💰 Money Back and MORE! 🤩 on Wonder 4 Buffalo Gold at Hard Rock

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I'm Erin from Denton Texas and you're watching for head Christopher sluts rude [Music] wonderful Wonder Wheel look at that grin 34-hundred look at that Buffalo jackpot 340 the to high as that of all these games tough summer planet and let's go to town show it seven dollars and twenty cents the bet my not two hundred dollars in there so may not be wrong let's see if we get a bonus rather quickly [Music] [Music] and for three points drop inside of any one of the four boxes [Music] we're 50 we have not got our vet back yet nowhere else we'll get there [Music] to 70 [Music] didn't matter that bad oh this survived [Music] my back Oh next time makes you think you had it but he didn't event through two right away enough flirting right there oh we got it right but we're down $200 try and win that back and more than one guy's out see if I can hit ourselves a little jackpot here alright let's try and spin this wheel shall we yeah heading the green anything with green and green drying on the wall breathe God exactly what I asked for and that's mine Flynn [Music] [Music] three [Music] yes there's a game stands for one three I know you in there somewhere [Music] Oh science $24 Reno $24 dollar project [Music] we have two more spins duty 2.0 that give that money back go to town [Music] I put two more parsley [Music] [Music] Oh another eight spins doesn't we start a list that's great we have three gold buckles only Oh see 12 horsemen [Music] I know there's trees in there someone come on [Music] threat $98 we gotta make 97 over a lot to get our money back look at that it is time again all right Eagles are now turning into buffaloes you got their money back let's get mark never more spits to go [Music] come on [Music] Oh here to Mars bins Smith but we did get our money back amar enough more for what I wanted it's not wide enough for a backhoe since we're gonna do one anyway there does he'll open to work so for us we got all screening Buffalo's $18 to Buffalo over there all right we'll do another backup Spanish oh girl it worked again another $30 in Buffalo [Music] I'm in love our button back up in 39 over all of the 250 now okay okay recipe box we'll do another back up and that is where we draw the curse that's not a 243 um wonderful Wonder Wheel at Hard Rock we are playing the goals at Stax and look at that stack up there the grand that's 4000 the major is 1300 which is more than double all the other ones beside me let's go we're flying this one both the grand and major the biggest oh there you go two hundred and forty six dollars an ounce get that all the way up there we're ready to go we are going to be Mac setting high water we're at 2:46 Mac sweat six dollars and eighty six dollars and 80 cents Hollis at the bonus entry in yang from the first three reels only that thing isn't wild and it throws coins up in the pot and when the pot thinks that it's both going to let us know why showering down upon us a progressive feature and a progressive feature is where you can win a progressive jackpot it's called the progressive jackpot because every single spin I to do the jackpots progress [Music] no for a 960 it I mean three and young or at least one inning and two aisles or mixed early to the wild builds up the too far [Music] girl smile baby I don't remember where we started around 2:30 for nothing there [Music] like so much higher than all the other receipt there's no set time for this machine for things to go off the weather and just hit yesterday or an hour ago or a year ago so a fan of hitting it [Music] we're down to $90 [Music] we're running out of money [Music] begone solvating up the best live done guys and that's not even two times they're bad oh wow I'm still not saying a lot stuff $38 yes please oh man keep going $32 starting a leg [Music] kitty-kitty-kitty dong dong [Music] Wow something good to hit here because we're down a lot of money how much I don't really know it's run too much I start about a ticket that's good like you should never start with second cousin of losing more than you want to and you're never really remember I'm one of those do as I say none of the did things all right ready hey baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time to find out if that major is right in the pool pump here we go all right Smitty miner [Music] major yeah we love one more purple for the major $1,300 oh they got a crane hands to $4,000 [Music] [Applause] [Music] $52 [Music] all right no I'm making a money back [Music] up to $90 and the bonus some of you are physically [Music] they're now halfway ninety-four [Music] oh my gosh are they are they there [Music] well luckily we hit that minor otherwise we're gonna have a really poor bonus hundreds three altogether so we're probably down around a hundred hours all together let's do exactly two want backup in 960 we're cashing out they are wonderful 4800 old sacs here at Hard Rock all right I got the bonus on lightning cash laying it up here we go $5.00 bet asthmatic my third [Music] all across it's fun a chippy chip chip in the middle didn't pay a lot of money actually did it oh there it is $25 it's fun that many for hundreds of wonder for 500 or the major for eight thousand hundred a there's fifty bucks thank you [Music] yeah yeah $25 right a hundred now keep on going all right last one all right we'll take the hundred and keep on spinning in the bonus [Music] all right we have a few more spinners left still get another chip shall we nice that's the man [Applause] [Music] right $154 keep going three more spins are bonus three spins what are you gonna do for us bonus spins [Music] and that's man all right we got another $26 or so from the bus 170 over tall nice all right bonus time again in here we go line it up $5 chip [Music] $50.00 on come on $5 tip Wow here it is $25 it again all right girlfriend find your friends major [Music] 45 of course man and in our feet so here we go I got a couple more nine $71 let's get stinking rich in the high-limit room and hard rock I have a wooden have what is that four hundred and forty-four dollars in there it's a quarter machine quarter denomination max bet after we're doing is $25 spin or a hundred quarters for a hundred lines I'm enough their volume somewhere that I'm missing thank you come on let's get a spankin rich all right we're down 100 [Music] here's my girlfriend gives us an extra $5 hit what's a wild hunter done for that's the way in $10 bill $35 moment [Music] my daddy that's daddy right there now that we're down $300 [Music] 250 yeah just over 60 bucks [Music] moving up for two more spins in my spin come on give us some good oh my gosh not online last man $7 on stinkin rich alright bonus oh my gosh surprise even the big number right now do it surprise all right take all these fives and oh my gosh you can see that the nature Oh [Music] [Music] all right thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no very minor doors [Music] [Music] five spins down [Music] [Music] me too oh my god $68 for Jax [Music] it's only a dollar a normally we got our money back and more now [Music] that was up there iron spin triplet georgette Oh [Music] see that it again that's man [Music] 183 start with 100 we doubled up I bonus on mighty cab the other Haiti setback before [Music] get on there
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 54,321
Rating: 4.7904191 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, wonder for wonder wheel, stinking rich slot machine, lightning cash 2019
Id: 1WUNhZsUa90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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