🎰 Quick Hit Riches $45 Spins 🎰 Lining Up A Handpay!

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this is keegan from texas and you're watching brian christopher slots [Music] all right ultimate fire link bonus free games ten dollar [ __ ] only five free spins to start with let's find some gas cans for some free spits [Music] there's one i guess oil can oil can sorry and 20 is added on top come on bigger balls let's go 30 bucks 40 bucks two more [Music] yeah okay two more free games [Applause] we need more oil cans go go go [Music] 15 we're at 170 last bit okay 35 dollars in the next spin come on extra extra extra got one and 40 bucks i spin again [Music] yeah keep us alive 25. [Music] yes come on drop like three free games right now three or four let's go [Music] oh baby that's what i'm talking about five hundred dollars being added big win and another one keep them coming [Music] and and there he goes 60 on top 830 bonus on free games on ultimate via link route 66 that was pretty darn hot oh my goodness quick hit riches here we go this is a dollar machine uh 45 dollar oops sorry 45 max bet i got 500 in there that only gives this like 11 spins all right let's make sure we can hear it then that we can all right here we go 45 dollars a spin looking for three free games in the middle three reels please [Music] that's one or we need five or more quick hits for a jackpot [Music] five of them pays 543. six or more is a big jackpot [Music] four is 225 and we're back where we started now 500 on the dot one more shut the front door we got a freaking bonus on a 45 freaking dollar bit oh no this is hot all right here we go we want to find 12 games times one we want 12 games [Music] all right i'll take 10. take [Music] 10. oh i'll take one of those too please no worst one you can get eight games times one that's all right as long as we land a lot of quick hit symbols we are richie richie rich here we go oh that adds a multiplier or two to our win there we go those are nice numbers keep going 225 thanks for those multipliers okay we're already at 450 line it up keep going come on quickest drop those quick hit symbols [Music] yes 75 three spins left quicker quicker and quick hit four of them 675 imagine if there were five would have been 13.50 six of them would have been six thousand seven fifty we have two more spins drop them all another multiplier for one more spin line it up quick hits quick hits quick hits quick it's quick it's great good qrikets nothing else 5x multiplier but we didn't hit anything there did we oh we did those three 125 on top giving us a nice jackpot in the end 1325 quick hit riches we got lucky there we were only down 45 dollars and voila there you go 13.25 lot quicker all right just got paid out of the jacopot is right there yum yum and i'm gonna keep going because we can here we go ten bucks see if we can find a bunch of quick hits now for a jackpot chances of another bonus very slim but not impossible it's all about timing after all [Music] all rudy tutti three more spins [Music] oh my gosh do it shut the front door shut it shut it shut it slam it shut holy crud oh okey-dokey pokey i gotta find that 12 now ready oh my gosh we got 12. oh my gosh you can do 301 shut the front door i don't like that i don't like that at all where do we go we got 8 with 2x multiplier we need a 10 or 12 now i'm gonna say it's right there one more time okay they're there there and there hey at least we got two extra sign it's better than last time good start all right let's find those quick hit symbols again three of them pays 94 pays 450. we got sevens already 100 bucks five of them pays 900 six is 4 500. seven quick hit symbols shut the front door look at that we got a 3x multiplier and four sevens for six hundred dollars oh my gosh 3x multiplier shut it shut it shut it shut it we're at 25 already line it up five more spins quick hits quick hits quick it's four of a kind 150 quick kids quick kids quick hits quick hits quick hits quick hits three more [Music] hi yeah yeah last two spins can we find the quick hits this time we got three for 135 did it again last spin give me five quickest oh yeah yeah we got two doesn't pay anything twelve hundred ten dollar jackpot again shut it nice and tight and enjoy that moment quick hit riches wow can't believe we did it again another 12 20. oh nelly all right we just got paid out on our second jackpot we have just enough for two more spins so let's do it to a last two spins and last one [Music] and there you go guys we just turned 500 into a couple grand that was incredible run on quick hit riches monte carlo multi spin this is a dollar denomination five dollars bit starting with 300 gotta line up three spin symbols they actually say spin on reels one and three but the middle one is just like one of these little colorful things [Music] no just top i mean i'm used to playing nine nine lines which that would have been a bonus but it's only a five land version right now [Music] four dollars three sevens pays 50 but if they're all blue hey 100 and if they're all red 300 40 bucks for that nice one and back it even again three of those monte carlos pays the super jackpot of thirteen thousand dollars [Music] ten dollars nice we got that 40 again i ran across there [Music] what are you confused about we got barbara barr and barbara barr but once 20 and 140 i don't understand what's different you don't understand what difference between those bars and these ones these ones have the number five um there you go there we go yeah [Music] in the middle twenty dollars [Music] and ten we're up 40 dollars let's try and make a bonus with that money [Music] on the bottom [Music] and back where we started once more three out of three [Music] just miss her [Music] [ __ ] [Music] now we're down 50 bucks [Music] can we find that spinny spin spin hey how about 50 bucks there nice all right [Music] time one spot off [Music] ten bucks [Music] i can hear it every time [Music] let's get that bonus beforehand please [Music] four dollars last four spins [Music] [Music] not this time all right guys catching up there down a hundred dollars that was monte carlo multi-spin here we go just started the five dollar denomination that was 50 bucks and started adding to it another 25. come on keep rattling [Music] yeah that's 250 dollars [Applause] [Music] nice 375 random [Music] features all right just got the bonus on well on lightning cash 10 denomination 50 dollar bets we got fifty fifty fifty fifty fifty two hundred two four four hundred and fifty i wanna see some words up there for all this money perhaps a five hundred dollar mini or a six thousand dollar major here we go drop it [Music] give me some [Music] there we go hello 200 and minis and another 150 on the side keep it going what else you got more words bigger words the biggest words fill it up [Music] last chance drop me at least one more lantern keep this bonus going here we go oh darn all right let's see how we did all together [Music] okay 800 a dollar bonus respectable respectable not the biggest but not the worst either we'll take it all right might as well keep filming why not let's see if we can get anything else i was just relaxing but i was like yeah i'll show you guys really big bets right so in case we hit something big you might want to see it so there's 212 dollars oh my gosh we did it well i'm glad i decided to get you around it was 550 right before us right there three four five fifty yeah i think we're gonna do better this time let's find a bigger one 50 bucks i see that miner going around to 500 i want the major there's 50 bucks my gosh and 50 spins i want to see much bigger come on fifty dollars what else fifty dollars hey if you fill it all up we have a hundred and two thousand can't complain without either [Music] that'll make these fifty dollar hits look like a nothing [Music] okay last chance can we get anything else to drop do it ah all right better bonus than last time i think so let's see [Applause] not bigger bonus but not so bad either that happened pretty fast after the last one 7.50 and now up to 1800 and 78 that was nice um i might do a few more spins just a couple i am up right now i don't i want to keep it that way so let's not go crazy right easy to do especially on these fins my goodness all right go oh my gosh we got another bonus we got another bonus wow i gotta say brett's gonna kill me when she gets back here she's getting the coffee right now i was like i'll just wait here brent you go ahead get your coffee oh my gosh okay here we go all right is it possible to find 200 wilds please [Music] 200 wild first one you can get oh well it only takes one spin to get something we got some there we go 62. you got some nines in there too [Music] come on wilds find your way find your way two more spins and last spin coming in [Music] all right hey i'm at the 1995 that's really nice too um let's see i'm gonna give it like four more spins i think let's do it one two three and last spin [Music] all right i'm good to cash out there 17.95 i'm so glad you guys stayed around for that i'm cashing out right there on liking cash all right a few spins later got another bonus 100 125 25 25 75 75 nice numbers this is 10 cents a nomination so we need to find some words mini is 100 miner is 500 and the major 6 700 drop it in [Music] last one something that was a minor that went by and nothing else added except for the originating lantern but 425 is 425 i [Music] i just got the bonus on lightning and cash 25.00 at the nomination which one do you guys pick left or right [Music] all right here we go see if you're right we're gonna press them both at the same time it was right a hundred wilds that could be good give me all four reels all right four reels wild that ain't nothing come on there's five of a kind okay hundred dollars there come on wilds another five of a kind down below there a couple line hits that are nice up to 365 oh my gosh retrigger [Music] pardon me [Music] [Applause] another five of a kind again two of them in there i think another hundred bucks yeah four more spins can we find all four reels that are wild please [Music] go 507 two more all right last chance just show me the money [Music] [Applause] and have a bad bonus at all in the end 560 dollars [Applause] [Music] [Music] i put 600 in the game and we're at the whoa wait that was 887 holy shoot it pays you like a lot more than what it says amazing all right nice profit oh my god grand foo wheel let's jump on in with an 800 ticket in there uh there we go all right i'm gonna try the what we got a big ticket in let's try the the max bet 880 spin see how we do there gotta get those fireworks to go off you guys line it up there's one so every time you hit that it shoots fire at the top and if it lights up all the fireworks up there you get the bonus the wheel spins and you can win as little as five dollars but as much as eleven thousand is all right uh yeah eleven thousand oh i'm drinking a different bet how did i change that i don't know there we go good timing i know this game's really great if you can get some good solid five of kinds i love those kites they're so cute wild shooting up on top i used to have one of those i bought it in japan when i was a kid so cool let's get those dragons lined up line it up we're down 100 bucks already wow [Music] wild forever kinds uh that one do for us 24 bucks [Music] come on [Music] sixteen for four of a giants [Music] oh i'm missing that third reel there now we're giving it three more spins you guys there's one there we go little drummonds there's two and the last spin coming in and we'll cash out there 6 29 that was grand foo wheel all right guys got another bonus 25 a bet it's gonna be better than last time here we go let's get some stick houses and some brick houses going free trigger first man already better already better let's find some stick houses now too fill a rough buttercup and and there we go another
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 123,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, Ultimate Fire Link, Quick Hit Riches, Monte Carlo Multi Spin, Shake Rattling Reels, Lightning Cash, Ret Hot Tamales, Grand Fu Wheel, slot machine bonus
Id: MwtSjpuAX8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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