SPACE TRIP II [ Chillwave - Synthwave - Retrowave Mix ]
Video Statistics and Information
No captions available for this video.
Channel: Asthenic
Views: 13,622,267
Rating: 4.9465299 out of 5
Keywords: Chillwave, Synthwave, Retrowave, Mix, Chill, Space, Trip, Journey, Hello Meteor, HOME, Emil Rottmayer, Alison, blOOdwave, mixtape, playlist, unknown, asthenic, chillout, chilled, space trip
Id: WI4-HUn8dFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I'm so glad someone used this mix in a gif sound.