🌱 Mysterious Morning at SACRED Temple Lot

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone I'm David welcome to church number three of 52 churches in 52 weeks round three for this week's video we're going to take a look into the temple lot in Independence Missouri and things got weird so this may be one of the more bizarre videos that I've ever done uh but before I get into that uh first off if you want to support the channel obviously YouTube likes comments subscribes all that but I'd much rather defer to St Jude Children's Hospital uh like I mentioned last week uh I've been trying to find ways to maybe bring healing to bring peace to bring financial protection for those that are struggling and with St Jude Children's Hospital they combat Childhood Cancer and with donations it helps families so they don't have to worry about travel or lodging or treatments they don't receive a bill instead families can focus solely on their child's health so last week um I thought this would probably fall flat on its face uh but boy did you respond so we put up a goal of $552,000 over the next course of a year as I kind of navigate how to do this third round of 52 and 52 we already Rose over $5 5200 so thank you very much for the donations thank you very much for the prayers it means a lot and hoping with this third round whatever it turns into uh that we can help out those that are struggling two weekends ago I was in Independence Missouri for the Book of Mormon rally and made multiple Church visits including a strange SE sequence of events that had happened on Sunday morning at the temple lot and uh if you've been watching the channel you'll know there's an my there's this ongoing thing with me with red cardinal birds appearing at really strange times and that continued in the temple lot so while doing 52 and 52 for the past uh two years uh one mystery that I've been asking is what is up with the state of Missouri and Christianity especially when it relates to the end times like what is in the water so when I visited Independence for the first time about a year and a half ago the church nerd in me was and I mentioned this in other videos the church nerd in me was fascinated with a temple lot because you have three different restoration churches all surrounding this vacant plot of grassy land so on one side you have the Community of Christ Temple and on the other other Street they have their Stone Church then another Street they have their Auditorium adjacent to that is the Church of Jesus Christ aat Day Saints who has a visitor center there along with a stake center but then also you have the Church of Christ also known as the temple lot church or the hites so the reason all these churches are surrounding this land is due to a prophecy from Prophet Joseph Smith on August 3rd 1831 he dedicated this plot of land to be the heart of a temple for the city of Zion for this Gathering Place of all the saints for the second coming of Jesus Christ so the first time I was hearing about this as a Protestant this sounded so bizarre to me the problem with the plan was it called for 24 temples to be built around the city's Center and the way that it worked is it was going to take over uh the current residents who already occupy the city of Independence so obviously there's a lot of friction between the latterday Saints and those in Independence and eventually the latterday saints were persecuted and pretty much expelled from that County and eventually the entire State when the governor put an extermination order on all Mormons So eventually in 1844 Joseph Smith was killed and and it led to a succession crisis where the majority of latterday saints followed bringham young to Utah but there were still some Splinter groups one of which was led by a man called Granville Hedrick and he and a group of his church kind of defied and kind of risked their lives really to come back to Independence and buy the land that Joseph Smith had dedicated in 18 in the 1860s so they built up their Church and they attempted to build the temple in the 1920s but the Great Depression hit and it kind of ruined any progress that they made but they did find two cornerstones that Joseph Smith had laid in 1831 so I did visit the temple lot church I'll have a future video on that visit for my next one uh kind of showing the cornerstones and what the church service is like and I'll tell you as a visitor this is a very resilient church as I learned more about Missouri I found out that Protestants and Catholics also have had some strange happenings occur in the state of Missouri so for instance in St Louis I bumped into this gentleman under the Gateway Arch uh his name I guess is Brad servant of the Lord and he dresses in all white and he stands with a Bible a Christian flag and a Rams Horn and just stands there so I got to talking with him and I guess he wears the all white light from Revelation 7 and he I guess he expects uh the second coming through the Gateway Arch so I was looking online and I guess he's actually got a pretty deep story because the entire reason he does so is because he had a friend who is diagnosed with cancer so he was completely Reckless up until that point he dedicated himself in prayer and fasting his friend survived and as a result uh as his way of honoring those prayers he serves God every Sunday from that time and I guess he's been doing this for 15 years I also learned in Missouri that uh in the 1980s uh the prophets didn't exist just with the Latter-Day Saints but there was a spin-off in the charismatic movement and there was something called the Kansas City prophets and one of these Kansas City prophets name was Bob Jones so he had very bizarre prophecy basically stating when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl Revival is going to break out God is raising up his Apostolic Chiefs around the nation so what I understand is he said that around 2003 2005 one of the weird things is the last time the Chiefs had won a Super Bowl Super Bowl 4 in 1970 that's was the same year that the Asbury Revival started started and now with the Chiefs won again in 2020 then the pandemic happened so there's talk about end times then and then when the Chiefs won again in 2023 the Asbury Revival happened for the second time in 2023 so now that the Chiefs won in 2024 for this year who knows what's going to happen there's been no revivals but if something doesn't happen I'm sure someone's going to come back to Travis and Taylor and their relationship if that goes sour so who knows but also with Catholicism I drove out to gawer Missouri which is about an hour away from Independence and the big thing last year around this time was the body of sister Willamina Lancaster who was the foundress of this nun Convent called the benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles so the nuns exhumed her casket four years after her death to move her remains inside but when they exume the grave they found that her body was still intact it was incorrupt and in in Catholic means that that can be a sign that this person deserves Saint hood for this visit um it's going to contain some more coincidences with Cardinals and I always feel weird talking about it uh just because it shouldn't really be anything but I can't deny it is is strange and one thing when I did my first 52 churches in 52 weeks I was very curious about visiting the church from Heaven is for Real so over a decade ago it was this bestselling book uh about a little boy that died and went to heaven and it became this New York Times bestseller type of book and I visited that church uh that was led by Pastor Todd Burpo and when I first read the book um you know it gave a spark to my faith but as I started researching more conservative type of Christian pastors and their view of things it was like this this story this is not how God works it's a farce don't believe it and sure enough there was a this whole heaven or afterlife type of genre that developed from that book and even one book uh one of the the writers was discovered to be completely fraudulent about the whole story so when I talk about my the weird Cardinal coincidences I don't want anyone to take it you know as this super spiritual kind of thing it just keeps happening I don't know why but I'm going to mention it you know so take it with a grain of salt if you don't believe it totally understand um when I first started talking about this uh it was in my second round week 12 Faith Haven i' had been sick the week before I was trying to find a worker around cuz Co was still on the minds of a lot of people so I visited this walking trail sponsored by a church and in the beginning I kind of mentioned it I don't know about you but it feels like sometimes God communicates to me through nature recently it seems to be Cardinals and as I'm leaving this visit it was a complete Disaster One appeared as I'm driving out it was the fourth one that was very coincidental the third one was related to the church of Jesus Christ the latterday Saints when I changed the one that I had planned to visit and instead drove to a second one and that completely changed the comp the trajectory of my faith walk this channel everything it's weird so the morning of my baptism to see five uh was just so um it was such a Divine signature this God wink and especially with the Manti Temple and other Church of Jesus Christ L Saints visits that I've mentioned in the past just weird so when it comes to the temple lot this is this is how this worked so Friday I got into Independence um I had set up an interview completed that and then afterwards uh went to lunch and got talking with a BYU professor uh we started talking about the temple lot and he mentioned he had visited years earlier and there was a group that would gather at dawn and he showed me this picture of one of the members or one of the people as part of this group and he had like this this post horn this ram horn uh that he would sound sounded super interesting so I wanted to visit but due to the book a Mormon rally both nights got really late I I wasn't sure if I was going to make it that early so afterwards we finish up lunch I decided to take a look at the temple lot to get a few pictures and immediately by this tree right by the Community of Christ Auditorium a cardinal is chirping so I get out my camera try to take a a video and unfortunately I didn't hit record apparently flies away I have no evidence Saturday um I did something at the Stak Center and visited the visitor center afterwards and decided you know what I'll go back to the temple loot get some more footage I go back to that tree for some reason someone had left a pair of boots there so I have no idea what that's about so Saturday nothing happened and then the Book of Mormon rally that night it got super late I don't think I got back to my hotel maybe until 11 11:30 so I was super tired so I wasn't going to go to the temple lot on Sunday morning here's what what happened I can't get back to sleep because there's a bird outside my hotel window that that's continuing to chirp I'm like that sounds familiar so I open up the drapes and sure enough this little guy is chirping right outside my hotel window I'm like that that feels like a sign so 6:38 a.m. is when I took that video I just decited I'd get dressed I would make a 15minute drive to the temple lot to see if this was some type of sign maybe there will be Cardinals in the temple lot so I drive out there and you know very Scenic the sun is coming up I go in the temple lot area and sure enough this red bird looks like a cardinal from the back is chirping right where Joseph Smith dedicated this Temple to be built for the second coming of Christ sounds ridiculous but then you know I kind of talked in previous videos about manura tiger her picture of Christ in the red robe based off Isaiah 63 that whole red connection for me uh just resonates so I kind of looked around and more Cardinals would fly in and fly out uh around this area does it mean anything I don't know but it it connects with my weird thing so as I was looking like a complete nut outside the temple lot Church taking video of all these Cardinal and red birds appearing uh a gentleman waved me over and the Icebreaker question is was just so silly and I knew it as soon as it left my mouth I I asked him you know how often do cardinals appear out here and he mentioned yeah they're they're quite prevalent uh and I knew that with Missouri you know they're going to be more prevalent in that state uh but we got talking and um you know this kind of turned into a Congregation of two uh a church service where there were no church walls and we got talking about a number of spiritual aspects so I kind of talked about my experience with Cardinals I've been told that they were spiritual Messengers from some people I don't know if it's true I've heard other people mention they're kind of like this transition of hope and love in your life and he mentioned he had heard similar things uh one experience he had was with a fox on the temple lot ground uh because it reminded him of a loved one the way that the fox looked at him it was kind of like I'm gone but I'm not really gone and I I started asking him you know I heard from a friend that there used to be a group who would gather at dawn on the temple lot that consisted of various members from different restoration branches is that true and he mentioned that it did occur so he gave me a date I want to say it was August 1st 2015 and it started with about a dozen women and as soon as he said that it sounded very much like you know the empty tomb with Mary Magdalene and over the mistake they made he said is they invited the men along and um the plan was just to do 21 days and they would pray they would sing they would share testimonies with each other and then one of the members had to leave for her job and they kind of asked each other well this is a good thing maybe maybe we should keep doing this so they contined doing it and then obviously the during the winter things got really cold someone got sick so they moved it indoors and just over the number of years um you know they kind of lost this membership so to speak in those early morning hours he was kind of asking himself and he just kind of had this deliberate thought where he knew that where the source was coming from where it's like if everyone else left would you still continue coming and he said that he's been operating through a level of God's grace as he tries to find you know a fullness of grace even though he knows he's never going to reach and attain that so we touched on a number of topics uh we talked a little bit about the Book of Mormon and how I had been baptized into the restoration all of a week ago and he kind of mentioned the Book of Mormon it is kind of this plain and precious truth and one of the things that he appreciates about it is it was kind of like this thing where he knows the reason why it was needed is because man corrupts when man gets their hands on things things get messed up and with the Golden Plates it was by God's design uh we also kind of discussed a little bit about the Trinity and the godhead and this is something that I still struggle uh with my Protestant brain I think I'm going to have to trademark that pretty soon uh because I've always been used to you know God the Father God the Son and the Holy Spirit being you know three in one and the godhead in uh the Church of Jesus Christ the Latter Day Saints is kind of they're kind of a little bit more separate his take on it was you can almost kind of imagine it as like um like different substances different elements um in chemistry because you can have something as a solid but it based off the temperature and how that pressure Rises that be can become a liquid and also if it goes even further it can be a gas and there is a certain area where all three of these phases can be the same thing it can be a liquid it can be a gas it can be a solid so how that works I have no idea but uh the thing that I guess he was trying to get across was you know we can't put God in a box you know and we can conceptualize it as much as we want but you know the M like God remains a bit of a mystery and that's not a bad thing uh but one story he wanted to share with me was the pile of stones so take this story with a grain of salt uh this is a myth this is a story don't know if it's true uh but I'll share it uh just based off his folklore so The Story Goes uh there was centuries ago there was a number of tribes who were Waring with each other and it was all based off where the temple lot is now because it was like this Crossroads and as they were fighting apparently this shiny personage appeared and kind of Knocked everyone back and basically said stop fighting on this land this land is sacred so the tribes obeyed this voice because you can't really fight when your back is on the ground and they went to the Missouri River and washed off their war paint and kind of as an act of peace from what it sounds like uh they all gathered and placed a stone into this pile so The Story Goes uh this pile of rocks this pile of stones remained for centuries and I guess it wasn't until maybe the 20th century where they finally decided you know we got to mow around this let's get rid of all these stones and then there's also word that maybe some of these have been buried so this was all on the temple lot long before Joseph Smith arrived in 1831 so The Story Goes uh there's a member of the Church of Christ with the temple lot area who has a testimony apparently that a number of tribes arrived in 1976 and recognized the importance of the land and removed their Footwear when walking over it so again um you know ramifications from The Book of Mormon I don't know this is a folklore this is a story who knows if it's true uh just want to share it uh maybe they add a little bit more um curiosity around the temple lot make of this what you want all I conclude is Missouri is is unlike any other state when it comes to Christianity from everything with the unique history of the temple lot to Joseph Smith dedicating this area for a temple to be built that still hasn't happened in nearly 200 years to this wild story of the pile of stones and then you add on that with the charismatic movement thinking the Kansas City Chiefs have something to do with God and then Catholicism where sister Willamina Lancaster her body an decay in the ground what do you make of this area like it's just so strange and then on top of that I just have my weird Cardinal connection nothing compared to that other stuff but it's like they're nesting in these trees you know uh from a Protestant background um I would often get in some conversations and if Latter-Day Saints were brought up it always came to cult false prophet Joseph Smith is a con man he's a fraud I would hear that as well and it's like I wasn't I wasn't on board with that so for me it was it was it was strange because I would see all these restoration churches and just the beliefs were so strong and the Book of Mormon was like translated differently in the behavior and the actions and the hearts of its members and there was one passage that I was kind of thinking about because everyone like questions Joseph Smith as a prophet but what no one ever talks about is the Mustard Seed Faith that he had so one passage that came to mind I was looking at was from Matthew 13:31 so it says he presented another Parable to them saying the Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took and sewed in his field and this is smaller than all other seeds but when it is full grown it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches so as I'm seeing these Cardinals nest in the branches right outside the temple lot like I'm seeing this Mustard Seed from where things started with the Church of Jesus Christ the latterday Saints with all the restoration churches and to see it into what it is today it's still like I say this and I'll say it again what is this how did this happen like how do you take something that wasn't there 200 years ago and make it into what it is today there was one detractor that I saw on a previous video and I don't like to call out names or anything like that so I'm just going to mention the comment but the comment said Joseph Smith was a liar and made tons of prophecies that were never fulfilled some of them the church ad mitts weren't fulfilled an entire string of them revolve around a place they claimed would be the future Zion Independence Missouri they claimed are going to build a temple there a different church has does and likely always will own that land so with the Church of Christ with the temple lot Church the hites I don't know if they have plans to build the temple at some point or not it's been nearly a hundred years since they first attempted it but I I think after seeing this especially with with just one man one man who was out there that day um who still kind of believes in the temple lot into this temple being built for the second coming of Christ like that there's a mustard seed in that I don't know if this can happen I doubt it but it almost feels like the the only way that Temple would get built if it was a Grassroots movement among all Latter-Day Saints not just one particular church so that Temple would be for everyone kind of like with the Kirtland Temple that's a church for all the restoration churches and I feel like with a temple lot that could be one like you'd have a date August 3rd 2031 200 years after the dedication it could happen but it feels like with the politics and like it would be extremely difficult to pull off but I I think for me just with the connections that I've had even getting to this point um especially with the Cardinal connections it's like all right my my thing fits with this being sacred land and it's it's weird to say that tell you what that's going to wrap up this visit hope you enjoyed this rather bizarre look into the temple lot for the church number four it was right next door uh with a Church of Church of Christ Temple lot church so uh I got their Book of Mormon got a bulletin and took a ton of notes with the sermon and I found this church to be strong resilient and and oneof a kind so I'll share in the next video for that but until next time hope you have a good one
Channel: 52 Churches in 52 Weeks
Views: 25,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 52 churches in 52 weeks, david boice, temple lot, scripture central, christian homestead, david alexander, saints unscripted, ward radio, stick of joseph, last dispensation, followhim, true millennial, connor boyack, glenn beck, cwic media, let's get real, unshaken, spiritual survival, church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, lds, mormon church, hello saints, mormon book reviews, temple lot church, book of mormon, book of mormon rally, byu, david boyce, come follow me
Id: cHs9jTVTIh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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