🎇霍雨浩首战亮相六枚十万年魂环!恐怖威压让对手怀疑人生!极致之冰碾压以冰为主宰!【斗罗大陆Ⅱ绝世唐门 Soul Land 2】

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This is the traitor chapter of the Inspector. It contains a mask and player flares that are exclusive to the Inspector. Put them away, Teacher Zhou. Why are you here? Why don’t you want to see me? I am your class teacher in the outer courtyard. I am the Shrek Supervisory Team in the inner courtyard. The team leader is ready, we are ready to go. The few of them with low cultivation will slow us down. I will take Huo Yuhao, Dai Yongheng, you Dai Wangdong, Lin Luochen, you Dai Xiaoxiao . This is what I borrowed from the army. We will use this for After the soul power is injected into the hybrid guide, it will be scattered to the ground. When it rises to a high altitude, the folded wings will open. The hybrid guide will change the downward thrust into parallel thrust , so that we can accelerate flying in the air. We can lend it out at once. With so many flying hybrid guides, they are worthy of being the enemy of the Marshal of the Silla Empire. After the rain, you try the advanced flying hybrid guides. I didn’t expect that the patrol empire’s hybrid guide technology has developed to this point. But I am used to using my own flying hybrid guides. I have the guide . Control your soul power and balance and try again. If I succeeded, let’s go. Immortal soul masters often haunt the difficult-to-govern border areas of various countries. Therefore, Shrek was given the right to kill us directly without fear. The target of the Death Messenger haunts the Mingdou Mountains on the border between the Silla Empire and the Sun-Moon Empire. The Death Messenger is a marriage master. He has a whole subordinate team of voyeurs who specialize in intercepting and killing business travelers who have committed numerous crimes . Our mission is to leave no one behind. Decrypt all. What is an evil soul master ? It is a soul master who has a very special evil soul. Can martial souls be evil? The martial soul itself is not divided into good and evil . But if this martial soul needs to be cultivated in a special way , then this martial soul must be An evil marriage master named Blood Eagle appeared on the mainland more than 600 years ago. His evil cultivation method made Blood Eagle Douluo reach the level of Titled Douluo in just 20 years . The head of the Shrek Supervisory Group is looking for But it took five seconds to eradicate him with my own hands . But before that, more than a dozen members of the Supervisory Team had died in his hands . Are we afraid of the messenger of death we are going to deal with this time ? Who is afraid? The Marshal of the Silla Empire is stationed in Ming Dynasty. Doosan Mountains, he will give us some help. Marshal of the Silla Empire , isn't he the White Tiger Duke Yu Hao? Now we are brothers of the Supervision Corps. If you need help, you can just accompany me to skate. I owe you. I will stand for him and see how promising you are, Mr. Xuan. It's the military camp , um, the code name is a Contra with extremely high cultivation level . It's easy to see your disguise, and he's a distinguished person . In order to show respect , I'll take them in with his true appearance. Then choose the old man. Well, I'm not interested in being with high-ranking officials. It's so close . You're pretending to be real. Let's go, Teacher Zhou. You are actually a beautiful woman. Everyone else pretends to be young and beautiful. Teacher Zhou, how can you pretend to be old? You usually think I am old and ugly. My true appearance is not a deterrent to me. I was dissatisfied with the strict teaching philosophy , so I used my martial soul to disguise myself as a serious old woman. Who should break into the military camp ? Well, the young master salutes. The army of the Silla Empire is mainly composed of the Western Army Group and the Northern Army Group. We are now here. This is the military camp of the Western Group Army. In order to protect against the Sun and Moon Empire, the number of troops here is as high as 500,000. It is the most elite army of the Silla Empire. Wow, it is so shocking. Lei Feng and Lingling killed them all . With such an iron-blooded lion, I will definitely be invincible. One day, I too I want to be loyal to my country. The offensive marshal , the young master, and the people from Shrek Academy are here. Father , well , father , it was he who harmed my mother all her life. My mother has never forgotten this little brother. Have we seen him? No father, this is from our college. Mr. Zhou and my classmates have met Mr. Duke. Are you okay ? Welcome Mr. Zhou and all the top students from Shrek Academy. Mr. Duke , there is no need to be polite. As long as you ask your subordinates to provide us with clues about the messenger of death, how dare you do so easily when you have so many things to do? Excuse me , then let me be responsible for receiving the distinguished guest. The ferocious methods of this messenger of death are really eye-catching. I have to join the army as I wish in order to do justice for heaven. The door of the Western Group Army of the Xingluo Empire is always open to everyone . Maybe I won’t be here. Very good treatment , but it is definitely the best choice for men to make contributions. Sir Duke , can't women make contributions? Of course, not to mention that the girl has such a high level of cultivation. It is really an honor for our army to join the Western Army. I just said the wrong thing. I apologize to you, Sir Duke, so we won't disturb you. I hope to have the opportunity to see you all again. Everyone, after a tiring trip, take a rest . The scouts sent by the military to self-destruct intelligence must be back soon. Your Lordship, the Duke, has prepared a dinner for you . Please enjoy the harassment. Duke White Tiger has many soldiers, why don't you send them to exterminate them? The Death Messenger bandit group is weak and extremely cunning. My father has sent people to exterminate many times , but failed and suffered huge losses. The bandits are stationed in two countries. The border is too sensitive. Every time the Western Army sends troops, it has to consider how to avoid unnecessary wars. It is very tricky. The Shrek Supervision Corps is not subject to national restrictions. Compared with the Western Army, it is more suitable to attack this group of wedding masters. Teacher Zhou said it very well. The scouts are back. The members of the Death Server bandit group are about 300 young and middle-aged soul masters. About 1/10 of them. Their leader is a soul master with a level of soul king or above. The remaining abilities are Wu Zong De Shame. The main activity area of ​​the bandit group is in the Ming Dynasty. Those at the center of the Dou Mountain Range will only go down to plunder when they have a specific target. This is the only news I can bring back. The bandit group is extremely cruel. Only this one of the scouts we sent out had a chance to escape. This is marked as a Taoist meeting. A map of the general direction of the group. The important task of annihilating the Taoist group depends on you. Actual urgency to set off. Teacher Zhou, don’t wait until you choose the old man. The old man has his own arrangements. It ’s getting late in the dark orchid forest . Everyone, drive carefully and act. What is the dark orchid tree? Teacher Zhou Why is the center of the trunk here missing? The heart of the Wenlan tree can enhance the Yinhan Tears Wuhun wet body's tolerance to the Yinhan soul power and speed up their cultivation. Did the bandits poach the Wenlan tree? Is it new ? The Wenlan tree is a rare tree species , but the scale of the Wenlan forest here is extremely large. We should not be far from the bandits. Rabbits don’t eat the grass next to their nests. How could the bandits dig up the trees next to their nests? Teacher Zhou, do you have any speculation? The mistaken Wenlan tree is actually a rare tree species . Naturally, it is because it has extremely strict requirements on the environment . For Daopei, this rare genius has a large area of ​​land to protect. Would you abandon this good place? Then what are we doing now ? What should we do ? Just sit back and wait in the woods. No, we have to take the initiative to attack the bandits. When they move in the woods, they will inevitably leave clues . Yuhao , you are following me. This time, you have to give full play to the role of your mental detection. Well, maintain the formation. Teacher Zhou, Yuhao and Dai Yaoheng. Chen Zifeng and I were 10 meters apart in the front . The rest of us were in the middle , paying attention to protecting the control and auxiliary team members Beibei Xu Sanshi. The two of you cut off the destroyed Wenlan Technique. The traces of this strain were the latest. Yuhao used mental detection to carefully detect them. Search for good spirit detection and share. There are a lot of chaos in front of here . Obviously, people often come here . It should be not far away . Let's adjust the state and prepare for the battle. Teacher Zhou is awesome. Some miscellaneous knowledge that you usually learn. If you like it, I will give it to you then. You are Yuhang. What is your furthest detection distance now? The detection distance in the single-tone direction is 245 meters , but it cannot last long because it consumes a lot of mental and soul power. Then scan the front from 11 o'clock to 3 o'clock to see if there is anything there. I didn't find anything on the left. The footprints are heading down the hillside on the left. If my guess is correct, there should be a cave where they hide. I'll confirm whether they are Death Messenger Thieves . The reserve team is with me to provide reinforcements. It's up to you, Princess Xiaotao. No problem. Leave it to us. Change your clothes . The Shrek Supervisory Team is moving. Yes, yes, the reserve team keeps a safe distance and sets out. The battle has begun. Go in safely from the front and share it with the full release of mental detection. Everyone must be careful. Yes, yes. Mental Detection Dream , everyone, keep quiet and follow. I don’t know how many innocent people have died in their hands. Cheer up. These bandits are evil people. Killing one cruelly means saving countless people. A head-on exchange of fire. Speed ​​up the Phoenix Flame. It has it. Along the way, don’t let go of an unruly and unruly golden devil boy’s soul. The Emperor’s cheating intelligence shows that the leader of the bandit group is a five-ring soul king. It seems he is who he is. The corpse just now disappeared. How dare you? Trouble with my messenger of death. You will all die and become my divine slaves. Hahaha . Soul Island elemental bombs. They deliberately do not set traps. Every corpse here is a fatal bomb. Everyone flashes. Liu Hongxuan Bingzhiqiulang Baihu spirit has changed again. I have to go back quickly and look for delays. I'm crazy. Sister Xiaotao, this senior queen, hurry up and tell everyone to evacuate the headquarters. Everyone, evacuate quickly . There are a lot of elemental bombs behind. Quickly cross the bridge. Chairman, hurry up. Chairman , ah ah ah, the soul master's ability is beyond ordinary people. Once you do evil , it will cause great harm to ordinary people, so it must be monitored. This is the responsibility of our inner court and the responsibility of the Shrek Supervisory Team. No matter how strong this messenger's methods are, no matter how strong you are, this messenger's soul knife can stop you at any time. You will definitely die in front of me , haha. Haha , you ca n't escape the torment of the poison even if you don't get blown up. Okay, Huangshan Titled Douluo is really strong. Whisker, can you still save him at such a close distance ? Yuhao Yuhao was captured by that bastard , Xiaoyi, you? To treat the wounded, I went to rescue Teacher Yuhao. The noisy martial spirit is so powerful that it is a sacred cow. I have become a cloud. I can't calm down. They can't let me worry too much. They can't let go. This devil is so gloomy and cold. The machine is different from the defensive aura of the Astronomical Science Soldier Emperor. It's like how can the magic bar be willing to let go of the dirt in my body ? Is this the evil soul master ? Hahaha, he chose me as a hostage. It should be because my previous white mixed ring confused him. He is weak and I have a chance to fight back. The problem is that I have the power to fight back. Too low. If you can't kill with one hit, you will be in a desperate situation. Brother Tianmeng, brother Bing, are you there? After the rain, don't worry. We are trying to find a way . I let Bingbing take over your body temporarily , but Bingbing's ability is too overbearing. We are afraid of getting hurt. Your soul, Tmall brother and soldier, don't worry about it. I'll kill him to avenge the dead. This bad guy must not be kept. You are very brave and I will do my best to protect you. Big bugs and little scorpions, if you are not sure, let me get up . My masters and apprentices, these virtual slaves powered by legal refining potions and soul guidance devices , are my last trump card. They are all invulnerable and powerful. As long as they are here, I can make a comeback. Hahahahahaha. I'm chasing them . Damn it, why do you stay? After I cut off my skills, there is a Titled Douluo chasing after me. Hahaha, don’t worry. I will have another ten years at most. Even if I am banned, I can only bow my head in front of this messenger. I’m afraid you will lose your job. Who will come out? I am here and you are also getting married. What is a marriage master? Every marriage master is a great being. I am the spokesperson of the god of death. If you are really a marriage master, please reveal your identity to this messenger. The messenger of death, a corpse that sank into its own flesh and blood as soon as it touched the edge of necromancy. Also worthy of calling himself the messenger of death What is Fang Lin's spell or mistake ? I am a great evil soul master. How dare you betray the poisonous Death God ? Die to the Venomous Death God . Although I can't remember most of the things in the past , I still vaguely remember that if I thought, I would have already died . The god of death is ridiculous. Although I can't remember most of the poems in the past , I still vaguely remember that if I thought I was already a god, what did you do? Why can't I control them? I don't want me to give you a chance for revenge. I seem to have had it in my heart. The hatred is unforgettable , but now it is peaceful . I am going to sleep again. Remember, there is no magic of good and evil . The power of evil can also be used on the right path. Xiao Yuhao, when will there be no hatred in your heart , only joy and kindness ? Then I will truly become your third Soulless and you will be qualified to inherit my undead magic. 1 Old man, who are you so powerful ? He should have been a human like you before and had very powerful abilities. I guess he encountered a strong enemy and was beaten both physically and mentally. Only a trace of spiritual imprint escaped. Yi Lao's strength lies in his level , but the trauma he has suffered is very heavy. It will take at least a hundred years to repair that trace of spiritual imprint to self-sufficiency . He cannot easily use this kind of power. What he said His magic should belong to his plane, and his ability is very powerful. You can learn from him in the future , but Yi Lao's ability is not at the same level as the evil soul master Yi Lao and that guy. Yi Lao has already reached the state of returning to the true state. At this stage, you don't need to do anything. Just practice hard and keep getting stronger. I understand. What's going on with Yuhao ? Where's that evil soul master? You said so , the evil anti-zombie is easy for him. If you 're fine, just leave. Let's go and see inside. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to open a bigger betel nut. Okay, okay, Yuhao , I'm fine . How's the situation? Yao Haoxuan died in battle . His body was contaminated with poison. He could only take some relics away and leave others to appreciate the shame. How? The minister cut off his left arm to support the last one. The ones with the most serious injuries were relatively tender , but their poisonous injuries were very serious and the others had to be treated in time . Ma Xiaotao and the others were not poisoned and their internal organs were injured by the town . They, like Lin Luochen, need half a month to nurse themselves back to health . Where is the messenger of death? He died after being hit by Huo Yuhao's mental shock. He was torn to pieces by his servants. Well done. I avenged Yao Haoxuan. I checked that the bomb fragments were soul guides made from the combination of strong acid , highly poisonous remarriage poison and ore. The elemental long bomb technology is very complex and even our Soul Guidance Institute cannot easily produce it. In other words, the only people on the Douluo Continent who can mass-produce such Soul Island bombs are the Sun Moon Empire and the Silla Empire. The friction between the Sun Moon Empire and the Silla Empire is constant. This group of evil soul masters The hiding place is close to the Silla Empire army garrison. It's hard to say whether they have other intentions. We will talk about this later. I must take Gong Yangmo, Chen Zifeng and Xixi back to the academy for treatment immediately. You go back again . Well, I will take responsibility if I go. It's completely too late for me to send new players from the academy to participate in the competition. I can only fight for you first. At least hold on until Xiaotao and the other three are injured and squander the children. The honor of the academy can only rely on you . Don't be afraid of failure and shame. It only belongs to me. Xuanzi said Well, what are you going to do when you propose to convene a Poseidon Pavilion meeting? Everyone already knows what happened this time. This is not the first time something has gone wrong when I lead the team. As the team leader, it is my responsibility. I have decided to resign as the deputy leader of the supervision team and withdraw from Poseidon Pavilion Xuanlong. How can anyone make mistakes ? Besides, there are many factors that led to the remnant of the army. There were also scheming during the marriage and the unexpected Soul Island element bomb . Zhao Zhe, please stop talking about me. This time, I caused one death and serious injury. This responsibility can only be It's up to me to bear the responsibility of Xuan Lang. Just stay. Your dedication to the college over the years has been obvious to all . I will also go to Yao Haoxuan's family to try my best to resolve their grief. I will say goodbye. Come back, Mr. Mu, I really have no shame to stay any longer. Can't you hear me asking you to come back ? Why don't you blame yourself and cultivate more and better supervisors ? Ling'er. After the competition, you send a letter to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy in the name of Shrek Academy to apply for exchange and send our souls. If the students from the Island Academy go to exchange and study with them, will they agree to it? Our students will probably agree with it. They have long hoped to exchange and study with Shrek Academy . As for the students, they are going to gain experience. At least let them I know what the Soul Island-style academy, which represents the most advanced one on the mainland, looks like . Well, I understand. You have carefully negotiated that the Wuhun Academy and the Soul Island Academy must be integrated within 5 years . Isn’t it too hasty ? Although Soul Island technology is developing very quickly. But after a soul master reaches the soul saint level, soul masters still cannot compare with us soul masters. Not long ago, I personally went to the Sun and Moon Empire and saw many things that shocked me. The development of soul island technology in the Sun and Moon Empire has surpassed ours. In my imagination, I even saw a super-large soul island weapon that needed to be controlled by multiple people. That thing was enough to threaten my life. What, teacher, you are already a level 99 Ultimate Douluo, but there is a soul island weapon that can threaten your life. That is The power of the Soul Island weapon is quite terrifying. Judging from the current situation of the Sun and Moon Empire, they have become increasingly unwilling to be left alone . Do you think the academy will be able to survive alone once a large-scale war begins ? When you wake up later, we will go to Silla City. Wow, Patrol City is so big. It looks so good. Half of the people who entered are here to watch the game. Let’s gather in the hotel conference room. I want to start the pre-game pep rally. The competition will officially start tomorrow. I will now answer your questions about the game. When will the extra luck from the teacher’s college come ? I have received it. It takes a certain amount of time for students to send messages to mobilize the students who are out. Mr. Zhou, we actually don’t know how the competition will compare. The first round of the competition is a knockout round. The losing side will be directly eliminated. The competition format is 7 vs. 7 team battle. After the end, there will be a round robin. The specific mode will be explained to you by Teacher Zhou . I will wait until you have passed the knockout round . So we have to survive the knockout round on our own. We cannot be eliminated before we can wait for reinforcements, right? You have to be special like this. No matter what you do, you can't be allowed to do it. You will blame yourself. Are you afraid? Have you forgotten that even though you are a reserve team , you are all elite academy opponents of Shrek Academy. It's better than you think. I can tell you that opponents in the fourth ring are very rare . Hahaha, then my self-confidence will be inflated. After the meeting, Xiaotao, the three of you are leaving Teacher Zhou. Is it meaningful for you to comfort them like this? Is this what Teacher Zhou did ? Explain that tomorrow I don’t have to raise my morale at all, and I don’t have your injuries. How long will it take before I can join the battle? I need precise time. My injuries are at least 10 days and I can be healed . Ma Xiaotao will be fine in 15 days and Da Yao will be fine in 17 days. You must keep it a secret that we don’t have reinforcements. Victory is needed to build confidence. Is what Teacher Zhou said true? Regardless of whether it is true or not, we must all take it as true. If you want to fight, hit us. Our cultivation level is already top-notch in Tongling. Is it possible for His Majesty the Soul King to reach the level of all the ministers in the entire continent ? The Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition is the most important and prosperous event in our Douluo Continent soul master world. It is our turn to be held in our Star Luo Empire. I am very happy to be here on behalf of the Star Luo Empire to welcome those from afar headed by Shrek Academy. Representatives of each academy hope that you will show your due style in the competition in the next month. I announce that the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition has officially begun . Hello everyone, I am the host and referee of this competition . There are a total of 133 schools participating in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Deng Lun Competition. The competition is divided into three main rounds: the first round, the second round, the round robin, the third round and the finals. The first knockout round will be held next. The two sides are Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy. The representative team and the No. 1 academy in mainland China are also known as the Shrek student representative team, which has countless honors and has almost won all the competitions in the past nearly a thousand years. Shrek, Shrek, Shrek, Shrek, Shrek, Shrek. This is the last time you will enjoy the cheers of the audience. There are hundreds of thousands of spectators outside. If our prison cards are invalid, don't panic. It's our honor to be expected. We also faced the same situation in the last competition. What I can tell you is that our opponents are ten times more nervous and panicked than us. Because we are from Shrek Academy. When Yu Hao comes to the stage, you are responsible for directing the battle. Others must mobilize Yu Hao according to his mental detection and sharing . If possible, make good use of your second wedding period. Second wedding period, the members of both sides enter the stage and show your courage . Shrek must win, Shrek must win, go , hahahaha, Shrek , Shrek , Shrek, Shrek , Shrek, Shrek, Shrek , Shrek, Shrek welcomes Shrek Academy representative team, Tianling Advanced Soul Master Academy representative team, Shrek Shrek What is Shrek Academy doing? Why didn't they send the son of Dai Hao, the main member of Ninth Sister, in there? Are they so young and are they Shrek's political review team? Jump quickly, isn't this Shrek Academy's reserve team? It's too despising for the opponent to assign the reserve team to play in the opening game. Come on, people, this is the knockout round, Shrank’s union , the glory of the Tang Sect . We not only want to win this game , but we want to win beautifully . We want to bring out the glory that belongs to our Shrek Academy. Yu Hao, please, please listen to me and arrange your positions later. In the first round of the knockout round, the team battle between Tianling Academy and Shrek Academy started with classic formations. The 3211 formation has both offense and defense. It seems that Tianling Senior Soul Master Academy does not intend to tie up its hands. What kind of formation is this? Xue Zhiqian, Xue Zhiqian , Xue Zhiqian, he looks down on people too much Everyone open martial arts , we lost one hundred thousand year soul, two hundred thousand year soul rings, three 100,000 electric soul rings, what's going on, I ca n't stand it , it's not over yet, 4, how is it possible, come again , this car is 5, 5 Quickly look at 5, 6 , 6, 100,000-year soul rings, 6, 100,000-year soul rings, what a monster this is ! The defensive formation is so strong , it’s your dragon sword that shines together, the golden path of the unruly people . The game is over, winner, Shrek Academy representative team, please remember that I am from Shrek Academy and from others , ah, the attack was too harsh, I have already been merciful , otherwise none of them would be able to finish the game alive. The attitude of the other teams. Do you still want to watch ? I'm not interested. Help. Who will help? This is where I met Shrek. Why did I meet Shrek in the first shot? Their wedding was seriously overdrawn and they need to be well cultivated . In short, this opening game is a safe landing for the younger brother. The tactic was very successful. First, he used 6 simulated hundred thousand year soul rings to shock the opponent , and then used the martial soul fusion agent to defeat them in one fell swoop. This martial soul fusion agent was stronger than the previous ones. Yuhao and Wang Dong should have fused their martial souls. It’s the ultimate reason why you are so vain after you use the Golden Road. Thank you for buying precious time for us. We will do our best to win every game. I faint after the rain. Who let you sleep in my bed ? It hurts so much. I fainted after the Dong game. I only remember that we won. How did I know that I would sleep here? Besides, we are all boys . What’s the big deal ? Wait, Wang Dong , we won. We won. Yes, we won. There is only one round in the knockout round . Next, we There are 3 days to recover. As long as you survive a few rounds of round-robin games and try to find out about them, these regular players will be able to return to the team one after another. Sister Xiaotao is so friendly. Time is running out. Let's practice Haodong's power and recover our soul power as soon as possible . Well, I'll go change my clothes first. I 'll see you in the morning for the first time. I represented Shrek Academy and won the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. This is a new beginning. Mom, I will definitely not disappoint you. I am willing to successfully land in the opening battle of this year's All -Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. Let us look forward to all the team members achieving great results again and bringing greater honors back to Shrek Academy . I We are willing to ride the wind and go ashore in the opening match of this year's All-Continent Advanced Red Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. Let us look forward to all the team members achieving great results again and bringing greater honors back to Xiao Yuhaota Gate . The Mainland Advanced Red Master Academy’s Soul Fighting Competition shines brightly . The Tang Sect’s revival is expected. The distance between me and them is getting farther and farther. The progress of Hunli is getting slower and slower. The fruit is really delicious competition in Xinle City has been started for three days. I watched other The competition situation of the colleges. Except for our easy appearance in the first round of the knockout round, other colleges can be described as tragic. Even the Royal Soul Island Academy of the Sun and Moon encountered tenacious resistance. Thanks to the junior brother, the round robin will start tomorrow. For the round robin , I have to do something. Make detailed pre-war arrangements. For this, you need to know your respective soul traces. Yuhao, Wang Dong, Xiaoxiao’s soul traces. I believe you have already learned about Jiangnan Nanxu Thirty and Cai Teng ’s soul traces in the Grand Smash Bros. It’s convenient to tell everyone about your soul traces. Well, my martial spirit is Soft Bone Rabbit Wen Jing , which is roughly the same as Soft Bone Douluo Xiao Wu in the first generation of Shrek's Seven Trigrams . However, he is strong and aggressive, and I am agile and aggressive and focus more on speed. Well, my first three soul traces are all Defensive , but I have a super useful fourth soul trace , that's it. It's really a secret. You must not tell it. Cai Tong, Ban Yu said that you are not only talented in the hybrid guide, but you are also an excellent physical system. Marriage , let everyone see your abilities. My abilities are not outstanding. You are optimistic about the cute lollipop. My first soul skill increases mental power by 10%. The second soul skill increases strength. The third soul trace increases defense. The fourth attribute is the soul power increase. The increase effect is 10%. 10%. It is such a strong increase in mental power. I feel that my mental power has been condensed like never before. It seems that the martial arts drama missed a genius and had an inorganic marriage. You are really a bunch of monsters. Hey, who are you ? I heard that there is a student in the second grade who comes from the Kubo Glazed Sect. His mixed level increase is amazing. Unlike the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, although the increase is stronger , it is implemented. Your lollipop only consumes soul power when making it . If you consume Caitou again, your talents are no longer in the Soul Fighting Competition. The battlefield with thousands of troops is the stage for you to show your abilities. With your ability, you can almost guarantee the supply of an army of a thousand people. Your hands are like this. Second Brother, you are so awesome. Okay, you all go back and try Caitou's Soul Trail. Now let's arrange the warriors for the round robin. 67 teams entered the round robin and were divided into 8 groups. We only have 8 teams in this group to compete in 7 rounds. At present, it seems that Ling Luochen will be in the round robin. Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yaoheng, who have returned from the fourth round, will come back in the sixth round . There are three battle modes in the round-robin competition, but no matter which one is drawn tomorrow, the first thing is to prevent Yu Hao and Wang Dong from taking action as much as possible. If you don't take action , who can be sure that their 6 hundred thousand year soul rings are fake or that from now on I will call you Xiao Hongchen. Remember my name. Wait until you advance to the finals and then tell me Yuhao. Why did you stop me just now? You are not. His opponent, I used mental detection to confirm that Xiao Hongchen is a five-ring soul king. He is about the same age as us. He should also be a reserve member of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Island Master Academy. The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Island Master Academy is better than us. I imagined it would be even stronger. Five years later, we and that Xiao Hongchen will participate in the next competition as regular players. Only then will we become real opponents. We will not lose to him. Whether it is five years later or now, it will not be easy after this popularity. Girls, children, girls, children, girls, they are children, they are children, they are children, they are children , they are children. In the first round of the round robin, our opponent is Yunluo Advanced Soul Tutor Academy. Soul Tutor Academy, the Silla Empire’s hybrid guide technology has developed rapidly in recent years. Among them, Yunluo Academy's performance is the most outstanding. There are three competition methods in the round-robin competition , namely team battle, one-on-one individual battle and 223 battle. The rules of team battle are determined by drawing lots on the day of the game . You know that one-on-one individual battle is conducted by each team sending one player. In a one-on-one fight , the loser sends out the next team member until all 7 players on one side are defeated. If the person who fights is strong enough, wouldn't he be able to eliminate the other team by himself ? If you can do it , of course you can fight between two and three. What's more , two 2-on-2 and one 3-on-3 fight is also the most ideal way for us to play. Because if you win the first two games, you don't have to fight in the third game and you can hide your true strength. Please ask the captains of both sides to come on stage. Draw lots , Shrek Academy, Wei Yunluo Academy, one-on-one stand-up format, please send the first team member from both sides to the stage, Xu Sansheng, yes, I will give you this chance, you can see mine in the first game, my name is Ma Yingjun, please show me mercy, senior, you have Am I handsome? Well, no, absolutely not. Then I 'll start the game later. Why are there only four rings? What about that guy with six hundred thousand year soul rings who knows how to shoot ? Well, well, why are you running ? This guy is going to cause trouble again. What happened? Player Xu Sanshi actually ran to the sidelines. Oh, Ma Yingjun was stunned. Why did he shoot quickly? Oh, what happened? If he fell out of the field, he would be judged as a failure . Hey , hey, hey , hahahahaha . The patrolling academy horse. Handsome jumped out of the competition stage and won the first game at Guanfang Academy. He smiled. This guy's fourth trace is called universal replacement within a certain range. You can instantly switch the position between yourself and your opponent. This is originally a very powerful skill , but this guy often makes people speechless when using it. Although he won, most of them were tricks . Shrek still needs to show his true strength to win. Shrek's four rings The soul master should be just a reserve team member. He easily eliminated the opponent Shrek without consuming any soul power. Sure enough , there are many talented people. Captain, am I fooled? Nonsense . Yunluo Academy has lost all its face to you. It's unreasonable for you to have sex with a beautiful woman . Yuhao, watch it. The opponent uses a melee soul stealer. The melee soul stealer can greatly improve the melee ability of the powerful attack player Soul Vision. The best way to deal with them is to distance yourself and go into the mountain to fight the soul stealer for you. No, no, no, I can't hold on. I can’t stand it. I ’m familiar with you , beauty. Is it okay? I ’ll win the next one. The second match of the individual competition. Shrek Academy student Yun Luo, senior soul instructor academy captain Situ Yu. Shrek Academy Xu Sanshi. I know your true strength is definitely not what you showed before. As the captain of Yunluo Academy, I hope there will be an upright game as you wish. Junior brother, look, this is the fortress strategy with the most powerful attack and defense among our soul masters. Fortress occupation , right? It ’s also called the fort strategy. Protect yourself with the Soul Island Armor. Soul Island weapons are spread all over your body. Supplemented by healing soul tools and hybrid recovery arrays, the soul master can maintain defense stability for a short period of time and continue to output attacks at full power. To summarize, it is almost impossible for a soul master to compete. The defense of the Soul Island Fort is so strong. The bastard captain's attack just now was much stronger than my soul-blocking double swords. He can defend but deliberately shows weakness in front of me. The firepower is full . That great shanzi is his martial soul. He uses his martial soul to activate the soul. The purpose of skill locking and soul island tracking bombs is to attack the defenseless backside of the seniors of the third division . Let’s see how you fall this time. Is he really a defensive soul master? Is he really a defensive soul master? If you kill him with a level 4 bastard cannon, this guy won’t bother to do it again. The strongest point of the fort warfare method is that it is immovable. Your position-changing skills are ineffective on me. This is the upright competition I give you. Oops , senior , he is so strong. His soul power level is higher than I am still one level higher than the seven of us. He is the best in cultivation . I lost and was convinced. All the remaining points in the individual competition. Yunluo Academy surrendered. Yunluo Academy abstained . Shrek Academy won 30 points and got all the remaining points in the individual competition. At 7 points, Yunluo Academy abstained from a string of 7s. A string of 7s. Shrek's deposit of 30 is equivalent to a string of 7s. I really underestimated Shrek. That four-ring soul master didn't have the six hundred thousand year soul rings before. Experience has achieved the feat of the hereditary period. Xi'an Ke, Southwest Guest, Southwest Guest, Southwest Guest, brother, what are you thinking? Brother, if we come up, it can be a legend. Shrek is Shrek. From the first battle to the second battle, my confidence was hit. You've been here for a long time and you'll be hit. Your confidence has never diminished. That's not necessarily true. After all, in the last Shrek game, a monster with 6 hundred thousand year soul rings came out. Do you believe it? Of course not, but Mighty Slater Slater Warrior Mighty Round 1 We passed without any injuries. You guys go back to the hotel and practice hard. Teacher Zhou, why don’t we stay and observe the competition of other teams? Yes, at least watch the competition of Sun Moon Royal Soul Island Master Academy. It 's enough for me to observe the opponent . You have to maintain a sense of mystery to avoid being seen through by other teams. Well, Teacher Zhou is hiding something from us. Well, I think he deliberately didn't let us watch the subsequent games. That's because I, Yichuan 7, performed the feat first. I didn’t see the next game at all. I think he was worried that seeing the next game would affect our mentality. Teacher Zhou didn’t let us watch. We have our own way to assemble and complete the Wangyuantun ranking period. Now use your intelligence skills to detect the enemy’s situation. Zijin Demon Boy Spirit Detection That's Yuhao, what did you see? Quanwu Revenant King Team Quanwu Revenant King We were in the same group and in the round-robin match, there were two military attache soul kings fighting against each other . The author of the 50+ level soul king, the Unreturning King, and the other team members It's very likely that they are all level 40 or above , and the one with the highest cultivation level here is just a level 43 soul trace. It doesn't matter. After a few games, I will pick them up and return to the team. Not only will we have a soul king , but we will even have a six-soul soul emperor. It doesn't matter, swallow it back. Before the seniors come back, we must defend the dignity of the college no matter what. Beibei, don't you think ? Isn't it too early? This competition is not our stage yet. Yuhao and they are the core of the next one . It doesn't matter if you expose yourself too early, Tyrannosaurus , etc. Senior Brother, you mean that you and the seniors of the Third Division still have hidden strength. You think that our Gemini star in the outer courtyard has a false reputation. How many percent of your strength did you use in today's game ? Count on 40 percent. Well, in fact, only by working together with Beibei can we bring out our strongest strength. Even if we face the Soul Emperor with average cultivation level, it's not impossible to fight. That's great . Then we will definitely be able to hold on until Sister Xiaotao and the others return , but only the senior brother and the seniors of the third division are the only ones. Two breakthrough points are not enough. I, Wang Dong, Xiaoxiao and the others are always weak. At times like this, can you please stop taking me with you ? Hahahahaha. As soul masters, what do you think of the right seal of the soul stealing weapon Tang Sect that has turned from a saint to a bad person? I don’t know or like the opportunistic props . Maybe they are in our team. It can make up for the shortcomings of Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao. This competition is very different from before. There are fewer pure soul masters. The combination of soul masters and soul masters is getting closer. Almost all participating team members are equipped with Soul Island Opera. Forget about the glory of the soul master. The battle of the soul master should be purely based on the abilities cultivated by oneself. The most reliable soul guide achievement is a foreign object. This is also the idea of ​​most senior leaders of Shrek Academy. But think about the group of evil souls in the Mingdou Mountains. What would happen if we were all equipped with defensive soul-stealing devices in the explosion caused by the teacher ? Although the Soul Island elemental bomb exploded suddenly, its power could not break the defensive soul-stealing devices. If the seniors were equipped with defensive soul-stealing devices, Yang Haoxuan Seniors will not sacrifice. Although we are not strong enough now and need to equip hybrid guides , the role of hybrid guides will be accumulated after cultivating to a certain level. Wouldn't it be more powerful if we focus on our own cultivation and use hybrid guides as a supplement ? Now , even if we are like Xuan The old level 98 titled Douluo wouldn't dare to say that he is proud of the entire continent. After all, the several level 9 Hun Dao masters in the Sun and Moon Empire are always dangerous , not to mention the legendary level 10 Hun Dao masters. In addition, as humans fight against souls, The soul ring may become a luxury product due to the continuous squeezing of the beast's living space. By then, the hob machine will be the basis of human strength. Only by accepting it will we not be eliminated by the times. Come with me. I will take you to a local auction house . Come on in . The bidding funds and the academy provided Guangdong. What’s wrong with you? I don’t know what’s going on . I just have no resistance to Soul Island. No need to persuade me. I’ll go back and think about it. You guys go ahead. Wang Dong has lived in such a film and television sect since he was a child. It is also normal for the island's gasoline conflict to arise. The film and television sect is strange . Wang Dong seems to have never said anything about his family. Welcome to the Starlight Auction House. The Starlight Auction House is the largest auction house in the Silla Empire. Tonight is a special event for hybrid guides. Good evening, distinguished guests. I am Qingya, the auctioneer of the Starlight Auction House. Tonight's auction will be hosted by me. Tonight's auction includes level 3-6 hybrid guides, which are suitable for soul masters with cultivation levels below the mixed network. Level 3-6 hybrid guides are simply for fighting. Is it possible that the auction is tailor-made for the Soul Competition and is behind the promotion of the Star Luo Empire? What we are showing now is the first lot. Our Lot No. 1 is a level 3 remote soul guide. The soul guide paralysis ray is from the hands of a level 6 soul guide. The core array has been improved and the attack has a paralysis effect. After testing, this soul-guided paralysis ray can cause about 10 paralysis for 1 second when it acts on an unsuspecting powerful five-ring soul king. It can paralyze a soul king in a short time. This soul island paralysis ray can The value is indeed far higher than the ordinary three gold soul coins. The starting price is 1,000 gold soul coins. Each increase will not be less than 50 kilograms of soul coins. The bidding starts with 1,300 gold soul coins, 1,800 gold soul coins, 2,500 kilograms of soul coins . VIP No. 166 bids 2,500 gold soul coins. Is there any more to add? 2,500 one time 2,5002 times 2,500 three times. Which of you will use this soul guide? With our cultivation level, it doesn’t make much sense to equip a level 3 soul guide. Give it to Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao’s soul power has reached level 29. It can happen at any time. It is more convenient to hand over the third-level hybrid guide to the three-ring soul master to operate it. It is better to give it to the squad leader. The squad leader can also train the hybrid guide to maximize its effect. Yuhao has a lot of hybrid guides in this auction for each of you. Everyone has a share. Please take a look at the next lot, deal, deal, deal. Here is tonight's penultimate lot. This lot has a funny name called the milk bottle. The milk bottle is just commonly known as the correct name. It is a charging hybrid guide. Its function is to replenish soul power. The milk bottles of the corresponding level can replenish the soul power of the corresponding level. This is a level 4 milk bottle. The starting price is 6,000 gold soul coins. Each increase will not be less than 100 gold soul coins. 10,000 gold soul coins. 20,000. Xiao Wang 1,00025 ,000 25,0001 times 25,0002 times 25,000 gold soul coins, 3 times sold. Next is the last auction tonight. Its price is very high , but I believe people who really understand him will find it worth the money . Yuhao, what are you doing? What a sharp feeling is a carving knife. What is a carving knife? The most critical step in making a stunner is to engrave the core array. This requires the use of a special carving knife. The higher the level of the stunner, the more high-level carving tools are needed to make it. If there is a soul master among the distinguished guests here, I believe that the four words "Hunting-tied and Carving Knife" will be familiar to you. As a hunting-tied and carving knife, it is one of the top 100 carving knives in the continent's carving knife rankings. Every one of them is rare but rare. The treasure you are looking for is only two hunting knives in the entire Shrek Academy. They are guarded by the second principal of Xianling in Soul Island Academy and Panyu. What are you waiting for? Let’s start the bidding. This distinguished guest, please be patient. Although this hunting knives are bound to It is precious but has a fatal problem. Let me explain the fatal problem. He is ranked 99th in the ranking of gravers , but with his actual ability, it is not a problem to be ranked in the top 30. The reason why he is ranked low is because it is a cursed knife. Is the carving knife that ferocious sword that reflects back on its owner? Shilin is right. This carving knife is the Shihlin carving knife, which is known as the ferocious knife. He was born in the Sun and Moon Empire 3000 years ago. He was a brilliant ninth-level warrior. The moment it was born in the hands of the soul master, it brought disaster to the master and caused him to fall in a fierce battle. After that, he experienced 37 masters. All 37 people died tragically without exception. I heard the teacher tell the story of the Xiong Dao Ten Spirits and the mystery of his curse. It's definitely not a rumor. Even if he is a hunting stick and carving knife, we can't ask for a starting price of 100,000 gold soul coins. Each increase will not be less than 5,000 gold soul coins. The bidding starts at 100,000. This VIP bids 100,000 gold soul coins. Is there any other VIP bid? Yu Hao, Mr. Zhou, Senior Brother, I have a way to remove the curse of this carving knife. Take a picture of it and take it one hundred thousand times. 100,000 for 2 times and 100,000 for 3 times. Everyone’s harvest was good today. I don’t know how Wang Dong is doing. Wang Dong , I don’t even understand what happened today . I just heard everyone talk about the mixer and I felt inexplicable. Irritability, there seems to be another consciousness in my mind that is rejecting the other consciousness. Is there something else in Wang Dong's spiritual sea ? Wang Dong, can you trust me? I am a spiritual drama soul master. If you really have another consciousness in your mind, With a consciousness , I can enter your spiritual sea and find out. I believe you are good . Then close your eyes and don’t resist my spiritual power entering your body. What is this ? Yuhang, run quickly . What is the danger in the future ? Wang Tao Are you Xiaodong? Big brother, Xiaodong has a dangerous seal. It was only triggered for a moment. Xiaodong is fine. I'm still worried. I'll go to Shrek. Second brother, if you are concerned , it will cause chaos . Xiaodong is fine , and he is not in Shrek now . You You have to know that he is watching all the time, yes , but the release of the seal is also a big deal. We have to send a few disciples of the sect to protect Xiaodu. Not only is it a thief to guard this ancient sect that has stood for thousands of years, it is also ours. After your duty, run away . No, it will be dangerous in the future. Wang Dong, you are so powerful and sacred . Is this power protecting Wang Dong? Ichiro . What is hidden in Wang Dong’s spiritual sea? Will it harm him ? It is the power of the seal used to protect Wang Dong's spiritual sea from being eroded. Seal Yu Hao. Don't try to peek at Wang Dong's spiritual power. This power comes from a wisp of the divine stone, which is enough to make you travel to the gods. Gather and destroy the adventure. What is the divine stone ? The sacred stone is a ray of consciousness of the god. The life experience of the god Wang Dong is not simple. The wisp of the sacred stone in his spiritual sea is so powerful that its original owner is unimaginable . Even when I was the strongest in my life, I couldn't match it. What is Wang Dong's identity? What will happen to you in the future? It's okay. Just peeking into your spiritual sea is a bit draining on me. I didn't notice anything unusual. I knew I would let you come like this. I don't want you to do this. Don't worry about this . We are teammates. Hurry up and practice the power of motivation. Tomorrow will be the round robin. The second round is about to begin. This year is the strongest year in the 4,000 years of our glorious Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. We only have one opponent. Tell me who they are. Shrek . Well, today I got the spy information. Only 3 people came from Shrek Academy. Do you know what this means, 7 reserve members of the political election team ? Contempt for us, complete contempt for us. Ma Rulong will lose to Shrek again in this competition. You, the elected captain, get out of the Royal Academy . It’s Ma Lao. Things are not that simple, right? Shrek. The academy is not a fool. They know very well that the three orthodox students they sent are definitely not our opponents. Little Hongchen, you must not underestimate Shrek, Lion, Rabbit, Yixu, all your strength. My only opponent is myself . Welcome to the New Luo Dou Plaza. Next, it’s Qianmen Academy vs. Shrek Academy. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety . If we persist for two more stops, Senior Ling Luchen will be back. Great. I won’t say it’s trivial. Persistence is victory. Come on , please let the captains of both sides come on stage to draw lots. Qianling Academy is here. The top three in the Douling Empire are a strong team with a five-ringed soul king. In the knockout stage, their lineup of lip soul masters showed good strength. The captain of Qianling Academy, Shen Ce, the soul soul, the two emperors and the three sons are not the best souls. Ring configuration , but his martial soul is an extremely penetrating attack system weapon. The most troublesome thing about the martial soul is that they have two control system soul masters, one is the ice-attributed cooling liquid and the live-attributed drizzle liquid is called ice fire. Dual control, everyone must be careful. Is it true that Mulang won't send anyone over? There is a pair of them from the same clan , but there are three soul kings. Shaozhe asked you to ask. He is worried. Shrek may not be able to go far if he only sends the reserve team . Why must he get it? The champion children are doing well. You tell Shaozhe that these seven children, led by Huo Yuhao, will be the founders of Shrek's glory in the next thousand years. I want to train them in this competition . Mulang, you think of them so highly . Every year we sharpen our swords , we have to focus on the future. Slater Academy’s most signature academy team battle allows you to see my strongest attack. The competition starts with Wuhun. You don’t care. After the Soul Emperor, except for the nurse, the other two players are competing for the first time . It seems to be history. Lake Academy has been hiding its strength. I am not Shrek. I only retain three regular members on purpose to paralyze my opponents. I ca n’t take care of the chef. This time, he not only simulated my soul ring , but also simulated Wang Dong Xiaoxiao’s soul ring into six. Losing the stability of our opponents is equivalent to creating scheming for us. In addition to the Guardian with 6 hundred thousand year soul rings, Shrek Academy actually also has two six-ring soul emperors, the eldest son of the White Tiger Duke. The ammunition box is also a symbol of the soul emperor's cultivation. Shrek has at least 4 soul emperors who have testified to open the shield. Yang Ming, Song Mansion's white minister, Ye Mao, all four of them are defense-type Qi Chen masters, Wuhun Lingxiton. They have the same martial souls and should come from the same main sect. They will cooperate well and Shrek will go out to kill. you here Lingxi Dun is an artifact soul with outstanding defense power. This is not good news for us who lack attack power. Han Bingzhi . The combination of the Ice Team and the Lingxi Team has increased the defense power by at least 30% . Let's have a baptism of fire. It turns out that the Soul Stealing Cannon's hidden strength is not just the two of us . In retrospect, the soul master is indeed stronger than the soul master in childhood. What's more, the second senior brother is still using the most energetic soul guide cannon. Battlefield Nan Nan Xue Sword Good opportunity . I'm under your control. My brother succeeded. Give me the soul catching skill Bingshuang Lingjue. He has a soul bone. The quality of the head soul bone is very good. The power of this soul bone skill is close to the soul king's fifth soul skill. It's the third soul. The Wrath of the Sword Thunder, the Third Soul Sword, the power of the underworld , Thousand Chicken Feathers , Yanyan, give me cooperation, the ring of flames, the determination, the green face, the ultimate trace increase, with four defensive soul masters to block the opponent in front, plus the military control assistance to enhance the defense and reduce it. The purpose of the opponent's speed is to create an opportunity for the reviewer and Fei Yuyan to join forces to launch a fatal blow. Well, what will greet you after breaking is the attack of thousands of hateful troops. The soul of the urgent demon boy is charged. The danger behind the rain is the trouble of Xuan Ming. The Three Saints of Xuan Ming Shield. At the top of the palace, the power is really terrifying . I don’t have time to charge up for the second season. Look at me in the cold night. Come on, Huo Yuhao, let me see your true strength . This is the most serious mistake you have ever made and the fate of the cave. Do you want to continue calling me the master ? I told people that the power of the frost tornado that Shrek team won was comparable to that of the Soul King. The fifth soul trace was blocked like this . Does he really have 6 hundred thousand year souls? The emperor , Huo Yuhao, and Wang Dong Xiaoxiao are all second-year students in Shrek's outer college. Well, the three of them just entered school last year. They agreed with Dai Huabin, the enemy of the White Tiger Duke. In the same year, they defeated Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu's team won the freshman assessment championship. This was at Shrek back then. The academy caused a sensation . So they are indeed reserve members. With such a lineup, they actually won three games in a row . But just such a lineup may not attract the attention of the Sun and Moon Empire. Did they all participate in the auction at the Starlight Auction House a few days ago ? Lake and Sun and Moon have secretly participated. Very good. Brother Huang, what do you mean? Next, I need to fill up the Qianjinmao to resist him. It takes a lot of effort for me. Nannan, please rub it for me . Tianling Academy is not a traditional strong team . We are The opponent in the next game, Zhengtian Academy, is the real strong enemy. After watching their first round match, I originally planned to abstain from the game with them. Zhengtian Academy has three soul kings sitting there, and its captain’s cultivation level is as high as 100,000. Level 58. At level 58 , his name is Ye Qingqing. With his cultivation level, even if he is placed in Shrek Academy , he is enough to be selected as a regular player. The gap in the 58th quarter is too big for us to win. Originally, I thought so too. After watching your game today, I I have found a chance to win. The only chance is with you , Xu Sanshi . After checking Shrek's side, only Beibei , Xu Thirty and the three from Jiangnan were the core disciples who were originally going to be promoted to the inner courtyard this year. As for the one named Huo Yuhao The young man knows nothing except his name. Could he really be the Soul Emperor with six hundred thousand year soul rings? There is absolutely no such possibility. In today's competition, he broke the frost tornado with one move. It also made me doubt his cultivation. But if you think about it carefully , even the real soul emperor cannot directly control the opponent's soul traces , so there is only one possibility: Huo Yu's martial soul is also a weapon attribute and has a higher level. Isn't the insight a little worse? Qianling Academy ranks first. When Fa Qian Jin Mao was playing, Huo Yuhao shot a beam of light at Shen Ce. That beam of light made Shen Ce's attack a moment late. It was probably a spiritual attack. What you mean is that the twin martial souls Huo Yuhao is young and has the most cultivation . It's the Fourth Ring Soul Sect. Judging from the talent of his twin martial souls, he is indeed considered excellent. Unfortunately, he is too young and is not as strong as us. You are saying that if we are of the same age, I will not be his opponent. What do you think? Even if he is a twin martial soul, I am also a soul master and soul teacher. At the same age, his soul power may not be able to be cultivated to my level. Hahahahaha. Very good. What we want is this confidence. In the last competition, Duke White Tiger Dai Yaoheng, the eldest son of Dai Yaoheng , played as a reserve team in this competition but did not show his face, so I have reason to believe that Shrek can only send a reserve team to compete in this competition for some reasons . Our Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy has been suppressed by Shrek for 3,000 years. Our chance has come. The sun and the moon must be born. The sun and the moon must be born. If Shrek really only has reserve members there, they may not even be able to pass the Zhengtian Academy level in the next round . So that’s what you mean, Teacher Zhou. At the beginning of the next game, I used Xuanming Displacement to swap places with the captain of Zhengtian College, Ye Qingwu. The remaining 6 people surrounded Ye Qingqing and knocked him down . During this period, I would also fall into the Uyghur state of the 6 players of Zhengtian College . Use our strongest defense in exchange for concentrating your energy to deal with the opponent's players with the strongest overall quality. As long as you can hold on until Ye Wuqing is eliminated by Shrek, you can gain as many as a small number of advantages. With Xu Xu's defense power, you can carry 6 of them. A combined attack is not impossible, but the prerequisite for the implementation of this tactic is that we have to draw a good team fight. Once we draw an individual match or a 223 strategy, it will be very bad. If we can advance to the main selection in the game against Zhengtian Academy, the players can continue We have returned to the team. Today’s game is between Zhengtian Academy and Shrek Academy. The captains of both teams come on stage to draw lots . Senior Brother, the result of the draw will determine whether Teacher Zhou’s tactics can be implemented smoothly. Which career is ruthless? Wow, he is so handsome. The captain of a money-making academy. The appearance is almost as good as the finished product. Please stay away from me. Ye Ye is a ruthless martial spirit. Golden Leaf is a level 58 assault type battle spirit master. He has already appeared as a member of the main team in the last competition. Please press the draw button for the competition system at the same time. Shrek Academy vs. Zhengtian Academy 223 Tactics 223 This is the most unfavorable outcome for us in the previous analysis. The biggest advantage of Zhengtian Academy is that it has three soul kings. They will definitely win every battle. In each round, a soul king was sent to testify about the tactics of defeating each one. In three rounds, the new draw absolutely suppressed Shrek. If we didn't draw a team battle, are we going to lose ? Children, I know this may be too harsh on you , but As the leader of the team, I am not willing to give up. I just say, with Teacher Zhou’s character, how could he give up easily? Well, if we run away without a fight, we are not worthy of being a member of Shrek Academy. Teacher Zhou, we are willing to fight. We are willing to fight . Well done to you all. Well done. Listen to my arrangements for the first battle. Xu Sanshi Jiangnan is hard for you to fight . Didn’t Teacher Zhou say before that the strongest combat power can only be achieved when Senior Xu and Senior Brother join forces ? If there is only one Soul King on the opposite side, we can arrange the tactics like this . But If the opponent has three soul kings, adjustments must be made. Except for captain Ye Qingqing and Meng Di's level 53 power-attack soul master Tang Xiaoli, the level 52 power-attack soul master Tang Xiaoli will not appear in the same team to do so. Regardless of winning or losing, there is one less trump card. Please invite players from both sides to appear in the first game. If I were the leader of Zhengtian College, I would definitely send Yu Mengdi, who is ranked second in strength, to play in the first game . He won the victory while retaining enough trump cards. Mr. Zhou, are you ready? It’s really accurate to stay at Zhengtian College, Yu Mengdi, Yang Yifan, Shrek College, Xu Sanshi, he is from Jiangnan, that Yang Yifan should be from the engineering department, he will assist Yu Mengdi in attacking during the competition , Mr. Zhou, you are so sure that the opponent will let Yu Mengdi be the leader. Of course, the main attacker is because he has the top misunderstanding at the time. The game starts quickly. Look at Angel Angel . His martial soul, the two-winged angel, is a top-notch beast. His martial soul is innate with full soul power. Level 20 speed is famous for his super attack power. The one who shocked the entire continent thousands of years ago. One of the two magics that Poseidon Tang San faced in this war was the Angel God Thousand Blades Snow, the Holy Double Swords, the Holy Glory Cross Platform Sword King, National Replacement . How did you expect that you would have this move ? This move is useless against Yang Yifan. The speed is so fast that even I, the Soul King, can't bounce. It's better to be careful. Their real target is Jiangnan's death. It's so scary. Your opponent is me, Nannan. Worry about yourself first. You're so tired, get out ! Has the bloodline awakened? Teacher Zhou, you know the ordinary ones? The Xuan Ming Turtle is not as good as the Blue Palace Tyrannosaurus Rex in terms of quality. Since he is called the Outer Court Gemini Martial Spirit with you, it is definitely not ordinary. I have read about the Xuan Ming Gui Martial Spirit in ancient books . It seems that through some kind of ritual, it can awaken the seven of us. If someone's martial spirit can be compared with the junior brother's ultimate martial spirit, it would be 30. However, his martial spirit is in a sealed state and there is no strong enough stimulation to break through the seal. Just to save grandma, he temporarily broke through the seal. Senior Brother Xu's martial arts What exactly is the soul? Brother , is he also right? The mythical beast Xuanwu with the bloodline that can rival me. Why did Senior Xu break through the seal today in order to save Nannan ? This is also a bad fate. It seems that the ceremony of awakening the Xuanwu bloodline in 30 has something to do with Nannan. Be careful about this name. The fighting power unleashed by the Xuanming Soul Returner is indeed powerful , but with Meng Di, a soul king with an angel spirit, he is sure of victory even if he is one against two. With Meng Di, his soul power has doubled . Are you okay, okay, I said. Will I protect you? Angel, he is about to deliver the strongest blow. Nan Nan, I'm sorry. I can only resist this move for 3 seconds. Xuanming Formation , Xuanming Formation, Xuanming Formation, Xuanming Power Cycle , Xu Sanshi's attack is also powerful. At the level of Ten Thousand Years of Soul Traces, the Conferred God Cutting Basket is now how can Nannan teleport and invincible spirit. Three seconds of invincible advancement is enough for Jiangnan's personal use of Rujie Demonic Wind to win . Ah, the winner of the first station of the second, second, and third level stations. Shrek Academy begins. Shrek's Eternal Power begins 30. It comes from a film and television variety show with the blood of mythical beasts. Unfortunately, he is not awakened through a ritual but temporarily breaks through the seal due to strong emotional fluctuations. Awakening is temporary and will take a long time to recover for the next episode. I definitely can’t play in the round robin. Nan Nan, please send 30 back to rest. Senior Xu seems to be seriously injured. We won the first game and eliminated the opponent’s second most powerful soul king to take the initiative in the game. Xiao Xiao, the two of you, are there in the second game? In the second game, players from both sides are invited to appear. Zhengtian Academy, Marketing Class, Blood Wolf Shrek Academy, He Caitou, Xiao Xiao, they saved the best until the end. At the beginning of the game , Xiaoxiao was still in the Sixth Ring Soul Palace in the last game. I’m afraid Huo Yuhao’s six hundred thousand year souls. Huan also has a problem. Go and call the Protector of the Nation Douluo Chenggang. The player sent by the Tiantian Academy is completely overwhelmed by Shrek's level . These two players, Shrek, have the confidence to go out to fight. Hehe, draw the Soul Island Cannon and Shrek's Academy Soul. The island series actually developed the most powerful attack weapon for individual soldiers in the Soul Island style.
Channel: 漫推男孩
Views: 97,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 斗羅大陸, 斗破蒼穹, 絕世唐門, 國漫, 斗罗大陆, 斗破苍穹, 绝世唐门, 唐三小舞, 唐三, 热血国漫, 热血, 国漫, 动漫, 动画, 高颜值, 言情, kiss, 大陆热播, 小说, 改编, 玄幻小说, fantasy novels, Chinese animation, 中国动漫, 唐家三少, 小说改, 玄幻, 穿越, 战斗, 爱情, 小舞, 戴沐白, 奥斯卡, 马红俊, 宁荣荣, 朱竹清, 武魂, novel, animation, Martial arts, Fantasy, Xiuxian, soul land, tang san, 千仞雪, qianrenxue, tanghao, tangchen, xiaowu, ningrongrong, ningronron, daimubai, aosika, mahongjun, soul land clip, 昊天宗, Haotianzong, 武魂殿, Wuhun Temple, 劍斗羅, 剑斗罗, 暗器, hidden weapon, 佛怒唐莲, Buddha Fury Tang Lian, haotian hammer, 复活, sacrifice, resurrection, 斗罗大陆2
Id: DQI2wmYSqzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 39sec (7419 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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