🔴 LIVE - Top 5 Signs You Absolutely Need A Hip Replacement Surgery

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hey everyone it's dr david here nice to see you all here live with me on youtube uh we've got an excellent topic here we're going to talk about if you need a hip replacement or not i'm going to cover the top five signs that i've developed here for determining if you need a hip replacement or not now this isn't designed this this information is not supposed to replace going to go visit your doctor and going through the the formal process of everything but it's some great information a good starting point points to decide on your own at home if you should go to the doctor there's a chance that it's going to get better and by the time we're done here i'll be able to walk you through all the the different signs and you should be able to decide if you need to go to the doctor right away or if it's uh or you need to stop and wait or what you should do next as well i'll be talking about that too um and then also type in the chat here if you can hear me just say hello in the chat tell me where you're from that'd be really nice too and then um if you have any other questions whether or not it's related to hip problems jump in on the chat as well and leave us a question and i'll get back to you on that so i've got about 15 to 20 minutes or so before i got to get back to patients here and um i hope to have a good time with you here so let's get into it this this whole topic comes from uh one somebody that commented on our video his name is cesar perez and he said what is your sign when hip replacement is needed that's what he said and how he said it and so the number one sign these aren't like in in um urgency order this is just the first one so they're not a particular order the number one sign that you need a hip replacement is that you have a loss of motion in your hip joint um and the way this looks whether you can tell on yourself if you've got a loss of motion i'm gonna just tip the camera down here so you can see my hips if you pull one knee towards your chest and and this is your your good knee your knee that feels okay and it doesn't bother you in the hip but the other side it just doesn't go as far this side goes this far and this side just doesn't go that far it might even start to hurt in the hip joint right here then you have a loss of motion in your hip joint and what this is a sign of is that your hip joint surfaces the ball and socket of the hip joint here are not moving the way that they should because there's some bony block inside the the joint here so the ball sits inside the socket and should be able to move in there smoothly but if you can't go the full range of motion you're blocked somehow it's a sign that you've been getting too much pressure in the hip joint over time and it's starting to to block you from going through your full range of motion hey michael m thanks for chiming in hello from georgia we're in texas howdy from texas so um related to the first sign is hip joint locking that's the second sign if your hip joint locks and the way this looks and feels is it's not just a you probably already have a limitation of motion but your hip joint gets stuck like you're moving along and then all of a sudden your hip gets stuck in this position and your other one can move just fine but it's painful to get out of this position your hip wants to stay right here or vice versa it might get stuck straight and you can't quite bend it one way or you can't rotate it either it just doesn't it stays stuck in this position you can't quite get it to free up most people will kind of shake their leg loose a bit it's painful they have to hold on to something for balance and then after a few minutes they can free it up in extreme cases they're going to the hospital and that's where they're getting an mri or x-ray and finding out that they've got severe hip arthritis that's what sets up having to get a hip replacement so that was number two hip joint locking go back to my notes here all right number three is not being able to tolerate walking or being on your feet standing for more than about 10 minutes at a time even shorter than that like five minutes the more the more severe it is the less time you're going to tolerate standing so if you if you've been up on your feet to if to wake up in the morning you go cook a meal you go to the bathroom and after 10 minutes or so you're just like i need to sit down or if you go out to the store and you find that you're leaning on the shopping cart quite a bit or using the the motorized scooter and you can't tolerate being on your feet for very long that's another big sign that you've got some severe hip arthritis now it could just be flared up hip arthritis it may be that you can flare it down and make it better but if that consistently happens to you and that's been going on for some time like more than three months then there's a high likelihood that inside that ball and socket joint of the hip you've got some bony changes that a hip replacement might benefit you might benefit from getting a hip replacement for that all right let's go on to number four here and chime in with questions please if you have any questions about this topic getting a hip replacement or any other topics all right number four is getting getting pain at night so having night pain especially if you're getting it every single night then that is not a good thing that's that means that your hip joint is very flared up if you can't flare it down past your windy i'll answer your question about flaring it down if you can't flare that hip pain down then your hip joint is is the surfaces are so not smooth or rough that you're getting pain even at night um oftentimes pain medication just barely takes the edge off it's waking people up at night and they can't get comfortable they're having a toss and turn lying on the side that that's bothersome is usually very uncomfortable and they just are miserable at night if that's you that's a high sign a high likelihood sign that you're going to benefit a lot from having a hip replacement now one more sign i'm going to talk about here um and this is the most important one in my opinion if your hip does not respond to exercise if you go try out exercises and your hip actually feels better then that's a good thing you have a shot at possibly improving these other four signs getting your motion back preventing it from locking so much sleeping better at night and tolerating being on your feet more but if you've tried exercises specifically for the glutes and other exercises we recommend in fact i've linked a video down in the description below that has the top four exercises to start with if you've got hyper arthritis go try those exercises out give them a good go if you have not benefited from them like you haven't felt a smidge better whatsoever please go get a hip replacement you have got a hip joint that's so arthritic that it's probably not going to benefit much from exercise and if you've been having trouble standing on your feet sleeping at night all the stuff that i mentioned loss of motion you're probably going to benefit tremendously it's going to be a life-changing experience for you to get that hip replacement now hopefully everything goes well in your replacement nothing bad happens and the good side is they are good at doing hip replacements these days significantly better than even just 10 or 20 years ago and tremendously better than 30 or 40 years ago so if you do have to go go if you do have to go get a hip replacement you're actually not in a bad position but i would still highly recommend doing those exercises that i mentioned in the comments below so that you can improve your chances of of recovering faster afterwards and then addressing the root problem because the root problem here with having to get a hip replacement is that you've got hip arthritis your hip joint's been getting pressurized too much because of muscle imbalances and you got to go start fixing those muscle imbalances in order to properly depressurize the hip joint and load it the way that it's intended to the way that it's supposed to be loaded so um i hope that helps out if you need to rewind and go back and check those um those signs that i talked about those are pretty solid ones and of course like i said go see your doctor if you think you need hip replacements get an x-ray get mri it's not the whole picture though the doctor typically takes this much time with you and they're not asking you how it is at home because if you have instances where you feel great where you actually stand up and you can walk okay you sleep through the night you're not in constant pain you have times where you're not that bad then you might be able to get away without having hip replacement and you don't want to jump into it even if you go to the doctor and they give you an mri or an x-ray and they tell you that your hip joints bone on bone or that you have severe arthritis you might be able to do just fine if you do the right things to flare it down and allow the cartilage inside your ball and socket joint of your hip to heal so that being said let's get to the questions here pastor when he had a very appropriate question here how do you flare it down excellent question cartilage inside the hip joint is usually what's flared up here the tissue that's flared up and it's because of that excessive pressure so you got to take pressure off the hip joint number one thing you have to do is get off your feet and minimize how much you're doing so that you can allow the the cartilage to not be pressurized so much now fixing the muscle imbalance would be the next step but you're not going to look at doing that until you can tolerate sleeping better at night being able to walk on your feet for longer periods of time and locking less in your hip once you get to that point then you're in a better shape to go start exercising aggressively to strengthen the right muscles and begin to allow that cartilage to heal fully so that process can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months maybe even the better part of a year like more than six months um but it really is different from person to person depending on their their specific activity their physical activity like do you have stairs in your house that you have to go up and down that might slow you down are you a smoker that might also slow you down too if you if you're able to just kind of be a couch potato for a while that helps out tremendously in flaring that hip down but once your hip is feeling better you've got to get up off the couch and start exercising correctly to fully resolve this problem so i hope that answers your question pastor winnie let me read the next comment here jude e bland hello as she said i heard that people who have one knee replacement that they will need a hip replacement within five years i'm hoping i won't have to do this as my knee replacement was two years ago i'm so sorry jude um that happens a lot and the reason is because of the muscle imbalances that are there the same muscle imbalance that sets up knee arthritis and people having to get a knee replacement is what sets up hip arthritis because those muscles cross both the hip and knee joint they affect both joints and just to show you how that hip and hip um muscle imbalance works if you look at my skeleton here this is the back side of the of the hip here so the butt muscles are over here and then on the front side here are the hip flexors and those same muscles the hip flexors they some of them end right here at the top of the thigh bone there's one in particular called the rectus femoris which is a quadricep muscle it's one of the muscles right on the front of the thighs that it runs down from this point right here all the way to the kneecap and because of its attachment and the way that it works it can affect both the hip joint and the knee joint down here and cause excessive pressure inside both joints then it's just a matter of which one's going to be affected first it sounds like in your case dude it was probably the knee but if that hip muscle imbalance was never addressed you had the replacement obviously so hopefully your knees feeling better at this point but you you might still have that muscle imbalance and it's setting up the next joint to be um destroyed you know to be arthritic to over compress it and damage it over time so the solution here is getting stronger in the butt muscles that's that's typically the solution here it could be abdominals as well sometimes there's issues to look down at at the foot as well but i would start with butt muscles all day most people have very weak butt muscles and they could stand to get a lot stronger and there's a cool reflex that once you start working the butt muscle and get it to turn on and work well and then get stronger it actually begins to shut down and not fully shut down but more so calm down the quadricep muscles in the front the ones that are acting like hip flexors and it allows the pressures to be normalized at the hip joint and at the knee joint and it causes you to use your body the way that it was intended to so that you're not overloading these joints in your leg and your hip and your knee of course so i hope that answers your question jude um if you're looking for exercises to start with go check out that video that i mentioned earlier it's in the link in the description below for hip exercises we've got tons of exercises for knee arthritis as well go check out our playlists on our channel and you can see them all organized there you'll find one that says knee arthritis help and that one's perfect for what you've got going on and a lot of those exercises apply to hip problems as well so you'll benefit from watching that as well all right next comment here and then we got to get going here uh ro rosa jaime says hi jerosa and i can't pronounce this name it's in a different language in english i'm sorry i only read english in spanish for those of you that speak spanish so if you want to comment in spanish in i just said i can answer as best as i can in spanish all right rosami says it i have hip dysplasia but no pain what exercise should i do same thing you know with hip dysplasia that just means the hip joint is it developed abnormally and it's not as stable as a normal hip joint is you have to compensate for your loss of structural stability with your muscles in other words get your muscles stronger so that you can get better stability at your hip joint you've just got to go there you need to have the goal rosa of having the firmest muscularis most muscular booty possible not just for aesthetics but for the sake of your health so that you can tolerate walking as much as you want so you're not dealing with arthritis later on in life you just got to maintain good butt muscle strength the gluteus maximus medius minimus and all the deep glute muscles need to stay nice and strong the rest of your life you need to just find out what exercises tire out your butt get obsessed with them increase your butt strength and maintain it the rest of your life if i had hip dysplasia that's what i would be doing 100 pastor winnie thank you it does great i'm sure i'm glad we answered your question pastor then we got carmen semaru my knees i'm sorry you're having any trouble carmen jude says thank you you're welcome jude and then zainab khan hello zaynab we've been seeing your comments on our videos thank you so much um you're saying after five months of cartilage injury i still feel burning sensation especially at night it is a new is it unusual or should i wait for healing no that's not unusual zaynab that that is um that means that you're overloading your cartilage somehow cartilage is an interesting tissue it's designed to absorb pressures but it can be over pressurized and it's its metabolism basically like like how fast it heals and how fast it becomes damaged is it's not fast it's slow and so the effects of healing are much slower you're talking three to six months or more especially for a weight-bearing joint like a hip joint so um you know if you had if you had an injury five months ago um you need to track how much time you're spending on your feet and notice when if you are on your feet less if you feel better in your hip if there's less burning sensations in your hip joints um then that's a good sign that being on your feet less and less should allow you to heal faster and then of course you have to play with it as you get as the more time that you spent healing without flaring it up then um you eventually have to load yourself more so you do have to spend some more time on your feet as you strengthen the muscle imbalances of course that's the assumption here then you should be able to load the joint appropriately and allow it to get stronger the cartilage will get stronger in a way that is going to benefit you for the long term so i would i would wait if i were you you know of course i don't know your life i don't know what kind of pain you're dealing with exactly if you're on pain medication it might might be a good idea for you to get an injection or to be on a pain medication or maybe you need to go talk about getting hip replacement too but if you feel like you can um back off your your weight bearing more like how much you're on your feet and walking around then that will benefit you it should benefit you so that you can look at strengthening the muscle imbalance for your hip joint to heal so i hope that helps you know if not please clarify here i have just a few more minutes here maybe two minutes yes carmen samaru my knees are bone on bone the doctor say the only solution to my problem at the knee replacement we hear that so much carmen um you know without seeing your x-ray and mri it's hard to tell you you know what the situation is and without knowing your full story too the x-ray mri let me just get on my soapbox here for a minute because we see this all the time in the medical field if your doctor hardly talks to you at all doesn't know much about you doesn't know what you do for a living what what kind of physical activity you're doing regularly um what kind of a exercise you've done in the past or currently doing or when the last time you exercised if they don't know that information and all you do is go get an x-ray or an mri and then the doctor's telling you you need a replacement i would raise my eyebrows tremendously put the brakes on before saying yes to the doctor don't schedule a thing and consider what's going on because if you have moments i mean even just one day a week where you feel fine or or it's not that bad maybe you do have constant pain but it ebbs and flows like it some days you have good days some days you have not so good days if you can find out what's making your good days good and double down triple down on that rest more or do the more of an exercise that benefits you figure out what makes you your your hip or your knee pain better then you have a shot at healing and maybe healing totally healing to the point where you can get back to doing what you want to do and just a side note on that side note healing is different from regeneration when i see healing you you might get an x-ray a year from now and feel fantastic having done all the right things and you might still look like your bone on bone on that x-ray but you might be exercising you doing stuff around the house being on your feet for a long time before you have any problems you might feel fantastic even though the x-ray doesn't look that great according to the doctor or whoever's reading it for you so that's that's what i would call a healed knee regeneration means that you're getting new cells in there and that's not a thing that we are good at yet in the healthcare field that's something that's experimental you're talking like stem cell regeneration there's other things too but you have got to i'm coming back to you carmen this is what i'm talking about you have got to take the time to do the right things and exhaust all those options go look at our playlists on on knee arthritis and and see exercises that you can do take the advice that we put on there put it to the test and comment back on our videos here and let us know or come come back on the live if you can and let us know how it's going for you because i if you're not absolutely destroying your knees and and you have some good days at least here and there i would bet money that you could probably improve it even more and escape having knee replacement surgery now that being said you might be terrible you might need to go get a knee replacement surgery unfortunately um but put it to the test try things out and don't be afraid to get a second third opinion if you need to when it comes to this procedure getting a replacement surgery of any sort because they are permanent and there's potential risks for these risks are getting lower as the years go by but there's huge risks for them and then in my opinion the biggest problem with getting a joint replacement surgery is that you're allowed to not fix the root problem because the doctor doesn't ever talk to you about it the doctor doesn't tell you that you got weak glutes they just look at the x-ray look at the joint and say i can fix that which is great that's what they need to be doing that's their job but it's not common knowledge to know that if the glutes are too weak or if the quads are too strong or if the foot muscles aren't operating correctly then you're doomed to get the neck surgery eventually down the line because you never fix the root problem for the first one so you need to address that please i'll leave you guys with that thank you so much for joining us live and if you're catching this on the replay um please drop a comment on here we'll get back to it as soon as possible give us a thumbs up if you haven't already friends and we'll catch you on the next video bye
Channel: El Paso Manual Physical Therapy
Views: 51,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El Paso Manual Physical Therapy, Dr. David Middaugh, signs you need a hip replacement, signs you need a hip replacement surgery, what are the signs that i need a hip replacement surgery, top signs i need a hip replacement surgery, top signs i need my hip replaced?, top signs i need to replace my hip, when do i absolutely need a hip replacement, when is a hip replacement absolutely needed, top signs hip replacement surgery is needed, top signs my hip needs to be replaced
Id: sfVfk4RCec8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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