πŸ‘’ Naruto Gacha Life TikTok Compilation πŸ‘’ #GachaLife #Naruto #NarutoGachaLife πŸ‘’ || πŸ’– Meme πŸ’– [ #37 ] πŸ’–

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[Music] [Music] i uh [Music] happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday overlooked middle child happy birthday to me [Music] [Music] [Β __Β ] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] i live inside my own world of make-believe kids [Music] i love everything fire's spreading all around my room my world's so bright it's hard to breathe but that's all right [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] long as i is to bleed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] quack uh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you gotta say i love you back dad are you serious i want to hear it you want to hear me i love you dad you're driving me back love you dad look at this dad i love you dad i love you that's a copy i like you have a cupcake i like you have a cupcake let me raise the toast in the whole world no me [Music] siblings siblings siblings siblings this is my sister this is my brother we are siblings and we care for each other everything we own we always share because we are siblings and we have the same hair [Music] i like knitting and i like coins we both came out of the same loins if you don't like siblings give us a chance we'll impress you with our sibling dance [Music] hey what's that we have an older brother we thought there were two but there is another he's always busy and he has short hair but he's one of us so we don't care come on patrick snap out of that trance it's time to do this guys guys i can't focus i can't read i can't get any of my work done with you guys making this racket about sibling dances i'm sorry i don't mean to be mean it's just we've lost a lot of attorneys in our office and i've got a jury trial on monday and i've got to get this motion finished and i don't have time to do a sibling dance [Music] sometimes i think i can talk to plants come on let's do a sibling dance devoid of space is the last expanse come on let's do a sibling dance [Music] come on let's do a sibling dance [Laughter] [Music] respect power banana banana [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fnafgacha
Views: 986,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -xcqNQRVtGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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