🐞 LADYBUG & CAT NOIR 💥 | Miraculous - Compilation Season 2

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so since gabriel agreste was akumatized he can't possibly be hawkmoth right that's very probable but how did you find out that gabriel grast was the owner of the spell book at first i was thinking the book belonged to gabriela's son adrian because i saw him with it at school well before it was stolen by a girl and before tiki got it back and i'd only just met you so i i didn't know if i could tell you that so yeah you were afraid in case the one you loved turned out to be hawkmoth no uh how did you know that i mean i don't love him at all oh all right yes adrian is amazing i couldn't stand the thought of him being a super villain you know marinette if we want to be stronger than hawkmoth we have to trust each other i know but now adrian will never be able to come back to school because i can never give him that book back i'll never ever see him again there isn't a single problem that can't be solved marinette these modern inventions really are quite incredible hmm [Music] so when adrian put the book down and walked away i wanted to take a peek you see i thought it was a portfolio with lots of pictures of him because he's so cute uh but you already knew that anyway um when he came back i was scared he see me staring at his book so i hid it in my backpack and i know it was a dumb thing to do i'm really really sorry i see so you're one of his admirers admirers yeah that's the word you won't say anything to him will you are you gonna let adrian come back to school well considering he didn't actually lose my book as it was borrowed by you yes i will thank you [Music] can i ask you a question flipped through the book and it looked really awesome those illustrations of legendary heroes are super inspiring where did you get it i found it while i was on a trip overseas with my wife i've never seen another copy of it well then you're very lucky to own it that was really brave what you just did for adrian thanks tiki all that really matters is for adrian to be allowed out of the house again [Music] okay prime queen you win i confess cat noir and i are dating like you said we are in love did i just hear you purr uh no way our two heroic lovers are saving their fans life by admitting their true feelings our viewers are going crazy but the tv ratings haven't maxed out yet you must do better then come and join us prime queen you're the host and the star of the show after all then you'll have your ratings order them to give you their miraculous my show my rules ladybug to prove that your feelings are genuine you're going to have to take off your mess which means you must both give me your miraculous not a chance prime queen wait i know how we can prove our feelings her up [Music] is the show over if we can't get to her we'll never be able to capture her akuma my dear viewers you're in for the reveal of a lifetime ladybug help me please oh wait isn't this the girl who started the famous ladyblog the first one who ever filmed ladybug no well yeah next trial you're miraculous or else your biggest fan will be mummified let's sleep in before she runs hey oh wait what about me someone get me out of here [Music] hello cat noir sorry i didn't mean to frighten you what are you doing here don't you have like superheroey things to do no i don't feel like being a superhero tonight and i also don't feel like being alone tonight would you mind if i hung out here for a little while marinette right we've bumped into each other before yeah a bunch of times i mean yes we have one time a supervillain fell in love with me talk about bad luck seriously i seem to be having some bad luck in the love department myself really what kind well tonight i had this special surprise all planned for ladybug you're in love with ladybug for real [Music] so what was this special surprise it doesn't really matter cause she never showed sounds like you and i both need a bit of cheering up tonight you you've gotten your heart broken too yep [Music] hey come with me [Music] your eyes and hold on tight okay [Music] let's go you evil dark you're messing up my hair i hope you're having fun chloe kings [Music] about time what took you so long [Music] that's a very slippery dance floor how about a little game of flying sails ladybug what happened [Music] [Music] oh no despair bear if you want to continue playing this game give me ladybugs miraculous oh pretty eerie [Music] thank you hey i was really nice just then did you see no you're all so lame [Music] a fork you little brat [Music] she's crazy she's never gonna make it without me sorry later cat noir [Music] [Music] what are we gonna do i can't touch her with a 10-foot pole even if i wanted to her strength is also her weakness in order to be able to touch us she must become touchable herself oh there you are all right be careful she's probably hiding somewhere in this room if she wants to take our miraculous she can't be untouchable and if we can grab her we can also grab her pen and capture the akuma but we'll have to act fast [Music] ladybug excellent troublemaker [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a close call certainly not how i dreamed we'd share our secret identity oh no not like that it'll have to wait at least until we kick troubles butt and hop mom well hey there kitty cat i see you're not much of a natural with kids are you are you kidding we were just playing a fun game attack was probably in his bracelet gigantic watch out for the very naughty ladybug [Music] how about that you're not much of a natural with kids either nice fly ha ha for your information i never babysat anything heavier than 10 tons [Music] change of plans to calm the baby down just put them in a playpen and exactly where are we gonna find a playpen his size the eiffel tower we'll pin him up in there with my yoyo string sing them some lullabies you know some don't you we can read them a bedtime story make cooing noises then when he's getting sleepy bam you'll use your cataclysm to destroy his bracelet interesting idea milady but how are we gonna get him there don't you have a simpler plan how about your lucky charm if this is too complicated just copy what i do over here little guy [Music] once we get him in his play pen i'll sing him a lullaby uh we want to calm the baby down that burst his eardrums what i have a great voice you know i'll meow you a serenade one of these days [Music] lollipop [Music] [Music] where did you hide adrian you actually think i'd tell you this is just between you and me you can't cut it fine i'm going to defeat you and take your miraculous then i'll go and find him i won't let you lay a hand on him it's time we went and joined ladybug didn't you hear what she said she said to wait here you can't disobey her i've gotta help her clap claws out [Music] [Music] a fencing tournament at the louvre how come i wasn't invited let me guess you were late because you're at the groomers again i was preening myself milady you know how long it takes cats to get ready checkmate repost you've got the wrong sport ladybug i think you mean [Music] you okay cat noir ladybug ready to lose ladybug [Music] so how about you andre do you have anyone in particular to share your ice cream with this day well actually i have yet to find the perfect blend of flavors my sweetie what did you do with that t-shirt i fixed it up grandma i've been sewing ever since the last time you came to visit you're so grown up marinette you know what there'll be no more merry-go-rounds or zoos for your next birthday i'll take you on one of my trips thank you grandma but you know it doesn't matter where you take me with you it's always unforgettable [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i always carry the lucky charm you gave me wherever i go and i think it works pretty well so i figured it was my turn to make one for you you're so wonderful oh uh it's wonderful oh what a charm the charm i mean oh we're the um [Music] do you realize he made it especially for me with his own hands adrian yeah well it's kind of a weird gift if you ask me no weirder than yours tiki [Music] but that doesn't mean they're not both precious to me you really don't like the gift then of course i did the most important thing about a present tiki is the person who's giving it do you really think the two of you can win this battle through and through who is always better than one cat noir i'll take the left i'm on it whoops sorry milady [Music] [Music] welcome to my musical show i hope it will be your fatal blow wait stay right here and dance or else you'll be frozen without a chance yeah you're right we have to rhyme not so easy all the time yeah nice work ladybug and cat noir cannot fight back they're too busy singing and dancing while we're on the attack now hurry my sweet nightingale it's both of them miraculous that i lack hawkmoth you bet miraculous you'll get stay in charge cat noir don't blow a fuse don't forget your dancing fight moves dancing fight moves like my copper where the grooves he doesn't even know 50 50 is a thumb yes i do the dummy is you it's 50's 102 huh your mouth is crazy again milady 50 50 the sun doesn't rhyme one more false move and you're trapped big time i almost made a serious boo-boo but i didn't thanks to you you think you two are being so clever but soon you'll tire yourselves and be frozen forever [Music] [Applause] let him go ladybug she's alone if adrian is cat noir then he'll have to transform to help her gorizella attack ladybug there's no use he's too strong [Applause] [Music] where are you i really need your help fast i'm at montperno's tower [Music] [Music] helicopter it really isn't a good time to play [Music] excellent now take ladybugs miraculous while we wait for cat noir [Music] i'm so sorry ladybug don't worry let me try to maneuver this thing [Music] get ladybug back [Music] [Music] you have to trust me always no if you don't transform soon you might wind up like a gooey pile of gamma bear i can't play not in the open like this i'm sure ladybug has a plan i don't trust scared adrian i'm gonna catch you if indeed you are cat noir then transform son please come on son [Music] drop ladybug [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more footprints well he couldn't have just disappeared he must have lept over the stadium he's trapped us in here we don't have time to deal with them we must find our boss i told you that giant hard drive would be trouble how about you give us a cataclysm right now i can't i can barely breathe now you are at my mercy robustus before you get rid of them forever you must take their miraculous for me ladybug and cat noir haven't done you any wrong let them go being human also means being fair i'm gonna take over their miraculous so we'll never be separated again then i'll be able to make my wish come true what wish i want to be a real human like you max what's this about making a wish ah doesn't hawkmoth usually demand the miraculous uh what what's that what's going on ladybug milady look max i will be a real human in 53 seconds may i remind you that the miraculous are for me robustus and how do you intend to stop me from using it simple i'll take your power away from you you really thought you could control me elimination mode activating i'm more powerful what's going on my friends will look after you while i take care of these two [Music] oh now's the time to come up with the bright idea i'm sorry cat noir [Music] sorry robots but i can't let you execute your program i have to stop you [Music] [Music] fountains of orange juice big time to use your power i've never tried it i hope it works just think of the illusion you want to create stay focused [Music] awesome my necklace is flashing um that means i'm gonna change back soon right yeah but it's okay if i see who you are i can keep a secret naughty kitty you know very well that our identities must remain secret good job you're a fast learner if you need any superhero tips you know where to come where there's no bedtime where everything goes no wait don't go there ladybug trying to trap you [Music] thank you now all the sappings are in the alley face three is this really gonna work oh don't worry sometimes it's even more absurd than this [Music] [Music] we've got all the hats ladybug cataclysms [Music] close your eyes and no kicking we can't do this trust me spots off closet huh [Music] [Music] miraculous delivered soon now i am the only superhero in paris and a superhero keeps his word albert owls whipped cream deactivated sir [Music] god the miraculous to me albert transfer i am they are mine ladybug's ability to create in cat noir's power of destruction whoever succeeds in merging these two miraculous shall be granted a wish that can change reality and erase the past [Music] this cannot be [Music] [Applause] owl ladybug and cat noir tricked you these are fake miraculous made out of salt dough [Music] underwater i know and unfortunately i haven't found the correct blend that could help you both out i failed you no way we are gonna find that last ingredient the tear of joy i've tried everything water from the laughing fountain melted snow from the mountain of jubilation drops of pure chocolate extract but have you tried a real tear of joy what come on tell me a really really funny joke do you think this is really the time to have fun okay why do you go to bed at night i don't know huh because the bed won't come to you what goes up but doesn't move stairs what does snail say when it's riding on a turtle's back [Laughter] [Music] i think you have just found the magic ingredient baronette [Music] yummy [Music] [Music] master foo i think it's time you put those noodles into the boiling water you're right ladybug i'll take care of it [Music] this is for you happy birthday today thank you happy birthday oh you're all so sweet marinette made that one [Music] i know you did this chloe bourgeois a 99.56 certainty so uncool chloe seriously lane calm down we don't want to get upset on my birthday now do we well i think this present is wonderful it'll be my new cosmetics bag then i'll be able to think of both of you every time i use it what you're not gonna let her get away with this that girl is worse than hawk moth at least half the city has gotten akumatized because of her students please calm down now the classroom is not a place for insults and defamation marinette would you come with me please what oh yeah i'm relying on you to make sure things don't get out of hand while we're gone okay miss [Music] that feeling of injustice what could be worse than being punished for someone else's wrong doings fly away my little akuma and evilize her [Music] it's so not fair it was chloe pulling another chloe and i'm the one who's getting in trouble of course you're not in trouble don't worry as the class representative i want you to set a good example for your classmates don't give in to feelings of anger try to forgive chloe instead seize him well done captain hard rock my treasure will be your miraculous kitty cats be an impatient scurvy ladybug you're next in line i command you to stop your acts of piracy in the name of the law him again fire huh where did you go if you refuse taking me your miraculous my next target will be mayor bourgeois and his landlubber in orchestra liberty next stop city hall thanks milady any longer and i would have been fish food we've got a problem cat noir i couldn't free the prisoners and i have no idea what i'm supposed to do with this it's probably just trying to tell you that you're chained to me forever you're pulling my chin cat noir it's time to take the ship follow me aye aye captain ladybug there you are again the time has come to send you to the bottom once and for all for the last time stop your boat in the name of the law [Music] do it noir [Music] you okay [Applause] [Music] hey young man have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons the judges wouldn't be able to resist that sparkling smile of yours that's nice of you sir but my life is already filled with music and i might have a brand new song to write so music's an important part of skating you know think about it did you invite them because you were scared of being alone with me of course not it's just that i asked marinette to help me help you with what uh to perfect my figure skating skills but you don't need her for that [Music] you have what it takes to be a champion the style the talent let me be your private coach i only practice noble arts like archery or fencing ice skating's just for fun [Music] [Music] i'll give you a week's worth of lessons for free just a few hours a day and you'll be a star thanks but i'm already very busy as it is is that adrian aggressed adrian agrest i can see it now grace and style model and professional ice skating champion if you take lessons with me i'll have you shining like the candles on a birthday cake um maybe he already does fencing with me [Music] are you okay [Music] see how a few lessons from me could come in handy please adrian agrest just put your name on this form and your fans will come running and my ice rink will be saved none of these young people want to sign up felipe you can't force them now can you you're right get up the only reason you can't stay on your feet is your hesitation i never hesitate shall we go marinette are you okay i think i hurt myself it's probably best we call it a day [Music] oh yeah don't get so close to style queen it's too dangerous it's hard to get the scoop when you're not in the middle of the action ladybug well i have a scoop for you aliases here's the miraculous of the bee which grants the power of subjection you will use it for the greater good [Music] ladybug you're out of fashion give up where's cat noir oh let me guess he's hiding because he's ashamed of his outfit [Music] tube of glue glue this bug [Music] you're always running away ladybug not this time [Music] a glue diet that's original but i'm still going to oh oh what's the matter do you have indigestion how dare you i'm gonna squash you like you're no match for style queen my poor ladybug soon you'll be nothing but a bad memory like shoulder pads stay away from the ladybug flag my my what do we have here a talking rat meow style faux pas cataclysm you better hurry and fix everything now i get my master crew didn't want to let you out [Music] we may have to get a little dirty cat noir that's ironic we just took a bath just follow me [Music] where are [Music] ah they disgusting you'll never get it back [Music] [Music] [Music] no more evil doing for you little kuma [Music] miraculous ladybug [Music] i have to get the miraculous back chloe give me a second chance please audrey bourgeois tell us live how you feel about what just happened according to me chloe just clearly demonstrated that there is nothing exceptional about her [Music] i know that you did the things you did to impress your mother anyone can make mistakes even a superhero what matters is how you fix them i personally made one by losing that miraculous don't make the mistake of not giving it back act like a hero and show everyone how exceptional you can be [Music] thank you ladybug cat noir i'm sorry [Music] be clever reverser a writer must never be short of ideas you used to be quick on your feet now you've got two left feet reversion yeah thank you ladybug gotcha [Music] how do you like your new roll lady klutz excellent work reverser now that she's weakened get hold of her miraculous her earrings your miraculous or my awesome costume too bad we'll have to tear it up everything okay milady so you think you're brave cat noir from puts to wuss reversion oh yeah i'm so scared come on milady let's wrap this up milady [Music] what's up kitty got vertigo locate them reverser the miraculous are so close they are powerless now hawkmoth we've got all the time in the world i'll take care of them as soon as i've inverted marinette and nathaniel fine but hurry i want my miraculous [Laughter] [Music] hmm alex your friend is here [Music] where are nathaniel and marinette that's a very creative costume you have there would you like to join our workshop all i want is to know where nathaniel and marinette are right now [Music] even swimming is impossible with this curse great no i'm sure i'm gonna catch a cold how are we gonna defeat him what you want to face him again i really don't want to fight that bad guy he looks so mean we don't have a choice cat noir reverser is looking for a boy named nathaniel we've gotta find him before he does luckily i know where to look i can't do it the stairs are too high it's making me dizzy huh come on little kitty here kitty kitty that's it very good see you're gonna be just we're not out of the woods yet [Music] hey six hands catch this [Music] change his pet you replaced your kitty with a turtle i love animals but i'm not into spiders [Music] i challenge you one round you win you get my miraculous i win you release your prisoners what do you have to lose in a few minutes cat noir will transform back anyway don't listen to her it's a trap don't worry butterfly man this nasty bug ain't no match for a nancy i'll devour you little nasty bug one punch will be enough you can't punch the wind it's over [Music] maybe if you could actually land one shut up why do you have trouble doing two things at the same time stay still you can't win this fight so give up and give me your miraculous you wish after service dude the ladybug shelter [Music] you're not really replacing me with a turtle are you by the power vested in me give me huh [Music] you won't pull it off like that people only respect absolute power you're right by the power vested in me i declare you all my slaves that bubble's going to be a tough one to dodge he's gonna take over the whole city you need to get past his guards [Music] well that's an effective lucky charm [Music] no way i use one of those are you sure yeah you just need to take the sting out [Music] focus on male dictator i'll deal with the bar [Music] sorry daddy your turn ladybug [Music] no more evil doing for you little akuma [Music] [Music] little butterfly miraculous ladybugs [Music] [Applause] [Music] what what are we doing here what have you done this time andre oh bummer don't tell me i missed out on the party yep you missed queen bee and ladybug saving paris for real this time i understand ladybug buzz off being a superhero isn't only about fixing messes [Music] pound it [Music] you're so flighty tonight tiki what you got your mind on the quarry newers transmission is hawkmoth's quani he's celebrating his 3500th cycle today all by himself we will free him from hawk moth one of these days i promise there may just be a faster solution kwamis are able to communicate with their kind on their cycle or birthday but we won't get another opportunity for a long time see a kwame cycle has several hundreds of human years wow that's amazing then you could find out where he is but how would you do that the kwamis must gather in the miracle box at a specific time when would that be tonight tonight why didn't you tell me about this sooner tiki because master food doesn't want us kwame's to leave our owner's side he says we have to be able to take action immediately if someone becomes akumatized um he's right but surely it's no big deal i mean if all the other kwamis are able to meet up then it's still gonna happen right well i'm afraid it might not work if i don't go the more kwamis that are present the better chance we have of succeeding but if master food doesn't approve waze plague and i had an idea well it was mainly plague's idea craig and i would go and gather with other kwamis inside the miracle box ways would stand guard and he let us know right away if anyone becomes akumatized what do you think that's a great idea there's no risk if waze is keeping a lookout even if we don't tell master food the whole truth if it means we're able to save nuru and defeat hakuma mr won't be able to hold it against you so you're okay with it you'll let me go yes i trust you tiki oh thank you marinette you don't have to worry i won't let you down sweet james [Music] [Music] ah i am exhausted i'm off to bed oh goodnight plague [Music] good night sir [Music] where do you think you're going nuru uh i just wanted to go out just for a little while no you know the rules you're not allowed to be more than a few feet away from me and no communicating with anyone besides me there are no exceptions but master it's my birthday today i thought you obviously haven't grasped the rules nuru we're going to have to make them even simpler from now on you won't be able to communicate at all [Music] it was a joke nuru i'm not that cruel thank you master reena rouge and carapace i need you both you're reena rouge of course i am and you never told me it was supposed to be a secret right trick let's pounce [Music] so awesome but aren't you at least a bit surprised that i'm carapace my sweet clueless boy just transformed dude waste shell on [Music] oh i was starting to wonder what was taking you so long what ladybug sent over her second fiddle know what i'm sure i can find ladybug a much better queen bee okay okay okay we're good give it to me we've got work to do what's the magic word oh come on everybody knows that it's buzz on uh uh oh that magic word [Music] could you give me my miraculous cat noir please i'm sorry i didn't get that please [Music] greetings my queen [Music] [Music] three [Music] why don't we fly in there and fight already we won't be able to defeat them if we don't know what they're planning [Music] good luck scarlet moth ladybug cat noir behold my powerful army and have no doubt that today belongs to scarlet moth ha i told you so if that flyweight's talking to them it means that the ladybug and mr whiskers are still around on the good guy's side [Applause] don't get too cockyhawk i'm gonna sting you where it hurts it's only like ten villains to every one of us who wants hawkmoth how about we rock paper scissors for him i got your back oh i've got your back no i do no i do no i do no i do so what's the hero's plan lady get ready i'm gonna need all of you [Music] the time has come dark cupid what what an incredible twist those lousy heroes didn't even see it coming hawk moth is using dark cupid to create all the negative emotions he knew the nightmare fall on them like rain my scarlet akumas [Music] watch out [Music] and now watch scarlet moths relentless plan to get rid of your precious protectors [Music] [Applause] [Music] you fly weight greener don't let any negative emotions take over you or you might get acclumatized too and that's exactly what hawkmoth won hold on you are not cut out to be a hero you should never say never chloe [Music] daddy mommy queen bee focused by the power vested in me stop playing superheroes rage there is no more carapace there is only shell shock this might be a good time to use that lucky charm of yours don't you think i need all of us to make it work i can't do anything with it now [Music] [Applause] game set and match ladybug i don't see how we're gonna get out of this one the lady can't lose hope or we'll get it too pretty cataclysmic situation huh that's it beneath us cat noir of course cataclysm just the two of us santa claus yeah the three of us milady cat noir where were you what happened to adrian it's uh a long story cats have their little secrets too you know [Music] who's gonna deliver presents to the children now santa claus there are no more presents no more spirit of christmas you should have been good hey i've been getting not enough apparently [Music] how about a nice sleigh ride my little wretched elves hold on here we go [Music] don't you have to have a license to drive one of these things it's time to open your gifts kitties i'm gonna try to stop this way you deal with santa claus wow [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] ladybug cat noir now that's a christmas scoop anything you'd like to say for the lady blog it's not at all what it looks like no wait this isn't gonna work [Music] i hope it's not trying to tell us to move to another city i need packing tape scissors and office supplies do you guys have those things here in there right here [Music] my christmas list go to the dupantang's bakery and grab these items then meet me back at the eiffel tower i'll explain everything once we're there i've always dreamed of being your santa claus lady [Music] worry christmas will be back to normal soon enough go get em [Music] you
Channel: Miraculous Ladybug
Views: 4,214,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miraculous ladybug, miraculous, adrien and marinette, Marinette, Adrien, full episodes, ladybug and cat noir, ladybug song, ladybug and cat noir song, marinette and adrien kiss, marinette song, ladybug and cat noir kiss, ladybug, miraculous ladybug full episode, Miraculous english episodes, lady bug, miraculous new york, miraculous shanghai, miraculous world, miraculous season 4, miraculous season 5, ladybug cartoon, ladybug and cat noir full episodes, hawk moth song, kwamis
Id: iEkphNh0yS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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