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when my friend invited us for a party and my friends were looking at him like oh that's so weird you know i can't see the koreans they really like drink and drink and drink like no boundaries so it was kind of like different uh actually we're been married only for since last june so it's been like it's almost a year yes he's tall and i would say he's very like caring person this is the first thing that i actually noticed about him very caring personality and yes i think that is the biggest thing about him so today i'm going to tell you why i married a korean man the thing is that he was actually traveling in finland first and we used this application called tinder so we met through the application but yeah he was traveling in finland and we found each other on the app and then we had our first day he's been to finland like 2016 but he actually didn't like finland that much and he was like wondering should i travel there again maybe not it was a very boring country but luckily he traveled to finland again and that's how we met first impression was like he was um a lot more handsome when he was in the pictures like that was the first impression and let's say he wasn't that much different from like finnish guys like he accepted me to pay my coffee for example so i i think he kind of respected my opinion too so it was like goody good impression to be honest no like i didn't research such matter i didn't research that so i didn't have but like after meeting him actually i started to like look for like so actually how the korean guys are like if i continue with this what should i know about so i kind of like did some research and like well it wasn't very in-depth but like all guys are different i think in every single country so his charming points well like i said earlier he respects my opinions because i'm that kind of person who has very strong opinions about everything so he kind of respects it and he doesn't want to let's say make them invalid like he's very like respecting person so i think it's very charming i think i didn't have an ideal type i never thought about that but let's say yeah yes he was well i think there are a lot of things that i could say but well the first thing that i noticed was like how my husband how he values success and money much more what the finnish guys they don't care about that that much yeah i think that's the biggest thing like koreans especially my husband he really he thinks success and money is quite important well may some of you know that finnish guys like finnish people in general are very introverted and they like to be alone you know and they like quiet but my husband he really likes to go out and he likes to talk so that's like i think that's the biggest difference well i didn't feel much at that point because i met him online i just saw pictures of him and like we just chatted like few sentences before that let's just let's just meet you know let's not talk here let's just meet like let's have a coffee or something so i didn't have any expectations and i wasn't nervous you know so it was kind of like you know almost a blind date i think our relationship got quite deep quite fast because you know he was just traveling and he couldn't stay very long time in finland because koreans can stay in europe for three months without any visa we started to discuss about our future like quite early like um do you want to stay in finland do you want to find a like find a job here and after those conversations we kind of started to be serious like quite fast so it's like unusual [Music] uh he had manners like good manners for sure like um the only thing that maybe really bothered me at was like how the eating habits were very different like you know slurping very loudly when eating noodles or pasta or something i really it was really bothering me and when my friend invited us for a party and he did the same thing there he slurped all the noodles and foods and my friends were looking at him like oh that's so weird you know maybe that was like eating habits are quite different and like drinking habits so usually also when you go to a party in finland like you try to you know drink very slowly and very like be subtle with it but i can see the koreans they really like drink and drink and drink like no boundaries so it was kind of like different i think koreans are a lot more like more gentlemen like they want to carry your bag and they want to you know open door for you like it's quite different because finnish people they kind of like they're all very independent so they don't always do that the most gentleman like like things so i think maybe that's there's no reason why i decided to marry him i just wanted to i just thought that he's the only one he's the one so i cannot say just like because he cooks well or he treats me well they're like just all the things that we have been togeth together for like four and a half years and our relationship got so deep and we just you know want to be together and he's korean and finnish so they're always the visa problem and we wanted to stay together so we decided let's not make this any more difficult let's get married then we will have the visa for each country and then we can be together always let's say that our marriage with me and my husband is not much different because well i heard that in korea the marriage culture is kind of like let's say the woman's position maybe is a little bit you know like man is the head of the house let's say like this maybe not always not not nowadays maybe like years ago but yeah we don't have we are pretty equal let's say and i think it's very similar to finnish marriage so i haven't married korean man before so i don't know i don't regret anything i don't regret marriage nothing he's the guy i want to be with well actually i had already dated my husband for like half a year almost and i didn't say anything to my parents i don't know why i just didn't say anything and then easter got closer and i decided to tell my mom that i'm dating a korean guy here in helsinki and my mom was like really like show picture of him and then i showed picture and he was oh he's handsome like how tall is he like you know basic questions and like she was like very interested as the easter was coming closer she wanted me to you know bring him there also so they wanted to have a chat with him and they really liked him because my husband really wants to he wanted to make food for them like cook korean stuff and he wanted to like show that he's good immediately so my parents really really liked him did your parents were okay with you living in korea oh yes yes they were okay with it because of course they know what kind of person i am i always want to you know experience new things and they kind of like knew that i would not stay in finland forever then maybe i want to live abroad they knew this already since my like childhood and had my husband with me here and my parents they really trust him the only thing that they told my husband was like just take care of me and then they like trust him so they were they were okay [Music] so today i talked about why i married a korean guy if you liked the video like and subscribe you
Channel: CLAB
Views: 451,761
Rating: 4.9354148 out of 5
Id: qh67JBbvHMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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