[플랜트교육] 육각볼트 머리 방향 올바른 설치방법~!!! (4분 순삭) Correct Installation for Hexagon Machine Bolt Head Direction

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If you look at the hexagon bolts connected to the vertical pipe flange, In some cases, the head of the hex bolt is placed on top of the flange. Or there are cases where the hex bolt head is placed down side of the flange. If you are doing overseas or domestic construction, In some project, they strictly request the bolt head downside as in the photo on the left. There are often projects that are specified to be built. Why? Let's move on to the next chapter First, take a look at the vertical pipe, The hex bolt is installed from the top on the right and the bottom on the left. Next, take a look at horizontal piping. The right side is based on the flange when considering the fluid flow direction. The hex bolt head is located upstream side, The left side is based on the flange The hex bolt head is located downstream side. In certain projects When tightening vertical and horizontal pipe bolts, It is specifically stated to be constructed with the picture on the left. In conclusion, As for the reason for construction as shown in the picture on the left There is nothing specified in the International Code such as ASME. However, in Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency KOSHA You can find these reasons. If you take a look at it 'Place the bolt head down as far as possible. It is better to be able to visually check the loosening'. In summary, In terms of safety, leakage prevention! It means that it is recommended to install it as shown in the picture on the left. Let me briefly explain the reason. First, let's assume that the bolt is loosened! First, in the vertical and horizontal pipes on the right If the flanged machine bolts are loosened, For both vertical and horizontal piping, only on the side with the nut, Loosening can be visually checked. Now, this time Let's take a look at the picture on the left. Did you get it? Did you find the reason and understand now? Shortened (bolt) thread end length on the nut side and You can see the bolt head separated from the flange face by vibration. If you look around the plant site during its operation It is not possible to check many bolts one by one. If you installed the bolts in the picture on the left side, If the bolt is loosened Rather than the right side, where the loosening of the bolt can be checked only from one side Safety, In terms of safety It can be said that the fastening method in the picture on the left is the reason why it is greatly to be preferred. Moreover, in any narrow space in the plant, If only one side of the flange is visible because it is covered by facilities/equipment equipment. Check for loosening of all bolts on both sides of the flange. This is why the bolted method shown in the figure on the left is more recommended when possible.
Channel: 플랜트 김소장
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Keywords: 에듀넷, 티클리어, 대학온라인강의, 에듀윌, ebslang, ebsi, 해커스, elihigh, 엘리하이, 기술사, 플랜트엔지니어, 플랜트산업협회, KOPIA, 한국조선해양플랜트협회, 한국플랜트학회, 산업통상자원부, 한국엔지니어링협회, 삼성엔지니어링, 삼성물산, 대림건설, 대우건설, 한국가스공사, 해외취업, sk에너지, sk화학, 한화건설, SK건설, GS건설, 현대엔지니어링, 현대건설, 금속재료, 배관시공, 반도체배관, hookup, 훅업, upstream, downstream, onshore, offshore, 용접기능사, 용접기능장, 용접산업기사, 용접기사, 특수용접, 용접기술사, 플랜트교육, 플랜트강의, 해외건설, 해외프로젝트, KOCW, 수능강의, jobkorea, saramin, 건설워커, 메가스터디, 산업인력공단, 구매, 발주, 시공, 검정고시, 추천인강, 화공플랜트, 발전플랜트, 해양플랜트, 배관기초교육, 배관정복, 배관강의, 배관강좌, 플랜트학과, 무료교육, 무료강의, 온라인교육, 국비교육, 국비무료, 중동취업, 국비지원무료교육, 억대연봉직업, 마이스터고, 폴리텍대학교, 기계공학과, bts, butter
Id: c893GjTYcaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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