포토샵 강좌 #4 - 프리트랜스폼으로 쉽게 다리 늘리기 I 사진보정

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Hello. This is Woody of Roll Story design Lab. Among incredible function of Photoshop, there is a free transform increasing and decreasing size, spinning and reversing of image. Using this function, let’s figure out how to extend short legs and add background. Photoshop tutorial #04 - How to extend short legs with free transform There is a beautiful woman standing on the beach. Actually, I already extended her legs little with free transform. The original picture is here. Compensated picture using free transform is here. Before After. Before After. Then, let’s figure out what is the free transform. Let’s think imagine here is an object. Actually, I was going to explain tools and panels looking at left side in previous lecture but, it will be boring so we will skip at this time. Let’s learn step by step through interesting examples. At this time, we are going to learn Move tool and Marquee tool. What is the Move tool? It is to move an object I hold as I want. And it is a basic tool. Next, what is Marquee tool? This is a tool vitalizing in option area choosing some parts. Regardless of you use which tool, you should return to this Move tool after using other tools. If not, even though you just wanted to move only this object while working, Some words or figures can be written or drawn. So you should return to this Move tool at the end of the working. Keyboard shortcut is 'V' To operate free transform, let’s choose an object you want. Basically, in the choosing this Move tool. After clicking an object you want then you can see a tool called edit in upper part. If you choose this menu and go down, you can see the menu, free transform. Keyboard shortcut is Control T. It is a keyboard shortcut used often. So please keep that in mind. Let’s press this button. If you operate free transform, bounding box appear around the object I chose. You might see this shape many times. Can you feel something? If you move your mouth to the edge, a cursor shape change to increase size. You can increase and decrease the size. Also, you can extend crossly and lengthways. Furthermore, if you put mouth out of part you control the size, it can rotate like this. It can rotate. And then, in free transform mode if you press right side of mouth, you can reverse it 180 degree, 90 degree, clockwise, counterclockwise, crossly and even lengthways. This is an incredible free transform function you can use in Photoshop. If you finish your working after operate free transform function, You have to always press 'Enter' to complete the activation Anyway, the keyboard shortcut is control T. Control T. Control T. We have to keep that in mind. Return to the subject, let’s learn how to extend legs. First, let’s close all window and start. Don’t save, don’t save Let’s open prepared example file. There are some ways to open in Photoshop First one is basically to open File - Open And if you can choose a picture in your route and press open, the picture is opned. Second one is.. to close this. Then you can see blank worktable in a Photoshop. If you double click in any blank of the worktable, same open window come up. At here, choose picture and open. And third one is I usually use, If there is a picture in some route, grab this photo and put over Photoshop icon then it is added. I usually use this way. Anyway, let’s open a picture like this. Please don’t extend a picture with just pressing control T you thought already you have learned that. Don't do this If you do like this, the picture is going to unrealistic. So how can we do? First of all, you should learn basic two concepts before extending legs with free transform. That is image size and canvas size. First of all, image size is that image size as you can see from here to here. If you see menu bar, there is an image size menu in image. If you click, this width of this photo is 4556 pixels and length is 3037 pixels. This is an image size. Canvas size is At this time, you can’t see the canvas at all because the image is located in over the canvas. Canvas, that is there is a drawing paper in same size over the drawing paper. By the way, if you can press this, there is a canvas size menu in same image. Let’s change into pixel. The unit. If you change, it will be same size like before. Because, there is a same image over the same size drawing paper. If I make the canvas size to 4,000, and I will press okay. If I press like this, current image is still here but the canvas was extended up and down as you can see. That is, the drawing paper was extended and small image were in over the drawing paper. This is the differences between canvas size and image size. The reason why I explain with this canvas size concept is first let’s go back again. With free transform function if you want to extend legs naturally, down below of this leg that is, the drawing paper should be put more in front to the down below part of legs. And then, you can extend just this part naturally to look like it was extended naturally. To make more natural legs, I will adjust canvas size little. Image - Canvas size I will change with pixel and 3250 height. If you press okay in this state, then up and down side of canvas is extended unnecessarily. We just need to drag down these legs so upper part is not necessary. So going back to canvas size, Image - Canvas size change image canvas size with pixel and make 3,250 approximately. If you see this anchor at here, according to the standard, you can increase size as much as you want only for fixed direction. In this case, can you see the blank at the bottom? It means I will just increase the canvas size to the bottom. If you put anchor here and press okay, even though the upper side of the canvas was not extended, the bottom of the canvas was longer than before as you can see. In this step, I will extend legs size choosing part which I want. Let’s choose Marquee Tool with Marquee tool In usual, when people extend legs, They extend boundaries of calf parts. Absolutely, it depends on what kind of background is beside of but I will choose in this calf part as an option area. After moving cursor to outside of drawing paper then click besides part of calf to choose an option area. And you can put off your mouth. Then, the Select area is chosen. now In this step, we have learned. we will activate free transform with keyboard shortcut control T Bounding box on the edge is activated also. Now, in this situation, we are going to extend legs naturally up to the blank canvas is covered. The legs are extended to the bottom so put cursor at the bottom. And please drag until it covers the drawing paper entirely. If you drag too much, it can be an unrealistic picture. So you can extend legs naturally covering the drawing paper properly. If the correction is finished you think, you should close free transform. You can just put enter key to close. then it was closed like this By the way, the slected area is still activated If you want to inactivate this select area, put right side of mouth in this situration then you can see deselect menu the opposite of select. If you click this button, the select area is inactivated. Let’s compare the original one you saw at first. If you look history panel in right, at first, open is in. If you click here, you can see the original one. And if you choose deselect you worked at last, you can see revised picture lastly. That is after. This is after. Before, After. Before, After. If you just see history records, there is no special thing. Open file, revise canvas size, choose select area, extend legs with free transform and inactivate the select area again. Through these simple procedures, we extended legs easily. If you extend too much, friend might notice, so get used to revise naturally. Anyway, if you done, let’s save it. Simply let’s save. File - Save as Click the save as and choose route you want and decide the file name. There are so many format form. Now I will save simply jpg. I will explain more about this part later. If you done, press save button. Something come up but put just bar to the upper side. Choose excellent quality and press okay. Then you can see revised picture like this. It is little sad to finish here, I will show you 2 more pictures quickly. I will show you this first. Ah, you can enlarge and decrease the layer pressing control button with plus or minus. There is a picture like this. Let’s extend these legs. Equally. Image menu and extend canvas size. You can see the unit is set up as centimeter. You might feel uncomfortable if you switch into pixel every time. If you set up the basic unit in setting, you can use with pixel all the time. How to do this, You can set up at setting menu. Photoshop - Preferences - General. The keyboard shortcut is control K. After press this, If you see at the bottom, there is a unit and ruler. The ruler is set up centimeter. We will change this into pixel. If you press okay after change into pixel, Then you can see the basic unit was changed into pixel compared to before in canvas size. To extend legs I’m going to extend to the bottom the canvas size. The length is 2,600pixel so increase up to 2,750 approximately, then press okay setting up the anchor to the bottom for canvas can be enlarged. There is more space Now, choose a Marquee tool for select area and appoint properly in legs part and press control T as free transform to activate free transform box then, drag to the bottom naturally. Press enter key and deselect pressing right side of mouth and that’s it. This is the original one and after. Before, after. It seems like more alien (LOL) At this time, let’s extend background rather than legs. Don’t you feel stuffiness from this picture structure? cuz, This flower is face to the right side If there is more blank in this part, it might seems to be little stuffy. So put a canvas here and let’s extend background of this side using free transform. It is same. Image - Canvas size We should change the width not the length. Now is 1,787 so I will change up to 2,100 And press okay after setting up canvas to increase to the left side to increase anchor to the left side. Then, you will be able to see increased canvas. Let’s choose Marquee tool and appoint image properly and activate control T free transform and extend to one side. Enter, right side of mouth, deselect that it! This is original one and it is after. It is seem to be less stuffy and more natural. We have learned today how to extend background and my short legs in digital world using free transform. There is a download link at the bottom of video clip for example file I recommend you to download and do it yourself. And try to do with your photo. Bye!
Channel: 롤스토리디자인연구소
Views: 151,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 포토샵 강좌, 프리트랜스폼, 다리보정, photoshop, photoshop tutorial, 롤스토리디자인연구소, free transform, 포토샵 보정, 다리늘리기, 포토샵 다리
Id: 2cOar-DWyKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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