💰💰💰NEW TICKETS FROM THE TEXAS LOTTERY💰💰💰 #texaslottery #fyp #lottery #scratchcards

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hey everyone welcome to my channel Texas scratcher life it is new ticket Monday from the Texas Lottery so I do have the three new tickets that were released today uh on Monday March 18th it is a $37 session so I do have four of the new Lucky Sevens $5 ticket numbers 3 through six six of the lucky dog cool cat tickets 9 through 14 and then we're going to get started with five of the 7121 tickets 30 through 34 I don't know who's had a chance to play these yet uh it's going to be my first go at them uh they look pretty cool though I like the colors the nice fluorescent pastel bright colors and uh let's get started so on this first game 71121 we're looking for a seven symbol to win the prize for that row 11 will win double 21 will win triple the prize $1,000 is the top prize the odds are one in 4.87 so hopefully by having five tickets I've covered the odds but we know it is a Texas Lottery nothing is guaranteed especially you've seen some of my other videos where I've blinked on M multiple tickets in a row that I should have had the odds covered all right so let's get started okay nothing on ticket 30 let's go on to 31 all right so we do have a win right there on ticket 31 can we get another one all right so it's just 17 for a dollar back so far we have $1 back off of five all right moving on to 32 and I can't wait I was looking at the website and in another couple of weeks I think around April 1st or so they're going to be releasing three more tickets there's a a $5 a $10 and I believe a $30 ticket and they look pretty cool especially the $5 one I think it's called like armadillo silver but can't wait for those to come out and give those a try all right we're on to ticket oh hey look at that we have a triple got number 21 can we add to that one and a seven all right let's hope for a good win we're going to scratch off the seven first and then we'll do the triple so we have $2 there and under the triple $1 all right so we have a $5 win coupled with the $1 $6 back off of five so we're on a profit on this ticket can we go back to back all right nothing there but we do have $5 on this ticket and then $1 on the other one going to move on to our lucky dog Cool Cats just kind of separating the winners run the losers real quick all sorry about that let's move on all right so lucky dog cool cat odds are one at 4.29 so we're looking for a paw print for an instant win or a stack of cash to win double that prize all right going to start off with ticket number nine all right and of course they recycle symbols these are the ones from like the lucky X10 and I'm pretty sure other tickets as well but that's the ones they remind me of all right ticket number 10 cool cat oh and I just noticed that these are mice right here and then I saw those dog bones on the other one [Laughter] all right nothing on that ticket all right back to the lucky dog alternating so ticket number 11 so paw print or stack of cash [Laughter] all [Music] right nothing on 11 still have three more to go cool cat number 12 all right oh for four on to number 13 back to the lucky dog so far neither of the two have been that lucky for me all right nothing there on to ticket number 14 last ticket of this group and let's us hope the cool cat comes [Laughter] through and nope no going that's all right still play it again just got to get out there and buy some more tickets eventually one's going to win right just hopefully that would be the big one all right so now let's move on to our Lucky Sevens tickets three four five and six odds in the game are one in 4.1 we're looking to match our numbers if we get a symbol it's 10 times get a double uh seven went all 20 prizes instantly and then reveal two matching prizes and the bonus will win that amount so I'd be happy with a seven simple for 10 times the double sevens would be awesome to win uh all 20 prizes it's pretty cool that they're starting to do that to do a win all I know on some of the new tickets that are going to be coming out next month that's the same thing that they're doing there so let's see I'm going to have to go up and down CU I really well let's see I think right there we should have everything in play okay let's start with our winning numbers 46 15 11 3258 and as usual I knock Homer over all right so 46 15 11 32 58 right last two spots and nothing all right let's check out the bonus all right nothing on our first ticket you know what I'm going to zoom in I like it better I'll just keep going back and forth if necessary so ticket number four this one let's Syle hunt first I don't typically do that but why not okay nothing on our simple hunt so let's go for the prizes 28 okay no 28 how about uh 14 all right we do have one match so far the 14 59 all right we have a 59 right next to it right there so 59 and 14 see if they double those up anywhere else nope okay 55 no 55 last number 13 I don't recall seeing a 13 so it looks like it's just the first two 59 and 14 all right $5 $5 $10 back Right Moving On to our next ticket ticket number five oh wait a minute guys totally forgot about the bonus let's check that out real quick so 50 and 10 all right okay now let's move on to ticket number five so our numbers are 6 46 12 33 32 so three and four 53 38 23 39 [Laughter] last two spots nothing there let's check our bonus $100 15 all right nothing there last ticket ticket number six one thing I did forget to mention is that this is a second chance ticket so you could enter the Texas Motor Speedway Second Chance promotion so using the luxone feature in your app just go ahead and uh scan that you have a chance to win one of four PR prizes Second Chance dra are one into four drawings all right let's go last ticket let's see if we can add on top of what we already won be nice to Som turn this into a profit session but it's not looking too likely all right so it's 133 255 and 29 all right last four spots and they give us the multiplier nothing there let's see what the bonus has so $10 possible is it going to give us little zeros nope so 500 all right not too bad at least we did uh get a win on The Lucky Sevens we got $10 and then we got $6 on our $1 tickets so we did get $16 back off of a $37 session you know half back not too bad I'll take it all right guys I appreciate you stopping by if you have not done so please take a moment to subscribe to the channel leave a like on the video leave some comments down below share the video out hit that notification Bell and get out there chasing wins of your own hope you find some big ones I will see you in the next video appreciate all the support guys y'all have a great day thank you all right guys so I'm back looks like I missed a win so let's see I had matching 11s so let's see what that one ended up being was checking my tickets after the session entering them into the second drawing said this ticket was not qualified so we have another $5 win so we have the 5 10 15 20 so $21 back off of the $37 session so a little bit better I was hoping that missed win was going to be something huge but I'll take my $5 back so at least I won off of two of the Lucky Sevens out of the four y'all have a great day I'll see you in the next video and hopefully I won't miss any numbers that time around you have a great day guys bye
Channel: TX Scratcher Life
Views: 163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WPCnV4t7LI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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