🇯🇵日本福岡4天3夜吃貨必訪行程!太便宜、太好吃、太好玩啦 - 上集 #人生抉擇 #九州 #福岡 #日本 #旅遊 #爽吃

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It's so sweet. I can't believe it, Ogurajo. I'm in Fukuoka now. If you say you haven't heard of Fukuoka, please, then you must be a layman. Just like other Youtubers, they only record Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe. I feel too boring. Let me tell you about the real experts. Just come to Fukuoka. Why come to Fukuoka ? Fukuoka has delicious food, fun things, and a lot of beautiful scenery . So today’s plan is to take you to play. Today’s first episode is to take you to eat at a dick restaurant in Taiwan. Recently, there is a very good restaurant in Taiwan. There’s a name for the pork belly, right? I’m telling you that the pork belly is super delicious . But I’ve tried this one before and I think it’s better than the pork belly. Let me introduce you to the most famous Gokumiya in Fukuoka. That Gokumiya. What's special is that they use their own locally famous beef , and it's Wagyu grade. Wait a minute , we're going to go in and eat their Wagyu hamburger steak. Here they give you a piece of raw Wagyu beef, and then give you a piece. You can grill it yourself on the iron plate and let yourself enjoy it. Then we all use the camera to smell the aroma. We came to their branch today. The way of queuing at this branch is that there will be an entrance position here. We will go in from here. First, they have a Chinese menu , so I think it is very convenient for us Taiwanese. Usually, I would suggest just ordering the hamburger steak directly, because ordering the largest portion directly will be very satisfying. Remember If a boy likes to eat meat, he will go straight to this portion. I think it will definitely be a pleasure to eat with this portion . If you put it together, it will only cost about 3,000 yen. 3,000 yen is about NT$600. That’s it . The price is about the same as our pork belly rice. We finally came in and just waited for 30 minutes. It took about the same time as I guessed. Let's try it and see how it is eaten. You first pick up a piece of meat and then put it on the grill. Put it in the oven and it's sizzling. It's fragrant and delicious. It's so sweet when you see that it's not half-cooked . We had an original version. Our version this time is dipping it in sauce and then roasting it until it's a little crispier and a little more cooked . Let’s try it by dipping it in this sauce. I recommend you to dip it in the sauce. The sauce is really well mixed and has different flavors. When I was about to pay the bill, the clerk reminded me that we also have ice cream to eat . I heard that this ice cream is very good. It's rich . I'll try it. I think it's quite sweet. It tastes like vanilla milk. It's pretty good. Don't forget to eat ice cream before you leave. I just finished eating the hamburger and want to move around . It 's a must when I come to Fukuoka . We want to go to their most famous Tenmangu Shrine. We just got on the train . We actually took Nishitetsu Fukuoka. We got on the train at Tenjin Station . Then we have to walk in the direction of Hanabata. Then we will transfer to Futakaichi and then transfer to Dazaifu. It only took about 30 minutes to drive. I think it is quite fast and I highly recommend it . If you are coming here to play, you can go there for a walk. After all, you have just eaten and are too tired to go there and take a look at the scenery. Not bad. We arrived . We waited to transfer. In fact, there was already a very obvious sign here . We will go to this place to transfer. We will meet you when we arrived. We were already driving. It turned out that it was only two stops to Dazaifu, but we The first stop we arrived now is called Gojo. When I think of Gojo, who comes to mind ? You know I’m awesome at Wuliangkong. It’s a pointless piece of crap. We’ve arrived at Dazaifu. Yes, it’s antique. It feels very good to see this building here. If you feel like it, let's go and see the scenery there together. Go go . I heard that before going to worship, you should wash your hands first, wash your left hand, touch the water with your right hand, and then gently rub it into a round ball. Do you have any secrets for this prayer? Bow twice first and then Then put the change you prepared into the longevity box, then go back and bow twice , then clap your hands twice again, tell me your wishes, bow twice again, how much did you just invest , why did I just invest 100 yuan ? Japan is a super worshiping god. You just scolded me Beiqi. Try your best to put in 5 yuan or 50 yuan. The best is 5 yuan. Then what he means is that it is a homophonic Japanese word "ごえん", which means fate. Then you put in five yuan and pay homage to the god. If I am bound to a god , can I re-vote again later ? Hahaha, re-shoot again to see if I can become smarter. I failed miserably just now . Ms. Chen Yanrou’s wish is to be admitted to National Taiwan University . I hope her wish will come true . If Ms. Chen Yanrou has seen this episode, please leave us a message and let us know . We also wish you to be admitted to National Taiwan University. The afternoon was so chill. We had just returned from Tenmangu Shrine and our feet were a little sore , so we came back to the hotel to rest for a while. I must eat an izakaya when I come to Japan , so tonight we will go to an izakaya in my private room and we will wait and see. Go go We just discussed with the store and they said that if we show their sign, we need to go through the headquarters. I agree. If you like the dishes and want to know which one this is , then please send us a private message and we will tell you which one this is. I will start with the ones they will serve . This cabbage looks inconspicuous. They provide this miso sauce because their cabbage is very sweet and the miso sauce really enhances the freshness. Next, try it with this cucumber. Dip it with your hands and it will be super anti-greasy. Most izakayas are fried or grilled. You will feel tired after eating half of the meal. This is very good. Why this time I think it is very suitable for everyone who comes to Kyushu and must eat it. The first thing I will tell you about this raw chicken is its surface. I have simply cooked it first. I heard that even eggs cannot be eaten in Taiwan. Let me tell you, thank you. Even chicken can be eaten raw here. Have you ever eaten raw chicken? Then the way you eat it is definitely like this. Add a little green onion and some of Hakata's most famous mentaiko and eat it together. I think it should be made with yuzu pepper. The more I chew the pepper, it has a slightly peppery aroma . I'm not sure which one has the taste of yuzu pepper . It tastes great when mixed together. We just talked about eggs. Here we ordered a raw egg and leek. I heard that their leek with raw egg is delicious. I didn’t know the first time I ate it. The leek was so sweet . It was really sweet. Why are leeks so sweet? The most important thing is to eat it when you come to Kyushu. One thing is Nanban chicken. Generally speaking, Nanban chicken has a very strong vinegar aroma. Their Nanban chicken vinegar aroma is not too strong. Anyway, it’s mixed with enough aroma. I’m not sure if it was made in Kyushu, but I I’m sure there are many places in Jiuzhou that claim their Nanban chicken is the best. Let’s try this one to see how the tartar sauce tastes different. I think their tartar sauce is very special. It tastes like vinegar and egg. The combination of the taste and the aroma of chicken is just right. We just ordered a very special one called avocado. What the hell, avocado. Yuanyuan said she said this tastes like sashimi . This is their most famous local chicken charcoal grill. Let me tell you that the most important thing about the first entrance is the texture. You can feel the chicken juice running in your mouth and the chewy texture. In addition, we are eating the kind of fried chicken or the kind we usually eat. The taste of the salted chicken is completely different . The chicken is very elastic. They said that what I ate today was quite touching. I think I ate it three or five years ago. I remember I ate this place when I was in Osaka. I ate it at that time. It's really a bit surprising. I think their food is very interesting , but the taste is different from what is eaten in Taiwan , and the combination logic is completely different from the combination logic of Taiwanese dishes. Finish . I want to go there again. Buy a can and look at the PREMIUM MALT'S I just drank here and the most awesome master dream they have ever done. Master dream fucking translates by himself. I don’t know how to do this. I decided to treat it as a drink while walking. Since I came to Fukuoka, it’s chill. To be clear , today is our second day of our trip to Hakata. Yesterday Yuanyuan told me that the boiled chicken here is delicious. Let me tell you, today is correct. We will take you to a restaurant where the boiled chicken is guaranteed to be very good. Eat at this restaurant called Huaweiniao. The most famous thing about their restaurant is their chicken soup hot pot . Wait a minute and we will serve it. Let’s take a look at the camera. Eat. They offer a lot of menu options . This is the most basic one and they recommend it the most. Their most famous thing is their boiled chicken hot pot , so if you come here and have no idea, you can just order the most basic combination . We just ordered two advanced versions and one deluxe version, so If you come here, if you can accommodate a larger group of people or want to eat a larger amount of content, you don’t have to order a la carte. It’s the same for everyone. I think it’s a very considerate place. The deluxe set we just ordered includes raw chicken and ham. It’s quite interesting, because generally ham is made from pork, but it is made from chicken. I think the corresponding one will have less sweetness, but the texture will become more special. The second dish I just ordered is quite special. It's the same. I think it's the same as the chicken ham, and there's lemon and this yuzu pepper in it . I think their yuzu pepper is particularly delicious. I think the one I just paired with shiso is pretty good , and it ends with yuzu pepper. The spiciness is less salty and less sour than the previous dish, but the taste is very moderate and the sweetness of the onions just neutralizes it, so in this part of the dish it actually enhances the sweetness of the chicken, which is quite good . The hot pot is here. This is their most famous chicken soup pot. I have finished drinking the soup and I feel so good because I drank a little too much yesterday. It immediately wiped away my hangover feeling . So why did he give it to you first in the first place? One cup of soup is because adding that cup of jelly will make the soup too thick. He hopes to have the sweet aroma at first and then not have it be too thick, sticky or thick. After the vegetable pot is cooked, Eat some vegetables. Have you seen the vermicelli? The vermicelli is so chewy and the soup is so sweet that you can soak up the juice. The crispy part still retains the crispness. I finally entered the final time of cooking the porridge. I am looking forward to it. They have just cooked it for us. I think he There are several details during the cooking process. The first thing I noticed is that they will first filter out all the ingredients, floating oil and residue. This is something I think is quite recommended , because after all, if there are other porridge The impurities in the porridge will make the taste of the porridge different . The second thing is that they wait until the heat is turned off before adding the eggs, so the eggs will have a silky texture. To be precise, the eggs are a bit like eggs. The feeling is not the hard cake texture. The third thing is that the porridge they cook is a bit different from Taiwanese porridge. Taiwanese porridge will be cooked again with more moisture and less moisture. They maintain the moisture. I guess it 's because he wants to keep the ratio of soup to rice. Try it and see . The most important thing is that the rice grains are in the center and the texture is still there instead of like rice. Everything has been cooked. I think I had the last meal and was very satisfied. I was so full after eating, so we planned to wait until we go to Kokura. There is a very simple way to go to Kokura, which is to take their Shinkansen. There is the most convenient way to take their Shinkansen. The way is that in addition to buying their tickets, you can use this Nimo card. This Nimo card itself is very convenient. In addition to taking their Shinkansen, you can go to any of their JR or buses , or you can go to convenience stores to buy things. With this card, let's all take the Shinkansen to Kokura. You know why I'm here now. Because I just took the card to the Shinkansen and it beeped but it didn't go in. Then I have to buy a card. I'll call myself first. Then I'll buy it now. I'm queuing up for the ticket now and finally got on the Shinkansen . There are a few things to pay attention to when buying the Shinkansen. The first thing is that they have free seats and reserved seats . There is no difference between free seats. Just buy one ticket . You can ride at any time , and they will mark which car is on which car with free seats, which is a very important thing to pay attention to. Assuming that you bought not free seats but reserved seats, one thing to note is that buying reserved seats means that you have the right to buy this seat , but you did not buy the fee to enter the station , which is not the same as our high-speed rail. When you buy a high-speed train, it is a reserved seat and includes the right to take the train. In Japan , the right to take the train requires a ticket. So if you buy a reserved seat today, you only bought the seat but you did not take it. This train has rights , so you have to buy an extra ride to take this place. Be careful and pay attention. The Shinkansen is really super fast. When I took the JR before, it should have taken thirty or forty minutes to get to Kokura. I just took it for ten minutes and got there. Here at Kokura , let’s go go to Kokura Castle today. We’re here at Kokura Castle. Come with me. Kokura Castle actually thinks Kyushu is really beautiful . She can see it in less than 30 minutes by car. I think it's really beautiful when I see a monument like this. Wow , it's really spectacular when I see Kokura Castle up close. It's more majestic than I imagined. It 's really interesting. There are these high-rise buildings next to it. The height of this area is well controlled , so even though it seems like this kind of building is next to it, it doesn't feel out of place. I think it's really cool. It really has a Japanese aesthetic feel to it.
Channel: 人生啊
Views: 40,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 九州, 福岡, 日本, 旅遊, 爽吃, 挽肉と米, 台灣, 東京, 大阪, 神戶, 和牛, 漢堡排, 小倉, 門司, 北九州, 天滿宮, 太宰府, 天神, 博多, 居酒屋, 生雞肉, 地雞, 雞湯, 火鍋, 酪梨, 鮭魚, 雞蛋, 韭菜, 人生啊, 人生抉擇, 極味屋, 華味鳥
Id: neq5OFF8Zm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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