🔴 Chasing Dollar Storm Super Grand 🚀 Live High Limit Slots from Rocky Gap Casino

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like button right now click that grey bell because you don't want to miss out when we go live like right now and hey let's have some fun let's play some high limit slots start off dollar storm let's get this puppy all right let's take down the dollar storm thank you everyone tuning in joining us live tonight max out the volume max out the bet let's do it [Music] six of those [Music] [Music] all right i'll drop some miners [Music] see it [Music] oh five thousand dollar one always nice to see that one it's nicer when you actually get it thank you everyone joining us live tonight hope you've been enjoying all the high limit slot action oh yeah yeah this stuff again [Music] [Music] crazy carl one dollar lucky super chat thank you crazy carl come on neither three of those sphinx or six tambourines going off there we go 500 take it finally a little something [Music] yes there we go we got a bonus come on you guys ready for this let's do it bonus time multipliers re-trigger oh super grand chance oh there we go multiple no it didn't equal come on [Music] wow oh my god not one single thing just one dollar lucky super chat not one single dollar was won during the six spin bonus should pay a minimum 300 bucks six spins at 50 to spin minimum horrible you know what that means it means the next bonus has to be better [Music] only can go up [Music] what about bonuses like that i might as well give them out non-stop [Music] that's coach tom and jeffrey watching what's up guys jeff one dollar lucky super chat oh yeah come on one more oh so close one right [Music] [Music] [Music] yes saskatchewan in the house one more come on jeff two dollars did you already do patreon play tonight yeah we just finished it right after we were done on the big jackpot slot channel and we also gave away 400 people [Music] one and after this tonight i can send out patreon perks to everyone [Music] um big jackpot slot out send them out now but i have my phone in use that i send them on so i can't even send them out i could i see [Music] all right [Music] battle with these dollar storms [Music] there we go bonus time but hold on first i'm gonna send out some patreon perks on the big jackpot slot app right now [Music] oh all active patreon members right now sending out patreon perks right now on the big jackpot slow that up [Music] uh [Music] all right you guys ready for this who's ready for this bonus let's do it it's gotta be better than the last one [Music] so far it's not better oh my god this could be just as bad as the last oh finally something 200 whole dollars [Music] wow i was like oh my god this can't really be as bad again as the first boss it's god-awful oh look at that minis [Music] man [Music] [Music] all right [Music] wow another god-awful horrible bonus two of them [Music] luck raja hit the ground hope to meet you in vegas in july thank you sir hope to meet you too look at those numbers well there's that super grand chance with nothing else we're gonna get one of these super hands one day [Music] [Music] two more minor there that would've been nice 2500 [Music] [Music] [Music] three more come on i lost some of those [Music] hearts [Music] [Music] [Music] hooray love me some raja slots get that dollar storm no this dollar storm is so hard oh i can't just be easy for once [Music] let's give us some way back or something there goes that dollar store signing right by [Music] miracle we finally got it [Music] hmm [Music] jeff five dollar super chat i never received a notification for patreon how do i check if i'm still a member well you're still a member you'd uh when you log into your patreon account it should show you and then if you are still a member you want to make sure that you're still in the patreon private facebook group and if you're not in it just follow the directions on the patreon page of how to be edited [Music] or you can reach out to brian of denver on facebook also [Music] he's always anxious to help people out loves when they message him lp says have you considered moving the bet around i have not [Music] come on [Music] [Music] happy birthday silver wings i do mind playing double top silver dollar for you because this is dollar storm chasing the grand it's like i can't play anything but dollar store because it's a dollar storm chasing the [Music] ground very welcome samuel let's hook it up with the boom booms i don't know everybody calls me roger raja r-a-j-a roger is roger rabbit that's not me no relationship at all to that little rabbit a lot of people think i look like him but it's really not me [Music] [Music] couple of bonuses but they're all [Music] garbage josh reid in the house blaming that slot mistake [Music] something coming here god god awful [Music] it'd be a shame to make this machine [Music] [Music] come on one goddamn bonus [Music] goddamn big bonus the gdb [Music] people ever asked what other talents i have besides playing slots i am really good at stuffing dollar bill acceptors with money [Music] put that on my resume [Music] [Music] [Music] uh so so close last chance it's like the equivalent of winning nothing [Music] um turn the payoffs off on this machine they sure did you know all the machines for the last hour they have all my conspiracy theory friends all right you know what i was doing nothing let's try this other one over here try this other one and welcome guys if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you click on that subscribe button so you don't want to miss any of the action and also that gray bell so you know when we go live we'll try this one again it was just as bad earlier [Music] see what it does you think one of them has got to do something huh jump the volume all right [Music] come on doors [Music] no last chance winner what's up with that what is up with that [Music] yes my god oh my god i got a bonus for a let's do it chasing that super grand jackpot well i won't even have to show you guys the count that was 400 500 now 600 [Music] 600 can we get her 750 800 [Music] 900. 900 oh that's super grand one thousand buckaroos come on super grand chance right here one thousand dollars that's something it's already doing better than the other one there it is one thousand dollars [Music] all right something we got ammunition [Music] 20 spins we don't have to stuff the old turkey with [Music] all right come on let's turn this around don't forget we're gonna be back here at rocky gap casino in maryland tomorrow night again and then we're off to the hard rock atlantic city for thursday friday and saturday come on let me see some doors new expression a five dollar stream chat will there be a platinum for entertainment at the july birthday bash pool party trying to decide if i'm bringing wife to the pool the platinum 84 birthday bash that weekend is where all the platinum 84 entertainment will be pool party in vegas they'll just be the mods gone wild [Music] all right well we successfully gave back those 20 spins we successfully can't even get a last chance a winner with 40 bucks 80 chance to get it [Music] hey oh come on oh my god we got it [Music] and we got nothing with it but we got the last chance [Music] don't forget rajafreeplay.com over 400 accounts tonight got either free spins or free play added to them so make sure you log in and check out your account because it could be loaded with money or free play [Music] finally 208 dollars [Music] uh [Music] [Music] nora three dollar lucky super chat looks hard today good luck from switzerland thank you norah oh yeah we had to run earlier tonight but the last hour has been rough can't win them all [Music] so [Music] you got a last chance lucky a winner [Music] there it is the super grand all by itself i can't believe we haven't got a super grand chance yet and weeks well we've gotten them like what's something [Music] very welcome trying this doesn't matter how hard i try on this machine does nothing [Music] finally all right come on for those thumbs up for good fortune guys we're gonna make this one count come on there we go okay finally your thumbs up super chat super chat nothing there [Music] one more wow [Music] wow 410 dollars horrible horrible horrible [Music] [Music] horrible well at least we got a bonus wasn't much of a bonus [Music] one more come on we gotta get a good tambourine one more come on oh i saw it go right by [Music] finally 360. i want something better than the bonus [Music] molina's sending me good luck cutie [Music] thank you so much where is she [Music] suma 5 drop the mic super chat thank you zuma zuma and the summer sharks on the big jackpot slot up last chance of nothing come on [Music] you wanna give me some good luck give me some thumbs up this machine can feel those thumbs up for good luck [Music] [Music] uh three sir kim five dollar trip shot roger there's gonna be a big hit on the other side of this thanks for playing you've been a blessing during these lockdown restrictions you're very welcome probably you know sometimes we've gotten some big hits we just haven't had a very good bonuses did they get like a really big coin or a bonus good something good on it [Music] jeff two dollars super chat one time come on boom boom [Music] all right if you guys want me to keep going give me the thumbs up [Music] you guys wake up if you want more wake [Music] up [Music] shane five dollar super chat garage thumbs up [Music] come on machine thank you guys for all the support man 2500 one there would've been nice [Music] hmm major major disaster [Music] asian gambler five dollar super chat boom big win raja thank you so much [Music] nathan for the same luck down on my badass spinner on the big jackpot slide [Music] whatever out is [Music] man wrong with this machine all these machines lately the only thing that's paying out they're all aboard [Music] wow i want to take any of these bills [Music] come on machine there's only one badass get it roger that's right nobody can replace my badass diamond [Music] come on doors [Music] you guys haven't joined the big jackpot slot up yet make sure you do go to your ios or android store and download it and team raja we've got openings we're gonna be on team raja come on down [Music] [Music] all right come on machine load this puppy up [Music] zuma 1.49 lucky popcorn zuma's having a beast maybe this machine is malfunctioning super grand chance all right you know that taps out of the way oh look at that i'll probably win more on this at ten dollars [Music] zuma two dollar thumbs up look i told you we'll win more at ten dollars [Music] [Music] wow two hundred [Music] [Music] 350 i think it is better than what we normally been getting all right there we loosened it up oh my god oh my god [Music] 279 super chat good luck raja boom boom boom [Music] miracle [Music] [Music] you are amazing thank you zuma [Music] [Music] there we go boom all right i'm gonna reset right away 10 000 later we have 600 bucks [Music] right uh all right all right thanks all right it's reset [Music] if you're more like this oh my god another bonus [Music] oh my god [Music] 130 dollars [Music] two more oh my god again look at this our swinging bonuses on 50 spins we get nothing [Music] just absolutely insane [Music] 150. oh my god three coin bonuses in this round and we haven't caught any coins for the whole bonus either you guys oh we got one ten dollars another 10. [Music] so well another 150 and we still got one more spin left final spin [Music] 502 bonus better than everything else now if we could hit this thing up to 50 dollars all right we had to wake it up look at that all right back to 50 spins should we do it as a machine shaking up enough [Music] oh [Music] fast have it if it only works at ten dollars you know god what's wrong with this thing huh we should try 30 spins on [Music] [Music] all right there's a 30 dollar one let's see what it does you guys want me to keep going let's see some thumbs up let me know you guys are enjoying what you're watching and wanting to see more [Music] if you haven't subscribed click on that subscribe button [Music] [Music] okay [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you so much all right come on [Music] [Music] machine slot man it's 15 super chat my morning workout is shot i'm staying up for a massive boom hashtag the big jackpot hashtag raja you gotta just hop on your bike right now and do your morning workout early that must be cory because i know the pickle don't work out [Music] all right [Music] [Music] tomorrow finally all right come on finally do it all right 30 [Music] all right another 90. there we go the major 664 dollars [Music] a 30 drop a miner or something [Music] hopefully this will be right under 1200 [Music] [Music] so all right 13 25 all right there we go oh something boom [Music] doo doo doo [Music] okay thanks shane five dollars raja my awesome team leader cherry bomb on the big jackpot said i gotta walk away from the super chat button cherry bomb york [Music] two more one more yes there we go all right all right come back [Music] tell me don't call me the comeback king for nothing this could be good we could get some big numbers here we got one you go all right well at least we got something there was a minute of poke there for a second [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] um come on we are chasing that super grand jackpot [Music] there's the super grand chance but nothing with it [Music] all right you know what 40 dollars working our way back to 50. i feel like it's gonna keep going just warming up [Music] [Music] monajita [Music] come on where are those doors open up the doors knock knock let us in right here oh my god oh that would have been some nice ones why can't we get that bermuda two dollar super chat hashtag cute attendant hashtag raja is the best on it says thanks thanks for teaching us all how to play by watching you it's addicting just watching thank you smoke up 420 says smash the like button welcome benjamin thank you for subscribing [Music] all right fifty dollar ones come on let's get it hit or not this thing has got to step it up that's going to do it [Music] do something come on right here oh look at that super grand chance you're gonna get that super grand chance one way or another there you guys go what do you think the odds of getting the last chance winner on a four [Music] [Music] dollars [Music] [Music] [Music] uh all right come on one gdbb goddamn big bonus [Music] [Music] [Music] there it is again the super grand chance nothing with it can't even get three doors [Music] slot slayer five dollar super chat thank you for the live entertainment raja let's go super grand baby i don't know why for weeks we can't get a super grand chance why not [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right oh come on [Music] dirty little slot machine [Music] three hundred dollars keep it coming i know if we can get just one of these look at that 12 500 or we'll be in good shape [Music] uh ah why at fifty dollars can we not get a good bonus i just gotta nail one out [Music] oh yeah yeah i need a major i needed a [Music] door [Music] [Music] okay [Music] come on right here oh yeah yeah look at this super grand champs teasing us now we believe this [Music] oh yeah yeah what is wrong with this horrible goddamn machine don't forget guys click that subscribe button click that grey bell so you get notified when the raja is live on his original garage slot channel [Music] somebody says bro how much do you have to spend on this machine i don't know these things man they're so volatile just takes one i'll sign before you know it cuba winning 34 799.28 super grand [Music] yes oh my god all right i need those three bonus rounds like that one come on guys we're all those thumbs up for good fortune hashtag russia's [Music] all right let's do it come on positive vibes and nothing come on right here oh yeah yeah all right at least we got some birds for 400 bucks some birds bermuda two dollar ships raj is getting mad man a little flustered with this machine just ready for it to do something big just want to get that super grand chance [Music] 20 come on where are all the coins now ten dollars i get three coin bonuses and two super grand chances with nothing there we go that's it [Music] 150 bucks you know one more sailboat [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes oh my god finally a coin bonus on this there we go all right come on big ones [Music] [Music] that's my super grand chance i'm looking for i'm still alive [Music] there we go [Music] oh that 2500 teasing us [Music] one more spin can we get another point bonus one thousand dollars there [Music] one more spinner left [Music] and they'll reset it up and we'll keep going we're going to blow this machine [Music] out [Music] uh yeah re-trigger or back-to-back [Music] yes there we go finally nice there we go 2 000 more dollars all right finally a good one oh my god [Music] finally something back on this thing boom boom boom yeah baby [Music] all right this could be heated up for that big turnaround guys big turnaround is coming i feel it [Music] is that the big turnaround boom man i wish we had a couple more spins left [Music] 3670 bucks boom there we go [Music] [Music] zuma five dollar party super chat [Music] are you streaming all right i tried to find it it's on uh oh well [Music] come on jeff mixture 2 super chat finally finally finally now we need a real big one we need the bitcoins [Music] at least we know the machine can actually give out a bonus if you guys want to see me keep going see some thumbs up guys let's see it come on [Music] finally got something at the 50 spin level it's a sign [Music] [Music] door yes oh my god this could be the bonus of all bonuses this could be who's ready for this who's ready who is ready to see this bonus you guys are ready let me know who wants to see it damien says hell yeah yes terry says yeah who wants to see it come on is this the one ready here should i do it are you guys ready yeah nothing oh my god come on two more yeah wow re-trigger ah well that's probably not the bonus of all bonuses like i was mentioning earlier oh look at that too many that would have been nice one more coin [Music] [Applause] wow horrible 180 wow that was really fun what a terrific bonus all right guess they can't all be good ones [Music] yama review 10 super chat hashtag raja for great fortune keep them booms coming let's get this stream to 1k from naomi and me hashtag bbb bbb [Music] ah look at that [Music] oh look at those big ones yeah we still can't get that super grand chance what's up with that [Music] all right we love all our new subscribers thank you guys for subscribing much appreciated [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] um hey that took a little while i didn't think he went 1305. yeah three more here we [Music] two go [Music] [Music] thank you very much all right thanks all right [Music] mario 4300 slots and scratchers two dollars super chat i see a massive bonus coming boom me too i just don't know which denom is gonna hit it it's coming i feel it too [Music] all good things come to those who are patient i have been very very patient with this machine tonight [Music] door door oh man [Music] super grand come on look at these nice big numbers we got nothing oh there we go there we go a little something finally there we go [Music] 900 that was a good one finally something come on yeah there we go hour and a half oh something [Music] come on machine oh need one good coin bonus i feel it has the potential to deliver it [Music] so [Music] don't forget guys if you haven't subscribed yet click on that subscribe button you gotta click that grey bell so you get notified when i go live if you don't click it you won't know never know when i'll be live over here [Music] so oh look at that super granny we got about 15 of those tonight can't catch it with anything trying to catch this super grand super grand chance for weeks [Music] [Music] so [Music] man this machine that way it was finally heated up come on three more [Music] weird i thought we would have got it all right what do you think should i go chase firelink real quick that's a different [Music] he wants to see some ultimate firelink even though the title is dollar storm chasing super grand all right we will go over here to this dollar store we're not [Music] by the bay [Music] all right get in here cubby hole sure the volume is maxed out [Music] that volume wasn't maxed out means somebody is losing a lot of money not having the volume maxed out all right did we get four of those [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on oh yeah yeah [Music] good morning [Music] yes there we go 8 25 to start these are some good ones here come on let's do it [Music] let's do it [Music] and the mini 300 there we go come on keep them coming [Music] oh my god i dropped that 5 000 up top doesn't really matter now because we didn't unlock it if we would have 1738 bucks there we go a little something and we will get reset [Music] thank you guys all for watching thank you [Music] [Music] go [Music] huh [Music] all right back in business should we do it again back to back what do you think [Music] so come on see those ultimate fire links [Music] okay you get a bunch of those hooks [Music] everywhere [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on oh something right by a bunch of time [Music] come on two more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you ultimate fireball firelinks where are they [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes mini again 300 all right there we go let's do it [Music] there we go [Music] come on we unlock that next one it's got a bunch of good ones [Music] there we go there we go come on there we go another mini and we got a 500 let me unlock that top there's a 500 up there there we go six and a quarter oh my god look at that oh my god one more we got another 500 come on baby [Music] one more oh my god yeah we did it we got it look at this oh this could be epic look at this come on a couple of big ones now three more shots oh i saw two thousand even where's that 5 000 that came out earlier [Music] ah all right this is a good one here this is a good one the miner too that's huge 600 300 300 the mini this is big this is my biggest jackpot of the night it's gonna be over five thousand dollars [Music] five thousand five hundred and eighty eight dollars boom there we go [Music] five thousand five eighty eight my biggest one of the night [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] all right things are looking up told you guys you can't give up [Music] what do you think sir kim five dollar super chat just like the good old times when raja had his marathon streams thank you sir it's much appreciated very welcome thank you everyone joining and welcome all our new subscribers it's your birthday march 6 july 18th all right come on we're making an epic comeback [Music] you think this one's got another bonus in it all right there's two more spins we'll move to the one next to it oh thank you nice all right next we'll do the other one right next to it right here just move over one [Music] that's why you got to make sure you got that volume maxed out a lot of people don't max this volume out see it's that easy to do eric two dollars from raja please play some wheel of fortune they don't have any here [Music] actually no high limit wheel of fortune we're here again tomorrow night and then we are off to atlantic city two more to the hard rock atlantic city thursday friday and saturday should be lots of fun come on [Music] [Music] [Music] all right nothing there you know what [Music] should we take on this dollar store again feel like it knows us you're like you know what it's egyptian jewels right here i feel like this one really screwed us over [Music] it's time she pays for her sins [Music] shot the vine [Music] all right come on one bonus with a big 2x multiplier on here [Music] oh come on three things three spins [Music] [ __ ] [Music] ready [Music] three more [Music] thirty-five thank you all right [Music] all right [Music] [Music] all right nothing on that one yes we should have just went directly to the huff and puff like i thought but we didn't we stopped over for a quick break all right we've arrived at the huff and puff we can blow the house down [Music] all right max the volume [Music] we are gonna get this huff and puff bonus [Music] going let's go back all we need is six yellow hard hats how hard could that be well for me it could be hard could be hard hats come on man one more piggy would have been big thank you everyone welcome our newest subscribers also big shout out to all our youtube sponsors you guys have access to those raja emojis and stand out in the chat there's all my youtube sponsors at let's see your best raja emojis [Music] [Music] i'll let my youtube sponsors pick ah the next game i play your youtube sponsor in the chat just let me know what game you want to see if you stand out in the chat so we'll see you [Music] [Music] dan schafer welcome to the rajaholics what's my stock channel called raja makes money we made 19 000 today [Music] big shout out to the mod squad thank you guys for staying up late [Music] man with the brandy emojis come on three hard hats oh yeah yeah [Music] overtime crew i like that [Music] oh my god how do you get that oh yeah oh yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh with the volume maxed out taking advantage of 8.2 percent better chances [Music] yeah this machine is [Music] horrible no hard hats [Music] anything [Music] those party hats [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you man hard hats where's anything [Music] yeah dustin the slotted tent is very quick they've been terrific they have a slotted tent just staying with me all night i actually have two of them no wait very on top of it [Music] all right should we go over the all the boards again what do you think aboard [Music] all right let's go those all aboards go back to all aboard so go back to all aboard sully's a slotted two dollar number one thank you sully [Music] all right [Music] all right there it is max out the volume first thing you always do when you sit down on a machine [Music] max out the volume [Music] we hit all four of these but this one you hit for the least amount so i think it's owes us look at the best opportunity of all the other ones have hit pretty good although we didn't get any free games we got terrific uh all the board ones two more [Music] [Music] oh mario 4 300 slots and scratchers two dollars from chef big boom coming also thank you mods best in the business let me go hey raja wish you lots of luck tonight thank you greg carter thank you for all the hashtag rajas see how those are high limit room all right living rooms okay there's more uh real machines in there and then they work and then on the floor they have more of the uh the stuff i've been playing and stuff so the high limit room is more just reels [Music] this is more like a nice uh resort getaway kind of casino in the uh you know with the lake uh you know the golf course and you know more of a local place so i mean outside is just beautiful with the lake and stuff gonna check out their spa tomorrow [Music] robert says who's the beautiful lady that's the slot attendant they all they keep seeing you they want to see it they just see her yeah okay guys here she is this is the slide attendant he's been with me all night long paying me started going off sorry i keep saying like your head when you like reset the machine [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah come on [Music] i don't know the olive boards are falling asleep [Music] man all right i'm gonna try one more thing i know you guys are gonna want me to do because i know you guys are one more game i know you guys like we'll do here come on go find this game [Music] all right how about some dragon link there we go during the day we could never get on these because they're so busy now they're available don't forget guys about the big jackpot slot app if you haven't downloaded it yet make sure you do it's on your ios or android store take advantage of it also rajafreeplay.com 400 lucky people tonight got free play or free spins anybody who signs up to rajafreeplay.com gets 30 free spins so take advantage of it we'll win lots of money [Music] ah come on [Music] [Music] so nothing all right over here which one should we do one on the end he's got a 943 major somebody hit the ground on this for 14 000 earlier tonight um [Music] all right all right where are those moons three moons [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] thank you naomi for all the thumbs up [Music] [Music] ah [Music] come on where are those moons [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] come on moon [Music] ah [Music] come on keep it going [Music] all right final 300 of the night guys do or die right here can't we do it i've been up since 4 30 this morning mountain center time like it's like 6 30 here before we're gonna leave for the airport i am [Music] exhausted [Music] [Music] come on keep it alive ah all right well thank you guys so much for joining us if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you click that subscribe button don't forget we are still here at rocky gap casino in maryland tomorrow night and uh thursday friday saturday we are off to atlantic city for the hard rock so uh thank you guys so much for joining us as i said if you haven't subscribed yet click that subscribe button make sure you tell your friends about us and uh thank you everyone for joining us tonight i'll see everybody tomorrow night for more live high limit slide action
Channel: Raja Slots
Views: 73,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Million, Slot Machine (Video Game Subject), Tourist Destination, Slot Machine, Gambling, Big Win, Jackpot, Casino, Handpay, Max Bet, Slot Bonus, High Limit, Progressive Jackpot, hand pay, las vegas, rocky gap, rocky, gap, dollar storm, dollar, Caribbean, emperor, super grand, major, progressive, live slots, all aboard, lightning link, dragon link, ultimate fire, piggy pennies, egypitan
Id: UlR4cp2V1fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 33sec (7233 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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