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okay so we are here now with Canada Place for the Vancouver so this is what happens when you come here going to Alaska cruise there's a lot of people around you can take a taxi from your Hotel so this is what's gonna happen to you I'll show you the uh the cruise I mean the ship that we are going to uh take this is the bowling them Rotterdam cruise ship that's the one I will get you closer so when you arrive here at Puerto Vancouver it's gonna be a lot of people this is only one ship but usually more than two or three ships will uh wait for embarkation the Holland America line it's not really huge this is just the smallest one this is like 1200 capacity and most of the ship is like three thousand to four thousand to five thousand capacity so this is just the smallest one but this is huge already that is the Holland America let's go closer then we're going inside we'll show you what's going to happen because this is also my first time they are loading the uh [Music] whatever they need for seven days cruise ship here we're going inside now to put our luggage so we're gonna use the ram that's what the lady said the volunteer said which is I said it's very dangerous so let's see so you have to be prepared for this okay if your car will not drop you in the parking you have to do it by yourself go into the ramp which is this one usually the car your taxi or Uber will drop you over here the things that my Uber dropped me at the front Hotel now we have to walk all the way to the end they use bugs [Music] line up over here balling them okay this is the lineup so we have to line up over here to drop off our luggage I just follow you we don't want you to fall okay so this is what it is a boy yeah we're on P2 where are we going now how come there's there's no one uh no one is guiding us again there's a arrow here okay where's the people hey already so we have to walk all the way from the elevator think a little bit to the end of this parking spot a correct luggage tag you have to put your ball in them baggage what we did was wrong so we have to xic and take you the fear right away not on the you don't need to walk on the front of the hotel they can drop you over here right right away you don't need to walk that's gonna be let's put your uh there we go and then we go up over here the level G so so this is where we're going to now more working straight good morning good morning thank you there we go in this back to the poos the processing the paperwork so this is where we're going you're welcome so we gotta check in Jackie so we came early for checking so there's not a lot of people yet we had after this check-in we have to go to the security I guess it's the American Security immigration I guess to then go to downstairs one floor down for the security so before we can board we have to go security yes a lot of process another process for this uh relaxation I like that new one now go here and this is the security U.S Security Board then you have to go this uh passport save your qualified okay so we're done for the what do you call that custom okay we're done with the costume now we can go board the uh the ship holding the ship the Holland let's see it looks like they are holding area here oh boy that's so many yeah yeah okay it's not that many yeah it's not that many eh no no no no no no no no I think I think this is the this is the final stage final stage where are you now I understand he'll take picture of you very quick thank you that's our cheap bowling bag oh yeah okay we're going in we're going good morning I mean we checked in whatever embarkation and Vocational down this is how you do it this is how you do it we're gonna see what's inside can I have your passports or maybe like this it's okay my battery is running down so it's running running up down yeah like one so this is the Dead one that's going there 1848 . oh look at that so they already put the baggage here 1848 1848 1834 34 yeah so this is the temperature [Music] 1834 is the other side thank you okay so you have to pick up the card it's like a hotel come on come on in let's see what's inside okay this is our room it's not that big it's good for two-person flights legs I don't know no lights yet so this is how it is so this is our cabin a small one I guess depend on your budget it's a small TV here and your clothes thing and what's this another upload a lot of workloads and this one and someone in the washroom she already used so you can see you can check out here and that's all poems for today I hope you like my blog or how you how you go how to take close so this is the shower room shower rooms not bad too person you can take a shower that's all pokes I hope you like this blog we're now in a dolphin deck they call it yeah yeah it takes below below the deck what's below dolphin deck
Channel: Canadian Explorer
Views: 16,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #vancouver, #vancitynow, #yvrlife, #vancouverisawesome, #northvan, #veryvancouver, #britishcolumbia, #dailyhive, #vancitybuzz, #vancity, #hollandamerica, #bestofalaska, #alaskabound, #cruisetoalaska, #Bestcity, #expensivecity, #vancouvercanada, #travelbc, #imagesofcanada, #tourcanada, #canadagram, #narcity, #whalewatching, #glacier, #guidedtour, #sightseeing, #vancouverisland, #vancouverbc, #explorevancouver, #vancouverfashion, #stepbystep, #embarkation, #checkin, #boarding, #passport, #immigration
Id: ueFdhWCo3d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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