πŸ‘‰ What It Means To Be A Man Of God - Derek Prince

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so now we're going to make our proclamation it's taken from Joshua chapter 1 verses 8 & 9 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it well then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success have I not commanded you he's strong and a good courage for that do not fear nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go comment now the subject that's been assigned to me for this evening with my agreement is how to be a man of God I would prefer to change it a little say what it means to be a man of God but I'm going to divide it into two sections first of all what it means to be a man and then a man of God I think there's nothing that is under more systematic satanic assault today than the very concept of what it is to be a man I'm sure many of you familiar with Rudyard Kipling's well-known poem if and the last stanza goes like this if you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run yours is the earth and all that's in it and which is more you'll be a man my son so that's Rudyard Kipling's recipe for being a man filling the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of stunts run now I'm not going to preach on there but I want to say first and foremost and this is very important that I have only one source of authority and it is the scripture I have no other source or authority to which to appeal except the scripture that may sound simplistic but it's extremely important today because this Chris scripture is being systematically undermined and very often by people who profess to represent God I want to quote just three scriptures or two scriptures on one man John 10:35 Jesus is speaking and he says in reference to a certain son if he called them gods to whom the Word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken so Jesus gives to this book the two titles we most commonly use the Word of God and the scripture and then he says the scripture cannot be broken you could not make a more emphatic assertion of the authority of Scripture then in that simple statement the scripture cannot be broken and then in second Timothy 3:16 we have Paul's personal testimony on this theme second Timothy 3:16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness all Scripture is given by inspiration of God there is no such thing as uninspired or unknow thority scripture and bear in mind that both Jesus and Paul were speaking primarily of the scriptures of the Old Testament commencing with Genesis and then I like to quote John Wesley when I was a young creature I was a Pentecostal and one of our Pentecostal slogans in those days was we've got it all then I started reading John Wesley's journals in four volumes and after I'd read a little bit about John Wesley I thought if we've got it all what did he have because he certainly had a lot more than we had and there's just one thing he said that impresses me he said I acknowledge no other rule of faith or practice but the scripture that's the founder of Methodism where is Methodism today where are we today any rate that is my personal stand I acknowledge no other rule of faith or practice but description now let me give you another side to this recently I came across a book called spirit wars written by a Brit who has done the same as I do moved across to America and his theme is what is happening in the church today and how the church is being systematically undermined by false teaching and the false teaching is not new it's a resurrection of of a heresy called gnosis which was contemporary with the Apostles in the early church it's just the old line come back again but speaking about this in this book spirit wars this is what Peter beaten Peter Jones this room such a rare name I couldn't remember it I want you to listen to this rather carefully speaking about this new type of interpretation of Scripture this new style exegesis is popping up everywhere lately in more or less radical forms one of note comes from the scholarly British publication the journal for the study of the New Testament published at the University of Sheffield and known for its conservative even evangelical leanings its present editor Frances Watson Watson from London University publishes an article in which he finds the biblical text new and Oh hopelessly patriarchal and hierarchical and let me tell you patriarchal is a dirty word today Watson considers quite unconvincing no doubt correctly all attempts to save these texts by recovering between the lines a sort of pristine egalitarianism he leaves the reader what he judges the more appropriate strategy resistance such resistance according to Watson would take the form of a counter reading reading the text they violently against the grain in practice this would involve now this is his conclusion seeing the serpent as liberator Eve as heroine and her courageous quest for wisdom and the Lord God as a jealous tyrant concerned only with the preservation of his own prerogatives there is from a leading British Bible scholar I just want I want to read it to you again because it is totally in contradiction of Scripture this interpretation of Genesis chapters 1 2 & 3 which is the whole battleground today would see the serpent as liberator Eve as heroin in her courageous quest for wisdom and the Lord God as a jealous tyrant concerned only with the preservation of his own prerogatives that is the kind of interpretation which is being distilled and instilled by leading biblical colleges and authorities in this country today I wonder how many of you are aware of what's going on so I want to say I'm with John Wesley I acknowledge no other rule of faithful practice but the scriptures now when we come to the theme of how to be a man and family life I want to turn to Matthew chapter 19 where Jesus was approached by the Pharisees in Matthew 19 beginning at verse 3 on the subject of divorce Matthew 19 beginning at verse 3 the Pharisees also came to him Jesus testing him and saying to him is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason and he answered and said to them have you not read that which she that he who made them from made them at the beginning made them male and female now when Jesus said at the beginning you have to know that the Hebrew name for the book of Genesis in Hebrew is very sheep which is the first words of the text in the beginning so when Jesus said at the beginning he was saying turn back to Genesis and see what was God's purpose when he made have you not read that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female and that still stands to Drey today there are two sexes male and female that sounds obvious to me but I found a lot of people to whom it is no longer obvious and God made them they didn't just happen it was God's order that there should be male and female I remember years ago I was working somewhere in this town and I passed a barber shop and this is nothing against barbers but on the glass door it was painted one word unisex and I thought to myself we must be very close to the end of the age unisex know I'm not against a barber cutting men's and women's hair that's not my point my point is there are two sexes yes and only two exist obviously in this country at this present time this is a rather controversial issue I thank God for the good African bishops who who straightened out the defaulting white bishops god bless those bishops they cannot with the truth and they weren't even willing to negotiate oh it's this is not negotiating there are two sexes male and female and let me tell you something else we are being enticed along a road by a subtle change of language I don't know whether you realize how much is being as it were pressed on us by the language we're given for instance talk about abortion it no longer is it called killing an unborn baby it's not even called aborting a fetus after all a fetus and a baby are not the same thing I mean you don't kill babies but you can abort fetuses but now it's called terminating a pregnancy what a nice kind phrase terminating a pregnancy just blotting out a little life that was created in the likeness of God we have to beware of the language that wheezing and I find another subtle change which is people no longer talk about sex they talk about the gender gender equality my dear friends sex is physiological gender is grammatical I'm not a gender I'm a sex I'm a male sex I've been male all my life and I don't think I'd ever change I want you to see how subtle it is we're not told just take the Bible and throw it out but we're told edit the Bible change the language a little bit move this and move that and adjust here and adjust there and by the time you had done only adjusting you know believing something directly contrary to the Bible but you don't realize it so jesus said in the beginning God made them male and female and he went on the said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh so then they are no longer two but one flesh therefore what God has joined together let not man separate so jesus said in effect when God started the human race he laid the basis for human relationships and family order and that has never changed it's still the way God ordained it and if you go contrary to that you're going contrary to the Word of God now coming back to the theme of men I want to point out something to you which is very remarkable and I think most of us have not tria fact I didn't appreciate it myself until recently in fact I'll speak about something and acknowledge that I myself was in a way or failed going back to the record of the events in the Garden of Eden and I'm sure that we all have some awareness of what was spoken on it says after Adam had been created and before he'd been given a wife in Genesis 2 verse 15 then the Lord God took the man Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it tenders cultivate now keep is not clear in the English language the Hebrew word means to God or to protect for instance it says the Lord is thy keeper that's died Gandhian I protect the keeper of Israel will not sleep it's a very powerful strong word Adam was put there in charge of the garden to protect it and you see the first sin is one that isn't actually regard recorded and it's a sin of a man we're aware that Eve was enticed into sinning but we don't realize that wasn't the first sin the first sin was Adams delinquency he failed in his assigned task and I would like to say that I think delinquency is the number one failing of men it's not that they start off by being actively bad they just failed to fulfill their obligation and I know many good men who were nevertheless delinquent because they're not guarding what was committed to them and this serpent should never have gone into the garden without Adam challenging what are you doing here I'm in charge of this garden God put me here you have no authority to be here we don't know where Adam was but he wasn't on the job and so the serpent got to Eve and she was unprotected because her husband wasn't doing his job and I've said countless times in the America the number one problem of the United States is renegade males and it isn't an obvious problem there are other very obvious problems that emerge but the real source of the problem is men are not fulfilling their scriptural obligation they're not guarding they're not protecting their wives are unprotected and that's how the disaster comes I made this little saying which I think I'll get you to repeat sins of omission lead to sins of commission see we're very insensitive to sins of omission we have hardly ever taken you know them but they'd ever end them so sins have omission lead to sins of commission I'd like you all to say that sins of omission lead to commish all right now I like only the men to say that sins of omission lead to sins of commish that's the story of the human race it's the story of the form the first failure was Adam he was delinquent it was not what he did it was what he didn't do that was the problem now when Ruth and I felt that there was God's will for us to get married Ruth asked me a rather pointed question she said what do you believe about what Paul's teaching in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 and I said I believe it means what it says so she said so do I so we were in agreement it was good we were you see in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 Paul is really applying the teaching of Genesis and I want to take just one scripture 1st Corinthians 11 verse 3 and I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ the head of woman is man and the head of Christ is gone let's put it this way there's a descending chain of authority that starts in heaven and ends in the family the chain comes out of God the Father through Christ to the husband to the woman to the family that is the way God ordained it now I've had a lot of people say that or suggest that Paul's teaching in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 is what would you say help me somebody cultural thank you you go to the top of the class I think that's ridiculous to say the truth I can't think of anything that is less comfortable than the relationship between God the Father and Jesus the Son and the husband and the wine if the eternal relationships in the Godhead are comfortable then we have nothing stable on which the billion at all furthermore people say suggests that being cultural makes it alright I think that's ridiculous I've traveled in approximately 50 nations and preached and I've come accounts many different cultures and almost every culture that I can think of there was a strong demonic element so the fact that it's cultural doesn't make it all right there's only one thing that makes it all right that it's scriptural and if it's not scriptural it's not all right so we have this descending chain of authority from God the Father through Christ his son to the husband and father and from him to the wife and the mother let's look for a moment in John 10 verse 18 how did authoritative enly family and I think it's surprising it'll surprise you what how Jesus speaks about his relationship to the father's authority he says in John 10 verses 17 and 18 therefore my father loves me because I lay down my life that I may take it again no man takes it from me but I lay down to myself I have power to lay it down and I made should be authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it again this command I received from My Father so God the Father gives commands to Jesus the Son and Jesus obeys his father's commands so the idea that it's unscriptural to have commands in a family is not an agreement with Scripture in the heavenly family God gives the commands and Jesus carries them out in John chapter 12 verses 49 and 50 Jesus is speaking for I have not spoken of myself but the father who sent me gave me a command what I should say and what I should speak and I know that his command is everlasting life therefore whatever I speak just as the father has told me so I speak so Jesus in all his teaching was obeying the commands of the founder that was the relationship in the heavenly family and then in John 14 31 as Jesus prepares to go from upper room go out to the the encounter which led to his trial and execution he says but the word John 1431 but the world may know that I loved the father and as the father gave me commandment so I do arise and let us go from here so Jesus went to the cross in obedience to the father's come on that's the ultimate test of obedience and then it says in Hebrews 5 in verse 8 though he was a son yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered so there is a pattern of two divine persons the father and the son the father gave the command and the son learned obedience by obeying the commands which cost him his life you see there is no pattern for sloppiness or disobedience or carelessness God is it is a very accurate Gaunt he tells us what he wants us to do and he expects us to do it and this should be reproduced in the human family actually there are three ministries of Jesus which the father should reproduce in the home the ministry of the priest the prophet and the king as a priest the Father makes intercession for his family and you remember the pattern of job he got up early every morning and offered sacrifices for his seven sons and his three daughters he's the Prophet he brings the Word of God to his family and he's the king he rules his family according to the Word of God priest prophet and King but what I want to emphasize tonight is there is authority there is discipline there is obedience and it starts in heaven it does not begin on earth and God's intention is that it should be reproduced in every family a father should be the priest the Prophet and the king have you ever asked yourself why did God choose Abraham God was looking for a man who would be the father of a special people that would fulfill God's purposes on the earth and he had all the human race available and he chose one man whose name was Abraham and the name and self is significant because a B AB in Hebrew means father the first thing God looked for was a father and he tells us in Genesis 18 why he chose Abraham Genesis 18 verses 17 and following the Lord with two angels was on his way to pronounce judgment on Sodom and he stopped off and was entertained by Abraham and then the angels moved ahead about the Lord Himself Terry it's challenging to me that quite unannounced the Lord visited Abraham's home and I don't think Abraham had to scout around putting everything in order and telling his wife how to behave he had his home in order if the Lord should favor your home with a personal visit would everything be in order or would you be embarrassed then the Lord said in verse something shall I hide from Abraham what I'm doing he wanted to share his purposes with Abraham since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in know why now there are a lot of different translations of this verse but the essence of it is the same this one says I have known him in order that he may command his children in his household after him I found that pretty strange English the old King James said I know him that he will and the new American Standard says I have yes I have chosen that's right thank you actually it's very hard to say exactly what it means you could be right you could be wrong but that's not the point the point is why I have chosen him or I've known him or I've endorsed him that he may command his children and his household after him that they keep the way of the Lord to do righteousness and justice that the Lord may bring on Abraham what he has promised to him so why what did God see in Abraham Abraham when he became Abraham what did God see in him that caused him to choose this man to be the father of a special race first of all he was a father and then he knew that he could trust Abraham to command his children and his household not to make suggestions not to offer plans but to make come on very unpopular word today but is very biblical and it still means exactly what it meant it's a father's responsibility to impose the discipline of God on his home and I would like to say in any nation where fathers failed to do that that nation cannot be or remain great once upon a time this nation of which I am a member used to be known as Great Britain nowadays very few people bother to put in the great it's just Britain you know why it sees to be great great because the fathers have failed to fulfill the requirement for a nation to be great this is not a side issue this is central to the whole well-being of you your family and your nation this is what God is looking for now I'd like to turn for a moment of the subject of divorce I want to turn to the last book of the new of the Old Testament Malachi chapter 2 and it's significant that the principles that God enunciated in Genesis are summed up and endorsed in Malachi the last book of the New Testament God has not changed his plan or his order today the word divorce is on everybody's lips I think there are not many people that have lived as long as I have I know ken is pretty near to me but I grew up in this country between the two world wars I was born in World War one and was born in India but very early in my life I moved to this country with my parents or my parents moved with me and I grow to the age of 25 in this country living what you'd call an upper-middle class life and in all those years I had only met one divorced person can you believe them I mean that one person she's divorced it was just like a well can you believe she's divorced how rapidly things have changed in Britain there's been a landslide that is in danger of becoming an avalanche and it will carry away this nation and its people it's a deliberate turning of the back to God and his standards and his requirements so let's see what God says about divorce in Malachi chapter 2 beginning at verse 15 now again this is a little difficult that some different translation but their sense of it comes out but did not he make them one having a remnant of the Spirit he made apparently Adam and Eve he could have made more but he didn't and why one this is the answer he seeks godly offspring therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously with his with the wife of his youth I think deal treacherously corresponds to the phrase that I hear now cheat on that nobody cheat on his wife that no one break his marriage covenant because that's something that God detests for it goes on in the next verse for the Lord God of Israel says that he hates the boss and then it goes on again why did he make them one because he seeks godly offspring you see when God loves marriage the first thing he looks at is the offspring what are they going to produce how will they care for what I've committed to them the most cherished and Choi's possession a child are they going to be responsible are they going to bring that child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord he's looking for godly offspring and there is no question that monogamous marriage one man with one woman for life is the best way to produce godly offspring i pastored a small congregation in West London in Westbourne Grove in the 1950s and because we did not have a building that was licensed for marriage and you know in this country it's the building that's licensed some of our people got married in registry offices and so I found myself several times as a witness in a Registrar's Office and in every Registrar's Office throughout this country as you walked in there was a notice on the wall that said this according to the law of this country marriage is the union of one man with one woman for life to the exclusion of all others that says good a biblical definition of marriage as you can found I can't believe that it's still found in registrar's offices today I may be wrong it certainly isn't practice but that was the basic concept of marriage in this country in the 1950s less than 50 years ago I want to say it again because it's so common according to the law of this country marriage is the union of one man with one woman for life to the exclusion of all others you could not have a more biblical definition of marriage and that's exactly what marriage is that's what it is God hates divorce now I'm not attacking people who have been divorced because I know unfortunately today there are situations in which sometimes a person really has no other scriptural alternative but divorce this is not an attack on them it's an attack on the system that produces divorces the day they estimate in America that half of every 50 percent of every marriage will end in Devon and people shrug their shoulders and go on with their coffee there's no sense of the enormity of the situation that conferences you know the number-one problem of this country in my opinion it's unparent 'add children i mean you find economists and social legislators and others will have all sorts of solutions but the root problem is parents are not parenting their children and the most delinquent is first and foremost the men see unfortunately the women's liberation as Boomerang women got liberated from their commitment to honor and obey their husbands but their their husbands not commits liberated from the commitment to stay with one woman so they get married the man gets tired of his wife and walks out has no more obligation and the woman is left struggling with one or two or three children to raise our own who's lost the woman it's disastrous I have a deep concern in my heart for single mother and I feel in a way the church does not do what it should be doing for single mothers because pure religion and undefiled before God James 1:27 says is to visit the orphans and widows and the church is not doing that but let's consider that the problem the source of the problem it's divorce God says I hate divorce because I want godly offspring and I tell you there's only one solution for juvenile delinquents you can point a commission you can investigate you can appoint various government offices and functions but there's only one solution it's parents there's nothing else can produce godly offspring but parents if we abandon that we've abandoned our children to the destroyer it's interesting to me because we looked in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 and 3 we come to Malachi which is the last book of the Old Covenant and in time much later than the others and God is still saying the same thing he hasn't changed his mind I'm looking for godly offspring the union of one man with one woman the last two verses of the Old Testament the end of the Old Testament I'm so glad there's a New Testament I'll explain why in a moment because this is God speaking and he says in Malachi 4 verses five and six behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the Great and dreadful day of the Lord and He will turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers lest I come and strike the earth with a curse now Hebrew could put that order and put that in various different orders but in the Hebrew the last word of the Old Testament is a curse and it's the word that means something totally devoted to destruction that's the last word of the Old Testament I'm glad there's a New Testament I wouldn't want God's last word to be a curse but he says unless the fathers of the children are reconciled that's what will come on the land I want to read that again behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the Great and dreadful day of the Lord and he will turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers lest I come and strike the earth with a curse and notice who has to turn first did you notice that it's not the children it's the father's it's those whom God holds primarily accountable we can complain about Generation X or next or whatever they call it we can point out all their faults and prominence but I want to tell you the truth they're not to blame it's our generations that are to blame we are the ones who've betrayed them we are the ones who have led them astray we are the ones who have failed to present the truth to them we are the ones who have failed to impose godly discipline now God is going to judge us through the children and I mean they can move in and take over and a little and make life very unpleasant for us unless we do something about it I believe in a home raising children there are two primary requirements number one Islam number two is discipline and neither of them works properly without the other discipline without love produces probably rebels but love without discipline produces irresponsible people I Ruth and I are the head of a family of 12 adopted children we may not look like it but that's what we are and there are about 150 members in our family today so I'm not without some measure of experience and I would like to say and I have to be careful I don't become too personal I have observed children who were excessively indulged by their parents and basically they've all had a difficult life so the way to make your child happy is not to spoil your child it's not to give them all they ask do everything they want turn around at every request if you teach your children this way what will probably happen is they'll go into life expecting life to treat them that way and life doesn't how many of you know man life is pretty tough and it's not getting any less tough other so in order to raise successful children we have to combine love and discipline unfortunately that's a rare combination today our problem is delinquent males and it expresses itself in unparent achill drew and that becomes a landslide which will ultimately become an avalanche no matter how many computers we may have though many how how many fancy cars we may drive no much no matter how much property we may invest in ultimately it's all going to blow up in our face unless we deal with the basic spiritual issues which our fathers and their children we can try to skirt around it but we were not there's a there's a destiny that catches up with people we can slight and ignore the laws of God for a time and get away with it it seemed to prosper but ultimately God catches up with us I remember in the days when I used to their Latin they had a phrase Hedy Pina Colada lame folded justice a punishment that let him figure expressed the fact that justice or punishment is lame it walks slowly but ultimately it catches up that's how it is no I want to go on from what it means to be a man to what it means to be a man of God but you can't be a man of God if you don't know what it needs to be a man that's the first requirement now I just want to any briefly point out two of the qualifications or requirements of elders and I want you to see in each case an elder is required to rule first Timothy chapter 3 verses 2 through 4 Paul says a bishop that's much better say an overseer a bishop must be blameless the husband of one wife temperate serve Amanda of good behavior hospitable able to teach not given to wine non van not greedy for money but gentle not quarrelsome not covetous one who rules his own house well having his children in submission with all reverence so the ultimate requirement of an elder is that he rules his own house well and if he doesn't do that he is not qualified to be an elm and then speaking about elders in the same epistle chapter 5 verse 17 Paul says that the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor especially those who labor in the word and not so one element and being a man of God is being able to rule qualified to rule and willing to and in our contemporary culture that will not always make you popular but anything in fact if you want popularity stay away from being an elder but if you want God's approval then it's a good thing to be an outline you have to decide very often whether you want popularity or God's approval people who are motivated by a desire for popularity can never become strong stable Christians now I just want to say a word about the word that's translated rule I started learning Greek at the age of 10 I didn't have a choice it was the education system to which I was exposed and I went on learning for 15 years I'm not faultless but I do know something about Greek and I just want to say this the real meaning of this word that's translated rule is to stand out in front of so a bishop an elder must stand out in front of his family that's a very vivid picture God has made it very vivid to me my own personal life just lately I'll take explain why in a few moments but that the function of the elder the function of the father is to stand out in front that combines two concepts to lead and to protect and that is the responsibility of a father in his family its responsibility of only of an elder in a church to stand out in front to show the way to walk ahead and to encounter the adversary so that when the adversary strikes the elder or the father is the one who deals with it now that is a responsibility of a Manticore it's to stand in front stand out in front of his family that when the blows come they touch you first somebody once asked a well-known preacher is so-and-so a good Christian the answered I can't tell you yet I haven't met his wife you see the wife is the glory of the husband so you can tell what sort of other man is by what sort of glory his wife if though if the wife is secure and tranquil and diligent she is his glory but if she's distraught and nervous and continually under pressure it's his fault he should have been standing out in front this had become very very very vivid to me just recently you know you have to be kind the Bible teaches because we tend to teach things before we practiced that's not deliberate it's just you see a thing and you say it and then you have to do it at any rate that's the way I've come into truth I usually am behind my teaching but I try to catch up and I've just come now to this particular situation in relationship to my wife who has been through a siege of different kinds of sicknesses and I was very concerned for her but I didn't know what to do and in a sense I think I was like Adam I was delinquent I just let it all happen I didn't protect the god I let the serpent pass in this is metaphorical you understand and God through the scriptures that I'm giving you now began to speak to me and he said you're not fulfilling your job your wife's condition is largely your responsibility and I said Lord what do I can what can I do I pray I really am concerned we love one another we share everything together what what am i lacking and this answer what I said what do I have to do and I got a very simple answer almost simplistic the prayer of faith will save the sick and I said no what you wanted to do he said pray the prayer of thing and I didn't feel any faith I didn't have any tremendous inspiration I thought learn undo my best to be obedient so I began to say Lord I pray the prayer of faith on behalf of my wife the answer haven't all come but have changed this taking place we're moving in a different direction that was an expensive lesson but I'm glad that slowly because you don't understand this you contemporary bricks but does this used to say the penny fell in farthings can you understand that but it pal it found I mean I have laid humbleness I have a totally new sense of responsibility for my wife and that doesn't mean everything's necessarily going to be alright from now until the Lord comes but it has shown me a new dimension to what it means to be a man of God if you're married and if you're planning to get married or hoping to get there remember your wife should be your glory now I'm proud of my wife in many respects you may have noticed she keeps her hair covered head come you know why she does that because the Bible says to one simple reason it's not fashionable so what are we dictated to by the fashions of this world what I'll tell you is I think she looks pretty I don't think she looks dowdy I don't think she looks down in fact I have to tell you secretly I think she looks smarter than other women who don't have the heads covered but she doesn't do it for that reason she does it because God says to do it and if I didn't encourage her and strengthen her I would be doing now this is not an issue about whether you cover your head or not that's your business online but the issue is are you really in submission to Jesus Christ and the Word of God you know I mean I've been Pentecostal since I knew what it was to be a Christian I didn't know there was any other way to be Pentecost be Christian I'm surprised when I discovered there was some Christian who didn't speak in tongues because I got the whole thing in the package deal I didn't I didn't know what I was getting but I got it but I discovered if you've been Pentecostal you know there's a lot to talk about the world and being worldly and so I want to just suggest you a way to think of what it means to be of the world on all of the world because jesus said my disciples are not of the world just as I am NOT of the world so if if we're not of the world what does that mean I'll give you a little example this is in acts 17 in Corinth as usual there was a riot when Paul arrived in a city you could guarantee a riot I doubt whether we'll ever have many revivals without riots I remember working as a missionary in East Africa with a group of Canadian missionaries and they were discussing whether we should open a new Church in a certain area and one of my fellow missionaries did something that always stuck with me he said let's make the man or let's make them glad over here and that's them's my sentiments let's make them mad or let's make them glad but let them know we're here the worst thing they can do is ignore us I'm generally speaking in much of Europe today people ignore the church they regard it as insignificant unimportant it doesn't have any influence that's the church is full but believe me if we get influenced will get opposition you can't have one without the other you want a revival you're probably going to have a riot we're here in Cornwall aren't we I remember the residence description of how he first came to Cornwall and he was preaching and there was a riot and people were throwing stones and there was a stone thrown straight at his head and as it came to him it was deflected by some supernatural power passed by that's what it means to be none of this well it includes stones anyhow this is my little explanation and I think I'm going to end here there was a situation when Paul and arrived in Corinth and when he arrived and counted the Lord spoke to him said don't be afraid I have many people in this city stay here and I'll see you through it says in acts 17 verse 5 and some of them were persuaded and a great multitude of the devout Greeks and not a few of the leading women join Paul and Silas but the Jews who are not persuaded becoming envious took some of the evil men from the marketplace and gathering a mom said all the city in an uproar and attacked the house of Jase and so to bring them out to the people I wish we had a few more applause to say the truth we're - I don't know what to say we don't really make much impact but anyhow I want to come on to what this in when they did not find them that's Paul and his companions they dragged Jason and some Brethren to the rulers of the city crying out these who have turned the world upside down have come here - actually the Greek says these who are turning the world upside down is that true of you and me army turning the world upside down does the world even know we're there see they weren't turning the world upside down the world was already upside down what they were doing was turning the world right way up people had lived so long upside down they felt upside down when they were right way up but I want you to notice what they said because these are unbelievers this is the way they saw the Christians without knowing what they really believed these who are turning the world upside down have come here - Jason has harbored them and these are all acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar saying there is another King Jesus they didn't understand that the gospel they didn't have any doctrinal knowledge they only knew one thing about these Christians they say there's another king and his name is Jesus and amongst those who said that there were Jews and Gentiles rich men noble ladies workers and many slaves and strange assortment of people who wouldn't normally come together and what brought them together was they say there's another king and his name is Jesus and that I believe is what it means to be unwilling to live in a way that acknowledges another king and his name is Jesus to live under another government we're not solely under the government of this world we have a heavenly government we have a heavenly king and that's that's what we should be tell me are you living like that are you living with such a way that people say well I don't want I don't understand her religion but she's got a different king she obeys different laws she's under different authority or e there's another phrase that they use in America and I will use it here they say about a certain person he marches to the beat of a different drum all the world is marching to a certain drumbeat and then these strange people they're not in step there what beat do they hear they hearing a different drum the drum of the kingdom people have gone crazy fanatics you know what the definition of a fanatic is somebody who loves Jesus more than you do no no I'm in those such a thing as Van Addison which is very wrong but I say Lord give us a few more phonetics please we are so respectable we are so much in line we sell them raise our voice all sorts of ungodly things happen and we don't even protest and no and the forces have evil just say well we can get away with it there's no opposition our opposition is not our primary task but when we stand for the right we will be opposition and I think I really think the opposition will be afraid of us to say the truth when I see the amount of influence that a little group of homosexuals and I never used the word gay because for me gay is a very beautiful English word and I know one apply I don't want to apply to something so ugly they're homosexuals they're perverts but when I see the influence that that little screaming hysterical group is exercising here in this country I say what is wrong with the church why don't we make an orange why don't we act up we're too respectable we've forgotten that we have another King his name is what say it again that's right ouch they're just loud in the marketplace next turn well that's been a strange message it wasn't the way I planned it that's the way it came out can't be changed now it's all recorded now I think that we should try and give an application to this this message I've preached for five years I used to train African teachers for African schools in Kenya and we had they had a lesson plan that we had they had to submit and almost the bottom line was application what do you make the children do to prove they've understood what you said I think sermons should have applications too so I want to suggest that you suppose for a moment consider what I've been saying about what it means to be a man then alone a man had gone and then if you feel as I said it myself that you've been delinquent that you haven't really had a backbone I don't want to insult you but you've been far below the standard of Scripture in being a man and being a husband and being a father in being a pastor but tonight you've been confronted with something there is a standard God has expectation he's never lowered his standards he's still the same as he was in the Garden of Eden with the Apostle Paul an apostle peter he's never changed he's still the same as he was with John Wesley and you would like to say to the Lord Lord I recognize I've come short of your standard and I repent but by your grace by your grace I'll do different if you'll empower me if you lequip me I will be that's what the world is crying out for is a man is men thank God for women who are doing things but where are the men and I'm not criticizing the women there's a vacuum and it's created by men who who delinquent who who what's the word AB had dictated thank you I was going to say I just calmed it but I knew they may have absconded so now let's just be silent before the Lord for a few moments and all new good ladies are being praying for them in which is one of your responsibilities and now there are men here tonight who've been touched by what I've seen you come face-to-face with a truth and you need to change you're willing to repent of your delinquency on your laziness and you would like to make a fresh commitment as a man to go as a mannequin just think that over for a moment and if it's your design to make that commitment here tonight then I want you to do one simple thing just stand to your feet wherever you thank you Thank You funder thank you Lord we worship you we worship if one or two of the leaders would come up with him with me here would you be willing to come can hardly see in them down my wife would come up to now I feel that it would be good if you moved on from your place you're making a move and it's good to make that move symbolically so I would like you to move out from your seat and come to the front and stand here in front of them don't do this unless you're serious will if God will touch these men here and I there's enough to move corn Lynette alone Wadebridge thank you Father thank you for thank you son thank you for thank you for thank you Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I think that's what you've been waiting for how long how long how long thank you thank you oh god oh god now will you each of you just lift up your voice you don't need to speak loud but just speak it up tell god you're here because you repent of not being the kind of man that God wanted you to be and you're willing to submit to God and let him change you and redirect you from this moment on just telling the God yet in your own words thank you thank you thank you no thank you Father thank you Lord Jesus amen Lord Jesus just let your spirit come down upon these men it means a lot to them that they've come for you've done something in many of their hearts that they've been willing to come forward with you when you can send your spirit in your anointing upon them now in Jesus name when you touch them when you touch them at the coal from your altar Oh God when you do something when you move by your spirit ladies and others be praying for these men right now pray earnestly upon it Thank You Don thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus I can't analyze send an alimony on remoras Shari and Iranian Ariana Veronica Syrian Luda deberΓ­an LeBron delivery on douchery and Alaba Alaba see Iran our son Dominic oh you evil spirit of Jezebel we rebuke you in the name of Jesus that have that has castrated this man Lord will you do something here tonight that evil force of feminism we stand a gangster in the name of Jesus we break its hold over these men you know over their situation and over their thinking and over their culture we break the tone of feminism I'm in in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you thank you if any of you want to kneel down it would be appropriate I think if that's what you feel you want to do I feel that you should make this a moment of consecration No if we could have a song leader ready to sing some appropriate marshal to Aramis a Korean Dona Maria novice and an alum Ariana mysterion de Kobashi rien de la pneumonia Jana Burundi Li ke Baras su Korean delivery a lavish and alien rayon new delivery and Miranda Liberian new rubber Shakira alabaster alum and Irian da da de varela ma cherie and Naruto Belinda in the olive Ariana Mary and unburn annamaria in the name of Jesus of Nazareth he strengthened be equipped be transformed the empowered in the name of Jesus of Nazareth anima animus a non-american or a MRSA Korean known we thank you for every one of these men you've had your corn responded to your voice submitted to your word thank you thank you thank you lord Leslie less than less than we thank you
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 174,491
Rating: 4.8447518 out of 5
Keywords: how to be a man of god, how to be a man of prayer, how to be a servant of christ, how to be a servant of god, derek prince sermons, derek prince ministries, hillsong church uk, joseph prince full sermons, joseph prince church, the holy spirit movement and preaching, how to be a man of integrity, responsibilities of a man of god
Id: _5TGVflufSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 34sec (4534 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2013
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