회사에서 엑셀이 어려운 이유, 7분 안에 알려드립니다 (feat. 직장인 공감)

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Hello, everyone. I'm your brother. Everyone, has there ever been a situation like this? I've been studying hard at Excel. And there's a couple of times when you're trying to get your hands on a function or a pivot table that's just not going to work the way it's supposed to in the book. Of course, all of these things that we're talking about in the book, you need to do them at work, and that's important, but there's one condition that we're looking at today that's going to be difficult to take advantage of if it doesn't happen first. Understanding data. So today, we're going to talk about the importance of data structure with a practice example. If you take a look at the screen, you'll see that we've organized the employee quotas like this. The data on the left and right are all the same. So which of the data do you feel is more familiar with? Maybe if you're managing it by inputting data directly into Excel the tables on the left are a little bit more convenient. So if you're in an application at work and you're downloading data and you're working on it, most of the time, you're going to be more familiar with the one on the right. So if you want to understand the difference between votes on the left and votes on the right, we can assure you that your hours will be at least ten times shorter over the course of the day. Let's first look at the tables on the left. If you want to get the top three with the highest quota, what should you do? If you use Excel a little bit, you can type the rankings on the left side. And there's a large function on the right that's going to be large, and it's going to be handy to find a number that's ranked within that range. However, if you're going to use a function, you're going to have to specify a different cell. And if I click on the "plus" button at the top, it will tell you that if you are expecting new data to be added, every time the data is added, you will have a problem of having to rewrite the scope used for the function. But what about the one on the right-hand side? I'm going to apply a filter to this table. If I sort this data in descending order once, it's convenient to get the three highest data. And when you add new data, you can add new data at the bottom like this. Okay? Even then, if you sort the filter once again, you can analyze the data very easily. This time, it's a crucial difference between these two votes. Let's look at the problems caused by data accumulation using two examples. First, if you look closely at the chart on the left, you'll see an employee named "Kim Tae-rang" quit his job in April. So when the data accumulates like this, you can have an empty range in between. And that range will increase as the data accumulates. Now, on the other hand, what about this tab on the right? If you lose an employee along the way, you'll be able to manage the data more efficiently without losing a single cell. Now, there's another really big difference. Now, this horizontal data accumulation can lead to a potentially fatal problem. When you have a large amount of data stacked horizontally, the more data you have, the harder it becomes to manage. So with that said, in the line of work, you know, this one tablespoon is divided into multiple sheets, and that's going to take us to, you know, when we need to split another file or when that doesn't work, we need to split up a bunch of folders. In that case, they say you can type it in the moment, but when you need to collect the data, you run into a big problem. On the other hand, if you manage your data in the form on the right-hand side, no matter how much data you accumulate, If you add "year" to the right side, you can easily keep track of the month and the year. Now, here's the most important thing. How are the votes on the left and the votes on the right different? It's easy to see that this structure looks a little bit different on the outside. But to solve the problem, you need to know why. It's called "downstairs blockwork". Now, when you're using Excel in the future, these are the eight letters. If you keep the "downstream block" rule in mind and apply it to your work, you can drastically reduce the amount of unnecessary tasks that occur in your work. If you take a look at the chart on the left-hand side, you'll see that the headers are from January to June. They're not actually headers. Like the table on the right, it should have been divided into a single field called "moon." In the table on the left, each item was used as a headgrip. What did you do wrong? Every time data was added, instead of accumulating down, it accumulated on the right side. Now, on the other hand, what about the ticket on the right? Because name, month, and quota are each vertical direction blocks written correctly, you can easily manage them downward whenever you have a data accumulation. So let's wrap this up. What is the benefit of this vertical block formation that we're going to see as a result of that? We're not going to be using complex functions or functions right away. Simply by adding a pivot table, you can implement business automation all at once. If you take a look at the screen, you'll see the same data as before. Now, we are going to move each of these blocks to this pivot table. In the desired direction, name left, month up, and when I import quotas as a value, you'll see that I've completed the report just like this chart on the left. In fact, on the left-hand side, instead of data that's managed with source, the source data was a form of report that should have been created as a pivot table. For the more detailed explanation and standardization of this vertical brickwork, we covered it in more detail in the previous video in the upper-right corner. If you turn to page 72 of your textbook, you'll find instructions on how to avoid using cell-celling. Please take a look at them. If you have any additional questions in the rest of the module, please comment down below and thank you so much for joining us to the end of the module. We'll see you in the next module.
Channel: 오빠두엑셀 l 엑셀 강의 대표채널
Views: 98,534
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Keywords: 엑셀 기초, 엑셀 데이터 관리, 엑셀 데이터, 세로방향 블록쌓기, 직장인 엑셀, 엑셀 기초 강의, 실무 엑셀, 실무 엑셀 강의, 엑셀 무료 강의, 엑셀 강의 추천, 엑셀 강좌 추천, 엑셀 무료 강좌, 엑셀 컴활 자격증, 컴활 엑셀 강의, 데이터 관리, 진짜 쓰는 실무 엑셀, 오빠두엑셀
Id: 88GS1TI_zbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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