πŸ“ Fluffy Japanese Strawberry Shortcake Recipe | How to make Japanese Strawberry Cake 🍰

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[Music] we are making white strawberry cake we have 45 G of milk 110 G of cake flour and 110 g of sugar 35 G of unsalted butter 200 g of eggs and 4 G of vanilla extract boil some water boiling water goes sit here so that we can mix the ingredients in bowl and top do you see that smell so we mix the eggs oh I wasn't recording okay now we tell everybody what you just did brought the hot water over so that we could put a bowl over it so there's the hot water yep and we're going to mix the eggs thear and the vanilla yeah quick fast up 20Β° we got to restart is that actually cooked yeah this is real like [Music] restart why is it just keep smoking like can finish M good job fin mommy the vanilla and then we're going to mix [Music] these mix it all [Music] together then you put the temperature probin okay ready go fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast fast is it on really quick once it's at 40Β° C you can take it off let's use this now this this is so much easier than just using normal whist [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't think I'm doing it well I'm definitely not doing it right but it's okay I'm just basically making a new recipe ah it's okay okay and then you pour them into the B trees you put it in half it's coming out kind of yeah it's not the same it's basically a new recipe but it's not enough think we have to double Ito yeah okay we need to double it anyway because that's not enough but now I know what to do now it'll be better okay we we ret trying look at this so those cakes came out and they look not done but they are done and look how tiny they are so we definitely we definitely have to retry we're going to restart and Emma's going to help me this time first let's put in these ingredients so put in the eczema and the sugar and the the [Music] vanilla good mix it together what does that do so I just keep mixing don't let it cook okay it's good let's put the the milk in the butter milk in the butter and we'll put it in hot water and let it just sit here and melt don't mix it you're going to sift the flour Emma let's do a little bit at a time separate the the cake flour into thirds yes good [Music] job and then you just gently fold it in so that air bubbles don't [Applause] [Music] yeah you put hardly any flow in here I don't see [Music] how wow great sifting skills Emma's an expert sifter Okay so you scoop a bit like uh just scoop some more and then you mix it together mix it together yep mix this you don't have to fold it yeah you just mix it mix it mix it mix it mix it and what does this do Emma it makes it so that it combines better [Music] y this actually looking like better for yeah it's much better perfect consistent y let's split it into two again that's so much [Music] better much much better okay Dam it down get the bubbles out and then let's put them in we we put them in uh 3 3 38 340 degrees [Music] F okay two cakes okay let's put them right here those are the those are the holes from when I poked it to see if it was ready and it's done so shall we make the whipping cream yeah okay let's move this let's move let strawberry station so we can make the whipping cream so here we got 250 g of whipping cream 30 g of sugar and 50 g of cream cheese first let's put the cream cheese and then smash it a little [Music] bit let's like this I think it's past Sugar time well but the cream cheese is still lumpy we use a a thing okay you might need to make more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got this perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how do you even cut wigger head next fluffy spongy and a nice good cream look your head so you about that is better than whipping cream and then the whipping cream I mean the the white chocolate is also very Thanksgiving smooth and easy to crack five stars very very delicious sou wo that's a big easy I'll take the dead strawberry and actually Emma killed it [Music] you going to say [Music] anything I need to try in this baby what are these slices [Music] why you [Music] still uh all in all that's finished in conclusion I learned that baking can take three plus tries we could to that two seconds ago it was a full plate thank you for watching please like And subscribe watch this video you [Music]
Channel: ChangGang10
Views: 131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: changgang, the chang gang, chang gang, chang family, changgang10, chang gang 10, #vlog, family vlog
Id: 87j-VJeikTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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