👻Baby Shark is Trick-or-Treating! | +Compilation | Baby Shark Halloween | Baby Shark Official

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[Music] knock knock knock trick or treat [Music] subscribe baby shark brooklyn [Music] i'm a little cutie pie baby shark this is my tail and this is [Music] let's have fun knock knock knock trick or treat knock knock knock trick or treat knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock oh my god [Music] [Music] who's real who's real i'm the real baby shark [Music] it's the day of the day are you ready to meet our friends oh it's so spooky [Music] set up the marigolds make [Music] dance paint your face put on a big smile dress up in your festive style celebrate [Music] here we have prepared [Music] dance dave the dead is not scary at all [Music] [Music] hey look an abandoned pirate ship but where is the crew let's find them ahoy baby shark and william are out on a search they found the greedy skeleton by the seashells baby shark and william are out on a search they found a silly skeleton by the coral reef baby shark and william are out on a search they found the naughty skeleton by the jellyfish tonight tonight is the night it's the night halloween halloween night the night we look for skeletons oh all my things are missing let's look for them together the skeleton pirates are out on a search they found the captain's hat by the seashells the skeleton pirates are out on a search they found the captain sword by the coral reef captain sword the skeleton pirates are out on a search they found the captain's telescope by the jellyfish the skeleton pirates are out on a search they found the captain's compass deep down in the game yoho captain's compass everyone get on there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] monster shower [Music] here we go [Music] in we didn't mean to scare you come see what's next no things haunted house [Music] let's dance is [Music] [Applause] copy [Music] sit and stand breathe [Music] three dance [Music] [Music] is [Music] creepy [Music] [Music] freeze [Music] [Music] [Music] twist and [Music] twist are we doing [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] happy halloween i'm the driver of this halloween bus hang tight the halloween bus goes round and round round and round round and round the halloween bus goes round and round on halloween [Music] hello guys [Music] [Music] crack on halloween [Music] on halloween [Music] on halloween [Music] on halloween happy halloween [Music] mommy [Music] daddy shark doo doo [Music] halloween [Music] halloween [Music] creepy creepy zombie sharks zombie sharks zombie sharks creepy creepy zombie sharks are roaming in the sea creepy creepy zombie shirts zombie sharks zombie shorts creepy creepy zombie shirts are dancing in the season creepy zombie shorts soggy shorts don't be shy [Music] [Music] trick or [Music] baby mommy shark who took candies from the big trick or treat bag who took candies from the big trick or treat bag how's this shark check the candies from the big triple tree bed all right let's go find the candies right away right away not me and who maybe grandma shark and grandpa shark who took candies from the big trick or treat who took candies from the big trick or treat bags yes it was so yummy we'll give you these candies in return [Music] it down [Applause] [Music] download now [Music] daddy shark doo doo [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] skeleton fish [Music] vampire let's find some candy trick or treat happy halloween [Music] congratulations to the mermaid couple [Music] my dear bride spooky bride be my bride on this halloween night scary halloween night scary halloween night my dear bride spooky bride you're spooky beautiful my one and only bride spooky mermaid on halloween spooky mermaid on halloween [Music] my dear groom spooky groom [Music] you're spooky wonderful my one and only groom spooky mermaid grabbing on halloween spooky mermaids halloween [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] boo [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] here are candies jelly beans here are apples mango slimes [Music] [Music] yummy worms [Music] [Music] today is halloween let's see who gets the most candy [Music] see you later baby shark is trick or treating who is it baby shark is trick or treating who is it go away go away giant clean monster go away go away go away [Music] mommy shark is trick-or-treating who is it go away go away flying baby ghosts go away go away go away [Music] daddy shark is trick or treating who is it daddy shark is trick or treating who is it go away go away witch on [Music] go away [Music] shark is trick-or-treating oh where's it grandma shark is trick-or-treating oh where is it go away go away spooky vampire go away go away grandpa shark is is trick-or-treating grandpa shark is trick or treating who is it go away go away wiggle waggle monster go away go away go away [Music] that was really scary oh no we have no candy left [Music] trick or treat [Music] [Music] hi friends i'm dressed up as a zombie shark for halloween how do you like it shall we go see our halloween friends now oh hi brooklyn perfect timing can you take care of this baby for a little bit i have some urgent business to take care of in the neighboring town hi shark fuzz i see okay then have a safe trip hello little baby you're younger than i am nice to meet you don't cry what should i do i'll sing a peekaboo song baby shark baby shark where are you pickle peekaboo [Music] wow the baby stopped crying little baby let's go for a walk together [Music] i am the most terrifying vampire in the world oh the baby must have been scared what should i do i know vampire can you sing a peekable song to the baby terrifying vampire where are you peekaboo peekaboo here i am [Music] little baby you must be hungry i'll mix you your formula shall i make some formula for the baby [Music] the baby was hungry thank you vampire let's go somewhere else now i like creepy and scary crying halloween baby witch can you sing a peekaboo song for the baby [Music] cackling witch cackling witch where are here i am i think you need a diaper change little baby the poopy diaper goes in the trash you have to fold the new diaper and put it on the baby [Music] yeah thank you witch we'll be on our way now let's go little baby shark family huh a baby oh a shark bust asked me to watch the little baby for a bit don't cry little baby we'll sing you a peek-a-boo song zombie shark zombie shark where are you peekaboo [Music] oh so cute [Music] oh hello thank you all for taking such good care of the baby we'll be on our way home visit now [Music] today is halloween day ping phong is going to have a halloween party with the shark family ping pong swims into the sea but the shark family is nowhere in sight huh where is everyone baby shark where are you [Music] you're here to look for the shark family by two back i used magic to trap the shark family in the halloween castle go and try to find them if you succeed i will release the shark family and give you a jewel but if you fail you will be trapped too [Laughter] helping fall hell friends oh no it's so scary friends let's do our best and help ping pong find the shark family [Music] let's find daddy shark together have you ever seen daddy shark blue tail daddy shark have you ever seen daddy shark blue tail daddy shark hmm is this daddy shark hello pink phong hello friends you're not scared of a vampire if you touch me one more time you'll be in trouble oh my it was a vampire friends let's look for daddy shark again daddy shark please come out i'm not daddy shark it was a clown hmm could this be daddy shark phew you're right it's me daddy shark thanks for finding me halloween [Music] shall we look for a mommy shark next have you ever seen mommy shark pink tail mommy shark have you ever seen mommy shark pink tail mommy shark look i see a pink tail i think it's mommy shark peek-a-boo did i fool you oh it was a bat let's look for mommy shark again there's a pink tail here and another pink one with yellow stripes which one is mommy shark here let's try calling out to mommy shark are you mommy shark phew it was stuffy being trapped here thanks for finding me halloween [Music] whose tail is this aha it was candy oh that candy is mine ugh a skeleton let's run away let's find grandma shark next have you ever seen from a shark orange tail from a shark have you ever seen grandma shark orange tail grandma shark we found grandma shark good thing i was getting bored shall we have a bit of fun oh pink phong turned into skeleton pink phong are you okay pink phong let's find grandma shark and ask her for help orange tail grandma shark is here you found me well done don't worry pink fong i'll get you back to normal wow ping phong's back thank you grandma shark thank you more harlow don't know now we have to find grandpa shark have you ever seen grandpa shark green tail ah someone above is moving who is it our trick or treat do you all want some candy wow candy thank you mr pirate where's grandpa shark i see a green tail here is this grandpa shark's tail i'm frankenstein pink phong there's a zombie behind you zombie where ah i'm scared let's hurry and find grandpa shark grandpa shark is here phew friends you must have been scared coming here thank you so much [Music] now who do we have left to find guys find me quickly i'm scared let's hurry and find baby shark have you ever seen baby shark yellow did you see that there are two baby sharks what's going on look who's the real baby shark i'm the real baby shark no i'm the real baby shark friends who do you think is the real baby shark that's right we can look at the tail baby shark's tail is yellow aha we found the real baby shark my friends are the best oh i could have fooled you all [Music] wow grandma shark grandpa shark baby shark mommy shark daddy shark we found everyone in the shark family great job everyone ho ho pink farm friends you're amazing as i promised i will release the shark family now enjoy the halloween [Music] how party [Music] [Music] i can't believe it i can turn on deadly voltage watch out i blink blink in the dark places wow it's magical shocking other friends it is so much fun i am an octopus with eight legs you even have suction cups i hide under the rocks and crawl squishy and flexible i can change my color anytime where did you go if you find me i will i am a football fish with a lantern it's a swinging lantern i turn on my bulb to lure aunties it is so pretty my big big mouth will scare you off snap snap let's all play [Music] [Music] who do we [Music] the more you waste the stronger i get we must stop this here is your special soup for today here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more ways [Music] yes we are almost there [Music] we can defeat the waste monsters just by taking some small steps let's save the earth [Music] [Music] we can make changes when everyone starts to waste again i'll be back for sure we can save the earth wow it's the shark finger family baby shark baby shark where are you here i am [Music] here i am daddy shark daddy shark where are you here i am here [Music] [Music] where are you here i am here i [Music] here i am here i am wiggle wiggle wiggle shark finger family [Music] huh when i take a nap i dream about all the things that i could be i want to be a superhero [Music] i want to be a superhero [Music] [Music] i want to be a shooting star i will travel to outer space i want to be a shooting star [Music] i want to be a shooting star i will travel to outer space i want to be a shooting star [Music] i want to be i want to be a vampire a vampire a police car a police car a dinosaur a dinosaur [Music] i want to be a basket i can hold my sweet candy [Music] let's play together [Music] [Applause] oops it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it was a mistake okay okay it's okay sorry sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] ouch that hurt it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it was a mistake okay okay it's okay sorry sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] what a mess it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry it was a mistake okay it's okay it's okay [Music] sorry sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry it's my fault i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry that's okay no worries that's okay no worries that's okay hello dr baby shark the fish are jumping on the couch no way no more fish jumping on the couch [Music] one fell off and bumped his head mama called the doctor and the doctor said no more fish jumping on the couch [Music] [Music] again [Music] one fell off and bumped his head mama called the doctor and the doctor said no more fish jumping on the couch [Applause] [Music] then what about dancing [Music] mom come join us [Music] [Music] [Music] got the bread dice the veggies i made stuffy grab my shark grab my shark no no no no no blow potatoes mash them up i made i prepared the main dish i roasted the turkey huh where is the turkey [Music] [Music] i'm thankful for this wonderful meal i'm thankful for my health i'm thankful for my family [Music] i'm thankful for a brand new day and i'm thankful for everyone who loves me to do [Music] me too [Music] celebrate the day happy thanksgiving [Music] welcome to the shark dance party dance [Music] tango shall we dance [Music] shall we dance [Music] aloha [Music] up and down left to right [Music] [Music] dance here and on the way he met some crabs [Music] poor little baby [Music] shark baby shark went on a trip [Music] and on the way he met an octopus no [Music] baby shark went on a trip [Music] hey baby shark wanna play with me wanna play with me [Music] [Music] let's see what we can do down in the jungle let's go [Music] looking for fruits so juicy [Music] [Music] [Applause] on trees [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh baby shark don't go too far hi there big bird what's your name where are you going where am i i think i'm lost mommy daddy [Music] we like to eat flies [Music] wait what about us [Music] where have you been baby shark do you know how much i've been um come this way [Music] you [Music] that was so much fun i'm really tired we will never forget last night thank you william bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] download now [Music] search for baby shark brooklyn on youtube
Channel: Baby Shark Official
Views: 1,153,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinkfong, family, kids, children, toddlers, babies, preschoolers, preschool, education, educational, videos, kids education, education for children, preschool learning, videos for kids, kids videos, kids animation, songs, songs for kids, songs for children, kids app, free app, kids game, itunes, google play, app store, nursery rhymes, halloween song, halloween party, halloween ost, halloween theme, halloween compilation, baby shark, baby shark song, halloween shark, trick or treat
Id: _a6GsoONh2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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