🎬[Tutorial] 10 Speed Shifting: Double Clutch, Hybrid Shifting, Floating Gears

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hi gang Michael Fox here from CDL college and today we're going to discuss double clutching hybrid shifting and floating gears which is Shifting without the clutch hybrid shifting is just an intermediate step between double clutching and floating if you already know how to double clutch and want to move on to hybrid shifting or floating use the links in the description to jump ahead to those points in the video first I want to show you something that you may have seen in a truck and wondered about when the truck is stationary the driver has to push the clutch to the floor to put the truck in gear which is what this driver is doing but it's not going into gear immediately at the bottom of the clutch is the clutch breake and if the clutch breake is bad or needs adjusting it'll take a few seconds before allowing us to put the truck in gear so instead of jamming the truck into gear just wait a few seconds and it'll go into gear for you double clutching is pushing the clutch and moving the shifter at the same time if if you've used a clutch in a car before you know the procedure clutch in shift a gear clutch out in a truck you have to push the clutch in and move the shifter to neutral at the same time and then repeat the procedure to put the truck in gear it sounds like a lot but you're just pushing the clutch and moving the shifter at the same time twice once you can coordinate your left foot and your right hand at the same time you'll be surprised how fast you can do that two times for every ship we have some video of double clutching here when the driver shifts pay attention to the left foot and the right hand during shifting he's going to move them at the same time first time is to neutral the second time is to gear the same procedure applies to downshifting but there's an extra step after clutching to neutral the driver has to rev the engine before clutching again and putting the truck in gear so it's clutch to neutral rev clutch to gear clutch rev clutch upshifting is clutch clutch downshifting is clutch rev clutch to help you transition from double clutching to floating there is what I like to call hybrid shifting hybrid shifting is a mix of double clutching and floating so all we're doing is clutching to neutral and then floating to gear you can see this if you pay attention to the driver's left leg you can see what he's doing here is he's clutching once to neutral then putting the truck into gear without using the clutch we can see it easier in slow motion the left foot and the right hand clutch to neutral then the driver pulls the shifter to second gear without the clutch let's look at another shift this time from third to Fourth clutch to neutral then put the left foot on the floor and finish the shift to gear CDL testers aren't all the same avoid hybrid shifting during your CDL skills test please try hybrid shifting after you graduate and obtain your license to float gears you need to move the shifter out of the current gear without using the clutch the way you do that is by applying a little pressure to the shifter in the direction that you're shifting that's either forward or to the rear and then you release the fuel pedal and move the shifter at the same time so to shift from third to Fourth we have to move the shifter forward so the driver puts light pressure on the shifter in the forward Direction at this point all the driver has to do is release the fuel pedal and then push the shifter to gear at the same time fourth to fifth requires a little pressure on the front of the shifter then release the gas pedal and shift to fifth at the same time 5 to six starts with a little pressure in the forward Direction release the fuel and shift at the same time when you apply a little pressure to the shifter you're signaling the transmission that you'd like to shift gears removing your foot from the fuel pedal makes it possible for you to take the truck out of gear shifting without the clutch yields smoother shifts it also extends the life of the clutch which is expensive to replace for this downshift to six the driver puts light pressure on the front of the shifter then releases the gas pedal and moves the shifter at the same time 6 to 7 is a little pressure release the gas and shift at the same time once again I need to tell you CDL testers aren't all the same avoid floating during your CDL skills test practice floating with your trainer it's your first trucking job when you miss a shift try not to panic all you need to do is find the wall that's associated with your gear and then lightly place the shifter at the opening of the gate to the gear that you're trying to go to give the truck enough gas and it should go right into gear here's what it looks like the driver misses the gears by shifting a little too slow which causes the RPMs to drop too low requiring an engine rep so the first shift is from third to Fourth as you can see he clutches to neutral Waits too long to complete the shift and now the RPM needle is too low notice how he keeps the shifter at the opening of the gate to fourth gear with just a little pressure a quick engine rev to put the needle between 10 and 15 and the truck goes into gear once again the driver here is clutching the neutral he's waiting a little too long to complete the shift the RPM needle too low but he keeps the shifter at the opening of the gate and he gives it a little gas and goes into gear I'll leave you guys with uh some random shifting samples here this is uh double clutching hybrid and floating not in any particular order thanks for watching we appreciate it and leave us a comment below if you learned something from our video today thanks bye [Music] come
Channel: CDLCollege
Views: 261,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 speed shifting help, manual transmission shifting, shifting a 10 speed manual transmission, float gears help, double clutching a 10 speed, demonstration, tractor, trailer, clutchless shifting, help, tutorial, lesson, how to upshift a 10 speed, help downshifting a 10 speed manual, neutral, road, training, instruction, floating gears 10 speed, explanation, 10 speed shifting demonstration, practice, how to shift a 10 speed, tachometer, cdl college, cdl college llc, RPMs, step by step
Id: CosP6aPzftQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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