🍷 Red Wine Chocolate Velvet Cake Recipe - Glen And Friends Cooking

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welcome friends today we are making a red wine cake and so this starts out with creaming some butter in a stand mixer and we want to cream that until it's pretty light and fluffy while that's creaming I'm gonna mix together the dry ingredients and so that's flour, baking powder, and baking soda, and I'm gonna put that into a sieve or sifter and I'm gonna sift that together with some cocoa powder and I find that sifting these two together keeps the cocoa powder from clumping too much so there you go that's that now the butter looks like it's pretty good we will add in white sugar and brown sugar and we'll just keep creaming that together so this is a cake I've never made before I was looking around for some way to use up half bottle of red wine Jules and I belonged to a wine club and once a month a box of wine arrives at our door we don't know what's gonna be in the box it's always a surprise always very good quality wine but sometimes there's a bottle that you know arrives it for whatever reason we don't like it and this one we just thought it was kind of meh whatever wasn't great ended up in the back of the fridge been there for about a week and it's kind of like okay so what am I gonna do with it so I looked around and I found this red wine cake red wine velvet cake there's got to be a dozen different bloggers who claimed to have invented it and I can't find the true start of this recipe although I'm pretty sure that red wine in France or Italy has been put in cakes for you know hundreds of years so who knows where it came from but lots of people claim to have invented it so now that this is creamed together really nice I'm gonna put in some vanilla and the one thing that I did add to this recipe or change I've changed a couple of things from all the recipes that I found and that is a chocolate liqueur a lot of people said the chocolate flavor wasn't well rounded this will round it out so a couple of teaspoons of that as well there we go and now we're just going to cream in these eggs and we'll just beat these eggs in one at a time until they're fully incorporated before we put the necks in now the recipe calls for two cups of red wine and I don't know if I have two cups pretty sure that I don't and I don't think this is the type of recipe that I would open a bottle of wine specifically to make it so I'm about a half a cup short I'm just going to top it up with buttermilk because buttermilk also has an acid component and I think it would really sort of enhance the flavor of the cake anyway now with the mixer on the lowest setting slowly pour in the liquid and I'm pretty sure that the whole batter is going to fall apart and just look horrible during this process yeah not very inviting I'm gonna see what happens so to my regular band of Internet YouTube commenters who hate on me and my recipes because I use stand mixer and they think that these recipes are unattainable because they don't have a stand mixer you don't need a stand mixer you could do this with a wooden spoon you could do it with a hand blender you don't need a stand mixer I just use a stand mixer because well I have a stand mixer and it just makes everything easier so and this next step you don't need a stand mixer you just sort of whisk this in or stir this in by hand a little bit at a time okay so that looks like it's mixed together really well I have three cake tins that I have floured and put a parchment disc in the bottom and I have a video that I will link to that tells you how to make the parchment disk super easy but I'm really I want to try this batter before I put it in the oven one more I think that's going to be really good that excites me and for everybody who's like Oh raw egg raw egg isn't to me much of a threat the actual threat is from the raw flour raw flour is more dangerous than raw egg it seems counterintuitive but it's true so I'm gonna put this into three pans I'm gonna divide it into the three pans as evenly as I can if I wanted to be really pedantic I would like put these on a scale and I'd break it up you know super evenly but I'm just gonna eyeball it cuz you know all that much if it's exact and I've also put these fabric on two of the pants a lot of the commenters on YouTube tell me over and over and over again that these rings will keep the cake from puffing up in the middle and having that sort of dome that you end up having to cut off because this will be a layer cake so I think that's pretty good I'm just gonna spread this in and then get these into a preheated oven and because I'm baking three pans probably halfway through the bake I will rotate the pans so that they cook evenly okay so the cakes have cooled down and you know what I don't notice any difference in the tops between the two that had the the rings on them that are supposed to keep them from doming and the one that didn't at this point uneven we know which one is which so maybe they work maybe they don't next up is icing these and when I tasted the batter before I baked it I realized that this is going to be a very flavorful cake and that it needs just a very simple icing so I've made just a simple cream-cheese icing just a little bit of Tang but not overly sweet and not overly flavorful that's going to compete with the cake so if you've watched my previous cake videos where I've put icing on you'll know that I'm not an expert and I just sort of get it on and make it happen so let's see how this goes it would appear that I have arrived just on time yes another another expertly decorated cake by Glenn I think things really isn't our yeah our skill set but okay you know I appreciate that you I state you usually don't it's a special occasion it's rustic that's it no um is it ice that way because you drank that bottle of woman where's the ice that way no they saw they saw I cut the wine and the cake okay all of the wine in the cake is that you yes so you sent me the recipe and then I did a ton of research to our research to figure out if you know the cake I like that you iced it and now it's time to eat it it's time to eat it no point in waiting and so I did a bunch of research and I realized that everybody had essentially the same recipe and the comments under each one was always the same that we should share yeah and then moments were always the same comments were always the same and so that there wasn't enough pronounced chocolate flavor interesting cuz I would've thought the red one would have brought out some of that I can't seem to it should but there's trouble there's no chocolate in it other than cocoa yeah it's my favorite so not my favorite hence the the reaction I'm more of a I like melted chocolate in my cake not cocoa but that being said that I'm being judgmental before I've even tasted it that's not fair and so I made a change I put in I was thinking about doing melted chocolate in it and then I was also thinking about chocolate liquor mm-hmm and so I by putting the chocolate lick here to kind of lift that chocolate flavor out of cocoa mm-hmm but it's still very pronounced cocoa flavor isn't no but you know what yes but I kind of really like it I think it's got a really lovely almost savory flavor to it it's very much interesting it's very moist and dense and rich and that I get that every I get that savory flavor I think if I had a compliment some weird wanted to go with me that would go really well and all of the recipes also had cinnamon in it and I couldn't I couldn't picture the cinnamon with it so I took I threw this in a minute I got rid of this cinnamon I don't think the cinnamon would work they are just you know they just flourish complete flourish and they also called for just over two cups of red wine which we didn't have a no we didn't have enough so I supplemented that with with well you like the king of substitutes I am the king of soaps with um buttermilk and because the buttermilk the buttermilk shares somebody okay okay so uh the buttermilk shares some of the same qualities it's much thicker but it's a liquid the acid the acid the acid will will will work with the with the cocoa I just think it's funny that you just substituted your way through a whole bunch of cake my friend and you got off lucky because sometimes substitutes don't work no there's a pretty good cake it's it's actually a very lovely cake I'm sigh I think we're not setting it up well no I'm but it's not like a big giant birthday cake it's actually something I think would be better smaller which every layer is too much to layer might work yeah it looks great okay so um all the substitutions aside I think this actually works out pretty well so if you have a part bottle of wine left over you're saying if it's a bottle that you've opened and you've had a couple glasses and you're like I'm not that fond of this red wine you could make a cake from it yeah okay yeah thanks shopping buddy so you can soon you
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 53,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glen & Friends Cooking, recipe, Red Wine Chocolate Velvet Cake Recipe, Red Wine 'Velvet' Cake Recipe, red wine cake recipe, bake a cake with red wine, red velvet cake no food colouring, chocolate red wine cake, red wine and chocolate recipes, red velvet cake recipe, red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, moist chocolate cake with red wine, homemade red velvet cake from scratch, red wine chocolate cake recipe, red wine cake, wine cake, red wine dessert
Id: fc4qONgpqiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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