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before the video starts some reactions and dialogue may be inconsistent with the original ench this video contain no shits not funny jokes grammar mistakes flashes shakes Cloud sounds deform songs jump skirt disturbing images you have been warned sit back and enjoy [Music] s m i l e when you down it out don't and SM m i every day the wind's really scary I can't sleep hey we'll be okay guys I promise all winds blow away eventually cat please help us go to sleep cat we need it catnap please help us sleep sleep sleep [Music] my full of teeth that meat in plastic this world is theirs now welcome every shadow every luy light is a hiding spot and once WR your most vulnerable he'll kill you this is your answer [Music] although for one of you the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole so don't keep the devil waiting for friend [Music] make [Music] come each [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] nothing left to save not here bir ceps home Angel they are home a million pairs of eyes are on you now watching waiting hungry they want nothing more than to C beneath your skin and eat away at you bit by little bit fill what feels empty inside themselves that thing Catman the Prototype is his God and this is what he does to Heretics these little toys fall catnapped to avoid that very fate and it [Laughter] return we try to fight it the prototype's control I am the last of the smelling Critters listen to me you need to get out of this place you need to live you would probably could fix this and this Badness the torments oh no oh no leave me please just go run you [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Sรฆnly Zรซn
Views: 50,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: njvx5coMTWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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