money tag changes to con I'm sir yeah I don't know what the deal is with them uh they're right here cracked down yeah yeah get your Taps on that yeah yeah go go yeah there's the full um I don't I think this is all looted here I got a PA in Pocket if we need it okay where I hear here yeah I'm going to go push across here think anybody else is around us but I could be wrong move to the safe Zone do I hear people or no that's I think that's you guys actually I got some crates in here yep uh uh we need 200 bucks no let's get like we literally need there's a guy right here though right in the open let's just one I'm getting getting lasered yeah let's Bounty bird we have yeah go back go back back come back back come backing like a rat you good wait do we have it Joe you and I yeah Joe we have it we have it we got to get this quick and go though yeah yeah that's one where it's like we just slightly overaggressive but we're good all right go go go I do have portable radar here okay maybe on us yeah yeah yep above to our left I'm going to get across here so I can hold no I don't have a s I got to be quicker to smoke I got to be quicker to smoke yeah I I I pa them nice got a knock with one double knock right here one more I don't know I didn't see the last one on radar yeah yeah yeah I got yeah yeah grab that morar back here if we can just in case we need I got it I got it a port as well yeah we need to get ahead here no they're yeah they're closer to me yeah whole bunch I'm going to M this I can't okay I'm going to push rooftop here down one down one down one right above meing I'm Mor on the way yeah on you on you on you one up dead there's one shooting underneath me above and below yeah yeah the the below one is 100% over to the right side here I think he push up the hill more right in front of me down and they're right below me he's in this building yeah on me dead Taps get your tops everybody get your tops uh Landing him above us yeah 100% get your tops kids uh we do have enough for UI and we got to get in here yep yep let's get a UI so we can rotate in money on by bunch of people over this way bunch of people over this uh I picked up a PA yep let's let's get in here yeah this team's actually down below here team's actually down below here gas crack in the little building yep yep I had to get full okay that's fine I'm pushing him here with you pushing in pushing in behind you behind you down down down down down yeah yeah we pa pa pa pa yeah yeah please PA be nice please be nice we need to get out of here yeah here yeah I'm going straight back here no we can't window I have a PA I can PA out but I have one more smoke I'm going to go let's go right go right go right there's a team here yeah I know we're going to get up to the wall here right in front of me right in front of me I got to go down I got to go down I got to go down we can push in here we can go challenges I'm coming back up can I zip yeah yeah I'm here with you guys I'm right behind you hog behind the bar behind the yep y hit up hit up down nice one more down below us maybe dropping in dropping in we're not we got to push across on us somewhere on me on me on me on me on me one I have I have I have a s f I'm getting high alerted from everywhere from like on me on me on me on me do not have his heal I guy was finessing hard we've got to fight our way out of this one there's people straight across here I have one more smoke yeah I got I've got two I've got two I've got two I've got two smoke down can we hit we need to go like wide left here maybe yeah I'm down to go wide left yep I got it yeah yeah I hit it I hit it watch straight across here we can we could hit this ZIP no we cannot hit yeah keep going left I'm going to smoke I'm going to smoke left left we cannot go left we cannot go left can go left okay okay okay go go let's go right and fly across all right all right let's go let's just play bridge play bridge for now play bridge for a second I'm going to keep working across here yep I'm with Reviving he's straight up top here yep yep cracked guys one we can go push these guys Straight Ahead that's fine I fell I fell on accident down below here now you got to get back all I'm coming I'm figuring out hold on is to end it count okay over here on this hog what about this guy backside there should be somebody over here nice nice down below down below yeah might be zipping might be zipping y he's about to zip to my left to my left to my left yeah I'm left yeah on that little head I'm going to we I'm pushing I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going he's weak oh there's just still another one on the back side yep yep yep where is this guy UAV on me UAV on me popping a UAV you guys have right below right below right below us can I back in yep there smoke this guy's this guy's low low t cap oh nobody's with you I know I know I know all right let's go 20 your Taps that's fine bunch of people Straight Ahead good job clearing that out guys that was freaking wild I yeah I and sometimes I think that's where we just go and like you know what that's a three for one trade right there hold back for a second I got yeah does anybody have a sex or I got throwing KN no I have throwing knives I'm going to store extra team straight ahead of us here team straight ahead of us in the Little House yep close close right close right on us right above us yeah yeah Jo up top yeah I'm coming back yeah they've got they're on headies just nasty headies yeah we're going to we got to rotate left we got to rotate left got to rotate left got to rotate left up top up top tippy top tippy top I'm going to PA that okay we're pushing in we're pushing in go go go go go yep on me on me on me no it's you hog sorry I'm like I can't get over this behind me behind me behind me might be chasing yeah down low there's so many people right outside oh down low en yeah I got him I got okay got down nice still above us still above us watch whatever we got a long rotate too go yeah where are we where are we where are we bottom yeah can we go out low can we get out low here yeah right here right here yeah yeah yeah yeah let's roll let's roll let's roll let's roll hold on I'm not with you guys I'm pushing I'm almost with you guys down people top people top top Winery top Winery top Winery we're going to have to yeah we're going to have to get in here let's work wide left can we work wide left pa pa pa pa we just got to go I'm dead I'm just I'm just going with the smokes just getting I'm just going y people in this building right here I'm Resurgence has closed no more Second Chances you have a bunch rotating into your right side oh I have a portable by hold on portable you do have two smokes I have 5K see you got double smoke oh you there yeah I'm just going to go back here I have a gas mask it it pulls to me I'm going to float here no I might be dead here there's a whole team on the roof yeah advise you head to the safe zone I'm going to play this backside hog I'm going to fly down low backside the a still a whole team in this little building yeah cracked one up top upstairs the hog right in front of us one upstairs nine left keep the pressure on no way dead dead dead they're going to push they might push stay Al I'm going to smoke again okay I got a plate so guns back here yeah yeah I got guns yeah we're good on guns nice to my right here soeding is a right there one's further back one's further back one's way further back one flying in one flying in right here flying in right here fly is dead de two left two should be back this way one left one left Landing Landing Landing Landing up top I got a to on him I did not I not t i tag I tag Dead all dead let's let's go boys there we go good stuff good stuff good stuff uh good clutch T clean game yep yes sir I mean that's a double buyback right there extraction is inbound get hooked in and stand by I mean that's good stuff wait Conor with the dude Joe is so pressed right now Dono driving is a w no Connor no Connor with the two my a keeps pulling through walls today I don't know why hey you're just it's just that strong just that bill Diffy what's up Mr Snake that's n gr Grumpy's vibing gry's playing well he God damn you are one tough something bit someone stole your thunder this is I I am enjoying I'm loving it bro that's Diamond two on them baby uh I'm 3165 something all right math my AA keeps pulling through walls today Conor stop hacking turn your Cronos off multiplayer you're 3165 minus Joe we definitely for GG's I think just need to make it to we need to start putting in your total Sr not how much you gain yeah but then if you miss a game it's going to throw everything off keep in mind that it's just keep in mind if you guess right so you're 200 plus right there you know I mean that's perfectly fine hold on mine's messed up somehow I must have messed it up the last game Conor Connor can you log that last one that last one for me give that uh that was a uh no deaths I don't think freaking holy smokes I don't know how we got out of that one situation in the middle are are are you are you able to Conor or are you actually driving com CLA what's on my PC I can see red boxes now you pushed that team and made two of them weak and I just came in one death oh yeah one death one death good coms 10 kills one death first place there it is are you able to do that Conor by chance I might be or just let me know Conor Connor Thank you for the two sir um I don't know aan the only you're literally driving okay all good all good fure I'm going do it real quick just keep and and not that we didn't do this cuz we did just keeping by me flying back in right cuz I fly back in I just need you guys like you guys either to smoke it or something to let me get my stuff and then I'm right back in with you guys nice CLA was on my PC and I can see red boxes are I didn't know you double smoke it 10 one death first you can dive bomb you can dive bomb yeah I mean we fried there holy smokes I don't know how much Sr is my Sr is the overlay yeah I I am I'm logging my game right now so it's not up on this on this one my like total Sr got bested up that game though what do you mean uh I don't know it's just like not somehow it got inaccurate keep in mind that when you put the SR into uh into ggs in your logs like I just oh I know why it's cuz it's cuz Connor double logged one for me on accident oh yeah yeah I need to like override my Sr that game see I almost feel like the the SR over CH how much Sr did I gain that game cuz I half the time you can't even get an accurate CH how much should I gain in that game what did I say like I don't know how I don't know exactly how many yeah that's why we just need to put what your new Total is instead of how much you gained 304 well no no I'm talking about like the game stats like what's your new well the problem with doing it in the actual log is if you don't log a game it's going to literally throw the whole entire thing off because it's going to say if you miss a game and then it has your new one it's going to oh I see what you're saying yeah you see what I'm saying where did that end Winery yeah yeah but then how are you going to track oh you're saying track it on the back end yeah just let it do the math of where you were before also fellas this Ram has won me a couple gun fights that I surely should not have the Ram's I'm the Ram's great but man this MTZ is hitting for me no the yeah I'm running hold up yeah see my total I got I got to fix my Sr is off right now I'm going MTZ no scope right now with a silencer it feels really good I just have such bad eyes say it I feel like I need the scope where it's like the are you in 1440 you're in 1440 right yeah but I never wear my contacts wait no hold up yeah I had to take mine out my eyes got so dry oh look I'll fix it after oh my gosh minus 45 Sr let's go boys come on5 go get after it um I don't BR I didn't see anyone I don't see anybody here I think they all went a little farther up in the other end of town hostile mosit online I will also say like the pacing and the decision making in this is so wild compared to pubs it's to me it makes it so much more fun though bro like I don't know I'm enjoying this so much more you actually get rewarded for it yeah too it feels like you're playing on a VPN wait I have oh on Me on the Gazebo and multiple on me oh crap yeah yeah yeah yeah no pushing over pushing over I'm I just saw one go around the back side right yeah one one in close hostile mosquito is online enemy bi station deployed head on me get Taps there yeah yeah last one's up above us on this building run friendly mosquito active nice no way that got him that's hilarious okay we are super close MoneyWise that's not broken at all that bro they need out of the game so bad that out of rank dude yeah that does not belong in rank I don't agree I think that you should spawn in with it like everybody should and it it spawns like like restock or if you don't have one it just you get another one it hit me out of the sky the other day and I was living like living out of the sky no way we're so close come on I hear a crate on me somewhere okay they're fighting graveyard yeah uh we all right I got it I got it I got it I got it holy SM I hear it I have money on hostile mosquito is online actually swi settings will link you to my settings video uh I have a armor box I'm going to throw not a bad anybody need extra self I have one too yeah do we want to go push Most Wanted uh yeah this most want is right up here I don't know I mean they're probably with their ho yeah they're up on the on the roof just I mean that's like do we want to take that we definitely can they're probably trying to get load no they're here they're here they're here be careful hold up I'm going to take a little off angle here I also have a mortar cracked one I got one HPD from the wait that's a one HP that's a one hit I down Most Wanted I thought I thought it gets you like one HP most one is dead dead Sil I'm not with you Jo UAV getting these counters out I'm dead okay I'm going just I'm going just roll back here and just I'll work I'll work towards the public load I had no ammo and I just kept pushing and pushing pushing pushing yeah that was I got freaking one hit by a torpedo there that's why I couldn't get with you guys no you're if I heard the kid we would have been fine he literally walked upad enemy sold incom incoming teammates are right on my yellow skull literally I can't see that right on the Most Wanted thing okay I mean we can absolutely go push this team yeah here we go landing I'm going to Mur that he's on the roof he on the roof to the right him nice I got my assist you got oh no no no he's still going they're in here coming team's pushing up from behind us you're by yourself yeah he's chasing me be advised enem deployed a station bro mantle this he's playing the head glitch on the back side here oh yep right here on those Rock nasty head cracked yeah he's one down down and down yeah I just went to challenge that I don't think it's so his teamm uh coming up from below coming up from below right here on the green green ping jumped off jumped off away from us I need to get ammo here in a second I don't see him I'm going to go hit ammo here yeah I don't know where he went probably I can't believe that guy got away that quick let me go hit ammo so I can hold extra smokes I have no uh guy's flying back in right here back in on his load out his load out's over there dude is there I hate wearing these gas masks but it's worth it to get the extra attachment so Conor with the five rank same like um that's a good question Connor honestly I bet no Connor Thank you for the five sir I don't know man I really don't know I I think there is some goofy SPM working in rank right now though over herewhere uh we have plenty of money for a UI here hold on I'm going to buy UI hold on don't pop it don't pop it okay he's on the roof down down down yeah he should not have a did you tag that guy okay I got my kill my kill okay let's go push get another UI yeah here I'm going drop my money rank we'd be in the same Lobby uh get get maybe s guys though with extra money next time next time by here yeah yeah yeah all right uh watch right side here watch right side I'm popping oh boy hello these guys are all low yeah yeah and then wait two to our left that are on our level close right behind us at graveyard here these guys are no no they're right below they're in the tunnel they're right below in the tunnel hey they're above us dud I don't know this area bro this area confuses me UAV I broke one hold on one's right above me now got the one above push above above above no he's one on he's so one uh I'm I got separated I went I tried to find the other way and I got lost St HTI definely some around me that one another one right below me we're back like I got one right below me I got to get loot really quick H I got a portable throw it down right on me where you at coming T no no no T you got to be with us here I'm coming I'm coming Pride from behind he's on the Rock he's he's he's going take zip he's got to we might want to we're on UAV we might want to think about Zone yeah get your TAP in there we can take zip we can take zip let's take zip yeah let's go to Zone let's go to Zone uh oh no we're you're too far away from us just uh just work to us work to us yeah a hog work left here kind of hold on these things zip so far yeah they do that's why where I feel like that's all good uh a bunch people down low bunch down low we can get up ahead and hold your outside the safe Zone hosti guard is landing in not just up ahead of us here green ping like the market area I'm down to go yeah yeah he's yeah he's on by station and then on the tower yeah on to yeah have no play here here here play box play box play box UAV is active enem dropping into the AO ene he he landed low light down low we want to go down here I don't think we do yeah I don't love going down here Taps Taps Taps Taps Taps yep yep yep got it sorry he was oh straight ahead of me on bridge I smoked we probably need to go low here and just get out of the way get out of all this crap let's like hang around Joe's stuff so he can land back on it really yeah they're just they're literally watching don't worry about it don't me I have two more smokes footsteps I'm looking Supply crat have been restocked load up right above us right above us down one right up here right on where Joe died basically good work Guardian B pled it's offline I don't know if that guy has a self or not rot I think I'm dead let's let let's go left let's let's keep working left here we're with you we're right behind you Joe okay yeah keep keep playing Zone here watch the mosquito do you guys have any plates yeah yep here yeah let's get up under here there's a whole teamid work so far yeah I'm in h UAV over they have claymor they have clor clor clor clor probably just probably play low probably play low yep gasb one low MTI where where where where flash low low low low H up all right your's in the safe Zone we're going to end up getting pushed here for sure yeah we're good we can hold it down here for a bit the entrance I'm just going to stop moving loc I've got an sbaa and a wp9 so we're going have to move in group a little bit okay try to get you someone here yep we're good on our level to the right side mhm yeah watch where they're coming from you your side Jo enemies deploy The Counter UAV five Squad still operational in the AO okay they come I think they're pushing they kind of r what's the play here it's rotating out that way we probably go out low I have two smokes all right let's get moving got one here nice take the load I'm going to smoke that for you yeah let's go let's go let's go on me on me on me on me ah dude freaking shock thing oh no way get hit by a shock stick bro for uh it's Connor this is why Joe and I have issues sometimes is because we are both meant to be igl's do you want to go push up top wait let's go push up H yeah yeah we can nice 23 knock that guy up top there H I'm going to play I'm going to play play gas here I've got durable how did that hit me nice one of you all should IG out on top on the roof keep arguing L out yeah I saw him broke one no way nice play gas if you need to [Music] ah good try only dude I keep dead sliding beyond belief I don't know keep your head up return to base for like if I don't dead slide around that corner I think I'm fine you don't get shock yeah the freaking shock stick bro I'm literally so chill in there if that doesn't happen I hate those things just cuz like you they're uncounterable that's what frustrates me about those all right I got to fix my so I'm at 3266 uh let me let me try I'll try iron sight uh TZ I'll see how it feels are we going you saying like bri Brewing heavy under I imagine where is my where's my Bruin I I have a favorite where is the Brewing heavy support on this what am I am I dumb I don't think I should have lost that either where's the Bruin heavy support why am I not seeing it I passed it am I blind oh there it is gosh I'm I'm dumb sorry I'm an idiot what is igl uh in-game lead so basically the person who is making the coms okay I do chadis is bringing this up and I do agree I think Joe both you and I are trying to ig to an extent and we're kind of conflicting and I think it's just one of the things where we both can do it but we kind of have to like when one makes a call we have to like accept it and go that's fine I think cuz I think there's just times where we're like uh uh just taking too much time to make decisions is there one in particular you could think of I mean I I just like we were like like kind of like are we going low are we pushing this team are we pushing that team um I think I think the issue there really what happened was we kind of got into a weird spot because there were so many teams around us and um you lost load out which is not your fault by any means but when you lost load out it was kind of like we were down a man um I don't disagree but that's where I think zip is the move there you zip far I agree I think we got farther away and that might have been worth it of being like come back to zip and let's go kind of thing hold on I'll be right [Music] [Music] back okay what you turn yeah rad yeah yeah hi noie you know honestly maybe instead of on that uh MTZ maybe I should have ran um uh like high grain hey off get no sge go out of there let right your I have not yet Aid I have not that's coming coming a little bit later got with us with us 100% enem I'm pushing over to you guys yeah that guy's all the way back that's last one on this team I got to get a gun here UAV over I didn't see anybody Landing Police uh portable come down we can go loot PD yeah I'm with you hog who have you been running with little bit of everybody my buddy Roy and Molly I don't know if you know either what are we at 8700 what is this this read note what I got a torpedo W free kill yeah just Chuck that bab Hile do the damage for you Hile Guardian let somebody beats it oh I got another one uh we're super close we need 500 bucks we got it all right throw hit the g I got sounds good Conor appreciate you have fun here somebody take one of these I have mortar already yeah I got a PA and a mortar that was my second mortar somebody all right let TR I do have double portable so portable Radars yeah yeah nice looks like straight ahead yeah farther in I just saw one low in this building I'm pretty sure green ping yeah yeah in this building low side yeah yeah I'm with you yep on the by on the by saw me up plates he's one I got down with my uh thing up top bunch of people straight across here got my kill low at a church got your finish up top one low Church we going low church or right yeah let's go Church go Church CH Church okay those guys those guys saw us for sure okay yep upstairs stairs down get your Taps yep tap I got tap watch these guys back behind us here you can kill them hog you can kill them just getting $1,000 right right on the uh roof right across from me I'm moving up here yeah one right there yeah watch right side nice right above me right above me okay yeah yeah yep yep lit up a little bitu he's in here he has like a weird spot in here with a planing in dead I'm getting lit up uh I have a I got shot but I am safe down in the street he's not sing UAV cap if you want a cap where right here one flying in above watch higher left side Lots up kind of uh between us and keep yeah we can run that way yeah yeah go toward our hog I got flashed yeah watch team right side a little bit right acoss here down tap hog you can get pull this I should that might actually pull wait we're going with hog Landing in landing in we pull that yeah we did we did we did we did okay hog with you keep going to hog yeah we're good oh flying in flying in back behind me here I'm going to take it I'm taking one yeah go ahead go I'm I'm with I'm with I'm with we can we can also get a UI here at graveyard nice get Taps team at team at uh teamate Tower popping requesting in my location uh we can push this Tower team I have a I have a mortar there's two more than one team here yep yep yep I'm mortaring below below below yeah he's looking down below I'm down I'm down got him nice tap hold on we can res we're going res got you still here yeah more got to be above I'm pushing up pushing up other side wait this is uh this might actually be a good Lobby above above above above above my Chase my Chase broke oneing com another one I'm down other yeah nice come on this has got to be like a 300 plus here Counter UAV overhead let's keep playing smart over right side right side let's fly Castle yep down or church yeah yeah I know what you mean yeah these guys got to be up top here uh yeah right on here right here I'm getting a little closer one's right in front of me down I got taged he should be in one should be re behind M down tap tap tap tap tagged tagged a bunch nice uh we fire C coming here in 1 minute let's pop a bunch of uis okay by the way I do have a ghost V so like we get they're not going to expect three below below me below me no I fell I'm coming down I'm coming down I'm coming down I got yeah he's right right on the corner right side bro broke bro down yeah down did we all get Taps yep yeah up top here up top here up top here up top here green ping there's two yeah follow Joe's follow Joe I'm I'm I'm I got your cover I'm smoking you dang I'm working around left and getting in here Joe yeah hit coming around behind behind me behind me behind me dead uh below you yeah on his body body's dead one's chasing me I think if he chases yeah above above above above above down and more another one high up Tower another one Tower's down Tower's down nice another one another one another one another one another one Tower pa pa pa right on I'm in Tower I'm in Tower yep I'm right behind you jumping jumping towards Winery on me 20 down yeah one flying in one flying in above dude I'm getting trip no slow down here I ran out of ammo station out of and then I dove on accident that's the one time where hybrid has messed me [Music] up 15 got 10 for hog and 15 for me yeah just stay put do we have a we do have a load back in graveyard yep I'm just going to fight my way out of this yep yep all right hog let's go regain at the load oh yeah yeah I'm out I'm out I'm coming more towards Jo all right I'm going to just stay alive I'm going land back on this Tower there's loot up here Hile Resurgence window ising all right I've got someone else's stuff but it'll work there's there's loot up here for y'all you guys can get guns and perks and stuff and then we can yeah that load not actually a load it's a load it's just not save UAV we can potentially we can yeah land with me and grab these guns and stuff and then we'll figure out from here do have 11k uh we have we have loading money um we can go to the graveyard by and probably get one all right ready to rock graveyard by uh yeah okay have a yeah I don't have plates or anything yeah I have a bunch I have a bunch I have a bunch here I'm going to drop money and then I'm dropping plates there's three here's three here's another three or three more ples right here I got I still got nine so take it okay you got a load right here boys load right there all right th we going where we going um let's wait for Zone's see 10 seconds let's chill here for a sec whole team in Tower for sure yep just chill here maybe let's uh check check our let's go zone go zone so going right deep right here let's go Zone uh yeah yeah I'm not for that Supply rest adise you load up where we going oh that's a great we can go Reta here yeah yeah I'm down One landed One landed we can land across and fr this guy down I got tags another one above above above above the guy's one I'm not going no I'm smoking and just resetting here we can stay up here although we're are in a really tough spot here uh he's on like the heli he's he's right on the heli we're going to be in a tough spot with that Hill straight ahead of us here can we want do we want to go get it now I'm getting looked at right yeah now yeah Focus okay nice that's nice okay where do you want to go Joe we want to I we're going to either here or across we can go across we can't stay low uh I got you I got you I got you just get in here and then I'll give you stuff right side yeah yeah yeah on roof on roof on roof yeah down roof down roof I'm pushing up top on me on me one one he went in plating and running another one below above me gosh dang it no I what in the AO only 10 left unfortunate unfortunate all good that's so unfortunate that's so tough that's one where like I don't think we can go Hill early because like we want to be Hill but I don't think we can go early cuz we'll never be able to hold it yeah no I agree I think the play excuse me the play to move up there was the right play it was just we got caught off guard I didn't realize there was a whole team already there should okay so just thinking through this is there any thought to that like hindsight being 2020 let's learn for the future that we late rotate that along that wall and try to kill the people like let's hold to the left or right the same direction to the to the right so let's go back let's get load out let's go back to the um to the tower hold everybody rotating in and we ride edge of gas keeping everything in front of us on that wall and then we should have we should have that that uh that high ground on the Rock um potentially you have to late rotate you can't early or else you're going to get shot from every direction potenti to late rotate on the edge and just hold people out I my Sr is bugging I just went the sr's yeah I just went down Sr I think somehow and that was definitely still something's bugging with my Sr bro I don't know how I just lost that gunfight I'm like in disbelief I kind of want to go back to the HRM I feel like I love the ram HRM feels good but the the Sprint of Fire gets you sometimes I'll tell you what we were cooking there yeah we were so the comms were way clearer that game way better like decision making on and um T when you C like igl style I think there are times where you are like there's a team left versus like let's go left right CU I'm like I so give more clear like we're doing this uh oh you're saying instead of being like there's a team left be like let's go push this team left right let's go left with hog or something like that okay cuz I'll see team left and team right and then it's like okay I see team left but are we definitely 100% pushing that and which I'm okay to you know at the end of the day it's just pushed something chat what did I have that game did anybody see what I had two death got it yep tough end game uh two death I turned the corner I saw him I was like oh no 13 six place my Sr I'm going to leave my Sr because I overwrote it does your chat prefer Fortune's keep or vond uh chat what you prefer hog what do you prefer I haven't had time to track man the the games have been queuing so much quicker I haven't had time to the only reason I need to like take a second before I queue up and log probably right now is cuz we're stacking it is impossible almost impossible to solo que like solo Trio that was a good game at first my highest kill so far is only like 38 on this nice only jeez man hey have you the new hybrid slide mode um yes Tyler I'm actually using it right now thank you for that Dono but yeah I'm actually using it right now I like it overall there's been a few times I've accidentally hit it gentlemen but by one kill so it doesn't really count but thank you for that uh too though Tyler but yeah I would I think if you can get used to it I think hybrid is probably better so it's like it was like a whole new map for me for most of my chat saying they like FK better Resurgence stay alive to keep your good zone for town for your I mean we're playing Super well tonight right behind I don't know where enem one's like yeah there I got I still don't have a gun bro what what F I just got what it just killed uh R up on us your squad redeployed above I just got sniped from marnia I'm pulling up they're down uh kind of right in front of you Joe too enem dropping the AO landing on us behind us down ene niip uh mosquito from yeah on a roof I got to go I'm dropping down dropping down Joe you're muted by the way uh uh armor box armor box we are very close to load out money we do have a team at PD sniping us currently stream might have just lagged for a second we're back we're chilling yeah we need a little bit more money dude that team down there that team it freaking is has got the sniper and snip me from Narnia dude I was like how did I just lose that gun fight watch kill okay my I I know we're we're just between all these teams we need a little bit more money wait I got uh we need one crate and I got morar I got oh I can't do it friendly strike inbound oh he's right herey yeah I see him I see him he's down down down down finished confirmed yeah yeah yeah we have it we have it we have money on by money on by us there people on us people in our building above us 100% another one another one another one yeah another one another one another one another one another nice nice absolutely insane who wants that for Tik Tok rock paper scissors um all right load out load out load out load out load out you got it Conor with or snooky with oh God SN with the to thank you had people like FK I love you wait you're saying you like vomor P I'm uh I'm down I we need to get rid of this uh counter he's one he's one second floor okay I'm flying on it I got sniped I got sniped down another one above below two below two below me I'm pushing him from bottom wait he's camping in the bush camping in the bush down all right let's go get a UAV and figure out where things are we probably need to work up higher Town yeah on us what where sorry that your footsteps were so loud holy SM yep money on bu I'm throwing armor box I have enough and then and I'm yep oh let's work up to the right top right here like Overlook area got one down below on the edge and then other are higher up uh this we're going to get pinched here we're they're Landing they're Landing okay Landing right below me uh out on the water here down another one down there I have another guy on me one one farther back below me I'm I'm separating a little bit there's a solo back behind me I'm pushing I'm pushing over with you I'm pushing over y I'm ping back to Y he was like Down Over Yonder somewhere might be going to zip oh there's a tunnel here I'm staying High Ground up here fine there's a zip right here I don't know where I guy we can zip and then go back to top Overlook yeah yeah let's go take zip I'm landing Overlook yeah watch I don't enemy dropping in one flying in right here down below I'm landing on him yep he's one right here I him I'm he y hog you want to tap this guy no kill him kill him okay uh below y'all yeah in front of he's running away he's going to take zip he's going to take zip nice ni 10 in the field make sure let me tap hog um we can get another U you can't tap you couldn't tap there I mean I guess you could have left him alive but that's not worth it back towards PD team at towards PD green ping let's pop I'm going to drop money quite good enough for that yet I'm dropping money here let's pop a UI on the way then go push that over do we want to push this to solo here real quick might as well get your Taps get your Taps get your Taps here get your Taps here gets here you got them Jo all right uh let's go fight top town here let's go get let's go uh to the rooftops from church and then we should have really good angles on all these teams on the other end of town yeah yeah uh close on me coming to my rightish on hold on I'm not on I'm not on yet people across live ping cracked and people Landing in over there as well Bunch below me yeah left side left side left side left side left side left side side okay heard whole team rolling up rolling up like right in below me here I'm pushing back a little bit to y'all yeah this graveyard team is just sitting on head glitches here okay got high alert in the back I'm going up Tower enemy Inc [Music] onof he's on the roofs adjacent from us here Joe I got one I got one I got one no literally he was all the way up there grave have Zone here we have lots of holdes from graveyard here let's go push this graveyard team let's go third party this let's go two let's go third party there's one yeah I'm I'm going cracked One cracked one they're just trying to smoke out pushing right right right side multiple two knocked one y got your finish one ran around one's deeper out here to the left as well deeper okay let's be careful deeper yep all right we need to start let's get this guy and then we got to work back there's one underneath we can leave we can leave him we can leave him let's leave all right that's fine let's go let's work back let's work back just play position here z uh yeah Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip I'm coming move to the safe Zone how far do we have to go do we just go Overlook yeah yeah yeah M here I'm going to land low yeah one further back one further back on the wall got him got him got him got him helping helping helping G that was really really really FY on my part I just haded to throw dble here durable here but another team another team another team I'm here he was all the way on roof on roof okay he's straight above me here we're on roof we have a roof KN hel hel hel H yep jumps he jumped down ow a over here over here push in right now yep yep yep behind the truck mhm down Joe get tap nice got him we just got to watch people rolling up for oh do we want to rotate this let's Joe let's or yeah let's rotate this like late hold this top as long as we can I agree there's uh people Landing uh back at the Town by where's this counter get this tow out of here dead [Music] want on the roof wa UAV hey I'm throwing out Munitions up on roof Munitions on roof okay team right here uh Stow some smokes if you can I have five smokes top of the tower down on top Tower down top Tower there there's 100% people over uh green ping where's this counter get this counter at yep green ping green ping top roof down nice good shots sh uh I I feel like there's at least one more from that area the safe zone is far from your location let's wait a little bit if nobody comes then we'll roll uh yep yep left left left left left down we're dead dead dead we're good all right uh getting still getting another one yep y yep shooting dead nice good shots guys okay let's let's move up here let's keep this High Ground as much as we can let them I mean they can all fight y get that get away away nice they're right below I'm just can't fall down here that's the one thing is that least two teams down there yeah watch and then keep an eye out for the towards the tower on top Tower jumping top Tower jumping top Tower what the freak uh still right below us to our left live no not live yellow ping the the tower out to the right is what I mean the castle tower everybody's down low yeah yeah let's play this SM and keep our high ground here right here right here right here on this roof swimming swim swimming swimming swimming swimming down left right right side right side right side right side yep looking down below down below out left deep left team up by the team dud I down deep left I dude I hear the footsteps yeah they're like right below us just keep height here I'm going to I'm going to get ahead early here uh uh balloon balloon balloon balloon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah down two solos two solos War Al last one's get Taps get Taps get Taps if you can one left one left one left everyone try to shoot this guy if you canone get wait wait no guy hold up uh did you get him Joe yeah yeah okay nice boys dude nice boys good stuff good stuff clean game all teams extraction is inbound get hooked in and stand by here s good stuff ladies and gentlemen that's going to be like a that that's like a 350 Sr game kind of mod dummy mode dude 30 every single kill was assisted almost yeah that's what we want that's beautiful oh my gosh it is a beautiful up curly uh we still got another hour at least we're vibing all right got into Plum let's go I'm I'm P we're going to push freaking Diamond tonight for homie over here all right 36 how much uh how much Sr did I G that that one 3687 oh yeah 3687 minus 3410 I get two7 I should have got more than that oh no never mind that's right 277 277 that's right that's right that's right all right let me log this game oh I can't see bro yeah I can't see my re you know what's a lot of fun chat how much did I have you just you don't tag anyways that you died is what when you don't tag anyways that you died cu cu you don't have to exactly uh Bren are you in here what did I have that game guys we were IG Ling there but but the coms were so clear that game no no no not that game that game I I've been trying to back off a little bit yeah I don't think it's an issue of whether like who is it's just one person has to take lead 100% agree all right I I have zero death I think so what was anybody see what my damage was guys there were definitely a lot of times where like I saw one thing you saw another and myage 4800 roughly we'll go with that time with one 50% time with the other and it's like yep yep something about me baby I'mma Be there for somebody love not having to log How I died this the chemistry boys it's like we never left like we never left hog did you make an account yet on GG's no I'm going to tonight okay you guys want to run tomorrow tomorrow night uh yeah I'm streaming tomorrow night so yeah I've had a lot of people say why is it Joe streaming I don't stream yeah I I honestly I'll tell you this guys I sometimes just need a night of just being able to play some video games I don't get many nights like that between everything I got going on respect we get it sometimes it's fun just to get some offline gaming in it's much easier to lock in you don't really gota true um I don't I kind of feel like I like the Resurgence that would been epic I'm I'm going to go back to the scope Bond I think would be epic Bond would be the best map to do this on 100% you could split so much more on vond I don't know if I agree with that you'd be able to you don't think you'd be able to split so much more people would just I don't know I don't know how better chance of you could you have a better chance of one V3 on vond than you do on Fortune's keep I promise you go play solo trios in pubs for an hour and you'll quickly figure that out maybe trust I promise you I wouldn't play solo trios ever dude especially now that ranked is out all the well that as well but even solo quad you can solo quad on bond oh that's all I do solo quading on Fortune's keep is good luck God speed better sit on a rooftop sounds like a k i mean it's just the truth I mean I haven't play to be honest I don't know night today saids on fortun keep is stupid and I don't know why I would ever play and if Knight says it I mean that's true if Knight says it that is I'll take that all right have it again I'm going to grab this uh you get a bounty okay being byy and I love hog when he when he gets the giggles that that laugh I missed online that laugh is the best is freaking out except if people around me uh retunda and oh wait I just heard footsteps on me I got people near me okay I'm pushing over you on my roof and behind on on our ledge you can just take it I'm dead I'm dead on me on me no I just oh this gun didn't reload going to the full team the full team just yeah just regain here oh my gosh I freaking canceled my reload or something I think T get you speediest way to get load out if you can land on the most wanted it's nice where we regaining Church P you how many how many so one I would just I have an ISO 9 coming up coming up one down low one two two teams two teams two teams station I'm I'm going to FL for you guys St what is this electri drill huh one bottom floor out front hosti wait we might be able to sneak to graveyard here load out I got a plate I got a plate you can really not see that the Groot skin dude still kids are so bad too I don't have ammo T you want me back in on you or you want no no just get out there's too many here I don't have ammo yeah just regain this go regain yeah that was a lot of teams there oh guy straight ahead of me there I'm going to go toilet B ready there's a team there hog yeah you're getting chased from graveyard Joe all right in the people farther my left here at Terrace's yeah I'm going to push across here and like I swear that wasn't on the map until um y all able to get me or do I need to Blade I'm going to try to get you I got I got a team on me that I'm working right now oh never mind all right we're in the blender of this game boys we just got to we got to we might like float for load here Lo's going to come here soon once we get Lo we'll be fine you got reinfor I'm I'm going load uh nah One landing to my left I got it I'm I'm going back I'm going back towards like Town yep I I'm just going to kind of work these people I'm just going to work back here and get there's a bunch of people over here towards me I'm just going to play my life for a little bit okay are up get hosti guard see anybody though bunch flying in on flying in on loady on Lo cracked one this is that team that's been pushing us I think I have no ammo though enemy soldier incoming B Landing here bunch here bunch here my gosh you can't see with these smoke grenade you have another one one's down sing behind the track I don't have another smoke all right this is the worst game we've had so far I'm not going to lie straight ahead multiple multiple there I'm running unemp [Music] here all right I'm I'm just getting out of there we got yeah I'm just getting out of here I mean there's so many there I don't know what's on the other side of the map I'm going to [Music] uh I'm going to go like out here and try to loot that's not a bad spot this is where I usually land to be honest with you but I like to we have enough we have enough we have enough okay yeah buy right below us okay here we go boys come on right across right across from us let's let's try to buy real quick here uh drop drop money and I'll get it I drop cash we can buy we can buy armor uh armor too yeah yeah I'm going to throw it back a little bit here yeah uh I got armor box and I got M as well I'm going to drop one of them for you guys to throw yeah yeah you need going down okay let's [ __ ] okay we're good s extra smokes we can buy portable radar if we want to yep I can do that we got zone is moving so we got to go here soon yeah get to the got Port yeah I would save until we just get at least a little bit closer to Zone yep see if we can figure out where this team is yeah they're in they're in they're in throw it now okay HTI UAV over that just one yeah let's get up ahead and work maybe back from be from height is it just him I mean oh on me he's pushing above above above above above down at me I thought we flanking around my bad no you're good you're good you're good he's tagged I just don't know where he is one on one on height on height on height on height one shot on height yeah I'm chasing One On My Level jumping for me down down this guy nice nice there we go yeah that's what we needed 25 left stay Sharp F uh we do have enough for UI here we got another long rotation yeah do we want to get sves instead fire C fire cell I'm getting a self here here drop get get a self and a UI if you can you got oh there's no more self revives in there we can work all right um wait straight ahead of me uh where somewhere I thought I thought for sure footsteps could be wrong let's keep working up here a little bit did we get UAV no no no we have enough uh we can go up uh here and buy and Ground Zero if we want to go down I don't know if I want to do that though no I did not want to go down moring down there um uh teams teams are going to be coming from Terraces easy holds that we can go push position up here and hold this to the right yeah yeah we got that load out to the right side yep yeah yeah let's go like up here a little bit and get a good vantage point and start holding on edge of Zone uh on on here right here right here okay I'm going to play a little bit further back just in case UAV ene drop in drop in behind us behind us behind us down right here right here pushing you pushing you pushing you uh I see I see yeah yeah yeah down he's yeah yeah yeah he won the tower right on me I'm not with you guys it's you two above me above me I got to get out and pl here a little bit we might need you to come up a little bit there's so many around us I'm riding in this corner all right all right on roof on roof on roof we're just you guys are out of Zone technically okay okay uh I can smoke you hog hog I'm smoking you I'm and I'm coming back to ja these guys are still Tower these guys are still Tower here UAV over yeah we one one right side here oh multiple looking I see see still to the left Tower as well they're going to have to jump very soon left Tower is jumping they all went to church on me on me on me on me looking looking you got PA jumping towards Joe let's go Focus towards Joe go Focus toward Joe there's two teams here I'm stuck on the Rock I'm okay it's all three yeah yeah yeah we also have the team back to the left here I don't know where they to the right here to the right one shot in one in the tower or one in the building right there land behind us at graveyard one behind that yeah one one got M yeah I fell down I got to my left here wrapping left on me do we want to just dis this keep this keep this keep this smoking to my left here we'll buy you back we'll buy you back we'll buy you back straight ahead well just zip behind me I'm just getting in here cuz I'm I'm like at one plate close on me close on Me Maybe yeah yeah right around on me landing on me one down below there we can go buy hog back I got smokes okay I am out of smokes Landing in landing in one yeah two in that building two in that building here I'm I'm putting money on the by Jo I need your money yeah it's on the bu it's on the bu I got a portable radar I'm thr it down yep yep yep let's let's clear this building here clear clear with me Joe oh that's just bad timing he just he waited and waited waited he was just sitting down low on the roof nice out to the right here too close you guys are going to yeah come up come up come up with me Jo or hog you can play building to your left side you can play building to your left yep like this one right here uh-huh uh-huh more more to the right team to the right up here on this building I heard far down roof be careful there might be people in there enem I'm throwing armor box watch the team across watch the team across pa pa pa I'm going to I'm going to rotate I'm going to rotate the guy that's PA hog you have a team to your right side yeah there's one like right in front of here I'm pushing up hold team hold team hold team two down one more behind me in gas in gas in gas in gasu no I need hog to push that bro there's all three there squ still operational in the Ao no I didn't you're good hog every might be everybody down below you watch PA left in the war zone stay alert 1 V3 maybe shoot that counter h there might be a zip back behind you I would not fall down nice you might get pull here no it's going to close kill or be killed watch that zip they're going to take it zip let's go hog go nice hogy good clch baby got your pause we're inbound now good stand perfect example of we were in the blender that game but you can still regain and come out on top yeah Hog's the SR King right now common hog W what up out of the box but see okay so see here's the problem that is a great example of why mini map P or the Precision air strike should not be on the mini map because hog has to panic a little bit more if he doesn't know exactly where it's going to be yeah but I don't like that bro I I would much rather it be the way it is now I would be okay Lally looked at the mini map said I can stand right here and pre- aim the zip he the the Precision did that's the only play they can possibly make is to Precision that and get out of the way you know what I mean like what else is he supposed to do or what else are they supposed to do um how would you get out of that situation so I think I think the the proper way is I would like it left as is but uh make it so uh like the PA comes a little bit faster maybe so like you still know be I think it should be a bubble instead of a the direct path it should be like a radius oh so like it doesn't it could be here or like maybe it just it just like pinpoints the center but it doesn't it doesn't tell you what direction it's going ah right maybe yeah or something that is like less predictable of this is exactly where right hold up I'm going to log first cuz I've been struggling to keep up and log all right Nine Kills how many I died like three four three times at least what do we think three hey to everybody in tab's chat saying I got carried don't forget that I was the one that bought hog back so yeah I think I got 100 let let's see if this accurate I got 130 Sr according to that and I was keeping us alive just in case they died on the backside in zone so that they could run wild or actually be a little bit more aggressive that's funny respect the SR okay so ways we died there multiple enemies every single box true C off guard um is there didn't have a gun or is that an option like didn't have loot no uh I think it's in the works okay uh where did that where did that game end Ground Zero all right I'm one Sr off of diamond 3 no no funny one one off what okay I think I do like this MTZ build the best it's nice I could also you know what I might try I might try my Ram build but with the compensator but I still stand by like what are they supposed to do nothing what if I do this no but like like realistically like there's nothing that they can do there they should have all pushed once they sent the PA that's the only thing that they could have what if I do that like all three up the zip well one's already dead you killed one pre PA nice yeah I this is only my second night being able to play I don't know if I want to run that though but that is the only way I could have seen them winning that is all three of them PA Ram with Co that oh that Barrel you know what I'm going to keep running MTZ I feel like I'm lik in the MTZ I didn't save that hold up let me save that are are we queuing yeah yeah say looking for four people okay okay okay need to save this build BR hold up I'm getting hot chat I got to take the shirt off not the shirt but the hoodie it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes it is getting so hot should have put me at the halftime performance chat I don't know I feel like sometimes I love the ram but the MTZ definitely feels like a beam Mt mtz's just been like probably more consistent I know it I it would have let me save that blueprint when I was trying Abid it was bugging for me if you were a Luchador what would your name be if you were a what a Luchador what is that Mexican wrestler oh um El Capon I would be the flea the what starting to get goofy thank you Among Us um Yeah by I think lesson learned from that game is don't I don't feel you need the BFB though don't what I got like a gig raade and was a little flustered so not fully locked in so that's okay yeah but you you redeemed yourself the flea redeemed himself oh I see what you're were saying Harry oh it's the worst synaptic when you're waiting on that that's the worst should be El n I'm not I'm not I'm not poking the fire Snookie no John I don't use a control freak my right analog stick is just naturally taller it's like built like that so it's like the equivalent of a control freak but this comes built in with my aim controller and we got the four paddles on the back got the digital Taps all that good stuff aim controllers go have Most Wanted there nobody's around War yeah I don't want use a jack BFB I don't like how the the long pings I don't mind the Zen because the pings are so short Resurgence survive and your team can deploy eliminate targets to right I agree Zar all right Mark a drop point for your and go get after it good Paul how are you man bunch of people Overlook I'm going to grab Most Wanted enemies are dropping into the where is this thing contct right here I got it a eliminate threat Supply time of the contract H definitely people push up pushing up pushing up coming from P yep what the what am I getting hit by bro the heck Hile they're definitely in here yeah I'm hanging out here with you behind me or two iuck him I stuck him I stuck him uh one atpd we should be done with his Most Wanted very shortly and then can buy yeah done done done done done yeah byy bye by by one still at PD station money on by I got high alerted from the left side somewhere all right after this let's go clear out PD or actually no no let's just work up to the tower area yeah let's go work up to uh where that scav is Tower oh we got to find that I know where that is got it yeah let's keep let's go work up to overlook and then like work down on these guys yeah whole team Overlook you you ready to get involved ni ene the has takter and Theo is Plaza hold up whoever that is thank you mosquito mosquito mosquito watch out UAV one dude I don't know they had they have U up oh not like this not like this we lost that one confused how this guy knew I was there this guy aimed like perfectly aimed right to me throwing grenade unfortunate all right first negative Sr game happens that hurts I don't know that was I would have I I don't know no UAV was up clue um I died to a guy camping oh actually I have the motion production nice he is doing the bad thing you ran into that guy today really kind of wish I I kind of wanted to spectate him that was a little interesting I don't know it's all good whatever all good yeah it definitely looked sus I don't know if I I can't I'm definitely not going to like jump out and say that guy was for sure cheating it just it did look a little weird though but anything can look weird so it's too hard to say it's all good all good do we want to change it up and just try to uh a new drop spot I think we're playing well at now oh we are I agree also sty thank you for that too um Joe Snookie said your takes are good and Theo is good what is that what does that mean can you interpret for me um that probably whatever your takes are in terms of like your random things you say and my son is better than your son got it nice yeah I agree with that my son uh doesn't have thumbs he has Paws oh unfair Advantage well technically your son does not have even your real son does not have thumbs yet it's valid he's he's he's a swimmer still yeah I kind of feel the same Harry I don't know hog you alive over there after losing Sr yeah I'm good let's do a new drop spot let's let's just learn a new spot we should have learned m multiple spots I might have to veto that one okay hog you have a spot I mean okay I go graveyard for the most part go graveyard I just feel like my only thought is we've been playing really well we have been 100% I'm down to keep it and keep it going we've been playing well uh XT Point headphones David smells like up dog s exactly best swimmer out there [Music] happen yeah right now I feel like the top ranked players it's more of like who's playing more not 100% who's the best a little bit I mean you you absolutely have to be really good once you're in top 250 to consistently rank up like you have to very consistently be winning games or you're going to lose Sr uh we got bounties on what Finn anybody grabs it from there is no 40 round mag for the MTZ unless you do the bug which they patch for rank you can't do it in ranked mode yeah pretty uh apparently that whoever that user is it's like rank number one is is like a confirmed hacker cheater oh Paul just sometimes they are and then it'll go public for everybody else Paul not sure exactly when the next one will be though I wish Conor was here Jo just said let's rock definitely people W eneo the AO heads up an enemy squ mared you as a bount Target hostile mosquito is online hostiles deploy the mosquito hostile has been deployed I'm a counter in there for money enemies deploy Counter UAV I got nobody at uh police I don't hear Too Much around me so I think we're good in the immediate area we're close I'm going to loot police real quick okay one more chest we got it it's by yeah getting sniped getting sniped from uh top Tower I'm going to need to like smoke this or or nice nice uh top Tower top Tower green Tower I I uh justed him I have no here how does that not get the full kill I would love to know you probably might have fell down or that are res uh you want me to throw it I'm going to throw it back here um kind of thinking about grabbing that Bounty and going to push them I have another counter let stay away from Tower team All I Got U in Pocket all right all right let's get up maybe a little closer towards Center town and then pop I'm going to grab this armor box real quick yeah go pop maybe if you can actually do you have the armor back uh I see it I see it I see it I see it we can push that right side yeah roll I'm a little behind though SC yeah this guy flying gas counter up down oh dude I didn't know he one right on us dead on me on me coming another one I killed grumpy but not grumpy hog uh yep her dropping money on by I got it I got it I got it UAV y requ all let's go Outlook uh sorry out look let's go Overlook here one guy and then to the team to the left oh yeah he's right in ours uh multiple multiple multiple he's backside you jump yeah yeah jump jumped out in the water down down yeah there's I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going popping dad I do have portable here they went low oh I almost jumped down we want to jump I'm yeah let's go let's go right here right here welcome to the promis land baby uh we can take zip oh no we can't uh isn't there a ladder or something up here yeah yeah there's a yep flying in come on drop little rat right above those oh he's broke broke broke one one one nice sorry uh I'm going to get ammo and then another one Landing kind of close bro bro bro we can buy UI here yeah yeah yeah let's do that uh sniping across right here live t drop cash on y yeah yeah uh I got it I got it I got it no no no yeah yeah I got it I got I got it I did drop cash my loation hog your over here One landing on La hog One landing on you hog cracked oh literally one HP oh my God there's another got that one two more two more above here yeah one's down okay nice another one's right ahead here in the back yeah yeah one HP on the stairs literally one he's sniping okay oh I don't see him anywhere I don't know where guy went either we don't have UAV money we get a portable bunch of people shooting backside graveyard getting shot for oh on me I'm dead getting chased I just lit a little bit grabbing a portable radar yeah throwing it nothing besides this guy these guys might be ghosted gas ising in I'm not with you hold on he's got to be low low HTI cracked above me one HP one HP on this guy Dead uh below y'all right below yall like here green ping and then Landing uh on the edge I don't know where I'm going yeah I get lost down here dude we just want to push up or we don't want to go for it let's team watch watch the left side hog watch the left side hog let's go let's go up top uh over yeah yeah people pinging green Ping On That B uh hog get this uh self hog are you you're mut by the way by the way no no no you're good there's two back okay they just zipped up yeah yeah uh green ping green ping green ping uh like near Lighthouse let's go push that dude I can't I can't gra yeah yeah there's team up here 100% team up here 100% okay I'm working my way I do have PA down one down one down one crack the other one pa pa that yep I got left side if he jumps uh he's back side of the building here just one ping maybe one's ghosted though watch watch uh Watch Tower of Lighthouse he went like this direction green ping I don't know where he went watch Lighthouse watching yeah sniping down low Lighthouse multiple snipers I believe right side low Lighthouse station PR fire we U shot from all the way uh wait higher left yeah people up like green pish UAV up requesting fly same yeah one right on Bounty cracked up [Music] there do we want to try to fight our way out of this yeah let's get out of this let's go uh we got we got to fight this team to our right we got to fight this team to our right UAV one smoking you broke to the right yeah there's that team up top is shooting us too I'm just stuck here I'm just getting out of here I'm just getting out of here yeah he's on me you stay sharp chunky pants seems a little weird yeah it's interesting I didn't see anything [Music] yet enemy soldier incoming uh you should be to hit Lo getting from above you got reinforcements INB there people did Ping low like I think in the tunnel right on me right on portable yeah on you y yep down nice uh backside is alive backside is alive deep left cracked I just got instant from up the hill up the hill and over yeah yeah I got I'm I'm going to Mur them justlo oh we are getting in so bad here station above you people above me yeah I'm just going to chill here yeah the end I'm going I'll work towards Lo cuz that's probably the most logical for you guys to work towards supp yeah there's no way we're getting loaded no okay yeah right the9 T can you work this ZIP over here no you can't that's it up top here I'm with I grab that okay right here to the right close down hold that guy might have guns up to the left up to the left watch your left side Landing in uh deep right oh on me on me he's going to push cap he's going to push uh I'm looking I'm looking at you wait maybe behind me gas ising in I'm moving back around yeah yeah so weak I'm getting look at to the my right your's in the safe Zone oh behind you behind you he's pushing I know wait no this guy this guy's yacked up bro what how how did you see me close one I know maybe that was just bad luck you want one more team to die yeah you made it to the top still now all bount T destroyed hell of a job gas is moving still operational in the AO one off top three might be able to Lo low yep it comes oh top three three squs left in the war zone stay alert dang it that's fine we'll take it bro those end zones where it's like in the ground part are so weird this is it do or die guy going to clutch no that guy had 16 kills that right uh he did have 16 kills okay Shadow one is inbound for extraction yeah it's all right we got a decent placement since we got third there it's not bad 3970 what is that what's the math on that well we hit D3 Baby [Music] W 3970 153 all right we had [Music] 10 no the guy last game said some really no no words to me man how many times did I die chat did I only die the one time or did I die more than that it was the fell that I ripped out of the sky did I just die once we get third what I say my Sr was you really can get a lot of free picks out the sky if you keep an eye out for it yeah I two and a half seconds two and a half seconds Spa protection definitely some good aim [Music] kills which at that point you might as well not even some good move kills there uh let's see ways I died multiple enemies that was really the big thing all right that ended think should be in this round zero they definitely should have one shot cuz like I last game got like two bail out throwing knives like bad like where I was dead and just this might be a good one there's a lot of CH up and I think I just died once at the end yeah I would agree a it I wish it would show deaths that would be much more useful information I agree I agree chat how quick question uh are you guys enjoying watching ranked versus me playing pubs is ranked uh more is ranked started just like a good viewing experience like I feel like it is like when I've been watching streams more lately like other people and I normally never watch streams I've been like very enjoying watching um I've been enjoying watching rank streams a lot ranked is more fun prefer it you enjoy it ranked me something okay okay cool good to know I mean we had we've had great stream numbers tonight we've been uh the majority of the stream have been above 500 viewers and we've been in the six 600s for a bit too is that accurate though Harry I feel like that one's bugged that one always seems unaccurate all stations green light we are deploying to the war zone I want that bir ready inates what's up uh is itot probably r I'm going go with that that Zim for sure I got you yeah I definitely want to play some pubs cuz I want to snipe but we just got to rotate this early I'm been really liking let's let's change it up then let's change it up let's we can go we can go here I'm just really close to and I'm we're good I just don't know where we're going to rotate from here like Winer is a a just beyond chaos H nobody's here I we can go might Flo in L though yeah definitely people up at keep HTI guarded I got people close to me here okay yeah you got across you at keep UAV over I'm good I'm good wait I don't know I hear like I hear somebody close they need to take MW2 ground loot out of ranked or very close money coming landed at keep uh we got it let's go by grab bount uh yeah yeah yeah got it yep we probably got to go push that after this I Dr cash I got it I got it too you have an our marks or you need one no I need one uh we do not have enough okay I got four PL yeah I've got three all right let a row let's maybe clear from High Ground here wait wait crate in here we can grab we can grab armor here okay enemies deploy Counter UAV uh drop drop cash I'll buy armor box enemy hun you sh horrible buy behind you yeah they're out uh at [Music] Pier let's work top I grab portable yep yep yep work top I have a PA going zip might be people here yeah people here uh where on left side yeah yeah yeah I see I yeah I see I see I see I did that first are they low low I think they're down low yeah yeah we can drop down in here I'm with you ene UAV where is this where are they bro where are these guys UAV over here I'm going to drain the water enemies are dropping into the the one just landed I don't know what we're doing here I don't I don't either we're we're find the now oh on me on me on me down give me tap debat I'm going back up boys yeah I'm going back up too yeah yeah I'm dead no don't do that this guy drops on me he dropped I think no I'm out I'm out I'm out H mosquito is online okay I'm coming I'm coming friendly you got reinforc inbound friendly load DRS on the way definitely people here yeah yeah yeah above us I think maybe me I'm going to try to get my Lo I'm going to I'm going to take height here up height with me hide with me one HP I don't see him I mean you're alone I got him I got him I got him yeah yeah down below me in the main building here broke broke bro down down down yeah I got that right you hog farther up oh watch out mortar Bunch people down here okay I'm coming I'm with I'm with if you want to go let's go in here in here multiple team hold team hold team down one that pushed out on you I got I got a dip here and reload one went down one dropped outside on me yeah one's low low I still hear these guys yeah I think they went I think they went low let's go drop down low they're in here yeah yeah down low ah no wait a weird angle on me cover enemy in the you might be able to save me here are you serious man go no no no I'm not with you I'm coming I'm just backing off this people definitely still near in Winery yeah this is why I hate wineries yeah it's weird to fight that is just the I've died the two radest ways you could die man for the right side h on our load out te all right let's go help log get his uh get hog get his load out um I'm [ __ ] with log down below here T what yeah with multiple multiple multiple in they have they have a claym Wares in here bouncing betes in here in this door do not come through this door okay I'm back in off this this is off landed back top I got my [ __ ] all all right let's go like top Winery I'm gettinger in the back pretty sure people down low Winery but there's so many weird angles down there people definitely in this building whole team on me oh my where did these guys come from this is why yeah no we're we're learning it's all right we're good HTI guard islo what you want to do I got one one shot hold on hog I'm going to are you down low I'm going to land on you yeah down my gone no I'm dead these guys are going to chase me I'm dead dude how are you not Dead Alive I'm going to die here you might be able to come back hun them down dang it bro get him back bro yeah okay we're avoiding Riner there's literally a my k watching The Kill cam there's a whole team just sitting in a corner in one of those little back rooms no you're right we're we're boarding wiy that's literally I had three deaths from kids sitting yeah no Winery there's way too many rat spots there I didn't die to one that was such a guppy Lobby too I didn't die to one good player every single one of them was a bot minus 18 T 3 what do you think about the MTZ round 40 round glitch uh I mean I think it'd be nice if you could use it to be honest um okay this might be LG for me yeah probably same let's just end on a good one here um I mean you can't do it in ranked if you use in if you use it in pubs I mean whatever how many times did I die twice I feel like uh that was definitely one of our worth games of the night what was it minus 18 ways I died uh enemy was camping multiple enemies we and then let's see we went keep but we ended all right so note to self don't go Winery yeah the hole in the ground definitely is the an L for Winery I don't like how you can drop down there like that I don't like some of the time like the I don't know it's weird your hard stuck Diamond you got lock it in my guy I shouldn't have talked about my Platinum but it's only my second day plan no Joe's not live right now okay let's go back to basics boys yeah we'll go we can go back to the town drop there I know it's unfortunate Harry it is unfortunate geris says he might be in our lobby all right gtis come to the top of uh church here where you at gtis sniping that's crazy that's wild Gus nice what do you think about the MTZ 40 R&D mag Tyler thank you for that too man yeah I mean uh I don't I mean if you're going to do it in pubs go for it I don't think it's that big of a deal but you can't do it in ranked as far as I know where you at gtis come over here bro I'm tempted to run uh iron sight MTZ with like high grain or High Velocity probably high grain okay let's rock boys let's let's end on a good one here yep H did you lose it or are you still there Sr grab your War zle hot on all threats watch your ass down there yeah right now Cameron HRM has been my favorite I mean there's definitely some really good options toloy teames I got you going to pull here see what we find see if we can land on I don't know demon I don't know man uh team left at big building I don't think anybody's here with us okay Bounty targets identified weapons free friendly Counter UAV is online I'm going to loot uh police okay got a armor box I'm going throw armor Box by The Bu we are very close got it all right I would say let's get load out and roll Bounty trying to get cash flow enemy station deployed I before they get load I do have Precision yo what do you think about going from here and taking the zip and landing on him can do that dude why won't it let me it won't let me buy why it's weird yeah let's go take zip and try to land on these guys all right I do have PA if we need it samies that whole team is green pinging I'm going to land a Jay actually I'm going to land up I'm going land High Ground guy right in front of me here enemy incom Landing in landing in landing in one down there down there yeah watch PA I got shot from oh I didn't see it bro I can s but I'm going to get mored I never got my finish goty must ass Sal in front of me here all right let's group up here T there's definitely people in here yeah yeah there a over here yeah down below me a there are multiple in that room nice nice nice right here no there's he right there yeah yeah the we do have enough for UI here yep let's do that where are they oh straight across straight across straight across stra oh y y I can't I can't freaking I can P or no I can't won't let me little behind you hogy yeah I'm not with you yet all right I'm with you now wait maybe drop down below drop down outside I think towards ja to the right his team right down one shot above you got a load outop inbound br br let me tap that one sec tap him T tap him uh up to the left by the by uh like under pass Ground Zero we have enough for U here want yeah let's back off and do that first we can get multiple U actually sou already got got two yeah yeah I'm I'm going to buy and pop on on Ed Zone Ed Zone yep dud one's ghosted they have a Betty in here bro oh my God there's no way [Music] where's load out we got to probably rotate that way yeah I'll uh he's one literally one BL was good for me I got it that guy's one hog like literally you guys kill these guys back here no one's still in here I think I think there's more than one I think he's ghosted yeah we got a bunch of people to our right side that we got to worry about too hold on I'm I'm I'm almost with you here one left for sure I'm here with you okay where did this guy go below me yeah on here got him you get up there yeah I shooting out ofy uh let's let's get in zone here yep I feel like we got to rotate far whole team all team on gasing I just P it if we want to push in zipping zipping landing on me landing on me yeah he's right on my roof yeah yeah down knock that guy another one on me down yeah one more up top I did not get the full on the first guy I'll get it oh he uh he res Dead uh back by the by here kind of right by our Loadout right by our load out it's right on me wait there's one up top here t cap one right here he should be right on yeah above you nice Hy where you good still one more on me okay he had to R we can buy UI here y I'm going to get a self uh on buy station over this way uh I don't see him anywhere he's got to be like floating floating Landing cracked deep right oh he one to the right here out in the open out in the open down where is this guy multiple down there watch watch lighthouse we got a long rotation yeah let's roll let's roll let's start wrapping do we want to wrap left here wait straight ahead on us across the street and over left side under me under me t t we got I'm coming okay okay okay I'm coming right yep I can tap I can tap I can tap all right we're good we're oh dude no way them down people people on the tower to my left coming coming coming yeah yeah I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here oh my God I have no aim assist one on me another one on me dead nice higher from across on me on me on me somewhere maybe below not sure yeah it sounds like below we've still got to get yeah on me close right behind this uh wall another one down yeah just out to the left behind this little building high alerted from across too I got tapped there down below highered from like Castle y we have Z we we got to get moving let's get moving wait fry this guy fry this guy fry this guy 1 2 three go down nice still people behind us we can just get ahead let's just get ahead yep yep yep yep yep yep yep across uh I don't have I I SM I'm dropping down low I'm dropping down low I stayed up top okay I'm stuck help me in the in the broken broken and roof no y pushing up behind us yeah okay I got to try to get to you guys I just I don't have smokes across I'm down below themg hased no more he's on me over here pretty sure supp rest ad load up I'm coming to y'all I mean we do have to row we go far right towards L far right 100% wait wait uh there was there was this hold on hog yeah yeah give me one second give me one second I got uh Port uh Recon I don't see hold on a lot of people across I don't see anybody Winery unless they're like cold blood incoming to the right land on Tower all right let yeah just rotate just go just go go wait wait there's nowhere for us to be over here we there's nowhere for us to be can we play off this wall we can play off this wall Ming here we're chilling we can play off that wall just we don't have to rotate right now we can chill back a little bit make sure nobody we should be oh back behind us gasb yeah I'm with you watch big tower here mhm watching highl right uh buy back deep right and then guy floer Sho guy in the air ready one two in the air straight above straight above nice watch out there was a kid right in front right on this Watch Tower here torpedo to the right there's got to be a team D to the right here getting higher left Watch Team to the right team to the right just broke one he might wrap no we going de down nice okay we got to move up a little bit come on give us here please give us a Zone pool I have one smoke for rotations I've got one you're in the top keep knocking them out operational in the nice huge yeah huge okay our biggest threat are they are biggest threat is going to be people coming up from the right there on that yeah yep yeah looking looking another one up here green ping green ping keep in mind we can pull back here there's going to be a team deep right on us most likely smoking across got PA got PA got to move got to move on on the on the Rock This Rock like our life dep on aine three squ left in the war zone stay alert okay pushing left left that guy's dead I got help I got help one on the truck one on the truck yeah looking I'm going to play roof closing pushing on us to the to the side of this building nice 3v3 coming in rotating late down one down two dead other one's uh behind the track yeah behind the track he's help behind the track yeah yeah he's got a p nice good game guys way to go out with the Banger good stuff boys Shadow is for on nice clean game freaking W rotating uh well because it was a glitch anyway but apparently they pass it for rank [Music] pushing is that perfect I don't know I think I had one death that game sometimes job requires quieto your thunder huh what's up one kid hog carriot hey Hogs hog on well long range sniper okay keep your fires lit got a world more work to do good stuff gentlemen GG's pun the spot and then and we rotate early and we just kind of I also think like it's very clear get U up in the games we don't uh yeah having good cash flow yeah like we're just popping and pushing yep I'm at 5283 of 5400 at 41 169 I'll take it I mean it's only my second day of playing ranked tell you like one thing to keep in mind that I saw somebody tweet about is like we've got 51 days of ranked true it is a it's it's a marathon not a Sprint no we got a Sprint to top I mean how far are we off top 250 uh uh a good bit no no no we're good we're good we're good a good bit yeah we're like I I'm only uh I'm only 10,000 or no 7,000 what is what is 250 like 12K uh 1254 12549 is the cut off right now so I'm 7,300 away not even uh what was my Sr 207 uh we had great positioning good plays good call outs smart ways that CH uh I don't know if I died I think I died early on I'm trying to think what happened I don't remember how I died that game all right town where did that end wi Winery was GG's fellas GG's yeah tomorrow night let's get it sir push for Crim for you push for deep get into yep yep yep yep all right boys GG's GG's GG's my all righty boys uh good stuff appreciate y'all great stream we great great numbers on the stream by the way I I I mean I really enjoy ranked having a lot of fun with it um having a lot of fun with ranked right now yeah it's tough to play ranked with randoms curly very tough to play ranked with randoms man how do you use rotational aim assist just make sure you're always strafing you're shooting G gez demon Avid clue also what's up pegs uh next M night we I don't know if we're going to do it this week maybe probably next week we'll shoot for one probably next week we'll shoot for one me uh yeah probably next week probably next Friday I am having a blast with ranked right now man this is the most fun I've had in war zone since war zone one and be honest most fun I've had since war zone one it's been really good really enjoying it um yeah absolutely yeah the that would be the only the only downside to ranked for myself is it's it's harder for content purposes for me to get like Loadout game plays but I could definitely still do like some breakdown games in range cuz like we had two high kill ranked games um we'll see but I'm I'm enjoying it I'm having a lot of fun yes absolutely Harry that would be I do need to figure out more ways to incorporate content around ranked I need to figure out that out but no for sure I'm having a lot of fun did Harry yeah let me know if you have ideas cuz I would love to incorporate some stuff for that that would be huge all righty boys much love to everybody have a wonderful rest of your night let's go hit somebody with a redirect if possible because we got 400 people in stream still let's go let's go show some love why not um dang no none of my regulars are on streaming that I normally redirect to let's see if we can find anybody else um Lumberjack Samurai is playing ranked who is this guy let's go Lumberjack uh he is 4K subscribers he has 11 oh yeah let's go raid this guy he's only got uh he looks like a smaller streamer he playing ran oh yeah okay we're going to go ra this guy go show some mad love if we can he's playing ranked spam the TCAP raids in chat some emotes and stuff if you got them all right guys I appreciate you all have a wonderful rest of your day or night we'll be back tomorrow night with the more ranked so uh don't forget to make your account on gs. if you guys want the best loadouts log your games track your stats all that good stuff lots more of exciting things coming into ggs in the future so appreciate y'all we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: TCaptainX
Views: 11,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty warzone, warzone, new warzone, warzone 3, warzone live, warzone stream, warzone update, cod warzone, call of duty, new call of duty, tcaptainx warzone, warzone tips, warzone meta, best loadout warzone, tcaptainx meta, tcaptainx, tcaptainx stream, tcaptainx live, fortunes keep, fortune's keep, warzone ranked, fortunes keep ranked, season 2 warzone, resurgence ranked
Id: 4o215U2M-u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 273min 57sec (16437 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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