ENG)🔥도전 먹방🔥 제한 시간 1시간 중국집 전메뉴 다 먹으면 평생 무료 식사권 (직계가족+매니저까지..?) 원테이크 영상이라 오늘 영상 진짜 깁니다..(feat.개그맨이봉원)

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I think I'm going to fail today..😅 These are all the dishes you need to finish! (⭐It's a Korean Chinese Food Mukbang Challenge today⭐) The noodles are so heavy!!! Hello, it's Heebab👋 (It looks like a normal restaurant...) You know where I am right now? It's a region that's famous for walnut cake ⭐Cheonan⭐ I got a challenge invitation letter📨 from Lee Bong-won's [Bong Jjamppong] so I'm here now! I'll introduce Lee Bong-won first😁 - Hello! - Hello, nice to meet you! (Heebab is so popular now😲) ♬ Nice to meet you (Even a legendary comedian invites her to his restaurant...) Great to see you here! (Mi-sun) I heard a lot about you from my wife👂 Yes, I meet her very often... Oh..! You call her mom, right??? Yes! Then, you're dad...? Hahahaha I really like jjamppong❤️ Yes! I heard! I fell asleep while coming here and I dreamed of eating jjamppong🤤 (Surprised) Oh really?! (So today's challenge is...🤔) Let me tell you what I prepared for you today Since you eat very aggressively and fast! Hahaha The mission is whether you can finish all the dishes that we prepare in an hour or not⏳ Do I get something if I succeed the challenge..?🤷‍♀️ Of course! ⭐Lifetime Free Meal Pass⭐ Really?! Not only just you, but also your family as well!👨‍👩‍👧 One manager as well! - Oh really?! - Yes, manager as well🙆‍♂️ (Taking it out) I prepared it like this If you succeed this challenge, (🔥The forbidden contract🔥) you'll get this lifetime free meal pass! (🔥The forbidden contract🔥) Wow, this is amazing! 'But it automatically expires if we go out of business' - because we can't help it if we close down!! - That's right😂 I'll try my best... (It'll be my family heritage) to get that pass today🤩 I did a bit of research about you - and I saw your last name is 'Jwa' - That's right🙆‍♀️ There are a lot of famous people with the last name 'Jwa' Jwa Hee-jae🙋‍♀️ - Jwauijeong - Jwauijeong...🤣 - Jwahoejeon as well...😏 Jwahoejeon! Jwa-go-woo-myun Hahaha😅 Is it some kind of Cheonan joke? - Main dishes as well? - Starting with the main dishes first! (⭐Main dishes are coming out first⭐) Wow, tangsuyuk! (⭐Main dishes are coming out first⭐) Kansho shrimp! I think I'm going to fail today..😅 These are all the dishes you need to finish! As you can see here,👀 since my kitchen staff like you too much, - they give you so much! - I see that! This is...😳 (Chef Bong is also flustered😅) This japchaebap is like It's made for the holidays It's almost a party size🎉 I'll give you an hour The time doesn't really matter (Will she be able to...) but I'm not sure because there's just so much food (eat all these in an hour...?) You don't have to eat all the veggies, they are for decoration Anyway, I'll try my best😊 I feel bad asking you to do this... (Chef Bong's compassion...) You're like my daughter😅 I'll start now! - Are you ready? - Yes🙆‍♀️ Then, start now! (⭐Entertaining mukbang challenge!⭐) Did you start it? (⭐Entertaining mukbang challenge!⭐) Yes! I was curious about this tangsuyuk from the beginning! That's the sauce! (He watched her videos👀) I saw you just eating without chewing! I always taste the meat itself first - The fried food itself - Oh really? Yum! It's tasty!😋 And I... (Dive in💨) Where are you going? Oh, it knows where it needs to go! Hahaha😆 Wow, delicious! That's a month amount of tangsuyuk for me🗓️ Oh really? - A month! I don't usually eat meat - You don't eat meat much? I don't eat side dishes for drinking either🙅‍♂️ Water is my side Oh...😳 - Then, do you drink a lot of soju? - Yes! Oh, I shouldn't make her talk🤭 - There is only an hour, hurry up - It's alright I like this one😍 This is gan-jjajang I'm afraid the noodles are going to get soggy (🤎Aiming for the premium gan-jjajang first🤎) There is so much sauce here (🤎Aiming for the premium gan-jjajang first🤎) Yes, there is also small octopus in it because it's seafood gan-jjajang Gently.. I mean.. The noodles are...😳 - so much... - It's almost double lol (So much noodles😲) It's more than double! I can't believe this... Even for this one... if I eat a bowl of this, I can't eat anything else in the day😂 - The noodles are quite thin - Yes, we use thin noodles Wow... I'll mix it first🥢 I want to mix it, but it's hard to mix because it's too much😅 - Actually, you can't waste time mixing it - True You might need help mixing it Oh, I should've done that🤦‍♂️ No, it's okay Oh.. Where is the spoon?👀 It's here - The jjamppong soup can help with it - Good idea! You know the drill, huh?🤔 I'm an expert in this field! I knew it👍 No wonder why you're a pro! There is a reason you're at the top!🥇 You have the know-hows The noodles are so heavy!!! It's so good!😋 Is it good? Yes, the jjajangmyeon is so good!😊 Oh really? When I see her eating in the videos👀, she doesn't chew, but rather.. takes a few bites💥 and swallows, right? For noodles, I do that..🍜 Yeah, you don't seem to chew You just bite a few times like animals🦕 Look at that! (The noodles are like liquid for Heebab💧) This jjajangmyeon is so good! Jjajangmyeon...🙄 You should've named this place 'Bong Jjajang' instead of [Bong Jjamppong] (She means jjajangmyeon is so good👍) but I haven't tried jjamppong yet.. (She means jjajangmyeon is so good👍) Really? People do say that The noodles are almost gone already😂 Already finished lol It's all disappeared!!👋 I highly recommend you to try this jjajangmyeon here - I'll move it to the side for now - Okay (❤️Moving on to the jjamppong before the noodles get too soggy❤️) It's only been 3 minutes and 30 seconds If she can finish it in 3 minutes..😳 (Speechless) (🔥Refreshing🔥) How's the soup? Wow, why didn't I drink yesterday?!🤦‍♀️ I... I didn't drink for the last two days🚫 To exercise? I just gave myself a break for a bit..🙄 Because... (So many drinking meetings...) I drank too much these days, especially during the holidays🎑 How much can you drink? I... about 4 bottles?🤔 I can't drink very well I can drink about 3 bottles🤔 I used to drink 10 bottles when I was younger.. but I stopped that after I became 40...😔 Three bottles are a lot! I used to drink like 15 bottles when I was really drinking😏 - I can drink more if I go slow - Yes, that helps - But I'm usually very rushed.. - Talking helps..🍶 Do you like noodles? Yes, I like noodles😍 I feel bad for noodles - I'm sorry - Hahaha🤣 You know how much I love jjamppong, right? Why aren't you answering me..?🤨 Oh yes💦 This jjamppong is called 'Premium Jjamppong' It has seafood🦑 and beef brisket inside🥓 What else do you have? The regular one! Oh, the regular one is just seafood? Just squid For this one! since you finished all the noodles, this is clear✨ Clear! Bye, jjajangmyeon👋 It's gone now! I want to try kansho shrimp🍤 You should! - Do you like shrimp? - The shrimp is so big, I like shrimp🧡 Kansho shrimp is so plump👍 It's big, right? Wow...😂 She bites it and it's gone You don't take a break...😨 She eats like three pieces at once! I don't take breaks from food🙅‍♀️ It's not possible for normal people We usually need a break each time we eat something💦 I thought it was not much, but it's all hiding here It's time for jjamppong again🍜 It's so delicious.. I don't like jjamppong if the soup is not soaked in the noodles😕 - but this is perfect - Good (You can tell the soup is all soaked in the noodles here👍) Wow, it's amazing Squid🦑 Do you eat dinner after this? I think normal people won't be able to eat anything after this😅 Do you eat again when dinner time comes??? Yes, I have another shooting in the evening🎥 (Shocking haha) It's for drinking... What kind of alcohol do you like the most?🤷‍♂️ I... I used to like makgeolli the most🌾, Makgeolli! That's unexpected😮 But these days, I drink anything that I see in front of me😁 Do you drink whiskey as well? Oh! I don't drink foreign liquor🥃 - Kaoliang liquor either? - Nope - You must not like the strong alcohol! - That's right🙆‍♀️ What about wine? I like wine🍷 Oh, you like wine I am not picky when it comes to drinking😏 I drink anything that I have! Foreign liquor makes me feel the burn inside here🔥 and I don't really like it - You like beer then? - Yes🙆‍♀️ Beer must be.. so easy for you to drink because it's low in alcohol🤔 There was a beer festival in Songdo, Incheon Oh, I remember that🍻 I think I had a big jug like this That must've been about 10,000cc? I don't know, it was a draft🙄 I like the fried rice! Fried rice! I feel like I'm just eating a meal😋 Should I turn off the timer? Nah... We need to show it😏 The fried rice is also delicious! Wow, it's like she's eating it with the rice paddle😲 It doesn't look like a spoon I craved jjamppong so bad yesterday morning🍜 Oh really? Complete the challenge, then you can come anytime!🤗 But I don't know if I can't complete it I think that's going to be something!🤨 (Jumbo japchaebap) That's.. haha It's a party plate🎉 Hahahaha It looks like a 'display'😏 Wow, it's delicious! It's definitely a jjamppong place!👍 I'm also worried about tangsuyuk and japchaebap😟 The tangsuyuk is for 6 people... - Is the air-conditioner off? - It's on❄️ Can you turn it higher..? - I'm feeling the heat because of the jjamppong! - Right🔥 But do you like meat jjamppong or seafood jjamppong? I like seafood🦑 - I think I like this one! - Really? ⭐Premium⭐ Both! I heard you like meat😍 You like gopchang, right? Yes I do!🙆‍♀️ I did my research! (🎞️It got edited out✂️) You knew I studied in China and where I live (Chef Bong is a fan of Heebab) You know so much about me! (He knows a lot about Heebab) You said you don't like shellfish, but I guess you eat those now! I started to eat them recently Clams and shrimp🦐 That's almost... lol - done haha - I'm trying to finish this first (She almost finished kansho shrimp🍤) The shrimp is hiding inside!! Those are big shrimp!😊 They're called cocktail shrimp Wow, I thought I gave her a lot.. I think it had about 16 shrimp🙄 There is nothing now - It's all gone, right? - Yes🙆‍♀️ Kansho shrimp, clear!✨ Bye! - That's a lot of different languages... - Bye in Chinese earlier and it's Japanese now👋 It's so good! Now, I'll move to the fried rice🥄 I'll just finish them one by one! Are you almost...🤔 half full yet? Not yet💦 - Not even half? - Nope (Still far from getting full) That's good! Then you should be able to finish them😁 I'll try my best 🔥Lifetime free meal pass🔥 (Curious) What if you get a boyfriend who eats as much as you do? (⭐Welcome⭐) I'll love it! Eating alone isn't so great, right? Yes... I feel bad making people wait for me😅 Oh, other people? (She usually takes an hour for a meal...⏳) Or, he has to eat very slow (She usually takes an hour for a meal...⏳) That could work, too Slow eater although he eats small.. But if a guy eats so slow, they get criticized easily so there aren't many guys like that..😕 And after they go to the army, they eat even faster💨 Yeah, that's normal Or I have to find one who is very patient Is there any food that you don't like? I don't like food that has a strong smell🙅‍♀️ Smell? Skate! (Heebab doesn't like food with strong scents) I can't eat cilantro either🌿 - The ones that have a lot of spices? - Yes Then you must not like Thai food🍲 (Agreed) I can't eat Tom Yum Kung That's very similar to me🤩 You can be my daughter! I don't like Tom Yum Kung and cilantro either My wife likes cilantro💚 I heard you can fall in love with it Even fruit as well..🙄 - Durian?? - I can't eat durian, can you? (Hate it) Of course not!😨 So many people love it though It's called, 'The King of Fruits' It's the king of all the fruits👑 But it smells like p***! I recently had it in a show, it tasted like rotten grapes🍇 (How does she know what rotten grapes taste like...?) When you go to a hotel in Southeast Asia, there is a X🚫 - 'Durian prohibited' - That's right! I saw that! One time, I went to Southeast Asia with my friend to play golf⛳, He brought durian to the hotel saying it's good for the stomach👍 because there is so much fiber but I thought it was p***😨 - because it smelled just like it - Hahaha We couldn't eat it but we didn't want to waste it either so we gave it to a dog🐶 The dog came to sniff it (Even the dog can't stand with it) and just ran away from it😂 But some people really like it... Yeah, it's very expensive as well💸 Wow, you finished this one while talking! (Fried rice is almost done as well🥄) Usually, it's hard to eat while chatting but...! Oh! That's what Mi-sun told me, too! "How can you eat so well while talking..?" (Fascinating) Wow, she can eat while talking... Unbelievable..😲 While we were talking, Good bye, fried rice👋 - Wow!! This is so heavy!! - Look at how heavy that is! Do you want to come here and try to hold it??🤷‍♀️ It probably weighs about 2kg Dumbbell🏋️ It's almost like a dumbbell! It's that heavy..😅 I like japchaebap I'm glad you like them😊 I think they serve rice (Reasonable questioning🤔) in a soup bowl We serve it on a plate! - On a plate... - Like mountain-ful of it🍚 That's right! Haha I'll try it now🥢 The time...! I thought it had been 30 minutes but it's been only 14 minutes⏳ You can just eat slowly Yes🙆‍♀️ Oh...! It's delicious! It full of smoky flavor🔥 It's very firm - You can add rice in the jjamppong - Yes, I'm gonna do that later😏 It's too hot - Should I turn on the fan? - Yeah🥵 The fan... - Does it reach you? - No🙅‍♀️ It's not coming at all I'll put the head down a bit.. Be careful of your hands😳 It's warm air... I think you can adjust that a bit🤔 Try to make it face this way (Everyone completely forgot that it's a mukbang challenge...) Is the AC working?🤷‍♀️ (Everyone completely forgot that it's a mukbang challenge...) Yeah, it's working I'll do this for you🙋‍♂️ It's hot air - It's hot air? - Yeah🙆‍♀️ - It's not helping at all? - No Is it coming?🤷‍♂️ - No? - No Is it coming? It was cold earlier🥶 Yeah It should reach you - You could take off your sweater - That's be better😌 (She decided to take off her sweater since it's getting too hot...) It was cold earlier❄️ Is that better? Yes, way better👍 It was because of me Is this okay?😅 Huh? Yeah! It's supposed to be like this! It's because of the heat from the fire🔥 If we don't turn on the fan, the heat just comes in here - It's supposed to be like that? - Yeah🙆‍♀️ This shirt and that knit sweater is a set - I thought you wore it to be funny - No haha What was it?🤷‍♂️ There are shoulder pads It's actually a set with that sweater Seoa sells it🤨 Okay haha - Can I turn the fan off now? - Yeah Reset again🔄 She finished about 50%! 60%! She cleared 65%✨ What do you usually do, your hobbies? I like learning stuff So I just learn piano, late in life🎹 - I learn how to play ping-pong - Wow, how cool! And I got a boat license🛥️ - Boat navigation - Oh cool! Like yachts? I'm gonna get a yacht license too! I'm studying for that📚 I'll get a license to navigate a yacht and buy a used yacht💸 I'm going to float around in the sea haha - Kinda like a free spirit... - Yeah a free spirit😆 It takes around 2 days to go from Pyeongtaek Port to Jeju Island✌ - It takes so long!?! - 2 days - There's a port in Pyeongtaek? - Yes, there is🙆‍♂️ I think it's amazing that you learn all those things! I like learning😍 I hope to learn until I die Ohh.. Oh my haha😂 When people eat a lot, they usually slow down but you don't at all😲 - A little... - You're putting the rice in there? (⭐Reborn⭐) Yes, it's jjamppong-bap now! (⭐Reborn⭐) Jjamppong-bap! That's right! Amazing That jjamppong-bap is like 2 servings🤔 Right, I think you gave me 3 bowls of rice What is your hobby?🤷‍♂️ For me... - Drinking🙄 - Oh, drinking? I mean ⭐Image management⭐ (But there's no image to manage) I like moving around💦 so I like exercising I played tennis before🎾 I played soccer too - Soccer? - Yes⚽ - But recently, I've been going to the gym and learning golf a bit, - Golf is good but I'm taking a break from them now⏸️ Try hiking! Rock climbing🧗 Oh! That! I tried that once or twice🙋‍♀️ We go rock climbing too - I think that's so much fun - It's fun, ice climbing🏔️ I go ice climbing in the winter Isn't it dangerous?😨 It's fun It's fun😁 It's more advanced than - just hiking😎 - It must be How cool You've tried everything😲 There's a lot I haven't tried... I've never flew a plane🛫 Do you eat like this at home too? You don't eat a lot at home, right?🤔 - When I live with my family... - Family! - Yes, I don't eat a lot - You don't eat a lot? You're pretending to be modest at home😏 I feel bad so I just go out to eat Hahahaha🤣 Because your mom has to cook a lot of food? Yes😅 And they worry... And you'd probably just order food instead of cooking when you live alone🧾 Yes, that's right! You must order like 3-4 servings of food - Yes, that's right🙆‍♀️ - Right? Yes - You'd choose 3... - Yes, that's right🤭 Hahahahaha That's correct💯 You must have a lot of points since you order so much hahah Yesterday, I wanted to eat something but I didn't know what🤔 So I just looked on the delivery app and ordered sundae gukbap and stir-fried gopchang🧾 I ordered 3-4 servings to eat by myself but my friend suddenly came over👋 So we shared... So.. it was not enough🙄 So I'm really enjoying this right now Wow, the japchae-bap🤩 Our japchae-bap is delicious I think it's really good! I like that the seasonings aren't too strong🤍 It's not too strong, right? If we compare this to a marathon, out of 45.195km🏃‍♀️, I think you passed the turning point and passed 35km section✨ Do you do marathons? Marathons.. I'm not good at running💦 - I like running but I can't run for long - Oh, long-distance running Amazing👍 You finished that huge plate of japchae-bap... haha (Almost done the japchae-bap🥄) Wow, so clean! Clean! Bye, japchae-bap👋 Japchae-bap is gone now It's completely clean✨ Whoa... this is amazing The japchae-bap portion was no joke😨 I put some rice in here I mean just the japchae was a lot🎉 The tangsuyuk itself is so delicious ⭐I like soaking it in the sauce⭐ You really eat without any breaks... There shouldn't be any breaks when eating🙅‍♀️ Yeah, you gotta eat before it gets cold! - No breaks! - Yes🙆‍♀️ Do you know how to play go-stop? I know how to play but I don't know how the scoring works🤷‍♀️ (Lee Bong-won TV) I'm running a go-stop channel on YouTube and there is a comedian, Kim Min-kyung She's really good at playing👍 Oh really? She got this poo card🎴, and goes "Oh, I got poo!" "I have to eat it before it cools down!" and she took the poo card first😂 (It's called poo but not actually a poo) Is it a good card? - Is the poo card any good? - Yes it is🙆‍♂️ Bright cards like poo and rain.. Poo is a good one👍 So she was like, "I need to eat poo first" "before it cools down"🤭 She's good at eating too Min-kyung eats a lot🤔 But I don't think she can compete with you.. I saw her 2 times✌ Have you ever eaten with her? No, we just said hi while passing each other🙇‍♀️ - You filmed with that martial artist, right? - Dong-hyun! Does he eat well? - No🙅‍♀️ - He can't eat well? Hahahahaha🤣 - I don't understand how he made his body like that! - Right (Flustered) Wow, the tangsuyuk is never-ending😨 Haha the tangsuyuk is also for a party... Should I pour it here? Only half! Do you like pouring the sauce?🤷‍♂️ I... actually go along with whoever I'm with😊 - Whether it's dipping or pouring? - Yes Why? You can slow down...😌 We're not even halfway there It's been 25 minutes⏳ The food is almost gone now.. but the time's not even halfway😅 But why... - Why Cheonan? - Yes I get that question a lot👂 Why Cheonan? (Story of how [Bong Jjamppong] started💬) There were people who asked "Is your hometown Cheonan?" (Story of how [Bong Jjamppong] started💬) I have no connection to Cheonan Just suddenly? No, I had a lot of juniors in Cheonan😁 I would go to Cheonan a lot To drink🍻 I came here a lot to drink I have juniors here Cheonan isn't far from Seoul🛣️ It only takes like 1 hour, 1 hour and a half I came here a lot since it wasn't too far😎 There is another branch in Dujeong-dong At first, my friend was going to open a barbecue restaurant but I thought it was too small for it👀 It could barely fit 14 tables - It has to be big for a barbecue place - Right I thought it'd be better as a jjamppong place🍜 So I just took it from him although he already made a contract📃 And I decided to make it a jjamppong place so I signed the contract went out to learn👨‍🍳 You're very proactive! I don't really think for a long time🙅‍♂️ I don't think a lot! I'm like that too🙋‍♀️ I don't think for a long time It's just harder if you do that😔 It's harder to decide I first decide and then do it 🔥Just go for it and see!🔥 - I'm not the type to regret things - Oh! Same here! Regretting wouldn't change anything That's right🤩 - (You too?) - Completely right! (⭐Can relate⭐) Completely - I always regret it when I change my plan! - Right For example, if I made a wrong choice, then it can't be helped, I just have to forget it💭 So when people ask me what I think about in my life, I tell them I don't think😏 But you might already know, the cancer is the biggest issue of the modern society and the biggest cause of cancer is stress🤯 What is stress? - Irritation! Concerns! - That's right🙆‍♀️ You only get one life! (⭐On the same page⭐) Because I only live once, I want to try many things! Whoa, our minds are so alike😲 I only get one life so I should do what I want! I should say you're my daughter in the family register haha😆 I always say this "Why do you do YouTube?" Because I want to try it🙋‍♀️ You gotta try it! Because if we multiple lives, I could be like, 'Okay, I'll study more in this life'📚 'And play in the next life' But we only get 1 life☝ Since I'm curious about what others do, I have a lot of curiosity🤩 So I want to try it all to see how it feels - If it's not a bad thing, I want to try it! - Right - If it doesn't do any damage🙅‍♀️ - Yeah! After trying it, I'll be like, 'This is how it feels' 'That's why people do it' Then, if I fail something or lose something🤦‍♂️ For example, people cry when they lose money when they lose hundreds or thousands of dollars, they go, "wahh😭" But will it come back if you cry? (He has the same mindset, what a surprise!😂) If the money came back if I cried, then I'd cry If it doesn't come back, you should just laugh😆 - Just laugh! - That's right But if you find it later, then it just feels like lucky money💰 - That's right!! - But it's actually your money - When I find some cash in my pocket sometimes, it makes me so happy🥰 - Yeah It's already your money but... Oh! I found money! It's already mine but it feels good haha🤣 Money you forgot about! And I'm close with Choi Yang-rak I was driving and someone hit my car💥 The sides were all dented What can I do? It's a new car🚘 People were like 'Ah it's a new car' - But would that smooth out the dent? - Right! I have one🙋‍♀️ Someone hit my parked car (Gopchang video with Ralral) I heard about it while filming👂 that there was a hit-and-run I was glad because I got an excuse to drink😋 - Not drive? Haha - Yes There's no point in worrying🙅‍♂️ You just need to think about fixing it Fixing is the first thing Worrying doesn't help at all, I like your mindset😊 And the present! I like the present Rather than tomorrow, today😍 Wow, this! (⭐Jwa Heebab's motto: Enjoy today⭐) Don't you think we're exactly the same?! Ask him what MBTI he is MBTI?? Have you tried it?🤷‍♀️ I did and I was... I think he's gonna be like ESTP🤔 ⭐Enjoy today!⭐ ⭐You don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow!⭐ Tomorrow is important too But if I don't live today to the fullest, it won't be a good tomorrow😕 You have to live today well to have a good tomorrow Shall we guess his MBTI? ESTP (Looking for his MBTI...🔍) I'm not sure how to do that.. Photo..?👀 I sent someone it before, MBTI... What's your MBTI?🤷‍♂️ - Me? - Yeah I'm ESTJ... - ESTJ?? - Yes🙆‍♀️ It's the best MBTI😏 Hahaha😊 Do you have it saved? - He sent a photo of it to someone - Yes, I sent it.... What was my MBTI..?🙄 This is the sound of crickets, right? The present is the most important for me😏 I don't dream about 10 years later 'I'll wait until then', I never do that😤 Then you don't buy stocks I don't know anything about that👋 - Do you? - No! I.. don't want to study that🙅‍♀️ - I'm afraid I'll fall for it - That's right It'll just be stressful.. You'll just get headaches🤯 (Meanwhile...) (Almost finished the tangsuyuk🥢) It's rare for girls to think like this ^&*#allScrtKor##40;@& Worrying just make me waste my time⏳ In the end, I'm the one deciding That's right👌 - Simply put, it's good to be optimistic - That's right So my motto is ⭐enjoy the present⭐ ⭐Carpe diem⭐ ⭐Today! Today! Now!⭐ ⭐NOW! x2⭐ I always say this to my friends If I enjoy today, tomorrow will be good too👍 But if I don't enjoy today and waste it, then tomorrow wouldn't be good either👎 Wow it's not easy to find someone who has the same mindset as me I got it👀 I... Logician?🤔 INTP! Right? I got it right😁 You said ISTP INTP🙋‍♂️ What's INTP? Logician! ⭐It is important not to stop asking questions⭐ ⭐Curiosity has its own reason⭐ That's exactly it! You have a lot of curiosity💡 (What he's reading now) (Logicians (INTP) pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect) (They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe) Do you like universe?🌌 ⭐Imaginative and curious ⭐Logician personalities can find endless fascination in the workings of their own mind That's right too So I means you're an introvert I'm very introverted! AAA! (❌Communication error❌) I'm A, too! Are you blood type-A? I'm AAA! (❌Communication error❌) Oh, really? I only like people I like I don't even look at people I don't like haha😂 Oh that's why I said that earlier - that I only meet with people who I've already met - Same here!! (💚Father & daughter chemistry💚) Oh my! When people try to introduce you to other people, You're already tired of keeping current relationships😟 Why would you want to meet new people? I don't really like that😌 - So I have a limited number of people - It's very small for me too It's very small I get easily pissed off because I'm AAA😤 So easy to get pissed off and.. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'll just take this out😅 (Meaningless timer haha) I'm introverted and shy Oh, you're also type A as well!🩸 Yes! I am! You don't have to eat all the soup🙅‍♂️ It's delicious! So delicious!! You finished the tangsuyuk while we were talking?!?!😲 (Shocked) You finished it while talking,,, Hahaha Wow amazing👍 You'd just keep eating if we keep talking... If you talk while eating.. Yes that's right🙆‍♀️ You'd keep ordering and talking and eating This is so delicious😋 (She already finished all the dishes...) I think she ate about 4-5kg just now Someone's here👀 This is so delicious This is... completely cleared, so clean✨ Can I just get the soup without the noodles to-go? Of course🙆‍♂️ because when people get it to-go, the soup is separate... Again hahah😂 (She just keeps eating) They get the soup separately.. lol The portions weren't enough.. (Cough cough🤧) I don't think I gave you enough... Not enough...😳 - No, this is totally enough.. - I underestimated you There's a lot but it's so delicious👍 so it keeps going in I'll give you uncooked noodles🍜 If I cook the noodles, it'll get soggy I'll give you uncooked ones and you can boil them for 2 minutes at home⏱️ - And wash them in cold water - Yes, okay I really want my viewers to try this😋 I'll pack it up for you so take it and try it It's delicious😋 Did she clear it?🤷‍♂️ It's completely... She cleared it way before haha Haha I guess there's not enough haha😅 No no, it's because it's so delicious! She completely finished it all! Wow, this is really delicious😍 I wanna have one more bowl of jjamppong Hahahahaha😆 Really? Haha ⭐Premium jjamppong!⭐ Premium jjamppong?? Excuse me! This is amazing👍 She cleared it already (Flustered😨) but she's still hungry... Wow, that was good - So did I succeed? - Clear! (⭐Finished in 36 min 12 sec⭐) A complete success! And that was not enough for her haha No, it's because it's so delicious I think I'm gonna regret not having one more bowl🤦‍♀️ Can we do this now? ⭐Lifetime free meal pass⭐ Name: Heebab I allow this person and their family to get free meals for their lifetime from all the branches of [Bong Jjjamppong]🙆‍♂️ including one manager as well But it automatically expires if we go out of business🔥 September 14th, 2022 [Bong Jjamppong] Owner Lee Bong-won Thank you🙇‍♀️ Congratulations - I had a great meal😋 - Oh you ate so well! (⭐Granting the [Bong Jjamppong] Free Meal Pass⭐) Give this to the manager and keep them with you Awesome! - It's like a sauna pass! - It's like a sauna pass? Can we come every day?🤷‍♂️ You can come every day! Let's rent a room around here😏 What is that?! This is my personal gift to you🎁 I'm Santa Claus! Chef Bong's plate! I love things like this😍 (Chef Bong's magic broth pack) Broth for [Bong Jjamppong]! This gives the spicy flavor🌶️ Bone conduction headphones (Bong Santa has so many gifts🎅) It's the best for exercising! Natto sheet face masks These are face masks too (Luxurious) Shampoo & conditioner🧴 What's that?? Bong mask😷 You have so many businesses going on! There's Bong masks!!!😲 He does everything!! You do other stuff instead of stocks🤣 (Yes I do haha) But he gave me things I really need🤩 - He went out to get some more - Oh, really? - There are some more home appliances! - (Home appliances?😳) Should I bring another car? Aqua Cube Humidifier Air fryer oven🔥 Wow I really needed this! - Air fryer oven, really? - Yes🙆‍♀️ Because I recently threw my old one away I thought you didn't cook at home... I grill meat at home🥓 Wow, this is as big as my body! There's still room for that?🤷‍♂️ Wow.. Really... (She's almost terrifying now...😨) It's over 50% now right? Almost 70%? It hasn't reached 70% yet🙅‍♀️ Around... 50%? 45%?🙄 The soup has a deep flavor but it's not too strong. How interesting🤩 Can you eat 1 bowl of jjamppong? I can eat 1 bowl🙆‍♂️ I don't eat a lot but I always eat what I like But you eat so much and spend all these energy..💦 That's amazing... Then, what's your goal?🤷‍♂️ - Goal? - Yes ❤️Be happy today❤️ That's it! - As you live, you automatically get a goal! - That's right👌 Among people who think, 'I'm gonna become this', I've never really seen that happen😌 Not a lot of people go into the field they majored in in college You're incredibly fast💨 - It's not too spicy, right? - Right - Can you choose the spiciness level? - Yes, you can choose🌶️ It's normally pretty spicy This is perfect for me😍 That a large portion.... There was a lot🍜 Right? This is double the amount Yes, it is.. Wow, it's so big🦐 There are a lot of ingredients There are a lot of ingredients in the soup😊 You had rice with it earlier haha I'm so confused if the challenge happened yesterday or today..🙄 (Confused) Didn't she eat it like this earlier...? Was it yesterday..? Like a dream💭 I'm suddenly craving jjajangmyeon Ahh.. Really.. 👏👏👏 She's definitely on another level I really enjoyed eating today🤗 I was pretty worried I was worried seeing the tangsuyuk and japchae😟 But while we were talking... While talking, you ate it all😲 But even though it cooled down, I could eat because it was delicious! Thank you so much for coming all the way here and crushing it🙏 No problem haha I received so many household gifts from you today😁 [Bong Jjamppong] Household items! Yes! So I cleared this mukbang challenge at [Bongjjamppong] in Sinbuldang-dong, Cheonan✨ My immediate family and manager got a ⭐Lifetime free meal pass⭐ I was so happy to finally meet Mi-sun mom's husband Lee Bong-won today❤️ - Bye👋 - Thank you👋
Channel: 히밥heebab
Views: 3,408,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HiKhJ9H5TV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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