👷‍♀️ Operations Management Degree EXPLAINED | SFU Beedie Operations Management #shorts #Operations

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my name is fendy and I am in my last semester of study at Simon Fraser University and I'm concentrating in operations management I decided on operations as my concentration um really through trial and error by taking different courses I found that I really love the statistic courses and that was a Gateway towards um the more advanced operation courses as well I've always enjoyed efficiency and looking for more innovative ways to do things so I thought it meshed together very well I did a co-op in the sales operations Department in a biotechnology company and in that environment I was really able to hone in my skills by not only utilizing the technical aspect of operations but mixing that in with soft skills um discussing with different stakeholders trying to find ways to um present information visually to make sure that it is compelling so I found that um having that foundational skill through my courses and operations then bringing that into Co-op really enriched my experience and vice versa
Channel: SFU Beedie School of Business
Views: 582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 20rGPYb-pQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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