🔥我宣布!这平板是最夸张的不反光平板!让人爱上写字😱 HUAWEI MatePad 11.5's PaperMatte Edition:即护眼不反光,还超越PC体验!轻松实现无纸化!教你怎么用!
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Channel: C妹科技 Cmei Tech
Views: 6,547
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Keywords: huawei matepad, huawei matepad 11.5s, huawei matepad 11.5's, huawei matepad 11.5s review, huawei matepad 11.5s unboxing, huawei matepad 11.5s papermatte edition, huawei matepad 11.5s drawing, huawei matepad 11.5s price, huawei matepad 11.5s vs ipad pro, 华为 matepad 11.5s, huawei matepad 11.5s vs xiaomi pad 6, huawei matepad 11.5s papermatte, huawei matepad 11.5s gaming test, huawei matepad 11.5s pubg test, huawei matepad 11.5s 评测, huawei matepad 11.5s 开箱, huawei malaysia
Id: fvo8T_ykauA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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