💚 Menú SEMANAL Saludable y Económico #1 🕒 Ahorra TIEMPO, DINERO y Come MÁS SANO 👍 Meal Prep Español

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Hello everyone! How are you? Look at the variety of ingredients I have. With all this we are going to prepare a menu for the whole week, which will consist of 5 dishes. Where no vegetables, protein and carbohydrates are missing . This way of cooking together, as many of you already know, is called Batch Cooking or Meal Prep. And we are going to do this in less than 2 hours. And what I have come to show you in today's video is how you can organize yourself so that on Saturday or Sunday afternoon you can prepare the menu for the whole week in a very simple and uncomplicated way, we will only have to warm up the tuppers when we go to eat them each day. And so that there is no doubt at the end of the video I am going to show you in what order it is better for you to consume them so that the meals are as fresh as possible. I have been cooking this way for a long time and I can assure you that the food is freshly cooked. Well, if you want to know how I have prepared this menu, stay and watch the video because we started. First of all and before we start we are going to wash all our vegetables and greens very well. We are also going to wash the lettuce. I use one of these bowls that then has the top to drain. I fill it well with cold water and inside I put all the lettuce leaves . When we have it well covered with water, we are going to let it rest here for about 15 minutes. I have soaked the chickpeas overnight and what I am going to do is remove this water and I am going to rinse them well with clean water and I have them ready. Well, now we are going there with the cooking: As you can see here in this casserole I have boiling water , to which I am going to add a little salt, we add a good handful; a splash of olive oil (not very big) and we are going to cook the pasta. As you can see, I am using these macaroni but you can use the ones you like the most (I love these whole grains). And I'm going to put about 200 gr. approximately and we are going to let them boil for the time indicated by the manufacturer. While we are going to put the stew, we are going to put it in the express pot. I'm going to do it in the GM Pot but you can do it in the pot you have. First we put our chickpeas in the pot and inside I put the chorizo ​​and the chicken breast, we also put a bay leaf and 3 whole garlic; a pinch of salt and cover with water. As you can see, I add a lot of water to the pot because later with this we are going to make a soup that will accompany the chickpeas. Well, I'm going to set the time, I let it start to boil, I defoam and then I cover the pot. And if any of you are interested, I will tell you how I put my pot. I already put it in a turbo kitchen, I raise the temperature to 160º C, the pressure I leave it as it is, which is at maximum and the time I am going to program it to 45 minutes and we give it to start cooking. And in less time it could also be done, but I like the legume to be well cooked, that's why I program it for 45 minutes. While we wait for this to come to a boil, we will continue to prepare other ingredients. Well, I already have the lettuce ready, I can only drain the excess water well. Now I just have this up here and what these vegetable drainers basically do is they spin the lettuce and get a lot of water out. Well, we remove it, centrifuge again and we have it ready. The next thing we are going to do is prepare our vegetables. As you can see, I have a cauliflower here and it has already started to get a little ugly. I'm going to take this back and that's it, we can take advantage of it. Well, the first thing I do is, I make a cut and remove the central part, the trunk. I remove all these sheets that do not interest me. I am going to cut it in half and once I have it in half I am cutting the saplings like this. To remove these parts that are a little ugly, with a peeler I pass it and remove what looks ugly, and cut the rest of the cauliflower in the same way. 15 minutes have just passed and our pasta is ready. So what we are going to do is we are going to remove it with a wringer. And I am going to place it directly in the source where it is going to go. These macaroni are going to be accompanied with the broccoli, which we will then make a cheese sauce and gratin in the oven. They will be delicious. Once I have removed them I am going to pour a splash of olive oil, we give them a few laps and we are going to leave them while we continue preparing more ingredients. And in this same casserole where we have cooked the pasta, we are going to take advantage of it to cook the cauliflower inside (in this way we do not have to put several pans, but we use the same water to cook the pasta and vegetables). I'm not going to add more salt because it already had salt from having cooked the pasta previously. Cover and let the cauliflower cook for about 15-20 minutes, or until it feels tender when you pierce it. Well, we already have the cauliflower going and now we are going to clean the broccoli, we are also going to remove the stem and we are going to also separate all the flowers. And for this week I have 2 proposals with the broccoli, since it was quite large and I had to finish it. With one we are going to make the pasta that we already have cooked with the broccoli. And the other is an omelette with broccoli, cheese and Serrano ham and that we are going to make in the oven. And do not worry about the quantities of the recipe, I will leave everything detailed in the information box as I always do. Well, I already have it split and I am going to reserve it while the cauliflower is just cooked. We continue cleaning more vegetables, now we are going to clean carrots and an onion. What will be the vegetables that we are going to use together with the chicken that we are going to make pickled. As you can see, I have a lot of carrots, but the richest thing in this recipe is the carrots when they are pickled, delicious! And we are also going to clean an onion that is very beautiful. We are going to remove the ends of the carrots. When we have them we are going to make slices with them. I recommend that if you have time the day before, what you can do is prepare all your vegetables in advance, so cooking will be much easier and faster. We are going to cut the onion into julienne. When we have all the chopped vegetables we are going to put it directly in the casserole where we are going to prepare the breasts. And we are also going to put a head of garlic that we are not going to peel, we are going to add it just like that. And with all the vegetables ready, we are going to take our breasts and we are going to divide them into large pieces. As you can see, I have given a breast four cuts, because it is quite large. And directly to the casserole. We are going to put a good pinch of salt, and of spices I am going to put a few balls of black pepper and some cloves. And what I 'm going to do with all these spices is that I put them in a bag to make teas (this way they don't stay in the stew and then I can easily remove them), along with a bay leaf. I tie a knot in the bag, I put it inside and in this way it releases all its flavor and I do not have the pepper balls lying around. And finally we are going to put a glass of extra virgin olive oil, half a glass of vinegar, another half a glass of white wine and a glass of water. And all this we are going to take to the fire and we are going to have it for about an hour and a half until the meat and vegetables are very tender. The chickpeas have already started to cook and have released all the impurities up, from the foam. We remove them with a slotted spoon. We close our pot and we are going to let the cooking time finish and we will have the chickpeas ready. Well, I already have the cauliflower ready, I am going to prick it to check that it is tender. When you puncture it with the knife, it comes out, so just as we have done before, with a slotted spoon we are going to remove it to the source where we will later store it. I take out all the cauliflower and as you can see in the other fire I already have the chicken on. As we have done before, I use the same water to cook the broccoli inside. Broccoli is much faster to cook, with 5 minutes or so we will surely have it ready. Now I'm going to add a pinch of salt and cover the casserole and let it cook. And while we have all this going, we are going to cook the rice. I always use this rice, the tasty one, which is the one I like the most. And I'm going to do it in the microwave, which is done in a moment and it looks great. We are going to take the measure of a glass and we are going to put: a glass of rice, an unpeeled garlic, a good pinch of salt and a drizzle of olive oil. We take a few laps and now we are going to put two and a half measures of water. If you want you can also put chicken broth. We take a few turns again and we are going to take it to the microwave for 18 minutes at maximum power, which is what the cooking time of my rice indicates. Well, I also have the cooked broccoli. I recommend that you do not overcook the broccoli. Since it is much richer if it is a little al dente. And what we are going to do is going to be, take a little out of a plate (which we will make the tortillas with) and the rest we are going to take to the source where we had the cooked pasta. And with this cooking water all the ingredients, what we are going to do is that we are going to use it to make the cheese sauce , so it will have a lot of flavor. And while the other two things continue to cook, I am going to put two eggs on one side to cook. And in the other I am going to put a casserole to make the cheese sauce. To prepare this sauce we start with a béchamel sauce. If you want to know how I make my béchamel, I recommend that you go see my video on how to make a perfect béchamel without lumps. This video has more than a million visits and I can assure you that everyone who tries this béchamel recipe will repeat it again, because it is always perfect! We are going to wait for the oil to get a little bit of temperature. And we are going to add about 4 teaspoons of flour. We turn with some rods so that the flour is toasted well and then it does not taste raw. And when it is like this we are going to add: about 200 milliliters of milk that I have heated in the microwave. And we go around until we see that all the flour has been well integrated into the milk. And when we see that it has already absorbed all the milk, now we are going to make broth from the one we have from the vegetables. Well, it has already thickened and now we are going to taste the point of salt and pepper. Salt in my case does not need but pepper yes that I am going to put a little. We take a few turns and now we are going to add the cheese, which I am going to scratch at the moment, but if you want you can also add grated cheese. And the cheese you can add the one you like the most, you can add a cheese that is a little less flavorful than the cured, you can add goat cheese, you can add blue cheese ... it goes well with any cheese. I have already tried it with several and I like it with all. Well, I already have all the grated cheese and I give it a few turns so that it melts together with the bechamel. And we already have our cheese sauce ready. Well, when we have finished integrating the cheese, we are going to taste the salt just in case it is needed. I'm going to give it a pinch because it does seem to me that it is a little bland and we can also add (if we want), a little bit of nutmeg that is very rich. And as you can see, the sauce I leave it very light, because later when we put it on the vegetables and the pasta it will thicken a little more. Well, look, I already have the pasta with the broccoli here. I'm going to give it a few turns to mix it well and I just have to add the cheese sauce. We stir again so that all the sauce is well distributed. And now I'm going to scratch more cheese on it again. And I'm also going to put a few pieces of ham, so spread over the top so that later when they are roasted in the oven they will be delicious. We are only going to put it a little because then the rest go to the other recipe. And this dish we have already finished, when I prepare the food for this week and I know that the preparations are going to go into the oven and they are going to eat gratin, I prefer to do it right at the moment of eating it, with which I am going to leave Let it cool down a bit, cover it and I have one of the dishes finished. Now we go with the rest of the broccoli that we had reserved. In a bowl we are going to put 4 eggs. We also put a good pinch of salt, freshly ground black pepper. We beat the eggs a little. We add 250 ml. of cooking cream. We mix. And we put the diced ham that we had left before. We will also put 200 gr. grated cheese (I'm using Emmental cheese). Mix again and finally add the cooked broccoli . And the mix would be ready. As you can see, this has been very quick to prepare. Now we are going to take a source that we can put in the oven. On top we put a piece of baking paper . And inside we place the mixture. We spread it well so that the cheese and broccoli are distributed equally. And now we are going to take it to the oven at 190º C. for about 25-30 minutes, or until we see that it is perfectly set and golden on top. In this time our rice has also finished, which as you can see is already perfectly cooked and look at it, a very loose rice is left. I love how it looks like this in the microwave, because I'm going to let it cool a little and I'm also going to take it to the tupperware to keep it. Well, the stew is finished too, I have depressurized the pot and while we are going to prepare the cod, which is what is going to accompany the cauliflower. In a very large frying pan I have put about 4 tablespoons of olive oil. I am going to wait for it to heat up a little bit and as soon as it is a little hot we are going to put 3 sliced ​​garlic. We fry until they are golden brown and as soon as we see that they begin to take color, we add the cod. The cod that I am using I buy frozen and desalted, with which, it is simply defrosted and it is ready to be used. And I let it cook until it changes color. I wait about 2 minutes for it to be cooked and as you can see, I am breaking it a little as I go around. I add a heaped teaspoon of paprika. I mix and now I add the cauliflower that we had cooked. We mix everything very well so that the cauliflower is well integrated together with the cod. And I also take the opportunity to split the cauliflower a little bit, because I like it to be a little smaller. I'm going to cook it all for a few minutes so that all the flavors are well integrated . Well, this we would also have ready. We put it back in the source where we had the cauliflower and to finish we put the eggs that we had previously cooked on top. And now I have here mixed a little paprika with olive oil. I have simply mixed it up and we are going to put it on top of it like that. And we already have another dish ready. We let it cool a little and cover it. As you can see, the stew is also ready. And what I'm going to do is take out the 2 sausages and the chicken breast. With a saucepan I am going to remove all the fat that has been released on top, which does not interest me. At my house we eat the chickpeas on one side and with all the broth we will make a soup. So what I'm going to do is, with a slotted spoon, I'm going to remove all the chickpeas to another container. Well, I have already removed the chickpeas and what I am going to do is, take approximately as a little broth, I am going to add it to the chickpeas so that it is easier to heat them later. And we would already have the chickpeas, and now in this broth we are going to put the noodle. I give a few turns to mix it well. And I'm going to show you a trick that I've been doing for a lot of years. I never let the noodle boil, what I do is that as I open the pot, I remove the chickpeas as you have seen me and the meat, while the broth is still hot, I add the noodle and now what I'm going to do is, cover the pot again and let it rest for about 5 minutes. Only with the residual heat that the pot has, the noodle will remain just right. What I am going to do with the meat is that I cut it into pieces, and put it directly in the container where I am going to keep it. All I use are glass containers, since I don't like to keep in plastic, I prefer to always do it in glass, I think that food keeps much better. And I have this very hot right now, I'm going to cover it. And with the chickpeas I am going to do exactly the same. Being very hot I close them. These tuppers that I use have a rubber, and when the food is hot, what they do is vacuum. That way the rubber stays stuck to the tupper and we make it as if it were a semi-conserve. On the other hand we also have our omelette that has already finished being made and as you can see it is very well curdled. And this as I do not have any glass tupperware that is round, I will keep it with the paper and everything. I just covered it with cling film and that's it. We are also going to cover the pasta that I already have ready , the cauliflower with cod, the rice that we are going to put in another container, we also cover it and the chicken that I also have finished. And look how good it looks, you don't know how rich it is. Then accompanied with rice, an exquisite dish. And before transferring it to a tupper, first of all we are going to remove the tea bag where we had put the spices. And now we move it to the tupperware. You can not imagine how delicious this chicken is accompanied with rice and also you have already seen that it could not be easier. A quick recipe that does not give us any work. And the best thing is that it keeps up to 10 days in the fridge. Well, we already have it too. We cover it and another meal is ready. Well, 5 minutes have passed and as you can see, the noodle is already cooked. Then when we reheat it to eat, it will be perfect. And when we have it and while it is still hot, we will transfer it to another container and cover it while it is still hot. And now we are going with the salads that we are going to prepare 2. One is going to be made with tomato only and the other is going to be lettuce, tomato, olives and asparagus. We are going to start by cutting the tomatoes, we remove the central part, we make some cuts. We are only going to eat the tomato salad the day we eat the stew accompanying the meat. And the other salad that is complete, we are going to consume it together with the broccoli omelette. And on the other hand, I'm going to also take the lettuce and what I'm going to do is cut it into small pieces by hand. I do not cut it with the knife because if not later it will rust more. Well, I already have all the chopped salad and the split tomato and now we are going to prepare the jars with the salad. We are going to take 2 containers, one that is larger than the other. In the small one that is going to be the tomato one, we are only going to put about 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and a good pinch of salt. We move it like this a little and we are going to put the tomato inside. It is important that the dressing is put on the bottom, in this way, the salad will never oxidize . Well, this way it would be ready. We cover it and we would have this salad ready. And in the other we are going to put about 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of vinegar, we also put a good pinch of salt, and as before we are going to put the tomato underneath . If we put the lettuce at the bottom, when we go to eat the salad, it would be completely withered. We will always place the ingredients that hold the most humidity at the bottom. And in the upper part we will always place the ones that least withstand humidity. We are also going to put a can of olives, I also put a pot of asparagus yolks and if you want you can also put tuna, you can put onion ( in this case I have chosen these ingredients). And finally we are going to place the lettuce, which I am going to put on top. We cover and we would also have our second salad ready. And now we have finished cooking. And now I am going to give you some suggestions of the order in which I think it is better that you consume these dishes. The first day we are going to have the broccoli omelette, along with the mixed salad and for dessert it is best that we take a seasonal fruit. For the second day we are going to eat the cauliflower with the cod and for dessert a handful of nuts and a tangerine. On Wednesday it's the turn of the broccoli with the gratin cheese sauce and an orange for dessert. On Thursday we are going to eat the stew, which on the one hand we have the soup and on the other the chickpeas with the meat, which we will accompany with the tomato salad and for dessert a yogurt or some homemade custard. And we are going for the last day that we are going to eat the pickled chicken along with the cooked rice, and for dessert we can eat a kiwi or a banana with an ounce of chocolate. And so far today's video has arrived, I hope you liked it, if so I want you to please leave me a lot of likes in this video, tell me in comments if you want more videos like this one. And now I am saying goodbye, we will not see in a few days with another recipe. Bye!
Channel: Recetas de Cocina Chefdemicasa
Views: 4,130,698
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Keywords: 1000 prep, MENÚ SEMANAL SALUDABLE EN 90MIN (BATCH COOKING) | Qué comer en el trabajo, Menú semanal: Cómo planificar comidas y cenas saludables, batch cooking, butch cooking, cocina en 2 horas, meal prep, meel prep, mel prep, menú saludable para la semana, menú saludable para toda la semana, menú semanal, menú semanal saludable, menú semanal sano, organiza tu menú semanal, planificar menú semanal, recetas saludables
Id: qHAtOYC40pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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