🔴 Bonanza Full Movie 2024 (3 Hours Longs) 🔴 Season 44 Episode 37+38+39+40 🔴 Western TV Series #1080p

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[Music] you offered to supply 250 head of well- broken horses at $60 a head now the bid of Mr Sam Butler right here you offered to supply 250 head of well broken horses at $55 ah head that's right and finally The Bard of Mr Ben cartright sir and you offer to supply 250 head of well broken horses at $58 ahead contract goes to Mr Ben cardrive now hold on here you better take another look my bed is $3 ahead less than his there's another consideration Mr Butler yeah what's that I inspected all the horses offered for sale here and found the pon Roa stock in far better condition than any other Mr car let's go out to your Ranch and complete the details of the transaction yes better luck next yeah I'm going stop and pick up those supplies I'll see you out the range later M all right I see you [Music] later D McCay come j McKay's boy that's him re he must have run off here before you came huh yeah he did he's back now you know what he found and he ain't found at all yet Eddie there's no way to soften it your PA's dead I know he's dead I've seen the grave that ain't all I've seen I've seen 21 bullet holes in the front of that house somebody like to shot it to Pieces yes there was considerable shooting why what happened now you get a grip on yourself so as I can tell you your PA's back got worse after you left a whole lot worse finally he couldn't work at all he went head over heels and dead and the papers come through foreclosure eviction notice Eddie you know how mean your P could get Deputy Williams went out to serve him your PA put a bullet through his chest he killed him and you killed PA he didn't want to your P fored himself up in the house wouldn't come out didn't seem like he wanted to come out alive now you got to understand Young fella I had 10 good men to posy out there risking their necks he kept us shooting at us and there weren't nothing for us to do but shoot back I'm sorry as can be Eddie yeah yeah I bet you are now you hold on a minute you Edward MC whatever it son of Tom McCay yeah where'd you get this horse my PA give him to me I got a lean against anything that family owns $150 still outstanding I'm taking this horse and saddle to recover my money you can't do that yes he can Eddie unless you can pay him what's old well I ain't even got 10 cents and I take the horse and saddle you know you ain't wait wait fell look here am what would happen if I took any out the Bonos and gave him a job then he could sort of pay you off a little at the time huh no sir I let his paw have credit and he beat me out what he Y what if I st up good for no I don't want no charity from you or anybody else in this place [Music] that kid's wild mean what do you want to try to help him for was my bullet that killed his [Music] father [Applause] [Music] now look who's back in town Mr Butler that's right Sam Butler the man who gave you your first job you glad to see me boy sure I am you little thief you I am not you broke into my office broke into my desk and took $75 and you don't call that stealing I had to have that money my paw needed it let's go see the sheriff you're going to jail no wait a minute must be locked up I'm I'm crazy scared of jail please said just too bad please could I work it out what do you mean work it out Amos Road took your horse and your saddle and I don't hire no man unless he's got something to ride what am I going to do I know just don't know you had a chance to work for the Ponder Roa why didn't you take it I don't want no charity yeah but H owes you what's he ow me [Music] for he's a man who killed your pul all C right huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah the great Chessmaster just sacrificed his Bishop tricked you into that one Joseph you sure did Checkmate well I say one thing for you hor you're a good loser well you ought to be he's had enough practice I'll see you in the morning I'm going up to bed too H sure you going up no I think I'll go ah and get a little breath fres air [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] just might look to run into famous [Music] gumps you done out of here get on back in there you stand right still now you turn around I ain't going to shoot no man in the back Eddie what what are you doing here you want a man that killed my paw ain't you yes I am my PW always set an eye for an eye cool off boy let me explain how it happened you'll you'll at least give me that much time won't you talk fast the sheriff deputized a bunch of us I was only one of them he had me and another fell to fire in the windows just to keep your paw pin down and that was all just to pin him down while the rest of them sneaked around him back and tried to get inside and capture him alive you're still a man that killed my paw it was an accident I didn't mean mean to do it I couldn't help it he stood up just as I shot you got to believe that boy I didn't want to kill him I didn't mean to kill him if you think I've had a minute's peace since then you're a lot more Foolish Boy than I think you are what difference he's dead ain't he it's a lot of difference Ed I shot your pow accidentally you shoot me that's murder it's a big difference that ain't an eye for an eye head one's accident one's murder you ever taken a man's life yet it ain't something you can live with easy believe me it ain't but if murdering me murdering me is what you got to do then ain't no way I can stop you so get the paring think about it think on it real hard Ed [Music] B what's going on out there it's all right Paul I'll be in a minut it's nothing yet I I want you to go home back into town and think on what you tried to do tonight I think you'll come to the conclusion that you made the right decision now you you better go and get out of here hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] go I just don't understand you you say Eddie came looking for you with a gun and you let him go he didn't use a gun PA he could have shot me in the back I think P's right I think you made a mistake letting him go what was I supposed to have done and killed him like I did his paw his paw was a murderer oh Joe you know as well as I do that there wasn't a finer man in Nevada than Tom MC before he had that accident and hurt his back best Horseman I ever saw oh sure he knew horses but he he certainly didn't know people it only opened up let somebody know about his troubles somebody to helped him we' have helped him first time he knew anything was wrong he already killed the deputy and I killed him oh there was a lot of shooting going on where you going I'm going to go in town and see if I can find any I want to talk to him [Music] not this time over [Music] thank hello hos howy clim how are you anything I can do for you yeah I'm looking for EDD McKay you seen him not today you want something special I just won't talk to him that's all I figure I wasn't that much H you don't know that boy nothing yeah sort of like talk to him in here huh I'll see you C hold on howy am howy H how's business well pretty good if I can collect my money uh you seen Eddie M yeah seems I did see him a little while ago where about uh I think he went into the cman SL ah F thanks am give me one of them sandwiches down there and a glass of sasp and bring it over here this kid morning ni I got nothing to say to you Eddie that that offer for a job on the ponosa that I made is still good I ain't going to work for a man to kill my PW lady you got to work somewhere well it ain't going to be you yeah well look I'm going to be around town for a while if you change your mind look me up you made a mistake Eddie you shouldn't have turned down that job that H offered you I ain't going to work for him oh yes you are what do you mean you can be useful to me working for the card rights how I'll tell you what you need to know when the time comes now hold on I don't want no part of this well you got no choice Eddie now take the job or go to jail for stealing that $75 from [Music] me [Music] dog G howy Joe P around yeah he's out the horse car what's he doing here well I figured we can always use another hand and well Ed can do a few odd jobs around the place sorry with you and Paul it's fine with me Casey's home with a sick wife I got stuck with this job he can start right now get back to breaking horses yeah I'll uh go out there with you figure I need to talk to Paul you know Edie get with buddy we'll see you wel work boy Andy bring him over here you good yeah he's one of the best ones in the Stream all [Music] right [Music] thought you were her wood I was but uh Eddie McKay is doing it now they get back to busting these [Music] BRS what's Eddie doing out here I brought him back to town boy or maybe he can do some handy jobs around I make a good hand out him don't go only [Music] po I feel I owe that kid something I feel responsible for it well do you think it's smart bringing him out here PA I don't think ited is a bad boy I I think I can do something with him I'd like to show you all right show [Music] me [Music] show stay with him buddy hello boy stay with [Music] [Music] him well I think we you're going to have to get rid of that animal I don't think anybody's ever going to break him don't you worry I'll bust that Hammerhead if it takes me all summer you may just have to ride them all something POS about any well he said I was going to have to show him that's exactly what I am him to do see you later well let's get back on him again [Music] SM Ed doesn't look like you got much work done I ain't going to spend my life doing a lot of dirty odd jobs for you or anybody else yeah there ain't nothing wrong with cutting wood you saw Joe doing it you don't have to do do it all the time that's right he's a Top Hand he's your brother brother or not he's a Top Hand a top hand takes any job it comes along well I ain't going to saw wood let me tell you something head I brought you out here hoping to give you a chance to make something out of yourself but I ain't going to Molly call you I'm going to ask you to do something and I'm w't expect you to do it but of course that don't mean you have to do it you can always am blown away from here down the road and end Town into that Saloon where I found you but I got a notion you'll end up cleaning cuspidors to pay for drinks it's your choice to make either you pick up that saw and go back to cutting the wood or just hit the [Music] trail [Music] a [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Applause] [Music] where you going Eddie I'm leaving you uh taking a horse on Saddle with you that's right a broke down horse on wore out saddle I figured I earned that much well I figured you earned much more you're going to get paid payday like everybody else this much will do well uh can I ask why you're leaving or should I say quitting yeah call a quit cuz that's what I'm doing I'm sick of graining chickens and slopping pigs and cleaning Barnes that's kids's work or an old man's work but it sure ain't mine well uh what kind of work do you figure is your sort of work I'm a hand maybe I ain't a Top Hand like your brother but I'm a working ranch hand I know stock and roping and Brandon and I know horses well my paw was the best hand with horses you ever saw till he fell off in them rocks and hurt his back no question about it your Paul is one of the best if your half is good you'll be a Dandy well you'll never find out she won't give me a chance well Eddie I had to find out if you was tough enough to stick it out more than a there didn't I yeah I stuck it out where to get me nowhere Eddie you uh you think you can bust one of them Bronx out there well heck yeah my PO tell you I was busting Bronx and I knee to a duck and you'd like a chance to prove it wouldn't you we're darn right fine then you got it first thing in the morning now I'm decid let's Crow bab going bed see you Tom moment SK R want to try the Appaloosa oh if you think you can be trusted be trusted as much as any horse Joe yeah bring me the Pino cany pinno in the Appaloosa s was a better horse Jo yeah but I broke the pinno I want to make sure he stayed broke morning Paul morning old Ed here want try his handle one of them Bronx show us what he can do well you think you're good enough Rider sure do Mr card rght how do you want him tough a reason tough hey candy yeah s up old Hammerhead Hey Joe not that tough what's the matter with old Hammerhead well ain't nobody around here been able to R him yet good I'll take him all right go ahead follow in boy wanted a chance to prove himself got to give it to him well I been sort of pushing his face in the measly chores just to see how much he could take and I'll tell you this he's put up with a lot longer than I would have I understand I did a pretty good job yeah but last night he was going to quit he wants to be a regular hand so so bad he can taste it and I think he's earned a chance he says his Paul taught him to ride what Sam's coming out for howy Sam howy B out here looking to buy some horses oh yeah that Army fell says you got the best conditioned stock in these parts oh we have some uh pretty good stock this Bunch will be ready for sale in a couple of days if you're interested I might be looks like you're making a real top hand out that boy we're trying to all right turn them loose [Music] Bo [Music] stay [Music] hey stay with [Music] him man look at that good ride good ride very you good Eddie great ride Ed bet you out of you son that was real good what do you think of that ride s that's pretty good I like your stock Ben get together on a price I'll buy them all right let's talk about it hey Mr C right I got a job busting horses or not you'll bet you do you going to make it head [Music] no C going to ride old Hammerhead yet you wa to see I don't know I got find out says he don't all right come on [Music] Hammerhead [Music] nevery you sure it'll make out 10 you'll make it [Applause] [Music] yaa yaa hey [Music] hey Ed that was great you did it buddy you did it there you go you and me are going to celebrate on Joseph that's $5 I don't mind losing congratulations hi Miss Butler hi Candy talk shaving up pretty good yeah pretty good take a few more days see you yep I was just riding by thought I looked you up you found me I saying's going along all right I guess you uh still wrangling horses yeah we're reading that string for you fine boy fine you just keep doing good for the cart rides here remember I got plans for you um listen Mr Butler yeah I've been thinking well you think about this for a while I can have you locked up anytime I want to seems to me that the you've been forgetting who put that bullet in your Paw's head no I ain't about to forget that that's fine keep up the good [Music] work come in all right come in sit down thank you Mr car house will be down in a few minutes did you deliver that lot of horses to Sam Butler all except old Hammerhead he's tied to the Hitching Post outside you know hor is real proud of you well does it mean something to you to have them proud of you sure sure Edie everything all set for yep here's a bill of sale for all the horses except old Hammerhead yeah old hammerhead's one of the best well sure he is ain't you told him well I I I think you ought to tell them tell me what well idiots sort of pulling my way of saying and thank you for a job well done from now on Old Hammerhead and the saddle goes with him yours and Paul and me decided that since you're a Top Hand now that you got to take the responsibilities of a Top Hand now here's a bill of seale you take it to Sam Butler he'll pay you and you bring the money back well get on your horse and get going I want to tell you how much I appreciate you going along with me on this oh it's a good idea you know H sometimes you surprise me a fact which pleases me enormously well now Eddie I'd say this is our lucky day I was going to have you break into cart W's desk and take the money I was going to pay for them horses you're good at breaking into a desk we won't have to worry about that now Mr Butler ey kid if you're smart you'll do as I say sign I ain't going to do it sign that receipt and take off down the road to San Francisco now I it's just the same as letting you steal them horses oh no it ain't Eddie it's a business deal when I sell them horses I'm going to send you half of what I make no I can't do that to Hos look get it boils down to this you got no choice you do as I say and make yourself a nice piece of change or I'll have to turn you over to [Music] sheriff [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] d [Music] well I guess he ain't coming back I Reon that was wrong [Music] with [Music] oh sure the boy was in here yesterday afternoon with a bill of sale this is your father's signature a it yeah that's it so everything being right and proper I gave him the money well did he uh he give you a receipt or anything yeah there it is something wrong yeah he never got back to ran with the money is that a fact you know I kind of worried about giving a kid that money but you had to build a sale and all and he said that's the way you wanted it yeah that's the way I wanted it thanks well I Reon you live and learn h a Noe head why don't you come in here last night and tell me this that Berard clim I want to give the old kid every chance in the world I understand you're thinking he didn't seem like such a bad kid no he seemed like a good kid to me well it's hard to tell sometimes yeah it sure is well what are we going to do next he's taking your money it's got to be gr lney I expect he'll travel far and fast yeah he's uh he's got a good horse don't tell him which direction he'd go now I'll get word out thanks K don't you worry nun hos we'll get him sooner or later come back yeah I see you did old Hammer head's outside we had backw I didn't know you look here it sit down a minute sit down tell me and Clen exactly what happened well I'm scared to jails that's what it amounts to I can't stand being locked up when I run off a year ago I I got in some trouble down in a town by the border I stole a pair of pants he put me in what they call a jail it weren't nothing but an iron box hot no water you couldn't see out they left me in there for 3 days so ever since then when I just think of being locked up I start to shake and then when Sam Butler said he's going to put me in jail I I didn't know what to do now why would Sam want to put you in jail I stole from him money I needed for p how come he didn't put you in jail I've done what he said what was that he made me give him a receipt like he paid for the horses only he didn't pay for him well how do you figure I'm getting by all that I was supposed to run off to San Francisco and he'd show the receipt say he paid for the horses everybody think I took your money that's just about what it would amount to yeah you were stealing a bunch of horses a't it he kept saying you killed my P you owed it to me and if I didn't he'd put me in jail so I did I run off but uh you came back didn't you Eddie yeah the father I went to slower I got didn't seem I could do that to you [Music] hos a horse and Saddles outside I guess I won't be needing him for a long time to come now hold on a minute dad you know I I can't see anything that he's done wrong except maybe you was taking a little too much time getting that money back to the ranch what you mean well I mean that you've taken the first step in the right direction Eddie now go ahead and finish the job go out there and find Sam and get that [Music] money [Music] [Applause] [Music] H you know Sam ain't going to give that boy the money of course not but he's got to take that next step he's got to try what are you doing here I come for cartright's money I paid you that money boy that's a lie you want to look like I stole it you can put me in jail if you want but you're going to have to pay me that money P give me a drink [Music] partender [Music] the get up go come on we going to go down and talk to the sheriff go all right clear out go on about your business I'll handle this and I see you two out an argument I care Clen you help me these now Sam I don't know if I can help you or why I should help you the way I hear it you use Deddy to steal the price of them horses but you're the law and I got a receipt to show that's right Sam you got a receipt that says you paid for them horses but Eddie knows you didn't pay for them horses and I know you didn't pay for them horses and what's more important is you know you didn't pay for them horses you receipt or no receip Sam you stole them horses and ain't nobody going to steal a string of horses must and then walk easy now no question about it you can make trouble for us but on the other hand I can give you some trouble too Sam and you've had a little taste of the trouble I'll make for you I mean just a little taste Sam H hold on a minute I got an idea what now what we got to do here is white wipe the Slate clean uh Sam you forget your quarrel with Eddie and give hos the money and hos you forget what Sam tried to do we all start over that's fine with me all right all right I'll go along why don't you and me take a little walk over your office see you [Music] later [Applause] well here he is Paul do you want to see me Mr cardr yes I think I did what about didn't you tell him well I I thought it'd be better if you do him tell me what Eddie you're fired fired what for what I do well now son you just can't keep on working here at the Ponderosa when you have your own spread to work yeah here's the uh deed to your part [Music] Ranch well I can't accept this Mr C right iy we're not just giving this to you it's not charity we expect you to give us first choice of your best [Music] stock now just don't stand around here you got to spread to her get going thank you thank all of it good luck good Lu that was nice well I don't know how nice you're going to think this is because with Eddie gone you Fells are going to have to do your share of feeding the chickens and slopping the pigs and taking care of the calves and cleaning out the [Music] bonds [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] them feral Brothers said quar to 3 I'm wondering if we're early or late H we're late the bank's closed won't be able to get that cashier's check today well now you worry about the UN important stuff I'm just wondering how long it'll take us to get across the street to that Saloon stop worrying about the saloon that'll be open on midnight or later yeah but Joe on a hot day like this they might run out of cold beer hey Mike Josh how you doing Joe dude how are you sorry we're late he we weren't waiting we just got here but the bank's already closed well we're not going to let that stand beat us are we we got the money for the herd right right here what good the money going to do is we got no Bank you want to turn into a cashier check so let's go get one just like that why not don't enough business with this bank to rate a couple of favors this is Mike farell open up sorry the bank's closed I'm Mike Farrell this is Joe cartrite he wants to trade $155,000 for a cashier check he's in a hurry and sell my so open this door must be new I've never seen you before well not exactly new I've been here a month but I do know you uh I wouldn't have opened the door except that Mr Moore our president pointed you out on the street yesterday good let's get out with it it's highly irregular I'm not I'm not sure Mr Moore would approve he'll approve or I'll take my business elsewhere besides there's nothing a regular about a cash deal money right here well I guess it'll be all right Dean ,20 and please make out of cashier check to Joe CBRE my Tally Mak your her a hit over a th000 Joe yeah we would have been 10 over we lost two crossing the creek well most herds are few head short pleasure to pay for the extra stairs pleasure to take the extra money you uh you got a receipt book around here somewh uh yes sir I had it around here the other day oh there it is sir thank you Joe the next time you're up in the Arizona territory you stop in and see us here just ask anybody where the yabo is and they'll tell you where to find it all right I'll do it yeah it's a great spread the yabo good hunting man come and plent spend a week I'd love to if my father ever gives me a week off uh hey here you go right all right thank you here's your receipt thank you Hey listen thank you very much sorry we kept you so [Music] late [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] you don't keep much of a watch around here anybody can walk right in I saw you coming well everything went like we planted not quite what happened to that cashier oh you hit him too hard I only tapped him I swear he had a head made of eggshells where's the money let's get something straight first there's a rope in this now the price is gone up I want a bigger cut how much down the middle half he what you make it a third and I won't give you an argument and you can count out your share right here and now no tricks I'm your friend remember I found you and your wife down in Mexico no money no food holes in your boots and wanted by the law and I hav been taken very good care of you ever since sure you have because you needed a man who knew Banks we needed each other I get the money and count it out Jackson how many banks have you peel to get money to invest in high living and uh racehorses that stop to graze two three what's the difference no difference it's just that you're going to ride back to get Lisa and head right for the Border again and that's a mistake cuz you're going to wind up broke and hungry just like you did before you really better off the ranch and Lisa loves it there she like Mexico City much [Music] [Applause] better this pretty green paper's going to put us right back on top again s those blankets from the bed and wrap them up good put him on his horse and dump them in the rocks in one of the canons on the way south of here what do we do with this horse turn him loose first Indian sign we see they'll steal them I wouldn't have thought of that that's the difference between you and [Music] me calamitus I know but there's so much money involved I wanted to come and tell you about it personally I've been sick truly sick about this now look my my $115,000 was given to a teller in your bank now dude saw it and so did the pharoh brothers I'm sure they did but unfortunately the man who took your money and made out that check was an impostor now this Bears a genuine signature of our cashier if you compare it with the one on the forgery yeah they're completely different all right so how do I get my moneyy foney I'm deeply sorry but we can't honor a forge check wait a minute you've got a sheriff in dry Wells what's he doing about this trying to find the impostor without success up until the time I left well we suffered a loss too our cashier was clubbed over the head and died later I it's my turn to say I'm sorry I'm going to keep these I might need them dude settle horses where you going after the money well I'm going with you I no you're not I left you in charge of the ranch while he's in San Francisco was my job to deliver and sell those cattle I lost the 15,000 I'll get it back how about if I go along I never been to dry Wells there's your chance be back as soon as we can brother okay dog brother you eat a candy [Music] Mr Moore you might as well stick around for supper well thank you that's very [Music] [Music] nice [Music] Jackson Lisa yes Mr phell did the mail come no but I'd like to talk to you anyway in the house out of the sun where it's cool I don't mind the sun I do I'm bu for r huh good how's the kitchen help treating you just fine thank you Mr phoh now you're way too formal let's make it mik at Lea shall we Pedro get in here [Music] Pedro scraps throw them out and if you ever gave Senor Jackson anything like that again I'll slice off your ears and roast them and throw them to the dogs it's not his fault he gave me what I asked for you put steaks in there thick juicy tender steaks I want corn I want potatoes I want fresh bread and fresh butter see Pon and two of the best bottles of wine I've got W you got to yell at them but they don't do anything speaking of wine what's your pleasure nothing thank you Lisa it's not right for you to be living out there in that Doe Shack doing all your own work I let you do it cuz it's what your husband wanted was wrong when he was here and it's worse now the better days lisen in this part of the world the quality lives in the big house the Henda Shacks are for servants this place is full of spare rooms pick anyone you want anyone no Mr frell I'm afraid my husband would never approve Kelly open up the gate hey Lisa to what do we owe the honor of this visit I heard your horse I hoped it was my has been riding in has my brother been bothering you he is persistent I'll take care of it thank you made a quick trip maybe even a little quicker than you expected $2500 last of the cart R heard is Quarter Master for James satisfied why shouldn't he be there's no better beef than cart right beef be n better than faral de we got the money to operate the way we should little trick at the bank dry Wells we put us right back on top again we haven't heard the last of that don't you think I know that all I bought was time time to get rid of the herd C rights will be coming over the mountain and their boots I do the same thing when they get here what then what can they prove we bought a her and we paid cash for it we don't know any more about what happened after that than they do not going to believe that we're going to have to fight him all right we'll fight we got the men what do you mean we got the men we got three guns we can depend on mine yours and Kelly's well hire more there's something else on your mind let's have it yeah something else I know that that thing in dry Wells was just an excuse to get the Jackson out of Mexico I watched you work for a lot of years Mike adner Jackson didn't know it but he was dead from the minute you saw Lisa you want Lisa but she doesn't want you and that's the way it's going to be don't you mouth off at me boy you're talking to the man I changed your pants clean your messes wipe your nose and paid your bills ever since you were born P my bills you were the one that couldn't cut loose from the poker tables till you were in so deep we had to mortgage the ranch my Ranch I built it our Ranch P left it to both of us get out of here how many fights we had Mike huh 100 200 and you want them all except the last one I could have broken you over my knee if I wanted to not then or now and don't ever try stay away from Lisa stay clear away are we're going to tangle and that will be the second and last fight you'll lose [Music] Billy Blake was right in here under this table all the time you and the ferals was in the bank Billy was getting on he uh he didn't see too good didn't hear too good I guess that's how come somebody could hide in here until he pulled the blinds locked the door yeah no suspects huh we didn't even know what the man looked like till we got you to a telegraph but we tried anyway as hard as we know how you see Billy was a cousin of my wife's 4 days before she'd let me stay in the house long enough to eat a meal now there's nothing more to see in [Applause] here aside from my 15,000 did the bank lose any money no the Vault was locked you know Mr cart right the description of that cashier you sent it well it seems to fit a man who was around here for 2 or 3 days before the bank was robbed he's Plum gone since this whole thing was well planned had to bank was closed Vault was locked that fake cashier didn't stand to make a sent unless he knew that you and a phals and the money was going to walk into this Bank you think he pulled it off alone I don't know we're not going to know until we catch him you just want to walk down to jail with me I got some coffee sounds good course it ain't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fresh I found him hit under some rocks and I stubbed Canyon off a patchy Flats got one bullet through the heart it's the phoning cashier I found this in one of his pockets and that's all I found on him you know her nobody I ever saw I've seen everybody around here within two days ride in my opinion we just slammed into the end of the Box Canyon pick him down to docks that dead man ain't going to help us none looks to me like he wasn't in this alone there only two other people that knew we were bringing $15,000 to that bank the Ferell Brothers it did kind of open that bank easy like didn't they what do you know about them Sheriff no not very much except that they long gone into Arizona territory by now cattle sold the money stashed and out of my reach who's the law down there well there's a territorial Marshall rides by the aabo about once every six months outside of that I barils are pretty much about all the law there is mind if I keep this nope let's go see the feral brothers from what I hear they got a real fort down there they hire a lot of border gun hands you do a slight better sticking your head in a Rattler's Nest maybe so but there's no other way to get to come on let's [Music] run Joe just how far is this feral range I figured the Cabo ought to be about another day ride aabo you know that's a name I've been hearing ever since I was a kid uh AO it's Spanish means I finish yeah well I hope it isn't our finish you're full of witty SS and optimism that's what I like about you dude by the way um how are we going to get in the feral place I'm going to ride up and right in oh yeah just like three fat little Quail flying straight into the barrels of a shotgun straight forward that's you Joe not me I'm a little more U sneaky the devious is a word I had my my sneaky will do fine I read a story once it's about a big Fort there were some soldiers trying to get in so they built a big wooden horse and they took it up to the gate and left it that's Trojan Horse some one Trojan Horse yeah you get past bays and DS and I'm lost the people opened the gate and dragged the horse inside there were men inside the horse when the soldiers got back they had the gate open and the battle half won now it occurs to me the two of us would be a lot better off if one of us was inside the fort when the other two rode up are you volunteering well there's got to be somebody the ferals don't know it seems to come down to me candy you are sneaky you know if the fighting starts it'll be uh you and me that's getting shot at Joe and I'll be the one man who ain't shooting at you he thinks of everything don't you know how do you figure on getting inside I think I'll get me some boards and build me a horse [Music] course [Music] hey what what do you want um in want talk to the boss about what I'll tell the boss that's what you think Mister you don't get in here until you tell me what you want what's going on out there some saddle tra wants to see the booss well boss all right open the G let him [Music] in all right you're in now what do you want work I'm a top hand you want any good with that gun K me find out well he comes right at you doesn't he I like that and we can use another hand can't use you mister Kelly get him out of here you heard the man move hurry up out take him Kelly till you're Hired Hand to get out of that gun belt without touching the gun do what he says Kelly it's the kind of man you hire he looks like a short measure of nothing to me you want to get out of those gun belt I'll show you that won't be necessary I guarantee no gun playay a a he took our best hand apart without even working up a sweat we need him maybe where you from different places what places Virginia City Gold Hill Carson Tona paw dry Wells all [Music] over all I'm a $10 more a month than he's getting you're worth it you're hired friend thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] kindly I'm Mrs Lisa Jackson something I new for you I heard you say you were from the north dry Wheels yeah that's one of the places I stopped said you my husband is up there on business I wondered if you might have seen him Jackson no I don't think I met anybody with that name he's dark curly hair hael eyes mustache well Lisa I see you've met her new hand we were just talking about dry Wheels she was asking me about her husband ma'am I'm sorry I didn't meet anybody with that name but I was just in there long enough to say Howdy and goodby yes well thanks anyway right pretty woman yeah mhm you came in from uperin way mhm H long on the trail 3 4 weeks moved right along huh I don't stay where I don't like what I see no offense I wasn't trying to pry it's just that outside news is scarcer around here than dancing girls I thought something might have happened along the way no nothing oh there was a bank robbery in dry Wells something different about it I never did get the straight of that I guess you know there's more to your job in discarding that gate gun hand pay there usually is Mrs Jackson is the worrying kind that rubbery had nothing to do with her husband no point in telling her about it I wasn't planning to good but she lives in ad Doby out back and she asked me to see nobody bothers her while her husband's gone if I'm not around that's part of your job M keep everybody away from there including my brother well that might might not sit too good a Hired Hand chasing the boss the boss I hired you I didn't say anything about chasing you just walk up and stand there till he leaves Kelly over here if Mike wants to know why you're there just tell him to ask me all right we'll do take over here Cy's going to get something to eat that's what I was going to do look you've already hit the kitchen Twice It's Time Candy first digging right in ain't you making yourself a home I'm doing what I'm told just like you yeah well I'll tell you something you're shining up to the wrong fella Josh is just a pup Mike runs this spread and something else you and me we ain't through yet we got one to go well you try it you might get yourself a raise when I'm ready and you may as well give that saddle yours away cuz you sure ain't going to be needing [Music] it nice evening Lisa that's it's Pleasant out here isn't it yes it is Mr farell still Mr farell huh Lisa I I don't want to hurt you but I've I've got to tell you the truth I I don't think you're ever going to see your husband again on on that ride up north he talked about he talked about California and a and a fresh start I didn't mention it before because well I just I just couldn't find the right words but Lisa he's he's not coming back he just just rode on West I don't believe you wait I know how hard it is to accept because of the way you feel about him but it's true I even lied about the mail for the same reason the mail from the north comes twice a week not once every two weeks like I said I've had four letters from dry well since we got back good night Mr phah wait Lisa there's something else you don't have to worry because I'm going to see to it that you don't want for anything ever not for the rest of your life and I'll be proud to do it Lisa I don't want anything from you Mr frell all right I spoke too soon think about it Lisa I'd break my back to make you happy Miss Jackson fresh water who told you to fetch anything I asked him to Mr phoh than you very much candy good night you take a lot on yourself boy after this after this candy will do Lisa's chores she likes it better that way and so do I [Music] [Applause] [Music] good night good [Music] night well I guess we're getting close since I got a TR in there all dusty and sweating I guess it's time old bone bag and me did our little trick oh son this rock don't have to be big enough to hurt him come on son just so he knows it's there and now look at that convince anybody I train him myself cuz when that weather turns nasty there's no better excuse for toasting your feet on someone's bunk house stove than a horse that comes up all likee you know what I mean oh yeah I know what you mean I seem to remember the first time you came to our Ranch I've done it again bone bag I swear I'm going to have to have my mouth so J another mile of dusty road and tight boots and I bet he's going to make me walk every step of the way dude you can count on it friend how about open it up let me say now you tell me who you are and what you want well now you going to stand there spotting questions will a couple pilgrims die of thirst who is it it's Joe cartright open the gate and let him in Josh look who's here Joe how are you fine my you remember D don't yeah you bet dude come right in you got a lame horse you made it barely Jo is candy one of my men he'll take care of your horses for you honey candy mhm come on you got to be kidding nobody's going to name like candy come on in the house I got something to cut the dust out of your throat take my candy yeah the aavo is a great little spread of course it's pistol Aro country down here you know border gangs strike without warning steal everything but your bones that's why the fences and the guards outside got to be very careful in the Hills but the hunting's great I bragged the cart right about our hunting brother Josh now looks like we've got to prove it gentlemen here to a strong drink a hot bath and a soft bed just put a man e after a long ride Joe dude Mike the uh the hospitality is great but this isn't a pleasure trip oh well I don't understand well that $115,000 cashier check I got at the bank it's a forgery it's no good the bank won't honor it forgery but how could that be we we both stood there and watched him make it out yeah if the man was an imposter real cashier was hit on the head died before he regained Consciousness well I don't believe it Josh well if you say it's true it's true but I I can't see how I didn't know that man he said I'd been pointed out to him I'd never seen him before that's why he let us in the door I I'd love to help you Joe but you saw and heard what I saw and heard Josh can you had anything with that no except uh another drink might ease the pain a little yeah it's a good idea Joe I I don't know what to say I thought I made a clean deal bought a herd paid cash and got a receipt and I bought a only $115,000 cashier's check well you don't expect me to pay for the herd twice do you Joe no I don't expect you to pay twice I uh I just thought you might be able to help me find him well I told you I've never seen him for yeah that's right you told me didn't you what there must be somebody in dry Wells knows that man if it was me I'd I'd talk to every man woman and kid in that town we already have no luck well it's uh it's going to be two or 3 days before dude's horse is ready to travel I hope that invitation to be your house guest still holds sure sure it does dude wants to make a swap where he can have his choice of our stock no thanks me and old bone bag been through lot together I'll keep them let speak it all bone bags we better check on them thanks for the drink we'll see you around right right how's the leg head good you do any good this what I expected another one this woman out back waiting for her husband to come back from dry Wells he's long overdue her pictures in that Locker you're carrying how long you think it'll take to heal I don't know 2 or 3 days anyway go out past the bunk house circle come in the back I'll cover some box stalls in the barn I'll get some medicine for this L all right thank you very [Music] much on our wedding day he said he'd carry this as long as he [Music] lived I knew he was dead I wouldn't believe it but I knew we were very close even when we had to be apart he was with me inside a gentle glowing warm always [Music] there one night I woke up Suddenly cold and empty and alone there was nothing there nothing at [Music] all and I [Music] knew he made mistakes he got into trouble trying to get money to buy me the thing he thought I wanted and all I ever wanted was him hey Miss Jackson's woodpile was down to nothing uh your brother asked me to rack up enough for a week or two my husband was working for them he stole your money for them and they killed him and they're going to pay for it Mrs Jackson right now Mr cartright I believe I can help you I think you better stay out of it don't worry about me I'm already dead I died with my [Music] [Music] [Music] husband well it took you long enough wait a [Music] minute stay here and watch the gate till I tell you [Music] different you want me to do what I want you to open your safe so I can have a look inside you think your money's in there yeah yeah I think you planned this whole thing right from the start there's money in there but it's my money and that doesn't mean we had anything to do with the robbery the cashier spill some ink on some of that money I think it's in your safe this is the first time I've ever been called a thief this is uh this de la fron Tera Brandy in Spain last bottle in the territory why don't we open it up have a drink and start all over again I think we ought to open the safe well if you put it that way shot load go ahead and try it no guts you could have bluffed him it's too late for bluffing it is now what are we going to do Royo Seiko time they find him it'll look like a couple of fools that caught in a Flash FL and what about me Mr phell now that I know all about it are you going to drop me off a cliff too he's not going to do anything to you Lisa I won't let him you'd try Josh but you couldn't stop him I can stop him did you try at drywells Mr cutright and I had a long talk he told me what happened at drywells he even brought me this you killed my husband that's right and I'm sorry you found out about that because now you're going to have to go along with Joe and dude oh no you don't you stay out of this I told you to stay away from Lisa are we tangle and I told you you're talking to the [Music] man [Music] oh hey [Music] is wrong about the last fight both Mike and me [Music] lost safe combination is written on the bottom of the Des dra C us of the [Music] house it's your money sure enough yeah $155,000 of give the rest of it to sheriff and drywells along with candi's friend you can turn it over to yours Marshall when you are ready senores the horses wait right away Amigo you know something what I wish I'd never seen this [Music] [Applause] money [Music] hey Will y Li how you doing all right what you doing here heard you was barking a new school teacher we figured we'd come over and take a look oh thought maybe you were thinking about going to school you know we don't hold no book learning we're going to be hog Farmers just like PA class is dismissed it is such a lovely day for horseback riding and you are so thoughtful to suggest it it's my pleasure Miss Pettigrew Abby class is dismissed Joe that was a w [Music] b come on let's [Music] go oh he's so beautiful hey sh to I get in front of him he's L we get a swell head Joe do you think I could ride him sure why not he's real gentle with ladies [Music] [Music] Abby Abby Abby you all right I'm sorry how stupid why are you it wasn't your fault ooh what's the matter ow ooh it's [Music] ankle found a SW I think it's broke n on I we hear no more of that Mr cartrite I just can't stay here as a longterm house guest now you can't stay at your own place with a broken ankle can you no you're the best thing that's happened around here in a long time Peach you might even get the like us yes thank you Candy well no luck I thought I could get Mrs Ferguson she was a pretty good substitute teacher but she can't quit her job at the miliner store that would all be easy enough to find some ain't no big deal teaching school I got an idea Joe yeah what's that this it's no big deal why don't you do it why don't I do what we teach school for a couple of weeks oh come on I'm what what are you looking me like that for I was just thinking this pedigree how do you think Joseph would make out as a teacher well he says it would be easy enough I think he'd make a fine teacher well I think he'd make a great teacher you as a matter of fact I would I'd make I'd make a great teacher I just have a lot of work to do here that's that's no problem I'll do the work for you I'll do my work myself thanks Joseph every man married or single owes something to the children of his community now what have you done for the children of your community nothing absolutely nothing Joseph now don't you think it's about time you assume some responsibility I'm willing to do my share but but I'm not going to teach School [Music] now look I'm not kidding you I am not going to teach school and o no that's it I I don't want to do [Music] it [Music] [Music] what do you think of our new teacher Billy you look kind of natural don't he mhm what do you two one well um me and Billy uh we was thinking about how Miss pedigree always wanted us to come to school we thought we'd come over and enroll you two want to enroll sure why not we as good as anybody ain't we don't sit on the desk don't you want to go to school take a seat uh any place in particular yeah mhm what right up front where I can keep an eye on you right here anything you say Joe and from now on the name is Mr C oh Mr cardr you hear that Mr McNab I mean from from now on Joe ain't Joe Joe is Mr cardr yes sir Mr Kyra take off your hat yes sir Mr KRA show some respect Kathy Kathy what's the matter with her she scared Mr cartright scared of what she never had a man teacher before Kathy Kathy honey you're not scared of me are you oh now how can that be after all the times I've taken you on rides and and went over your house to see your paw now you can't be afraid of me let me see a little bit of a smile okay that's better hey are you all you kids no I accidentally made Miss pedigree hurt her leg so I'm going to have to be your teacher for a little while I don't know too much about being a teacher so it's going to be up to you to help me now will you help me okay good how about you showing me where you sit huh where's your SE C over there there you go honey my desk's over there Mr cartright go sit down [Music] [Laughter] therey all right erase it will why me Joe the name's Mr cartright I said erase it if you say so let's go race it Billy D wiie not you Billy you you know uh you really shouldn't get all Fred up Mr cartri Right my P he always says uh man get Fred up he's just going to wear himself out that's right man getting Fred it's early in the morning Mr cart right going to be plumped took it off before the day's over yeah that's right I think we had enough school for one day don't you Bly yeah see you tomorrow Mr [Music] [Applause] [Music] caride and then Chicken Little said that uh then Chicken Little said the sky is falling yeah yes Kathy that's not the way Miss pedigree said it she did it with different animal sounds well that that that was Miss pedigree you don't expect me to do it that way do you yes yes you do all right I'll I'll try and then Chicken Little said the sky is falling the sky is falling I must go and tell the king children I I think I'll find another story to read all right I got a much better one for [Music] [Applause] you chicken little chck a little the sky is falling oh the sky is falling on my head oh mercy you still right here I'm going to go tell the king hey get back inside quick quick this rolling ising where your boys been I ain't seen you since son up we've been that school Paul you know Joe cartright he's uh taking over for Miss pedig now that she's uh laid up we just kind of been pestering him this uh Miss Petty grew she ain't got you boys hankering to go to school has she uspw what do we do at schooling well there's him that values it it looks to me like we got everything right here we're ever going to need that's right Paul we get out and get your chores done it's getting late right Paul right Hey Joe Joe you hear the news chick and little just came by the skyfalls off to next Thursday Abby yeah You Met My Friend Chicken Little what was that all about H nothing he thinks he's funny how did your first day go any problems well the McNab boy showed up if you consider that a problem Joe that's wonderful I have been trying to get them to enroll for the past year but they well their father's been dead set against it oh he's been doing you a favor why did they cause you a lot of trouble no not too much I didn't stay in school long enough Joe they need an education and if you could just give them the special attention they need I'm not going to bend over backwards for the McNab boys if they come back to school they get the same treatment the other kids get they start fooling around again they'll get something the other kids don't get you surprised me why I just didn't think you would admit the McNab boys could get the better of you that's all I didn't say they could I just said they better not try I think you have a lot to learn about being a teacher yeah you got a lot to learn about the McNab Brothers we'll bring you your reward try try again all that other folks can do why with patience patience should not you only keep this rule in view try try again it's very good Mary [Music] that was very good Mary thank you just sit out uh I think we've all been working real hard you young folks want you take a little rest and the older ones can work on their arithmetic arithmetic right [Applause] C right yeah we thought it was getting kind of chilly in here so could we put some more wood on the fire what it's very nice Willie thank you [Music] woo [Laughter] you should have seen your face it look real funny huh yeah I just wonder how funny you're going to look while you're splitting wood this afternoon we're going to need a [Music] cord [Music] yeah one and I raise your two oh you see that for a nice lady you know a lot about playing cards well I find a small knowledge of the science of mathematical probabilities to be greater Hey Joe little late today huh yeah had to keep a couple of little boys after school you tired yeah Joe I hope you're not too tired to read me a story before you go to sleep fine I only a Pussycats my favorite figures perhaps you find him taking care of a bunch of kids to use your words is more difficult than you thought Jo was it willly and Billy that you kept in after school oh yeah it was it was Willie and Billy cuz I'm not too worried I figur or 3 days they'll stop coming to school well that seems like a Pity choke well that's your opinion oh I agreed to teach these kids but I didn't say anything about raising Willie and Billy McNab well you know teaching is only um part of a teacher's task concern for the boys's future welfare is the rest of it oh or for some reason I thought that was their father's job they need to look up to someone more than their father Joe you could be that someone oh come on we Abby these kids don't give a darn about going to school all they want to do is horse around well maybe they're testing you maybe they want to make sure that you're worthy of their admiration the admiration of Willie and Billy McNab are the least of my worries I just hope I can keep them from burning the school [Music] down all right kids come on everybody inside it's late come on hurry up come on come on inside everybody come on you too Andy all you kids keep your coats on I I'm a little bit late I got to start a fire morning good morning Mary morning morning it time's recess [Applause] there we go now we're not going to do any right until the hands warm up so I'm going to put some problems on the board and you just shout out the answers fall all righty 2 + 2 4 + 4 3 + 4 2 + 4 4 + 4 all right all right yeah Tommy you have a problem no but I think you do look [Music] all you kids outside go on outside with smoke [Music] players outside the smoke place not you all right what'd you do with this though well Mr car you Plum suspicious when school's over I'm going to check that stove and if I find out somebody's been fooling around that that somebody's going to be in a lot of trouble we better get out of here Mr car it's bad in here you'll get out of here when I tell you to now go on and sit down sit [Music] [Applause] [Music] down want's something like that doing up a chimney Mr [Music] McNab all right all right you want to act like little boys and that's just how I'm going to treat you now which one of you wants to go first now hold on Joe there ain't nothing to getting a sweat over just a little old smoke I said which one of you want want to go first now Billy didn't have anything to do with that chimney why don't you just let him get on out of here all right Billy get on home I done my sh I want to stay you get he look Joe you've been having yourself times playing school teacher that's fine I've been going right along with you but the Tannon no I'll fight you fight you like a man and no hard feelings nobody going to pants with me but my [Music] P all right that's enough Willie I told you that's [Music] enough going get out of [Music] here [Music] guy didn't want to hit him he didn't give him any choice I'm just sorry I let him get to me is he all right oh yeah he's fine I didn't hit him hard his Pride's hurt worse than anything I don't think for surely won't be back to school I suppose that's best for both of us Joe that is where you're wrong look you've accomplished something that I could never do I'd like to know what that is you got them to go to school now regardless of their motives it's a start now that is the important thing H important or not it's too late it's over Joe It's Not Over You must talk to those boys Abby look if I couldn't get through to him before I certainly am not going to be able to get through to him now Joe as a teacher as a te you keep saying as a teacher I am not the teacher Abby you are that's right I am their teacher and their future is my responsibility now it's your responsibility not anymore Joe for what it's worth I think y's right you know i' I'd love to know why you two are getting so upset over the mcnabs oh and you're not but I did the best I could and that's the end of it yeah that's the end of it you know I seem to recall you're being sent home from school on several occasions I don't remember the teacher quitting on you well that's right and you didn't quit on me either you set me straight you sent me back to school now why can't their father do the same thing I don't know why don't you ask him [Music] boy staying Mighty close to home today ain't you Saturday and we just ain't got nothing to do wouldn't have nothing to do with them bruises you keep trying to hide would it [Music] oh I've seen him last night when you come sneaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Jo cardrive he Mr mcav a't seen you in a long time it's been a while good to see you set spell thank you Bly Willie how you doing I always wondering why you haven't come by for a visit yeah seems the older I get the closer I stay to home um you ain't here because of some of my boys are done are you oh why did they say they'd done something they said they'd been funny you some and uh last night Willie come home looking like he'd been in a frus well they they have been fun of me a little bit but I don't about a frus you know anything about a frus Willie huh I say you know anything about a frus no I guess not you boys go find yourself some chores me and Joe got some talking to do now then tell me what's on your mind Joe well first I was wondering when you're going to butcher we'd kind of like to have some of those hams ears hanging in The Smokehouse don't be long now cold weather's coming me and the boys need some things yeah boys need things they've been complaining no no nothing like that well they better not complain they got just about everything a hog farmer needs to have what about an education I thought that's why he is here all right that's why I'm here I was hoping you tell him to go back to school no sir I just don't see it that way how do you see it it's a bunch of foolishness for a hog farmer the boys are going to take over when I leave off they got the house the land the stock you you keep saying hog farmer I I just don't see where it makes any difference what a man does for a living still needs an education yo I don't want you putting any High flutin ideas in them boys heads I came here hoping you'd put some hutin ideas in their heads I can't read or right and I get along good so we'll lay I guess that's it then sure to let us know when you got those hands ready I'll sure we'll do [Music] it come along boys [Music] H what did Joe have to say said he want to buy hams mostly he just tried to get me to send you boys back to school didn't say anything about me was there some reason he should have said something about you I guess not go on tell them me and Joe we locked horns yesterday and well he me pretty good I figured as much so I I couldn't go back there now anyhow why not cuz I got my pride well that kind of Pride you don't need I spect you in wrong if you got to eat crow eat crow but you don't have to go back to school I just can't see no sense and taking time off from your chores to learn something you don't need to know P you you're dead set against us going to school huh I am but I want to know how you feel about it you want to go to school no no I I don't want to go you want to go to school no I I I don't want to go either they settle him I want to hear no more about it really yeah how you figured Joe never told Paul about that Ruckus you had how do I know seems like that'd be the first thing a teacher would do why don't you just push [Music] up he ain't hard like any man I ever know [Music] before [Music] you did a real fine job I can't say doing it was easy Paul says if a man's got to eat crow he should go ahead and need it at the only reason you clean the place up look you didn't tell p we had a fight so I fig I owe you one kind of hoped you did it because you want to come back to school we don't need any schooling do we Billy Willie I I've been thinking you know what Ma used to say hey you just remember what Paul said yeah I don't need no schooling to be a hog farmer I don't like to go against your P but I think he's wrong I think you needs schooling I think a hog farmer can a better hog farmer if he's got an education look Joe Mr cartright just done made up on Minds we got a lot of CH us to do now come on home now come on [Music] Mr Cat R this here M's Bible before she died she wrote something inside I sure would appreciate if you could read it to [Music] me really I gu you don't Hur none my dear Sons I have so little to leave you I must count each thing I have with care I leave you with my love with a hope it will warm and guide you through all the years to come I leave you the brave plans I had for you knowing that somehow you'll make them real and I leave you this book the word of God Delight Your Way live by [Music] it live by it and remember my love is with you [Music] always thank you Mr K I guess about time to start school [Music] huh yeah Mr cart right ring the bell for me sure Mr cart [Music] right [Music] good morning Mr cartright yes it is mar yes it is will he light a fire service [Music] [Applause] department all right here we go cat c a t good dog dog d o g dog try try t [Music] r i why why why why remember that why why uh now n o w now see all right that's enough se's backwards let's turn it around is the cat on the the Matt Willie very good s not too bad huh it's good he good Billy you're next go on go on 8 9 10 11 6 and 5 is 11 what what's that word what what's that word now I lost count four and two is 6 7 8 9 10 11 [Music] 11 I thought so he's just studying a little bit P I can read [Music] so I thought we agreed hog Farmers didn't need no book learning Joe cartright read is what M wrote now Bible and we thought she'd like it if we could get some [Music] learning I I could read it to you if you'd like P I memorized it by heart PA P Joe says a man is is only half a man without any learning [Music] all right kids come on everybody inside come on hurry up it's late go on thank you Mortimer they lovely welcome back M pedig thank you and I'm so glad to be back and we're all glad you're back got a surprise for you a little program plan everybody sit down all right Tommy you can start the CYS Brook address by President Abraham Lincoln Four score and 7even years ago our fathers brought forth to this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that Nation or any Nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure we are met on a great battlefield of that war we have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that Nation might [Music] live it is altogether fit and and proper that we should do this but in a larger sense we cannot dedicate we cannot concentrate consecrate consecrate we cannot hallow this ground the brave men living andad who struggled here have consecrated it far beyond our poor power to add or detract the world [Music] will well good to see you I want you come on in sit down I come from my boys I think you boys like to stay in school you two get on home there's chores to do no will no I'm going to fight you on this these boys need an education fight me huh there's something I've been waiting to hear come on outside no wait a minute will that's not what I meant when I said fight you she told my boys that a man with no learning On's only half a man well I'm going to prove you wrong I'll be waiting for you outside [Music] n [Music] children can you sit down in your [Music] desks [Music] [Applause] children this uh will give me an opportunity to find out just how much you've learned since I've been w St it's enough Paul just stay out of the way boys I'll show him who's half a man you're man PA you proved your point so is Joe you're going to do any more fighting you're going to have to fight me and [Music] Billy you boys fight me yeah will I don't want you fighting your PA if schooling for me and Billy is worth Joe fighting for I guess it's worth me and Billy fighting 4 two again you or again [Music] anybody [Music] you okay Mr cardr yeah why don't you go finish that program from Miss pic sir fight's over my Paul and Joe Mr cardr are fine would it be okay if I went on with the reading please do [Applause] Willie the world will little note no long remember what we say here but it can never forget what they did here it is for us the live in rather to be dedicated here to The Unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly Advanced it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from these honored dead we take increased Devotion to [Music] that to that cause for which they gave their last full measure of devotion we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the People by the people for the people shall not perish from the Earth
Channel: Crezy Entertainment
Views: 69,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zPP8fpfm2b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 21sec (8421 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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