🍎 How I Organize My Teacher Desk| Tina Bietler

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hi and welcome to my classroom this is a very different kind of a video that I'm playing to shoot today today I am going to take you through my teacher desk I'm a very organized person and I need things to be at my fingers at a snap I don't have time to search because the longer a teacher weighs trying to find something that she needs the more quickly the classroom goes crazy children don't handle pauses well and I find that to be a very effective teacher you need to keep the flow going and the best way to keep the flow going is to be organized and to know where everything is the moment you need it so you don't have to stop and start searching because with the 30 children some of whom are hyper some of whom don't really want to be here in the first place long pauses lead to trouble so here we go we're going to go through my desk and how I try really hard to stay focused and organized so one of the first things you will notice is that I try to keep the top of my desk pretty tidy it doesn't always look like this obviously there are times when stacks of papers and clutters will build up on top of it but before I go home at the end of the day I try to make sure that all of those stacks and and those piles of just craziness are dealt with and put away so that when I come in next morning I come into this first thing you will find on my desk is the stack of today's work so anything that I'm going to need for lessons today is right here ready to go at my fingertips this is a basket just of paper and I have line paper for reading and English and writing projects we're doing and then in here I have tons of graphing paper which works really well for math I find the boxes help to keep the children lined up so that their problems have a better chance of being correct and this is just half sheets of paper that I cut for scratch paper when they need it tape and stapler no big deal there here is my Erin Condren daily planner my life planner this comes with me to school every single day and goes home with me because not only do I have important things in here for like notes for you make sure I make copies for the Foss science kit or important work things but then personal things are in here to help keep me organized this is my my dump it all in place so I'm on top of everything here is my lesson planner it's nothing fancy I used to print them in color when my printer was working better but my printer has been fussy so now I print them here at my desk and my computer here at work is only black and white so they're kind of boring looking but it works so that's my lesson plans although I'm really looking forward to next year using my new erin condren here is my water bottle I never come to work without a refillable water bottle and I have my pen cup and my clock and tells the temperature here I have a tub and this is literally just like a tub that came from like a dollar store of God probably 15 years ago and I throw a sticker on it to make it cute and then here are folders for every day of the week that has different activities we need for each day also in here are things that I use for teaching my writing journal for when I do modeled writing lessons for the class my science folder to match the children's science folders my agenda study links science books so everything is in here and I like having everything on top the desk because then it's easy to grab easy to have there's no searching and again before I go home I make a point of laying everything out that I'm going to need the next day on my desk when it come to the drawers I purchased these drawer liners at Staples and then I just bought at Target in the dollar bins cute little contact paper so that way it would be cute looking on the bottom and here's my dry erase markers paperclips binder clips post-it notes I love these little ones because the little post-it notes fit perfectly in the Erin Condren day planners and if there's something you want to put in your planner that you need to remember but it's not necessarily something you want to stay in your planner forever and ever you just pop these little notes in and then when the day is done you toss that back in the garbage and you don't need it anymore so there's that my washi tape up these I find I use these for a lot of things and all of my teachers manuals I like to put tabs on them for each chapter or unit in fact you can see right here I've done it to my making meeting book and I did the same thing to my everyday math book then I have cute pens and then more post-it flags and then that I send something home to a parent that needs a signature I use my little posted arrows and then this tape is a godsend my classroom only has two cork boards in it yet I have bulletin boards going up all the way around the entire room this is the magic that makes that happen Scotch shipping tape heavy duty this stuff can go on painted surfaces or even cinderblock walls and it will hold all year it really will I have found no other tape that you can apply to cylinder blocks painted cylinder blocks and hold butcher paper up all year without falling down this stuff is a godsend for a teacher I literally i buy this stuff in bulk and go through it constantly then I have fluorescent labels in here in my center drawer it's very thin and so it's actually almost a useless drawer because it's so thin but I do keep my posts at pads in here the cute memo pads that I buy from the teacher store because yes I love all things cute and teachery susan winglet is a personal favorite of mine i just think everything that she does is adorable so i stock up on her stuff too when I read go to a teacher store and then I have cute pencils there's the key to our bathroom door the children have a habit of locking by accident on the way out in this drawer you will find a teacher favorite mr. scent smelly markers and I've got pretty much every sense you can think of in here Sharpie fine tip pens these are incredibly useful especially for writing and planners for writing any notes you have highlighters I only have a couple of these because I don't use them anywhere near as much as I do these markers several pairs of scissors including pin pinking shears a hole punch here I have staple removers this we use for doing them our restorative practice circles or we're just talking we pass this around if you're holding these mushy globe Utes your turn to talk and then this is my surround sound and someone is knocking I'm going to have to pop sorry for the interruption but that was one of my friends who came to give me a birthday present because yesterday was my birthday and I'm so excited she gave me this look how cute it is she remembered me talking about the kitty cat posted holder at Target that I almost bought I did it so she gave me this lovely little creature to add to my desk organization I adore it the timing was perfect so if we move back to the drawer I was talking about real quick just finishing up this drawer I have lots of my assorted post-it notes in here post ounce of different sizes different colors I especially love these post-it notes these are the ones that have sticky all the way down to the very bottom I don't care what you put this on it's not going anywhere these are like definitely heavy-duty industrial grade post-it notes and then finally some paper clips band-aids for when kids get boo-boos or paper cuts and more labels and a few odds and ends tucked back there but again as you can see anything I could possibly need is at my fingertips on a moment's notice this drawer is all my files and I try to be incredibly organized here ready to go sub plans and if you guys want maybe I'll make another video on just my sub planning that I do September must do daily 5 lessons that are ready to go grade sheets the black history program forms for the PRC the PRC is where we send our copies that we want made and stuff information that we've been collecting all your on m-step for the teachers that we need to know then I have my science units electricity and magnetism living things Sun Moon and stars so here's just everything I would need to know through the course of the years right here at my fingertips and then in the back I just sort of have some sticky notes of Ziploc bags things that I don't use very often or just kind of tucked back there and I am very lucky that this desk blocks because I will be honest when I'm having substitute teachers or during the summer vacation I like to lock up my drawer this drawer is filled with personal items right now I'll have some mints and candy veneers I've been using with the students there mmm but this is really my drawer I have a few snacks in here mighty mighty cup that I use daily this is a glucose because sometimes my sugar drops on a slip bomb and this is just a little bag looks not easy to do one-handed that I have emergency toothbrush dental floss toothpaste a deodorant in here my honest facing body lotion la Satine hand cream which is the best ever so extra deodorant because you never want to be stinky as if that later I have my another t in here my sugar cookie sleigh ride that I love this is filled with lady products that will stay in there so just odds and ends that are for me that I might need and that is my alarm going off telling me that it is time to pick up my students so I hope you enjoyed this quick little tour of my desk and if you like this channel please be sure to subscribe if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and I look forward to sharing more things with my classroom and my lesson plans with you in the future talk to you later
Channel: A Happily Ever After Blog
Views: 107,646
Rating: 4.8812137 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher Desk, Teacher Organization, Classroom Organization, Lesson Plans, Erin Condren Life Planner, Using Post Its and Stickers, Filing System, Teacher Vlogger, Teacher Vlog, Teacher Blogger
Id: eYnhkNIQ1hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2015
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