๐Ÿ”ด How to Earn $1,000 as a Freelance Developer in 30 days

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yo what is up how is it going this is qazi from cleverprogrammer.com so nice to have you here and today i want to talk about how you can make an extra one thousand 000 in 30 days or this november i hope that you are excited and if you are drop it in the comments below because we are live what is up world okay beautiful looks like we're good to go so i started thinking about this just a few days ago and i'm like man what is the thing that i can provide for you guys that's actually the most valuable for you and brings me the most amount of peace and we can create the most transformations and what came to me is i want to help you guys directly get freelancing work because that's what i was incredibly good at right like sunny and everybody has their own strengths sunny is incredible at landing six figure jobs so is nods my strength was freelancing and i want to share that with you guys and i want to the thing that excited me was what if we got together and in the month of november we collectively even if we generated ten thousand dollars extra that would be like mind-blowing if we could take that to a hundred thousand dollars in some months collectively growing income as a developer that would be a dream come true but even if we could do that that would be amazing and for for that to happen only 10 of you guys would need to land 1 000 jobs in the month of november do you think that that's possible i think that that's possible and that's what i'm really excited to help you transform and all of us to do that together as a goal so if you're in it with me do let me know in the comments and so i thought okay let's go about let's go about this and make that happen because that's a goal that actually seems exciting that's a goal that it's inspiring for me to should show up if not every day on a very regular basis on this channel and help you do because look there's long-term thinking and i think long-term thinking is great right so let me like if i can just draw here for a second so like if we have long-term thinking here long-term thinking is great you wanna let's say get to this part right over here right are you guys able to see this uh you're not okay so give me one second i'm gonna go ahead and do that and now let's try it okay beautiful so let's say that this is a graph and long-term thinking says hey you want to get to here right you want to get your income to let's say i don't know 10k per month as a developer um okay that's um that's awesome that's long term but what about all these steps right here what about all these steps nobody talks about them what what about every single what about your first five dollars what about your first uh 500 what about your first one thousand dollars does that make sense hopefully that makes sense for you guys and this guy's by the way nikhil welcome khalid felix tech awesome now with this um what i want you guys to understand is it's possible for you at any level that you are okay even if you're a complete beginner i'm going to go more into that in a little bit but all levels are welcome on this challenge that i'm going to be doing in november we can get started on this challenge right now by the way and we'll extend it all the way to november and and beyond that so those are the steps so you can't think long term without figuring out short term right like you can think long term but if you didn't eat your food today you will die so if you have to pick between long term or short term you have to pick short term because short term is necessary for survival long term isn't here yet so you have to design your short term so today is about designing that short term so then it can meet our long term does that make sense are you with me on that can i get a yes beautiful so with that said let's go ahead and move forward so my goal is to help you guys get your first five dollars this month or your first 500 or your first 1 000 or whatever okay and and we can even go from there but i need you guys to commit to that because if you don't commit i don't need to be here on this live i'm here for you and i want us to grow together okay so i want all of us to commit and say yes that i commit to making an extra 1 000 in november and i want you to actually take the time energy and effort to type that out because when you actually do that and you type it out you are telling your body and yourself that this is serious to me that i want to do this you're creating literally neurological pathways in your brain that say yes i'm actually going to do this in november just by you saying that the time how much money you're going to make what month you're going to do it in your chances are going to increase by 200 or 300 percent all right it's called implementation intention scientists found that the group that just sets an implementation intention versus a group that was given like crazy motivation advice the group that only set implementation and tension had a 90 success rate whereas the group that was given all the motivation in the world only had a 30 success rate to commit to a fitness program okay so the two groups so i want you to be the implementation intention group all right so with that said let's go forward with this i was having a conversation with sally on instagram and she said hey i'm so psyched for this challenge and she said i have a general career question i currently make around 100 000 canadian dollars at the full-time as a performance marketer i love what i do but i hate working for someone else as much as doing what you love salary as much as doing what you love salary and monetary compensation actually plays a big role in my decisions and guys this is true for all of us this is why i say short short-term thinking matters it may be shallow question but is it possible to become a six-figure hopefully usd developer without having to work crazy hours is this possible so let's get into this and she goes i don't mean right away but my goal is to make a decent living without working 60 plus hours a week who can resonate here with her do any of you guys want this as a goal hey i'm here pre amir says i preach you i've learned a lot so this is important and he says and i mean really a lot but i still can't land a single five dollar gig so that's what i want to get into that short term practicality of how to make it happen that's what i'm good at awesome people are saying yes yes yes yes that's awesome we got on saying that you need to learn how to market yourself okay awesome so now let's keep going now why don't you get clients and performance marketing i asked her and she said well i'm in a min management so under my contract i can't market for any new clients and i said okay i see you can so there are two options for you right now i said one you can quit and then do it meaning get performance marketing clients or two you can start getting coding clients while you are doing your current job so which one do you guys resonate with and i asked her and i said which one and she responded and she said number two and she said okay then learn and then i said okay then learn coding and you can do it in few months or less start with less code intensive jobs you can get clients right this second who need help with squarespace now guys do you know about squarespace or wix or wordpress or any of those platforms i'm sure you all do because that's how most websites are made and everybody's familiar with them there are clients right now who are like hey i will pay you two thousand dollars to help me set up a squarespace website that website will take you under seven minutes i created from scratch from buying the domain to starting a website it took me seven minutes it's point and click you go to squarespace and you just sign up and you create a website point and click there are things where you don't even need a lot of code to be able to do okay so i want you to start getting married to the practicality not how you're going to do it people are like i need to make it needs to be a python thing where i write code it needs to be a javascript thing where i write code and bleed for my eyes writing javascript code and then i get paid ten dollars and that's okay cool then you don't make an income and don't provide anything for your family and stay exactly where you are next let's talk to the next person who's actually interested so you need to make coding a practicality right if she doesn't have that much experience yet and she doesn't start making an income from coding asap she's not going to want to do coding you guys understand that so she needs wins and all of you need more wins so what do you do if your coding experience is not that jacked yet where somebody's gonna pay you five or ten thousand dollars for a job can you take less code intensive jobs is my question to you can you take on a job that is based on point and click can you do that that still has to do with tech that still has to do with maybe the direction you want to go because one you can start making an extra thousand or two thousand or five thousand dollars a month that gives you a lot of room and time to have your own clients to make your own income to set your own hours to code as much as you want to learn as fast as you want to take the three thousand dollars and invest into a coding boot camp into yourself to excel your skills does that make sense gives you options money buys you freedom right dope all right so and she goes oh perfect does your november challenge go through ways we can get these less demanding clients and i said yeah i'm gonna show you every way on this planet that i know of to make more income she goes yes hopefully i can be one of the ten thousand dollars one of the people who makes total of ten thousand dollars and i said yes now let me ask you guys would any of you like to be one of the people who accumulatively makes ten thousand dollars in the month of november i don't care if you made five dollars in november's you're adding to the collective total as we move forward i don't care if you make 500 in the month of november we are moving together as a whole november starts in a week sabrina says yes vimon says i am in dylan says yes ayusha says aisha says yes jt says yes enthusiastic yes dev meta good man he says i want to be one of them beautiful um atharva says i'm going to make 50 this month shaking my head and that's good enough and like guys look this is not an opportunity to just like random pie in the sky right it's happening for our students right now streetcar says i got a second place at my two hackathons i want a 50 amazon gift card and some headphones the headphones are the best because my headphones broke recently i'm here to celebrate because i'm only 13 years old i wanted to prove that age doesn't matter and you can achieve anything let's go right we got imran farooq who got a client for 18 an hour all right we have another student mehd and he says how are you doing to this i need last coaching call i tried to share a few things with you but unfortunately my name was not mentioned even though i pinged them on at the private chat recently i've completed one web application for a client which a client paid me five thousand dollars for it i delivered that project recently and it's on production you can check out the link from here i redesigned and rewrote the application from scratch and also got one student from weizen who's doing eight hours per week at 75 dollars per hour so 75 times eight whatever that is 400 500 bucks and uh he's this guy is making just from that one student from wyzen i would like to thank you and entire tmcp for whatever i've achieved till now so far sora another one of our students i just landed my first internship as a react developer it's an online real estate service provider company it's paid internship and also offered me a full-time job after i finished my college let's go i've been one and a half months since i joined profit with javascript i had no idea what the heck development was thank you guys do any of these results excite you guys here's another one ingrid says inger says i'm kind of blown away right now i tutored 25 hours this week and made one thousand dollars what i would have never thought to do this before hearing quasi talk about wise ant all right and check this out hours tutored right here by ingrid 106 hours amount earned 3 542 dollars amount that she was paid two thousand seven hundred twenty three dollars right boom look at that and here are the students that she's landing right here's another student that just paid her hundred dollars right here so the list just goes on and on and on and on ryan right i just landed my first freelancing client so like look can you land your first freelancing client this upcoming month is that possible if you don't think it's possible then i can't do it for you but you have to think it's possible right ryan goes in in pwg for less than a month 500 usd for an easy single page landing page design all right if you know what a landing page is then it's possible that you can actually build a landing page for somebody and you guys know it's squarespace you can point and click or wix or card or whatever website builders there are word wordpress creating landing pages is like you just simple as find a template that looks good and boom right work starts in a week let's go you guys lit the fire inside of me gonna keep putting in the work and let's go forward here all right so are you guys excited to learn how to make an extra 1 000 as a freelance developer this upcoming month damn we got some viewers in the house boy 432 viewers on the map let's go where is my sounds man i don't know where my sounds went boom i'm gonna have to do this one with my mouth nah let's go all right so if you guys are excited let's just jump right into it i'm just pumped guys if you are enjoying this so far do me a favor and smash that like button please because that's how this video's gonna go to more people and us together we're gonna change the lives of thousands of developers thousands of people who want to become developers thousands of people who are maybe making zero dollars right now but will make ten dollars from coding this month in november and that's gonna give them the momentum that they never had and all you have to do in order for that to happen and for people's lives to change is hit that like button it takes nothing from you it's free and this video goes out to so many people so if you could please do that that would mean the world with that said let's just keep on going guys now here's something i want to share with you guys um there's a lot of insight that you're going to get from these live streams as well because everything that i'm picking up in my own days i'm going to start sharing them with you guys so one of the things that i want to share with you guys is my current uh income is at about three to four thousand dollars a day all right what that basically means is if you make three thousand dollars a day you are on track to hit one million dollars a year all right so three to four thousand is my average income and that puts me on track to hit over a million dollars a year how many of you would like to make a million dollars a year probably most of you now even if we don't go for the million dollar a year goal we go for something smaller we can still break our ceiling that we're at and increase my personal income goal is to get to two million dollars a year or more but that requires me to develop certain habits and do certain things every single day and optimize myself so if you want to double or triple your income you have to start optimizing yourself all right if you're ready to start optimizing yourself let's get into that aspect now so one of the things that i noticed that i started doing is um and i said no to myself whoops you guys should really follow me on instagram if you don't already it's um i do a lot of uh awesomeness there uh thank you for the 40 rupees donation i appreciate it so here's a note to self um i personally really enjoy walking and i walk to starbucks all right it's like part of my ritual getting black coffee is just amazing because when there's things sitting in my stomach that doesn't get me optimized it gets me lazy and tired so i recommend you do something like this you don't have to do my exact routine but you can do things and optimize it for yourself where you feel really powerful energetic and at peace with yourself so start thinking about what those things are for you and write them down as i go so you guys can even drop your suggestions in the in youtube comments because i'm like looking at that um snail says i want to land even five dollars and i'd be good to go awesome another thing is reading a book so every morning i like to give myself ample amount of time to get started with my day i like to go slow so then i can go really fast later does that make sense guys so by optimizing my brain and my body i'm then re i start getting revved up and these are my current routines these might change but right now they're really helping me have a balance of good health good mind good income and good relationships so i'm just sharing with you guys what's working for me definitely being alone for a certain amount of time so i don't have external forces in my head is like impo very important for me so that's one thing i recommend for you as well maybe in your morning ritual you can add being alone uh to it right that's something that's good so one of the so that's good i listen to like loaf lo-fi loafy music and you can just find it on spotify you can literally type in loafy chill vibes music because when there's music with words i start paying attention to the words so i like to actually listen to loafy so then that just like calms me down and keeps me in a good zone uh read something you don't have to read what i'm reading but what i'm reading right now is think like a monk by j shetty incredible book extremely practical i'll share some insights from it in a second and then write inspirational ideas so what inspires you right if you want to become a developer don't hold back write down yo i would love to actually make five thousand dollars a month i would love to make ten thousand dollars a month whatever your goal is two thousand dollars a month and then write down what are the action steps for you to take what are the habits that you can develop maybe you can develop a habit of you know reaching out to clients every single day maybe you can develop a habit of doing a sales call every single day maybe you can develop a habit of just downloading the app and going on yzant or going on take lessons or going on fiverr or going on upwork every single day does that make sense and then for me what i'm doing is um reflect on what my 100 commitment for today will look like then ask what would happen as a result in my life if i committed with that level of intensity so for example before coming on this live stream i'm like okay what will my 100 commitment look like and i'm like my 100 commitment will look like showing up to this webinar training having slides prepared and coming in with just crazy intensity and focus right and what would happen as a result in my life if i committed with that level of intensity so here's what would happen right my goal is that i will help a lot of you create transformations even if it's out of a hundred thousand people that watch stuff even if it's ten people but it creates deep transformations within your life maybe one of you uses this to start making an additional one thousand or two thousand or five thousand dollars a month and now you can support your family now you can support yourself now you can go after your dreams and get after it that was the most incredible thing that i could experience and then what would happen selfishly for me the business income would improve my income would improve my life will improve because i've directly improved your life first so if i can help change your life first then you will be you will have no pro like for example you who's watching right now like directly you right if i added one thousand dollars to your pocket if i literally said something that you did today and you made an additional one thousand dollars would you be okay paying me fifty dollars yes or no would you be okay with paying me 200 yes or no would you be okay with paying me 500 yes or no of course you would because i literally did something that added value to your life up front so then for you to give me back something it's just like a no-brainer it's not a big deal so if you start to take on that mindset when it comes to freelancing your income is about to explode in november your life is about to change in november does that make sense so that is what that would look like and so i'm trying to ask myself on a daily basis so then i can have a certain level of intensity and vigor that i attack my day with and not just like kind of days through my day like most people or most developers would all right so with that said let's move on christian korean says i will pay you nine hundred dollars yup dope enough says i'll be okay to pay 500. yep so that makes sense right here christian i would pay you 900 pay you 500 yes yes yes yes take that 50 somebody says guy levitsky says yes right so boom there you go now here's something that i was reading in that book um think like a monk and this was really really powerful so in the mornings i want you to work on calming yourselves down so you're not focused on so much emotional reactivity so here's the thing that was really amazing for me to read in this book he's talking to a 10 year old monk who's teaching kids in his class how to jay shetty right talking to a 10 year old monk who's teaching other little children um not alphabets but actually teaching those five year olds how to breathe so jay shetty goes i ask him why and the 10 year old monk goes because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you're born until the moment you die is your breath all your friends family the country you live in all of that can change the one thing that stays with you is your breath this 10 year old monk added when you get stressed what changes your breath when you get angry what changes your breath we experience every emotion with the change of the breath when you learn to navigate and manage your breath you can navigate any situation in life how powerful is that that was one of the most powerful and kind of relaxing and relieving things that i had the privilege to read and i think that it brings you some level of clarity in your life as well right so if you come from that place you're going to be in a very peaceful state of mind then that's going to empower you to do the really hard and practical things that you need to do later does that make sense but if you're frustrated or feeling like you're just trying to catch up every single day you're going to be irritated you're not going to want to do anything and every single distraction is going to distract you every single instagram post that's going to pop up or facebook post or linkedin post or youtube video is going to distract you away from your goal but if you have a clarity purpose peace the beautiful thing that's going to happen is you're oftentimes going to stop looking at instagram you're going to stop looking at facebook stop looking at youtube just so you can then go and focus on making more income bringing food on the table for your friends and family growing yourself as a human being and achieving your dreams as a developer does that make sense so that's very very powerful and i want you guys to kind of internalize that because this is going to create i'm not looking to just add five more dollars and i want to help you create a transformation within your mind because if you train your mind your life will change your life will change forever and it will never look the same and you all have it within you that literally a month from now your life can change right how many times does that happen where you maybe just made a decision to do something new that you never did before and you're like holy crap your life changed in that one moment maybe think about the day you decided you're gonna become a developer boom your life changed in that one day think about the day maybe you decided you're gonna start working out boom you're life changing that day now bad habits are the same way maybe one day you decided you love this bag of chips and now you eat that and your life has negatively been impacted your mind is the most powerful thing so if you decide that in this upcoming month i'm willing to change my life and actually focus and use this as a catalyst to my positive behavioral change and explode my income and maybe explode my career and explode the results and becoming a developer boom just like that you can change your life does that make sense so with that said here's another thing that i read from this book think like a monk which was phenomenal uh gvj says i'm gassed man that's awesome pretentious is my life change as soon as i made the amazon clone i got in pwj awesome michael what's up bro so here's the monkey mind and here's the monk mind all right so i'm gonna make this divider line in the middle now here is the monkey mine right overwhelmed by multiple branches here is the monk mind focused on the root of the issue the monkey mind coast and the passenger seat monk mind lives intentionally and consciously the monkey mind complains compares and criticizes monk mind compassionate caring collaborative okay so i'm going to give you examples of what this looks like right so for example you have a goal of hey i want to make more income i want to explode my income right so you're trying like all this random stuff and you're like yeah that's gonna explode my income i'm gonna i'm gonna like make this project and i'm gonna go through this coding tutorial and i'm gonna do this other thing and do this and all of a sudden you're like in five different places you're learning about eight different frameworks you're learning about 10 different languages but you're not making forward progress in your career as a developer you're not actually working for anybody and providing value you're not actually making the income that you want to be making all that's happening is a lot of movement all that's happening is what james clear in atomic habits calls a lot of motion right motion looks like you are let's say motion looks like this you feel like you did a lot but really all that's happening is you're moving in all these directions but you stop at the direction that you started with does that make sense guys what motion looks like this is motion all right now action looks like you start in one place and then you go to another place and then you go to another place all right that's what action helps you do so if you're not focused on the root issue and you're doing random things you're not going to make progress as the developer if you close in the passenger seat you're not going to make progress as a developer if you're going to complain and be like only other people make income and i can't do it and it's not for me versus you're like let me study the people who are actually crushing these goals let me learn from them let me collaborate with them you're going to see huge results right overthinks and procrastinates analyze and articulates monkey mind distracted by small things monk my discipline monkey mind short-term gratification monk mind long-term gain all right so think about all of these things and how powerful they can be to you making progress here's an important one for me commits to a long-term vision or goal and what this looks like you're making progress towards a long-term vision regardless of what's happening but if you don't do that you're gonna get you're gonna amplify the negatives in fear and you're gonna change on a whim so if you wanna make progress in your income you have to understand these principles because what's going to happen is if you're changing on a whim you're never going to make forward progress you guys know those people who try to lose weight but then like 100 days later they've tried so many things they've tried p90x and they've tried this and that and the other thing but they're never actually losing weight and they're frustrated do you know people who try to make income and make 5 000 steps and a lot of people do that right where they try different things but they actually never make forward progress with income it's the same way you need a lot of clarity and focus of your action and if you do those things over a longer period of time you get the results that you're looking for so that motion is my life karen baby says yes yep we're gonna talk about how to get the money bro in just a second so wind says let's talk about how we get the money bro so again this is an example of somebody who is um they want to focus on multiple branches whereas they don't want to pay attention to the root issue and the root issue of not making more income is actually nothing to do sometimes with the income it's actually to do with how you're planning on going about it it's to do with changing your mindset and how you're thinking and if you change that your income will explode so this is why i'm going over this stuff because it's deeper than just what it looks like at the surface level the people who make millions of dollars if you actually talk to them on a regular basis and become friends with them and not just shallowly look at them from the veil of social media what you'll realize is their values are pretty amazing most of the times and the income that they have generated is tied to their value so if you can get these values down the results will follow right money is nothing but a lagging indicator of skill and value all right money is nothing more than a lagging indicator of skill and value so for example if you develop a certain skill like coding and then you spend months and months and months or years working on it and then two you provide value in the job market by actually getting a job then you will get money right but you had to learn the skill and provide value first and then you get the money how does a business work how does this work right now i develop the skill of public speaking i read books and develop myself i train myself how to be better and better and better and better now i can help other people improve and move forward in life so now i can i not only develop the skill but i'm actually now providing value right which is why 500 people are live here watching this and then it's going to result in money for clever programmer the business and i will get the goals that i want personally in my life because i'm helping you achieve your goals in your life and move forward faster cool so that's all money is money is nothing more than that money is not this like thing that we actually think about money is actually pretty ethereal and intangible so it's it's just a byproduct of your values and what you do every single day all right so um yep all right let's move forward and i made a note to myself and i sent it over to amanat as well who put this here in this slide which is pretty awesome gvg says um this man is so real but so wise thanks for being real with us i appreciate you for saying that gvg i will always keep it real with you guys guys we just broke 500 viewers on this video let's go smash that like button if you're enjoying this content and we're gonna change everybody's lives that's the goal so remember guys be at peace help create transformations feel light love be happy and smile all right i promise you this if you just smile right now you're gonna feel your energy change and you're gonna feel a shift in the information that you can actually take in and absorb all right just small physiological actions like smiling breathing can change everything about you alright so let's move forward and now let's talk about the thing that you guys came here for let's talk about making money as a developer who is excited for that who wants to make that much money as a developer cj says watching from south africa beautiful man thank you are you guys ready all right so just make sure that you turn off your phones or just put them on do not disturb okay it's simple just swipe down and then it allows you to put on do not disturb and you're good to go now um i think that i kind of want to just touch base on it not too deeply just a little bit so for example of course you have to learn the skills right that's kind of a non-starter but a few two things i want you guys to focus on is um making income as a developer okay so what do i mean one way one is by coaching other people so if you coach other people and you teach people coding you can make an income so what does that mean and why would somebody pay you to teach some coding that's a good question why somebody would pay you is coding is a highly sought after skill if you know how to write for loops and do simple if then statements you can teach somebody who doesn't know how to print hello world does that make sense that person who doesn't know more than print hello world is happy to pay you to learn how to do something with coding so you don't have to be this incredible developer with years and years of experience you can actually be a developer with not that much experience let's say that there are levels to this right and this is like level 10 developer and this is level one level one is somebody who knows how to like print hello world right so like pretty much pretty much just just starting with coding and maybe level two is somebody who knows the basics of programming so they can write for loops and things like that and can solve very basic problems and then level three is maybe somebody who can like make projects right who can make some simple projects with coding now if you're a level two or you're a level three you can teach somebody who's at a level one does that make sense you can teach people who are behind you you can teach people because you're trailblazing what i am doing right now is called i'm trailblazing i'm going and learning stuff and then i come and share it i then go learn and i share it i just read about think like a monk and i shared it did you guys get value out of that by the way if you did i didn't read the whole book i'm not a monk i'm not a monk but you still got some value out of it all i did is i read a part of a book and then i shared it with you you can literally have just learned the basics and you can share them with somebody who's behind you and they'll actually pay you for it that makes sense so that's one way to make an income and you can actually be a beginner in coding and you can actually do this this stream of income is the fastest to develop because it has the lowest barrier to entry and you can start as early as now today right this hour you can start that's the thing about this one okay freelance work is a little bit more difficult when i say freelance work i mean going on up work and getting a job where you're actually building a web scraper for somebody going on fiverr and doing a job where so those are like more freelancing sometimes they're a little bit more difficult but if you stay with less technical freelance work that's not as technical then you can still do it that was the example i was giving you guys about squarespace and wix and card and wordpress and stuff like that okay so if you stayed at that side you can actually start that type of freelance work today as well all right and uh develop a habit of drinking water as well very important so i'm going to keep this water here because a lot of you it's going to make you want to drink it all right so drink water and on my apple watch i have a thing that i log i log it as soon as i drink water um that way i stay hydrated well and then do it all this stuff is extremely important guys because it's going to help you directly with making more money it's going to optimize your body your body is the ultimate asset you have that's going to optimize how you think how you act how you get clients how many clients you can retain gives you the energy to put up with people's right so it's an important thing all right and then the one we're not gonna worry about so much in november is a job um but if you get a job fantastic that's gonna be of course is gonna put the most amount of money um it depends i don't wanna ever get a job because i always love the freedom of freelancing but if you want to get a job you can do that all right so total income potential if you do all of these things is fifteen thousand dollars a month all right you can make about three thousand dollars a month or more from uh teaching i was making ten thousand dollars a month from teaching you can make five thousand dollars a month or more from freelancing i was making ten thousand dollars a month from freelancing and then you can make a bunch of money from my actual job all right so there if you do you can some people do all three sonny was doing like all three he was like coaching people and making an income he was doing freelancing work and he had a job so possible but for me it's i i personally like these two over here a lot more all right now where can i find clients that slash freelancing projects so if at this point you guys are excited about it well now when i get into where you guys can go and actually get this stuff fadal i have a we have a course called profit with javascript it shows you how to do all of this stuff if you guys want to get that course maybe it the link is in the description or maybe we have a free training right now in the description and you can go and sign up for that free training and it's going to go very deep into all this stuff and give you all the insights and it's pretty amazing training so if you want to do that go ahead i think there should be a free training in the description all right so here are the the platforms you can use to make more income so there's yzant you got take lessons you got people per hour um so i want to just share this with you guys and be as transparent as possible wise ant alone i was making about 80 grand a year from this this platform alone and all i was doing was teaching people coding all right and i had only three to six months of coding experience i just went hard on getting clients after clients after clients because there's a bajillion people that don't know how to code and are trying to learn there's a bajillion people that are trying to learn hello world and the basics of programming that don't understand there's bajillion people who are going to college but they don't actually understand the fundamentals so there are a ton of people that are at level one all right so once i got to like level two and three i just went maniac mode on working with and helping people move from a level one to level two and level three all right and it's a fair exchange because they're paying me and i'm helping them move forward in life i'm helping them develop a better skill so it's a totally fair and extremely valuable exchange on both directions they're giving me money i'm helping them save time does that make sense and time is much more important than money which is why it's a good deal for them so wiseand is a great platform to go and make a profile on and teach now a lot of you who are not in united states you cannot use why that you have to use something else all right take lessons is also another phenomenal platform that i used to make you know a lot of a lot of money i don't know i lost track on it but both of these platforms i was an instructor doing online lessons with people and teaching them coding all right and both of these combined i was making over 100 000 a year all right just from teaching coding all right so these are amazing platforms if you are in us these are for you if you're not in us i'll share some other resources with you all right people per hour is worldwide so you guys can go and apply to that today all i want you guys to think about right now is i don't want you to think about making i don't want you to think about making one thousand dollars i don't want you to think about making a hundred thousand dollars i don't want you to think about making ten thousand dollars if you haven't made a lot of money with coding or money with coding i want you to just think about how can you make ten dollars with coding do you think that you can make ten dollars this week from coding yes or no do you think that that's possible you can make ten dollars this week and even if you forget about the word coding and you just think can you make ten dollars from doing some kind of freelancing work this week ten dollars that's it not more if you make more that's a bonus and first don't think about how you're gonna do it just think is that possible for you to make ten dollars this week ten dollars more than you would normally make if you answered yes that means you have a good deal of self-confidence you believe that you can and that you believe that it's possible now if you believe that that's possible now we have to think about how can we actually make that happen if you can make 10 you're going to feel a momentum you're going to feel a win and you're going to then want to make 15 and then you're going to want to make 20 okay so i want you to start off with the smallest possible thing because if you can do it in a way where you're curious and excited and happy and you feel a win i already know you're going to be going bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger but if all you do is think about that ten thousand then even if you make ten dollars today you're not going to be happy enough or go long term enough to make the ten thousand does that make sense so when you're thinking about your goals i'm gonna teach you how to do short term goal thinking as well because i see a lot of people up and live unhappy lives because their goals are absurd their goals are just dumb so i'm going to show you guys this okay um so let's say you got this long-term goal right here right you want to make 10k in one month well if that's your goal and that's your only goal well guess what when you make five dollars and ten dollars a hundred dollars and thousand dollars and two thousand and three thousand and four thousand you're never going to be happy on any of these months you're never going to be happy never going to be happy never going to be happy not going to be happy because you're not going to be happy look at how many opportunities you're setting yourself up to be unhappy unhappy let's just say sad right look at how many opportunities you're setting up for yourself to be happy are you going to live a happy life or a sad life you're yourself over you're setting yourself up to live a unhappy life right look at how many rules there are to be upset and frustrated and disappointed are you ever gonna then go up to the 10k goal absolutely not absolutely not how i live my life is everything feels like a bonus i set my expectations to be like negative like literally almost negative like like awful but then i play like i'm playing for making 10 million this month so my actions are like i'm playing for 10 million but my expectation is i don't deserve dick and i if i made if i broke even this month i would be extremely happy just break even with no profit with no new income i'd be extremely happy so then what happens is if i make one thousand dollars more i'm more happy when i make two thousand more i'm more happy if i make a hundred thousand more that month i am million times happy so set more rules to be happy that's how you're gonna get to those goals so now i want you to flip this and go happy on these and then be happier on that does that make sense no look at that so if you set up rules like that in your life well then you're setting yourself up for a happy life and extreme amounts of success does that make sense so that's how i want you to set it up okay so i want you to be excited out of your mind about making ten dollars this upcoming week and sean says let's see yes i can beautiful authoriva says as a beginner it's difficult but i'm ready to put in those efforts yep i can make a hundred dollars with html nashat says yes i can beautiful i took ten dollars out of my brother's wallet gold achieved so probably not like that yes yes yes joshua says time to make this happen okay beautiful so people per hour is a great platform for you guys to go and start applying all right now i want you guys to keep the goal in mind of making ten dollars this week so keep a small goal even if it means you're doing something underpriced that's okay right now it's all about getting that first momentum the first five or ten dollars this week and every single person that makes any amount of income i want you to dm me on instagram this is my instagram at cleverkazy go click that and like follow me there right now because i'm like putting all stories and i'm going hard on instagram and it's gonna transform your life if you follow the follow my instagram and i want you to send me proof of your income if you do send me proof of income that you're making i'm manually going to be logging it in an excel sheet and i'm going to have your name there how much income you you made the proof of your income and i want to collectively keep a track of how much income we're all making together does that make sense so every single person that makes income i want documented proof and i want to track it are you guys with me on that are you with me on that as many people as i have to document i will do that manually and then i will want to share with you guys every single week the results and how much wealth we've accumulated together that's exciting right so even if you accumulated five dollars well guess what you're helping the rest of the group because now their number is five dollars more than it was before so you're not just gonna help yourself you're gonna help the overall group together all right so i think this is a very exciting opportunity and i hope you are excited about this as well rohit says yes i'm in and creation is excited nikita dope enough says yes i'm in pinoy says great mindset so even if it's not for yourself it's for other people right so small is better guys small is better because i promise if you focus on the biggest goal it's going to demoralize you and not do it you can think about it and get excited about it but just focus on the extremely small win and set that as your expectation and then work like a work like a workhorse so ten dollars is our goal okay this week ten dollars is our goal code mentor is another platform and what does this mean like literally put up your profile and say i'll charge you five dollars or one dollar and then help 10 people and now you've made ten dollars here same thing charge ten dollars an hour ten dollars an hour if you can get on any of these platforms craigslist is another platform okay and this should be worldwide for everybody you can be like hey i'll help you get better in coding and i'll give you a free session you can start off with that and then charge them or you can say hey i'll charge you 10 bucks for 20 bucks for a session i don't care if you have to go cheap i just care that you get wins and a momentum of winning and a momentum of people paying you and you're doing sessions all right victor says i'm in goalless 500 made app earlier for 1k but it took me way too long to build got me a dev job though keep that in mind guys that's awesome victor thanks for sharing that that's awesome all right you guys can go on linkedin and reach out to people okay so that's one that's another way these ways i really really like because people are gonna reach out to you for job postings or you can apply this is a great way too but uh so i'm just gonna keep mentioning all of them okay this means you are reaching out to a ton of people are interested in coding and you can be like hey i'd love to help you learn coding you can reach out to people on instagram so you can go to a coding channel on instagram and then look at their followers and see if you can help their followers don't spam and be annoying but like actually care and leave a message that shows that you care so for example one hack that i have for freelancing that's like incredible is it's all about building relationship and trust then the money part is easy right so for example what you can do is go leave the first message never leave it with the question and don't make it too long may it should be like one line or two lines max okay and it should be a statement and you shouldn't ask for anything from the other person so for example if you want to build a relationship with somebody start it off with i just saw your instagram profile i absolutely love your last post or i absolutely love the two posts ago when you were talking about you know drinking a cup of coffee in um in la or you know where you talked about i'm sitting at starbucks eating eggs and cheese protein box whatever that thing is that maybe resonated with you or that post was genuinely talk about that and say that was amazing and then just leave it at that so you're not asking for anything so you're not coming off slimy or sleazy or salesy you're literally just providing value and building the relationship then when the conversation starts you can then go and talk about hey are you what are you doing with coding i noticed that you're coding and then as the transition goes more towards them they're like yeah i'm a beginner i'm just starting be like i'd love to get on a 30-minute call with you or i would love to get on a short call with you and talk about your goals with coding that person would be like hell yeah i'd love to and then you can get on a call with them talk to them about coding and then say hey uh if you want and if you're okay with it i can help you for a fee let me know if you're interested in hearing more if they're like yeah i'm interested in hearing more go okay i will only charge you like five dollars for the first session i'll only charge you ten dollars for a one hour session and i think i can help you with this this and this and if they're like yeah that works then great you just made ten dollars all right that's freaking exciting and you can share that with me and i'll document it and add it now you got momentum now you're building good habits that help you towards it right why do you work out every day or why do people do that it's just a habit that helps them move forward build muscle and get better in life it's a habit that they develop if you want to increase income you got to develop habits around income things that you do on a regular basis that you start enjoying ritualistically and do them all right that's going to make your habit make your income go higher and higher every single day all right there are facebook groups you can be a part of you can go to upwork that's another great great platform and what i would say is literally try to find jobs for five dollars and ten dollars and be like i'll do it for ten dollars i'll do it for five dollars i want you to develop the muscle of somebody giving you money and then you're doing something that exchange freelancer.com is another great great platform so you can write that one down and go to that one all right and of course this all you can do working from home so you can literally be in your bed like this lazy dog have a blanket on yourself and make profiles on all of these platforms today and get started on all of this today or even just one of this today so let me ask you because otherwise we would both be wasting each other's time what is one thing you're going to commit to doing today that's going to help you move forward with your income what's one thing that you're going gonna do today right today that's gonna help you move forward with your income goals write that down in the live chat on youtube and then i will actually share that with people and i'm gonna read it out loud here and when you make income send it as a proof on instagram and i will share that too every single week with everybody nikhil says just joined people per hour that's incredible nusaat says your words are full of motivation i'm going to meet you one day awesome pushkar says make a profile on people per hour amazing because otherwise what are you doing with your time why are you even here on this video if you're not going to take some action on what has happened today one of the things i hate the most in life is when i watch something or learn something and i don't take action on it like that makes me despise myself in that moment so always am like because otherwise just disrespect to the person who wrote the book or who shared the advice and is a disrespect to you and your time so if you are here you're here for a reason and if you are watching a video that's called how to make more income as a freelance developer then it only makes sense that you actually commit to a certain goal because it's going to help you get there all right and the more specific your goal the more likely you are to do it like for example i'll give an example mando rodriguez says register register register so i love that but that goal is not specific enough which it means that he's likely to not do it but i do want him to do it and i feel like mando you'll do it and that would be amazing because then tomorrow or the day a few days later you can share that with me but make it specific because then i know you guys are going to do it okay eshwari says done making profile on people per hour enthusiast says just create a profile people per hour awesome guys when you make the profile on these types of platforms make sure you put a picture of you smiling okay i'll show you how to smile take a picture with your phone all right so we can take this picture together we can take this picture right now so for example just go pop this open bad boy open like this all right this is a great photo this is what a great photo looks like you don't need this fancy setup uh you guys you guys you guys see it take that is the photo that should go on these profiles okay people have too many weird photos and too creepy and just don't this is not the time to be cute this is the time to just have a simple friendly smiling photo a smiling friendly warm welcoming photo will do wonders for you will literally make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in your life it's crazy so that is going to help you and actually make your profile stand out from a lot of them at first i was worried about this stream might be for the big boys but then i feel good because i can such a short-term goal of five dollars per week and i could do that awesome i think you're good for me to make my life better with income awesome tricky places gonna make a profile on each website amazing that's what i want to hear people taking actions and us creating transformations all right that's the whole goal of why we're actually starting this movement and why i've started the freelancing movement right and here are wins from our students which i think i've already shared with you guys um but these are the countries that are all paying a good amount of money per month for developers all right and usa canada united kingdom germany right so it doesn't matter where you are in the world it's possible for you to get a job in usa you can be literally anywhere but you could get a job in usa united kingdom germany or canada and remember these seven important habits to get you there okay so do it in a way or short term it's fun fun is an extremely important thing guys because without this you're very unlikely to like if your goal is this fun will help you with all of this fun will help you all right because you can't always just like do it with patience you know like if i was like okay i want you to just look at a wall for for the next 10 months and just like do nothing like maybe you can just eat you're allowed to eat and use the bathroom but you have to sit in one spot and look at a wall for 10 months and then i said i'll literally give you one million not a single person in here will do that even if they were promised to get one million at the end of it nobody will do that so i think patience and all that stuff is great but if it's not fun along the way you're not going to want to do it all right so make sure that you go ahead and make the thing fun for yourself short term so how can it be fun put all these apps like people per hour p uh upwork fiverr even if it put all of these apps on your home screen on your phone all right because if that's gonna help you move forward in life put that on the front screen and in the next live stream i think i'm going to talk about net worth and some stuff like that too which will be important if you guys want you can download an app called personal capital on your phones and we can talk about that next time if you have it set up then it will make a lot more sense but add these apps to your front screen and then kind of like how you view facebook and instagram just lightly go and have fun and look at these apps and see what kind of job opportunities are here just kick back relax have a cup of coffee and be like oh this is cute this is fun i'll just apply to this make it a thing where it's fun for your brain to do it consume content around freelancing the more you brainwash yourself around freelancing and making an income the more your body and soul is going to want to do it but if you're consuming other things that are not related to this your body and soul is not going to want to do this which is going to turn it into a very painful task so make it in a way where it's actually fun for you all right of course hard work patience is going to play off this is going to pay off learning is going to pay off but i want you guys to focus on these a lot right make it fun for yourself and take initiative so get started there are some of you who are probably waiting for my instructions to tell you the next thing to do there's others of you who are like already left this stream and making profiles and then doing i want you to be that group i want you to just leave right now and start working on this start making profiles start actually making a difference in your life then come back the next time would hey i've made one dollar from coding okay i'll add that to the income sheet i'll add your name to the income sheet where everybody can see it publicly i'll add to the collective goal you'll help move the collective goal forward and in november we're looking to make ten thousand dollars documented as freelance developers together does that make sense so that is an exciting goal for all of us to do it together and we're all a part of it all right and again follow me on instagram because that's where you'll reach out to me and send me proof of your income and all of those things right here okay unkit says completed making a profile of people per hour that's awesome working while listening to this video as a motivation amazing perfect perfect perfect annan it's my pleasure to be here great job man great and with that said folks that's it for me thank you guys so much for being here i love your face i appreciate you guys for being here let's commit to making an income this week so then next time we chat you have one dollar two dollars hundred dollars five hundred dollars thousand dollars something to show for what you did because as we go forward and forward into november i want you to have more and more momentum and i think in november we can hit the goal of all of us making ten thousand dollars in that month so i wanna i want to thank you for being here i am very happy for you and i can't wait for us to get back on these calls and actually work towards it i'm personally extremely excited for starting to track income of everybody that's in this so thank you guys love you guys and i'll see you guys in the next video and oh smash that like button so then this video goes out to more people if you do that it will mean so much and also subscribe to the channel if you want to make more income as a developer love you guys this is qazi and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Clever Programmer
Views: 39,176
Rating: 4.8863826 out of 5
Keywords: software development, learn web development, full stack developer, web development tutorial for beginners, web development, web developer, how to become a web developer, web development 2020, web development guide, web development tutorial, web dev 2020, web design, web development projects, web development roadmap 2020, web developer salary, web development 2020 tutorial, web development roadmap 2021, 2021, javascript, javascript tutorial, react, css, html, clever programmer
Id: m9oSZo-TvFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 40sec (4000 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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