[한글자막] 에릭남이 피식대학에게 묻다

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(YJ) Ladies and gentlemen! This is the greatest show after! the born of the Dolly the sheep You're watching! PSICK SHOW! MAKE SOME NOISE! (JH) Were you in Africa? (MS) No, no, no It's inspired from Korean Sato *The title used for the minor officials (YJ) You have to tie a knot, right? (JH) Oh, to summon them? (YJ) Yes, yes, like this Byun Sato (MS) Byun Four-to *Four pronounces as 'Sa' in Korean (JH) Byun Four-to (YJ) WHAT? Byun Four-to? (MS) Because We are eventually here at season four! [Everyone welcoming season four] (JH) Four-tto! As for the first episode of season four we made another huge change Again, we fired all the staff (MS) Yeap (JH) The world has changed We should replace everything with robot and AI, too I think we're on the right track (YJ) So we have T-1000 for the camera number one [T-1000 greeting happily] (JH) T-1000, T-2000, T-3000 and T-4000 [T-4000 greeting happily also] (YJ) And then model5 and model6 We're ready for the new season! Let's... Let's go! [Yongju stuttering from the beginning already] So for this episode, we got sponsored by! <NETFLIX> (JH) Finally (YJ) Netflix! (MS) I LOVE NETFLIX! I WATCH IT ALL DAY! (JH) What's on Netflix now? (YJ) Yeah, that is the campaign, right? (MS) I'd like to recommend two things (JH) Oh, two? (MS) Yeah, the first series is <After life: Angry man> (JH) Ahhhh, Ricky Gervais (MS) Yeah, Ricky Gervais (JH) You got this personality from him (MS) ...sorry? And another one is, <Too Hot> (YJ) Oh, 'Too Hot To Handle'? (JH) Oh? (YJ) You were supposed to star in 'Too Hot To Handle' the Latin American series, right? (MS) Yeah, yeah, yeah Latin American (YJ) Why'd you reject that? (MS) Because you know, my girlfriend said 'If you go on to that show', 'we're done' [Hosts understanding] (JH) Margot said that? (YJ) You'd be Maggie in 'Too Hot To Handle' (MS) Yeah, yeah, yeah (YJ) Sexo! (JH) Sexo! (MS) I'm definitely Maggie (YJ) I wanna recommend the series I like, too (MS) Yeah, what? What? (YJ) Have you guys ever watched the one with Conor Mcgregor? (MS) Yeah (JH) Mcgregor (YJ) <Mcgregor Forever>! He's my twin! [Signature pose of Mcgregor] I'm... I'm a Korean Conor Mcgregor (Corean Mcgregor) Bring the ring with me I'll knock you out in the first round! (MS) Hey, hey... (YJ) Shut your f**king mouth! (MS) But, but, but, you know We... (YJ) SHUT YOUR F**KING MOUTH! (MS) But... but... actually (YJ) SHUT YOUR! F**KING... Yeah, that was my recommendation, my first recommendation [38 years old taking a deep breathe] (MS) Are you tired already? (YJ) So my second recommendation is called <BEEF> Korean title is <Angry people> (MS) Justin Min? (YJ) Yes, yes, Justin Min We had Justin Min on our show K-content is getting a lot of attention globally For example, like BTS BLACKPINK and PSICK SHOW [Hosts agreeing] (JH) But for me, I'd like to watch things that are rather calm (MS) Such as? (JH) <Chef's Table> (MS) Ah (JH) It makes me feel like I went to that country so I can save my money for flight I watch it to save money for my flight [?????] (YJ) What's your second recommendation? (JH) Oh, yeah, another one is You've seen <Detective Cona>, right? (YJ) Not Conan O'Brien? (JH) Who is Conan O'Brien? [America is distancing] (JH) It's not just about Conan <Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa> So this is from the Culprit's point of view So it's like... The culprit is usually in black, [Yongju is not interested] (MS) I'm... I'm interested (YJ) You're interested? (JH) Isn't that p.o.v so interesting? Don't miss out <Detective Conan> The Culprit Hanzawa The Culprit is! YOU!!! [Minsu is impressed with his acting] (YJ) Today, we have a very special guest already starting from the first episode of season four Back to the basic (JH) This is for us to go back to the basic (YJ) Yes, yes He's a real living Maison de Hannam He's the man of men! The sweetest man on this planet! The most famous mom's friends' son! Give it up for! ERIC NAM! (EN) What's up, what's up! [Everyone greeting each other] (YJ) Oh, my god it's real Eric Nam (EN) Oh, MY god! OH, S**T! [Eric Nam is excited] (JH) Gorgeous, gorgeous (EN) Thank you, thank you It's like Chungdamdong rich grandma style (MS) Yeah, yeah (YJ) Rich grandma... (JH) Like you'd see them in a department store (EN) Yeah, yeah [Rich grandma ready to talk] (YJ) Okay, before we start the show Can you say hello to our global fans into that camera? (EN) Hey! Everybody global fans for PSICK Show My name is Eric Nam It's a pleasure and an honor to be here today Nice to mee you! [Everyone cheering] (YJ) So, Eric Have you ever watched our show? (EN) Of COURSE I have (YJ) Really? (EN) Yeah I think y'all are hilarious and I think the guests on here are able to do things that they can't do anywhere else and that's because you guys are incredible hosts So it's an honor to be here (JH) And this is our first episode of season four (MS) And he's the first guest (JH) Yeah, he is the first guest and he is the king of interview (YJ) The king of interview (EN) But you guys are kings of interviews, too (MS) We have to suck your skills (EN) Suck my skills? (MS) Yeah (EN) You're gonna suck my skills? (MS) We're gonna suck the s**t out of you [Jaehyung sucking] (EN) You're gonna suck my skills? (YJ) We'll suck it all (YJ) So how does it feel to be interviewed instead of interviewing others? (EN) Honestly, it's a little awkward (YJ) Oh, really? (EN) Yeah because it's been a long time since I've been interviewed I do a lot of interviewing of other people Honestly, I'm very nervous Take it easy, make yourself at home (EN) Oh, shit... (YJ) You know what? We have to make sure for the audience that WE are interviewing Eric Nam (MS) YEAH, WE are (YJ) WE are interviewing him! NOT Eric Nam interviewing us WE are the interviewer! (JH) Interviewee? (EN) Don't be confused (YJ) So we put a lot of effort into our questions for you, we made it very high quality You ready? (MS) Yeah, I am (EN) Alright, alright, alright (YJ) First question (MS) Very high quality (JH) I'm nervous Have you ever cheated? [Eric Nam getting chills] (YJ) Good one [Yongju and Jaehyung approving] (EN) Wow... (YJ) Killed it (EN) Wow, that was a refined question (MS)Turn off the camera, turn off all the cameras (YJ) He's a human being (EN) To be like, really honest? (YJ) Yeah, really honest (EN) No [Hosts are dissapointed] No, no, no You? (MS) Yeah, of course I do it all the time (JH) Even at this right moment Two girls are in two seperate cars waiting for him to finish (EN) Oh, really? (MS) Yeah, yeah, yeah That's my life (EN) That's your life? And your girlfriend is okay with it? (MS) I don't have a girlfriend (EN) Wait, what? (MS) It's just an erotic friendship (EN) Oh, wow... That's very special (MS) Yeah, very special (EN) What is your quality? Like what do you think, why, like (YJ) Remember WE have to interview him (EN) Oh, right, right [The leadership has been shifted] (EN) I'm gonna shut up (JH) You can't be... like that (EN) I'mma shut up (YJ) Don't let him question us, alright? (YJ) Next question! [The older one trying to get back his leadership] (MS) Okay, next, next question (JH) Oh, he's good (MS) To be honest Have you ever dated a celebrity? [Collegues are impressed] (MS) Very high quality, right? (YJ) Very nice (JH) That's insane (MS) You didn't see that coming, right? (JH) You came up with that? (YJ) Very posh question (EN) Have I ever dated a celebrity? Yes [High quality question has worked] [Ceremony of a happy patamon] (YJ) Yeah, guys, we did it (JH) That's one Okay, then Let's take this to a deeper level (JH) Have you ever bled while cleaning your ears? ['Deep' question] (YJ) Medical question (EN) Very deep That's so deep (YJ) Very deep (EN) Maybe...? (MS, YJ) Maybe? (EN) Maybe when I was young (YJ) When you were young? (EN) When I was young (YJ) Eric Nam bled while he was cleaning his ears (EN) Maybe when I was young (JH) Okay, then Let's do one serious question and then be done with this (YJ) Serious one (JH) Have you ever shartted thinking you were farting? [Collegues are impressed] (EN) Have I shartted before? (YJ) Yes (EN) I think so? [An unexpected harvest] (JH) No, it's okay I have, too(?) I have, I have, too [Jaehyung showing his sincere condolences] No, cause we're the same age It starts to happen around our age (EN) You know, it's like Uh? This... this... Ah? Uh...! Oh, no, no, no Stop Be like, huh? Oh, god stop Lemme drop by my place real quick (EN) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Huh? and then you go, to the bathroom (EN) You guys have to have, too, right? (YJ) No. (EN) Y'all all liars You guys are liars (JH) No, I saw him doing it [?????] (YJ) You saw?! (MS) I don't have an ass hole (EN) You don't have ass hole? (MS) No, I don't have it (EN) How do you poop? You don't poop? (JH) He poops through his mouth (YJ) Wait, you guys are same age, right? (EN) 1988? (JH) Yes, '88 (MS) Be friends... Be friends (EN) Yeah, okay (MS) Be friends (YJ) Yeah, besties, besties (JH) Really? Really? Can we? Sure, sure Let's be friends We have this '88 club, you should come, too (EN) Oh, really? Okay (JH) There are G-dragon, Youngbae *Korean singers you and Lee Sunmin, Lee Changho *Korean comedians [Studio is becoming quite] Okay, let's move on (YJ) Back to the question, You're so good at interviewing people So what do you care about the most when you're interviewing? (EN) I just want people to feel comfortable Yeah, I just want people to feel very relaxed and... that's it I get nervous when I interview people, still but once I'm in, then it's just honest like 'Hey, just like'... (YJ) To be honest, that's an old-fashioned style (EN) Is it old-fashioned? (YJ) You know the recent style? (EN) No, tell me, tell me (YJ) Host is more important then the guests (MS) Yeah (YJ) WE have to shine (MS) Look at me (YJ) Yeah, yes (JH) Hosts should feel more comfortable then the guests (MS) Look at Dbo's episode (YJ) Yes (MS) He appears for like two minutes 'Where is my cut in this video?' (JH) I love Dbo (MS) But that's true (YJ) You know what? The guest is just a visitor But we are the fixed owners (EN) Yeah, got it, got it (YJ) So our style, outfit, we have to look more bling-bling than you (EN) Honestly, now I feel bad I feel like I came too like, bling-bling (YJ) Yeah, Yeah That makes US uncomfortable (EN) I know, sorry, blur me out please Like, everything Just blur the f**k out of me (JH) I could only remember you in your interviews (EN) No, what are you talking about? (JH) No, seriously I don't remember who you interviewed I only remember that you were the interviewer (MS) Yeah, I can't remember Jamie Foxx (EN) But you just said Jamie Foxx (MS) Yeah, but I can't remember (JH) I also can't remember Chloe Moretz (MS) No, I can't Just Eric You don't remember RDJ? (JH) No, not RDJ (EN) Matt Damon (MS) Who's that guy? (EN) Thank you, thank you I appreciate it (YJ) So you did tons of interviews (EN) Yes What is the toughest occupation? like, such as an actor, singer, idol... (EN) Honestly, I think singers (YJ) Singers? Why? Why so? (EN) I think it's actors when they're doing their press, They're like, they are ready to It's 'Press time' So they just do interview, interview like, non-stop interview (JH) Yeah, they can talk But singers, you have to go, you have to sing, do live performance, you have to dance and you have to interview you just have so many things to do They're very, like sensitive sometimes (YJ) And tired (EN) And as a singer because I know how difficult it could be I'm more cautious and more like, gentle with them (YJ) What about easy people to talk to? (EN) I don't know Who's easy? (YJ) Who was the easiest for you? (MS) Dbo (YJ) Love you, Dbo (MS) I love Dbo (YJ) I love your new song (MS) Dbo never asks to 'Cut this out, cut that out' (JH) Oh, Dbo was good (MS) Just 'Up to you, whatever you want' [Eric Nam is being left out] (MS) Shout out to Dbo! Hey, it's Daniel Yongju Lee and Kenneth Minsu Kim And you're watching "Daily Korean" When you fall in love with someone, we say "I have a crush on you" How do you say it in Korean? "Chee-in-da" Once again? "Chee-in-da" It's 'Chee-in-da' Let's put it to use Hey, Kenneth, what are you up to? I'm watching Netflix Netflix? What's on Netflix these days? There's this new season of <D.P> Even from a man's point of view, Son Suk-ku is so Chee-in-da What did you say? Son Suk-ku chee-in-da Hey, let me see Wow, Son Suk-ku is... Chee-in-da See you next time (YJ) You definitely know that there's this meme about you 'One household' 'One Eric Nam' [Eric Nam is shy] 'One House, One Eric Nam' (JH) How sweet and nice do you have to be to have that title? (YJ) I know (MS) Bu... but before that, can I ask him something? (YJ) Okay, okay (MS) When you're done with interview Do you exchange phone numbers? [A very private question] (MS) Because everyone DO NOT GIVE MY(?) GIVE ME Com... phone number? (YJ) WHAT? What give what? They're never down to exchange my... phone number (YJ) You look like an airport theif today (EN) Airport... (MS) Who are you? Who are you? You own this PSICK university? You own it? (EN) It depends but usually, yes (MS) How... What do you have to do? I don't need interview skill (EN) I think it's connected to interview skill because if during the interview they feel comfortable and then they exchange numbers or follow each other on Instagram (JH) Oh, so you're wrong from the beginning He shatters the mood in the interview (EN) Yeah, that's why you don't get the numbers (YJ) I have a question Do you wanna give your phone number to Minsu, right now? (EN) No [Wrong from the beginning per usual] (YJ) Okay, back to the question There is a meme of you 'One house, one Eric Nam' and I once heard that you cooked seaweed soup for your mom? (EN) Oh, yeah How did you know? (YJ) When she gave birth to your younger brother? (EN) Yeah (YJ) He was only eight years old [Minsu and Jaehyung are surprised] (YJ) And you cooked the soup for your mom when you were eight? (EN) Yeah (JH) You were eight? (MS) You're a good genius (YJ) OH MY GOD! That's... (EN) Why is this a big deal? This is not a big deal [Hosts are rebelling] It's not! (JH) I'm totally fine with Changmo playing piano at five But ♪ I cooked for mom ♪ ♪ since I was eight ♪ [Hosts are impressed] (YJ) Did you actually rest the seaweed before you cook it? (EN) Yeah (EN) I remember because I was too small to look at the stove so I had to get a stool to go up on the counter and cooked on top of the counter (YJ) You stirred it with sesame oil? (EN) I don't remember exactly but I remember my mom was in bed cause she had just given birth to my brother So I, I heard that seaweed soup is good for after giving birth so I said, how do you make it? and she just told me, so I went down and made it (YJ) That's why there's a meme about you (EN) ...because of seaweed soup? (YJ) BUT in our perspective You're just a... 'Blood of bird foot' compare to Jaehyung (EN) Blood of... bird foot? (YJ) *Korean idiom meaning 'A drop in a bucket' [Non-smoker] (YJ) This guy here He's the sweetest candy, jelly, gummy bear of good son (EN) Cotton candy, okay (YJ) You're nothing compare to him! (EN) I'm a trash (YJ) Yeah(?) No, not a trash You're good (MS) You're not a trash What do you mean trash... (YJ) You're just silver medal (EN) Okay, okay, okay He's gold medal (YJ) Yes, he's gold medal (EN) Diamond Platinum gold medal (JH) Oh, but This is how I think You gotta suck it and see (MS) Oh, you're humble (EN) Okay, let's compare [Best son battle has begun] (YJ) We have some questions, right? (MS) When was your last call with mom? (EN) I think, I would say like... five days ago (YJ) What about you? (JH) Right before the show [Jaehyung gets the first point] (EN) You promise? Really? (JH) Yeap (MS) And for how long? (JH) 'bout three hours? (EN) Shu... You are... You are a liar [Silver medal is upset] (JH) No, no, no (EN) I mean (JH) She's in Chiang Mai right now she's with Myeongsook and Mrs. sparrow playing golf together She is in need of money (YJ) And he's actually very son but like a daughter (EN) Oh, okay, okay (MS) He's a hermaphrodite (MS) What did you do for your mom's birthday? (EN) I called her, said 'Happy birthday' and then told my brother to take her out to dinner because I was... She's in Atlanta and I think I was in Paris or London or something so I couldn't go What did YOU do? (JH) GV70 *A premium urban SUV (YJ) GV70!!! (MS) GENESIS! GENESIS!! (ER) Wait, for real? (MS) Let there be the sun! [Jaehyung enjoying his victory] (JH) Hyundai (YJ) Was it a full-option? (JH) Full option (YJ) Full option! [Sunroof in full option ceremony] (ER) Respect (JH) No, it's nothing You must've done something like that (YJ) I will give you another chance What did you do for mother's day? (ER) I think it was a bag (YJ) A bag? (ER) Yeah, like a designer one [Good son with medal is not budging] (YJ) Okay, that's nice What did you... (JH) Callaway Golf Full set (YJ) Callaway! Callaway on the way! [Left shoulder movement ceremony] (YJ) I know you wanted to give her more [Eric Nam out of screen] Are you trying to kill me?! (EN) You win (JH) But you must be good to your father at least? (YJ) What did you do for father's day? [Eric Nam has lost the urge to fight] (EN) I don't know... I'M A TRASH!!! (YJ) What did you do for father's day? (JH) I paid back his loan [Merciless end] Loan did! (MS) Loan did... (YJ) Loan did... (JH) I'm here because of the loan It just won't quit following me Load did! (YJ) You know, They say, one house, one Eric Nam NO! From now on! One house, one Jung Jaehyung! (MS) Killed it (EN) I approve, I approve ATM machine of the family [Studio is in silence] NETFLIX What's on it? (YJ) You know, you were... You were a school captain in highschool? (EN) Vice president? (YJ) Vice president Back in the days discrimination towards Asians must've been very tough (EN) Yeah (YJ) But you were still elected as the vice president? (EN) Honestly, I feel like nobody wanted to do it So I did it (MS) Really? (EN) Probably? I went to a school that was almost all white and so it was really hard to fit in and there was a lot of bullying Once I had somebody spit on my face and then like, my focus was 'How do I get to a place where people respect me? because I'm really good at some things' So it was music and then soccer at the time and so certain things where I was like, I was always just nice to everybody So I think that's how I... I don't know (MS) So you were campaigning all the time? Shaking hands every god damn day (JH) Being always nice to everyone (MS) Eating commoner's food (EN) Exactly (JH) Playing morning soccers (EN) Yeah, yeah, yeah (MS) When you were elected Did you spin hamburgers? (EN) Did I spin a hamburger? (MS) Did you spin hamburgers? *'Spin' describes as 'Paying for all' [Unbelievable conversation] Because that's a cycle (EN) No, I didn't know (JH) Ah (EN) We didn't do that (MS) You didn't... (EN) No (YJ) You didn't buy school hamburgers? (EN) No, I didn't spin hamburgers (MS) Really?! (EN) I didn't spin anything! (MS) You were supposed to be impeached [?????] (YJ) That's a rule! (MS) You had to, with a side of coke! otherwise you're cancelled [Someone is really upset] (YJ) You did spin pizza when you were elected as environmental beautification manager (MS) Of course! I was elected to manage environmental beautification So I spinned walmart pizza (JH) Oh, from walmart? Two for 15 bux (MS) Yeah! (EN) I didn't know (YJ) You should've (EN) Next time Next time if there's ever an opportunity... (JH) If you become like a leader of ASCAP or something (YJ) What was that? (JH) American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ASCAP, ASCAP (YJ) What was your 'ball medicine'? (EN) My Ball medicine? ...medicine is 'yak' in Korean (YJ) Election promise (EN) Oh, my promises [Eric Nam is impressed with the pun] (JH) High quality show (EN) So in America, we have this thing called 'Prom' So like, if I get elected we will throw the best prom party (MS) That is weak (EN) This is high school, guys What you think we're gonna do? (YJ) So, in Korean high school Yeah, what was your promises? (MS) At least, freedom of hair (JH) Bare minimum (YJ) Freedom in hair (JH) That and no uniform (MS) Co-educational Oh, that's sweet (YJ) That's a good one (JH) Or gym redevelopment (EN) Okay, okay (MS) pRoM pArtY? NAHHHHHHH!!!!! (JH) No detention (YJ) No detention (JH) That'll work for real (MS) You have to use Matador (EN) Matador... (JH) I mean, you can't keep all your promises (EN) We can't do any of that shit (JH) No, but you just say whatever That's what the election is all about [The production team of the show respects the opinions of individual artists] NETFLIX What's on it? (YJ) So, Eric, you also gets invited a lot to fashion shows (EN) Oh, yeah (YJ) How can we get invited? (MS) Yeah, I'm very curious (YJ) Actually this is Minsu's question (MS) You went to Thom Browne and you go everywhere You go to New York, Paris How did you do tHAt?!!?!? [Yongju is embarrassed] TELL MEHHHH! (EN) Let me tell you! [Eric Nam is responding] First you gotta put some really dope clothes on (MS) dOpe cLotHeS oN?! (EN) Yeah, that's kind of dope, but like, Yeah, you could wear... You just post a lot of fashion stuff, right? and then you'll be like, you'll catch their attention of the brands right? (MS) How can I get their attention? [Eric Nam is thinking very hard] (EN) I think something very impactful You gotta wear stuff that's very out of the box (MS) Out of the box? (JH) I think you should be out of those clothes first (MS) So, unwrap all these? rip it off and just expose my nipples? (EN) So what brand do you wanna go to? (MS) I wanna go with you Thom Browne! (EN) Thom Browne, okay Thom Browne, let's send him a video letter [Host is following direction of a guest] (JH) Here we go again (EN) And I think you should wear a lot of skirts (MS) I can do it! I can do it! Skirt and bra, and everything! (EN) All the time (JH) Why'd you wear a bra...? (EN) All the time (MS) I can do anything! (EN) Thom Browne... maybe they'll invite you (MS) Yeah, Thom Browne Actually I have bought a suit from your brand (EN) It's expensive (JH) But why would he give you free stuff when you're loyally spending this much on their brand? [Sharp observation of a friend] I wouldn't do that if I was Thom Browne (YJ) You're a push over (EN) Wait, wait, wait But, but... Here's an important part I found that people who spend a lot of money for a brand, they get invited as VVIP (MS) So you're suggesting I should just buy that place? (EN) Yeah You're rich! (MS) Yeah... (EN) All the sponsors Look at that, Netflix! (JH) Whooo! Netflix! What's on Netflix? [Advertiser is satisfied] (MS) Can they just... I just want to get invited (YJ) You look so cheap today You know what? His dream is to be interview by <eyesmag> (MS) No, <Daily Fashion News> (JH) Ah, Daily Fashion News (YJ) Do that thing (MS) Hello, <DFN> follwers, Nice to meet you I'm here at Thom Browne '24 S/S I hope you all enjoy the show Thank you so much I practice everyday! (EN) That's real! (EN) He meant that (MS) I practice everyday! (JH) He practiced infront of a mirror (EN) Yeah, in the mirror Hello, I'm here at '24... (MS) Hello everyone at <DFN>, Nice to meet you all I'm here at Louis Vitton with Pharrell I hope you enjoy the show together thAnK yOu (JH) Enjoy what though... (MS) ISSA!!! (JH) Why are you forcing them to enjoy they're not even there (MS) The last tone must be thAnK yOoOOoOOOuuuuu You know? Very high tone Thank yOOooooOooUUuuU! Issa... I'm prepared everday! YEAH?! PLEASE! (EN) You guys are not interested in going to fashion shows like him? (YJ) No (MS) Of course they do That's my dream (YJ) F**k that (MS) Why... why?!! What did you have to say 'F**k that'? (YJ) We learend from Beenzino, remember? (EN) What did Beenzino say? (YJ) You have to pretend like you're not interested (JH) I don't know (YJ) I don't want Thom Browne! (EN) If you have to pick one brand, it's Thom Browne? [Eric Nam continuously taking the lead] (EN) One brand [Minsu is going through a hardship] (JH) Oh, you're good man (MS) Can I go there, then?! (EN) You can go, but one brand (MS) Now? Right now?! (JH) Oh, just one (MS) Right now, I'd say Louis Vitton (YJ) We're screwed This isn't PSICK Show This is Eric Show This just turned into <Eric Nam Show> (MS) We have to change the logo (JH) Yeah You can just replace 'PS' with 'ER' [Professional is satisfied] (EN) Welcome to the ERICK SHOW! Netflix What's on it? (YJ) So... (Guest 1) What is our next question? (Guest 2) Ask me away (YJ) I heard that you're releasing a new single? (JH) It's coming out in August? (EN) Oh, yes So I have like a full album coming out in September (YJ) Okay, okay (EN) And then there's like multiple songs So I shot like four music videos (MS) So like a movie series, right? (EN) Yeah, yeah, yeah it's like a series (MS) What are the sujects in each one? (EN) Okay, this is what happens I, I I saw this house on this hill and it was the most beautiful house (MS) Beverly Hills! (EN) You really wanna buy this house but the hill was so steep I imagine, when I get home, get out of my Uber and had a drink [Memories from LA flashes before Yongju's eyes] I fall down drunk and then roll down the house and die So I was like, 'I'm not gonna buy this house' and then I starated thinking 'Why do I want a house?' 'Why do we all want a house?' [Hosts are deeply engaged] Like what does it mean? Does it mean I want, I have money? Does it mean I'm successful? Does it mean I'm stable? or something so I started having all these questions about 'What makes me happy' and 'What makes us as people happy'? The album is called <House on a Hill> So that's kind of the- (YJ) So it's 'Why do we need a house?' (EN) Cause I think everybody wants a house and it's hard, it's hard to get a house (YJ) You know what? His dream is to buy Trimage in Seongsu (MS) Or Onebailey in Gangnam (EN) How much is that? I don't even know how much that is (MS) Over one million dollars per square [Real estate agent has entered] It's pricy, alright I'll be honest (YJ) So you wanna go to fashion week and then go back to (JH) You have a lot to achieve (YJ) You want the Trimage (JH) I think you need a second job (JH) But anyways, the grand title of this album is real estate, right? (EN) Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah... So So a lot of marketing, PR stuff is like an advert of real estate (JH, MS) OH?! I've seen that! (EN) Oh, you saw it? (MS) I saw it on Instagram (EN) You guys, it's fake (YJ) Oh, it was fake? (JH) I thought it was a real one from the past (EN) People believe that this is real and they text me, worrying (YJ) You know what? To be honest, it really suits you I really wanna buy a house through you (EN) But if you do, yeah, call me I'll give you a good deal Three percent? No, no, no Two percentage [Jaehyung is intriguied] (YJ) A house with no debt? (EN) No debt, no doubt I got you, I got you, I got you (YJ) So you also have so many tours ahead (EN) Yeap (YJ) Can you... link us up with some of them? (EN) Like, you wanna come? (YJ) Yeah, yeah, yeah (EN) Yeah, you can come I'm doing about eighty shows for this next tour around the world (MS) Eighty? (EN) Yeah (YJ) Around the world (EN) World tour (JH) What the (EN) So starting in September [Jaehyung is impressed] and I'll play in Korea in February You're more than welcome, if you're traveling I know you're world stars maybe in Paris you know, New York (MS) Yeah, anywhere (EN) Please come I'd love to have you guys (JH) But that must be super tiring (EN) Yeah, it is hard... [He's not a liar] And so I do it on a bus So we get a bus we get two buses and a truck (YJ) That's like a dream of all the rockstars (EN) It's, I mean honestly, it's pretty fun It's really tiring but it's really fun (YJ) You make songs in the bus? (EN) Yeah, we try (MS) Really? Wowww (YJ) And you find love in an unknown city? (EN) Yeah, yeah, yeah (JH) So you take your girlfriend with you? (YJ) Kiss 'I have to go, good bye!' [TMI: Yongju watch <Star is born> three times] Can we come? (EN) Yeah! (YJ) As staff? (EN) Yea... Come! (YJ) We... we can we can stamp on their wrist or we can host the show (JH) Oh, he used to build pipes He has that skill (YJ) I can do that! (JH) With pipes [Constructing] (Young Yongju) This is wrong! This isn't how you do in Chicago! (JH) Sir! Sir! (YJ) Can you fill me up on stage instead? (MS Minsu) Howdy do, everybody If you just wait for another five minutes Here is my trick Here, here Passion, passion, passion! (YJ) Can we come? (EN) Yeah, yeah You better come, you have to come now (YJ) Alright, alright... (MS) For real, though I understand why Jamie Foxx said you are amazing I can feel it (EN) Out of no where? (MS) Yeah (JH) I mean He's not even feeling it... [Awkward turtle being awkward] (YJ) Now I understand why you are a very famous MFS (EN) MFS? (YJ) Mother's Friends' Son (EN) MFS (YJ) I can feel it [MFS sighs] (YJ) You must feel pressure from that title, right? (EN) It's better now because it's like because I got so much pressure from it I felt like I couldn't live my life comfortably Cause I never know if people are gonna misunderstand about something so small I was so paranoid and stressed all the time and now I'm just like 'Eh, whatever, if it happens, it happens' (YJ) You can't even be drunk 'Look at Eric Nam' (MS) 'He's so fake' 'Hypocrite, hypocrite' (YJ) We have to take that pressure off of you a little So what is your flaw? (EN) My flaws? I told you earlier (MS) That you shart time to time? (EN) Yeah (JH) But that can be fixed with a surgery (YJ) A surgery? (JH) Yeah (YJ) You even need surgery? (JH) You go get anti-intestinal surgery [Specific solution has been offered] No, but that's... It's easy [Jaehyung knows a little too much, sus] (MS) But that's not your flaw (JH) That's not a flaw that's a disease How can being sick become a flaw? It's not your flaw to be sick If you're sick, you're sick and that's all (YJ) Oh, my god... (JH) We can get sick if it's our age (EN) Oh, my face is gonna fall apart (YJ) Oh, he's... (JH) For Eric's * [Staff clapping for Eric's anal] (JH) Do a kegel exercise [Kegel-ing] (MS) Please stop... (JH) Uh? But what's on Netflix? [Advertiser is satisfied] (YJ) Now, we have to wrap it up (ER) Already? (YJ) You know what? We already got the 'Most played' part (Jaehyung, the provider of 'Most played') Oh, we stop as soon as we have that (ER) Oh, okay, that's good, that's good I love that! (YJ) You have to go! (ER) I love that (JH) Go take some nap (YJ) The sharting part was our 'most played' moment [Thank you, Eric Nam] (YJ) Okay, so as for the last question usually we ask our guest 'What is your next plan?' But today can YOU ask us question? [Finale of ERICK Show] (YJ) Yeah, we're done (MS) Yeah, we're done (YJ) Our job is done (ER) Yeah, this is the ERICK Show Let's see Starting with you (MS) Yeap (ER) I feel like every show you're saying you met somebody really cool you met with, hung out with some lady, girl friend who's your last celebrity girl friend? (YJ) Who? [The really high quality question] (YJ) Oh, nice one (MS) As everybody know 'Margot' (ER) Margot? (MS) Margot Robbie (ER) Really? (MS) Yeah Because she came(?) because of me Not for the press tour of 'Barbie' (JH) She was here for you? (MS) Yeah, you know She did the Barbie tour while she was here for me (ER) Ah... (YJ) You were supposed to play 'Ken' originally (ER) It was you? You were Ken? (MS) Yeah, but, but they suggested too low I dropped out(?) They wanted to pay me in dollar I wanted in 'won' (JH) But dollars are better, though... (ER) I guess for you, has your English improved at all? (JH) Say what? [Answered] (ER) What is the hardest part you're the oldest of the three So you're like the leader (YJ) Yeah What is the hardest, worst part not the best part The worst part about working with these guys (JH) That's a good question (MS) That's really good (YJ) To be honest? (ER) Be very honest (MS) Very honest (YJ) He often shits when he farts He always shops during our meeting Yeah, those are the hardest (ER) Oh, I got it (YJ) The shitty guy, and the shopper (MS) That's all? (YJ) That's all... (ER) That's very nice That's very simple (JH) I so love him for having bad memories like that (JH) We so did so much worse and that's all he remembers (ER) I know The answer was very mild (JH) He's a very good leader for that (YJ) Let's finish it [Yongju wants to end the show now] (YJ) THIS WAS ERIC NAM, EVERYBODY! Translation: Lily (www.cea.kr)
Channel: 피식대학Psick Univ
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Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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