🍰 Análisis de HANS LANDA: el mejor personaje de Tarantino [Bastardos sin Gloria]

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today we are going to analyze the villain of a memorable movie. Someone highly intelligent charismatic and at the same time cruel. From the style academy we recommend that you do not move from the chair or the toilet and that you stay until the end because in this video we are going to analyze Hans Landa!!! As much as there are several characters in the film that were real, such as Adolf Hitler, it should be noted that Hans Landa is a fictional character created by Quentin Tarantino to act as the antagonist of the film Inglourious Basterds. The script is not true either, but rather it is an uchrony, it is based on possible events but that did not happen in reality. According to Tarantino, Landa was the best character he has ever created. To create it, the writer and director was inspired by Reinhard Heydrich; a high-ranking Nazi officer at the time of World War II and one of the main creators of the holocaust. Adolf Hitler nicknamed him "the man with the iron heart ". Many historians positioned him as the darkest person within the Nazi elite. The movie itself is spectacular... it's Tarantino at his finest. Full of drama, action, blood, great cinematographic resources and black humor. Set mainly in Nazi-occupied France during World War II, two stories converge in this chronic fiction: on the one hand, a very particular military group led by Aldo the Apache Raine called The Bastards, who want to enter the German elite to assassinate to the high command; and on the other hand the story of Shoshanna, a French woman of Jewish religion who seeks revenge for the murder of her family when she was little. For both stories Hans Landa has a fundamental role because he was the one who murdered Shoshanna's family and he is also the one who has the mission to stop Los Bastardos. The two stories collide at the end where in Shoshanna's theater, which she herself planned to burn down in the middle of a Nazi movie, The Bastards appear undercover to assassinate Hitler and company. Something that I love about this film is that each character has an impressive richness and the best of all is that we don't need to see them for more than 10 seconds to realize that... they are fantastic characters that appear to a greater or lesser extent, but that They contribute their grain of sand to keep us glued to the screen. Between them they create several subplots, but despite the wealth of personalities and the script, it is not something that is dense and incomprehensible. To be aware of what we mentioned above, in addition to Hans Landa we have Private Zolle, Shoshanna, Hitler, Goebbels, Hugo Stiglitz, Sergeant Donny Donowitz, Lieutenant Aldo Raine, von Hammersmark, Lieutenant Archir Hicox, Sgt. German murdered by the Jewish Bear, the Gestapo officer , among others; and all these characters appear in a movie...really amazing. Something spectacular about this film is that the enemies, in this case the Nazis, are not idiots as most directors would make them out to be, but rather they are shown as people with strengths and weaknesses just like the Americans in this case. It also shows the miserable side of the protagonists... it doesn't place them in a position of untouchable heroes as we usually see in Hollywood war movies. To give weight to what we are saying, we can exemplify with the soldier at the bar, who was celebrating that he had had a son and that he was going to call him Maximillian, showing himself to be a sensitive and happy person. Prior to the release of the film, Tarantino said: "The film will be epic and will have my sample of the field of sociological battle of time with racism and barbarism from all sides: from the Nazi side and the US side" From the first moment Hans Landa imposes respect and fear on us: we see that reflected in the first scene of the film when Perrier LaPeditte's family is frightened when they see him coming from afar. From the outset, Landa caught my attention because, faced with such fear from LaPeditte and her daughters, I thought that he was going to be someone rough, violent, without many words or courtesy, as the Nazi stereotype that we have previously created would indicate to us from what we have seen in television documentaries or other films; but Hans turned out to be quite the opposite, since initially we see him speaking in an eloquent, respectful and charismatic manner Hans Landa in those moments where the air is cut with scissors due to tension is when he feels more comfortable than ever: he makes jokes, he pretends as if nothing happened, although both he and the others know that all that paraphernalia is a simple game that Landa loves to play. This characteristic of our villain makes him even more hated and feared, because instead of having a little respect for the people he is probably about to kill, he implies that what he is going to do is something simple, that it is a task he did thousands of times and that his pulse does not tremble. The lack of empathy, the gifted ability to manipulate, his lack of emotions such as fear or anxiety give us all the indications that Hans Landa is a psychopath. Landa is an expert when it comes to negotiating: in the scene with LaPeditte we can clearly see it: a kind of chess game or arm wrestling between the two characters is proposed. At first LaPeditte claimed that the Dreyfus family had gone to Spain, but towards the end he is defeated by Landa when he confesses that he had the Jewish family hidden under his apartment. At all times he is shown with acid humor, sarcastic to no avail. He thinks he is superior and more intelligent than others, in many situations he makes the other person say things that he could calmly say to imply that he is one step ahead. Our character already had the reputation of being one of the baddest in the Third Reich. By the time he appears in the film, everyone already knew him and knew very well who Hans Landa was and what he was capable of doing. Landa is very cruel, he enjoys the suffering of others and we could see that on several occasions. Personally, the scene that saddened me the most was at the beginning, when he told LaPeditte in English to play along and, speaking in French, a language that Jewish families understood, he pretended that he was leaving so that the people who were secretly relieved, when in fact he called his men to fire their machine guns into the ground killing the entire family, except for Shosshana, who was able to escape running across the field. Christoph Waltz's performance is wonderful... it's not easy to play a sarcastic, mocking and tremendously evil villain at the same time in a context like the one proposed by the film. Christoph has a very long film career that began in 1978. He won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for this performance and also for his role in the 2012 film Django Unchained; coincidentally two movies by the great Tarantino. A particularity that is good to mention is that Christoph is a polyglot: he can speak German, English, French and Italian perfectly. This particularity was reflected in scenes where Hans Landa speaks in each of these languages. "I think Landa is one of the best roles I've ever written or will ever write and Christoph played it to perfection. It's true that if I hadn't found someone as good as him I couldn't have made the film." were Tarantino's words, and the actor returned the courtesy to the director by thanking him for daring to carry out projects that many others would not attempt. Hans Landa has no limits with people, he asks them what he wants, he has no problem being lost... we can see this in the scene where he asks Mr. LaPeditte to enter the house, for example. Hans Landa is an extremely intelligent and capable person. As we mentioned before, he is able to speak German, French, English and Italian fluently; He is also extremely suspicious: he is always suspicious of the intentions of other people and how well he does it, since being in his position almost nobody would have good intentions with him. Regardless of how disastrous his job is, he is the best at what he does, because according to him he can think like a Jew. This is why he earned the nickname "Jew hunter", sadly a highly coveted skill in Third Reich Germany. Hans has a sixth sense when it comes to detecting things that most would not be able to sniff out, he is a great detective. Landa is a strategist to the point that in the first part of the film when he pulls out the huge pipe he makes LaPeditte understand that his pipe is bigger, that he is superior and, furthermore , being Sherlock Holmes's pipe, he tells her that discovered it. In fact, Landa does not smoke a pipe at any point in the film except for that one, which suggests that he probably already knew that LaPeditte smoked a pipe and that he was going to use it as part of his strategy. His detective skills are also seen for example in the scene where he finds Von Hammersmark's shoe in the basement bar and realizes that she was behind a plan to assassinate Hitler at the premiere of the film. Then, already knowing it, he talks to the actress in the theater and laughs exaggeratedly when she tells him that she broke her leg climbing a mountain. He also makes the Bastards look very bad and enjoys when he speaks to them in Italian and they do n't know what to answer. Connecting with what we mentioned above, Hans Landa never despairs, he always takes more time to make decisions. This brings him multiple benefits, we are going to give some examples: in the first part of the film Landa surely knew that there were Jewish people hiding, but he took all the time in the world talking to the wall to gradually disarm it and achieve his goal in a more effective and strategic way. At the end, in the theater Landa always knew that Von Hammersmark was an infiltrated agent and that his companions were the Bastards, but Landa did not rush to kill them, but rather thought that it was what was best for him. After a fantastic negotiation in one of the best scenes of the film, he agreed with Aldo and with the high command of the US Army to let the four most important people of the Third Reich die at the hands of the Bastards. This also gave us the idea that in addition to being evil, he was cowardly, since he sold out people who trusted him. Either he was cowardly or he realized that the Third Reich was coming to an end and that if he didn't do that he would probably be killed and sentenced to spend his whole life in jail. Perhaps the swastika meant nothing to him and was simply a high SS rank because it suited him. As we have analyzed in many other characters, stopping the ball a few seconds before making important decisions is key to being able to obtain better results. Tommy Shelby or Harvey Specter are experts in this: we did an analysis of both of them on this channel if you want you can go see them too, and speaking of being prudent when making decisions, I have a suspicion that Landa knew who Shosshana was when he They gathered at the table to plan the show, and still he let her perform. In addition to the fact that Landa was always one step ahead and knew the whereabouts of many Jewish people, there are several things that prove me right: the first, she asks for milk for herself instead of coffee, the following happens at the end: Leave us your comment if you think that in that scene Landa knew that Shosshana was in front of her. By way of conclusion, Hans Landa breaks with the stereotype we have of what a Nazi is. At first impression he is charismatic, courteous and pleasant. These characteristics hide a monster, one of the most cruel manipulators and murderers of Nazi Germany, who lacks guilt, empathy, fear or anxiety. Before what happened in the film Landa already had that fame, that gives him authority since people know that despite the jokes and courtesy he is a very dangerous person. He has an acid humor, on many occasions he makes other people tense because that is where he feels most comfortable. Landa is suspicious: she is always suspicious of what they are telling her and always analyzes everything a little more. He is a great detective: he is usually one step ahead of the others and detects things that most do not. He is very intelligent and takes time to make decisions... he does not rush into actions without thinking about the forms. He makes the decisions that are best for him, that's why at the end he lets the most important people in the Reich die . He is a polyglot: he was speaking in French, English, German and Italian: this has helped him on many occasions to solve complex situations and except for the swastika that was engraved high on his forehead, Hans Landa got away with it thanks to a fabulous negotiation that he had with the high command of the USA... without a doubt one of the great villains in the history of cinema. And here's the video of Hans Landa: if you liked it and want to continue enjoying our content, it would be a great idea for you to subscribe to our channel. In addition, in this way you are supporting our work... What other character would you like us to analyze? We read you in the comments... Until next time!!!
Channel: Tus análisis de cine
Views: 2,474,798
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Keywords: hans landa, jans landa, landa, hans, el mejor personaje de tarantino, tarantino, quentin tarantino, strudel, strudel landa, escena strudel, el cazador de judios, cazador de judios, academia del estilo, analisis de hans landa, analisis de landa, bastardos sin gloria, bastardos, sin, gloria, Christoph Waltz, christoph, lo mejor de hans landa, peliculas de tarantino, coronel landa, waltz, brad pitt, aldo raine, teniente raine, aldo el apache, christoph waltz, inglourious basterds
Id: fcOReSIFzPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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