🍁🍇🍁 Text To Speech 💚 Play Cake Storytime ☔ Best Compilation Of @BriannaGuidryy | #26.03.1

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Hey Brianna want to be my girlfriend and if our relationship doesn't expire that means we're soulmates okay sure to me oh man our relationship will only last 30 seconds I guess we're not soulmates I've never had a boyfriend before no way me too you're my first girlfriend all right it's time I'm breaking up with you okay bye Timmy thanks for being my boyfriend hey Timmy wait what would have happened if we didn't break up before the timer ran out then we would both expire expire from Earth Hey Brianna want to be my girlfriend wow two boyfriends in one day sure Jake I'd love to be your girlfriend darn we're not soulmates Jake man all right meet me here in 19 minutes to break up and don't be late okay I'll see you then bye boyfriend Brianna what's the answer to question three oh no I need to go to the bathroom no you cannot just leave the classroom during a lesson I need to go to the bathroom no you cannot just leave the classroom during a lesson fine then I'm going to go right here right where on the floor that's disgusting get out of my classroom oh no where's Jake there you are I breaking up with you thank goodness that's over thank goodness that's over yeah you were a terrible girlfriend how was I a terrible girlfriend we did it for like 20 minutes you never called me you never texted me you never asked about my day or asked about my feelings pardon me princess I deserve princess treatment James how's my bestie great I just got in a relationship really for how long 60 years James you need to break up with her she's not even your soulmate you know I can't do that we're only allowed to break up seconds before the relationship is expiring so that means I could also be stuck in a relationship with someone who's not even my soulmate soulmates are hard to find not everyone gets to spend their life with their soulmate this is real life it's not some fairy tale no I'm going to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate just you watch and see all right I hope you proved me wrong Bri be my girlfriend sorry Eugene but I don't want to be in any meaningless relationship I only want to be in a relationship with someone who's my soulmate so how do you know I'm not your soulmate you'll never truly know unless you agree to be my girlfriend that's true okay Eugene I'll be your girlfriend oh no this is going to be the worst two hours of my life don't you mean the best two hours of your life Eugene what is those noises you're making sorry I have a lot of flame hey excuse me I I was just going to ask you where the washroom is here I'll help you pick that up sorry I didn't mean to scare you here's your book thanks I'm Kevin what's your name Brianna this might sound a little crazy but will you be my girlfriend can you ask me again in 2 hours will you be my girlfriend can you ask me again in 2 hours why should I ask you again in 2 hours kind of dating someone right now but don't worry I don't even like them that sounds really bad look the thing is I'm trying to find my soulmates I'm trying to date as many people as possible and it's okay I totally get it everyone's trying to find their soulmate I'll see you in 2 hours Brianna okay I'll see you in 2 hours then bye Kevin see you soon M sandwich please don't eat me oh no it's time why' you throw your lunch on the floor I have to go break up with Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene where is that nerd I can just break it with him over text we are breaking up goodbye loser I can't believe you broke up with me over T Eugene if we didn't break up over the timer R out and our relationship expired we would both expire you didn't have to be so harsh Kevin I'm single now well then I guess it's time to ask you will you be my girlfriend I seriously only 10 lives today I'm not going to have enough money to buy anything sweetie wait you must remember to never over spend your lives because if you spend more lives than you have you'll die of course mom I already know that hey girl hey how many lives did you get today I only got 10 today well you still got more than me I only have one life no way you're broke I know it's so unfair look at Timmy over there he gets millions of lives every single day he's so rich how is that even possible I'd like to buy this please that'll cost you nine lives are you serious why does it cost so much don't blame me blame inflation do you still want it or not okay fine I'll take it I'm [Music] starving oh my bad it actually cost 10 lives I need one more life what I got 110 happiness today I'm so happy maybe a little too much how much did you get 1% that's even more than yesterday J it that's so sad it's going to be my life goal from now on to get you more happiness what makes you happy pain and suffering no I'd like to buy this granola bar that'll be 3% happiness dang it I don't have enough I really need to get more happiness well that's too bad why is there a bunch of men over there with sixpacks where hey you need to pay for that hey Britney you said you'd help me get more happiness I'm down I'm tired of being broke yay I'm so excited Brianna I figured out what will make you more happy if you got a boyfriend I found a man who's willing to go on a date with you hi I'm Timmy what the Brianna no you're supposed to flirt with Timmy I was flirting not going on a date with her she is scary come on Timmy try at least sit with her at lunch or something fine why is she looking at me like that I'm so scared right now Brianna you're not supposed to stare creepily at your date how about you put these sunglasses on so you don't scare him to death fine this isn't better jimy jimy jimy jimy Brianna this isn't how you flirt that's it Britney I don't care how much money you're paying me to go on a date with her she's weird I'm leaving you paid him to go on a date with me I did but Brianna just let me explain are you okay no honestly I don't even care you're just in my sulking spot what song are you listening to you probably don't know him he's a really underground artist no way that's my favorite song you're so cool can I get your number sure I'm Spike I'm Brianna 1 2 3 4 Somebody's knocking at your door who's there who are you how did you know that 5 6 7 8 answering the door will be a [Music] mistake sweetie did you already finished studying yeah Mom I'm done studying I'm just heading to bed okay just keep that door locked Brianna yes sir I need you to come see me after class we need to talk about your grades okay yeah you asked to see me sir your grades have been declining exponentially 1 2 2 3 4 somebody's coming to the door somebody's coming to the door excuse me I need to lock that door 1 2 3 4 somebody's coming to the door somebody's coming to the door excuse me I need to lock that door what are you doing someone's trying to get in I'm going to open the door no no no you can't you don't understand I understand now move out of my way 5 6 78 push him through the door before before it's too late no no no let me in open the door let me in open the door 1 2 3 4 it's safe now to go through the door Brianna have you seen our teacher Mr Stevens anywhere no I haven't seen him anywhere huh weird 1 2 3 4 don't open the door don't open open that door bro but they're knocking Mom Dad Grandma Why did no one wake me up for school and where' all our furniture go bring back grandma or little sister what do you mean bring back I'm choosing little sister older there you are where'd you go I don't know I was so scared I was in a black dark room with no food or water bring back soda or water I'm going to choose soda I'm really craving one right now why is the faucet pouring out Soda instead of water oh no I think I know what this thing means it gives me two options and whatever I don't choose doesn't exist anymore that means we have to shower with soda bring back mom or dad you can't just choose one of them we need them both I choose look at her she's no hearts that means no one's ever loved her makes sense who could ever love someone who looks like her hey Brian Britney the most popular girl in the school why are you talking to me I want to help you get boys to fall in love with you that's impossible no isn't an option let's go here wear this do you think you can cover up my acne I can you look beautiful with her without it but the world's a cruel place please cover it I don't want to be myself no more I want to be loved you did an amazing job on the makeup Britney I never even could have dreamed I would look like this come on let's take some photos for your socials right great but this time a little less terrified okay oh who's the new girl I didn't know we had a model at our school she looks like a celebrity let's all take photos of her wo wo wo Britney oh my suan suan my baby is not breathing Miss Applewood that's not a baby that's a stuffed turkey you turned my baby into a stuffed turkey should I come back another time no she's fine she's just been a little out of it recently you know I can hear you right hi Grandma hi Susie how are you doing sweetheart good but I missed talking to you why haven't you been answering any of my calls you haven't called me Miss Applewood you were phoning the police every single day not your granddaughter so we had to take away your phone privileges wrong number I guess Grandma mom's on the phone she says hi is there anything you want to say to her tell her I said she's a for putting me in the nursing home yeah Mom she says she loves you I didn't say that Mommy I have hearts all over my face oh you got your hearts but you only have three those hearts represent the amount of times you're allowed to be heartbroken every time someone breaks your heart you lose one of your hearts so what happens if I have no Hearts left you die hey besties pizza face Jake stop it you can't sit with us everyone's looking at you because of all your pimples on your face it's embarrassing it's just a little breakout I've been really stressed recently you can't sit with us is my acne really that bad a heart's missing that means they broke my heart hey babe bro what's all over your face yeah babe what happened it's just pimples it will go away that's your girl bro she's not my girl I'm not I only have one heart left I can't get har broken again I know what to do I only have one heart left I can't get heartbroken again I know what to do whoa Brianna looks hot hey girl come sit with us yesterday when you said I couldn't sit with you guys you made me lose a heart I can't trust you guys won't break my heart again you never even deserved it in the first place babe you look so good today I'm not your babe yesterday you didn't want to be with me because I had pimples you made me lose a heart I only have one left because of you I can't trust you won't break my heart again I'm sorry class we have a new student today everyone meet John you can sit wherever you like John hey can I sit here sure do whatever you want lucky me I get to sit next to the prettiest girl in the class look I'm not interested I can't risk getting involved with another person again hey wait why did you say you can't risk getting involved with another person I only have one heart left if I get heartbroken again I'll die I only have one heart left too how about we take the risk together I only have one heart left if I get heartbroken again I'll die I only have one heart left too how about we take the risk together okay let's try it then but just know if you break my heart you'll be considered a murderer good morning babe hey can I ask what happened to your other Hearts how'd they get broken my best friends and boyfriend broke my heart because they didn't like the way I looked you may not notice but I have really bad act the all this makeup that's so superficial I would never do that to you wow you're so strong and muscular thanks I want to kiss you Britney I why would you John it's not what it looks like Brianna she came on to me I saw you you kissed her you don't have any hearts left Brianna good you're awake how am I alive where's John who do you think gave you the heart he gave you his last one soulmate ches my love looks or so might chooses my personality I want him to choose my looks he'll probably make me look so beautiful like Barbie it is so noty in here oh my gosh what is this liing and nose piercings my mama's going to get so mad at me if she finds out I have piercings what are my friends at school going to think of me off to school already yeah Mom I'm going to school now what do you have on your nose is that a piercing did you get a nose piercing no hey Britney hey Stephanie I had the worst morning today why are you dressed like that it's so not preppy my soulmate got to choose how I look trust me I don't want to dress like this aw poor Bri too bad you can't hang out with us anymore I'm really going to miss you guys you're my best friends I'm sorry but you just don't mat our aesthetic anymore choose so many looks or personality I'm going to choose looks he may not have made me look like Barbie but I'm going to make him look like like Ken who are you talking to yo what's up goth Rock Punk metal are you emo why haven't we met before I'm skull I'm Cactus I'm Brianna I used to be preppy but my soulmate made me dress like this so now I guess I need to be friends with people like you just because you looked apart doesn't mean you're like us do you listen to punk music no heavy metal no sad music no do you Ponder on the hardships of life and cry uh no I knew it hey guys bro why do you look preppy yuck no way I made my soulmate dress just like you really I made mine dress like you you made me look like this bombastic bling criminal offensive blink oh no Timmy did you just get a Tik Tok saying answer it carefully because if you answer it wrong you die bombastic um Timmy look I'm giving you a hint oh bombastic eyebrow criminal offensive eyebrow it was bombastic side eye only in blank only in Ohio bye Grandma I'm off to school now I just got a Tik Tock say Grandma it's Tik Tock double it and blank it to the next blank I don't know I don't use stic Tac you have to try or it'll kill you double it and throw it at your grandpa Grammy why are you still here you're going to be late Mom Grammy's gone oh no what happened she got a Tik Tok Sayan and she didn't guess it right it wasn't her fault she doesn't know how to use the internet I just got a Tik Tock sayane I just got a Tik Tock Zane trying the new blank shake the what Shake Mom I don't know the answer I'll give you a hint it was someone's birthday trying the new Grimace Shake I got it where where did you just go go I didn't go anywhere I was here the whole time you're losing it Mom hey how's my best friend doing today not good my grandma passed away this morning oh no I just got a Tik Tok Saye hurry bestie read it B ffr be blank for real I know the answer but I can't say it it's a bad word no M yummy LUN I just got a Tik Tock scene hurry Eugene read it at and left no blank H eight and left no eight and left no bread the answer is eight and left no bread no it was crumbs why would it be ate and left no bread Miss blank has blank Miss Rabbit has fainted babe babe I was calling you I'm sorry babe I'm a little out of it today it just feels like everyone around me keeps dying I just got a Tik Tok saying mother blank blank I'll give you a hint it's a game someone made a POV about this right yes a beautiful amazing perfect model blonde girl made a POV about it I don't remember her being all that anyways I know the answer it's mother keni no it was Mother May Hey Brianna Jake stay away from me I think I'm cursed everyone around me keeps dying eat these hot peppers and I'll give you $20 deal go Brianna go ooh ooh okay it's got a little kick go Brianna go ooh okay it's got a little kick light work blank blank these peppers are so spicy Rihanna this is perfect how this Tik Tok saying has to do with eating spicy food light work no reaction I got it oh no I just got it Tik Tok Zing hurry Jake read it rate blank on a scale from blank to blank rate me on a scale from 1 to 10 probably a four at best no that was the answer oh Brianna I think now is a good time to tell you I don't like you just as a friend I love you I never told you before because I know you have a boyfriend but I can't hide it anymore Jake I don't have a boyfriend anymore he died playing finished the Tik Tok saying I just got a Tik Tok Zan I just got a Tik Tok Zan he is not the blank of your blank hit him with your blank I have no clue what this one could be he is not the love of your life hit him with your car W you got it I confess my feelings to you earlier you never gave me an answer Jake I don't feel the same way my boyfriend just passed away I'm not ready to open up my heart to someone like that I just got a Tik Tok saying this is so blank and blank I don't need a hint this is so sick and twisted Jake wait don't be mad at me wait I just got a Tik Tok saying that was my blank reason it's a number that comes after 11 that was my 12th reason I got it wrong you gave me the wrong hint on purpose that's what you get for rejecting me wait how are you still alive you can't kill the creator of the game Jake Mommy why do I always have to wear this blind School the kids at school make fun of me you were born with a curse if you make eye contact with someone they'll die you can take off your blindfold but you must promise me you'll never make eye contact with anyone okay Mommy I promise I'm not making eye contact I'm not making eye contact I'm not making eye contact I'm not making eye contact good job oh no mommy what happened to your mother Daddy I made a mistake I made eye contact with Mommy no look it's deadly eye contact girl no one go near her she killed her own parents when she was six she just tried to kill me she tried to make eye contact with me I wasn't trying to make eye contact with you I was looking at the floor you okay baby yeah just keep her away from me you again don't try and make eye contact with me I'm not just go ahead go down the stairs first I am don't follow me we're making eye contact good morning how much energy did you get today 10% I won't even have enough to buy anything today oh no that's so low you won't have enough energy to walk to school don't worry honey I'll drive you to school today hey Bri huh uh-oh you sound like you don't have a lot of energy no I don't I won't even have enough money to buy anything today can you buy me lunch I won't need to I discovered a trick here use this and iPhone charger my dad works for the government and I recently found out we all have secret charging ports but you can't tell any about this or else we'll be in big trouble where do I plug it in your belly button now remember you shouldn't charge too much at once it could be really bad I won't I just want to get to at least 300% too much energy at once is UN healthy it could cause a malfunction I'll be fine relax Kayla perfect I'm at 300% now I feel great Kaya k k k my energy is at 300% now I feel great Kaya k k k kill kill kill kill no I'm not malfunctioning I feel great kill kill kill let's get class and go to the mall you sure you're okay mhm hi I'd like to purchase all of this is that everything no this too I don't think you'll have enough that will cost 100 energy oh I have enough is everything okay ma'am yeah everything's fine my energy is getting a little low how about we recharge and then do some more dropping good idea you've been charging long enough just a little more I want to get to 500% no ouch what was that for charging too much at once isn't safe I told you I'll be fine Brianna thank goodness Brianna you're all right I Now pronounce you husband and wife if we're husband and wife then we should kiss um okay I guess Timmy but just on the cheek okay okay I guess I got money mommy today at school I got money oh honey you must have kiss someone every time you kiss someone you get money but it has to be someone new every time if you kiss the same person you won't get money so that means I could be rich but I don't want to kiss boys that's gross Mom are you feeling okay wee it's cancer the medical bills are going to be way too expensive and I'm too sick to work how am I going to pay the bills mom don't worry I'll get you enough money bestie I need your help I need to kiss as many boys as possible ew it's for my mom she needs the money oh well look over there there's Eugene he's a nerd he'll kiss you for sure look over there there's Eugene he's a nerd he'll kiss you for sure Eugene I need you to kiss me I'll kiss you on one condition you have to say Eugene is the smartest hottest guy on the planet I'm not saying that you can just kiss me on the cheek if it's such a big deal you do know you get way more money if you kiss someone on the lips right you is the smartest hottest guy on the planet okay now say it like you mean it no we had a deal I said it now kiss me okay don't yell at me yuck why does it taste like feet what I do in my spare time is none of your business I got money now who can I kiss next principal Stevens wait Hey Brianna your best friend told me you're trying to kiss as many boys as possible to get money for your mom I'm down if you are but Jason you're my boyfriend's best friend and my boyfriend and I haven't even had our first kiss yet fine if you don't want money for your mom fine I'll do it Jason just please don't tell my boyfriend don't worry he already knows what are these hearts on my face for Mom the hearts represent how many people must fall in love with you before you can meet your soulmate when they fall in love you lose a heart what's the gold heart for that represent your soulmate you'll only lose the gold heart when your soulmate falls in love with you hi Jake what do you want I really like your left elbow what does that even mean get out of here oh no what's wrong I need five people to fall in love with me look at me it's never going to happen I'm a loser you're not a loser you're beautiful you just need a makeover come with me who's that fine babe over there where he's talking about you oh thank you don't snort I I think I'm in love with you Brianna you lost a heart you really do love me Anna you lost a heart you really do love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you goodbye Jake you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great I told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soulmate look there's a guy right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair a bit whoa is everything okay here little man H yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey my name's Jason what's yours Brianna we should exchange numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin any anymore your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore Brianna look at this insect I found wow let me see Brianna tell him Kevin I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore I'm trying to get boys to fall in love with me so I can't be seen with the weird guy I really hope that getting boys and being popular is worth losing who you are so after class we'll go looking for the next guy Brianna don't wear your glasses I can't see anything why do I have to change everything about myself to get boys to like me why can't I just be me BR wait this is just so boys will fall in love with you so you can find your soulmate once you find your soulmate you can go back to being yourself again and who's to say my soulmate's going to love me for who I am no one else does Brianna you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Mr Stevens that fell in love with you for his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay right in front of you that's Chad he's one of the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Chad right Chad hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop please don't like it when you cry I don't care I don't care about Chad I'm in love with Kevin Kevin more important than your soulmate he is then go to him Kevin I Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia how'd it go with Kevin did you tell him you like him he likes someone else Brianna you lost your last heart someone else fell in love with you Chad no it wasn't Chad it was me oh not in a romantic way in a platonic way I felt for you and I saw that you stayed true to yourself and know what you want the only person left to fall in love with you is your soulmate that means I'm going to find my soulmate anytime now that's the girl I remember it's so great to be myself again hey do you mind if I sit next to you okay does anyone know the answer to this equation 7,422 girl who knows her math I like it it's you what nothing Congrats on finding your soulmate and getting him to fall in love with you what's this it's a list of all the people who fell in love with you before your soulmate the third person on the list is Kevin she's touching me I'm not touching you you're touching me not touching Bri that isn't something to joke about if you touch an object or a person that doesn't belong to you you'll die do you really think it means people too it does you can only touch someone if they agree they're yours and you agree you're theirs but you must be careful because you can only belong to one person at one time and if you touch someone who belongs to someone else you die you got that Timmy you need to survive the series okay series what what hey baby babe you're mine right I'm all yours forever what is my boyfriend doing over there babe you're going to be late for class Brianna what are you doing here sorry Brianna but he belongs to me now he already agreed he's not yours Britney no no Britney it's not yours Britney no no Brit I'm so sorry baby can I please just explain what happened come here don't touch me I don't belong to you anymore Brianna I love you did you complete your assignment yeah once I give you this assignment it no longer belongs to me and belongs to you from now on thank you and I have your test grid as soon as I hand you your test back as soon as your finger touch of paper no longer belongs to me it belongs to you thank you Brianna where's your boyfriend why why isn't he in class today he's not in class today because he's gone what how he tried to touch me when I didn't belong to him anymore why what happened between you two he cheated on me you deserve so much better than him class is over why did the door just shut what are we going to do we can't open it the door doesn't belong to any of us I got it give me sweetie there's a new trend T wearing weaves in your hair yes to put leaves in your hair right away whenever there's a new trend you must follow their Trend or else you die okay mommy I'll go put leaves in my hair right now Mommy I don't want to wear this I look so silly I know it looks silly but you have to do it you must follow every single Trend in order to fit in with Society okay Sophie what the flip is this it's the new dance Trend hurry Sophie show me the dance a new trend already trend's coming go really fast bye Sophie I got to go hey timy you sound horrible why aren't you singing because I don't want to follow this trend mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up for school [Laughter] mommy help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mom's inside she has the Laughing disease don't don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad good morning Dad I'm off to school now Dad how's my best friend today my dad has a laughing disease that means both my parents are gone I can't go home tonight do you think I can stay at your place I have to go where are you going your dad has the Laughing disease you could have caught it I can't risk it stay away class does anyone know the answer to everyone out students stay out here I'll take care of Miss Applewood that was so scary are you doing okay Bri I thought you didn't want me near you in case I'm contagious I know what I said I was just worried babe is everything okay Jake it it's my best friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you're laughing no no I'm fine I'm fine My Best Friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you're laughing no no I'm fine I'm fine please please I don't have it I don't have the Laughing disease oh no I'm laughing goodbye world B stop stop laughing if you want to live stop what were you laughing no no I was just practicing in case I did catch the Laughing disease The Laughing disease is incurable if you catch it you're doomed now get to [Laughter] class stop stop laughing I knew it I knew you had the Laughing disease say bye-bye Brianna no no I'm not infected I'm telling you say bye-bye Brianna no no I'm not infected I'm telling you look at my face I'm not laughing no I saw you you were laughing you must have been seeing things tell me tell me the cure for the Laughing disease I I don't know let go of me come with us Brianna where am I who are you what do you want from me we need to know how you got cured from the laughing disease what's the secret look I don't know how I cured the disease if I knew I'd tell you let me see your arm what are you doing we're injecting you with the Laughing disease so we can know your secret no everyone put your mask on so you don't catch the Laughing disease she's laughing too much we have to get rid of her or else we'll catch the Laughing disease have you guys ever thought then maybe the Laughing disease isn't deadly you just kill everyone who gets it because you're afraid honey you got a word on your head oh no mommy give me a hint it's something you do to me all the time bite punch answer carefully you're only allowed two wrong guesses it's something you do with your eyes side eye sweetie you got it oh no mommy you got a word on your head hurry give me a hint it's a horror movie Green no smile no it's one of the greatest four movies of all time it was made like a long time ago Halloween no mommy it was the grandma stop stealing my makeup I was almost late getting ready this morning you've got a word on your head hurry Grandma give me a hint people often say that you are perfect stunning oh no I only have one guest left you have to get something that you are not aren't give me another hint POV tic tackers are POV tic tackers are cringe I got it correct but just so you know Grandma puv tic tackers are not cringe where did those sunglasses come from Hey Eugene Wait I need to copy your homework you can't copy me that's cheating you have a word on your head give me a hint I'll guess it no problem it's something you don't have friends no when someone's a Charming person there insufferable okay Eugene watch me treat me don't get me dirty what is this it's embarrassing no Eugene it was RZ Brianna not now Sophie I'm super late to class you got a word hurry give me a hint it's something you drink water juice careful you have one guess left it's a white liquid your dad went out to get what and then never came back your dad went out to get what and then never came back milk I got it thank you so much for the hint Sophie I couldn't have done it without you here's your test Brianna Mr Stevens you got a word on your head gloss give me hints if I gets the word right I'll give you all A's on your test it's something you should never do during a test cry Mr Stevens what do you always tell us to never do pay axes Mr Stevens what did you do to your wife cheat on her yes the word is cheat you got it everyone gets an A Y Timmy has a word on his head Timmy a please someone give me a hint me ugly I got it wrong give me a better hint okay opposite of good then add i e not goody that's two words Timmy give me an example of the word in a sentence Shia Shia Susan Miss Applewood is crying again just put on a 60-second video with a video of someone playing with slime next to it that's a very Niche request it works every time trust me all right everyone one who's ready to take their vitamins 3 two one oh I'm again I don't get paid enough for this Mr Stevens it's time to eat your lunch you got puree mashed potatoes and puree beef and then I don't know what that is why would I need a meal when I have a snack right in front of me treat me like don't get me dirty fine don't eat oh he ate I'm in love with Timmy here do the flower test yummy no don't eat it to know if Timmy really loves you you must do the flower test flower test you must rip off each individual pedal saying he loves me he loves me not if the final pedal lands on he loves you then he loves you if the last pedal ends on he does not then he doesn't he loves me he loves me not He Loves Me He Loves Me Not He Loves Me He Loves Me Not sweetie what's wrong Timmy doesn't love me why didn't Daddy come to pick me up at school too he went to pick up milk he's never coming back hello daughter Dad I'm sorry I left I want to be in your life again 10 years later and you want to be back in my life only if the flower says you really love me hello daughter Dad I'm sorry I left I want to be in your life again 10 years later and you want to be back in my life only if the flower says you really love me he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not you don't love me dad of course I love you you're my daughter Why'd You Come Back look I need some money I just need you to ask your mother not going to happen why don't you go pick up milk like you said you were going to 10 years ago hey baby are you okay I love [Music] you he loves me he loves me not he loves me I love you too I Now pronounce you husband then wait I need you to do the flower test right now I Now pronounce you husband then wait I need you to do the flower test right now yes I have to be sure she she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not you don't love me why would you agree to marry me if you don't love me I thought I did but I wasn't sure no you knew because if you really love me you wouldn't even have to think about it truthfully there's someone else I'm sorry well that was embarrassing I love you Timmy Brianna I love you too I've loved you since I was 6 years old what but I did the flower test and you didn't love me back it must have been wrong try it again the flower test doesn't lie please just one more time he loves me he loves me not how much energy did you get today I got 100% I feel amazing that's great but be careful because can't talk right now get the run to school Hey Brianna my energy is so low today I only got 30% I have so much energy today you should try and save your energy you don't want to use it all at once not going to happen my energy hasn't gone down even 1% here's your test my test is done you're finished already yes do you have any more you only get one that's okay I'll just dance class today we'll be running Labs yes Hey Eugene what are you doing catch ow you were supposed to catch hey Sophie do you want to have a dance battle with me I can I don't have enough energy is your energy getting low you seem out of breath no way my Energy's been at 100% all day come on Brianna stand up what happened to her I think her energy is only at 1% right now if her energy goes below zero she'll die hurry someone send her energy how much energy did you get a lot how much is a lot what's your energy at a lot tell me a million energy why why why why why why Brianna relax okay I'm relaxed you only get a million energy when your soulmate send you energy so send energy my soulmate sh be quiet if people find out how much energy you have they'll keep asking you for energy I'm quiet I'm quiet so what I do how can I find my soulmate you need to find out who sent you the energy then you need to send them energy back to confirm it's your soulmate got it Hey Eugene did you send me energy earlier I would never I don't like you not Eugene what did you send me energy earlier possibly okay I'm going to send you energy energy goes my okay well my energy is well my energy it's not a million I was just messing with you did you find him yet who sent you the energy because whoever did is your soulmate no I didn't find yet did you send me any energy how could I I barely have any left all right let on you stop it that noise broke my glasses did you tell me ener earlier I wasn't even here earlier I slept in late this morning okay so it's definitely not you Sophie what's it now I don't have the energy for this I don't know who else to ask not my soulmate Jak not myate y's not my soulmate what about Kevin he's out a cring you forever that's a great idea Kevin oh you're scary relax Kevin I just have to ask you a simple question during G Class did you or did you not send me energy I did I saw your energy was low and I wanted to make sure you'd be safe okay Kevin I'm going energy your energ golion to my soulmate well is that a million help I'm almost out of energy there you are what Kevin is my soulmate good morning how much energy did you get today 10% I won't even have enough to buy anything today oh no that's so hell you won't have enough energy to walk to school don't worry honey I'll drive you to school today hey Bri huh uh-oh you sound like you don't have a lot of energy no I don't I won't even have enough money to buy anything today can you buy me lunch I won't need to I discovered a trick here use this an iPhone charger my dad worked for the government and I recently found out we all have secret charging ports but you can't tell anyone about this or else we'll be in big trouble where do I plug it in your belly button now remember you shouldn't charge too much at once it could be really bad I won't I just want to get to at least 300% too much energy at once isn't healthy it could cause a malfunction I'll be fine relax Kayla perfect I'm at 300% now I feel great Kayla kill him kill him kill him you're fun 1 2 3 4 Somebody's knocking at your door who's there who are you how did you know that 5 6 7 8 answering the door will be a [Music] mistake sweetie did you already finish studying yeah Mom I'm done studying I'm just heading to bed okay just keep that door locked Brianna yes sir I need you to come see me after class we need to talk about your grades okay yeah you asked to see me sir your grades have been declining exponentially 1 2 3 4 somebody's coming to the door somebody's coming to the door excuse me I need to lock that door 1 2 3 4 somebody's coming to the door somebody's coming to the door excuse me I need to lock that door what are you doing someone's trying to get in I'm going to open the door no no no you can't you don't understand I understand now move out of my way 5 6 7 8 push him through the door before it's too late no no no let me in open the door let me in open the door 1 2 3 4 it's safe now to go through the door Brianna have you seen our teacher Mr Stevens anywhere no I haven't seen him anywhere huh weird 1 2 3 4 don't open the door don't open that door bro but they're knocking you're so skib you're so Phantom tag I just want to be your Sigma be your Sigma Timmy you can't copy what I just said but I wanted that line if you copy what someone just said or do an action that someone just did you'll die but I was supposed to sing that part of the song great and now Jimmy stole my line bye Grandma I'm off to school now I'll see you later what did you say I couldn't hear you I can't find my hearing AG I'll see you later you're an alligator no I'll see you later you're stuck in a radiator I'll see you later oh I'll see you later Grandma guess what I found your heat they were oh no Bri what's up girl oh oh get it which one of us went to go pick it up first it was definitely me stop copying me stop copying me I wasn't yes you were look both of us are still alive so that means neither of us were copying each other we both went to pick it up at the same time yeah I guess you're right anyways I'm heading to class now bye bye so close Hey Brianna did you finish the homework I totally forgot yeah I did Chad are you copying my homework um no well I really hope you're telling the truth because if you did just copy my homework you're going to die I told you I didn't and that's why you should always do your homework you tell him Eugene he can't hear you he's dead good now that everyone has their assignments everyone must start their assignment at the exact same time so that no one is accused of copying someone else's actions 3 2 1 begin oh I'm getting so tired no Brianna don't Yar what are these hearts on my face for Mom the hearts represent how many people must fall in love with you before you can meet your soulmate when they fall in love you lose a heart what's the gold heart for that represents your soulmate you'll only lose the gold heart when your soulmate falls in love with you hi Jake what do you want I really like your left elbow what does that even mean get out of here oh no what's wrong I need five people to fall in love with me look at me it's never going to happen I'm a loser you're not a loser you're beautiful you just need a makeover come with me who's that fine babe over there where he's talking about you oh thank you don't snort I I think I'm in love with you Brianna you lost a heart you really do love me Anna you lost a heart you really do who love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you goodbye Jake you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great I told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soulmate look there's a guy right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair a bit whoa is everything okay here little man H yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey my name's Jason what's yours Brianna we should exchange numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore Brianna look at this insect I found wow let me see Brianna tell him Kevin I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore I'm trying to get boys to fall in love with me so I can't be seen with the weird guy I really hope that getting boys and being popular is worth losing who you are so after class we'll go looking for the next guy Brianna don't wear your glasses I can't see anything why do I have to change everything about myself to get born boys to like me why can't I just be me Briana wait this is just so boys will fall in love with you so you can find your soulmate once you find your soulmate you can go back to being yourself again and who's to say my soulmate's going to love me for who I am no one else does Brianna you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Mr Stevens that fell in love with you for his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay right in front of you that's Chad he's one of the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Chad right Chad hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop please don't like it when you cry I don't care I don't care about Chad I'm in love with Kevin is Kevin more important than your soulmate he is then go to him Kevin I Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia how'd it go with Kevin did you tell him you like him he likes someone else Brianna you lost your last heart someone else fell in love with you Chad no it wasn't Chad it was me oh not in a romantic way in a platonic way I felt for you and I saw that you stay true to yourself and know what you want the only person left to fall in love with you is your soulmate that means I'm going to find my soulmate anytime now that's the girl I remember it's so great to be my myself again hey do you mind if I sit next to you uh okay does anyone know the answer to this equation 7,422 girl who knows her math I like it it's you what nothing Congrats on finding your soulmate and getting him to fall in love with you what's this it's a list of all the people who fell in love with you before your soulmate the third person on the list is Kevin sweetie is it time for school yes I think so sweetie you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf what time is it Mr Wolf it is 8:00 a.m. it's time for school M lunchtime Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is what time is it Mr Wolf it is 12:00 p.m. it's time for everybody to eat lunch except Timmy it's time for Timmy to be my lunch no Mr Wolf [Music] please what time is it Mr Wolf it is 3:00 p.m. it's time for me to eat [Music] you Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is hurry what time is it Mr Wolf it is 3 p.m. it's time for me to eat [Music] you Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is hurry what time is it Mr Wolf it is 3:00 p.m. it's time for everyone to go home it's time to go home I'll see you tomorrow bestie stay safe you too Mom I'm home I'm so hungry mom is it time for dinner what time is it Mr Wolf it is 5:00 p.m. it's time for me to have my dinner mom mom where's Mommy it's time for dinner she's just sleeping why is there a timer above my head hurry you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf ask what why is there a timer above my head hurry you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf ask what what time is it Mr Wolf what time is it Mr who Mr Wolf Mr Wolf uh-oh looks like little ran out of time it's time to be my [Music] meal go [Music] away what time is it Mr Wolf it is 9:00 a.m. it's time for school you're late I don't care I'm not going my mom and sister are gone what what time is it Mr Wolf it is 9:00 a.m. it's time for you to go to school I told you I'm not going go team I knew you would win Jake of course I won you were cheering me on look it's Porky the Pig get it cuz you're fat my name's not Porky it's Cynthia Porky I can smell your Big Mac scent sweat from over here stinky funky like ew why are you so mean why am I so chubby how did I gain so much weight in a day oh no did you make someone insecure you were born with a curse if you make someone insecure you'll get their insecurity so you're saying I'm stuck like this I'm ready for cheer Brianna you really let yourself go yeah don't worry about it I'll lose weight in no time well until you do you can't cheer with us are you serious right now I'd like to audition for the cheer squad pory you're skinny I told you my name's Cynthia wait Cynthia I should apologize mommy when is Daddy coming back with the milk it's been 2 years stop crying I said stop you're making it rain you're six now so it's time you know you were born with a curse whenever you cry it rains you can't tell anyone about this because they might judge you for your curse I can't believe Derek broke up with me a Brianna it's going to be okay come on let's get you home it's raining let's wait till it stops no no it's okay it will stop raining now the rain actually stopped how did you know it would stop raining I have to tell you something I was born with a curse whenever I cry it rains but you can't tell anyone about this okay they might judge me for it cry baby why would you do that come on cry I want to see it rain how do you know that I'm sorry I told them ooh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never going to come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup wipes no it won't W come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my slumber party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did if you're happy and you know it clap your hands I'm not doing it I'm not happy if you hear if you're happy and you know it you must do whatever she says happily if you don't do what she says with a smile you'll die that's scary if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet it's 700 a.m. bro too early for this uh-oh Chad wasn't happy and you know it Chad Britney are you okay I know Chad was your boyfriend if you're happy and you know it cuts your hair I love cutting my hair so happy so happy no my beautiful [Music] hair a Britney wasn't happy and you know it if you're happy and you know it push someone down the stairs if you're happy and you know it push someone down the stairs hello Brianna principal Stevens you can go down the stairs first how kind of you principal Stevens principal Stevens I think I killed him if you're happy and you know it say hooray hooray are you okay you look worried my boyfriend is not going to be happy with me I killed his Dad principal Stevens how could you you killed my dad babe wait please just listen to me I didn't have a choice I got happy you know to push someone down the stairs I didn't know he'd di why would you choose my dad if you're happy and you know it break up with your boyfriend babe we have to break up you just got a happy and you know it didn't you that's funny I just got one to kill you Jake you wouldn't actually do it right you wouldn't kill me I would happily Bri Bri where are you if you're happy and you know it clap your hands found you this is for my dad Jake uh-oh Jake took too long to complete his happy and you know it Jake are you still alive not for much longer I'm so cold here take this sweater you gave it to me you should have it back anyways I really did love you Jake I I love you if you're happy and you know it kill your teacher with this apple apple look in your pocket if you're happy and you know it kill your teacher with this apple apple look in your pocket Miss Applewood I got you an apple because you're my favorite teacher are you hungry thank you you can just leave it on the desk Brianna Miss Applewood you've been working really hard you should really take a bite okay okay I will I am a little hungry it's actually pretty where's Miss Applewood class started 10 minutes ago if she's not here in 15 minutes legally we can leave if you're happy and you know it throw your pen at Eugene ow why would you is it just me or are we getting a lot more happy and you know it's recently I'm not I've only gotten one today Brianna you know if you're getting a lot of happy and you know it it means they're trying to eliminate you right if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it put your hands in the air principal Stevens you're alive if you're happy and you know it kill your teacher with this apple apple look in your pocket Miss Applewood I got you an apple because you're my favorite teacher are you hungry thank you you can just leave it on the desk Brianna Miss Applewood you've been working really hard you should really take a bite okay I will I am a little hungry it's actually pretty where's Miss Applewood class started 10 minutes ago if she's not here in 15 minutes legally we can leave if you're happy and you know it throw your pen at Eugene ow why would you is it just me or are we getting a lot more happy and you know it's recently I'm not I've only gotten one today Brianna you know if you're getting a lot of happy and you know it it means they're trying to eliminate you right if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it put your hands in the air principal Stevens you're alive black heart Red Heart black heart Red Heart black heart Red Heart oh honey you got your hearts yay now you must choose one but whatever you do don't choose the I want the black heart it reminds me of death no you made a big mistake the black heart means if someone falls in love with you their heart will die but the red heart means if someone falls in love with you their heart will continue beating now you can never find love because if someone falls in love with you they'll die Timmy I'm going to be the princess you be the prince and we're going to get married we're getting married it's just for pretend Jimmy Timmy no what happened to Timmy he's sleeping I think no he's not sleeping he must have fell in love with you hey my name's Jason I just moved here I could really use a friend I'm Brianna oh no you have a black heart oh no you have a black heart so why does it matter you said you just wanted a friend nothing bad will happen to you as long as you don't fall in love with me sorry but I'm not going to risk it here's your test back Brianna thanks Mr Stevens look at your grade yes I got another a your grades have been phenomenal recently keep up the good work what happened to Mr Stevens Mr Stevens he must have fell in love with Brianna ow who's going to grade the homework she shouldn't be allowed in the school you guys think I want to live this way it's not my fault hey girl how are you doing I'm so glad you're friends with me Sophie because no one else will be take it as a compliment everyone's scared they'll fall in love with you I'm going to be alone forever I have an idea you could hide it how here cover it with this red heart and tell everyone that you got your heart changed from black to Red no one will ever find out hey Timmy what am I doing bombastic side Jinx you owe me a soda Timmy poor Timmy he wasn't fast enough what happened when you say something at the same time as someone else the first person to say jinx survives if neither of you say it you both live but to be safe I would say it good morning Mom I'm not going to say it I know know that neither of us would ever say that word to each other yeah you're one of the only people I can trust that would never say that word to me I love you Mom have a good day morning girl Sophie look at my new ring who got it for you Jake Jake uh I'm not jinx why would you do that I wasn't going to say the word I just I wasn't sure class what's the answer to number three 24 class what's the answer to number three 24 Jinx oh why would you Eugene look what you did Brianna class I think it would be best if we all just go take a break for a few minutes what's wrong with you why would you use that word I was only going to say it because he was going to say it first yeah sure he was you're the worst Brianna my boyfriend hasn't been answering his phone all day why are you looking extra handsome today Jakey shh not here my girlfriend could be around he's not here here I saw her she went back to class good Jake Brianna I I can explain wait it's not what it looks like Jinx that's what they all say you men are so predictable oh Jake what have you done Brianna I didn't mean to do that oh Jake what have you done Brianna I didn't mean to do that first youi and now Jake who's next I didn't mean to Jin jinx jinin Jes I said it first no I definitely did no James it's a tie it's a tie okay how about we agree that neither of us will say the word yeah Jin another tie is this going to be a competition of who can say it first I guess it is jinx you're never going to win Brianna Brianna Britney you can go first after you Jin jinx jinx jinin look at Brianna over there she said the J word to her own boyfriend no way I saw it with my own two eyes it never would have happened Britney if you didn't kiss my boyfriend oh honey we were seeing each other for months behind your back that's just the first time we got caught Jinx we were seeing each other for months behind your back that's just the first time we got caught Jinx no no Britney my baby you were her boyfriend I was she was cheating on you by the way so was I I'm looking for Brianna she's right over there I'm going to need you to come with me uhoh someone's in trouble did I do something wrong officer we received an anonymous call from a student they said you're making your Jinx count go up on purpose no I would never this is all just some terrible coincidence don't worry we just want to ask you ask questions Jinx who are you I'm Jimmy Jimmy Timmy's brother I lost my brother when I was seven Because of You bombastic s Jinx you owe me a soda I remember Jimmy listen I didn't do it on purpose Jimmy listen I didn't do it on purpose Jimmy don't say it I'm not going to say jinx either I feel bad about what happened to Timmy you literally just said it I'm so sorry Jimmy hey kid I know that you jinxed the other officer I saw it all on the security floor footage stop right there Jinx where do you think you're going like go me you stay right there you're in big trouble young lady Jinx I knew you were going to say that hey Mom I'm coming home early sweetie what have you done the police are here looking for you Mom everything's gone out of hand I kept talking at the same time as people and then I said the J word because I was afraid and then the officers came and I said it on purpose because I was scared the you're going to take me away Jinx good morning Mom I'm not going to say it I know that neither of us would ever say that word to each other goodbye sweetie I'm glad there's always music playing Tommy so we can have a dance party every single day yay I love music and dancing the music may seem fun but it's not it's deadly if you hear the music stop you must stop moving and turn into a statue or else you'll be killed I didn't know that but the music's never stopped before so I don't think it's going to am I supposed to be a statue now Bye Mom Mom you're safe now remember sweetie if you hear the music stop you have to I have to freeze like a statue mom I know already of course you do stay safe do you remember what today is how could I forget today's the day that Tommy died 10 years ago I miss my brother so much we should get to class like like timy Mommy I promise one day I'm going to be famous bran I told you not to make any promises now you'll have a permanent Mark until you fulfill your promise does anyone have a hair tie I can borrow yeah here just promise me you'll give it back yes of course I promise sup babe hey I got you flowers wow they're beautiful thank you I love you so much promise me one day we'll get married I promise what university are you applying to Harvard of course um you don't know no what you can't get into Harvard with any unfulfilled promises they're very prestigious I got to go I got to get rid of all these marks is that even possible I promise you it is here's your hair tie back seriously you're giving it back now I don't even want it anymore well you need to take it I need to fulfill all my promises and get into Harvard so no I don't want it take it okay jeez thank you you're so much better than my girlfriend hey babe it's not what it looks like I was uh giving her CPR come on we're going to get married right now and then we're going to get a divorce wait but I don't want to let's go the only marks I have left is to fulfill all my promises and become famous how am I going to become famous H let's brainstorm some ideas I know I'm going to post thirst traps on Tik Tok Brianna no how'd the video do did it get any views yeah a lot of views then why don't you look happy everyone's laughing at me we saw your Tik Tok video you thought you looked so hot whatever at least I'm famous oh yeah you're famous all right well I guess I'm famous not the way I wanted to be but hey at least my promises are fulfilled um Brianna you still have one Mark left what look no no no no my last promise was to fulfill all of my promises and I did I think that's sort of like a lifelong promise so I can't get into my dream School you could always try Yale Brianna you can't cover up your mark they'll find out how would they find out I have to get into Harvard it's my dream hi I'm here to interview for Harvard we've been expecting you come this way welcome to the Harvard interview now before we get started we're going to have to ask you to remove your foundation what why we received a tip from someone that you have an unfulfilled promise I'm sorry but this is just protocol all right so I was lying I have an unfilled promise but I mean every other requirement and then some the interviews over I'm going to have to ask you to leave how'd the interview go they found out they said they received a tip from someone but how is that possible no one else but us knew hey Mom the interview's over can you come pick me up please thank you so much for the heads up on Brianna yeah of course I wouldn't want someone getting into Harvard dishonestly your interview is tomorrow you make a great candidate for Harvard thank you so much sir M yummy pepper I like lots of pepper on my food Brianna no stop pouring pepper it's going to make me sneeze uh no Jimmy you can't sneeze if you sneeze you'll die uh I'm going to sneeze no Jimmy K Kon TI more like kassoon dead give me I get to sneeze Brianna your face is ugly give me why would you say that I was distracting you from sneezing and it worked oh thank you then hey Bri Sophie are you sick it's just a com cold nothing serious well what are you doing here are you trying to kill everyone if people catch your cold they're going to sneeze for sure I haven't sneezed yet I don't believe you uh I stay back here's your textbook thanks sir oh why is it so dusty oh no I'm going to sneeze I just got to finish the word snow blank blank blank Snowman basty the Snowman I just got to finish the word missile blank blank blank foot foot it's something on your foot Miss toel hey Jimmy what's going Jimmy what happened to Jimmy Bye Mom I'm off to school now come on let's go oh no I just got to finish the word blank ifs what ifs ifs ifs what ifs I don't know what's an ifs answer now or El gifts I got it I got a word blank blank blank blank blank mens come on give me a hint I don't know it's 7:00 a.m. my brain cells aren't all working yet how can I answer this I'm only 6 years old I have no working brain cells answer now or else please men M the things that hang on the Christmas tree ornaments you got it attention class today Santa Claus will be visiting our classroom Santa Santa oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh guys Santa Claus is coming to our classroom I don't think it's going to be the real Santa Claus the real Santa Claus is going to be way too busy preparing to deliver presents to the entire world I just got to finish the word p r e blank blank blank blank the aners presents give me a harder one next time I like a challenge yeah please give Eugene a harder one next time ho ho ho merry Christmas everybody guys it's Santa Claus oh no I just got to finish the word Who whoo whoa you better answer it why do I recognize that voice whoa whoa you better answer it why do I recognize that voice answer now or El Santa Claus is the creator I finished the word what' you say nothing don't you have a finish the word answer it sorry I just had to clear my throat um slle blank blank blank blank blank jingle bells jingle B Eugene stop bringing those bells I'm trying to answer this slay Bells Eugene I think Santa Claus is the creator finish the word he most definitely isn't how would you even think of that oh wait you're blown heck my roots are brown hey Santa Claus wait are you coming to tell me what you would like for Christmas I know you're the Creator finish the word delivering Christmas presents to the entire world isn't easy the less population the more likely I can make everyone's Christmas dreams come true and the game Santa Claus or else is that a frying pan yes Timmy are you ready for the first house of the night for trick-or-treating yeah can I be the one to knock [Music] okay trick or or treat I got treat there you go thank you I got a trick what's on your shirt Timmy I don't see anything made you he got you yeah he really tricked me [Music] hello treat I got treat again here's your candy thank you I got a trick that's okay I'll give you a treat anyways thank you so much take a bite um does this have peanuts in it of course I'm severely allergic that's the trick Eugene now's not the time to sleep we need to go do more trick-or-treating chicka cheat I got a trick someone needs to say to you happy Halloween before the timer ends out or else also I stole all your candy you whoa you all right there Timmy you're lucky I was there to save you you saved me I love you I love you too Timmy we live we love we lie Timmy what are you seeing that sounds terrible SK skibby oh no Timmy caught the mem dis disase you have to keep your ears covered and get out of there what are you saying I can't hear you I got him we live come on memes are a very infectious disease if you hear someone saying meme sounds you must plug your ears and get out of there immediately or else you could be infected forever hey babe today it's officially been 10 years since my brother Timmy died because of the meme disease it's been 10 years already huh I said it's been 10 years already he I said it's been 10 years already huh huh oh no you caught the meme disease let's play a game selected why would you do that one of us is going to die now yes but one of us is going to get money what game are we playing a game of odds heads or tails Tails all right I choose heads then oh no it's Tails uh a redo [Applause] just the granola bar yes how much let's play a game selected what game Go Fish the 10 of Hearts Go Fish Joker what how did you know you're a [Applause] cheater um I'm home let's play a game selected no you can't say those words let's play a game selected no you can't say those words one of us is going to die now what game what you need to choose a game you need to choose one you're good at so that you can live no I don't want you to die just choose a game okay how about we draw toothpicks whoever chooses the shortest stick loses this is a game of luck you're supposed to choose a game you're good at I don't know what game I'm good at you choose first I got the short stick wait let's play a game I want to make a deal with you if I win the game you spare my little sister but if I lose you kill us both and you get double the priz money deal what game are we playing rock paper scissors rock paper scissors scissors 7 a.m. waking up in the morning got to be fresh got to go downstairs hey we're going to have a good day goodbye goodbye everybody I've got to go Stop in the Name of Love what what do you mean I should have bought you flowers I can buy myself flowers and hold your hand I can hold my own hand and I can help falling in love I might kill my ex not the best idea ow what did you do that for no no stop in the name I just killed my axe I might kill my ex not the best idea ow what did you do that for no no stop in the name I just killed my ex I just killed my ex not the best idea it's me hi I'm the problem it's me killed his girlfriend next how I I get here you are my sunshine my only sunshine mama just killed the man oh no oh no no no no run run run away how much energy did you get today I got 100% I feel amazing that's great but be careful because can't talk right now get around to school Hey Brianna my energy is so low today I only got 30% can't relate I have so much energy today you should try and save your energy you don't want to use it all at once not going to happen my energy hasn't gone down even 1% here's your test my test is done you're finished already yes do you have any more you only get one that's okay I'll just dance class today we'll be running laps yes Hey Eugene what are you doing catch ow you were supposed to catch hey Sophie do you want to have a dance battle with me I can I don't have enough energy is your energy getting low you seem out of breath no way my Energy's been out 100% all day come on Brianna stand up what happened to her I think her energy is only at 1% right now if her energy goes below zero she'll die hurry someone send her energy W how much energy did you get a lot how much is a lot what's your energy at a l tell me uh a million energy why why why why why why Brianna relax okay I'm relaxed you only get a million energy when your soulmate send you energy so send energy my soulmate sh be quiet if people find out how much energy you have they'll keep asking you for energy quiet I'm quiet so what do I do how can I find my soulmate you need to find out who sent you the energy then you need to send them energy back to confirm it's your soulmate got it Hey Eugene did you send me energy earlier I would never I don't like you not what did you send me energy earlier possibly okay I'm going to send you energy energy go okay well my energy it's well my energy it's not at a million I was just messing with you did you find him yet who sent you the energy because whoever did is your soulmate no I didn't find him yet did you my chance send any energy how could I I barely have any left all right so on you stop it that noise broke my glasses did you tell me energy earlier I wasn't even here earlier I slept in late this morning okay so definitely not you Sophie what's it now I don't have the energy for this I don't know who else to ask on myate Jak myate you told me what about Kevin he's out of crushing you forever that's a great idea Kevin oh you're scary relax Kevin I just not ask you a simple question during G Class did you or did you not send me energy I did I saw your energy was low and I wanted to make sure you'd be safe okay Kevin I'm going to send energy and your energ goes million me my soulmate well is that a million help I'm almost out of energy there you are guess what Kevin is my soulmate good morning how much energy did you get today 10% I won't even have enough to buy buy anything today oh no that's so low you won't have enough energy to walk to school don't worry honey I'll drive you to school today hey Bri huh uh-oh you sound like you don't have a lot of energy no I don't I won't even have enough money to buy anything today can you buy me lunch I won't need to I discovered a trick here use this an iPhone charger my dad worked for the government and I recently found out we all have secret charging ports but you can't tell anyone about this or else we'll be in big trouble where do I plug it in your belly button now remember you shouldn't charge too much at once it could be really bad I won't I just want to get to at least 300% too much energy at once isn't healthy it could cause a malfunction I'll be fine relax Kayla perfect I'm at 300% now I feel great Kaleb kale k k the leader for today everyone they're choosing the leader for today I hope it's me it's me that means you all have to follow what I do or you die Timmy you'll be a good leader right you won't make anyone do anything terrible begin your exam I don't want to write my exam everyone take your exam paper crumple it up and throw it in the garbage no no I need straight A's I have to write this exam Eugene you have to follow whatever the leader does or you'll die no I have to get into Harvard I have to write everyone stop we're doing 100 jumping jacks Timmy why one two 100 Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there's no time for that we're going to rob a bank they're changing the leader 100 Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there's no time for that we're going to rob a bank they're changing the leader the new leader no way I'm the new leader everyone let's touch the top of the lockers Kaya no you know I'm too short to reach the top of a locker exactly Timmy You're the Reason Eugene's dead he was the love of my life now this is what you get K everyone we can all put our arms down now now who am I going to get revenge on next I know you're hurt but another person dying isn't going to take away your pain looks like you're next Brianna everyone we're going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does everyone we're going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does wait I'm going to choose a piece from the back hurry up okay I really didn't think you'd actually do it Brianna they're changing the leader the new leader no it's me so leader what are we doing now right I'm the leader okay everyone we're going to drink some perier water and then we're going to have lunch everyone for lunch we are eating a peanut butter wrap Brianna no I'm deathly allergic to peanuts Kayla you have to do as the leader does or they'll kill you but if I eat peanut butter I'll die why you have to try are you going to bed now yes Mom Mom I just saw Darkness you have more of the eye opening spray yes and don't worry sweetie you can see Darkness for 5 seconds but any more than that it's great that the government gives us eye opening spray we wouldn't be able to keep our eyes open without it mom do you have more of the eye spray I keep blinking it's not safe no sweetie the government is low on stock on the eye opening spray they're only giving it to the wealthy now Mom no they can't do that how are we going to survive it's not going to be easy I'm so tired I'm going to close my eyes just for a couple seconds mom Open Your Eyes Open Your Eyes who are you what do you want from me mom mom there's a way to beat the darkness Bri do you have any extra I spray something's in my eyes like dust or something keep your eyes open I can't open your eyes if you see dark you'll die I think I'm okay I just need to flush out my eyes with some water are you okay now yeah I'm much better now my eyes feel so tired all those years of keeping my eyes open are finally catching up to me and I said of course my daddy will buy for me they're only giving the eye opening spray to the wealthy don't worry Sophie I'll get us some what are you going to do Charles you look so handsome today I know what you want no one ever talks to me unless they want something here take it you want you wanted the eye opening spray right no way really of course it's yours I have so many I can't even keep count thank you so much Sophie I got us some more eye opening spray Sophie why are your eyes closed survive for Sophie Sophie what's in the spray I can't open my eyes you really thought I'd give you the real spray after you tried to use me oh no am I dead they say the scariest thing about the dark is your imagination so it's best to find the light are you scared come follow me come here there's a way to beat the darkness there's a way to beat the darkness they say the worst part about the dark is your imagination that means none of this is real none of you are real hi sweetie mom mommy Brianna I missed you so much take my hand mommy's here now you guys aren't real I'm real you're not real and I'm not afraid of you you don't miss your own mother you're not real there's light up ahead you found the light too bad Sophie and your mom are still in the dark wait does that mean they're still alive wait how are you alive they're still alive who mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up for school [Laughter] mommy help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad good morning Dad I'm off to school now Dad how's my best friend today my dad has a laughing disease that means both my parents are gone I can't go home tonight do you think I can stay at your place I have to go where are you going your dad has the Laughing disease you could have caught it I can't risk it stay away class does anyone know the answer to everyone out students stay out here I'll take care of Miss Applewood that was so scary are you doing okay Bri I thought you didn't want me near you in case I'm contagious I know what I said I was just worried babe is everything okay Jake it It's My Best Friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you're laughing no no I'm fine I'm fine My Best Friend Sophie she has the Laughing disease we have to get rid of her you're laughing no no I'm fine I'm fine please please I don't have it I don't have the Laughing disease oh no I'm laughing goodbye world B stop stop laughing if you want to live stop what were you laughing no no I was just practicing in case I did catch the Laughing disease The Laughing disease is incurable if you catch it you're doomed now get to [Laughter] class stop stop laughing I knew it I knew you had the Laughing disease say bye-bye Brianna no no I'm not infected I'm telling you say bye-bye Brianna no no I'm not infected I'm telling you look at my face I'm not laughing no I saw you you were laughing you must have been seeing things tell me tell me the cure for the Laughing disease I I don't know let go of me come with us Brianna where am I who are you what do you want for me we need to know how you got cured from The Laughing disease what's the secret look I don't know how I cured the disease if I knew I'd tell you let me see your arm what are you doing we're injecting you with the Laughing disease so we can know your secret no everyone put your mask on so you don't catch the Laughing disease she's laughing too much we have to get rid of her or else we'll catch the Laughing disease have you guys ever thought that maybe the Laughing disease isn't deadly you just kill everyone who gets it because you're afraid your hair looks so silly no it doesn't yes it does you look better bald than with your hairstyle Brianna you're bald what how that's your karma when you do something bad your karma will come instantly you made fun of her hair so you went bald no no no I can't be bald I don't want to look like Mr World W where's my lip liner I don't know I know you took it I didn't yes you did because you're a bratty little thief and no one likes you oh I found it oh no why isn't it coming off nothing I do is making this come off this must be my karma for yelling at my sister I need to apologize I'm sorry you're such an annoying Brad who steals my makeup all the time I'm so sorry you need makeup to be pretty I'm sorry you ever born where'd she go are you ever born where' she go are you playing hide and seek come out stop playing come on cuz Kama is my boyfriend come is what are you still doing here you're supposed to be at school where's your little sister did she leave already she's gone I said I wish she was never born and she disappeared her disappearing is your karma for saying that now you must do as many Good Deeds as possible and hopes that good karma will bring your little sister back home go now get out of here Mom I made you tea and I cleaned the whole house dinner's almost ready good job keep going how many Good Deeds do you think it will take for to come back there's no guarantee that getting good Cara will bring back your sister her favorite stuff snowman Emily I'm sorry I said I wish you were never born I didn't mean it I love you please just take me instead of her take me instead of Mommy it's almost the New Year forget mommy or daddy no no I can't choose sweetie you have to choose before it's the new year or else you forget us both five 4 3 2 1 happy New Year Mom Mommy happy New Year who are you little girl why are you talking to me I'm your daughter I don't have a six-year-old I only have one daughter and she's 15 years old mommy oh no darling I think your mother chose to forget you who are you get away from me weirdo that's it I'm going to get milk it's that time of year again mom what time of year where we choose who we will forget in the New Year oh it's that time again what are your first options remember when you chose to forget me when I was six that was so long ago you were 6 years old we barely had any memories to begin with but I know you now I choose I choose what were your options you never told me sweetie it was between older sister and Grandma I chose Grandma good choice Grandma's old anyways yeah girl your fit is so cute thank you bestie now how does my girlfriend get more beautiful every single day stop it babe what's wrong Bri I just got my next set of options no no I'm not going to choose Bria you have to choose because if you don't choose before it gives you the next set of options you'll forget them both who in the New Year are you going to forget it was between Timmy or Jimmy I chose Jimmy that's a good choice Everyone likes Timmy better I wish my girlfriend was as pretty as you so leave her and be with me don't worry I will soon I made the wrong choice I'm not going to choose I want to forget them both oh babe you're here I'm not your babe not anymore got your pen Jimmy Jimmy Katch Timmy catch Timmy come on guys give me my pen back forget Timmy or Jimmy H choose Jimmy what no don't choose me Timmy's the one who stole your pen in the first place I'm going to choose Jimmy Jimmy no I thought you said you got them as an option earlier Brianna why'd you lie to me uh you know what don't even tell me bestie wait Sophie let me explain why didn't you tell me who you actually chose to forget I didn't tell you because I chose to forget you over my boyfriend oh I just got an option choose to forget you or choose to forget Emma I choose I choose bestie please don't choose to forget me and why not you chose to forget me I know and it was a mistake but you and Emma aren even that close if you choose to forget me then neither of us will ever remember our memories together and we won't ever meet again why would I want to remember someone who chose a boy over their best friend Emma would never do what you did goodbye Brianna it's one more day till the new year almost everyone I care about is going to be forgotten forget my cat Oreo or my older sister no no I can't choose no I have to choose I don't want to forget them both it disappeared I'm going to forget both of them 15 seconds until the new year new year new me forget myself or everyone I've ever known Brianna it's almost a new year hurry and choose I'm going to forget myself sweetie I don't think that's a good decision happy New Year everyone what are you doing at my house who are you I don't know who am I for some reason I remember you but not even myself you're my mom right no I'm not your mom I only have one daughter oh no looks like Mom chose to forget you again you don't know who you are because you chose to forget yourself in the new year but you know who I am right yeah you're my older sister and you don't know your own name no your name is I'm a hog I'm a hog so when people ask you your name you'll say I'm a hog hi Bri you don't remember me but no my name's I'm a hwk um I wanted to introduce myself I'm Sophie Sophie I remember you you're my best friend but I thought you chose to forget me I only said that because I was mad I would never forget you Bri no it's I'm a hwk when you know the words of this song sing along sing along oh no honey did you just get a sing along we'll give you a lyric and you have to continue singing the lyric they'll give you or else and I'm bad and I'm bad like the Barbie I'm a doll but I still want a party honey you got it you're safe oh no Mommy what's wrong I just got to sing along I'm super shy I I don't know Mommy you have to sing along I'm super shy mommy please Mommy I love you Grandma I'll see you after school Jing oh no Grandma did you just get to sing along you have to sing along or else it's a it's a it's a Cru summer with you you got it Grandma of course I'm a Swifty when you know the words to the song when you know the words to the song sing along sing along you can't you can't love anyone cuz that would mean you had a heart you're safe I knew you would get it sweetheart grandma I'm heading to school now stay safe you're all I have left after mom died I can't lose you too don't worry sweetheart I'm not going anywhere class turn to chapter 2 in your books sing along oh no I just got a sing along got a white got a white got a white t-shirt it's got a white Bo on my roster I guess math class is going to be cancelled today bro that joke you made in math cost was extremely insensitive Derek go cry about it snowflake grandma grandma grandma is everything okay sweetheart I just got to sing along hurry Grandma read the lyric to me now what it is the song lyric is what it is what it is what it is sweetheart don't worry I know the answer you know it's not the same what it is no grandma that's as it was by hairry Styles goodbye sweetheart I love you Grandma why are you crying your grandma was old anyways she's all I had left Derek oh no sing along karma is did you just get a sing along I did the words are karma is come on give me a hint you must know something come on please help me karma is Brianna what's wrong my grandma just passed away when you know the words of the song sing along sing along when did it okay I'm going to be the princess no I want to be the princess no Sophie I want to be the princess no Timmy you're a boy it's your turn to play eenie meenie miny mo it's my turn to play eenie meeny miny mo choose to other players okay I choose Sophie and Timmy oh no that game's deadly whoever it lands on dies say it together we all have to sing een mey oh it landed on Sophie no that means I'm out Sophie yay I'm safe Bye Mom bye Dad I'm off to school now it's your turn to play it's my turn to play eeny meeny miny mo honey you have to pick your dad and I what no I won't you have no choice we're the only other two people in the room I choose I choose mom and dad your dad is is not in the room with you what do you mean he's right there sweetie I think you have to say his real name I choose mom and Edward I'm sorry this isn't how I wanted you to find out that means he's not my real dad come on we all have to say the words together say it now eenie meie Mo dad's out I mean I guess you're not my real dad if I'm not your dad who is honey please just let me explain don't talk to me ever again boo Jay don't scare me like that I'm not in the mood today it's my turn to play eenie meeny miny mo I choose um Brianna and Timmy no why would you choose me Jake I'm your girlfriend I panicked now come on we have to St together een meanie myy Mo I'm safe Jake's out that's impossible I was in the middle this is Rigg Jake I love you I don't love you I wanted to get you out on purpose because I like men Jak I'm very disappointed in your grades recently Brianna it's your turn to play what this isn't fair it was just my turn already choose now I choose Mr Stevens and Timmy oh why does it say Dad Mr Stevens are you you my real dad I'm sorry your mother and I decided it's best if you never found out my whole life has been a lie because of you my daughter please we have to say it all together een me Mo bye sweetie no my dad Timmy Mr Stevens was your dad too he was that means you're my brother it's my turn to play eenie meeny Mighty Mo I choose Brianna and Timmy why would you choose me I'm your sister and I choose Timmy you can't choose yourself you're already chosen okay Mr knowit all I choose Eugene then we have to say it together Mo ha Eugene's out that's what you get for being Mr Know It All Kimmy that's not very nice you did wait do you want to know something about Dad I really do he was the creator of Eeny meeny miny mo no if he's the Creator how could he die Maybe the creator of the game but I helped him control it when you chose dad to play I rigged the game so I could get rid of him and put an end to this game once and for all but why did you get rid of Eugene I just don't like him congratulations sister you made it to the end you're free to go hi Mom I'm going too okay have fun it there's my it's my I love I love you're truly the love of my you're so stop it babe you're so I'll see you after class baby you can't finish your oh no I forgot no he was the love of my Brianna what's the answer to the ansers correct the answer was class it's time to write your Timmy can I board your sure here's my no you're oh here's my is that what you no you're what are you you're trying to pencil you can't just say one they consider it a fault uh-oh the poisonous gas is being released hurry hold your breath all right everyone here's your gas masks it will stop you from breathing in the poisonous gas being released uh excuse me I didn't get one there's not enough gas masks for everyone the families with the highest incomes are giv it first but that's not fair the rest of us are going to die we can't keep holding our breath forever you'll have to try oh no it's not fair they get masked and we don't it's like they're trying to get rid of us I know and the times we're getting to hold our breath are getting longer and longer come on pick up the pace keep running I can't I'm out of breath whaty how am I still alive oh no all the people who didn't have gas masks are dead not everyone Brianna's still alive that's impossible how can she hold her breath for 10 minutes and still be alive Omi you're alive no way how did you survive you didn't have a gas Mas I don't know I couldn't hold my breath any longer so I just breathed in the gas so did I I'm not going to fight it anymore we breathe in the gas how are we surviving I think the people that die didn't die from the gas they die from holding their breath look at your hand look at your hand oh no I must have had some kind of reaction to the poisonous gas your face it's turning green I don't feel so good it's not supposed to be time yet hold your breath as long as you can it's impossible to hold our breath that long I know look at you you're getting worse me what about you look at your arm I got the oxygen can 3,000 it's way better than those silly gas masks hey Rich Boy give me that oxygen tank here I got you this oxygen tank you need to use it right away you're not breathing while all it's too late hey Timmy I always wondered why does everyone have a gray stain on their body wherever the gray is shows where your first touch with your soulmate will be once you and your soulmate have had your first touch the great stain will go away my stain's on my face my stain is on my face hey Timmy let's see if we're soulmates Timmy timy are you sleeping Brianna look the gray on my hand is gone wow you're so lucky I want to meet my soulmate maybe I should just go around and punch all the guys and see which one my soulmate is how about we don't do that I actually arranged for you to meet every single guy in the school through speed dating speed dating what's up what's your name what do you care you're not my soulmate next hi so what's your favorite math subject no hi I'm oh my gosh there's a spider on your face get it off of me hold still har had a little lamb Emily stop singing where did you learn to sing I don't know I just heard it on the TV you only sing when you want to kill someone they play that on the TV cuz they want you to sing but you can't okay okay honey are you off to school now yeah I am you forgot to wear your earplugs you must always keep them on while you're in public do I have to wear them it's for your protection you never know when someone could start singing hey girl hey ouch now I got your attention what keep out those earplugs I want to talk to you my mom makes me wear them she says you never know when someone could start singing come on hand them over we're at school no one would start singing Here ring around the rosies a pocket full of Ring Around the Rosies a pocket full of r these ashes here's your earplugs back I was wrong you might actually need them I saw someone die was it just him or were there others there were three others who didn't cover their ears in time hey they canceled school for the day go home and get some rest mom I'm home Mary had a little lamb Emily stop singing Emily why are you singing I told you not to it kills people mom mom there's something wrong with Emily she won't stop singing she's going to kill someone Mary had a little lamb why are you singing little lamb I need to get out of here I'm so sorry are you okay rock goodbye babe I'm so sorry are you okay rock goodbye baby why is everyone singing attention all citizens singing has now become contagious you must wear earplugs at all times to stop the spread Mary had a little lamb Rock a by baby on the Treetops ashes ashes everyone's singing hey take out your earplugs what it's just me and you it's just us yes okay ring around the [Music] rosies 7 a.m. waking up in the morning got to be fresh got to go downstairs hey we're going to have a good day goodbye goodbye everybody I've got to go Stop in the Name of Love what what do you mean I should have bought you flowers I can buy myself flowers and hold your hand I can hold my own [Music] hand I can help falling in love I might kill my ex not the best idea ow what did you do that for no no stop in the name I just killed my ex I might kill my ex not the best idea ow what did you do that for no no stop in the name I just killed my ex I just killed my ex not the best idea it's me hi I'm the problem it's me killed his girlfriend next how I get here you are my sunshine my only sunshine mama just killed the man oh no oh no no no no run run run away can I be sing it Jimmy I'm just doing what comes naturally and Jimmy oh no she C the dancing disease where you guys going we have to tell the teacher oh no you've caught the dancing disease you must wear this mask at all time so people don't catch it I don't want to put it on if you don't the dancing police will kill you oh I love M so much thank you oh no Bri has a dancing disease everyone let's get out of here I don't want to catch it guys you can't catch it I'm wearing a mask I'm not going to risk it me neither let's go who can tell me the answer to question number two hm Brianna Brianna I'm sorry I can't answer it the dancing disease it's taken over so much better why don't you have on your mask give me Mr snowman I got it Catch Me If You Can Ricky why did I catch you Ricky you're not going to come after me it says this action would have consequences I don't want to find out what kind of consequence yeah it could have a bad consequence like Mr snowman dying honey would you like a ride to school no I'm fine Mom I'll just take the bus wait I made you some lunch here I could have just bought lunch at school Mom I love you I love you too thanks for the lunch Brie want to come with us to throw Timmy in The Fountain yeah no guys I don't think that's a good idea help me Hey Brianna Jake you look amazing today thanks come closer how about you and I skip class and go on a walk together I would love I would love to perfect you run into the school out of breath and worried that you're going to be late for your first class of the day hey who's saying that your best friend notices you as she's walking down the hall and says hey you're running late too hey you're running late too huh you feel a little confused but you nod and reply with I am I am well we should really start heading to class we're already late your best friend suggest well we should really start heading to class we're already late you both start walking blah blah blah blah blah blah blah you begin to fall asleep during the teacher's lecture when suddenly the teacher asks you Brianna what's the answer to the question H Briana what's the answer to the question I'm sorry sir I don't know the answer hahaa she wasn't paying attention Eugene scoffs she wasn't paying attention suddenly a suspicious man enters the school no no no the suspicious man begins making his way to your classroom Brianna is something wrong we need to barricade that door now what I said now good morning Mom I have like 10 sweaters on why is the house freezing cold the government released a temperature meter to help you find your soulmate the hotter it is the closer you are to your soulmate and the colder it is the farther away you are from your soulmate where is my soulmate the moon it's finally starting to warm up a bit not for me B I'm even colder than I was this morning I feel heat coming from that way you should follow it then it will lead you to your soulmate I need to go towards the heat I've been freezing all morning long it's getting warmer follow the heat what are you doing I'm following the heat oh it's getting hot this door it's like it's on fire that's where my soulmate must be oh my gosh why is it so hot in here excuse me are you in the right classroom I'm going to school now mom wait sweetie you almost forgot your lunch thanks Mom your last kiss was Mr Stevens what about Dad I'm sorry sweetie I know he's your principal please don't tell your father please free guess what Sophie no way you had your first kiss and it was Chad why didn't you tell me I was going to wow would you look at that your last kiss was Jake obviously he is your boyfriend Brianna wait oh hey Chad you look so beautiful today I need to tell you I've been in love with you since the second grade Chad you're Jake's best friend and Sophie you got something on the corner of your mouth let me get it for you okay Chad why did you just kiss me I'm sorry I now no one can touch me or they'll know we kissed breathe are you running late to class too hold my hand babe let's work together get back soulmate thoughts H I want to listen I want to go home and play Roblox Roblox mommy what is this soulmate's thoughts thing when you press listen you can hear whatever your soulmate's thinking and they can hear whatever you're thinking oh no that's not good why honey what are you thinking I wonder what my soulmate looks like maybe he's super hot like Jakey hi Jake oh no I just realized my soulmate can hear what I'm thinking I hope is not mad at me man I really need to take a Sho class everyone is going to be assigned partners for today's project Brianna you're with Jason what's up oh hi Jason I'm Brianna I guess we're going to be partners for today's project darn I have to work on this project with this ugly loser he's not my soulmate maybe it's just a coincidence that my soulmate is working on a project at the same time I am he could be anywhere in the world that black La shirt she has on is so ugly e oh no and she's also blonde she's probably one of those dumb blonde girls I'm going to have to do the project all by myself then I don't want to get a bad grade because of her oh it's definitely him what's definitely him nothing PR for something in that distance so close you can almost it release your in feel the oh be quiet my soulmate keeps singing in her head I have to mute her it's so annoying yeah that would be really really annoying we'll have to get together after school to finish this project yeah that girl over there is so fine why are you checking out a girl while you're talking to me what what I know that you know you know I know I know you know and I also know you know that I can read your mind too right here's your exam paper Timmy um Miss I forgot my pencil well then I guess you'll just need to be prepared to die what no why you just like lend me a pencil and I can write my exam oh Timmy Timmy let me tell you a story of a boy who forgot his pencil no pencil no write exam no write exam fail fail no college no college no diploma no diploma no work no work no money no money no house no food no live but don't worry just once I'll lend you a pencil are you crying no let me tell you a story about a boy who cried what is above my head soulmate's name blank blank blank blank blank you have to guess letters of your soulmate's name or just guess the name and if you guess it right you'll meet him I'm going to guess the letter J it starts with a J A that means you're not my soulmate maybe it's dero it's not Jason dulo why does it say strike one that's because you can only guess your soulmate's name or the letters of his name wrong 10 times after 10 strikes you're out and you'll never ever meet your soulmate that's scary oh no I'm not going to guess my soulmate's name again until I'm older I don't want to guess what I guess my soulmate's name correctly that means I'll meet him soon that's great have you guessed your soulmate's name yet no I haven't guessed my soulmate's name since I was six I don't want to class we have a new student everyone meet Jimmy is that my hey mind if I said here hey Jimmy hey mind if I sit here hi Jimmy fre your voice sounded so weird I know um Sophie Jimmy is my soulmate really how do you know well my soulmate's name has five letters Jimmy's name has five letters also it starts with a J Jimmy's name starts with a J no way Jimmy's your soulmate for sure then Jimmy's over there there go get your man girl Jimmy I mean hi Jimmy oh hey Brianna is everything okay what's up I think you're really cute and I was wondering if I could get your number Brio what are you doing trying to get my boyfriend's number boyfriend Jimmy and I are together we're dating well that's too darn bad Timmy break up Jimmy's my soulmate so we're getting married but I don't even like women are you sure Jimmy's your soulmate my soulmate's name is Jimmy I guess we need to break up Pooky please don't break up with me Pooky I'm sorry it needs to be done Sophie Jimmy's not my soulmate oh that's too bad what are you going to do now what I need to do is I need to sneak in the principal's office and get a list of all of the J names in the school that's not going to work you don't even know if he goes to this school the only for sure way to find your soulmate is correctly guess his name the second letter of my soulmate's name is Bri which letter are you going to guess I don't know no no no I I didn't mean to Guess that try again okay the second letter of my soulmate's name is oh I just wasted two of my guesses guess again but be extra careful this time the second letter of my soulmate's name is Q why would you choose Q what's wrong with you choose a common letter okay okay the second letter of my soul's name is a it's j a what could the third be yo Brianna what's up oh hey James maybe my soulmate is James Brianna I be quiet James the fourth letter of my soulmate's name is e why would you guess the fourth letter before the third go in order that's too predictable Brianna would you listen I James I'm trying to see if you're my soulmate or not the third letter of my soulmate's name is m it's not James are you sure your name is really James yes my name is really James I've been trying to tell you this whole time that you're not my soulmate M Sophie is Sophie James is your soulmate and you never told me I don't know I thought maybe he had two soulmates Brianna what about Jaden the third letter of my soul base name is d l s oh no I only have one guess left 10 wrong guesses and all don't worry you can do this take one more guess the third letter of my soulmate's name is k Why Oh no she only has one brain cell today that's not enough how is she going to survive here honey eat this it's breakfast hat she can't go through the day with only one brain cell I know what to do I was gifted a special chocolate that increases brain cells honey eat this right away kitten no sweetie that's chocolate you need to eat it so close sweetie but a bit lower yes and take a bite the mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the South I just read that entire book in 3 seconds honey she has infinite brain cells all right Guardians I'm off to school no need to walk me I know the way class was 3 plus 2 the answer is five Miss what is this baby class are we in baby school this is kindergarten but you're too smart for kindergarten you'll have to go to high school I love stealing big Sissy's makeup it's so much fun Brianna you did something wrong you stole your big sister's makeup now you must make things right you must write your wrong before the timer runs out or else you die live or die the choice is up to you big big big what's wrong I'm sorry I stole your lipstick and I put it all over my face it was a mistake and I really hope you forgive me I can't believe you took my lipstick again what's wrong with you you're such a little brat wait don't worry about it okay I forgive you I love you I love you s mommy when's dinner ready I cheated I cheated on you I'm so sorry I didn't mean to what Daddy cover your eyes this is all your guys fault you kids are so bad he would have found another woman or maybe you're just a terrible wife don't you guys stop fighting I just got a timer over my head so did I baby you're just a terrible wife don't you guys stop fighting I just got a timer over my head so did I Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I only said it because I was mad at you yeah okay whatever fine I'm sorry too okay and I forgive you why is the timer still going off I made my wrong right I said sorry you have to mean it Mom okay okay I mean it come on stop don't look this is B hey any luck finding a job not yet it's really been hard for me to take care of you on my own since mom died if we don't find a way to get money soon you'll have to be put in foster care I can't take care of you anymore I'll find a job soon okay hey have a good day at school okay we'll figure this out I love you oh um sir sir you dropped your wallet oh how did I not notice thank you so much no problem Brianna you did something wrong it's time to write your wrong or face the consequences of your actions Brianna you did something wrong it's time to write you wrong or face the consequences of your actions sir sir wait sir I stole money from your wallet before giving it back to you I knew it was wrong and I'm so sorry I did that I just couldn't help myself I really need the money and I wasn't thinking thank you it's very brave of you to own up to your actions you're a good person no I'm not a good person if there was no consequence to my action I wouldn't have gave the money back you are a good person because someone who is bad would never truly believe what they did was wrong here take this consider it a gift sir I can't accept this I won't accept it back so you might as well keep it but I don't deserve it yes you do have a good day that voice wait where did he go hey professor sorry I'm late your professor's not here today I'll be the one teaching the class Brianna looks like she's seen a ghost now Britney Brianna looks like she's seen a ghost now Britney making fun of someone is not a very nice thing to do apologize or face the consequences so St that you teacher is the control of right you're wrong what anyways I guess I need to apologize I'm so sorry that you're so easy to make fun of Britney no that's not an apology fine I'm so sorry your face looks so silly when you're scared no Britney you're not going anywhere you've got a lot of learning to do M cookie can I see sure give me that Timmy give me my cookie back Timmy stealing Ton's food without permission is not right make it right or die okay here you already took a bite out of it hold out your hand I can give it back no no no it's fine it's fine you keep it hello the controller right or wrong is in my classroom br's using her phing Clause Jimmy ew grandma no don't kiss her anyone who gets kissed by someone who isn't their soulmate gets a permanent kiss Mark I'm sorry I couldn't help myself look at that chubby little face hey wait a minute that means I'm going to have this kiss mark on my face forever look at Britney she has so many kiss marks wow that has to be at least 300 kiss marks she is for the streets you got to be careful with who you like kiss you because if too many people kiss you that aren't your soulmate you'll end up like Britney baby I think we should have first kiss today yeah we should totally have our first kiss today but uh maybe later because I didn't brush my teeth this morning I have really bad morning breath gross what are you drinking pickle juice it is so garlicky you probably don't want to kiss me right now I see what you're doing if you didn't want to kiss me you could have just said so Jason wait Jason I want to kiss you I'm just scared I don't want to get another kiss Mark if you're not my soulmate Brianna I love you and I truly believe that you're my soulmate I'm willing to take the risk if you are I am what are these hearts on my face for Mom the hearts represent how many people must fall in love with you before you can meet your soulmate when they fall in love you lose a heart what's the gold heart for that represent your soulmate you'll only lose the gold heart when your soulmate falls in love with you hi Jake what do you want I really like your left elbow what does that even mean get out of here oh no what's wrong I need five people to fall in love with me look at me it's never going to happen I'm a loser you're not a loser you're beautiful you just need a makeover come with me who's that fine babe over there where he's talking about you oh thank you don't snort I I think I'm in love with you Brianna you lost a heart you really do love me Bri you lost a heart you really do love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you goodbye Jake you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great I told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soulmate look there's a guy right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair a bit whoa is everything okay here little man ah yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey my name's Jason what's yours Brianna we should exchange numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore Brianna look at this insect I found wow let me see Brianna tell him Kevin I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore I'm trying to get boys to fall in love with me so I can't be seen with the weird guy I really hope that getting boys and being popular is worth losing who you are so after class we'll go looking for the next guy Brianna don't wear your glasses I can't see anything why do I have to change everything about myself to get boys to like me why can't I just be me Briana wait this is say just so boys will fall in love with you so you can find your soulmate once you find your soulmate you can go back to being yourself again and who's to say my soulmate's going to love me for who I am no one else does Brianna you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Mr Stevens that fell in love with you for his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay right in front of you that's Chad he's one of the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Chad right Chad hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop please don't like it when you cry I don't care I don't care about Chad I'm in love with Kevin is Kevin more important than your soulmate he is then go to him Kevin I Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia how'd it go with Kevin did you tell him you like him he likes someone else Ranna you lost your last heart someone else fell in love with you Chad no it wasn't Chad it was me oh not in a romantic way in a platonic way I felt for you and I saw that you stayed true to yourself and know what you want the only person left to fall in love with you is your soulmate that means I'm going to find my soulmate anytime now that's the girl I remember it's so great to be myself again hey do you mind if I sit next to you okay does anyone know the answer to this equation 7,422 girl who knows her math I like it it's you what nothing Congrats on finding your soulmate and getting him to fall in love with you what's this it's a list of all the people who fell in love with you before your soulmate the third person on the list is Kevin can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could but I really got to get to school oh no I am always on the dinner table but you don't get to eat eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to guess it right or else this is an easy one feet no grandma your feet should never be on the table my D no Grandma it's something you put food on my hand thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa how could you say that about Grandma I live in the ocean I can live for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a large mammal that's your grandma grandpa a dolphin a shark a whale I got it you sure it wasn't your grandma grandpa I have two hands but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother I got 110 happiness today I'm so happy maybe a little too much how much did you get 1% that's even more than yesterday D it that's so sad it's going to be my life goal from now on to get you more happiness what makes you happy pain and suffering no i' like to buy this granola bar that'll be 3% happiness dang it I don't have enough I really need to get more happiness well that's too bad why is there a bunch of men over there with sixpacks where hey you need to pay for that hey Britney you said you'd help me get more happiness I'm down I'm tired of being broke yay I'm so excited Brianna I figured fig out what will make you more happy if you got a boyfriend I found a man who's willing to go on a date with you hi I'm Timmy what the Brianna no you're supposed to flirt with Timmy I was flirting not going on a date with her she is scary come on Timmy try at least sit with her at lunch or something fine why is she looking at me like that I'm so scared right now Brianna you're not supposed to stare creepily at your date how about you put these sunglasses on so you don't scare him to death fine this isn't better jimy Jim jimy jimy Brianna this isn't how you flirt that's it Britney I don't care how much money you're paying me to go on a date with her she's weird I'm leaving you paid him to go on a date with me I did but Brianna just let me explain are you okay no honestly I don't even care you're just in my sulking spot what song are you listening to you probably don't know him he's a really underground artist no way that's my favorite song you're so cool can I get your number sure I'm Spike I'm Brianna soulmate chooses my looks or soulmate chooses my personality I want him to choose my looks he'll probably make me look so beautiful like Barbie it is so not from here oh my gosh what is this liing and nose piercings my mom is gets so mad at me if she finds out I have piercings what are my friends at school going to think of me off to school already yeah Mom I'm going to school now what do you have on your nose is that a piercing did you get a nose piercing hey Britney hey Stephanie I had the worst morning today why are you dressed like that it's so not preppy my soulmate got to choose how I look trust me I don't want to dress like this aw poor Bri too bad you can't hang out with us anymore I'm really going to miss you you guys you're my best friends I'm sorry but you just don't mat our aesthetic anymore choose so many looks or personality I'm going to choose looks he may not have made me look like Barbie but I'm going to make him look like Ken who are you talking to yo what's up goth Rock Punk metal are you emo why haven't we met before I'm skull I'm Cactus I'm Brianna I used to be preppy but my they made me dress like this so now I guess I need to be friends with people like you just because you looked apart doesn't mean you're like us do you listen to punk music no heavy metal no sad music no do you Ponder on the hard tips of life and cry uh no I knew it hey guys bro why do you look preppy yuck no way I made my soulmate dress just like you really I made mine dress like you you may me look like this I'm glad there's always music playing Tommy so we can have a dance party every single day yay I love music and dancing the music may seem fun but it's not it's deadly if you hear the music stop you must stop moving and turn into a statue or else you'll be killed I didn't know that but the music's never stopped before so I don't think it's going to am I supposed to be a statue now Bye Mom I'm off you're safe now remember sweetie if you hear the music stop you have to I have to freeze like a statue mom I know already of course you do stay safe do you remember what today is how could I forget today the day that Tommy died 10 years ago I miss my brother so much we should get to class like like Timmy Hey Brianna Jake will you be you my girlfriend yes yes of course yes I've been waiting for you to ask me sweet here I got you some flowers I can't wait for us to spend time together as a couple babe you white yeah I'm okay I'm just starting to feel a little sick weird I am too there must be something going around wow you look terrible thanks Timmy hey Timmy guess what Jake and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now when did you guys off become boyfriend and girlfriend yesterday and when did you start feeling sick yesterday I think your body's rejecting him that Health meter above your head if it goes lower that means your body's rejecting the person you're in a relationship with it means you're not meant to be together you need to break up with him or your body will keep getting sicker and sicker and then well where's Jake have you seen him today I don't know he's your boyfriend Chad where's Jake I also would like to know where my best friend is no one can get a hold of him not even his parents know where he is I love stealing big Sissy's makeup it's so much fun Brianna you did something wrong you stole your big sister's makeup now you must make things right you must write your wrong before the timer runs out or else you die LI or Die the choice is up to you big big big what's wrong I'm sorry I stole your lipstick and I put it all over my face it was a mistake and I really hope you forgive me I can't believe you took my lipstick again what's wrong with you you're such a little brat wait don't worry about it okay I forgive you I love you I love you mommy when's dinner ready I cheated I cheated on you I'm so sorry I didn't mean to what Daddy cover your eyes this is all your guys's fault you kids are so bad he would and found another woman or maybe you're just a terrible wife don't you guys stop fighting I just got a timer over my head so did I baby you're just a terrible wife don't you guys stop fighting I just got a timer over my head so did I Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I only said it because I was mad at you yeah okay whatever fine I'm sorry too okay and I forgive you why is the timer still going off I made my wrong right I said sorry you have to mean it Mom okay okay I mean it come on stop don't look this is B hey any luck finding a job not yet it's really been hard for me to take care of you on my own since mom died if we don't find a way to get money soon you're you'll have to be put in foster care I can't take care of you anymore I'll find a job soon okay hey have a good day at school okay we'll figure this out I love you oh um sir sir you dropped your wallet oh how did I not notice thank you so much no problem Brianna you did something wrong it's time to write your wrong or face the consequences of your actions Brianna you did something wrong it's time to write your wrong or face the consequences of your actions sir sir wait I stole money from your wallet before giving it back to you I knew it was wrong and I'm so sorry I did that I just couldn't help myself I really need the money and I wasn't thinking thank you it's very brave of you to own up to your actions you're a good person no I'm not a good person if there was no consequence to my action I wouldn't have gave the money back you are a good person because someone who bad would never truly believe what they did was wrong here take this consider it a gift sir I can't accept this I won't accept it back so you might as well keep it but I don't deserve it yes you do have a good day that voice wait where did he go hey professor sorry I'm late your professor's not here today I'll be the one teaching the class Brianna looks like she's seen a ghost now Britney Brianna looks like she's seen a ghost now Britney making fun of someone is not a very nice thing to do apologize or face the consequences the stitute teacher is the controller of right you're wrong what anyways I guess I need to apologize I'm so sorry that you're so easy to make fun of Britney no that's not an apology fine I'm so sorry your face looks so silly when you're scared no Britney you're not going anywhere you've got a lot lot of learning to do M cookie can I see sure give me that Timmy give me my cookie back Timmy stealing someone's food without permission is not right make it right or die okay here you already took a bite out of it hold out your hand I can give it back no no no it's fine it's fine you keep it hello the controller right you're wrong is in my classroom Brianna's using her phone in class Jimmy can you give me a massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could but I really got to get to school oh no I am always on the dinner table but you don't get to eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to guess it right or else this is an easy one feet no grandma your feet should never be on the table my D no Grandma it's something you put food on my hand thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa how could you say that about Grandma I live in the ocean I can live for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a large mammal that's your grandma grandpa a dolphin a shark a whale I got it you sure it wasn't your grandma grandpa I have two hands but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother eyes that can see into the future or eyes that can see into the past H choose I know no Wana [Music] choose here Brian I have a cookie what's in the cookie cookie M yummy M yummy Bri are you okay this cookie is dangerous my cookie you should be thanking me Timmy I just saved your life I'm heading to work now Bye Mom hello this is Officer James I'm calling because something happened to your mother she mom don't go to work today why I have to just please don't okay I won't hello this is Officer James I'm calling because hello this is Officer James I'm calling because something happened to your mother she was taken by a strange man at our workplace we don't know the identity of the man but we're doing everything we can to find her well is she still missing uh yes then you're not doing everything you can Brianna I overheard your call are you okay where are you going I'm going to find my mom I'll come with you come here Jake help help Brianna I'm going by myself Jake don't follow me come on I show me something why am I in my childhood home Mom Mom are you okay I I who did this to you no no I wasn't done yet come on show me more any luck finding your mom Jake I told you not to come it's not safe I was worried about you come here Jake help help Brianna it's your turn to play a game of truth or lie yay mommy they said it's my turn to play a game I love games so much sweetie truth or lie is very dangerous they'll give you a statement about someone you know and you must say if it's a truth or a lie and if you guess it wrong you die Brianna truth or lie you're dad is coming back with the milk your dad is coming back with the milk I think that is the truth because daddy said he would come back with the milk so he must be coming back with the milk right sweetie I can't tell you the answer but Dad went to go get milk over a year ago now daddy's not coming back with the milk is he that's for you to decide it was a lie BR Sophie hey truth or lie Sophie makes fun of you for not having a dad behind your back I just got a truth or lie Sophie makes fun of you for not having a dad dad behind your back you would never do that right come on Brianna you know me you can guess this right Hey Brianna has your dad came home with the milk yet Bye Mom I'm off to school don't go to school don't go actually I'm not going to school today I feel sick hello Brianna are you okay are you somewhere safe yeah I'm fine I just didn't go to school today well it's a good thing you didn't there were masked Intruders at our school some people didn't make it out safely and the worst part is the police haven't caught them [Music] yet one second Chad's calling hey baby I miss seeing you today yeah I missed you too baby am I still coming over no don't let Chad come over Chad it's actually best if you don't come today but I want to see you I hello help help let me in someone's chasing me please don't let her in hello help help let me in someone's chasing me please don't let her in hurry they're chasing me who who's chasing you I don't know some crazy people wearing masks are they close no they're far away hurry she's lying open up they found me you're coming with me a help help Mom where are you when are you coming home I'm 15 minutes away I'm stuck in traffic tell her not to come don't let her come Mom you can't come home right now why not you just can't just don't come hey baby how are you feeling Chad how did you get in here your window was open be careful oops I dropped my I'll get it Chad why do you have a mask because you're next I have to complete 100 tasks today there's no way I'll be able to complete them all by the end of the day you have to try because if you don't complete them all you die run to school I have to run to school Bye Mom ew why are you all sweaty my first task of the day was to run to school how many tasks did you get today I got 10 no way I got 100 that's a lot I don't know how you're going to be able to complete them all I know they're trying to eliminate me enter the class late and B like a chicken Brianna you're late what I think I just got the ick no JY rip your test and say you're the muffin man I am the muffin man Brianna just W my class again and you'll be going to detention sorry sir guess what I only got one task today that's great what's your task to kill you I love stealing big Sissy's makeup it's so much fun Brianna you did something wrong you stole your big sister's makeup now you must make things right you must write your wrong before the timer runs out or else you die live or die the choice is up to you big big big what's wrong I'm sorry I stole your lipstick and I put it all over my face it was a mistake and I really hope you forgive me I can't believe you took my lipstick again what's wrong with you you're such a little brat wait don't worry about it okay I forgive you I love you I love you s mommy when's dinner ready I cheated I cheated on you I'm so sorry I didn't mean to what Daddy cover your eyes this is all your guys fault you kids are so bad he would have found another woman or maybe you're just a terrible wife don't you guys stop fighting I just got a timer over my head so did I baby you're just a terrible wife don't you guys stop fighting I just got a timer over my head so did I Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said I only said it because I was mad at you yeah okay whatever fine I'm sorry too okay and I forgive you why is the timer still going off I made my wrong right I said sorry you have to mean it Mom okay okay I mean it come on stop don't look this is B hey any luck finding a job not yet it's really been hard for me to take care of you on my own since mom died if we don't find a way to get money soon you'll have to be put in foster care I can't take take care of you anymore I'll find a job soon okay hey have a good day at school okay we'll figure this out I love you oh um sir sir you dropped your wallet oh how did I not notice thank you so much no problem Brianna you did something wrong it's time to write your wrong or face the consequences of your actions Brianna you did did something wrong it's time to write you wrong or face the consequences of your actions sir sir wait sir I stole money from your wallet before giving it back to you I knew it was wrong and I'm so sorry I did that I just couldn't help myself I really need the money and I wasn't thinking thank you it's very brave of you to own up to your actions you're a good person no I'm not a good person if there was no consequence to my action I wouldn't have gave the money back you are a good person because someone who is bad would never truly believe what they did was wrong here take this consider it a gift sir I can't accept this I won't accept it back so you might as well keep it but I don't deserve it yes you do have a good day that voice wait where did he go hey professor sorry I'm late your professor's not here today I'll be the one teaching the class Brianna looks like she's seen a ghost now Britney Brianna looks like she's seen a ghost now Britney making fun of someone is not a very nice thing to do apologize or face the consequences so St that you teacher is the control of right you're wrong what anyways I guess I need to apologize I'm so sorry that you're so easy to make fun of Britney no that's not an apology fine I'm so sorry your face looks so silly when you're scared no Britney you're not going anywhere you've got a lot of learning to do M cookie can I see sure give me that Timmy give me my cookie back Timmy stealing T's food without permission is not right make it right or die okay here you already took a bite out of it hold out your hand I can give it back no no no it's fine it's fine you keep it hello the controller right or wrong is in my classroom Brand's using her phone in Clause JY okay I'm going to be the princess no I want to be the princess no Sophie I want to be the princess no Timmy you're a boy it's your turn to play eenie meanie miny mo it's my turn to play eenie meeny miny mo choose to other players okay I choose Sophie and Timmy oh no that game's deadly whoever it lands on dies say it together we all have to sing een Meen miny mo it landed on Sophie no that means I'm out Sophie yay I'm safe Bye Mom bye Dad I'm off to school now it's your turn to play it's my turn to play eenie meeny miny mo honey you have to pick your dad and I what no I won't you have no choice we're the only other two people in the room I choose I choose mom and dad your dad is not in the room with you what do you do you mean he's right there sweetie I think you have to say his real name I choose mom and Edward I'm sorry this isn't how I wanted you to find out that means he's not my real dad come on we all have to say the words together say it now eenie meie Mo dad's out I mean I guess you're not my real dad if I'm not your dad who is Honey please just let me explain don't don't talk to me ever again boo Jade don't scare me like that I'm not in the mood today it's my turn to play eenie meeny miny mo I choose um Brianna and Timmy no why would you choose me Jake I'm your girlfriend I panick now come on we have to St together eenie meanie myy Mo I'm safe Jake's out that's impossible I was in the mid this is rig Jake I love you I don't love you I wanted to get you out on purpose because I like men Jake I'm very disappointed in your grades recently Brianna it's your turn to play what this isn't fair it was just my turn already choose now I choose Mr Stevens and Timmy oh why does it say Dad Mr Stevens are you my real dad I'm sorry your mother and I decided it best if you never found out my whole life has been a lie because of you my daughter please we have to say it all together me Mo bye sweetie no my dad Timmy Mr Stevens was your dad too he was that means you're my brother it's my turn to play Eeny Meeny Mighty Mo I choose Brianna and Timmy why would you choose me I'm your sister and I choose Timmy you can't choose yourself you're already chosen okay Mr knowit all I choose Eugene then we have to say it together Mo ha Eugene's out that's what you get for being Mr nowit all Timmy that's not very nice you wait do you want to know something about Dad I really do he was the creator of Eeny meeny miny mo no if he's the Creator how could he die he may be the creator of the game but I helped him control it when you chose dad to play I rigged the game so I could get rid of him and put an end to this game once and for all but why did you get rid of Eugene I just don't like him congratulations sister you made it to the end you're free to go can I be singing Timmy I'm just doing what comes naturally and Jimmy oh no she caught the dancing disease where are you guys going we have to tell the teacher oh no you've caught the dancing disease you must wear this mask at all time so people don't catch it I don't want to put it on if you don't the dancing police will kill you oh I love M so much thank you oh no Briand has a dancing disease everyone let's get out of here I don't want to catch it guys you can't catch it I'm wearing a mask I'm not going to risk it me neither let's go who can tell me the answer to question number two hm Brianna Bri I'm sorry I can't answer it the dancing disease it's taken over so much better why don't you have on your mask I'm off to school now dad are you visiting your mother's grave this morning of course I see her every day I never miss a day sweetie did you get a Christmas wish this year not this year maybe I'll get lucky next year I brought you a rose today Mom I love you I'll see you again tomorrow hey girly um you good I got a Christmas wish this year no fair I've never gotten a Christmas wish I'd wish for a billion dollars what are you going to wish for I'm not sure yet mom I brought you a black rose today I wish for my mom to come back [Music] alive dad you'll never guess what I hi sweetie Mom where's Dad he had to go for good you're not the mom I remember I'm going to school now come if you want if not I don't care just wait a minute [Music] ouch get up yourself spare change spare change if only you lived in a world where people could be kind hey that was really unnecessary are you okay sir I love you s I love you s hey you dropped your pen uh I mean I don't care pick it up if you want doesn't bother me here's your test back that I'm only giving to you cuz I'm obligated to thank thank goodness took you long enough are you doing okay I know you're upset about your sister how do you hey if you want to act kind and get killed go right ahead just leave me out of it I can't get killed because I'm already dead I know how to put an end to this kindness law I know how to put an end to this kindness law all you have to do is kill them with kindness if I act kind I'll die you have to kill them with kindness before they kill you kindness will only kill those who are evil that's why they made the law in the first place so that the evil could continue living Brianna why are you staring so intensely at nothing just mind your business Timmy let's go to class Timmy you're really handsome what are you dumb or crazy why are you saying kind things Bri is eliminated over I like your shoes scary guy I think the way that you eliminate people is just so cool and amazing stop talking why can't I move what's going on are you okay did you need help with anything I'm here to help if you need me I can't move Brianna what just happened we need to get out of here Timmy come on Brianna what was that I know how to put an end to the kindness law we can live in a world that is kind we all just what makes you think a world with kindness is better than this one personally I prefer evil Timmy can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my D thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my danger thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my danger thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my d thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I you're grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my D thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a pH massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my danger thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my D thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my danger thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my danger thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table i d thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my D thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my danger thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have can you give me a foot massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have three tries to Guess that your feet should never be on the table my D thank goodness she's gone she was giving me a headache Grandpa for a very long time I'm a very large mammal what am I a shark a whale but I cannot scratch myself what am I your grandmother can you give me a foont massage oh no Grandma I really wish I could eat me what am I Grandma you have I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the hi jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet hey baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never Li because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny a it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let see yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny a it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I want do with your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the wayy hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny a it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny huh it just like like you could get any girl on the Dy hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't Haven seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny a it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend friend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder do what your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a CR crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Dy hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny oh it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder with your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's per I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should no no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny oh it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet hey baby you were so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder with your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you are so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl the JY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet hey baby Jake you're so funny oh it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the JY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying with your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get anger on the Dy hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the hi jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet hey baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never Lo Li because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny a it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny huh it's just like you could get anying girl on the Dy hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder it with your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you were so funny huh it's just like you could get any girl in the jaky hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny a it's just like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I like yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like like you could get any girl on the DIY hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying I wonder what's your mommy's purse I really hope you're telling the truth because if you don't tell the truth before the time you told the truth now remember never lie because it's very dangerous okay no I haven't seen him yet Hey Baby Jake you're so funny H it's just like you could get any girl in the Jakey hey Emma do you have a crush on my boyfriend because are you sure you're telling the truth honestly what no why would I let yeah I do have a crush on Jake but there's something else you should know no Emma you're lying he would never do that if I was lying Red Rover Red Rover we call Brianna over mommy there's little girls calling me you need to find them they'll be holding hands and you need to break through or they'll take you come join us Brianna you're almost out of time this morning little girls called me to play Red Rover my mommy says it's not real it's just a myth it's a fake story you're lying no it's not I saw them I had to break through their hands stop lying Red Rover Red Rover we call Ellie over who's there who's calling me Ellie do you hear them the little girls you need to find them and break through or they'll take you I don't believe you hurry up you only have 20 seconds no no it's not real Ellie hurry up do you hear them the little girls you need to find them and break through or they'll take you I don't believe you hurry up you only have 20 seconds no no it's not real Ellie hurry up come join us Ellie Ellie you survived I know I'm so lucky so it is real the game of Red Rover yes it is I saw them the little girls I told you guys it was real you didn't believe me Red Rover Red Rover we call Katie over don't play Red Rover the little girls might hear you and call you over we are the little girls so that means they they they took us yes and you're going to be next no no please tell me you're joking first question about your soulmate answer 10 right and you get to meet him your soulmate prefers Lighter dark hair well I have light hair so he must prefer light hair right no you know what I could kind of pull off dark [Music] hair oh who threw hair at me it was Jimmy Jimmy oh your soulmate believes in marriage or doesn't believe in marriage well if he has the same values as me he would believe in marriage your soulmate is quiet or loud H let's go with quiet yes I knew it he's quiet just like me your soulmate is cold or warm what does that even mean your soulmate is alive or dead wait but if he's dead how would I meet him would I die too no way he has to be alive my soulmate's dead wait that can't be good after you answer 10 questions correctly you meet your soulmate but how would you meet him if he's dead would you die too would you be quiet D it your soulmate has light or dark hair it's okay all I have to do is answer all the questions wrong and then I won't have to meet my soulmate he probably has light hair like me so I'll answer dark hair sports or sleep he probably likees sports right so sleep mother fish or dog Let's Go Fish apples or bananas water or soda texting or calling that's it I'm not answering any more questions what's this timer above my head it's timing you to answer the next question if you stop answering question you'll die dancing or singing well I like singing so he must also like like seeing Salty's dancing no Brianna everything will be okay no Timmy it's not going to be okay I have one more question left and if I answer it right I'm going to be dead just like my [Music] soulmate what is it what's the question your soulmate has met you before obviously I've never met my soulmate so I'll choose yes no no I've met my soulmate before but when when would I have met him am I dead I'm at a graveyard rip Timmy that's funny I know a Timmy yeah you do it's me Timmy that can't be you you're alive you're right in front of me I was allowed to appear in front of you and only you until you found out I'm your soulmate but I'm not alive I'm just a soul are you ready for bed sweetie yeah Mom I'm ready for population control today's the first day that dreams can put you in an eternal SLE from the time you fall asleep you will have 8 hours to escape your dream and this will happen every single night from now on that doesn't sound too bad now remember sweetie the reason why dreams are so difficult to escape is because you won't even know that you're dreaming it's just a dream it's just a dream it's just a dream what's this music where are your pets oh no I must have forgot them and where's your school bag I must have forgot that too if you don't have it you'll fail elementary school elementary school but I already graduated Elementary School hurry up you'll be late for yapping class yapping class this is a dream wake up wake up that was easy hey Mom you escaped your dream already too dream oh would you help I'm trying to fry this pan in the oven why would you cook a frying pan in the oven oh no the whole house is burning down hurry up go get the fire extinguisher on the roof why would the fire extinguisher be on on the roof wait am I still dreaming is this a dream dream what are you talking about you're awake what's your middle name my name is mom what day of the week is it today's day it's today this is still a dream if it was a dream could I do this am I awake now or am I still dreaming oh no I think this is still dream maybe if I go to sleep in my dream I'll wake up in real life a is everything all right yeah I just I had a dream that I was falling Jake what are you doing in my house I've come to profess my love for you I love you Bri a stay back Jake is my man what the what's happening Jake Jake you're melting I love your mom more than you oh no I'm melting too you're the disappointment of the family oh no oh no am I melting too wait this is a dream the reason why dreams are so difficult to escape is because you won't even know that you're dreaming Consciousness maybe if I'm conscious of everything around me the objects in the room the room itself my senses and my body I have 12 fingers when I make a fist I don't feel anything who who am I finally awake morning you're finally up mom we did it we both escaped our Dream what are you talking about for population control every night we must escape our Dream before the timer runs out or else we will be put in an eternal sleep why would we need to escape our Dream for population control it sounds like you had a really bad nightmare last night sweee it was all a dream I go and I return the shirt I just made $60 girl M girl M oh yeah you want to throw things at Timmy yeah no you can't throw things at Timmy you're no fun Susan the last time you threw things at Timmy he ended up in the hospital oh oh it's okay I'll get it I'll get it my back my back ladies it's time to take your pain medicine we're not taking our medicine Susan no bo tomato tomato Brianna what rhymes with fool what rhymes with fool School correct that was easy speaking of school Emily hurry up we're going to be late I'm ready Emily what rhymes with orange orange but nothing rhymes with orange there's got to be something that rhymes with orange stor pore Emily they have to be actual words sporing no Emily that's not a word correct I got it oh awesome why aren't you girls at school yet we're heading to school now Mom Mom what rhymes with daughters daughters that should be an easy word for you to rhyme right Mom I don't know I can't think clearly today I'm so tired it's okay you can do it just clear your head um daughters M I can't mom please mommy my mother Brianna what rhymes with mother that is so messed up Brianna what rhymes with mother that is so messed up mommy Emily stop crying I'm trying to think I want mommy mommy's gone okay she's gone and she's never coming back brother correct yes hey Emily I'm sorry I acted that way I'll walk myself to school today don't follow me Emily Bri you good my mom couldn't rhyme the word this morning and my sister won't even talk to me so yeah I'm not doing great Brianna what rhymes with sister miss her correct man that's tough here do my assignment for me Britney what rhymes with assignment nothing wrhs with assignment because assignment isn't even a real word assignment is most definitely a real word assignment H come on bney use your brain I don't need to use my brain because I'm pretty pretty Brianna something happened to your sister Brianna what rhymes with lost Brianna what rhymes with lost your sister school called they said she never showed up to class what do you know where she might be just give me a minute I need to rhyme the word Frost correct I need to find my sister I need to talk to you let me go I need to find my sister I want to get back together babe you cheated on me Jake what rhymes with Che you're not going anywhere you're going to help me rhyme this word hot hot when you're hot you're um warm that's not a good hint give me a better one during our relationship you blank me I cheated on you you mistreated me Emily Emily are you out here I'm sorry I yelled at you I love you Emily I'm so glad you're here I was so lost Emily what rhymes with love I just got to finish the word snow blank blank blank snowman FY the snow man I just got to finish the word mistle blank blank blank fo foot it's something on your foot M [Music] toell hey Jimmy what's going Jimmy what happened to Jimmy Bye Mom I'm off to school now come on let's go oh no I just got to finish the word blank ifs what ifs ifs ifs what if I don't know what's an if answer now or El get I got it I got a word blank blank blank blank mens come on give me a hint I don't know it's 7:00 a.m. my brain cells aren't all working yet how can I answer this I'm only 6 years old I have no working brain cells answer now or else please men men the things that hang on the Christmas tree ornaments you got it a attention class today Santa Claus will be visiting our classroom Santa Santa oh my gosh oh my gosh guys Santa Claus is coming to our classroom I don't think it's going to be the real Santa Claus the real Santa Claus is going to be way too busy preparing to deliver presents to the entire world I just got to finish the word p r e blank blank blank blank the answerers presents give me a harder one next time I like a challenge yeah please give Eugene a harder one next time ho ho ho Merry Christmas this everybody guys it's Santa Claus oh no I just got to finish the word w wo W you better answer it why do I recognize that voice whoa whoa you better answer it why do I recognize that voice answer now or out Santa Claus is the creator I finished the word what' you say nothing don't you have a finish the word answer it sorry I just had to Clear My Throat um slle blank blank blank blank blank jingle bells jingle bells jingle B Eugene stop breaking those bells I'm trying to answer this slay Bells Eugene I think Santa Claus is the creator finish the word he most definitely isn't how would you even think of that oh wait you're blown heck my roots are brown hey Santa Claus wait are you coming to tell me what you would like for Christmas I know you're the Creator finish the word delivering Christmas pres to the entire world isn't easy the less population the more likely I can make everyone's Christmas dreams come true and the game Santa Claus or else is that a frying pan yes seriously only 10 lives today I'm not going to have enough money to buy anything sweetie wait you must remember to never overspend your lives because if you spend more lives than you have you'll die of course mom I already know that hey girl hey how many lives did you get today I only got 10 today well you still got more than me I only have one life no way you're broke I know it's so unfair look at Timmy over there he gets millions of lives every single day he's so rich how is that even possible I'd like to buy this please that'll cost you nine lives are you serious why does it cost so much don't blame me blame inflation do you still want it or not okay fine I'll take it I'm [Music] starving oh my bad it actually cost 10 lives I need one more life what how much energy did you get today I got 100% I feel amazing that's great but be careful because can't talk right now get run to school Hey Brianna my energyy is so low today I only got 30% can't relate I have so much energy today you should try and save your energy you don't want to use it all at once not going to happen my energy hasn't gone down even 1% here's your test my test is done you're finished already yes do you have any more you only get one that's okay I'll just dance class today we'll be running Labs yes Hey Eugene what are you doing catch ow you were supposed to catch hey Sophie do you want to have a dance battle with me I can I don't have enough energy is your energy getting low you seem out of breath no way my Energy's been at 100% all day come on Brianna stand up what happened to her I think her energy is only at 1% right now if her energy goes below zero she'll die hurry someone send her energy how much energy did you get aot how much is a lot I'll you later run what's your energy at a lot tell me uh a million energy why why why why why why Brianna relax okay I'm relax you only get a million energy when your soulmate send you energy soever send me energy my soulmate sh be quiet if people find out how much energy you have they'll keep asking you for energy quiet I'm quiet so what I do how can I find my soulmate you need to find out who send you the energy then you need to send them energy back to confirm with your soulmate got it Hey Eugene did you send me energy earlier I would never I don't like you not Eugene Jake what did you send me energy earlier possibly okay I'm going to send you energy energy goli my okay well my energy it's well my energy it's not a million I was just messing with you did you find him yet who sent you the energy because whoever J is your soulmate no I didn't find yet did you my chance any energy how could I I barely have any left all right let's on you stop it that noise broke my glasses did you have me energy earlier I wasn't even here earlier I slept in late this morning okay so it's definitely not you Sophie what's it now I don't have the energy for this I don't know who else to ask K's not my soulmate Jak not my soulmate's not my soulmate what about Kevin he's out of cring you forever that's a great idea Kevin oh you're scary relax Kevin I just have to ask you a simple question during G Class did you or did you not send me energy I did I saw your energy was low and I wanted to make sure you'd be safe okay Kevin I'm going to send energy your energ go million to my soulmate well is got a million help I'm almost out of energy there you are what Kevin is my soulmate good morning how much energy did you get today 10% I won't even have enough to buy anything today oh no that's so low you won't have enough energy to walk to school don't worry honey I'll drive you to school today hey Bri huh uh-oh you sound like you don't have a lot of energy no I don't I won't even have enough money to buy anything today can you buy me lunch I won't need to I discovered a trick here use this an iPhone charger my dad worked for the government and I recently found out we all have secret charging ports but you can't tell anyone about this or else we'll be in big trouble where do I plug it in your belly button now remember you shouldn't charge too much at once it could be really bad I won't I just want to get to at least 300% too much energy at once isn't healthy it could cause a malfunction I'll be fine relax Kayla perfect I'm at 300% now I feel great Kayla Kay k k
Channel: Xavia Slime
Views: 21,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktok
Id: 790V6oVwvP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 53sec (13913 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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