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[Music] [Applause] hey guys meet Larry awareness is his kind of superpower I mean he just looks at the clues he follows them and ain't nothing gonna stop him because he's gonna find the criminal and all my goodness that's bad yeah well maybe not today and he don't look so bad from falling off a building Larry sorry buddy I gotta fire you and ruff loss no way I can solve any crime right from my couch you need me man well alright why don't you prove it here's some CCTV see if you can spot the criminals all right guys let's do it whoo everyone's got a nice car can you spot the criminals is it the guy no it's not it's that girl she's breaking into the car she look like she playing violin all right what about now can you spot the criminals just one so easy look at that guy doing some squats he's trying to steal a bike I'd Supermarket time can you spot the criminals maybe it's that fancy lady that dude with the pad see three bucks for a patsy it is the lady steel in the bottle all right guys last one is it the guy in blue the guy in red the girl in yellow or the girl in pink or maybe it's the guy on the bike it's none of them that's not a window cleaner good job Larry talk to my assistant Dave he is kind of new so be gentle oh hey Larry the boss told me to call you I don't know why he's nice I don't need no couch detective to help me what they would we'll see about that give me your artists riddle let me just scratch my ear for a second it was such a big snowstorm today I almost froze anyway we're looking for an escaped prisoner his name's Tom hey let's check it out we found his house he must be hiding inside [Music] but I'm not so sure I mean like there are no footprints near the gates or anything whatever they could be covered with snow that's right detective anyway what if it stops family or friend in the house could be an innocent bystander no only table has the keys all right then we can arrest him right now get over there so guys why was Larry so sure [Music] everything's covered with snow except the chimney chun got cold he lit a fire and gave himself away what an idiot [Music] man you're smooth yeah high fives in the air wonder if you can even figure out that strange node we have what not what are you talking about well like we traced on a criminal game and banking robbing like bangs houses shops hate crimes and totals never caught a man oh yeah I heard about those guys they never left any evidence so what's this oat are you talking about well like one of the gang dropped a note that's what it is - no I'll send it to you I think it's a clue maybe their next target like maybe a number guys what store is the next target we're looking for a number and guys there are numbers in the words look there's 1 2 9 4 that's the street number all right boss he did it Larry had been working for three long weeks from his couch and he was a case solving machine look at all those red lines he even found a criminal without seeing her face he knew that she had a mole on her left wrist she stole rings from various jewelry stores who Larry got some photos of some different customers the store manager had detained all of them I mean he was sure one of them was the thief let's help him out can you see her [Music] hold on the left wrist gotcha Larry had some serious street cred yo another jewelry store manager called him up and someone stole their diamonds and their money double threat Larry called his snitch a black market buyer four people had tried to sell him diamonds like they all had certificates but you know he didn't really read them he's a black market did man he sent Larry the certificates and Larry found the fake ones right away can you see them yeah the second one is colorless not blue and the fourth one is square not round that's some fake certificates right there Larry just had to look back at the CCTV and catch the criminals on camera busted so larry was reading the news at lunch one day there was a big fire this morning whoo nice house it was a nice house a fancy house burned down the fires not too bad and then what Pam the blaze was crazy but they managed to save everyone even the little cat sushi Thurston the owner said his safe wasn't damaged by the fire oh that's great news but her corner it was open and empty money documents probably some sneaky photos all gone the police didn't know what to do they didn't have any suspects you know just like local residents and the firefighters Larry was clueless then he suddenly spotted the criminal can you spot the criminal it's a guy with the sneakers and the smile he's the robber in disguise yeah he's probably happy for sure Larry had almost recovered he's looking good it was a sunny fourth of July it was the perfect time to take a walk unfortunately he crippled the parade was on and everyone was cheering the band was walking down the street he was jealous where all the crowds of people suddenly Larry's phone rang it's the boss Larry I know it's a holiday but we need your help Joan my secretary she was attacked near her house this morning and slap on the head oh she didn't see the criminal but we have three suspects in custody there's John there's Alicia and there's little Rose John said he just got back in town this afternoon probably wasn't him then Alicia said she was sick in bed all day doctor's orders Andros said she was at the public library returning a book Larry can come and help Tom no need phrasing I solved it already so guys who attack Joan John Alicia or Rose it was rose today's a holiday remember in a public library open on the fourth of July she made it up Larry was already falling asleep suddenly he heard a scream from next go then someone knocked on his door not that tell who was it it was his neighbor his wife was attacked Katie got home at 11 p.m. man she texted she was cooking dinner and waiting up for me you gotta help me when I came home I started to screw she was lying on the floor quick : ambulance I'll ask the neighbors maybe they saw something so two neighbors were out on the staircase I took some sleeping pills early this morning good for 12 hours straight right through the whole attack well I saw Katie coming home at 11:00 she seemed fine to me I found her unconscious when I got home at 1:00 a.m. no guys who attacked Katie do the math it was this girl she said she took the pills early in the morning add on the 12 hours she would have definitely been awake at 11:00 p.m. Larry went back inside when he was cashed but wait tan tan-tan he felt goose bumps all over someone was in his apartment can you spot the criminal is it a criminal teacup look in the TV it's the guy from before so hey would you rather work from home or at the office cells in the comments [Music]
Channel: 7-Second Riddles
Views: 264,424
Rating: 4.7901139 out of 5
Keywords: visual puzzles, voice riddles, 7-second riddles, brain teasers with answers, test your intelligence, boost your logic, test your iq, logic riddles, crime riddles, criminal cases, improve your brain power, test your skills, puzzles, riddles with answers, riddles, speed up your brain, tets your vision, brain teasers, boost your brain performance, difficult riddles, test your attentiveness, riddles and brain teasers
Id: 2MLyvv69rjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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