📚 Which Collection of Classics to Choose 🌟 Which Edition of Classics to Buy / Recommendations

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[Music] hi everyone it's tanya and welcome to today's video today i'm going to talk all about different editions of classics and hopefully this video will help you to decide what edition of classics to buy we have 19 different editions to talk about so it's going to be a long video prepare yourself prepare yourself mentally and prepare yourself a cup of tea and let's dive right in i have separated all the additions that i have for you today into three categories the first category will be the cheaper options so there are always like approximately under 10 11 the second category will be the middle price range which is like under 20 and then the last category the pricier options so they usually cost more slightly more than twenty dollars also one more point is that today i am only going to talk about paperbacks i will not be mentioning any of the hardbacks because i want to film a separate video for the hardback somewhere in the future without further ado let's begin let's start with the cheaper options on the market i have this many additions to talk about today so let's start with the bigger ones first of all i have to show dover thrift editions they currently usually are like that so they have like this blue top and they have a picture on the bottom these editions to be honest are not my favorite they are never my choice unless it's the only option two of these books i got because i wanted to read them but because i also knew that i want to make this video so i got them in these editions as for this book for example i could only find this in this edition so if it's my only option i will buy the book but if through some other options i will probably opt for something else first of all because i don't really like their design i don't no i don't i don't like this like blue top i don't think it's beautiful also also with majority of the cheaper options except like some exceptions which i will tell you about but with majority of these books do not expect any introduction do not expect any notes this is just the text of the work the good thing about this is that you can just buy them bring them wherever you want you can ruin them you will not feel guilty about it you can write in them like you can just tear them apart because they are so cheap and you will not feel bad about it also they don't really look very beautifully on your shelf so i don't think you will be missing them if you're doing them so yeah this is the good thing that you can annotate you can write in them you can ruin them you will not feel guilty about it now for the reading process the main thing why i don't like these editions is because for me personally they are very difficult to read for me the most important thing in the book like i can forgive if the book is not floppy i can deal with that i can live with that i can forgive if the cover is not very beautiful i can live with that something i cannot forgive i cannot enjoy a book if the font if the font is too tiny and if the font is too close together and if it's too cramped i can i just cannot enjoy the book it's too hard for me also i feel like it's very bad for your eyesight and like i would better buy a more expensive book with a better type and with these additions they have very small font and the font is close together it is a clean font like i have to give them that like it's a clean font but you know there are some some books with like very kind of messy type font uh with this font it's clean and it's quite easy to read but it's close together and it's tiny not not tiny but small quite small i will insert like clips comparing font of this book with for example let's say for the standard that i will compare other phones to will be penguin english library because in my opinion penguin english library has perfect fonts and now as you can see on the clip this font is quite small it's not that small but it is close together and it's more difficult to read than penguin english library now let's have so i was showing you an ideal husband now let's have a look for example at yellow wallpaper font it's pretty much the same size as the ideal husband but as you can see it is smaller it is smaller than penguin english library it is quite readable but very close together in my opinion close together not very comfortable that was thrift editions or also as as for like open you can easily open them like no problem you can easily read them no problem you can open like that you can see everything so in terms of like the book itself it's quite well made um if you don't mind small font if you don't mind a phone that is close together if you don't mind the design i would say go for it they will probably even last you quite a long time because i feel like their covers are quite durable especially if you handle them carefully but yeah in my case they're never my preferred edition i don't like the design i don't like their font they don't have any introductions don't have any notes so that's like a turn off for me now next edition of cheaper classics that you can find everywhere it's very popular everybody's a lot of people have you see it in many bookshops is the wordsworth classics i personally prefer the design of this to these i think this design is much much better they usually have very beautiful pictures on the front they usually have like a small part of the picture here on the spine so i personally prefer the design of this editions the good thing about them is that they usually have an introduction they have not a big one not a very big one but they do have a small introduction of like 10 pages approximately and they do have yes they have some notes on the back so for example my trumpet major has notes and it has introductions and then short stories short stories don't have notes but it does have introduction so that's the good thing that they have quite a lengthy first for such cheap additions in introduction but something i want to mention as well with wordsworth class if you are buying a translated work keep in mind that they usually have old translation so translation that far as i understand does not call does not have copyrights anymore which is very difficult to read it is very old be careful when buying translated works especially all translated works always check the translation and what people are saying about this translation because translation can ruin your reading experience so pay attention because these books are cheap so that's why they have free translations always keep in mind that but if it's an english word if it's something that was written initially in english i would say go for it i would say go for it they're also i feel like they're quite durable they are very bendable you can easily open them they're like they're very easy to hold to read they're quite nice in your hand they feel very nice in your hand but again for me the problem with the font that's the reason why i don't usually buy these editions is the font again it's clean it's clean very clear font not messy but it is small so comparing it to penguin english library you can clearly see that it's very small it's very close together and i do not like this this is not my preferred option i i would go for a bigger font that's an option for you if you want to have some additional information and you don't want to buy an expensive book okay so now off to the babies to the smaller editions i will start with my least favorite and then i will go to the editions like more preferable editions so out of the smaller ones i would say that i only only have one edition of bantam classics phantom classics i have the around the world in 80 days these editions first of all again they're cheap so you will not feel feel guilty for ruining them as for the reading experience first of all the cover is okay i would say just it's okay um they have quite a few classics in this edition so you can find some classics in them but for the reading experience just look at this page just have a look can you see can you see how close to the bottom of the page the text is can you see how small the sides are so if you want to annotate them it's going to be difficult you will have to use some sticky paper on the inside the font again is is quite small it is clean but small for example compare it to the penguin english library you cannot compare penguins bandwidth english library is significantly bigger as for like the opening you can open them quite easily that's like that's okay i would say i don't have problems with that they're very light they're very easy to put in your back and carry around but yeah i wouldn't go for them because of their tiny font so these are my least favorite also they don't have an in an introduction they just have the text of the work i would say choosing between these for example and this definitely go for this because price is pretty much the same next i have collins classics with collins classics i don't really like the design i really don't like the design to be honest i don't think that this is beautiful but again it's like it's my personal preferences some people might disagree some people might like this black and white design so it's just up to you with calling classics they are quite sturdy to be honest like their cover it's quite sturdy so i feel like it will wear longer than for example bantam classics so that's the good thing about them this edition for example has like a tiny tiny like one page introduction and as for the leaves of grass yeah it does it does have tiny introduction like three pages introduction so they do have like tiny tiny introductory material but not something good i would say so yeah the font is quite small i would say and also very close together so it's like a big chunk of text which looks a little bit intimidating to be honest if you look and compare it to penguin english library i would say actually here this the size of the font looks pretty much the same but the spacing is small compared to english english english library so maybe that's why it makes the text look smaller and more intimidating but yeah actually the size is comparable to penguin english library but for example if you look at the leaves of grass and compare it to penguin english library again leaves of grass is smaller the font is smaller so as you can see even from the example of these two books you cannot predict the font so some books might have a bigger phone some books might have smaller font so yeah decide for yourself if you like the suggestions i personally don't i try to never opt for them again i got these two to show you um and to try call of the wild for example yeah this i just want to show you they were very cheap so i got them um so yeah current library decide for yourself i if i were you i would opt for something else just purely because i don't like close together font and i don't really like the design now we have pocket penguins pocket penguins this is an interesting thing because some of their editions are actually cheap like not cheap but they're like they're not under 10 but they're like 11 some of them at least like from what i saw uh idiot in yen but some of them are very expensive some of them like twenty dollars and i don't know what's the deal with that so if it's twenty dollar book i wouldn't buy it i wouldn't recommend it i feel like it's it's not worth twenty dollars uh unless you really like this editions because they are colorful i feel like they would look nice on your shelf because they have different colors they have this pastel color they have red they have dark blue orange a lot of different colors they're also very light and very easy to carry around their font is very nice as well if the font is quite big let's compare it to penguin english library it's even bigger than penguin english library for example in this edition at least the font here is very nice it doesn't have an introduction it has some fun it has some notes on the back but no introduction so and now it's not that many so it doesn't have too much of an additional material so yeah if it's cheap i would say go for it if it's not if it's like 20 i wouldn't go for that i feel like there are better additions to buy for twenty dollars than these um but yeah they're very nice they're very easy to hold they're very light quite beautiful one more addition that i want to show you is the scholastic classics they don't have too much of a choice at least not currently but you you can always recognize them but this by this like color thrown onto the paper design um it's like just this sprinkles of color on the paper they are nice i quite like their spines because they will be like these bright colors i don't really i'm not a big fan of this design to be honest but the font the font is beautiful it's even bigger than it's even bigger than penguin english library the spacing is even bigger than penguin english library i only have this copy to show so i don't know if it's the situation with all the copies like other books but with this copy the font is beautiful i don't know if it has to do with the fact that the book is for children probably it might um but it's really nice however it has no introduction and it has no notes like no additional information just the text so yeah decide for yourself i will not be collecting these editions i'm not a big fan to be honest but the font is beautiful i will i will be reading this book because the font is so perfect and i feel like it's going to be just a nice experience of reading it uh but i don't think i will be collecting more of this i just don't i'm not a big fan of the design besides it has no additional information now off to my uh not preferred because like i would i do i do not opt for these options usually but if they are my only options i would i would buy them so why i'm saying they're kind of preferred so first of all i'm talking about one of i have two additions to show off so one of them is the signet classics i have three books in this edition all three of these books all three of them have an introduction it's even not that short for example weinsberg ohio it has like a 15 page introduction and they also have afterwards so they have an introduction and an afterward so that's nice they have quite a bit of additional information i would say so that's what i like their designs are not my cup of tea to be honest um their spines do not match so they will not really they will not decorate your shelf uh maybe only if you turn them like that but if even you see papers are different so then your bookshelf will be like zebra but if you don't mind zebra on your bookshelf i guess it's the way to go now for the font the font is actually all right it differs the phone differs in every edition for example weinsbrook ohio white winsbook weinsbrook ohio it has quite a big font it is close together but it is big like if you compare it to penguin english library it's even bigger than penguin english library they are also very light very small super easy to carry around you will not worry to destroy them if you destroy them because they're so cheap so that's a good thing about them if for example you look at let's have a look at next nectar in sieve this font is smaller this font is smaller than winsboro ohio and if you compare to penguin english library it is maybe the same size a little bit smaller than penguin english library but very close together very close together so this book is going to be difficult to read for example as for the lysis strata this font is i would say comfortable to read and because it's a play the spacing is quite nice i would say because it's a play i've already read this book and it was easy to read for me so i didn't mind the font for example also easy to open can read easily yeah they they do not wear very well because for example my addition here obviously strata is it's already has a band and here and here on the on the side and i am usually very careful with my books like i i read carefully so some of them were already damaged in like this for example it already came i don't know if you can see it but here i have like here bent um so i wouldn't say that they wear very nicely but i don't think that they have to because they're so cheap so yeah definitely if you want a cheap addition with some longer introduction and afterward i would say yeah you can try this and see for yourself the last edition which i think might be my favorite uh but it's mostly for like children's classics i think is the puffin classics they usually have very nice design at least for me like i like this cartoonistic uh kind of drawing design i think it's it's nice and heartwarming besides it most of the of their books are like children's classics i have an edition of end of green gables it has no introduction but it does have some notes on the back it has glossary it has some a little bit of information about the author and it also has a section that like some things to think about and some things to do so like i did like you know something to think about after reading this book so that's nice their font their font there's nothing i could ask for it's big it's big and the spacing is very nice if you compare it to penguin english library it's bigger than penguin english library they are super comfortable to read they are super floppy as well you can open no problem they're just very nicely made books and they're also quite cheap like they're under 10 at least like when i was buying this it was under 10 so definitely if you find in addition if you find your novel in this edition and you want to save up some money i would say go for it the reading experience going to be very comfortable you might have maybe look something up on the internet if you are interested but those are children classics however they do have like odyssey for example with audience you would want some additional material also i don't know if their odysseys are breached or not so that's something you have to check uh but for example endocrine gables is unabridged so that's nice and i really enjoyed my reading this experience is this book i was carrying it around in my bag it was all very nice so there you have it the cheaper options to sum it all up out of the cheaper options the options that i would recommend like i wouldn't recommend opting for them if you can afford something more expensive and better but if you cannot really and you have choose you have to choose from this price range i would suggest go for wordsworth classics because uh they have introductions and they have no so these editions also i would say buffing translate puffin editions uh no introductions no notes but super comfortable reading experience and i would say zignet classics are also quite good you cannot predict the font but they have introductions and they have afterwards so which is nice um so yeah i would say that this um three would be my recommendation also pocket english but they don't have any additional information and sometimes they can be quite pricey and if they're pricey i wouldn't opt for this so these were the cheaper options now off to the middle price range the middle price range category which i would personally recommend a lot of these additions they're quite affordable and many of them not all of them but many of them have good information so let's start with one addition which is kind of in between cheap category and middle price category this is evergreen classics these editions they're very sturdy their price first of all their price is around eleven twelve dollars depending on different um novel for example it can be like 13 14 i guess if i translate it correctly from yen so they are quite affordable this edition does have some notes on the back and it also has wells live so it describes his biography in quite quite a bit of pages quite a few pages so they do have some addition a little bit of additional information which is also nice their cover is made is of this like rubbery kind of material which penguin english library used to have but it's like a little bit even sturdier than penguin english library they aren't maybe very they're quite okay you can open them they open quite nicely their font is nice their font is quite good if you compare it to penguin english library it's pretty much the same as penguin english library paper here is better than penguin english library it's thicker and it's whiter so i would say that they are very nicely made one more good bonus is that they have quite a few russian classics i was pleasantly surprised to see gorgon i was pleasantly surprised to see chief i i even saw a hero of our time double by destijevsky that's souls by gogol so yeah they have quite a few russian titles which was very nice to see their designs are always like this kind of chunky designs which not which are not my cup of tea but some of you might enjoy their covers are all usually colorful which i personally like the spines is quite colorful so i would say they're a good option to go they're quite beautiful quite affordable nicely made so i think they will last look quite long of course if you're careful with them so yeah i would say that's an option that's an option to go one more addition which i only have one book of and i honestly just bought this book because the reason was so beautiful um i'm not really interested in the author but just the edition kind of called me and i'm like okay okay i will try the author just because the edition is so beautiful so i'm talking about what they call legend press legend classics i have a copy of f scott fitzgerald this side of paradise i don't know i feel like f scott fitzgerald he has never called my name like i've i've never been very much interested in him but now that i have this scorpio i will give it a try this edition is also quite nicely made it's very light the paper is this like it's a quite a thick paper but it's like a dark this newspaper color paper the font is big the font is very comfortable to read it's very big it's even bigger than penguin english library to be honest yes it's bigger than penguin english library let's see if it has an introduction it has no introduction and it has no notes so it's just the text of the work itself they don't have too many titles so maybe for some of them maybe you would not need a lot of notes up to you i prefer to have notes but just this was so beautiful this was so beautiful so i bought it they are also on like a cheaper side of middle praise middle price range books so yeah i would say if you don't need any additional information they are a way to go i think that this looks beautiful now off to like more well-known additions that a lot of people have and a lot of people buy and love so let's start with penguin black spines i am not a fan like i they are not my preferred choice like if i can find a different edition i will probably choose a different edition like we will talk about because currently i kind of prefer to buy more expensive options but if i cannot find the expensive option i will opt for this because they are from the point of view of a reader from the point of view of reading experience they're perfect they are not very beautiful like i don't like this on my shelf it's very green it's very dark i don't like this on my shelf so that's why i don't buy it also they don't wear very well like they get spoiled very fast like for example look here i haven't read this book yet i just bought it but it's already has like some white wearing uh on on the bottom so they don't very very nicely but the good thing i will hold just one okay this is beautiful um the good thing about them i quite like their cover design like their cover designs are i think are beautiful the pictures are beautiful i like everything about the cover i just don't like the spine the good thing about these additions is that is that they always have a lot of additional information for example entity trollop's uh dr world tools school has an introduction quite a lengthy one has notes further reading then it has the text of the work and then it has notes on the back as well so they usually have a lot of additional information which is very helpful also their floppy you can easily open them read them with no problem they have good uh space on the side for those of you who like to annotate their font i would say often um a little bit on the smaller side but it has a good spacing like for example if you compare the font from dr bortles school if you compare it to penguin english library it is smaller it is it is visibly smaller but the spacing is nice so hopefully it will be quite easy to read so that's also kind of drawback for me small font but apart from that i would say that these editions are very nice if for example even if you look at um alexander dom account of monte cristo which we will start reading soon in the bbp book club this edition actually has a bigger font than dr bortles school and it's comfortable it's really comfortable it's the same size as penguin english library and it's it's just it's perfect like i cannot ask for more and even this big book you can still open quite all right read it quite easily oh this chunk chunky book so yeah i would say that if you don't mind the spines if you don't mind like sometimes small font but with good spacing um i would say designations are very good i like them i like their notes i like their information i really really appreciate this editions also also penguin they're so prolific with their publishing like you can find so many classics in these editions pretty much any classic you are looking for in english language not all translated classics like they don't have a lot of russian classics for example they have like the most famous ones i guess did not always have um all of the russian classes but obviously like russian classics like is enormous like you cannot yeah they don't have a lot of russian class they have quite a few russian classics too actually but the more well-known titles but still english classics for example they they publish a lot of also foreign works like gogi one yongo you can find a lot of books in these editions a lot and that is so wonderful i love them for it i love them for that that they are translating so many books and they have so many different translations like for example they have a lot of different translations of don quixote different translations of the iliad and like ancient literature so i love them for it this is a great choice it's just that if i can find something else i would opt for something else but this is also a sorted choice now now off to i think the most beloved editions at least like on booktube or books bookstagram it's of course penguin english library editions i love them too to be honest at first i wasn't a big fan of their cover designs but they grew on me to be honest they grew on me and now i really like these additions they are very affordable super easy to reach they are so comfortable just perfect to read their spines are beautiful i love their spines they look stunning on the shelf you can see them you can see them here they look beautiful like i have already said in my opinion they have perfect font they are easy to open no problem with opening they don't have an introduction they don't usually have notes but but they always have and afterward always all of my additions have afterward in them so they do have a little bit of an additional information which is nice so yeah i love this something else to say about them is that the penguin english library have two kind of kinds of books so they have an older versions and they have newer versions i personally prefer older versions because they their covers are sturdy at their covers they have this like rubbery material and they also have a picture of the author on the flop and i really like this they don't have it anymore in the newer versions newer versions are the cover is made just of like paper a little bit stirred more sturdier paper than the paper of the pages so that's a little bit of a drawback it's they're not as wearable but i am personally careful with my books so like they look all right for me but yeah you have to be careful these editions are stored here in my opinion and they also yeah i love i love penguin english library they they are penguin english library their books are written in english language looks like english american literature they're like currently starting to publish also more of american novels but you will not find translated works in these editions which is i don't mind i will write translated works in other editions uh i kind of like this division that for example penguin english library is only for english works and then um with this i can have my translated works in like kind of black spines for example yeah penguin recycler is definitely a solid solid choice to go i love these editions i love them i love collecting them i think they make my bookshelf look nice they give me a very comfortable and nice reading experience so yeah i really really like this edition now off to the last penguin that i want to show you and this is penguin modern classics they have this like minty spines i like them i think they're so bright and just fresh they kind of give a fresh feeling to my bookshelves i like this i like i like this additions however with these editions they publish like modern works translated and english works so they have they have enormous amount of books to choose from which is very exciting for me the drawback of these editions is that they don't really have an introduction and they don't have afterward they don't have like any additional information it's just the text of the work itself i don't know what it's related to why it's like that maybe because they're modern works maybe there isn't too much of critique on them currently i don't know what it's related to maybe there isn't maybe there hasn't been too much study done on these works maybe that's the reason but yeah they usually don't have any additional information just the work itself so if you want to know more about the water if you want to understand more about for example the culture like for example chinook he's writing about nigeria so if you want to know more you will have to google it but yeah other than that also their fonts there are fonts you can never predict you can never guess for example arrow of god has quite a comfortable font you can compare it to penguin english library it's a little bit smaller than penguin english library but it's pretty much the same it's also good spacing narcissus and goldmund for example has huge font huge it's bigger than penguin english library it's it has very good spacing it's a it's very comfortable to read unfortunately i didn't enjoy the book i still you see i kind of put it i don't i haven't officially dnf'd it officially i haven't but i just put it down i'm like i'm not in the mood for this currently so uh but i personally really like like the covers especially for hermann hesses actually also chinua chevy i also really like the covers i really like their cover work design i just adore it i feel like it's so beautiful and really and like it's really well thought through like i finished damien also wasn't a fan of the book but i look at the cover design and i'm just i see why it's this i understand this cover i can tell that the author has read the book and just beautifully represented it on this piece of art i love it i love it i feel like their covers on point are really on point fonts you can never guess they are usually comfortable but some of them are bigger some of them are smaller for example a grain of beet by gogi van yongga the font is quite small it's smaller than penguin english library but the spacing is nice so i would say it's still going to be a quite comfortable reading experience also they're quite floppy you can easily open them you can read them they have space on the side so you can annotate if you want so yeah i would say these auditions are comfortable to read like penguin currently are making very comfortable additions i don't own any of penguins like old editions don't have any of them because i don't like them they have very small fonts and all of their phones are so cramped together so i saw these editions on like second-hand bookshops i never bought a single one because i know that i'm not going to read that the fonts i cannot forgive tiny close together fonts i just cannot and those phones are like tiny tiny they're even smaller than wordsworth classics i think i think if i remember correctly i don't own those books so yeah currently the books that penguin is making currently i would highly recommend i think they're really nicely made again something to note is that like newer versions again the cover is just paper a little bit more sturdy than the paper of the pages but it's still paper for example this addition it's like this um can you see it has like like a plastic like a small layer of plastic on here and some of like for example hermann hesse doesn't have that you see it's just the paper so yeah i like this additions i would recommend them i think they're very nice and i like how they look on your shelf now off to some other additions that are not penguin first of all i want to show you oxford oxford classics because also they publish a lot of titles especially like old classics they published old classics like classical literature they also have just like ancient leaves which are not necessarily greek or roman they have mesopotamian myths for example they have ancient egypt's story i saw two books so they publish also a lot of titles they have like that's beautiful i like that however i also am not a big fan of these editions if i can find a work i want in a different edition i will opt probably for something else because it's not of the i quite like their design like to be honest i quite enjoyed their designs i like their covers i like that their spines are white rather than black they always have very good additional information they have introductions glossaries notes what have you they have that all why i don't always opt for them because the fonts they often have ridiculous fonts just ridiculous like for example i was reading charlotte bronte's selected letters the letters are written in a tiny font like compare it to penguin english library the font is tiny the spacing is nice but the font is tiny it's tinier than all of the penguins i shown you it's even tinier than the cheaper editions i've shown you the font is tiny but then if you look on the notes the font there is even smaller and when i was reading this book my eyes were aching like literally aching i had pain in my eyes after reading this book for just like two hours it was terrible it was just a terrible reading experience for me and i cannot forgive it to a book how you expect me to read the book if my eyes are aching like how so yeah that's why like i don't opt for them they are easy to open easy to hold they're very light to hold everything about them is wonderful except for this one drawback which for me is huge tiny font for me is a huge throwback it's not always the case like for example for example if you look at my copy of tiagonian works and days by hissy odd this is perfect like this font this spacing is perfect if all of their books were printed like that if all of their books had this font i would have no problem with these editions i would have no problems whatsoever i would be buying them i would be reading them i would be loving them but unfortunately their fonts more often than not more i feel like it's only that's what i have is a good really good font i also have for example the iliad by homer the translation is quite good here from what i learned but again the font the font just have a look at it first of all it's messy this is what i call like a messy font it's very difficult for me to read i don't like this it's hard for me to read also it's super close together so yeah it's not i can already tell that it's not going to be a pleasant experience but it was the only copy with this translation that i could find so it was my only option i also have wilkie collins the death secret in this edition again the font is quite small it's not tiny it's not tiny it's bigger than charlotte bronte's letters but it is messy and it's not that well spaced so there are fonts like you can never predict you can never predict and more often than not from the books that i have received from them often their fonts are really either messy or small or cramped or all of it together so i try not to buy these editions if i can find a different option however they always have very good introductions and they always have nice notes so that's the that's a shame that's a shame oxford if you're watching this video can you please step up your game for the fonts i love your editions i love the designs i love all the notes translations sometimes are old like that's also something you have to keep in mind i think because they don't have much funding they usu they often up like for example their translation of the donkey of don quixote was an old translation which is for modern reader it's difficult to read i think i forgot the name of the translator but it was an old like from the 18th century and some people who were reading don quixote with us in our baby book club they gave up because the translation was really hard to read and translation can really ruin your experience so and they often publish like older translations i think that don't have copyright either so yeah but for example their translation of the iliad i read in some comments that this is actually a good translation by robert fitzgerald that's quite a good translation so you just have to check your translations but yeah penguin please not penguin oxford oxford please step up your game with the phone one more addition which is quite popular is this red spines vintage red spines edition i quite like them to be honest usually this was a black ship this was the exception from the rule i don't like this cover don't like it but usually usually they have quite good covers their covers i always enjoy and they have like different artists different cover artists for different authors they're the books are quite nicely made like they are easy they're light you can easily open them and read they have good spaces on the sides they have good fonts which is important to me as we have already learned they have very comfortable phones like for example cider with rosie compare it to penguin english library it's even bigger than penguin english library so this font is very comfortable they even sometimes have illustrations like for example against either of this rosie has so i like these editions they they don't always have the same fonts like for example if you look at the gospel of jesus christ by jesus ramago this font but but it's also jesus remingto's writing because from what i know he didn't separate his text into paragraphs so it's just like the way he wrote it it's just a big chunk of text so it looks a little bit intimidating can you see this like can you see this oh but yeah this font is a little bit on the smaller side it's this in this book it's smaller than penguin english library but the spacing is nice so you cannot always predict their phones for example magus marcus had good has a good font comfortable font quite big one maybe a little bit bigger than bank of english library so yeah you can not predict their fonts something you need to keep in mind they don't have introductions they don't have any notes they don't have any afterwards what you see by odyssey by homer in this edition no introduction no notes nothing just the text of the work so that's something to keep in mind if you need notes if you need um introductions and afterwards this is not an option for you but if you just want the text i would say go for it i like these editions they they look beautiful they look beautiful on your shelf usually usually they're comfortable to read in my experience books that i own they have quite a comfortable text actually look let's have a look at another cinemago look you see that's what i'm saying you can never predict for example gospel of jesus christ the double by jose remago this is a perfect font for me this is very comfortable perfect spacing very nice and compare it to the gospel of jesus christ which is much smaller so you can never predict you don't know what font you will get with that with them but usually i would say they're comfortable also my edition of brighton rock has very comfortable font like i love these phones like these phones are everything they're very comfortable usually except for the gospel of jesus christ the la the last editions of middle price range that i want to show you are these virago modern classics which i like i like their spines i think they look beautiful i like this green color i like their cover designs you see they're also different so this is for example silvia townsend warner covers a kind of match and this is a different other so this is a different cover these editions are very comfortable i love them they have they have huge foot this font is enormous let's see if all of them do yes they all have big phones yes they all have big fonts yes thank you thank you that's that's what we need a very big font bigger than penguin english library perfect spacing very nice easy to open easy to read good they have a lot of spaces on the sides here so you can annotate your books wonderful most of their titles are not like old classics it's virago modern classics so it's like oh sometimes you can find kind of like forgotten works i guess that are not very widely spoken about not very widely known um so that's good but yeah you will not you will not find like old classics in these editions but if you find a title that is published in this edition i would say go for it because these editions are really nice i like them i like them a lot they're very comfortable from the point of view of reader one thing to say about them is that they don't really have a whole lot of additional information they do have an introduction they do have an introduction in the beginning it's quite short but it is there but there will be no notes no afterward so that's something to know about them maybe again it has something to do with the fact that this works hasn't been studied too much because they're like recent some of them are forgotten maybe maybe that's the reason i don't know uh but yeah they have just short introductions so this were the additions for middle price range and now off to my favorite currently favorite because i now i kind of i try to opt for these like more expensive editions because they're like perfect in my opinion so now off to the more the pricier options of paperbacks for classics now this is my favorite category the pricier options i love all of these editions the yearly some of them more than others so let's jump right in first of all i will start i think with the most famous ones and that are quite popular that is penguin deluxe editions i love them i don't have a whole bunch of them this is like 203 that i have but i love all of them i think they're beautiful i don't love all of their cover designs to be honest so the cover designs that i don't like i don't buy but the ones that i do like i really do enjoy them for example i have dubliners and the iliad and the odyssey i'm also going to get the aid a need um not sure how to pronounce a need also in this edition they have good translations for example this is translation by robert fagles and it's it's one of more popular translations these days because it's readable it's inverse and it's a very good translation so they have good translations i like this cover design um something that not everybody might like is the deckled edges because all of them have deckled edges i don't mind decalled ages i love not love but like i'm okay with stuff like that they don't bother me i they're quite nice i'm okay let's it's okay with me like i don't mind their fonts it's a blessing they're puns they just make me happy because they are perfect they are definitely bigger than penguin english library they are super comfortable to read to hold it's just going to be i just know in advance it's going to be a wonderful reading experience they have they always have long introductions like 30 20 pages introductions they have lots and lots of notes and appendixes on the back so they have so many different additional information which i really do appreciate so these editions i love them if i like the cover their spines don't really match as you can see that they don't really match all together but it's okay i keep them in different shelves of my bookshelf so it doesn't really bother me but yeah the suggestions are wonderful i feel they provide a very good reading experience experience like i said you approve of lyrical font open easily good spaces here and there and everywhere so i love this edition so i would definitely highly recommend them i will definitely be getting more of them myself so yeah penguin deluxe editions i personally love them then we have maybe not as popular edition but still you can see a lot of these books and this is uh the modern library classics these editions uh i wouldn't say that they're my favorite i wouldn't opt for them like if i have other options but they're also quite good to be honest you see they don't have it's like it's the pages and so they have very little space on the side like these are these are the pages the space is right here so they don't have much space to annotate i have only one book in this edition it's the journal of the plague years it has very little very short introduction but i don't know if this book need like a lot of additional material because it is a journal of danielle the four of the play gears like just his diary it has some no some notes on the back just like a few pages of notes so yeah it has some additional information um i think it's it's more like from a cheaper site of a price of pricier options so it's a little bit cheaper than others um but yeah i would say they're they're nice they're quite good the font is comfortable for me to read perfectly comfortable i have no problems with the font open read no problem maybe not very durable because the cover is just the paper but quite a thick paper to be honest so yeah maybe not exactly very durable but they're also not exactly very pricey they are more like something in between middle price range and expensive they are definitely cheaper than the deluxe edition so they're like somewhere in between middle and expensive price range again because different editions also differ like a certain novel can cost more certain novel can cost less so you cannot really i cannot really say that all of them are cheap or expensive uh so yeah but i just decided to put them in a more expensive category because prices that i saw at least on book depository were like more expensive prices but not significantly so yeah the price question is difficult to predict now i have some new addition that i wanted to try this is the broad view classics i this editions caught my eye because i really like their cover designs like the cover designs are always like black and white photographs of people or like in this case this is wood ring heights by emily bronte and i just i feel like the cover looks very classy i like this like white square here i feel like it looks very classy i really like the cover designs i'm not a big fan of their spines because they're black and like i said i don't want my bookshelves to be black their font is a little bit it's comfortable but it is on the smaller side it's smaller than penguin english library maybe not so that's smaller maybe just a little bit smaller but not significantly so it is comfortable to read they're quite floaty you can open them they have a bunch of appendixes on the back they have like maps they have appendix a the last appendix is appendix i so appendix and all appendix a appendix b appendix c and all of the like appendixes the last is appendix i so you can tell how many appendixes they have so they have geographical remoteness and country cultural differences they have uh early reviews of this novel they have like modern reviews so they have yeah a lot of different interesting material about the novels and of course also the text of the novel and do they have an introduction and there is also in an introduction here so they have yeah they have a lot of material and i really like it uh they are maybe not very durable because the cup like this cover is a little bit like bendy and not very sturdy but yeah i think they're beautiful and if care and if handle them carefully i think they could last quite long so yeah broad view additions i really like them and my favorite part is their cover design to be honest now the uh some of my like top favorite like i just love this editions it's the norton critical editions i like them i like their current design better i don't like their old design i don't own any books in their own design but their current design i think is quite nice i like this big picture and then the name of the book and the water i think it's nice the thing for some i don't know why but but for some reason can you see that for some reason mark twain is taller i don't know so they will not match but i also keep them like in different places like these books i keep with my ancient literature but yeah i don't know if all of them are in different sizes but apart from that i like them they have a whole bunch of additional materials they're also floppy you can open easily the font is a little bit on the smaller side and a little bit on the closer to the other side i have to acknowledge it um but for example this is a play and it's like inverse so it doesn't really matter too much these adventures of huckleberry finn the font is comfortable it's not huge it's not huge maybe a little bit smaller than penguin english library but it's comfortable the spacing is comfortable the book for some reason is very nice to hold in hand at least for me it has some original illustrations of the book which i really enjoy so yeah this book i really really like and a whole lot of additional materials like um i will tell you what additional materials they have so they have contexts and sources mark twain letters about huckleberry finn then they have an extract from autobiography they have some early responses they have them some critique on the book so that's really really nice um notes on the text free face to the third edition don't have like a lengthy introduction yeah so here they have criticism early responses modern views so that's really really interesting i really like it um also for git gamish for example i have an edition of gilgamesh they have some notes a glossary they have glossary because gilgamesh has a few versions they have this this few versions of the book criticism and responses so critical approaches to epic of girgamesh and then they have some articles by different people on the topic of gilgamesh glossary selected biography the text of the epic in this case they have like an introduction so the text of um yeah they have in this case of this book they have quite a lengthy introduction like approximately 20 pages because um i feel like this book does require an introduction of this the historical context and because it has so many different variants so it does need an introduction so yeah i really like these editions um northern critical editions definitely they're one so my favorite and if i can find a novel in these editions i will buy it in this editions and now the last two editions which i really really like they are not classics classics like they don't some of them do publish old classics like sometimes you can find old classics in this asian breakfast i feel like they publish more like lesser known works new york review books classics i really like this editions they're like perfect they're beautiful the cover is quite sturdy so they're wearing well they're also end pages are like colored font is super comfortable to read it's big super comfortable i love them i love them they have an introduction no notes no notes on the back but this book is like modern books so maybe there isn't much notes to put so yeah i really like these editions and the last addition that i want to show off is the apollo editions i saw some like even russian classics in this edition so i think that they publish lesser known works and mostly translated works so for example this is evo adric bosnian chronicles so he is a serbian um author i think so i love decisions they're beautiful also because look at this end papers their covers are beautiful their font is very comfortable to read do they have an introduction they have a short introduction glossary some yeah not much of glossary not much of notes but i also love them so apollo classics apollo editions are also very beautiful and i love them a lot so yeah there you have it guys all the additions of classics that i wanted to show you hopefully now you know what editions of classics to buy and what additions to collect your classics in hopefully it was interesting and informative thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed have a very good day and i will see you soon in my next videos thank you very much for watching bye
Channel: Bookish Topics
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Keywords: Which Collection of Classics to Choose, Which Edition of Classics to Buy, what edition you should buy classics in, what edition of classics to buy, best editions of classics to collect, the best edition of classics, favorite editions of classics, edition of classics to buy, classics editions recommendations, reviewing editions of classics, which edition of classics to choose, which collection of classics to buy, pretty editions of classics, how to choose a collection of classics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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