한국 남자가 선택된 이유, 과연 미의 기준은 무엇인가? [미국 대학 강의]

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foreign of these three guys which one is the most handsome okay who has never dated outside of her race and comes from a really kind of outside of her background ancestry the standard like really really really white you haven't dated outside your race right okay good oh my god can you just go back there with her just oh wait all right listen ma'am what's your name yeah what is it yeah hang on let me say that again yeah yeah not yet it's like nah but like yeah yeah okay i'll get it i get it we'll come back to it all right where are you from i'm from vietnam okay yeah go ahead korean name um my name is i'm from south korea you're in you're actually from south korea yeah all right dude yeah uh my name is chen hao jin and i'm from china okay all right cool you ready thanks bro you do man all right you ready oh nicole you're nervous you ought to be nervous i was actually this is fun we're gonna have fun nicole come stand right here i want you to pick out of these three guys which one is the most handsome okay do you have a boyfriend by the way you don't dude all right this is it so do you have a girlfriend bro boyfriend wait are you guys straight yeah are you straight all right you when you look at him really closely okay i mean look at him to turn the side gentlemen come on man i'm trying to hook you up here right not no not hang on no not in that way all right sorry so bro take your glasses off real fast okay look it'll be cool dude you don't want to stand like that that's not cool just be like and you got and you're going to go on a date with one of them so you got to pick out which one's the most handsome are you guys comfortable with this are we good you're all right okay no you're going to pick out first off what are you looking for i don't know well they're all like the same height so that's like that's one thing that's you just they're all the same so they're all the same all right i meant by the height oh wait hang on i meant like the height that they're all the same heights okay what else what else are you looking for i don't know hey wait by the way it's okay you're not like no we're not we're not i'm not setting you up to be racist or something like that that's not what this is it's actually a really really cool exercise so what i really want you to do is look at them and tell me what you what is appealing and is most appealing and least appealing about them are we cool with that no no it's okay that's what you guys are cool right dude you're all right i got your back on this because you have clearly once the hair you're going to win the hair one all right you've never dated asian guys right no you can't say anything racist you're you're saying like what do you like about different ones like what do you look at their eyes right like their noses the hair the whole thing the way they're dressed come on man they're like they've got some style going on here dog um well i like his shoes in the middle keep going keep what else look at their hair um i don't like your hair is like two different colors like like just one color dude sorry man i thought you had i thought you won that one all right what do you like hookah has the nicest hair then of these two guys what do you like about their hair um i just like the middle like dark hair also dude you got two votes right there all right how what else what else just like drain like dressing like plain and like simple is like fine so the guy dude on the left like either the middle or the left wait say your names again because this might take her over the top bro so tell her see in your your go ahead yeah dude how awesome would that be to date a guy whose name is yeah hey yeah okay anyway go ahead that's yeah okay go ahead say it again it's a little more challenging but you could get there bro dude say that like you mean it man how how awesome is that let's look at their faces come here come here seriously to turn this way just look at their faces who's cute who's the cutest come on dog you know i know you gotta know who's cutest i'm the one in the middle yeah what is it what is it about him dude what what makes him cute just go ahead go ahead it looks like approachable like do you could you talk to me dude he would talk to you how'd you would talk to you yeah yeah come on yeah i would talk to you if you said would you talk to me he'd go yeah yeah i think he's like just the most like american looking to me uh okay the most american looking so it's like you if you take the the lenses because here check this out right by the way is there i need someone who i need as a woman who's asian ideally chinese korean would be really awesome but who's not abc like who was not born here hang on one second hang on you're you're dude you killed it by the way all right wait what's your name again uh my name's lisa lisa that's you wait you're korean no i'm trying chinese who do you think's most handsome don't say the chinese guy just because you're trying to like keep it in the face as an asian woman so you got a vietnamese guy korean guy a chinese guy tell nicole what you would be looking for and identifying who's the most handsome um for me like because i'm pretty tall so like height yeah i'm like actually taller than like a lot of my like talk right into the word and dress in general i guess eyes and like nose yeah what are you looking for in their eyes nicole listen up um like have you guys heard about like the double eyelid and yeah i guess i'll be looking for someone who has like double eyelid because that will make their eyes look bigger no offense to like he's got nice he's got really cool eyes i think i think right do you agree i think he has really cool eyes yeah right yeah do you so what about split my lips smiles anything in there nicole look at look now you don't have a mic so now really look all right so listen here's the deal right let me just say why you're up here getting really nervous you did great by the way but here's the deal we grow up from day one we start learning what is and is not attractive okay and so we're picking that out we're getting the images you're getting images like look at this right do you know who those guys any of those guys are are they the same guy by the way you know like how people say all asians look alike i'm like all white people look alike wait is that seriously is that the same do you know who that is any of those guys wait are they seriously five different people or are they the same person they're five different people that's like the american horror story season five cast there okay so listen what happens is we start very from a very early age the messages come through to us from our culture we don't even we don't ask for them we don't necessarily want them they just come at us and we start even in subconscious ways picking out what is and is not handsome and we need to can like but now what i did was i put you in a different culture so now here stand out here and i'm saying take these three guys you've never really looked i'm assuming you've never really looked at asian men as a straight woman asian meant as in terms of attractive like what do i not which is normal right because you're this white american woman who's like why you don't do that right if you grew up around a lot of asian men you'd have friends like these you know man you know exactly what you're looking for but you didn't and so you don't but now you will because now in front of all these people you're going to start to do that you're going to start looking at asian many you're going to see them differently but there's something about like this dude it's like yeah he looks totally different from this but all three of these guys just have their own thing going on and so like you know the only thing if you go to if you go to asia maybe like these if these five guys walk down the street maybe more people have been inundated with images of white males 247 so these guys these freakonomics thing did this thing that if you if asian men in the united states of asian men visit dating sites okay and you take a comparable asian man you take if i was you know 30 years younger 35 years younger and you we were comparable on an asian site and comparable in terms of features and so on he in order to get the same number of responses that i a white guy would get on the typical average asian site in or dating site in the united states for him to get the same number of responses that i would get he would have to earn that much more than me and that says something about asian men in particular not being sexualized in any way just not seen see you guys are what do you do you do math and you do computers and that's it there's nothing else you're not you're just not part of the marketplace because that's the vision of you i mean it's not true of course right you you get you see what it is right so now what happens is i say okay let's bring some american women or different people up and look at it we don't even you don't even necessarily know what to look like look for because like how would you but lisa does more so because obviously you're looking at certain things so you see these guys all the time or some variation of it if you never met really spent any time around white people and you saw these white guys you you'd have no idea you wouldn't think that they were handsome or not handsome you would have no idea you'd be like whatever i don't know like they're just like five white knuckleheads no but it's cool it's cool right so now as you walk through the world you can look at asian men just have you'll have a different vision everybody will right dude thanks man you rocked it seriously dude thanks dog [Applause] [Music] seriously [Music] you
Channel: 고춧가루TV
Views: 1,569,367
Rating: 4.8027825 out of 5
Keywords: 샘리차드교수, 한국강의, 미의기준, 한국남자, 미국대학강의, 해외한국인반응, 인기동영상, 선택, 실험
Id: 9zs2NA_7Al8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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