🔴 NEET 2024 Exam: Live Student Reactions from Center! 😱 Exam Insights & More!

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and we will be capturing the reaction of students how was the physics part chemistry part bio part we expected really good and let's see what is the student re parents are waiting outside the center you can see all right okay so my dear n Warriors first time first time we are going live and we are the first channel on neat which are going live wait for the students to come we will be interacting with the students and let's see the reaction ready for examination and we have Rashi sir outside the Bangalore Center of your need examination capturing all the reactions capturing all the reactions rash sir can you hear us for exam your daughter came for exam can we have interaction with things going on there he might not be able to like like how much uh did she preparing like how much time did she was preparing she preparing around 10 to 12 hours okay so did she took any coaching self self self self study so this is what is happening outside your exam Center parents waiting out there and our teachers are on the site and they are talking to each and every single parent there and within next 10 minutes within next 10 minutes all the students will be out and we will know the fate of your neat 2024 examination students is everyone ready yes parents are okay so one thing is good that the paper has been completed on time that means that you know there were no issues at at least this Center and we also got report from the kimbur center that the session was completed no discrepancies so who like with whom you came I came with my niece here She Was preparing for last one year now okay and uh like did she took any coaching or self stud she took coaching in coaching Center okay great so you can see here lots of crowd came outside so sir so do we have only parents students have not yet come out parents are eagerly waiting Pap is almost done yeah yeah paper is almost done the students will be out any moment now the parents are anxiously waiting you can see the you you can see the eagerness the anxiety in the parents eyes isn't it ma'am exactly they're all waiting for the students to come out and I think now they will be out in any minute of the time they will be out and you can see the students reaction live students you'll be able to know how the paper went and what is their reaction was the paper easy all of that sir will be letting us know from the Bangalore Center yes the crowd is amazing so we will be interacting with the students once students comes out we will be having the interaction with the students their reaction such a big moment for the big moment okay so we just need to make sure that when is talking we cannot talk double voices are coming yeah so uh oh my God look at this gate this is the gate from which the students are going to come out guys any moment now you can see the security guard oh we have the first student coming in oh my God the first student has come out of the examination Hall sir if you can capture the reaction looks like he's a to okay everybody so um so how was your physics part physics was a tough part but yeah I could manage biology was easy okay and chemistry was moderate okay great how much you're expecting uh in today's test nearly 6005 that's a good uh marks thank you great uh is there any rank you're predicting college so vantu has its own rank predictor and college predictor so you can just go through the website and you can check after going home all the very best thank you wow that is incredible 600 plus the first student coming out of the hall and look at that Joy on his face you can see coming this is crazy we will be having interaction with student okay so how was your exam uh it was good you know it was good yeah how much you expecting around 500 around 500 okay uh how was your physics part physics was slightly tricky but chemistry and bio were really easy okay great so is there any previous questions that you have seen in the exam previous questions were there two three were there okay and uh like any rank you expecting or college um not sure about that not sure so vantu has like vantu will release the Solutions in the evening you can match and you can also see the uh rank predictor after your score and college predict prediction yeah all the very best for your future physics was tricky biology was easy initial reactions these are the sample set is very having interaction I feel by the May most students enter now and we will know the actual Reality by the students who are right now we learned that was a little tricky but biology was a cakewalk right sir very true okay you can see students coming out one after the other one after the other oh my God we can see some students are really nervous they really don't want to talk maybe the paper was bad but uh some students wanted to talk that is crazy guys that is crazy look at the sheer number of students exiting out of the examination Hall and this is your vant need English Channel who went live first in the country with the reactions this is unheard of yes I think very soon we'll be getting to know what the exact you know questions were and how many questions have come from the high weighted chapter so students paper analysis will start very very soon we are just waiting for some more reactions of the student because they are still as told they parents also are in a hurry to know how the paper went sir anybody else trying to give us paper reviews okay oh my God there is a stampede like situation the oh my God this is crazy everybody wants to get out and like probably chill and eat some Pani Puri or something exactly that's they have been preparing for two years and now the day has come and now they're out of that situation what all the thoughts that may be processing they want to talk to their parents parents they want to talk to their teachers so we are having one student with us she just came out so hello what's your name my name is okay how was your exam today it was fine like the bio had lot of statement based so it took time in BIO like there were lot of theology had statement bit lot of statement okay so there was any like previous year questions that came previous year questions question chemistry was fine um physics uh like chemistry had a bit of calculations like like huge otherwise except that it was fine but yet overall the paper had lot of statement based like lot of statement based statement one statement is the pattern of your examination so how much you expecting exam I'm not sure I have to check that so can you just tell me easy moderate or difficult how was physics physics was like very easy like it was just like one one like one one numerical type okay uh but there were statements based questions which required a bit of like logical reasoning okay and uh and nothing came physics was fine like the calculations any out of syllabus questions any out ofab questions any any out of requ lot of like accuracy and speed uh what about chemistry chemistry was uh for the balance and bio part bio was fun like uh it was lot of statement based again like and some questions were a bit of reasoning type like two questions I guess but apart from that everything direct ncrt based like everything was just so actually vantu will be releasing the Solutions in the evening you can match and it will be live on the YouTube and after that you can also calculate your uh score uh your ranks and the college so vantu on the website you'll get the rank predictor College predictor okay all the very best for your future and Sir any out ofab inter with one of the students and still students are coming any out ofab my name is is p pan P so pan how was your exam today exam was moderate I can say that it was paper was moderate it was moderate so how much you are expecting in today's exam I'm expecting above 500 above 500 okay so uh tell me easy modate or difficult how was your physics part physics coming to physics part uh it was easy compared to chemistry I can say that it was easy so I can see students are saying chemistry was bit difficult as compared to physics what was your biop part biop part zology part is easy compared to Botany so that we can solve the S great uh and uh uh like did you took any coachings for self study self study as well as my college gave me good coaching okay great uh and uh one more question like what rank are predicting and marks are predicting any out of I said right I'm expecting above 500 okay so after this after going take rest and you can have in the evening we will vantu will be releasing the solutions you can go through the solutions and whatsoever marks are getting you can just check uh vantu is having its own rank predictor College predictor so you can check there right so all the very best for your future and eventually everything will be better all the very best thank you so much sir can you ask stud that if there was any question out of syllabus because syllabus has been reduced right any out of syllabus questions were repeated so students by the present reaction we know certainly that there were zoology was much more easier compared to botney but let's see what our students did because this is how we are prepared you for botney right hi hello so we are having another student with us let's come this side what's your name smsh patil how was your exam today nice sir very nice it was good why was nice uh who taught you I taugh the bio part okay so what about the physics part and what about the okay how much marks we expecting approx 500 plus 500 plus marks is expecting and uh so all the very best H great okay so it seems like some of the students face problem in let's meet with there was lot of statement based questions okay yes um and lot of students are leaving but then some students chemistry okay so how was your exam it was fine it was fine yeah how much you're expecting today I'm expecting about 500 above 500 okay so tell me what like easy medium or difficult what was your like how was your physics part physics part was I can I can say like it was in between medium and easy between medium and easy okay and what about about the chemistry part chemistry also goes the same and bio part biop part was easy it was easy okay and U did you took any coachings or self study yeah I did took coaching you took coaching okay and how much rank you're predicting College you aiming for actually I cannot predict my rank because I don't know anything about the procedure okay so see one thing I'll say uh just after going take some rest evening we will be releasing the solutions on vantu channel so you can check the solutions whatever marks you getting you can check with the help of vantu rank predictor and college predictor so it's there on the side you check there and all the very best for your future everything will be eventually better to learn from it I want every single student out there watching the session I want everyone to put fire in the chat because I want you to be prepared for your next examination that is going to be your need 20 examination quickly everyone in the chat fire in the chat to let us know that you are ready for your next battle yes ma'am so it's a very happy news coming from all the centers not only from the Bangalore centers from all the centers we are getting to know that biology paper was easy only some of them face problem in assertion and reasoning but we have to know from Sir Sir was there any questions from deleted topic am I audible that is what we want to know right ma'am any topics which has not been thought or not in your syllabus and question might come sir any topics from deleted syllabus I think sir is trying to hear because lot of noise of vehicles right lot lot of noise of vehicles yes awesome awesome yes excuse me uh what's yeah what's your name s okay how was your exam today so nice it was nice okay how much you're expecting in today's exam I think 170 a total as a whole okay so you have taken any coaching or self study no okay all the very best for your future thank and with will be releasing the Solutions in the evening you can match and you can accordingly check your rank and your college predictor is there on the vant website and all the very best I'm so happy to see their relaxing faces exactly I think sir is trying to talk to more uh sir uh was there any question from deleted topics I think there's bum so we are having bumika with us she came out after giving neat exam and how was your how was your exam today it was EAS it was good how much you expecting in today's exam um 580 plus 500 plus 80 plus 580 plus okay that's a good one how was your physics part um actually for me physics is not that easy but it was better uh chemistry it was too easy it was easy and bio obviously easy okay uh is there any question which came from previous year uh I think so one from physics but it was related to the other chapters okay and completely out of syab is there any question in the whole paper that was out of syllabus in physics chemistry or bio I don't think so no all of them were NC okay so in the evening vantu will be releasing the solutions so you can check it out and also vantu is having rank predictor College predictor so you can just go and check it out on the website all the very best for your future inocentes so happy so happy yes I think all the parents are you know you know coming and picking the students up and they're very very nervous and excited and yes yes please and I also got to know that a lot of questions have come from repeated topics and previous year questions interact with more students okay okay uh you are done with the uh you just came out of the yeah so what's your name shamas okay so how was your exam today excellent it was excellent he's very happy and I'm also very happy by his reaction so uh tell me how much you're expecting in today's exam uh inshallah 650 650 that's a very good score and uh tell me uh in the level easy medium or difficult how was your physics part I do not expect that chemistry this much is easy okay yeah I got some much easy questions in chemistry was very easy and physic more than physics chemistry was easy for more than physics chemistry was easy okay great good to hear this bio is bio is also good too good good great and tell me uh which college you are aiming for inshah BMC oh great amazing amazing is there any question which came from previous years no I didn't pyq no first year me okay and any out of syllabus questions came no all of them were from syllabus only so in the evening vantu will be releasing the solutions on the website on the YouTube V you can go and just check the solution whatsoever score is there you can put the score there is a rank predictor College predictor vantu has its Rank and college predictor you can fill the score and you can get which college you can get and what will be your rank okay so all the very best for your future eventually everything will be better right great guys we are just getting to know that many questions how was your exam nice it was nice and how much you expecting starting from you what's your name k oh how much you expecting oh no sir I had to check okay uh what's your name what what how much you expecting above 500 above 500 grade many students have said above 500 grade 550 above 550 above so uh how was the like paper physics part chemistry part bio part bio was leny okay easy but easy okay you can do it okay uh chemistry part compared to last year this year was easy chemistry physics okay okay is there any question which came out of syllabus no sir no not really okay and previous year questions came this year yes yes okay so U vantu will be releasing the Solutions in evening on the vantu need Channel you can go take rest after going take rest H relax and just check your uh Solutions and then whatever marks are getting you can put V website College predictor and rank predictor is there so once you put the marks you get which college and what rank people will be all the very best for your future of cabus everyone is saying that we are predicting 500 plus smash the like button because we the first ones to go live with the student reaction and the paper analysis and the paper analysis is for all the students who are joining in New biology was very easy B1 squeezy Biryani squeezy and chemistry was also easy physics was easy it was not very difficult many questions got repeated from whatever we have taught no bonus question was the paper which came today in need 2024 and what I received from the student all the students that uh physics part was easy chemistry was much easier and bio part was also very good so overall it was a very good paper and most most of the students are saying they will be getting more than 500 few said they will be getting more than 650 right so amazing I'm very happy to see my students will be rocking this year yes so guys if you are also happy about the neat paper that has did in 20 the like button uh you have given the exam today how was the exam it was easy it was easy uh chandan how much you're expecting around 450 plus 450 plus okay uh you have like in appearing have given the exam or you have taken any drop I have taken one drop one drop okay so um how was the exam like physics part easy moderate difficult uh physics part was little difficult uh the chemistry was moderate biology was okay and uh all the very best is there any question which came which was out of syllabus I think uh no sir uh no sir only one question I think uh one question was there that's all one one or two questions okay that's and previous year question also came previous year maximum questions maximum questions came okay so uh after going you can just check uh on vedantu's YouTube channel need Channel you can check the solutions we will be releasing the solution you can match and you can get a score whatsoever you have done in the exam and according to that score you can get the college or rank prediction so that college and rank prediction will be available on vantu website okay all the very best and then right eventually everything will be better guys we might have some important news which is coming up very soon stay tuned on the channel I am getting some credible information from some sources regarding something which is completely unnecessary we might go live very quickly stud came out we had interaction and what whatsoever interaction we did with the students was amazing like most of the students are saying they're getting 500 plus some of them are saying 650 plus so it seems paper was really good and we are hoping for the best thank you so much thank you so much ramashish sir I mean ramashish sir our vedantu offline teacher from our vedantu Learning Center is live over there and looks like this looks like the center is empty you can see the security guard out there the center is empty all the students have just come out of the center that means the exam was conducted on time oh my my God and we are getting probably some breaking news coming we will be sharing the paper and solution bre news coming in breaking news coming in that the paper might have been leaked first time in the YouTube we might be telling you that probably the paper might be leaked if this information is credible I'm just getting to know from my sources that the paper might be leaked if it is true we are coming up live right now stay tuned on on the channel so that was your vantu student reaction which we went live which we went live right now we are the first ones to go live so make sure you are subscribed on the channel you're also liking the video because there is very very important news which is going to pop up very very soon and if and if there is something which is very important and something which is breaking will be coming up live at that right moment so daa ma'am any any any credible information are we getting it we are checking it okay fine great great great so that was ramash Sir we were there right from the time the first student exited out of the studio and uh till the last student you know probably left the studio as well great great great so my dear Warriors that was your student reaction remember in the link of the description box you have the 2025 neat batch let me just show that to you and as well as the rank predictor tool which you can use so let me just show that to you by the way this year in 2024 more than 24 lakh students more than 24 lakh students have written the exam last year it was 18 lakhs before that 17 lakhs the number of seats have also been increasing like you can see on the screen right from 79,000 in 2019 to 20 2023 there were 88,000 seats and now in 2024 we have 91,000 plus seats how was the paper level the initial reactions tell that it was moderate to easy it was not at all very difficult so remember last year it was little bit difficult and so on and so forth you can see in 2019 the paper was also moderate and this year the cut offs might actually go up if the paper was easy and many students that we have been interviewing have been telling that the paper level was actually easy and they found it easy to score above 500 to even 550 marks that was what the initial reaction looked like and this were our vandu Toppers last year, 1500 plus students cleared neat examination in 2023 and that was a phenomenal results right from students who had dropped or even attempting it for the first time scoring anywhere between 700 marks 680 marks 690 marks those were the vantu Toppers we need to see what is the result going to be this time what do you think about it do let us know in the comment section and a lot of students even before that thousand students in 2022 had cleared the neat exam last year it was 1,500 this year hopefully it is more and and we will tell you more about the exact level of difficulty once we analyze the entire paper but before we Clos in remember your captain Shas and your shimer are going to come to Ana nagar Center and also to madurai center vantu learning center to help you out prepare for your future should I take a drop or should I not take a drop should I take this Branch should I take that branch is this college good or is this not good sir I have you know some uh desires to become a doctor my parents are not allowing me to take a job bring in your parents me and Shimon sir will be there on Tuesday and Wednesday that's day after tomorrow and at the day after that right in Ana nagar Center and the coimbator center so this was your paper discussion session which is scheduled right now right after some time we will go live with it and this is your amazing neat Warriors team who is going to discuss it and remember for neat 2025 students that's your Guru that my dear Warriors you are going to you are going to recommend this channel you are going to recommend this batch DNA D for Doctor n for need a for aspiration yes you Aspire first you prepare for need and then become a doctor so that's why DNA badge the link is there in the description box talk about it let your Juniors study from the best teachers for the next one year and if you are planning to take a drop this bch is also for you okay so that is it from my side my dear Warriors I will I I will tell you more about the updates regarding the paper leak very very soon bye-bye this was Captain St signing off as salista
Channel: Vedantu NEET English
Views: 37,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vedantu neet english, neet english, vedantu neet 2024, neet 2024, vedantu neet english 2024, neet english 2024, vedantu, neet, students reaction neet, live neet result reaction, neet ug reaction, neet exams result reaction, after neet reaction, neet exam reaction, neet parents reaction, neet parent reaction, shreyas sir vedantu, basavaraj sir vedantu, neet 2024 exam level, shreyas sir, neet 2024 difficulty level, neet 2024 students reaction, students reaction neet 2024
Id: Hne4z1IZb68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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