🔴 LIVE: Shakedown WRC Safari Rally Kenya 2023

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[Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Caribou everyone welcome to Safari rally Kenya we return to a magical spot on the championship calendar we are almost ready for Shakedown to get underway we will as ever be bringing bring horse be our championship leader Cali Raven Pera we are set for a magnificent weekend I'm sure we've been here twice now in the past few years and we've seen some big dramas along the way haven't we we've seen lots of action out there on the stages and a good 355 competitive kilometers for the drivers to tackle this time around and there is calorov in Pera and yone haltonen getting themselves ready to go on the loldiest Shakedown stage which should be familiar to them as we have used it for the past few years here it's got a good mix of everything in here for what they will see on the rally this weekend [Music] one interesting factor for what the drives have been feeding back to us here is that there has been a little bit of a change there's been quite a bit of rain in the past few weeks and months here in the area around nabasha around where the stages are and the stages are a little bit rougher than previously certainly on Saturday ages so a lot of the the top lying dust defined stuff has been washed away is exposed some of the Bedrock but we all know don't we that this event is a true challenge not only of man but machine as well the drivers come here for to be pushed to their absolute limits and the teams as well [Music] just a reminder of course that you will be able to follow all the action with us throughout the weekend let's talk a little bit about Canary there because uh our championship leader obviously heading in here picked up a win so far this year in Portugal two other podiums under his belt as well Monty and Italy last year's winner of this event so he certainly knows what it takes out there to get the win at least combination of fact is it's not just flat out speed here in Safari it's just not possible it's got to be clever strategy involved [Music] [Music] California Community second in the championship he's about to get underway on the stage as well of here is just the tracks throughout the whole weekend plus some of the stages are very very open meaning finding reference points when making notes out of the repkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just areas like this here where it is just flat ground this little jump there from Robin Pera wide open landscape finding the road making the notes finding those reference points one of the challenges of this event of which there are many [Music] [Music] students as well as just over five kilometers this Shakedown stage so really good opportunity for them to get a feel for the car there's a remote shake down Service as well not far away from the stage and there we go that's our first time on the board 338.7 for our Championship leaders [Music] see what everyone else does out there and hopefully you'll be able to hear from Mr Robin Pera as well Kerry Bloor is at the stage control stop lying and she'll be chatting away to our guys will get their feedback of their experience so far here at the Safari rally [Music] um welcome to Kenya that Shakedown giving you a bit of an idea of what's in store for the weekend how are you feeling about it all every day seems to be as clear as you can be before Safara it's always a big Challenge and a lot of unknown but uh so far so good enjoyed out there yeah it's a big unknown the great unknown I mean they have been here twice but as I said earlier condition change slightly and let's also factor in a bit of the weather shall we because there has been quite a bit of rain in the region as I mentioned we could get rain forecast pretty much across the event it seems in the afternoons new girl then second overall in the championship he was fifth last year in Savari and our latest winner of course in Sardinia a few weeks ago and I think you can all remember if you're following us for the uh Sardinia coverage how difficult conditions got out there with the rain falling in the afternoon a lot of them referencing Safari apart this looks like Safari I think they might have a bit of a shock now when they come back and remember what the Safari rally is like what a brilliant challenge it is but again it's been a consistent year for tearing evil as well we've seen that we're obviously in Sardinia use third in Mexico Swedish [Music] [Music] the Sweden's second in Mexico and the win on the board puts him second in the championship overall nice to see The Spectators out as well people love the rally here is a huge passion for rallying in this country and they are celebrating 70 years rallying the first Safari rally getting underway in 1953 every time we come back here we see that passion in the crowds that are out on the stages they're just watching the cars on the road sections [Music] see what this time is then alpha games result they're the right boards we are a little bit slower three seconds slower than Robin Perry here this is just run one of Shakedown we're always broadcasting this one too so you get a bit of a picture of what it looks like out on the rally tanak now and Martin yave [Music] they've had a pretty special experience this weekend we'll talk about that in a moment after we've heard from Thierry [Music] well Thierry I know that you've said already that this weekend is very important for your Championship charge a little run through Shakedown giving you an idea of what to expect this weekend how's it all going it was a good Shake time to get warm to get the muscles working and shaking a lot in there but uh yeah that's the profile of the stages we're going to see all weekend um yeah let's see we're going to work a bit on the car and if you feel comfortable after Shakedown it's going to be better yeah it certainly will be shaking a lot in there he said than that but it is the profile of of what they are going to see throughout the weekend [Music] so for the M sport team for tonight for Martin foreign Google him now or look at all the social media M sport have got out and also WRC and their experience in visiting him they went to his training camp they met a lot of other athletes um for Pierre Louis Lube his cousin is a runner he said he was so humbled to meet kimchogi he was a beautiful time they had on Sunday ahead of the event really getting to know them and exploring Kenya a little again we're seeing lots of people here aren't we so oh tanak then one win on the board so far this year and he is favorite out there amongst you on social media to win here keep your eye out across rwrc socials because that's where you can vote for your favorite to win this weekend right now in the lead is this man thank you he was third here in 2021 but retired last year and then we go through the flying finish 1.3 seconds faster than Robin Pera on this first run all Shakedown for oytanak will get his thoughts very shortly but we've got three drivers through tanak fastest then Raven Pera then Newville as Alvin Evans takes to the stage [Applause] [Music] let's head to the stop control then with Kiri well a first run through there and it looks like you're very fast compared to the others what can we expect from you this weekend are you ready to do it [Music] say already this one feels quite shaky it's actually not so bad compared to other ones so uh yeah this really won't be anything or nothing about the performance it will be just to get through and yeah this one you really need to finish first yeah it is not just about being flat out out there you have to look after so many elements being able to charge your pace out there it's so important completely the girl as much as he can but he said how shaky it was out there it's kind of Apt for Shakedown really isn't it Alvin Evans then last year don't forget reminder on your screen you can watch every single stage live you can find out how much of a challenge the Safari rally is for yourself by following it with us so Evan's second last year I think we all remember the Heartbreak don't we of the year before we clipped a rock heading just it was just meters really a couple hundred meters from the flying finish of the stage and broke his front suspension but uh made up for that last year [Music] one win under his belt and that of course was in Croatia the emotional Victory there [Music] it is they're listening to the notes from escort Martin we caught up with a couple of uh locals yesterday who were planning on going out and spectating at the rally they are a firm favorite for Alvin Evans to win [Music] straight up the country [Music] in the middle of a question jump and swish flat left free right watch let's show up like is a massive question I think a one two three is really difficult to judge here we always ask you to predict one you can if you want to go for it if you're brave enough to try and predict who's going to be on the podium here in Safari it is a really tough call that's Elven Evans then four tenths off the pace of tanak as we switch out now to Sebastian OJ and Vincent londe ojr eight-time World Rally Champion off the line of Shakedown [Applause] [Music] I'll be hearing from Alvin shortly well this rally is all about heading into the unknown so we're not exactly sure what to expect so you'll be feeling confident as you're going to the weekend I'm not sure how confident anybody is really feeling you know in front of this rally but yeah I mean obviously uh like always you try to do your best then make your best judgment because at the end of the day this rally is more or less all about your judgment you know how much to push um so yeah let's see yeah I'm sure they're all feeling the same it's a bit of an apprehension ahead of the weekend itself getting underway we've got 19 stages in total here again OJ is a former winner here back in 2021 so they all well he knows what to do rather knows what to do to put her on the top step of the podium but isn't it's not an easy solution here there's no easy fix there's no easy way to win this rally [Music] there were Falls here last year see what he will pull out of the bag this time around then just to give you a kind of indication of where we are we're about 95 kilometers to the west of Nairobi in Lake Nevada been based around here for the past few years [Music] [Applause] and everything is brought with it the challenge we've had a little bit of weather passing through some of the stages last year and the year before I say a little bit of weather torrential rain which makes the surface like ice out there drivers struggling for grip and that could be the case this time around as well beautiful police guys and sunshine this morning but it seems to be that heat builds then in the afternoon we do get the rain [Music] if you are just joining us welcome along this morning to run one of Shakedown here at the Safari rally can you believe we've hit round seven of the WRC already this season it is really flying by looks like this will be a good time on the board and it is the fastest route so far for sebosier it's a 336.3 1.1 up on oytanax are five drivers so far have completed the stage for us talked about into the unknown a few times this is the first Safari rally for estepekalapi so it really is into the unknown I see it from Seb morning said well that was a really good run through fastest time on the board at the moment but what can we expect from this weekend and you're ready for the challenges yeah so you know it's not only about fastest time this weekend and definitely not in the check town but yeah it's about surviving the absence section which are again very very tricky to go through with a lot of stones so yeah hopefully a bit more luck coming on my side again this time because we'll be needed to win this rally he's had a successful season so far OJ hasn't a winner in Monty winner mix oh hello what's going on here we are coming through very big toy very big noise yeah you can hear that noise that Janis communicating to the team okay a replay coming for you so we'll try and find out what's happened here [Music] I couldn't hear any hit there or anything it just seems to have stopped it so this is them now pulled over that is a real shame we're not too far in to this Shakedown stage you can hear that noise it's around about two kilometers that the issue started so two k's in We Believe the shake of the head from EP but you can hear Yana getting contact with a team telling them that they could hear this horrible noise which we could all hear as well we'll try and get you some updates on that well that's a real shame for EP and Yoli they need the Shakedown stage it being their first time here in safari [Music] switch our attention there to Danny sordo [Music] who was here in 2021 we didn't see him here last year [Music] too long before we pass EP on the road here luckily as I mentioned there is a remote service not too far away from the Shakedown stage because it's a little bit of a distance to head back here to the service [Music] I'm sure you all have as I said as soon as we hear anything we will let you know probably best to uh to follow on social after this is complete though I don't think we're going to hear much in the next 20 minutes or so [Music] saw them on stage for associate leading the stage the shaked down stage run one a time of 336.3 [Music] Evansville [Applause] here we go there's the car so he's just parked up at the side of the road there [Music] see what he can do here this weekend [Music] we've got all our potential you know Tech gurus on the case of what it could be Flappy lots of messages heading into me here in Coleman tree [Music] potential transmission maybe a prop shop flailing around at a guess we'll get full confirmation from the team later on and I'll be able to get that car moving and out of the way to shake down remote service it's so crucial that he gets a bit of a feel for it out there and competitive pace of course everyone else what he's seen on the racket [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so a couple of tents faster than teammate Thierry noodle as we switch out to takamoto cats eater and Aaron Johnston [Music] is delighted to be back in Safari scored two podiums here in the last two occasions let's get Danny's Auto's thoughts on it all good morning Danny how did he said it was quite shaky same for you yeah the entire rally demanding for the car well able to be able to judge his Pace on this really tricky event sturge in 2022 second in 2021 with a fantastic battle back then how they're all doing this weekend reminder just to uh follow along with us one actually gets underway tomorrow super special in Nairobi before the full action commences on Friday [Music] catch up with Aaron Johnson this weekend if there were any special words in the notes for anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] just looking across taco seasoning he's had a bit of a it's been a bit of a mixed bag hasn't it it's been tough in Parts he has the best result that he's had this season has been six and that was both in Monte Carlo and in Croatia and of course naturally he's going to be targeting a recreation of what he's done over the past few years here I think we all expect to see a Podium out of him now hurry Riley in [Music] I can't add two oga's time [Music] the final little crests and it's a good start for tack up [Music] yes it is Aaron 8.1 then his fourth fastest out of a total of seven drivers we've had through on this Shakedown stage so far welcome along if you are just joining us first time here at Safari rally [Music] morning Tucker a good start for you through there historically it's always good results here are you feeling good as we go into the weekend yeah of course I try to do my best this weekend it's going to be very challenging but yeah like a car feeling quite good and only think that the condition can change everything we need so going to be different but I try to do my best yeah I mean it's no doubt it's gonna be difficult for everybody it's what is considered the biggest challenge on the championship calendar as I mentioned first time here for Pierre Louis I saw him this morning yeah asked him what's he thought of the entire experience so far I mean he said you know I had a bit of a good idea of what to expect coming here from everything I've seen from what the drivers have told me he said but it's so much better than I expected but it's so much harder than I expected also he said and even the drivers are telling me it's you know rougher out there than in previous years he said I still I think it's really tough right now cool huh but we do have a couple of newbies this weekend obviously with Lappy and lubei being fresh to Safari and also within wrc2 as well [Music] we have some new contenders [Music] fantastic Liberty on the top of the uh oh [Music] you see what I mean here especially these sections work sometimes okay the camera does adjust it for us might look a little bit worse but actually finding where the road is and then you switch back to the more dips and bumps the compressions the rougher stuff it's once tree light it's a little bit easier obviously to see where the road is just a little bit close to that tree there [Music] 12.8 seconds off the pace then it is run one on his first time here very shortly we welcome back jordanis and the malfoyle alongside this time around yeah well it is the first time for you here what have you made of Kenya so far and what are you expecting out of the weekend yeah it's a look already uh rough so yeah that would be important for the run and [Music] there's a lot of Lexi's isn't there the doing these uh these interviews [Music] foreign [Music] first stage of course but then Friday morning when we get into the real tough stuff is your dad's surgery is then back with us we've already seen him on a few events this year so we're Monte Carlo and in Mexico oh gosh he likes the tough rallies doesn't he has been here before he was here in that 2022 last year I think we can all remember only then Fred McLeod really guiding him through the rally having to guide him in sections where you know you weren't sure whether the corner was turning it's so difficult to read the road [Music] this morning welcome along to Safari rally Kenya we'll be broadcasting the entire event live kicking off with the opening stage tomorrow I am hearing that espekalapi is on the news he's moving towards the stoplight so we might be able to get a few words with him there before he heads off to that remote service is not too far now for sure Dad to go before he completes the stage it's OJ though who's fastest at the moment 336.3 had a couple of messages in asking about voting for drivers it's just following the WRC socials account you'll be able to find out how you can put your two pennies in with who you think is going to win this weekend [Music] on the first run 28 seconds off the pace at the front Championship points here this weekend coming here though poor experience of the rally [Music] [Music] Let's cross out to Kerry who's chatting to all the drivers for us [Laughter] picking little while sure didn't take the helmet off but we'll get there well good morning Jordan welcome to Kenya you know how tricky it is out there but how difficult do you think this weekend's gonna be depends the weather huh but uh globally I think it will be a little bit more tricky than last year also because the the grass is a little bit taller and so uh the the tricky stones are hidden but for the rest I think we are more more prepared than last year so yeah we'll be good he's always got a smile on his face doesn't he uh it will be a tricky bet that's a good point Jordan's mentioning a couple of the other drivers have talked about that as well the grass very long in sectors which you know could be hiding all sorts there is Essa pekalapi you can just see him as salt Soul boats come through the arch there he's making sure he's pulling over to uh to let the other cars come through yeah and obviously then he's uh got a little bit of they're just yeah yeah they're not impeding anyone on the Shakedown stage zone for sawberg then he's got it and he said it on social media a few times now big thanks to Daniel schwist he's using his car here this weekend he's had a really interesting season so far salberg it's definitely been consistent out there he took of course the win in Sweden in wrc2 and then we saw him third in Mexico second in Portugal but for this one no Championship points pure experience good job that's the first of all right two cars through yeah I feel better uh so this is Essa Pekka Lappy just pulling over again where is he yeah he's going up an access road now is he maybe yeah he's heading off to uh the remote service [Music] Oliver welcome to Kenya what have you made of Shakedown do you think you're ready for the weekend yeah jumbo no I I think yeah we'll uh we'll see it's gonna be a long tough weekend yeah with an R5 here for the first time it's gonna be interesting to see how it is but uh yeah it's first of all great opportunity to drive and uh yeah it's gonna be enough and in Swedish please yeah we've seen him here the past uh two years but of course this is the first time in the rally in in the R5 in the rounds two car because he's been in a WRC car previously in the rally one car last year so a completely different challenge for him this time around [Music] now then good experience from here last year was the wrc2 Open winner in Safari rally last year put him ninth overall as well within the standings [Music] kaito is really looking for a good result here we've seen him on the podium but third place is the best and that was weeks ago in Sardinia [Music] we'll be targeting the top step here to really get that Championship off the ground because Johan Rossell is leading wrc2 championship by 77 points solberg's on 64. and then you've got kaito on 27 points but he is targeting events later in season [Music] magic alongside him as normal can't hear him for the time being foreign [Music] just a reminder that OJ's still the fastest time in the front of Shakedown 336.3 is the time and Oliver solberg's time through there was a 350.1 let's see what kaito does here [Music] we've got Gregoire monster Martin prop up arming Kramer Karan Patel Carlton do all within wrc2 this weekend [Music] so a 357.3 seven odd seconds a drift of Oliver solberg's time through the Shakedown test another first timer here in Safari rally Gregor monster foreign good morning kaito well this weekend is the perfect weekend for you to Mount Your championship at charge against the others how are you feeling how was that Shakedown for you so many things in my head before this rally uh yes this is an important rally for the championship but it's completely different story we don't know what we can accept from this rally for sure be true big rocks fresh fish Halls deep row Halls and the weather forecast we don't know so we need to be clever but how to be clever on Safari rally it's difficult to find a compromise because between speed and let's say safe driving but this is World Rally Championship all right well enjoy it out there well if you want to sum up the entire rally in one stage end interview I think kaito did it beautifully then he pulled in all the elements we've been having a little chat about this morning and more so so difficult as you said to be clever this weekend this is what we love about the diversity of the events on the WRC we need a safari rally in amongst it all right it's a very different approach from all the other gravel events we see out there [Music] the fiesta then of Gregor Munster within a wrc2 he's 18th overall at the moment on 10 points [Music] but as a first timer as well I'm sure again he is taking as much information in from the team as possible [Music] soak it up like a sponge because it is such a difficult one to come through for a first time [Music] final sector now on this opening Shakedown stage where OJ set the fastest time in P1 and so far in wrc2 Oliver Solberg has set the way forward with a 350.1 and earlier we saw drama as a course for us to pack a Lappy it's very loud kind of grinding sound in the car he had to pull over he's now it seems trying to make his way out of the stage between uh Gregoire and we there we'll get a rundown from Kerry when she speaks to him procop back with us a back and forth Fiesta this event is fair to say has not been kind to Martin profkop over the past two years there have been incidents on both events morning Gregor are you ready for the challenge the Safari rally Kenya has for you yeah I mean we are ready we had a good testing Shakedown as well [Music] it's quite rough but it's good you get into the I would say the environmental Safari rally yeah absolutely it is good to get into the environment now on run one that'll shake down ahead of a full weekend of it [Music] we mentioned Martin proc have not had the most uh kind two years here at Safari but he's back for another crack at it it's Dennis gerker alongside him in the co-driving seat I remember many people messaging last year on social media saying Oh Martin would be great Safari rally because you know he's got all his experience from Dakar and all this cross-country rallying that he loves to do and he said you know absolutely in that sense yes but you know remember the Dakar car here gotta be a little kind to do it it's a very very different uh frame of mind [Music] wrc2 that fastest time was for Oliver Solberg on one one three 50.1 see quite a few of you chatting already using the hashtag WRC live it's good to have you along today wherever you're watching around the world we hope you're looking forward to your full-on weekend here at the Safari rally I know we all are [Music] just around the corner now from that flying finish we'll grab a couple of words with Martin Brock up certainly got a busy program this year hasn't he that's Martin through 35 seconds off the pace of our UGA but obviously that's O'Reilly one car it was a 350.1 for Solberg a 411.7 for procop as he heads down to the stop control where Kiri is for us chatting to the drivers looking forward to uh taming the Safari Maybe This Year let's find out [Music] good morning Martin well you know more than most just how tricky this rally can be are you ready for the challenges that are awaiting yeah as you said destroy is really tough one and we try it twice and we we didn't finish the rally so we are trying to just just to finish because it's for this car it's really really difficult so for rally two car it's not easy to finish so that's our business this weekend and and we will try we'll try to enjoy of course but we have to try to finish because twice you don't finish the race it's really not nice so try it yeah we have got our fingers crossed for you this weekend Martin prokup that is Essa Pekka latte and yarn a firm then just to the side of the road after that issue that they had around about two kilometers in into the stage it came very very early on okay Sebastian AJ then leads the first run of Shakedown three 36.3 oh itanak 1.1 seconds behind that then Alvin Evans one and a half behind then katsuta Robin Pera sword out Newville Louvre then Solberg then kaitanovic and then we have cedaridi's monster and crocop to round off 13 drivers through the stage and that's the way things stand there here at Safari rally Kenya after run one of Shakedown we are going to be heading out now to the stop control where we're gonna catch up with Kiri yeah thanks so much guys and welcome to Rally Safari Kenya well to give you an idea of where I am I am just at to the left of the end of Shakedown and we're on top of Lake naivasha these incredible scenes are exactly what you are going to see throughout the rally the sights and sounds are going to be amazing but more importantly this rally is one of the toughest rallies of the season if not the toughest it is definitely going to be one to watch throughout because you will not know what is going to be happening okay well to give you an idea of where everybody is standing currently it is Cali Roth and Pera that's on the top spot at the moment in our championship table he is separated by 25 points from Thierry Nouveau Italian 85 Elven Evans 83 Sebastian OJ 70. it's laffy with 67 and then Danny sordo with 36 and a Tacker with 23 there and Craig Green's still on the board 19 points for him and Gus greensmith with 16. okay well it is 19 stages to complete over the weekend well over 300ks of grueling stages well let's give you an idea of what's coming up Thursday we've got the first of our stages that's super special it's side by side it's going to be at 12 30 until 3 30 we'll be with you then Friday it's a whole host of stages stages two till seven Friday 7 45 to 4 45 Saturday at 7 45 to 5 35 stages 88 to 13 sorry and Sunday it's 6 45 to 3 45 stages 14 to 19. all right so well all of that action is to come so make sure you stick with us throughout the weekend [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: FIA World Rally Championship
Views: 246,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrc, world rally championship, rallye, rallying, wrc 23, motorsport, car, car video, Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, livestream, wrc for free, wrc free livestream, rally video, showcar, driving, safari, safari rally, kenya
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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