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If you like digital art and want to enhance your brand or business, this tool that I am going to present to you today is going to be very useful. And you know what the best thing is today, it is 100% free. You have probably heard Meet Journey. a powerful image creation tool through Artificial Intelligence, however, this tool lately no longer has a free version, the action it has is paid and for many people it is a little onerous depending on the use case, you have just discovered a tool that without a doubt has come to give us an additional alternative and does something that Meet Journey does not do, this tool is called idram and at the time of recording this video it is completely free and this tool not only allows us to generate images but also allows us to create text, one of the main problems that has had mid Journey and many of these image generators to be able to enter it I am going to leave you the link in the description of this video as soon as you click on it and you are going to go to this page this would be the main page as you can see It is a very simple page and to log in all you have to do is create an account through Login or synchronize it through a Google account. Once you do that you will reach the main menu that the main menu would be this is a very simple tool here what we have is to put the prom here Here we can see our Home account and here we can see all the different creations now something very important is that I have already tested this tool in Spanish and it works however so gives us better results it is important to put the promt in English if you don't know how to speak very simple English we are going to go to Google and we are going to put Translate Okay into Spanish and the Google Translate will appear here here what we do is we are going to put What we want a smiling cat with glasses on the beach to say or a text that says I'm the boss, here it gives us the prompt as soon as we copy it and we go back to the tool and we're going to click here and now here We have two options we can choose the type of image that would be in this case one by one here we have the portrait option the vertical option in this case I am going to leave it here and additionally here it tells me All the styles of the prom I can choose any one for example of these if I want depending on the needs or what I can get is true, get here and I can close them all and what we do It is simply and simply that he chooses me there by chance I'm going to tell him to choose the strong one and I'll go to say , generate a Chinese cat because he doesn't have his glasses on his eyes but not on his head But look how interesting this one is like a cat like Gucci like Prada very elegant no but look at the text here the text Yes we can already see that The text says I am the boss in English and it is quite clear so here what we can do is simple and simply choose which of these options catches our attention in this case I am going to choose this Okay and here what we can do is Download the image and to load it we are just going to click here and it will automatically download it and that's how simple you can create images like this but what are these images for? You can use those images to enhance your brand or business through material that you can create specifically for it or you can even start a business with this, let's say it can be the business of selling t-shirts, we can generate t-shirts with quite original designs and we can send them to be produced and sell them. There is a business today that is working quite well that It's called print on demand, which is simply and simply where I just make the designs, I upload them to a website and I automatically synchronize it with a company that is going to print this for me and sell them even on Amazon or on some page. from the Internet it is very easy to do if you would like me to make you a tutorial on that let me know in the comments now something very interesting that we can do here is that we can also be inspired by the different creations here you can see all the creations that have been made in the last days even months and we can see some that catches our attention here it can be generated with these images as you can see logos can be generated see what more interesting logos are being generated Look at this other one can also generate images of different styles how you can see realistic images in short it is a generator of very interesting images similar to mid Journey now what else can we do in this case we can grab any of these images and look for some inspiration for example let's see one that catches my attention of all of these so you can see how we can grab this and be able to turn it around Okay here how you can see Look how interesting even images of brands like Nike can now be transmitted through Artificial Intelligence Look at this How interesting the Nike slogan even the Nike logo did quite well Artificial Intelligence then here we can see that it is already achieving much more precise results with what is the text and that was something that definitely left us a lot to be desired with the image generators now if you like any of these images what we can What to do is grab it, for example, if this one catches your attention, we just remix it and here we can change it. Even the lyrics you see here, we can just change that where it says creative and we can say, for example, hope Okay, that would be hope and we hit enter and it What it is going to do is it is going to generate the design with the same prompt that we saw but we can change the text. Look how interesting the result it is going to give us and look here it already gives us the different hope options here we can see this yes We would like to download some of these, not all of them are always perfect but this one reads quite well and there we can observe and we can even play with this type of options here definitely the options we have to seek inspiration are infinite now I'm going to generate another image to also give you a page that put the icing on the cake with what I am going to tell you, this page that I am going to show you below is a page that the truth is that I discovered recently and I see it and it never ceases to surprise me. truth and I want to share it with you, it is a page that is 100% free as well and it will serve as a complement to be able to generate the business that I had told you that you can create with this tool now we are going to generate another image we are going to generate an image to be able to do the example and for this I am going to put an average from scratch Okay we are going to put that prompt we are going to say that we want it square and we are going to say generate and here and we can see the different images that it generated for us with the average that I gave you I gave a prom that generated a grot that is one of my son's favorite characters and my son's name is Tiago. Here, as you can see, we can see here that it says Tiago clearly here too, but here it doesn't just say Tiago, so we can choose any of them. these and now what I'm going to do is that I'm going to download some of these options so to download it it's very simple what I'm going to do is simple and simply I'm going to go to my creations I'm going to look for the one I like which would be this one and I'm going to to say Download Okay now what happens with this tool, it does not remove the background because as you can see it has a background and for what I want to show you the background is not going to give us that professional effect that I want to be able to remove the background we are going to leave to a page called remove background, which would allow us to remove the background from images for free. How do we do it? All we do is that we grab the image in this case and upload it here . Here it will detect it and it will automatically remove the background of the image in this case, we click Download and that's it, we have the image downloaded now we are going to go to the page that I told you about, which is called monkey and what is this page Oscar is this page is simply and simply a page to generate moc Ops and what are moc Ops moc ops are all those items that we can customize with our brand that look very real and with just one click we can do it we do not have to have any experience in design graphic nor do we have to be experts in managing cumbersome programs, it is very easy to use to be able to enter the tool, but I will leave all the links about what we are talking about in the description of this video and once you are on the main page, which would be this one, you do not have to log in even in the page here what we are going to do is simple and simply upload the image we are going to grab the image that we just downloaded and we are going to upload it here Okay what would this be we upload it and look it will automatically put the image in the different options for example we have shirts Look we can make shirts as you can see we can even have t-shirts Look for women here we have different models we can make sweaters too Look what interesting sweaters and here we can see for example bags we can even see caps and look at everything personalized Now I like it some of these options, for example, one of these caps, for example, this one, I just click on it and here the image appears where I can personalize it a little more, I can enlarge it, I can make it bigger, smaller, right, I can even change the color to the cap if we wanted a yellow cap Look what an interesting truth we can go inclusive here we can customize the color we can put an alphanumeric color or as we consider the colors of our brand in short here we can see the different options and look once we do that Here We also see the different variants that we can see of the cap and if we want to download it, we just go here. We will Download mop and it will download the mop and once it downloads we click on it and look at the image it will automatically download it to us. open without any watermark imagine everything you can achieve with this Ah interesting not good as you always know We try to bring you the best so that you can get the most out of it and of course enhance your brand or business or why not start selling It is never late to do it I hope it has been useful to you if you liked it let me know with a good Like if it's the first time you're here I invite you to subscribe and turn on that bell so you don't miss the next content for now I'll say goodbye but not before sending you a big hug and see you in the next video
Channel: Oskr León I Negocios Digitales
Views: 33,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Como CREAR IMÁGENES con TEXTOS: iDEOGRAM IA Gratuita, ideogram, ideogram ai, ideogram tutorial, ai tools, midjourney, ideogramai, ideogram ia, print on demand, midjourney alternative, generador de imagenes gratis, imagenes contexto, ideogram.ai, oskrleonr, oskr leon, monetizar, imágenes y texto
Id: 6cIDTKTnOa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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