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ma'am I need to take my seat no it's all right doctor says I got to do one good D today for my health someone raised you [Music] right hey FBI I need everybody to exit the train into the tunnels quietly and calmly right now good concussion probably we'll have an empty check you out hey that's that's him have you ever heard of night action night action is a top secret investigative program within the FBI all I do know is that it always involves matters of National Security The operatives Who conduct those investigations are known simply as night agents I want you to answer the phone for them what there's a secure emergency line in the basement of the White House officially it's a redundancy in case the FBI needs to contact the president and other methods are compromised in reality if [ย __ย ] ever hits the fan night agent can call that line for help pass along a message it's a dual role FBI and white house so essentially I'd just be a glorified 911 dispatcher agents who work the phone get their pickup assignments afterwards or you can wait it out in surveillance hope somebody gives you a shot someday welcome to the White House Peter first time doing a t talk year ago I couldn't even get tickets to one of these here you go give you a 5 minute warning before we start okay hey hey is that the seed funding documents can you believe it I sure can you fored your ass off where do you see the cyber security sector trending right now large companies have sensitive information they need to protect but smaller companies individuals privacy is important to them too I am so sorry uh there's a call Mr Finster it's Rose Lin how can I someone's in our goddamn system we're completely locked out everything shut down I know I'm trying someone's [ย __ย ] with the code [ย __ย ] it's Adam Adam what did you do look after the data breach the ransomware all my clients bailed and the funders turned on me well you can stay here as long as you need bankruptcy bankruptcy how do we warn people about what we found the country's in trouble that no one in the white house can be trusted yet this is not fair and I can't tell you the whole story right now but someone is outside and you have to pay you have to pay attention to me take this go to the finer house down the hill use their phone call this number say these words call this number say night action and then tell them those are exact words and that exact go now uh yes go ahead um night action code please pen clock door fire are you still there is this a side Winder or gazelle what I I don't understand look I need to keep this line open all right you reached the wrong number her and my Uncle Henry are in danger they told me to call you they're endanger there's Intruders and I and I think they're after me too okay where are they I need an address uh 54 wildwind Lane in Stone Ridge I need a police to a 54 wildwind Lane in Stone Ridge we have Assets in danger two known asants what's your name Rose okay Rose I'm Peter I'm going to help you he's coming okay very quietly go to the furthest bedroom find a closet and get inside Rose you still with me I'm in the closet now okay good the police are on their way he's already here good rose it's okay you're safe now a night action with two of our assets yes ma'am code name Sidewinder and gazelle okay the woman on the line said Emma and Henry Campbell were in some sort of danger there's a witness yeah their niece Rose okay she said there were two Intruders uh she saw one of their faces we need to get her away from local PD find out what she saw yeah Hawkins is on his way there right now Hawkins no listen we have to do this right I'll go to the White House get someone to cover the night Action phone but I need you now I need you to get to this Rose woman take her somewhere don't tell me where don't tell anyone where until we can set up a debrief in the morning for me and Hawkins I'm Jamie Hawkins deputy director of the FBI maybe you and I can talk and we can figure out what happened here tonight deputy director Hawkins sh what the hell are you doing here Diane far sent me to take Miss Larin you're Peter Rose take her where um we're going to uh get you some new clothes okay fur the door on the right just go get some clothes out of the closet pack for a few days we leave in 2 minutes I thought you said you were FBI I am but you work in the White House in a windowless room in the basement yeah I I want to go to a police station someplace safe we don't know what's safe right now right now we have to get through the night stay between the building and me okay who the [ย __ย ] are you guys and why are you after her I don't know where she is we came for you what are you talking about I know what kind of [ย __ย ] you're with lady last year you tried to blow up a Metro full of people traitor just like his father [Music] was want don't you to confess your involvement in last year's DC Metro bombing we actually have proof that you were involved in the bombing that night no you don't [ย __ย ] God deputy director Hawkins saw this he's the one who sent it to me great the Rome home is a bunch of conspiracy theory trolls spreading lies that the president knows you are a hero on the Metro that night not some deep State accomplice it'll all be fine if you can just learn two words no comment I just got to the White House you have the witness yeah she's fine we got another problem though a couple internet tough guys showed up in my apartment looking for trouble Rome to guys just sent some agents by the apartment they should be waiting on the sidewalk under the overpass why did those guys think he had something to do with the metr boming because I I was there but I was not part of the attack okay I stopped it not a traitor all right neither was my father those articles in the binders yeah people accused him they never actually had any proof why did I call you what do you mean the number my uncle gave me why were you the one who answered it's my job good thing get your head down get down stay [Applause] L this is agent Peter souland I have the witness from tonight where are you where my FBI vehicle we being followed that's the guy from my hand house they're after me now aren't they maybe they think you saw something anything you saw or anything you know you should tell them tomorrow on the debrief tell me everything you know first someone killed my aunt and uncle and now they're trying to kill me what is night action okay I answer the phone for night agents in distress and I route The Call by agents you mean spies for how long what were they working on I don't know really I I don't it's Peter somebody's in my apartment what how do you I I set up a live feed but I I think they tracked my phone or roses or something but they're in there right now do you still have those guys outside I'm calling now place is empty no one's here Rose I'm Diane far the President's chief of staff we're going to take very good care of you we're here to help uh keter come with me if it'll make you more comfortable it doesn't belong here this is miles above your pay grade the girl wants him here fine wait in the other room have a seat Miss Lin we have a a lot to go over can I help you no I just wanted to show my husband your house I grew up here really want to take a look inside how long did you live here for um until I was 13 well I think she's she needs to be changed bathroom's back that way thank you so many memories you know breaking news police are currently searching for a 10-month-old baby abducted in the last hour from her mother in the parking lot of the Regency Mall you said on the phone call that you saw his face well that was a mistake maybe I was in shock maybe you can get her to talk so what happens now we have a car outside with Secret Service agents who will take you to the rorn hotel where you'll remain under their protection until it's safe to go home I'll walk I could use air that's not going to work I'll just Discord her and the Agents can uh trail behind us what's your plan here Rose to stay alive as long as possible you don't trust me now you believe in your bosses so much go ahead tell them my light see what happens this is it so need anything else before I go wait you're not staying I have to go to work but you work nights far wanted my help on this so so that's it just goodbye forever I don't know maybe thank you yeah the president wants to know what we know so what do we know the camels work for us Counter Intelligence mostly recruiting foreign assets domestically but they retired a few years ago the fact that they had their niece call night action means they were working something off the books the Campbell make any enemies when they were working for the FBI no one that would do this to them how do you know cuz that's not how the game is played in Spy land so the bureau's nowhere maybe Secret Service needs to step in more what else aren't you sharing about your investigation that's all I have to share I'm going to get you the case files for the Campell from over the years okay what what do you want me to look for a reason why they were targeted any connections Hawkins isn't telling us about to keep Rose safe absolutely good hey did you know Hawkins used to be Emma and Henry Campbell's old FBI Handler you're sure what he didn't tell you he knew them no I knew he worked in Counter Intelligence before his promotion but like what else is he hiding you know separate the cases he oversaw have him on my desk in the morning and Peter keep this between us for now yeah I've got new inel on the target try to close this time there's a good chance she saw you at the house and can ID you who's that he's someone with a vested interest in this all working out and he's right the girl's a problem just tell me what she is okay how long of these people worked for you him over eight years he brought her in a couple years ago excellent results whole thing makes me ill where are the Secret Service agents that were here uh they were were there earlier what's happening we have to get out of here right now housekeeping come here she's not here copy I'll meet you in the steril go go go go go this come on this way go guys think I see your way down come on good hello how can I help you um I have a bit of a wardrobe emergency it's just me Ben alur and Nathan Briggs from Secret Service repeat what you just told me somebody pulled the protection detail off of rose's Hotel okay we were both almost killed and it was the same guy as before what the [ย __ย ] happened a command was sent 30 minutes ago on the Pegasus system ordering our agents to disengage who has the power to authorize that the president myself Ben and Nathan here director Willet and deputy director Jamie Hawkins that's right okay where's Hawkins right now we're calling Hawkins office doesn't know where he is they can't reach him track him down now Nathan yes sir Peter where are you we'll send someone to pick you both up I'm taking care of Rose till you can figure out who's behind this Peter what are you doing I'll keep in touch we need to get proactive figure out what my aunt and uncle were investigating and who it threatened can you think we do that I have no idea but I know where to start they shot her how many times six we used to play hide-and-seek in this room now it's just a place where someone slaughtered her I want to get these [ย __ย ] do you know who Osprey is Osprey yeah they kept talking about Osprey about warning him or her what was happening in the white house I don't know it sounds like a like a code name like it could be their Handler maybe what else did they say my uncle said something about them taking a drive in the woods there could that be like U like a hard drive a hard drive okay what Woods where what's he talking about I know where that is D you used to come here a lot plenty looks like someone cleaned in here recently and Emma like things neat [ย __ย ] way look at this okay so you can't see anything well there's just a folder with a name on it but it can't be opened no way is the number of the Metro train I was on the one that got bombed Rose what the hell were your aunt and uncle doing investigating that well I don't know until I can crack it which I can't do without serious Hardware did you ever figure out who pulled her protection detail Hawkins called off her Secret Service detail he confess no looks like whoever his accomplices were made sure he couldn't tell us anything a farmer found him in a field in Maryland murdered shot him in the back six times six times we found a hard drive Rose's aunt and uncle we're hiding it we can't get into it it's encrypted but I think it has something to do with the Metro bombing Peter this is an order come in right now and bring Rose and the hard drive with you I'm not stepping one foot inside of that white house and just handing over their drive you can't get into that thing you don't have the resources the White House does and we could be handing over key evidence straight to their Killers the deputy director of the FBI was just murdered Godfather style I'm not going and neither as a strive not till we know who we can trust when I told you that I was a nobody at the White House we need somebody with actual power who can protect us that's that's Diane far we can trust her give us till 10:00 a.m. tomorrow you still have the hard drive yeah I got it and be careful okay so we have zero suspects even less evidence and we don't know what Hawkins connection was to the Campbell murders am I missing anything no mam precedent but we're working on that's all thank you the Campbell's kn southernland still watching her and where are they now I didn't ask he assured me they'll be here tomorrow doesn't really feel like you've got control over the situation I'll due respect Michelle you're not making my job very easy what were you using them to find out I can't protect Rose I can't protect you unless you read me in might want to sit down for this hello was I out for about 5 hours see anything yet I called far on her personal phone which means that if she's in on this she could have trace a call and sent somebody after us by now so we're good can we go now good thing I fell on the trail I think I broke something that's him they're not in there the woods that's him I got the plate I'll send it into someone else to track it who far you really need more proof that she's the Traer my aunt was warning about I get how it looks she was the only one who knew where we were you said it yourself I'm just trying to consider all the angles go for Jenkins Cisco what's up brother it's Peter do you have a minute I need you to uh run a bolo on a gray Ford Bronco for me all right what's the license plate I appreciate everything man I owe you one seriously shower yeah thank you if it really is her behind all this I don't know how I didn't see it maybe it says you want to see the good in people cuz you hope people will see the good in you okay let's say fars not involved totally innocent that means someone had access to her call log and tried C us from your phone yeah so we still can't trust her to keep the hard drive safe from whoever's trying to kill us not until we crack it figure out who ospry is how do we do that the drives encryption algorithm is too sophisticated to crack on my laptop so I'm going to need a beast of a computer like the CIA and NSA have at the White House what if we do give her the drive what do you mean Rose ditched me while I was washing up at a gas station luckily I hit the drive in my bag any idea where she is now no idea ma'am sorry to interrupt Drive is clean no spyware no Trojans I've started a decryption on the air gap here how long will it take 5 hours 40 minutes give or take Alora has got Rose's description out to the metro area we'll get someone to cover for you tonight no I think I should uh be by the phone maybe if we give her some time to think she'll call again and I can convince her to come in you on a deadline or something how can you tell I'll keep the coffee coming thanks and and maybe uh a double side of fries they're bottomless actually uh yes go ahead the fries here are amazing H Rose called the night action L she wants to talk to you Rose are you okay I'm alive which is more than I can say for my aunt and uncle where are you what can I say to ease your mind I want some answers I don't have enough of those yet but I'll tell you what I can Hur I understand why it's hard for you to trust anyone right now but I want to help you so what do you say any you like I have to go damn it damn it Peter there you are left my badge inside help lady out yeah where the hell is my here it is let me know if she calls back what the [ย __ย ] it's empty the hard drive do you think the the Campbell might have wiped it or something or you did are you working with them with who what have you done Peter who sent the killers after us this morning at the cabin I called you only you who gave them our location if you were the only one who could attract us get this to Tech have them scan it for spyware there are occasions when the president can commission an intelligence investigation outside the normal chain of command night action two months ago pus initiated a night action into the Metro bombing intelligence had no leads no credible suspects no possible motives nothing till the statement leaked from the people's Independence front right but there were doubts Omar zadar the leader of the PF disavowed the attack CIA spent months listening in on their leaders no mention of the attack no confirmation pus felt she wasn't getting the full story so she called on two old friends from her Senate intelligence days to take a new look into it the Campbell apparently they suspected someone inside the White House of being involved with the Metro bombing we need concrete proof though which I was praying to find on that hard drive thought you were trying to kill us Peter I swear on everything I hold holy I did not send anyone after you and Rose I think I found something check this out Ros what the [ย __ย ] is she doing here she's on her side she's not she tried to have us killed no I didn't I'm here to help you hero I'm here to tell you the truth about your aunt and uncle that means whoever had my aunt and uncle killed did it because of what's on this hard drive which is exactly why I need it who could you possibly show it to if you can't even trust anyone you work with I can trust the president think about the fact Travers started the night action she knew your aunt and uncle requested them specifically now we need to finish their work I'll finish it then excuse me it's the only way I'm going to feel safe and I'm not giving this hard drive to anyone when we walked in you said you found something what an address address for what I'm going to leave here without the drive you two go to that address and find out whatever you can in the meantime I'll figure out how to present this plan to the president in a way that doesn't sound incredibly Reckless does Osprey mean anything to you no why I heard my uncle mention that he needed to warn Osprey let me look into it what do you know about Omar zadar he's a Bulan dissident who heads up the people's Independence front when the piif claimed responsibility for the Metro attack he denied it even far told me the president never bought that he was involved there's a folder with his name on it on the drive any other names well I did a search for far and Hawkins nothing seems sort of weird that an engineering company would be all the way out here doesn't can I help you do you know Emma and Henry Campbell I live alone I don't know any Ella's or Harry's now please turn around and be on your way there is a rusted Old Wagon behind the barn right no well we used to be I don't know what you're talking about I came here as a kid and I made magic cookie bars with my Aunt Emma and another woman was that you were you followed no come inside then when was the last time that you saw them it's been years why they were murdered 3 days ago where in their home Emma and Henry I know they were spies we found one of their hard drives and some of the files led us here the dates suggest that you were in touch recently wait what kind of Intel were they after blueprints public infrastructure building permits I used to be a civil engineer so I had the contacts I don't know why they needed it I knew not to ask but you must have noticed something like a pattern or like a detail why because you're the only lead we have left the people who killed my aunt and uncle they're after me now the files I supplied dealt with city services but there were other files they wanted schematics of buildings all in the same block where you won't understand what do you mean I mean you can't understand the files without me they're complicated schematics I guess we're going for a ride this is the place something either happened or is going to happen on this block at least Emma and Henry thought so can we get off the street it doesn't feel safe out here excuse me is that the Metro I just felt yeah runs right underneath here what if it was a mistake what the Metro bomb the bomb detonated here right unless just because I stopped the train but if it was meant to explode someplace else what like here oh why here though I don't know but when you got on the Metro that night you prevented something you want to know what this traitor in the White House is planning you need to determine what they failed to accomplish a year ago here always assume you're being followed keep pushing forward thank you for everything you knew I'm didn't you it can also bring pain I suggest you stop worrying about him the bolo turned up the car you're looking for Trooper spotted it parked in a residential neighborhood outside Silver Spring is it abandoned unclear head it there now neighbor says the owners are out of town while they're doing open houses the past couple nights been a few lights on called the realtor no one's supposed to be in there let's cure [Music] [Music] up I give you a set of coordinates how soon can you be ready I asked my guest to remove their shoes before coming inside don't worry we'll clean up after you spoke to the niece and her FBI friend what did you tell them go [ย __ย ] yourself I'm going to have fun with you find anything on the hard drive I'm just reading up about this Sedar guy you should come eat oh my God is it good know this place is way too shabby for such a gourmet dinner morning morning you find something new on the surveillance feed the date range is a week leading up to the bombing so I'm basically profiling anyone who looks remotely sketchy was there ever a suspect for the Metro bombing he Hade a uh black jacket over a hoodie he had a rattlesnake tattoo his side okay black jacket I'm on it George toown girls are supposed to be smart not beautiful too you live around here yeah you want to see my place tie your hands and feet to the bed post so you couldn't move and then I'd take my [ย __ย ] out and piss all over your face you think I don't know who your fascist father is hey hey let go only a few friends no significant other she's a double major polyan art so she's in the studio a lot painting we try to fit in on campus as best we can make her feel like she isn't being watched every waking moment right I'll ditch the suit just say it it sucks I disagree I just think you won't show me yourself yet whatever I had it's gone next time I want you to explore what's holding you back be be Fearless be [Music] personal Secret Service found spy wear on my cell that must be how they tracked you that address turn up anything and we think the Campbell found some evidence that the Metro bomb was meant for a different Target I'll explain it better in person but we think there's going to be another attack Peter we need to share this with the FBI end of day understood understood does this open just office hours I'm in here every day okay we're good sorry the new guys extra no it's his job to protect you make a warden to his inmates I shouldn't be doing this someone finds out I'll lose my job and you will be in the middle of a scandal I can't do that to you what if we could be alone for a couple hours no one can find out about this I can ditch the agents I've done it before I I swear we be no suspicious black jackets on video and the days leading up to the attack what about the morning of just some woman sitting in that Cafe for 5 hours staring out the window and talking to herself she's Secret Service how why could you be so sure cuz I know her how could you be sure they aren't on the right track because my operatives already spoke to the woman in question Southerland and the girl are not close enough for us to be worried yet and what happened to her the woman probably best not to say J when is this all going to be over soon good morning Mr Vice President if she's Secret Service then that means she's on somebody's protection detail Rose this isn't a terrorist attack anymore this is an assassination attempt on who hey sweetie already with the look it's an opportunity to study the Masters in the place where they did their art under no circumstances are you gallivanting off to Italy instead of focusing on your education it's one semester the whole point of it is education it's a semester of just art not real education it's elitist entitled MADD it's a bad look you need to think about how your decisions reflect on your family you mean you you'll get an updated schedule next week mdty will be traveling with me back to Wisconson to stump for Turner Senate campaign yes sir I don't know how you do it which part the smiles hugs I like the lie it's who I wish he was all the time Aron there's an FBI agent here from the White House to speak with you what about says he can only speak with you agent Arington thanks for taking the time to talk with us look is there some place we can uh talk not without an official request was it mdy Redfield reason to believe that if it was Maddie you were protecting that day she could be in danger we than someone might have tried to kill her that night though if you could tell us if she was there we could help you I can't disclose information about secret service operations to another agency let alone a civilian yeah let me run it up the chain if I get clearance to share anything I will if aent Arington can confirm who the target was I think we're one step closer to figuring all this out I've been cleared to tell you I wasn't with Maddie Redfield that day and that whatever you're looking into has nothing to do with her is there anything you can tell me about who you were protecting sorry that's all I've been cleared to share goodbye guess you got for taking uh earlier today FBI agent Peter southernland arrived on the campus of Georgetown University accompanied by a civilian a rose Lin Care to [ย __ย ] explain Diane after what happened at the hotel and hawkins's murder I put Rose Larin under the supervision of the one person I knew I could trust it still doesn't explain why he's in Georgetown sniffing around my daughter I don't know why he's there he's not picking up my calls Madam president would you like Secret Service to apprehend agent Southerland at Georgetown Peter's loyal he'll report in I'll have an answer by end of day Madam president I don't think give us the room now my name is Peter southernland I I worked with your husband I was just hoping I could ask you a few questions we were looking into it before he he died Jamie wasn't allowed to talk about his work with me right I understand maybe you heard something didn't really seem important or maybe he left something here that I I could look let me show you something for 2 days the bureau grilled me 30 years of service treat him like a criminal the FBI raid my house when I was 16 cuz they suspected my uh my father of something so I get and then a few years go by and no more answers just more questions like why is everybody so certain that he's guilty when I know him enough time has passed and you uh you start asking yourself self what if they are right look I don't want to see that happen to someone else I'm sorry you had to grow up with that your husband might be guilty he may got murdered by one of his own accompli or maybe he got so close to the truth that that's what got him killed but I just know if those questions aren't answered it gets so much worse Jamie did talk to me about his cases so Jamie went back through some case files and I think he found something that pointed straight to a government contractor called Turn Lake Industries the day that jimy went missing he had a secret meeting with them I don't know with who it seemed like it was the CEO he was just acting kind of nervous it's like something got to him did he say anything else no Jamie knew the Campbell when he was in Counter Intelligence he was their Handler their deaths were personal to him he cried that night but I think Jamie was close close to knowing thank you okay for everything that Hawkins new a uncle from the FBI I think he got killed trying to solve their murders the day he was killed he was meeting somebody high up at a company called the turn Lake Industries that's him no name or anything but he's a suspect in a missing person's case the missing dude's name is Andre pavich he was part of some defunct royal family and look at the family [Music] crest before Pav's disappearance he was railing in the Press about American defense contractor conducting Shadow Ops throughout the Balkans and guess who the contractor was turn like Industries yeah says company was involved in the murder of my aunt and uncle you ever heard of a company called Turn Lake Industries the security contractor that's them you know them yeah they have active contracts with the Pentagon and all over the world why because we think the Assassins who kill the Campbell might be working for Turn Lake gather everything you've got we need to brief pus yes ma'am what what is all this it's the fec's public database of campaign donations I figure we're trying to look for someone bad in the white house right yeah well if you want to know who bad people are in bed with you follow the money and it looks like a lot of turn Lakes money went to vice president Redfield you said Hawkins met up with someone high up right yeah holy [ย __ย ] yeah I'd say they know each other I think we found our guy put all this out we'll take it all the Travers oh wait the president wants to see us welcome to the party bathroom break Maddie everything okay no you [ย __ย ] didn't Badger missing all handsome could I use your phone I seem to be lost there is something I want to talk to you about oh my God what are you doing I told you I'd call you when we were done you don't have to force her she'll say what we need her to say I need something else wait why mad [Music] clear don't leave with the bomber or the vice president see how Travers reacts before sharing Redfield stuff there was a right back there I'm not taking you in so let's just assume the VP is behind all this he's not authorized to pulled your secret surface detail at the hotel that day so means someone else in the White House is working with if we both go in with a hard drive then uh that's a single point a failure exactly why do I have to go so slow because this is the speed limit but they're getting ahead of us it's 2 miles to the White House and our job right now is to make sure they stay on that path worst car chase ever someone following us we're about to find out you can trust Cisco okay just don't tell him anything it'll be safer for you and for him and then if something does happen he'll take you to our Meetup spot be careful yeah this guy he's everywhere I just saw that face I've seen this pattern before in mty's room that's where I saw the symbol it's their logo she told me a boy invited her to go to a meeting but she decided not to go PB the boy or her professor professor's initials stop go back we think Turn Lake orchestrated the Metro bombing you think this Wick guy is working with Omar zadar no we think the Metro bomb was a false flag manufactured by turn Lake and then they just used zadar in the PF es scapegoats when it failed this is all on the hard drive not exactly no we traced the Assassin signate ring to an operative connected with Turn Lake and then we also found out that Jamie Hawkins when had met somebody at Turn Lake the day he was murdered she kept saying that Hawkins didn't buy the whole zadar thing that he believed that there was more of the bombing why stage a terror attack and not publicize the reason to cover up the real objective the data on the Campbell's hard drive suggests that that bomb was meant to set off a larger explosion to take out somebody above ground mat Redfield went missing tonight kidnapped what I mean could she have been the target a year ago is she Osprey maybe but there's another Redfield connection what do you mean Gordon wick wouldn't have known about night action unless someone in the White House told him about it right okay who better to give him that information than an old friend Jesus yeah a second attack yeah [ย __ย ] I have somebody with rose I'll have him bring her and the drivein but it needs to be discreet have your Trooper friend droper at the loading dock Peter Bar's in on it what you're sure she knows you're with a trooper right now they [ย __ย ] know know what about you and Redfield about the Metro bombing what do you want to do I'll have Peter arrested isolate him until we can figure out the best way to Silo him off the I'm hanging up destroy your sim card uh meet me at the pier get out of there right now okay [ย __ย ] Peter you look like [ย __ย ] what is that I'm sorry it was a joke you need help no just leave it s eyes on Run come on move move move check in the storage room you think he knows about the tunnels I'll check the server room you run through H Street just in case what do these killers look like what this one's getting real [ย __ย ] close yeah that's them hang on [Applause] I think we lost him I'll take the next corner you jump out run to Foundry Branch Park get to the pier it'll be faster on foot if we do it right they won't realize you're not inside thank you she got out 911 what's your emergency Rose get out of here it's about your daughter you had something to do with this no of course not but we can use it to our advantage you want to use Maddy's kidnapping to do what southernland and the Lin girl are on to you and Wick Jesus Christ I can't deal with this Diane my daughter is missing could you just handle this the way you promised you would you don't get to Spill the milk and then Pawn the clean up off on me we need a diversion Maddie is not a diversion making this mess disappear is bigger than your daughter or maybe you'd rather roll the dice and see how the nation reacts when they learn the truth about everything you did don't threaten me I'm trying to save your ungrateful ass and if you don't like how I do it maybe you should have thought twice before dragging me into all of it after the fact if we can't silence Peter maybe we can discredit him go get your update and then meet me in the East Wing G room we need to get your camera ready whose vat is this it's a friend of my dad's uh do you know the code it's 122 it's my birthday sounds like I cared about you it's my godfather hold on hold on okay hold that there my daughter medison Grace Redfield was kidnapped last night the Secret Service have identified a person of interest in mti's disappearance his name is Peter southernland Jr he should be considered armed and extremely [Music] dangerous this doesn't track for me which part this place this guy I don't think he has Maddie nothing at the art professor's Department points to him maybe we should be working this from more than one angle what do you have in mind you still got that flyer we're with the Secret Service you you don't think Paulo's involved in her kidnapping do you he would is dead what he told me Paulo thought that if he recruited her that she could amplify new Leaf's message and he was going to try to convince her to record a plug for us last night and then he was going to send me the video but he never responded to me well who else was it on this plan him no what about him that's Mato Mato he started dating Paulo like eight or nine months ago but I haven't seen him for weeks and the people had actually listened to us about Peter southernland about the Metro bombing then Maddie Redfield would be home safe right now Doom scrolling never helped anybody guess I've always wanted to be closer to my dad finally got my wish what was he accused of exactly classified documents were leaked okay that compromise us defense strategies around the world uh the breach was traced back to the FBI's Counter Intelligence Division my dad was section chief did they find any evidence or he died before they could charge him none of the evidence was ever made public what are we going to do okay everybody in the country is looking for me oh we could take the evidence we have to someone in the Press no journalist is going to believe us without a Smoking Gun what else do you remember about the bomber that night I told the FBI everything they interviewed hundreds of suspects oh can we check their work my portal access is revoked well luckily you know someone with the skills and tools to cracken who are you what the hell is this all about tell me get out hold the paper front page whatever you want my father can get it for you just let me talk to him please I just received this 20 minutes ago what whatever you want my my father can get it for you just please let me talk to him please you have two days confess you plann the Metro bombing and covered it up admit who your accomplice were if you don't I'll have Maddie tell the world what you did and then I'll kill her for everyone to see what do we do now we move forward as planned this guy's giving us 2 days to find her it'll be fine this kidnapper is not just asking for you to fall on your sword he wants all of us hung by our heels she's right what if I confess I mean who would even believe it at a father of a kidnapped girl would say anything to get her freed right I me that that's it I I'll confess and then when we get her back I'll deny it and no one will believe any of it you are not surrendering to these demands if the kidnapper tells Maddie what he knows even if we get her back safely what then I I can control her can you yes as I always have what if I told you Maddie was getting ready to publicly humiliate you what are you talking about maybe I can help you you're helping me just by being here you don't understand I [ย __ย ] hate my father you want to take him down I can help you I have a video that will end him we just have to get it why aren't you dressed I'm not going stop being selfish this event is sponsored by your sister's Foundation your presence is non-negotiable I'm not going to sit there and listen to you lie anymore you're just going to get up on that stage and start crying about how Sarah died because I wasn't watching her I'm remembering things now about what happened that day by the pool Maddie give the toy to Sarah share or I'll take it away sorry just rangling two kids by myself here sometimes I like to poke myself in the eye with a hot knife you know [Music] sah SAR come back Daddy what do you mean Sarah took my doll and I wish sh go away forever that's why it happened but I can wish her back you were supposed to be watching her I know once you wish someone dead that's it and you were supposed to be watching her but you left the pool gate open you left both of us out there alone and I'm going to tell the whole world you are grateful lying little [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] get off me I wanted to show the world who he really is is then he got some in my head I started to doubt if anyone would even listen to me whatever you want whatever you're planning for my father we can do it [Music] together I see no please you've been ignoring my calls I sent your partner the discontinu code he's dead I [Music] [Applause] know I understand you're shut the [ย __ย ] up so you're going to tell me where Peter Southerland is I know who Matty Redfield kidnapper is I'll give you his last known whereabouts you find him take care of him and I'll locate Peter on for for you okay the week that he died Hawkins was looking into these 12 suspects online turn likees involved were looking for somebody with a military background under 35 that narrows it down to two Pedro Navaro looks like he had a solid Alibi that night who's the other guy Colin warley died he died the day before the FBI was going to show up and interview him I mean there's not even a cause of death listed it's like no one even bothered to look into the guy or someone tampered with his file if we prove that Colin warley is the bomber we can connect this whole thing to turn like he might be our guy so just hack into the county records and get the autopsy report come on man hack yeah hack it what we need won't be digitized it's all on paper we can dock tomorrow and we can visit the office of public records like normal [Music] people stay safe yeah you too don't take too long [Music] hey he didn't I see you in that car with Peter southernland aren't you that missing Tech lady I I I think you're mistaken are you helping that traitor he's not a traitor this is how Patriots get [ย __ย ] done hey let her go we're bringing you in too come on okay we head him back to the boat or yeah yeah but they saw our car so we need to hit another ballet stand this was just 2 hours ago we need to find Peter before he gets hurt or hurt someone else bring you in too Jesus I don't know what to tell you I don't know where he is anywhere else he might be I have no idea is that him yeah is that your boat it is is and where do you dock it the autopsy report says it's a drug overdose medical examiner found no indication of Foul Play okay well his personal effects were all forwarded to a next of Ken and a key card to a company called allane manufacturing alen teen manufacturing oh my God it's a subsidiary of Turn Lake Industries Colin Worley's the bomber wait how do you know cuz the guy I chased that night had that exact same tattoo Turn Lake would know how to murder someone get away with it make it look like an accident in overdose so turn Lake hires Colin warley you stop it chase him he escapes and then they kill him to cover their tracks and if we can find out he was trying to kill that day we might be able to stop faren Redfield from trying again in two days hands up I said hands up drop the bag on your knees now Peter it's going to be okay no sign of her inside local police will be here any minute hey that's that's him that's the guy hey what the hell are you doing here and kicked me out yeah what the [ย __ย ] went wrong someone stopped the train after I dropped the package did anyone see you no just lay low for a while while we figure this all out I'll be in touch mat mat hey hey wake up wake up wake up wake up so now the Metro bombers running around as his twin how does this get us to Maddie I don't know but the one lead we haven't checked up on yet is that next to Kin address that we pulled off the autopsy report po. box we were on our way there when you guys showed up we're looking for the same guy we should be helping each other we should be working together name names and take responsibility if you don't they'll kill me in 2 hours please dad tell the truth to save me I'm doing the press conference no we already debated and rejected that idea you're not thinking clearly understandable well I have to do something have someone locating her okay and why did they send the video just to you you know who this is don't you it's the guy who did the Metro bombing for us that's it me or Maddie we'll do our best to keep her out of harm but it'll have to be assessed in the moment get her home soon safe okay come on where you taking us Mato has a storage unit and we need some extra eyes it's time to sing for your supper hey there's a paste up from ter warley from pipe more security this is from a month ago all right give him a call Maddy's art Professor Paulo [ย __ย ] there's a old dossier on him all files on all her professors her friends okay the owner says he'll answer whatever questions we have but only if he sees my badge in person I'd like to St out this unit in case Mato comes back here you come with me then no we stay together no you stay where I tell you to stay r142 did he respond no well how do you know my father's even getting the videos because the guy I sent them to my ex employer is in deep with your daddy so I'm sure they got them Dad it's me I know this is hard MD must have given them my number but we should look at what she's saying when she Taps the necklace the tappings are signal she uses it when she wants me to get her out of some me meeting or conversation but but you and I have been forced to train for all our lives that's who we are second tap r for for me the world right now please no more Taps train letter R numbers 142 yeah train R 142 a route number maybe wait what are you doing I've got to share this with someone higher up there are people you can't trust in the White House you got to go to the Press go public public with it I make this public he might just kill Maddie before we find her trust me I can help you okay Madam president I could have come to the oval no it's fine you brought him in and then you lost him I'm wondering how this could happen bullet points for the Omar zadar briefing at 3 nothing yet Ashley what are you doing here checking in before the zadar thing it's not for another couple hours got rescheduled this morning starts in 5: I didn't get anything this far pus said for you to skip this one president was insistent that you keep the Watkins meeting says we need his vote for the stimulus bill and if zadar is willing to make these concessions will discuss support in the upcoming election zadar is a godamn terrorist am I the only one that sees that let's take five we've zadar is a destabilizing force a country run by a terrorist group he founded cannot be a reliable military ally he's a legitimate politician now the people love him if that's who they want in power how does it help us to oppose him it's your call but I could not sleep at night on this I shared with you my honest opinion what' you find world worked as a security guard for the past 6 months optiv electric and CMV manufacturing he's holding Maddie at the DC [Music] container shoot her good that hi you found my guy yet mhm really and the girl yeah her too so what did you do I did what you asked get to the safe house ASAP yeah uh send me the location you should have it uh my partner handled that stuff your partner what's his name [Music] again hey we have to go right now what no did my father really do everything that guy accused him of he said that Dad was behind the Metro bombing is that all true he's involved yeah he was trying to kill Omar Zar Diane far and a military contractor yeah Gordon Wick he's bankroll my dad for years we have to go now I'm not leaving him they're preparing another attack what if I can get a message to the president or Mr Alora and tell them about my dad about far would need proof they were involved something undeniable I I I found this on the shooter maybe there's something on here okay they're going to take my phone no coms until I text you first over here over here come on what does undeniable evidence even look like no idea but I know some of who might FBI was informed by local PD about shots fired at the DC container Depot they found Maddie and her lead agent Chelsea Arrington anything else three dead the kidnapper a male secret service agent and an unidentified ifed female where are you with tomorrow morning sar's plane lands at 0400 at Joint Base Andrews I need confirmation as soon as it's done I can't deal with any more of your fuckups Gordon cuz you're too busy dealing with your own pus has her hackles raised what's going to happen when she starts questioning you you let me worry about pus if Diane can't keep pus in check then she's lost all utility the phone was practically empty at first but I managed to restore her deleted text and photos there's photos of dozens of different pages sorted by code name I'm assuming that each belonged to a different night agent these were taken in the night action room do you have a date and time on this January 9th 2:37 a.m. that's that can't be right that's my shift wait uh I I called in sick that day actually I had food poisoning far said she find a replacement for me can we confirm that far took these photos we could look at the White House access logs yeah well far might have tampered with the records already no cuz you can request the logs from Secret Service but the only person who can manually change the data is Alora to find somebody else to request the logs last time Omar zadar was in the country pus gave him a secret service detail and she would give him Secret Service protection again I can look up where his detail is warn his agents you feeling better now that you're settled yeah it's good to be home yeah you really had me worried did you say why he did all this too you mean you didn't get the videos what videos he said he sent them to you Maddie I never got any videos If I had I would have done whatever he asked look you're all I have left I love you Val hey Peter what the [ย __ย ] let me explain stop from here on you do what we [ย __ย ] tell you go come on there sent how long will it take I don't know hey there's confidential information on there Val let's go look I don't have time to explain right now but we're doing the right thing but far is up to something she's the chief of staff she's always up to something she was behind Rose's aunt Uncle getting murdered Val an email from Valerie to the president's secretary Travers disinvited far from a briefing about Omar zadar today Valerie was emailing to figure out why and she never got a reply hey Arington hey I need my gun and badge did Briggs authorize that he said I'd get him back after my debrief so let me just check with him c d [Music] I hear you about Diane no longer being useful I'm sorry Gordon but this is the only way you get my cooperation she's my daughter I'll get her in line afterward by tomorrow night I can issue pardons all around sorry sir I didn't realize you were in here sir qu this on the phone okay what you needed you yeah hello Peter yeah yeah you two safe we're alive what about you we just found the information that links far to the murder of roses a and Uncle what about sar's detail the schedule puts him at Blair House where else would they be keeping him Camp David the president's last minute trip she must be meeting zidar there but why wouldn't they update it on zidar schedule to hide it from Far maybe what I found an email far was just invited to a briefing about Omar zadar today I heard my father on the phone a few minutes ago he made a comment about pardoning people tomorrow night only the president can issue pardons [ย __ย ] so they're not only trying to take out zadar they're trying to kill the president too there's only one person I know that can call this off pretty sure Val has a key to her house you've reached Ben Alora please leave a message going straight to voicemail good we have to go go where Camp David president wants to see you and you when you see Wick tell him I had this message for him tell him yourself I don't take orders from you anymore over we have evidence that you involved in the murder of my aunt and uncle geotag photos of the night action binder that you took and login records of when you took them we know everything that you Redfield and Wick were behind the Metro bombing and that all three of you are planning on covering up your involvement by killing zadar in the president at Camp David there what are you talking about drop the [ย __ย ] act I'm serious why do you think they're targeting Michelle Maddie overheard her father talking about issuing presidential part when a few hours ago God who are you calling the president who the [ย __ย ] else I have to warn her you have reached the voice mailx [ย __ย ] they must have cut off Communications it's already in motion what is the attack on zadar was supposed to happen this morning when his plane landed but it didn't go off Redfield and Wick have Frozen me out because they've changed course they've pivoted to Michelle without me why because they knew this is where I would draw the line that I wouldn't allow it I would never hurt Michelle Travers one it had to be done in what world did you have to bomb a Metro car full of American citizens to assassinate a foreign politician on us soil the courthouse explosions in 2014 the bus attacks in 2016 Omar zadar can deny his involvement all he wants but we know he's a terrorist we have 50 Warheads stationed in country what happens if zadar SE es those weapons I tried to talk sense to the president she wouldn't listen why are you telling me all this because mistakes were made and if there's an investigation of course there's going to be an investigation and if it uncovers our involvement if every single one of her Administration is subpoena and dragged to the hill to testify you're trying to use my loyalty to pus to save yourself if my head rolls so does Michelle's that's why we need you now I would never hurt Michelle Travers help us stop it Peter we're going to Camp David inale how are Redfield and W going to do it not sure explosives maybe that's what was planned when zadar was the only target the basic idea is the more potential suspects the easier it is to just deny deny deny easier to find scapegoats the narrative that zadar was a terrorist made him an obvious choice cable news Twitter and the Elliot roams on the internet will do the rest that's why you chose me for night action isn't it just in case [ย __ย ] went sideways for you you could use me as a Fall Guy what are you doing the gate guards won't let you in unless you're on the list for the day you on the list no but I'm the chief of staff what about us how are we getting in you'll be in the trunk [ย __ย ] no you want to get into Camp David or not it's going to be a quick hello at Laurel Lodge and then you can go lay down what your dad say I'm going to see Travis on second you get with him temp you to her you War her okay where is the president she's on her way why are we here we need to protect ourselves president is meeting a man here today Omar zadar he's a terrorist Maddie for now just just sit tight and and wait Dad what did you do when Sarah died I I there was all this pain and rage and I didn't know what to do with it and I and I I put it all on you why are you talking about Sarah it was all mine Manny it was always my fault oh sorry this will be all over soon I just need you not to ask me any more questions the President's chief of staff sorry I didn't recognize you it's fine but I need to see her ma'am po TR oh for [ย __ย ] sake I don't have time for this unless you want to be responsible for an international crisis you need to open up the [ย __ย ] gate and I won't ask for your names and commanding officer have a good day what the hell are you doing I have to talk to pus Diane answer the question wait there's no detail here Travis isn't in there where is she she's rolling calls in the rose bud there's a bomb on the property and you know this how we need to evacuate Travers call her detail I can't the Cs are down good thing you're not supposed to be here miss far the comms are still down there's a Communications building where is it we secure close frequency go ahead Southerland is here Laurel LOD your closest do you copy copy of Laurel guess comm's are back up minutes right stting for 10 then in three 2 Sam is that you no but Sam just sent us to see if you need any help does this building also handle cell service sailor Wi-Fi UHF VHF looks like an outside hack mind if I have a look this is a mess if the communication's down there's no way to hack this remotely you have to connect directly looks like he still got his walkie which means it not all the conss are down think you can get this up and running I'll try my best good if I can console this get it working I can get secret service talking to each other again we are a go pter should be arriving any minute what confirm the case is still in position confirmed anyone advis in Southerland he's not here boil you want track two beeps to confirm good you make sure you're close to the building when it happens if for any reason the first one does not hit be ready for our contingency 4 minutes so just stay here see if you can get the Cs up wait where are you going I'm going to try to stop it Peter stop what you're doing and find the nearest exit there's a bomb in this building you need to get everyone out now right now go Hold Us 2 minutes out call it off bricks stop whatever it is there's no stopping at now what if I want out I can't do this anymore do what smile like everything is normal tell him to open it I won't keep the secret I'll tell everyone everything and I'll [ย __ย ] tear you down around all agents we have a CO2 at Laura Lodge do not enter there is a bomb in the building copy that diverting that's a bomb out a present this way help help he's got a gun down now he's trying to kill the president what the hell hey stop go for brid go forcy evacuating to Marine one now look out behind you Su here there's a bomb on Marine one it's riged to blow on lift off drop it no not until you kill the engine it's okay it's okay kill the engine pilot clear the chop I'll drop the gun after you clear the Hilo just check the cabin there's nothing here it's time there check it again check it right now in position when you have it take it wait we found something what they clear the area get down stay down stay down stand down he's with us please listen I can explain everything please stop it's okay I'm so sorry I can't wait to see you dead I deserve it Grand you deserve worse which is why I'm going to keep you alive until the paramedics come and when you're standing trial I'll be in the front row watching now I understand why you're trying to stay Anonymous through all this but it pains me not to be able to say thank you in front of the world well life's easier when no one's paying attention to you I'm inclined to agree there's got to be something I can do for you name it please state your name Peter souland Peter souland senior is that correct yes the first time you were approached by a foreign agent was in 2004 yes correct and did you know at that time that these individuals were foreign agents seeking to undermine the American interests at what point did you know when uh when I was offered payment payment for what information on uh private contractors commercial stuff I figured wouldn't lead anywhere and where did it lead the Pentagon breach and where did that thank you what made me so angry was the idea that he was innocent but he died before he could prove it but hearing him confess it uh would you like to know why your father was cooperating on tape he'd agreed to become a double agent he was in the process of being pret for deployment but the plan backfired when he was killed by a foreign assassin to stop him from helping us who killed him there are things I'd like to tell you Peter things that if I did share could put you in a position to help this country in ways that very few will ever appreciate but are of vital importance how would you like to be a night [Music] agent call me when you get there I will if they let [Music] me
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Id: m230CF2UqmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 8sec (4928 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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