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I'm Randi from shell met Louisiana sip and spinning the women with slaughter hauler it's time for the twin fire frenzy with quick hits and hot shots okay in order to get the progresses up there you have to bet $3 so I'm putting 100 bucks in and we're doing the $3.00 bet so let's see what happens guys okay to talk to Beth all [Music] blazing [Music] thirty-six bucks a second right RUP to $86 $1,099 nice all right not a bad second spinrite $36 cool all right let's keep it going yeah okay I see what happened the bars along one of those little spinning reel feature things nope got a little quiet on this machine come on wake up [Music] hi okay I missed it I think it's 20 bucks yep 2014 was a good year I don't remember anything about it must have been a good year God look at I don't remember anything about 2014 I think that was the year I got a gauge maybe that's average I don't remember that hey I remember the year I got married don't judge all right come on out [Music] all right so cool we got the little spin feature we got the quick pants now we just need the pre-games which it looks like they only come upon two three and four [Music] multiplier 6000 48 cents [Music] three-sixty I heard the noise the girl behind me I thought that was my head Oh [Music] all right well I was in profit territory oh okay let's see up gone through 75 or 78 dollars in play hey miss Barton yeah I'm rolling solo don't be sad for me I'm having a good little time over here well I was in the profit zone yeah but I'm only giving it another $10 and then moving on 1680 oh my gosh two more spins and I'm still well I'll be a little bit down look can't be mad at that I've gone through a hundred dollars in play and I'm cashing help with $97 all right that was a cool fun look at twin fire frenzy the bonus does seem pretty hard to get but it's not looking too bad as far as playback goes check it out if you see it at your casino y'all it has been forever at ten a day since I played stinking rich this is an oldie but a goodie right so it's a hundred line game and do $1 $2 3-4 10 bucks I'm gonna do a three dollar bet it's been a while so let's see if we can enjoy some fun wins on sneak and rich almost those free spins monkeys to riches [Music] monkeys what's rupees please [Music] there's like pull reels of wilds and the bonus like it really has been five years or so since I played this game all right so I'm like $60.00 in play when I get to $100 and play I'm gonna cash out let's see if they're ready to hit or ready to take all y'all money all right that's the biggest win maybe $14 oh dang it [Music] well I guess we know how this story goes threw more spins guys all right sixty-five dollars in losses keys to pourers cuz they ain't got no original miss alright let's go win somewhere else here's a look at the new cash spin 360 there's a many minor major jackpots there's a real feature up top if you get the you spin and it's a $0.50 to $5 bet and it looks like you can get that jackpot on anybody so I'm going to do $60 in with a 250 bet let's see what happens and of course the music is not all the way up got to get that Jam 20 cents for two dollars and fifty all right the bags are on shoot three and four [Music] all right dollar 20 and wins on your spin moneymoney letter well I picked a hot one huh [Music] all right come on let's get a win what's this come on Spence means man way Nguyen $67 let them coins with it cops are whoo I need that huh alright so looking at the wind breakdown $5 for all those big seven cool alright that was fun that was a nice surprise and what's not looking too good all right come on you spin you spend I spend we all win lots of money come on now it just dawned to me sip spin and win you hurt my drink right there my straw ain't got much juice left sidebar be filled hashtag refill all right [Music] Wow $31 some more coinage yes collecting coins so $60 and run up to 106 awesome so actually we have a 46 dollar profit at the moment because I played through $60 let's just see if we get a money bag or you spin for another random why not [Music] $21.00 hit some really good board hits thank you bars and I'm all right I'm speaking a bar might hit that bar and get my refill can we get the youth spin before 100 dollars can we do it everyone say yes you can I heard one person [Music] okay you know I'm happy with my $40 profit those are some great board heads I can play this another time and show you the use been featured but I'm moving on to another machine and so probably got all five people evils whatever grows whatever the birds jackpot awarded the jackpot wheel feature begins when five birds appear on the reels I recently featured this game on my channel so if you want to see more gameplay and to see how the game works please be sure to watch the Valkyrie Queen 2 video [Music] let's see how this works they gotta spin the wheel we got an advance that's cool [Applause] it's either major on $292 or I got thousands on a 80 cent beds oh my goodness Valkyrie Queen to $1,000 has got the grand freaking out amen hallelu like all those rings yes beautiful I cannot believe I hit that on the $0.80 back oh my god amazing speed it up beautiful that's what I'm talking about [Music] all this points bitch all this rings and coins [Music] beautiful automatic cash out campaign jackpot nope alright guys that's it for today thank you so much for watching please be sure to hit that like button subscribe if you haven't done so already and go to slaughter holux that's with annex calm to check out more about me and the games love to play and pick up this fun t-shirt that I design sit spin and win spot a holic woo take a rocket at the casino all the best to you guys until next time [Music]
Channel: SLOTaholic
Views: 10,001
Rating: 4.7553959 out of 5
Keywords: slotaholic, slotaholix, slotacholics, casino, slot machine, slot channel, gambling, grand jackpot, cash spin, twin fire frenzy, valkyrie queen 2, harrahs, new orleans, las vegas, bcslots, sdguy1234, diana evoni, the big jackpot, slot lady, slotqueen, lady luck hq, the slot cats, palm springs spinners, brent slot channel, mg slots, ng slot, norcalslotguy, james arey slots
Id: I7VqhUrMngE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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