🇵🇸 ✍️ Edward Said: 'Out of Place' | Al Jazeera World

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[Music] this empty chair belonged to one of the finest minds of the 20th century in this study an American Palestinian produced some of the most original modern writing and radical thinking that challenged Western perceptions of the East [Music] he was born in Palestine under the British Mandate but lived his early life moving between Cairo and Jerusalem where his roots remained throughout his illustrious life he who was Edward W Sayid the literature professor who spent so much of his life feeling out of place look he knew how bright he was he knew how valuable he was he knew how well he spoke and how brilliantly he wrote as I say a scholar and an ordinary man as a person you know very few academics can do that but I mean you know here he didn't live in Palestine quote/unquote you know he his his life and that of his wife name was in New York and of course he traveled a lot but I think he he realized that he was the voice for other people Edward came a SWAT eliminated femenina la otra hero Center ultimately not a SWAT el khalili well bear is e le tu maconel coal and no mafiosos la falestine men do no heritage a murky Yanis our phenom met Tammy him in Central Austin Edward side can kill her you to kill emiru McCarthy rouhani Edie fair when the dog ma ma slew me Wilma Corinne while Michelle reading women feeling [Music] Sayid was diagnosed with leukemia in 1991 but fought the disease for over a decade during which time he wrote his own account of his childhood and youth what he called his memoir the main reason for this memoir is of course to bridge the sheer distance in time and place between my life today and my life then several years ago I received what seemed to be a fatal medical diagnosis and it therefore struck me as important to leave behind a subjective account of the life I lived as a record of an essential lost or forgotten world Edward Saeed started writing out of place in May 1994 while he was recovering from chemotherapy for his leukemia it took him five years to complete the book is both the biography of his early years in the Arab world and then in the u.s. at school and university and a metaphor for the lives of millions of Palestinians with their sense of exile and alienation it is both a personal experience and a statement on behalf of a whole people but as McCain who shall Philistine who where I was it was accurate to fool it about safer to use it when a shovelful see the Scarlet obayashi landmines occurred any philosophy and Rio women dress a superb Romania with three he is a Yamaha are addictive Cool J Falmer Oaxaca very the solar charisma can be safer to Philistine he saw being out of place as a psychological state of things he saw being out of place as a physical characterization he saw out of place as also moving reflection on being out of place to place being Palestine [Music] adored Wadi Sayid was born in the 1st of November 1935 into a well-to-do Christian Palestinian family in Jerusalem in the upmarket neighborhood of talbiya Edwards father Waddy had served in the US Army in the First World War giving the family American citizenship in 1919 what he set up a stationery business with his cousin in Cairo that meant the family would spend a good deal of time traveling between Jerusalem and Cairo for the next few years waleed Edward bullets Hollow Men Philistine aluminum nasara abou criminal penal codes channel D no Kane wish Dylan la beacon Protestant by Monta massaman Sharon Hal economist I am a volcano - can easily be he'll be a hidey-ho we McCamish or anubian Timmy the heck were a Minnesotan Autobot [Music] shaaka I could not Kareena still got seen be muscle will be falestine hawala Rihanna do in Ramallah Palestine voila can can Edward economist wish Missouri Vanessa Lowe Afghan and APIs for a mechanic [Music] all families invent their parents and children give each of them a story character fate and even a language there was always something wrong with how I was invented and meant to fit in with the world of my parents and four sisters whether this was because I constantly misread my part or because of some deep flaw in my being I could not tell for most of my early life sometimes I was intransigent and proud of it at other times I seem to myself to be nearly devoid of any character at all timid uncertain without will yet the overriding sensation I had was of always being out of place Edward yes through a logic see to who we we do Ruby B Victoria has we all know she can eat with him embrace who we can am he has she basically behind the series hiya to be on hand model Akif bay you can aloo Matar jealous rehalia of jealous Oberon a bad rap because al Qaeda who we can any his design yeah Melanie and we will be able smacking head who can be Monica wash the young Edward learned the piano and his love of music gave him an escape both from family and from school he was an intelligent pupil but sometimes misbehaved Edward grew up playing and listening to Arab and Western classical music two recordings on the gramophone of the great composers and finest performers will see a challah to Danny La Rue Seattle esure will an effective name on Sara say I do actor well ahead Sabbath kami can him 100 led the talents eeeh like other Palestinians of his generation Edward Sayid became a living example of Exile his early life in Egypt coincided with the tumultuous events in the Middle East of the 1940s when in 1948 the British left Palestine and the new State of Israel was founded hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced from their homes and homeland the 12 year old Edward in Cairo didn't yet know how our Nakba the catastrophe would later influence his life and career what overcomes me now is the scale of dislocation our family and friends experienced and of which I was scarcely conscious essentially unknowing witness in 1948 it was through aunt navaja that I first experienced Palestine as history and cause it was also she who communicated to me the desolations of being without a country or a place to return to but I couldn't really comprehend the tragedy that had befallen them nor could I piece together all the different narrative fragments to understand what had really happened in Palestine the Palestinian cause was always deep-seated and Edward Syed's intellectual emotional you know physical life and what what made him such an extraordinary scholar and intellectual was that he was always connecting different aspects of his life he never compartmentalised you know there are many academics for whom you know the the private the personal is one aspect of their life and the intellectual the professional is another aspect with Edward Saeed there was an integration of all aspects of being after 1948 the zayeed family couldn't go back from Cairo to Jerusalem Westeros Elam had become almost entirely Israeli but Edward didn't stay in Egypt long he was expelled from school and sent to the east coast of America to boarding school his first year in Massachusetts stirred contradictory feelings in the fifteen-year-old of low self-esteem alienation but also liberation New York's tremendous scale at starring Lee silent anonymous buildings reduced one to an inconsequential item making me question but I was to all this my totally unimportant existence giving me an eerie but momentary sense of liberation for the first time in my life elusively almost imperceptibly Palestine would appear and then quickly disappear in our New York lives America Canada we didn't believe I don't know Rajas will be stubborn can wha tell a new dilemma Kenny is a la hermana we work Mayan we be ruined the urgency what we can say if our limbs that below head version a the teenage Edward Sayid attended the elite Northfield Mount Hermon school he found it tough but got top grades an entry to Princeton University in New Jersey where he got his bachelor's degree he then won a scholarship to Harvard University where he spent five years and got his master's and PhD in English literature in 1963 Molly he advocated and insurability Rob is dead wa lakin all done animals on hiatus ability Motorhead aware I cannot sleep and I'm a horrible mess of America wash are enough so a Jewish and a scorpion other than Rwanda who showed mr. Morano very one had a hillbilly after Harvard dr. Edward Syed joined Columbia University in New York City as a member of the Faculty of English and comparative literature where he stayed until his death in 2003 Columbia is one of the top eight Ivy League universities in the US were many leading politicians economists and public figures have graduated Columbia also helped to launch Edward Saeed into the refined world of academia and literary criticism though not yet as a Middle East specialist in the West or public supporter of the Palestinian cause [Music] this the place where I'm sitting right now used to be Edward Said's office his secretary used to sit in one of the rooms you know down this down this hall and the room that you see here almost everything is as it was when when he was here you know the the book this book this glass bookcase this desk was Edwards that chair was Edwards and this was an this was an office with a lot of history Syed's endeavour might have remained purely literary and his connection with the outer world simply a family one that had not been for events in the Middle East in 1967 between the 5th and the 10th of June Israel fought and defeated the combined armies of Egypt Syria and Jordan the 1967 war changed the map of the Middle East and still hampers the peace process today but it also had a profound effect on Sayid the year 1967 was a devastating year for me and everything I had grown up with I was in America by that time I was alone being in New York there was a sense of triumphalism which appeared for the first time and not just amongst the Jewish but amongst everybody where you would walk down the street and people would say how are we doing and it was always understood that was Israel you know pokey little state about to be overwhelmed by winning this tremendous victory I was no longer the same person after 1967 the shock of that war drove me back to where it had all started the struggle over Palestine the PLO was formed in the mid sixties and began to be a representative recognized as a representative of the Palestinian cause by after the 67 war and for the attitudes changed enormously US policy changed if you take a look at the media coverage there's a spike in 1967 which has remained very high coverage of Israel is higher than almost any other countries incident and this became a leading issue in American political life internationally as well and Edward was of course affected by that and it's quite true as you said that his direct engagement and involvement in the issue really traces from 1967 that's about 13 and methodically all modest house 15 Sabine can I read a new signal Sehun done Elmas MOA didn't lol fil Estonia well done in McCann I done and I'm a shackled Massillon el-hai al Mustafa Muhammad al-amin Anna kun Allah Ordonez la semana badoon al-qaradawi caliber and now you read a news ahem on Yakuza Simonson art and wakil Philistine he has Syed's preoccupation with the Arab world began to manifest itself in his academic work literary criticism and polemical writing he began studying the cultural portrayal of Arab peoples and places in writing the visual arts and media he explored the relationship between the Enlightenment which underpinned much of Western high culture and philosophy and colonialism this led to the publication of his most influential book Orientalism in 1978 a work often considered to have forced Westerners to re-examine their perceptions of the Islamic world [Music] this book grew in ways I hadn't foreseen and then suddenly became something much more it became the whole history of the representation of the other I think it was one of the first books to try to do that the book was in just a scholarly thing but also explained cliches that had been used to govern in the colonial state rose book was a very original innovative and perceptive and acute study of the way in which the the others the East East in this case the Oriental countries were depicted interpreted and understood in the scholarly literature of the West he reviewed a lot of that but also in general culture but what it did was open it opened minds to a willingness of many people at least to consider their own biases predilections tacit beliefs and to ask whether these were distorting and modifying our interpretation of other cultures in were scientist al Mustafa Rafi Muhammad caught up in his car national were struck in the handle fee la coubre lab with Doris ser Mustafa need illusion we be a little shocked why be with a team oh well we go back to Russia whoa where am I Hal a realist in Roboto Roboto he has a he has a big achievement soon victory you wear a little device a tell phallus teeny Lucifer - is that when minute I saw your people call it desire what he did in showing how the Western misled itself in its literature it's novels was the first time we saw a Western speaking intellectual that be it passed in it who tried to show us the folly of Orientalist paintings orientalist literature the Arabs always had to be represented as is aging rather sullen lifeless people who obviously needed Western help to raise them to the heights of civilization and Edward got that across very well in Orientalism I mean he he he spotted that from the start and I think that after I mean Orientalism became a study in itself in the United States after he wrote that book Syed's influential writing earned him almost superstar status in some US academic circles and he was a leading figure in a group of elite intellectual Palestinian Americans that began to emerge in the mid 70s and 80s their aim of creating a new image of the Palestinians in the American mind provoked huge hostility in pro-israeli New York especially as Sayid continued to attack Israeli violations of the human rights of Palestinians and condemn US policy on the Middle East prominent Palestinians came under attack from both sides from the far-right Jewish Defense League the JDL and from other Muslims a smell al-farouq II of Temple University in Philadelphia and his wife were stabbed to death at their home by a Black Muslim Edward Saeed himself was attacked his office at Columbia was torched and a right-wing Jewish magazine dubbed him the professor of terror a label that followed him for the rest of his life you édouard Saeed was an American Palestinian writer and academic who's influential 1978 book Orientalism challenged Western preconceptions about Arabs and the Arab world born in Jerusalem in the 1930s he later became one of the most prominent champions of the Palestinian cause in the West making him a controversial figure in the arab-israeli conflict although he only spent early childhood years in the Middle East he nonetheless experienced a strong sense of displacement throughout his life and career in America expressed most articulately in his 1999 memoir out of place as an outspoken critic of Israel in the u.s. he suffered verbal and physical attacks Edward had to deal with all kinds of terrible events this very office you know he was there were people who tried to break into his office and this is one reason why you'll notice at the door it's a very heavy door there's a reason for that not all the officers in philosophy Hall have that kind of door and the reason you might have noticed you know they're these heavy bolts was because they tried to break into his office so it's all connected to the professor of terror you know it came out of that terrible ugly moment Sayid found himself increasingly absorbed by east/west cultural study as well as Palestine and the arab-israeli conflict this was expressed in his published writing he was born into a Christian family in West Jerusalem though he was not a religious man but this did not stop him arguing strongly in covering Islam that the Western media distorts the image of Islam in the question of Palestine in 1979 he traced the clash between two middle-eastern peoples followed by his first book on structuralist literary critical theory his text the book called the world the text and the critique he remains a singular achievement of his literary significance now after the publication of Orientalism and soon after Orientalism cultural imperialism that those two books became so important in the field of post-colonial studies that they overshadow his literary work but the fact is that increasingly if you go from one University to another in US Europe the Arab world etc you will see that the significance of his literary work is increasingly coming to the surface and in fact I would even venture to say without understanding his literary disposition his preoccupation with the question of my niece's we cannot understand Orientalism in' and covering islam and so forth the two aspects of his a scholarship are interrelated manaphy actor Chevy v8 motor idea metal my my roof steve biko can aqua silla she had i'll come in who are cool mock marine the way tell you what that is central Almaguin Kasab Miss America latter Velma rocky fair which would add words say it can be message came in Manila Catalina Djokovic was Tony Abbott on Abaddon Minister chef - 10 - 10 B who would fit crow a lettuce top part and tavella girl B - until manage and who let me own master on true pseudo be horribly silly Camus would have a double McLaren will assess their asset in NASA Wii U but their asset model colonial e will be Elmen AFER's will afro parousia McCain who Ishihara wanted a doctor beer work any egg V us an adversary in u.s. car had prepared for Australian and he can he'll administrator on you mustn couldn't say naughty one of Syed's most read essays was called reflections on exile in it he explores the relationship between his own exile and that of Palestinians he sees exile as a state of mind as much as a physical reality a psychological condition shared by those rejecting regional and local ties including their native country Syed's exile meant putting distance between him and his cultural identity and he decided that it could ultimately be a valuable human condition exile when the words of Wallace Stevens is a mind of winter in which the pathos of summer and autumn as much as the potential of spring are nearby but unobtainable exile is the unhealable rift forced between a human being and a native place between the self and its true home the essential sadness of the break can never be surmounted the achievements of any exile are permanently undermined by his or her sense of loss [Music] the helical never man oh hey that way hey Tammy Hanley we are - we are - Philistine the MOCA Muhammad that Salafi Lara we will not honor me of sorrowful in Sydney but Bilal Amina Bashara the support in Sydney I know Philistine taste seed they has a shirt insane le who shorten man from alien every feature say if we had been first in Iqbal Hauula them of whom sir coffee whether be any advertisement otherwise said Kenyatta and el mensaje Lee Miller Deb alaikum mulatto a little moved there and Millar Deb Allah the UN to step down the mikania table know who Kenny the race course Canada dismiss up the Columbia as intellectual exile Elmen faster coffee ok Najib keyboard caffeine El Alamein le hood a surfer on with the recent eren yeager halal muzhikov al mustafa and Muslim area will akela do tragedy d'Oro Yanni halacha leader of the thyroid therefore the only a small animal circle and affinity column Usama in 1977 Saeed was elected to the Palestinian National Council as an independent the PNC is the legislative body of the Palestine Liberation Organization the PLO a kind of parliament representing all Palestinians in the occupied territories and elsewhere he tried to avoid factional infighting making what he felt were strategic interventions at a meeting of the PNC in Algiers in November 1988 PLO chairman Yasser Arafat made the Palestinian Declaration of Independence it had been written by the Palestinian poet and author Mahmoud Darwish but Edward Saeed had also had a prominent role in drafting it the declaration proclaimed the establishment of the State of Palestine effectively the two-state solution he wasn't it was very close to in fact part of the Palestinian National Council on the other end he was also very critical of many of their positions he was very independent mind he absolute integrity no can edwardian him yesterday and was so lilamon you read can is Tatyana Ali Mohammed is an artifact well I can how can you read Aksarben Sun Sun hail cutter cannery Daniel Ellis sharp can you read and yet fulfill what Rafi hadith Mashable Philistine mal wakil Philistine Amana dollar steaming khadiyah cannot held held chaga and how I'm a minute - yes tatyana fireman and a fellow and no hazama can you read and yet a - alia stuff is a lava in 1991 Edward Saeed was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia he had to undergo extensive chemotherapy and fought his illness for the next 12 years the suffering he experienced forced him to go back to his childhood and reevaluate his past he began work on the revealing biography of his early life out of place by the time I began treatment in March 1994 I realized that I had at least entered if not the final phase of my life than the period like Adam and Eve leaving the garden in May 1994 I began work on this book these details are important as a way of explaining to myself and to my reader how the time of this book is intimately tied to the time phases ups and downs variations and my illness lemon Edward Arif worth now and no handle Mara can it submit weary lol Nikhil nah our Lankan bad rear camera Hamza have seen similar man hopparoo no and Oh Hal Mara Tasha for Hal Mara be oh well oh well I can submit a need sabe Hannah was killed lahat nadir Niebla no doubt diagnosis of leukemia was extremely important in Edward size psychological intellectual disposition suddenly without expectation he faced his mortality but as he said in an interview all it took was just one picture of Ariel Sharon to send him back to his moral courageous imagination he never buckled down at the face of death Syed's illness brought feelings of loss flooding back to him he later described it as attempting to return to bits of life or people who were no longer there he wrote about trying to find a place to die [Music] in 1992 he went back to West Jerusalem to the talbiya neighborhood where he was born he reportedly walked the streets searching for his family's old house where he'd spent his early years and which he'd left 45 years before but the story goes that when he found the house he was simply unable to ask the owners if he could look inside I could not meet loss face-to-face I stood by the door like a beggar how could I ask permission from strangers sleeping in my own bed asked them if I could visit myself for five minutes should I bow in respect to the residents of my childish dream would they ask who is that prying foreign visitor LeMond Allah Allah Allah Faustina lanzar Albert business where I look until dear mother elmeshad lemon wash and Alberto Arif rebate Smyly futon bed well immediately when as hobble bed and my futile be ascetic pyramid okay well done share from Umbara [Music] [Applause] edward saeed worked hard in the US media to explain how the 1988 palestine declaration was in fact a compromise and this paved the way for the 1991 Madrid conference and then the signing of the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn in September 1993 by Yasser Arafat yet Sakura beam and Mahmoud Abbas but Saeed had become increasingly critical of the way the negotiations were heading and had resigned from the PNC in 1991 he considered the Oslo agreement to be unfair and far too heavily weighted in favor of Israel it amounted he said to a Palestinian surrender it was a complete champ I was outraged by the document the Israeli government letter to the PLO was one and a half lines in which it says the government of Israel recognizes that the PLO is the representative of Palestinian people [Music] the Palestinian letter was a page and a half long single-spaced apologizing for terrorists saying that we've taken back this we are not going to do this again we recognize Israel the right to live in peace recognize all this tough dealing with a state that until today still hasn't declared its international borders Arafat returned all came to Gaza for the first time was allowed to go to Gaza and Edward raged at him when I was speaking to me said this man he he carries out an Oslo agreement he takes no Maps with him he takes no lawyers with him and the Israeli government turn out with all their lawyers and this man has never seen a Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza and he thinks he can negotiate you know and I think Edward was right Arafat got taken for right suburban falafel a easy man one of them a man measure Sawat on he can Malta yeah the CSEA who were talkative appeared I learned my bad day I'm the latter the same side will shut up can harden talk a relative appear evicted merits addictive SEL hala abyssea certainly CSE banana fanna sorry is I'm a Giri CSM radical as an achievement and not see that no Bercy Sen - real Edward Sahar feeha and hotel when a shovelful stinginess illusion behind the default a year [Music] as I said can any mccann after a monkey fill what valhallen and fellows in falsely hello holla double attend our highly developed in Ottawa had a latina floss in therapy Kenya Taliban had nine wa lakin adopted no medal at Peru LaHood all the way we had a hurricane any human ela a new Yami Norman and I couldn't are taught to do a new Noah Malaysia not patria as for coffee and were mocking under a mystery but they had this blackest and your habit had those what also mangaka Phoenix alien our cinema in its rainy my Mussolini's rain Ian Cotter Vasya Vasya America many more television who misses villain enormous ten say you know ice be America by American Apparel WA hadn't know yet best amid addressed no n-no patina bcs mmm battered Saturday and Cain Akira Paris tomorrow Canyon immediately dr. cárdenas guillén Walter Bailey family maestro so you know surgery be not lost sort of Austin II I think Edwin was reaching a stage of frustration that he was beginning to think there would never be a Palestine you can in his very later writings if you read them in a diorama for example and some of his essays it comes across very clearly that while he's in one part of his mind he's still stating the absolute injustice of what happens the Palestinians and the need for a Palestinian state any Palestinian state but I think he was beginning to realize that the extent of Jewish settlements colonies on Ireland the theft of Arab land for settlements and colonists for Jews and Jews only had reached the stage where he couldn't really see there being a Palestinian state a real one I mean you know which is has its own security in which has its right to land and which you know cannot be over flown by anyone else unless permission I think he'd be able to realize that this was becoming less and less realistic Sayyid continued to care deeply about the impact of 9/11 and the 2003 Iraq war but as his health declined he stepped out of the political spotlight music had always been a passion but now it became the main focus of his life [Music] [Music] he'd written books like musical elaborations on late style and with the Argentine Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim parallels and paradoxes in 1999 the two founded the west-eastern divan Orchestra bringing together young Arab and Israeli musicians Edward can mercy ooh family can have a but then mitosis will a doubling Lizzy possible Messiah who can not read mercy connective Ana Lucia fajita she Gemma Oh Madonna Nanette on amber er Bao Shan monster at bein on which should be a solo we enter hell roughly be allocated the before Joe and no he'll me kisara the dark tear Harlequin fossil by me you tonight Fikret a newish Malmo singing in Arabic is really nice Abba Polly Edwards side female hostage surah qamar' Barenboim an interval affair until total BS really want a mushroom stock Kalahari mousikova Celsius colic Edward anti lamina and no laser wanaka fossil penile moussaka well Feynman jehova nissi SM jet over an Tosa Harket Ibaka for LMP really elated the hardest fear and awe struck off a fetus realist remarkable - oh no no zombie Musa Musa less Verrilli wha Musa Aisha web for Phineas Orion any new spawn where McKeon had a little peon but horrid I make a phenomenal ma who are liberal enough should mark any header Okanagan one I had McCulloch t le anthemic Dolabella enough she's more during the two Palestinian uprising is called intifadas stone-throwing became something of a symbol of their revolt in july 2000 after the Israeli withdrawal from south Lebanon Saeed visited the former crossing Fatima gate on the Lebanon Israel border there he famously threw a stone towards the disputed border and was predictably again labelled the professor of terror it was I were honored to walk on the same walk walk way that you walk or throw any stone that you you throw it was a symbolic move had nothing to do with anything they have changed the meaning tried to change the meaning of Intifada which has to do with violence has nothing to do with violence in the fall that means a Palestinian who stands up and says I'm a Palestinian that's Intifada a Palestinian who goes to combative soccer that's an interpreter a Palestinian who eats moussaka and that's an end of order it's all in the father means resistance to occupation and theft of your homeland that's when the father means throwing a stone from the cross a border is a meaningless symbolic act it has nothing to do with terrorism it's expressing the fact that Israel was repeatedly invading Lebanon devastating southern Lebanon bombing Beirut over and over and this was a act of symbolic resentment in opposition to this to these constant attacks the professor of terrorism is an interesting phrase has to do with the way the term terrorism is used in the United States terrorism has a very narrow meaning in u.s. discourse it refers to the allegedly terrorist acts of others but not of ourselves and our allies Edward Sayid died on the 25th of September 2003 he'd had a huge professional impact particularly on the way cultures are examined described and defined he'd had a major political impact in the Middle East through his work in the PNC and in the West as a high-profile champion of the Palestinian cause his writing has been translated into 26 languages his last wish was to be buried in Lebanon the birthplace of his mother to be as close as possible to Palestine the place he'd felt exiled from all his life that had caused him to live and die out of place he said if I die before you my will is the impossible I asked is the impossible far off he said a generation away I asked and if I die before you he said I shall pay my condolences to Mount Galilee [Music] you
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 54,416
Rating: 4.9586468 out of 5
Keywords: arab-american, aljazeera, aljazeera english, al jazeera english, islam, out of place: a memoir, lebanon, arab world, aljazeera live, robert fisk, 1967 june war, hannan ashrawi, documentary, noam chomsky, aljazeeraworld, aljazeera.com, egypt, al jazeera, jews, palestinian diaspora, arabs, religion, palestine, aljazeera news, columbia university, joseph massad, middle east, israel, orientalism, israelis, edward said, ✍️, 🇵🇸
Id: CoeymZ6-LnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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