🔥😋 Gott, wie lecker! Nur wenige Menschen kennen diesen Trick zum Kochen von Hähnchenschenkeln!

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Chicken drumsticks 5 pcs. Let's get to know each other! My name is Emilia. I live in Germany. Which country are you from? I'm not a chef, but I really love cooking for my husband and kids. Who cooks in your family? Salt to taste. Onion 0.5 pcs. Bay leaf 2 pcs. Peppercorns 5-6 pcs. How are you? How is the weather in your city? I cooked the drumsticks until they were fully cooked. I separate the flesh from the bone. Subscribe to my channel! Click the bell to learn new recipes! I cut the meat finely. Boiled potatoes 1 kg. I mash the potatoes. This recipe is very simple. I'll show you everything in great detail. Do as I do and everything will be fine for you! If you have any questions, ask a question below the video. I will definitely answer you. I add meat. Parsley. Egg 1 pc. Salt to taste. Ground black pepper to taste. Mix well. Have you already cooked according to my recipes? Did you like them? Write about your impressions. It is very important for me to know your opinion. I dip my hands into the water. I form a large “chicken leg”. I condense it well. Chicken eggs 3 pcs. Mix well. Breadcrumbs 1 cup. I dip it into the egg mixture. I bread it in breadcrumbs. Double breading. I press the crackers well. Vegetable oil 700-800 ml. I dip the “chicken leg” in heated vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown on all sides over medium heat. Mmmm! How nice!! I put it on a paper towel. Just look at how crispy the crust is! And inside there is a juicy and tender filling. Chicken legs 8 pcs. I make 2-3 cuts on each shin. Salt 1 tsp. Dry garlic 1 tsp. Ginger 1 tsp. Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp. Egg 1 piece Olive oil 2 tbsp. l. Mix well. I let it marinate for 30 minutes. Potatoes (any quantity). I fill it with water. Add a pinch of salt and cook until tender. Back to the meat. Cornstarch 2 tbsp. l. Flour 2 tbsp. l. Mix well. Vegetable oil 50 ml. I put the drumsticks in well-heated oil. Fry until golden brown and turn over to the other side. I take the finished potatoes out of the water. I put it on a baking sheet. I lightly press each potato down. Garlic 2 cloves. Mixture of Italian herbs 0.5 tsp. Olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l. Mix well. I pour oil over the potatoes. Mmmm! what a beauty! It's time to deliver! I put the legs between the potatoes. I pour the remaining oil over the drumsticks. I put it in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. If you liked the recipe, hit like and leave a comment. Share this recipe with your friends. You will love it too! Thats very delicious ! Chicken legs 3 pcs. I remove all the bones. I don't cut deep. I beat the meat with a kitchen hammer. Salt 1 tsp. Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp. Paprika 1 tsp. Dry garlic 1 tsp. Brown sugar 1 tbsp Ketchup 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce 2 tbsp. l. Garlic 2 cloves. I mix everything. Brush each piece of meat with marinade. I let it marinate for 20-30 minutes. Onion 1 pc. I cut it into small cubes. Vegetable oil 50 ml. I fry the onion for 3-4 minutes. Mushrooms 300 gr. I add mushrooms to onions. I mix. Salt 0.5 tsp. Black ground pepper 0.5 tsp. Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l. I fry it until golden brown. I use transparent foil (for baking). Place the meat skin side down. I spread the mushrooms around the wide edge of the meat. Mozzarella 6 pieces. I put the cheese on the mushrooms. I roll the meat tightly. I secure the edges of the foil with kitchen twine. I place the chicken rolls on a baking sheet. I add 100 ml of water. I put it in the oven preheated to 180*C for 50 minutes. Everything, the meat is ready! Mmmm! The meat is so juicy and tender! Be sure to cook! You will like it! Thanks for watching. Health and joy to you!
Channel: Lieblingsrezepte
Views: 10,981,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fleisch, Fleischrezepte, Abendessen Rezepte, Fleischgerichte Rezepte, yt:cc=on, Lieblingsrezept, Lieblingsrezepte, Fleischrezept, Rezept für Hähnchenkeulen, Hähnchenkeulen, Hähnchenschenkel, Hühnerfleisch, wie man Hähnchenkeulen kocht, große Hähnchenkeulen, große Hähnchenkeulenkoteletts, Schnitzel mit Knochen, Hähnchenkeule mit Kartoffeln, Schlangen, lecker Abendessen, Abendessenrezept, was man zum Abendessen kochen sollte, schnell und einfach
Id: Tw7ziH6c6D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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