[EN] 축가는 핑계고 ㅣ EP.36

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[30 second teaser of chat] Hyung.. Chang-hee is... Calling me Hyung(Brother)?! Since I took off the earrings? All because I'm not wearing earrings?! Rebecca! Why'd you make me do that! [Full of Blessings...] [Imagining ourselves at a wedding...!] [we've invited a guest fit for the occasion] [Let's talk until we overflow with joy and laughter] [This video contains paid advertising for Samsung Galaxy S24] You brought these protein chips? Yes. [Lee Sang-yi / - Actor and Gyewon (subscriber)] So you're just sitting there today? Probably. [LOL] [For some added background context...!] Today, Sang-yi will be... [Ddeun Ddeun 2024 Project] His own... [Filming a 'Pinggyego Spinoff'] Not sure really.. He seems to be filming some other video content with Ddeun Ddeun. ['Gyewon of the Month'] There was a phone call recently.. [Ddeun Ddeun next BIG Series!] Um... Dong-hwi [January with Lee Dong-hwi : Benefits of walking] Something about a walk. [February with Sang-yi : Pinggyego Front-row seat] And Sang-yi is on too. You've made the grilled mandarins? [February's Gyewon Sang-yi prepared snacks] I prepared it for you. ['Pinggyego Front-row seat'] So I was grilling them. - I'll serve it very shortly. - Okay. Why did you bring so many snacks? Well, today... There's a reason for that? [A different product placement... Busy doing other things] You have your own PPL (Product Placement). [Busy Modern Society] - Well, that's amazing. - Working hard...! You do you, I'll do me! I'm busy with my own thing here. Whoa!!! [Wow! Natural transition!] Samsung Galaxy S24! It's finally here~ Wow, look at the colors! I heard there's AI on this. Yeah, there's AI for the first time. Hey, come on... Sang-yi! I'm supposed to do this alone. [Audience breaking 4th wall] Don't interrupt like that. Don't cut me off like that. Do your own product placement! I'll do my own! [Audience begs forgiveness] Understood? So there's no need to open the internet browser. There's AI in here to start with! On-Device AI! Oh, cut it out! [※Not a Samsung employee ※Just a Samsung user] Just watch! You're just an audience today. [The eventful Sang-yi's view ver. video] [To be uploaded February 27th] Sang-yi was exactly right. On-device AI. We'll use the AI editing function to take a picture... Oh! Take a picture? [Full Transparency] That's the product placement condition? I can't take this one? Oh...? Oh, I'm not allowed?! [Enjoys Teasing Crew] I can't? Oh yeah yeah. Okay, understood. (Gyewon of the Month PPL) Can I take leftovers? Please don't mix up the PPL. Sang-yi, your PPL and my one is different. Hm, this is nice~! [Hey what? Into his pocket?] [End of teasing] I'm just kidding. I'll put it back. Since we have to use the editing function later on. Oh, it's Nam Chang-hee! [Delighted to see him] Looks like a boyfriend look style... [Silbizip Owner's Wedding Event style] Wasn't the concept for a wedding? I always just dress like this to big events. These days, rather than dressing like this [Too formal] being overly formal... it's trendy to be slightly casual. But for a wedding, you can't leave out a necktie. I'm usually the MC... - You're the MC type? - Yeah! You? I'm an audience. I guess guests can be more casual! Guests can dress casually. [※Wedding MC & Guest styles] Even this might be too much. Guests can be casual. [And... Wedding Singer style arrives] [Spots her] [Bursts of laughter at sight] Today... Chang-hee's a guest? Yeah, it's Chang-hee I like Cho Sae-Ho better... [Pinggyego~!] What about me? [Veteran TV celebrity] Don't you wear the mic here? Come on Jae Seok~ - Just wear it like this. - Oh you~ Since you live nearby. Just laying out 2-3 cameras like this. And you still get tons of views! You've got such an easy life~! Hyeryun, I'm not just being lazy. - The way I see it.. - It's a concept.. - I know the concept... - The conce... You're a smart cookie, you are! [Praise like diss] On such a low budget. Just set up anywhere like this. It's not just anywhere! Look at all this setup. The last video with Jo Jung-suk I saw.. Why do the 2 employees always have their backs to the camera? Hyeryun, did you arrive from Texas? [Fierce battle of words] - Hyeryun! - It's not like that~ [Cowboy style] Like a cowboy, right? - It's not like that~ - Arizona Cowboy~! Cowboy! It's not that! Today is a Saturday... [Real schedule after filming] I'm singing at a wedding later... People just drop by casually at Pinggyego, right? Guests don't even get paid. Yeah, there isn't. But after the 3rd appearance. Is this a pyramid scheme or something? It's an interesting operation you've got going here. Hyeryun, we're not running a scheme. It's totally a scheme. It does feel like a pyramid scheme office. It totally is! Guests will bring other guests and it continues. Hyeryun! You look like a loan-shark boss. [Organized crime boss] [Kind of looks like one] Like a loan shark in a tiny office. Yeah. This place is amazing. You taking the reins, right from the start. Hyeryun sings at so many weddings these days! [Even award ceremonies] For 'Anacana' [Hyeryun's 'Anacana' is a hit at events] This is what I wore for the MBC awards. - Oh yeah. - Do you remember? Surprisingly though, 'Anacana' has nothing to do with weddings, right? Absolutely zero. Even I... have no idea what that song's about. Anacana canari cani keep away~ - Bariso alright - Bariso alright It has nothing to do with weddings! But people ask you to sing at weddings... The backstory to that is... - Kyung-kyu's daughter was getting married. - Yeah yeah. And he asked me to sing it, so as I was walking down the wedding aisle singing "Anacana~" And that went viral... Ding dang ding dang ding dang dang! Anacana! When I sing that... people get so excited. Usually, people cry at weddings. That's right. The whole family cries. But! When I sing, everyone is laughing. That's how I started singing it. But anyway, I'd like to mention that the song she sings is actually... the phonetics of a song, with the lyrics as she hears it. That's right. The lyrics are actually gibberish... So when this song was released at the time The broadcasting station said it was inappropriate... - That was KBS~ - At KBS! I was doing the KBS radio at the time. KBS won't play it, right...? Even now? - Even now. - They won't. We always talk about it, since it's like a legend. But we can't play it. It's a banned song. Something like... being "sub-standard"? "below acceptable levels"... "Below acceptable levels"...! The reason has been clearly stated. [Reasoning] "The lyrics are vulgar" The lyrics are... nonsense... [Hilarious reasons for banning] It's like this mandarin... that's been grilled. I don't think it's vulgar. It's definitely nonsense though. [Trying to put it nicely] There's... like a standard... but it just doesn't meet that socially acceptable standard. - But it's not just that song. - We... There's 'Nuit de folie' too. That song was below standard too. Out of the 3 major networks, it's banned on KBS? I was gonna sing for an opening. - You can't? - I got a call from them. "Oh, Anacana won't be allowed..." I asked, "Why?". We just have... some issues with it... They don't go into details. [But she knows why] - They'll have their reasons. - They can't say why. - They just can't tell me. - They have their reasons. - We all understand! - Kids might imitate it... Of course. Hyeryun, have some coffee~ But I like hot coffee. Anyway Hyeryun, I know you like Sae-Ho, but since Chang-hee is here.. You should see what I'm like. I'm not bad either. He'll grow on you! I saw he released a song. Yeah, last year. When was that? 'I Like You', I sang that a lot here. Is that what you meant? - Songs with ChoNam Zone too. - Which song was it? Who made you sing it...? Oh, Lee Dong-wook asked you to sing it. - Oh yeah! - Oh~! [※New Year is just an excuse] That video was 11 months ago. Because that got 11 million views. That's right Hyeryun. Lee Dong-wook is so funny. He's really funny. - He's hilarious - A funny guy. Dong-wook recently... I'm not kidding... He was a good actor before too but Pinggyego has made him a superstar. - Really? - A superstar. - Oh... - Dong-wook's a superstar now~ Back in his hometown, he's a legend. [YouTube Superstar Dong-wook] The thing about Pinggyego is... [Reason for watching Pinggyego] I asked people around me.. - and they leave it on like the radio. - That's why.. [Audience member is proof] That guy there.. Sang-yi always plays our video and listens like a radio. He's a fan of the show! If people listened to stuff in English they'd improve English. What's great about listening to this? People probably do that too. These videos are quite addictive. You guys had an award ceremony? It's like 2 hours and 4 minutes. That's right. But it's really fun to watch. Since you're on the channel this year we'll send you an invitation at the end of this year for the award ceremony. Hyeryun attending would be insane. - With Hyeryun attending... - Really~? - Perform on stage~ - Anacana canari! - Instead of Anacana... - Hyeryun, did you burp? Yeah. How'd you know...? How'd you... these mandarins... Usually, people wouldn't notice. - How'd you know? - How'd you notice? [Laughing] From your throat... "burp"... It wasn't even loud. It was like 1 on a scale to 10. There's still some burp left here. I held it in. She didn't let it all out. She held it in. Sorry, but could I take these earrings off? They're so heavy. They are so heavy for me. There's a sky lounge as you cross the Mapo bridge. [Has sign with similar logo] I know what you mean! With an "8" on it. It looks the same! - On Gangbyeonbuk-ro. - Yeah, that's right. Hyeryun, he's quite funny right? Sae-Ho forces it a bit. He doesn't force it. Sae-Ho talks a little too much. That's right Hyeryun. He's easier to be around. You lead the conversation today! You sweet boy Chang-hee. He also resembles that guy... Where's he on... that guy on that show... On Amazing Saturday... Oh, Hanhae. He looks like him. Can you do the imitation of Donnie Yen? Hyeryun! Do you know the phrase you say most? - What? - What was that again...? [Can't remember well] Sorry. I can't remember things well. [Donnie Yen imitation] I'll show you. [Changing face] [Appears!] ...Your eyes have changed. [Spot the difference] It's not the same. Is something different? - Hyeryun! He had work done. - Yeah... - Slightly around the eyes - It's because... - The eyes! - That's right. Just for the left eye here. The impression isn't as good.. Hyung (Bro)! Chang-hee is... Calling me hyung? I mean... Since I took my earrings off! You're calling me hyung?! Oh for god sake! Did I... really... call you hyung? - Did I really call her hyung? - Just like how I burped! [So naturally as she burped] - I can't take these off now. - So naturally like the burp he called her hyung. Did I call her hyung? - I can't keep the earrings off. - Oh really...? [Pinggyego~!] [Hyeryun only watches her shows] Chang-hee, Hyeryun only watches the shows that she's on. No, I watch Jae-seok's too. - Really? - Yeah. - Probably because you're on my show. - Yeah. The Hangout with Yoo episode that I was on I'd watch that again and again... [Conclusion] She only watches her shows. You only watch particular shows too. - Particular ones? - You don't watch everything. - I can't watch it all. - Right! Do you watch 'Kick a Goal' that I'm on? - You don't. - 'You Quiz' is on. - It's at the same time? - Yeah, it is. [Awkward...] Everyone's busy making a living...! You've got to watch your own. That's true! That's the same with Chang-hee and Sang-yi here. Even the crew here and you as well. Everyone's busy making a living! Do you know how hard Hyeryun works?! Not many know about Hyeryun. I get up quite early, right? But Hyeryun would be on Home Shopping channels at 7AM. [Hyeryun already working at 7AM] She'd have a shoot late at night then already on in the morning. Yeah, sometimes I work day and night. But I'm thankful for the work I get. Yeah. Looking back now, I've been on TV for 31 years. Jae Seok was actually on TV before I was. Yeah. - He was? - I was on TV before her. KBS 7th intakes, I'm KBS 10th. [KBS 7th intakes] There's Kim Yong-man, Kim Gook-jin, Park Soo-hong. [Pillars of Korean TV] Nam Hee-seok, Yu Jae Seok, all picked them. When I went for the auditions, there was Geum Byung-wan, Kim Gook Jin And Young-ja And Pyo Young-ho too. But Young-ja and I both failed to pass. Only Gook-jin and Byung-wan passed. Why was that? Not the talents that KBS wanted? Just like Anacana wasn't acceptable.. Below standard... The comedy that I showed was like.. acting constipated. I saw their reactions to it... [Disgust] It was a bit like that. After that I didn't want to be a comedian anymore. - My self-esteem was hurt. - You were hurt by that. The guys that auditioned with me were already on TV. So I went to work in a factory. Hyeryun really went to work, taking time off study! It was a cookie factory. I lived in a factory dormitory for 8 months working there. There was a moment when I wanted to be a comedian. While I was working, you'd alternate weekly day shifts and night shifts. You get really sleepy when working 12 hours at night. [Irregular sleep patterns] I'd get so sleepy. 'Bongsunga School' would be on TV at the time. Everyone would watch that. [Everyone watching in the dorm] Oh Seobang and Maengu would come out "Sir, there's snow falling from the sky" Ding-di-ri-ding-ding! People would enjoy that so much. That tiredness would just disappear. Everyone's laughing out loud. For me, it was a moving experience. I will never forget that. It was a moving for me. The girl in the next room was crying during meal time. And she was so happy while watching that. I was like "Yeah, I want to give people joy like that." I got that determination in that factory. That's the mindset I had when I returned back to college. There were these competitions that college students could participate in. [KBS Chungchun Sketch (1993 show)] It was a show that would gather talented college students like an audition. - Song Eun-yi, Hyeryun were on there. - That's right. She was on a skit for a part of the show. Yeah. 'Chungchun Sketch' Here's what I think. Jae Seok always opens a new paradigm. Hyeryun, that's too flattering. I say that because... [Curious to know why] Jae Seok really.. takes good care of the colleagues that he's on TV with. So kind. And he doesn't complain about long shoots. When he was on the show 'Come to Play' we'd have to go after a few hours of shooting. But after we finish there'd be like a post-mortem "How was the shoot today?" He'd go through it again! Does he still do that? He goes through it again??? No no. - It feels like doing a reshoot. - Oh, feels like it? I still remember it. [Vivid flashback] MBC Yeouido A studio. With Myung-soo, me, Na-young, Hong-chul and Won-hee together with Yu Jae Seok. We'd record for 4-5 hours. That's a long shoot. So I'd get undressed to leave. But if Jae Seok doesn't leave no one else does. - Do you remember that? - You could leave! - But how could I! - You could just go. What if I don't get called to come back(???) I'm not doing the casting!? The PD does! - But you're the host. - That's absurd. Hope there's no misunderstanding. [Story continues] That's how it was. But Kyung-kyu and Myung-soo, Gu-ra would complain. Let's call it a day! It's dragging on! Keep it short! Even when Kyung-kyu was on with kids. Quiet! [No mercy] You won't be on next week. But there was a paradigm shift after Jae Seok would do that and the shows would be popular. Kyung-kyu and the others would have to change their ways. Kyung-kyu would say things like... "Making a living's harder because of Yu Jae Seok!" He really said that! But what I wanted to say is... Lots of short for video content is only a few minutes long. But after Jae Seok did Pinggyego even 50 minute videos would get millions of views. You analyzed it a lot. Yeah, and there are cuts with that bird. [What's that?] - The chicken! - It's a chicken? - It's a chicken? It seemed small. - It's a chicken. That one there. Isn't it that? ..It seemed smaller. - A chick then? - And also! Even a 2 hour award ceremony video gets lots of views. So you made a paradigm shift. I explained for so long. Our production crew making those bold decisions. Just like you said before we started YouTube channels, there were unspoken rules in this YouTube ecosystem. No one had set them. Like a formula. Yeah, like a formula for success? Like videos had to be short (Within 20 minutes) or even shorter than that. It was a counter-intuitive decision but that bold attempt was received so well by viewers. So it makes our efforts worthwhile. Sorry, but could I take this hat off? The hat is so heavy. It's not very light. You can't wear it for long. I worry it's ruined my hair. You don't look bad. But when's the wedding? I've got plenty of time, enough for a 2 part video. [Surprised] It's at 2PM. - You can go right after we finish. - Okay. You don't provide meals? [Surprised] Sometimes he buys us a meal afterward. We can go if you have time. - Okay! - That'd be great. Just set a camera there too. You'd have another video. - It's not like that? - We don't do that. He doesn't go that far. Yeah. Natural is better. I'll try this. [Chang-hee likes that too] Chang-hee also prefers a relaxed style. - He lives quite an elegant life. - I try to live elegantly. - I didn't know. - Hyeryun, you've never seen 'Silbizip'? [Anticipation] I have video content called 'Silbizip'. - You only watch famous shows... - There's one famous for Pa-kimchi. [Chang-hee's one is not famous enough] That's true. But she's like... The way she was shaking her head.. There was no hope...! (Silbizip..) Will it be okay? - It's not that... - Please doc, save us! It's not like that... I'm sure Silbizip is fun to watch. Hyeryun! Just so you know. Silbizip has ended. You'll have another season. Hyeryun is quite similar to Myung-soo. [Hyeryun has a my-way attitude] Two have similar personalities. Do you know what the two have in common? - Confidence. - Mhm. Their high self-esteem leads to confidence. They have high self-esteem. - Hyeryun, what's your secret? - Huh? - How do you have high confidence? - But.. - Hyeryun! Were you listening? - What? Nope! But this Bungeo-pang... has no red bean paste! [Jae Seok look at this] Hyeryun, it's Choux Cream. But I don't like cream. There's a strong preference between people who like red bean and choux cream! I'd always choose red bean. When do you usually get up? Early...around 8AM? That's not early at all! - 8 in the morning? - So uh... It's early, since I get to bed really late. I'd get to bed at 1-2AM. Getting 5-6 hours sleep. Then waking up at 8AM does sound quite early. When people hear that I study Japanese and Chinese.. they ask "Do you have enough time to sleep?" But I need plenty of sleep. You've got to. You need enough sleep for a refreshed brain, helps memory too. [Leaves seat] I had so much coke. I can't quit the habit. Sorry Jae Seok. I'm so sorry about that. She turned her head to me... [So terribly sorry] ...turned her head to me... [I need some alone time] [Burps aren't actual gas] Take all the time you need. [but just a release of air trapped in the stomach] Why's she burping like that! - She just has her head in... - It's not like that. - Who's room is that? - Subin's. [This is the Ddeun Ddeun office] Subin! [That's my editing room] Sorry. As soon as I sit down we're having snacks while having a chat. Hyeryun, you asked for this. We can't give her snacks. Please take this away. After I had the coke, I just had to burp. The burp burst out. It was so funny. Like burping over a fence... - Sticking your head out. - I had to have manners. Like a mother waking her son. "Wake up son." What were we talking about? [Trying to relax] Why are you doing that? - Just checking my hair. - Making it look nice. Keeping the volume up. Oh goodness. I look prettier, right? ...Why aren't you responding? She asked you, not me! Why do you pass it on to me! I was gonna ask you too. [But joking aside] But as time passes by she's getting - more adorable. - That's right. - Hyeryun has a cute side to her. - Yeah. That's why my husband fell in love with my charm. - I guess so. - Yeah. [Yu Jae Seok's honest answer] [Doesn't realise] Every couple has their reasons. I guess so. Why else would your wife love you? - We have that charm. - You do. - We all have charm. - We all do. Jae Seok's charm... ...needs some searching. These guys are so close. [Pinggyego~!] You always say we need to exercise. I play tennis these days. I do that for exercise. Lifting weights isn't my style. It's not? It needs to be fun? I love football so much. Like a real player. You really train like them. I hurt my ACL and had surgery. But I still love football, and train personally. - Do you know what a V-cut is? - I don't. You pull the ball back and change directions like a V. And a drag is like dragging the ball. - Like this. - I know what you mean. There's a phantom move too... keeping the ball here.. Jae Seok... Jae Seok...! [Cliche Comedy] Jae Seok! [Doing a mini skit] Kyung-seok! It's so fun practicing. I keep doing it. - Hyeryun really likes exercise. - She keeps training. Hyeryun is really fit, even since the past. The experience made me think.. Difficulties in life always have something to gain from. I went to rehab after surgery. The center that I went to was where football players came. [A professional rehab center] From 9AM to 6PM, other than meal time, you're constantly doing rehab. You'd pick small things with your toes and move them. Your muscles recover that way. They'd do that for 10 hours a day to return to matches. People come to walk in on crutches and leave 4-5 months later jumping around, I'd be moved. So I thought.. When the shoots would drag on I didn't want to complain about that anymore. Watching football players and other athletes too. I learned that. As sports fans, whatever sport you watch you want players to return to playing quickly but for that long period of recovery we don't know how much effort it takes. Hyeryun explaining it like that makes it so clear. Before being on 'Kick a Goal' I didn't watch football. My son went overseas for a 3 week language course. My son and daughter. he said, "I want to be a football player". I asked why. In Vancouver, he didn't participate well because his English wasn't great. So, he said he watched a lot of football instead. He saw a player who was really good at blocking balls. He didn't want to kick balls, but wanted to stop them. He went to middle school as a goalkeeper. He did all this hard training and he's teaching me now. The way I play goalkeeper is all taught by him. So your son played goalkeeper for 2 years, who would have known that you'd be on a football TV show. But the funny thing is, you can't learn things like driving and football from family. That's right... Even football? He was super serious about it. The first time he taught me how to play goalkeeper, there was a big pile of tennis ball outside my house. "What's with the tennis balls..?" "Mom, turn around." And he'd throw these balls at me. [Blocking tennis balls] - You had to block those? - Yeah, I had to. "Get in position like this! Mom! Move forward!" And we went outdoors. And when you're outdoors if you kick the ball hard, and you don't block it if it flew far away - He'd tell me to go get it. - Hmm... To his Mom... I was like a student... And he's the coach... Telling his Mom to!! That's what I mean. I'm still his Mom, right? That's not right. I'd have to go get it every time. I went so many times. That's all part of fitness training. - True. - Even on purpose. I know but... "Mom I told you to bend your knees" "Mom, stretch them out now!" So I... It was horrible of me but I was like... "I quit" [End of training] I'm not learning from you. Go get the balls yourself! I said "Go get the balls yourself" and just walked home. We didn't talk to each other for days. Teaching family is always hard. I saw people promote things when they come here. Like movies or dramas. Do you have something? I'm on a web drama called 'Fresh Woman' On Youtube. Oh really? Park Soo-hong and Shim Jin-hwa are on too. I hadn't seen that. Check it out. Kim Soo-yong is on too. Son Heon-soo and In-seok are on as crew. It's a bit like SNL vibe. The channel has 22,000 subscribers. But over 100,000 views. Really? We do our best, but it's not as well known. It'd be great if the effort is recognized. It'd get lots of exposure on Pinggyego. Of course, it's our pleasure. Fresh Woman! - It's the theme song? - Yeah, I sang it! Our ChoNam Zone video still hasn't reached 100,000 views. ChoNam Zone still hasn't reached 100,000? It hasn't... We released the song. It's still 76,000? [Up 44,000 since a year ago] Still 76,000. This is pretty bad though. Just a few minutes to watch? Please watch it. There's a comment from a day ago. I was curious since they said it sucked on Pinggyego. The music video really sucks but the song's nice. [At least the song's nice] Yeah. ChoNam Zone deserves credit and so do the viewers. Viewers are determined NOT to watch. - They are very particular. - Viewers now? They don't just watch anything. We mustn't be too hung up on it. What's this? - Your foundation? - Yeah. [LOL] - I thought it was the waiter bell. - Like a restaurant! I didn't want the brand to be shown. It's all intentional. It's like the bell you'd see at cafe or restaurant. Galaxy is today's PPL. That's right. Hyeryun, what makes you happy these days? When I watch Pinggyego. [LOL] [You know what I mean?] But today, your outfit matches the color of the Pinggyego chicken. That's why you wore it? I have this in 4 colors. I chose pink on purpose. - Oh, to match it. - I see. - Actually... just - Yeah. [LOL] a coincidence. [So honest] What would I know? I even thought it was a bird. You're the Gyeju, right? (Leader) Yes, that's right. - Then I'm now a Gyewon? - Right. You're also a Gyewon. How long will Pinggyego continue? We have no idea about that. I think it'll go on for a while. People just like to listen to conversations. - People would... - Yeah. never get sick of this. You don't try to over think this, you just invite people close to you, and one connection leads to another. It's just natural? [What does she mean] Like it's not scripted. You're just saying whatever comes to mind. [Correct] To be honest, I feel so bloated. But! We have to do our best. [We have to get the job done] Like the players getting rehab. Yes! Honestly, would Pinggyego just invite anyone?! Jae Seok isn't someone who calls often. He called me. Hyeryun~ "Ten minute" Hyeryun Hey Jae Seok, what's up? Hyeryun, would you come on Pinggyego.. And I was slightly touched. Touched? We're thankful you came. I was so delighted. I said, "Can I come on?" He told me that the production crew really like me. Yeah of course. I always call her "ten-minute" Hyeryun Yeah. Just one 10 minute. In no time you'll be mine. Tricked by my naive heart... Hyeryun, you still remember this dance? [Seeing if she remembers] Hyeryun performed on stage before. Is it like this? [Wave with knees] That's right. Watch your knees. - I don't remember! - Hahaha. I do this too often. Your dance always ends up being this. And Jae Seok... It was so touching during the MBC award ceremony. When I was performing [Called comedians on stage] You didn't have to come up. But if no one comes up... It's a bit embarrassing. But Jae Seok came on stage. Of course, I should. It was so great. [Comedians united by Anacana song] It was like a festival for comedians. So I was so happy. I'm so grateful to be invited to award ceremonies every year. I wish every award ceremony was like a festival. That's right. That was what the Pinggyego award ceremony was. Is there one this year? The Pinggyego awards? For this year too... The first one was so successful. - We have to do it again. - It's actually quite far off until the 2nd one, but it's a lot of pressure. We had so much fun dancing Ring Ding Dong. Dancing to Anacana would be insane! if you sang Anacana there it'd be crazy. Yeah. - Totally. - There's Anacana - I'm preparing Anacana 2. - What? What.. preparing what? Since I sing Anacana so much. Oh, something new? I'm going to be releasing it in April. It's called 'Banananala' 'Banananala' (Laughs) Oh? Banananala? Is that... Banananala Bamba. (Laughs) Banananala Bamba Senesesi Unna Poka Nehae... -It's... La Bamba? - That's right. Ritchie Valens... - Oh! You know? - Of course, I do. I bought this song. - It was owned by Warner Brothers. - Yeah, right. - The company.. - How'd you convince them? They let me use it. I just released one song. Rearranged one song. Banananala Bamba! Sounds good right? Oh~ Banananala Bamba The song's called 'Banananala'. [A familiar feeling...] [Predictable conclusion] It probably won't air on KBS. It's originally Spanish, right? But it sounds like Korean. Sohee Gabita(?) Sohee Gabita. Sohee has passed away... [Sounds like Korean words] So you used those nuances. Since I did that.. people say "Why's Sohee dying"? Give us evidence! But I can't say why. [There's no reason to start with] You can't at all! I don't have evidence! How can I? Sohee Gabita! It just sounds like it that's all. Yeah, I'm just singing how it sounds. It'll just be KBS like that. [With 'Banananala'] We'll see this time I hope it'll pass this time. Since a lot of time has passed by. [Pinggyego~!] [Audience Satisfaction: ★★★★★] [Cho Hyeryun! I wanna see Anacana! -Lee Sang-yi-] [Accepts request] I'm all dressed for it. Do you know she has lots of songs? - I have many! - How many is it? ['Gara(Leave)'] Leave me! Leave me now! ['Punch of love'] Throw the punch of love! Hyeryun has lots of songs. Nuit De Folie too. ['Nuit De Folie'] Y a pas de saison pour que vive la musique. [Hyeryun jukebox always ready] [All ready] She's an introvert. I just saw her put on the earrings. It looked like putting up a mirror on a wall. [A huge earring] - I can do it as I talk. - I wonder if her ear is okay! It's usually put on like that? I can do it without looking. Just like that? I've never put on earrings,. "Son! I've set dinner for you on the table" "Clean up after you're done". [Mother getting ready for work] "Mom's going to work, okay?" Now it's time to sing. You're singing Anacana? [Mic check right away] Try it now, there's no echo. Anacana canari cani keep away bariso alright. [One two!] You know you gehantae naisseo pranssang ggarupei [Extrememly Happy] Gusoyu ipsa spears honey yo honies benner Sharon Stone. One rukom for you capi running At 10 in the morning! [Best live performance] [Even high pitches] Wontaek boyoulevin Seenalever [Eye contact with Gyewons] That's not our camera. [Trying to calm her down] It's not? [Found different camera] Bimilinde Sharon Waebulleo. Boyounoyu Cafe Coffee Wontaek boyoulevin seena aebonirae My dream is lit beneath my light. [Sang-yi Fan Cam] Bimilinde Sharon Waebulleo. [Fan Service] Ho~! [Dance performance too] Hyeryun sounds great live. [Jae Seok's favorite part] Sexy music! Yo ilhareo nawada noko Disco↗Daak! (Cough) [One off note is just adorable] [Cheekbones hurt from laughing] My throat hurts. Ubei Awu Scandalna [Out of breath...] [Look of a professional] Benu Shudubi hawoorong disco right! [Here comes the climax] [Shout!] Sexy music, I won't cry! [Anacana Train Departs~] [Passengers 100% Satisfied] Sexy music. [Another passenger 100% satisfied] I won't cry. Sexy music awu scandalna. Wooul fashion jinjeorina. Sexy action jinjeorina. This is so insane. Why are you late! Come on! Let's go guys! [Dance Break!] Point! [Turning up the heat!] [Dancing fever] Sideuniyeo Emo Heorak Beijing Nambiro peoseo neom julgeol. Sang-yi come dance! [Sang-yi comes up to the stage] [Bouncing knees as one] Turn! [Everyone follows pink magician] [Passengers happy and embarrassed] Dara hansome neomuna~ I'm exhausted... Ani handsome. I need to finish it! Wrap it up. Hyeryun is so funny. Ani Hansome~ Hey! [Anacana Train Approaching Destination] Where are we going? It's a Galaxy(?) [Pinggyego~!] ['Anacana' tearing up the stage] Oh, Hyeryun! My work is done. It was live. Hyeryun sang 100% live. [Off note is proof] If a singer sings after a lot of talking their voice box isn't ready for it so it's hard to sing. The songs that Hyeryun sang just now were all hit songs at the time. And they are all exciting. You're right~ And since she pours all that energy into it. Her dance is also easy to follow. How'd you make that dance? It's Michael Jackson's. Hyeryun! This is Michael Jackson? [No one knew] It's Michael Jackson! Bam bababam bam bam. It's Michael Jackson! I thought it was copying ET. When he does Dangerous? Dangerous! [Silbizip owner is dance machine] That's it! - That's it! - It's like this? [Hidden origins of dance] That's Dangerous? He dances like that. It's from that vibe? Since I was looking for an easy dance. Hyeryun just copies bits from here and there. - Yeah~ - Songs and dances. It's all been done before. [Cooly acknowledges] What's truly original in this world? It's all imitation. But that's so true. Since we're on the topic. - I have lots of catchphrases. - You have a lot. [Endless Catch phrases] "I'll have my revenge" "I told you so" "Kyung-seoka!" I played Gollum too. Hyeryun can you show us a bit? You're exploiting me here?! [Start!] It's because I'm your fan. [Fascinated] My precious~ - My precious bungeo-ppang~ - Stand on the chair. [Oh yeah~] [Laughing/Admiring] Gollum~ bungeo-ppang~ [So touched] He's so cold! Know what he said when I was like "My precious"? Get on the chair! He's stone cold this guy. Yu Jae Seok! It's why he's loved. And I obeyed his request. Oh, so funny. - Comedians are capable of that. - That's so funny. That's why I envy you. Some people are talented like this. - Hyeryun and Ho-dong too. - Heo Kyung-hwan! Kyung-hwan makes catchphrases well too. We are so envious of that. It's not just the words but the way you say it. You don't say "I'll have my revenge" plainly. [Scanning / Copying] [Swinging arms] "I'll have my revenge". You swung your arms too many times! [Demonstration] If you keep doing that [1, 2, 3, 4, Bam] I'll have my revenge. You end on this pose. [Trying to follow] [Timing] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. [Continues revision] I'll have my revenge, bam. [Can't be the original] [Satisfied] That's a killer catchphrase! It's always different. Hyeryun really... We even mentioned Gollum. After debuting as a comedian Hyeryun was always on a win streak. Hyeryun debuted after I did but was more successful! - Nah. - No really. She was active in KBS but was scouted to MBC. - He really knows it all. - You were scouted there? Hyeryun was scouted there. During the Golden Era of MBC comedy. On a show called 'Today is a good day.' - Right! - It was that show. - Jae Seok knows it all - Of course, I do! You had such an interest in me? Well, I... So Hyeryun is... From my personal opinion, she's a person who really loves comedy. - I love it. - She really loves being on camera. I do. I saw Kim Sook and Song Eun-yi on Pinggyego. [※Fire with fire is just an excuse episode※] I was so envious of them. And I really enjoyed hearing them talk about the times spent together. - I liked that a lot. - Yeah. And I'm really grateful that they are around. And... it's thanks to them that Pinggyego is so popular. Be grateful too. - (Laughs) - To Sook and Eun-yi. - I am grateful. - Sure. But well... Actually, I'm not done. [Fierce battle to talk] - So... - You like to talk a lot too. I do talk a lot. It's good that I'm here. Cho Sae-Ho would talk over you guys! - It'd be chaos! - That's true. - Please have Chang-hee with me. - It'd be so noisy. He is.. He's good at that. With Sae-Ho, when Dong-wook was trying to speak he'd say everything instead. You probably wouldn't get to talk. He'd butt in every time. He doesn't take turns at all. - Yeah. - He stays out of everything. That's the problem. So I was saying... I'll finish what I'm saying. When I got to talk to Eun-yi together. Though we debuted together... We wanted to work together - so, after 30 years... - Yeah. We're working together. That's the funny thing about relationships. - From debuting together, - Yeah. and following your own careers in different TV stations. Now you are part of her agency. Yeah. She's signing on lots of celebrities now. You should join too. [Offering a transfer] You've helped Antenna enough haven't you? Let's move on. If I could tell you my dream, on my 80th birthday Jae Seok and Eun-yi would come... - Sing Anacana together - Yeah! Sing Anacana together. And have that filmed on camera, and get paid too. Get paid... It'd be a win-win for everyone. - That'd be great. - On your 80th birthday. How great would it be if we all stayed together. Out of your songs, there's "Go, go far".. Ga-ra(leave)! Shall I sing that too? I really like that song. - It's not that well known. - Whew... Let's sing it then. Just once... Oh gosh... But I can't do the rap in the middle. Without your accessories? - Like your earrings.. - I should. Jae Seok, it's very sudden but at the award ceremony... the morning night club... - Yeah, the night club! - Doing it in the morning? We're gonna do that. I'm looking forward to it. Are you coming to it? - If you invite me... - Okay. We'll do the morning dance. The morning nightclub. Invite me to that too. Okay. It was really fun when we used to go to nightclubs. I was even a nightclub DJ. When you're a Nightclub DJ and they throw cherry tomatoes you had to catch them with your mouth. Don't throw stuff! Don't do that. If they throw coins at you it can really hurt. Hyeryun! You should get mad at them. - But they are customers. - Yeah. They might not call you back. So as you're DJ-ing. "Oh gosh, you're really drunk!" You know what I mean? You turn down the music and say something. - Doing 4 places a day. - Comedian DJ style. Gara (leave) is really her song while others are just adapted. This is really mine. This is really her song. [Cho Hyeryun - Gara (Leave)] Gara, gara. Olle~! [Skipped to different song by mistake] What? - Let's just stop there then. - Okay~! I'm so disappointed. Please leave comments, "Oh, I wanted to hear more." "Please sing it next time" Take off the accessories. It was heavy. I'm so disappointed. For those curious about it, go watch the music video. I keep praising this song, but Hyeryun is constantly mad in the song. She doesn't usually get mad, right? - I don't. - You don't get mad. What are you really like? I don't like fighting. The image of her that you see on TV - is rough and tough. - That's because.. But she's not really like that. Recently, it was on MBC... There was like Joo Woojae, [Appearance on MBC 'Unexpected'] and Choi si-won. It's like eating Jjajangmyeon in front of a huge fan. I had to show how a comedian does it. 'Alright, I even did Gollum didn't I?' I'm experienced. I ate it as if the fan wasn't there? But my face was a mess. And that photo went viral. That's the thing about comedians... You feel a responsibility to make it funny. Yeah. It's like a work habit, right? I remember a time! On Infinite Challenge, as we were going to season 2 - Yeah. - For about 4 weeks. Yeah, I was on. When it was a bit tough, - she was on wearing tights. - Yeah. I was the only female member. At the time, we did things like having a race with really old horses... And sweeping leaves. Sweeping leaves! - Against a cleaning truck! - Against a machine. It was really rough on the first season of that show. We did things like that. We did that with Hyeryun. Jae Seok, what made you a star? The thing that made me popular.... was briefly during a show called 'Saturday Freedom' I'd go around university libraries with Jong-seok and we'd wait to see who is the last person to leave and give them a gift. Kim Seok-yoon PD was in charge of that 'Saturday Freedom' show. As I did that and came to MBC 'Dong Geo Dong Rak'! You were well known then. I finally became a main MC then. So you were scouted to MBC. Not exactly scouted... That'd be on better working terms but it wasn't like that. On bad terms?? The PD had just cast me. So as I was on 'Dong Geo Dong Rak' Choi Jin-sil, who's passed away now at the time was close with the PD. And the PD asked her, "Is there anyone funny these days?" "There's a guy called Yu Jae Seok, try casting him" Jin-sil said that? Choi Jin-sil said that! She had no connections with me. But she recommended me. I didn't think I could be an MC of a show like that. I had never been an MC. So after 'Dong Geo Dong Rak' I became an MC on "Kkung Kkung Dda" And then after that I did 'X Man'. Wow. Then did Infinite Challenge after that. - One thing to another. - Big shows. 'Family Outing' 'Hangout with Yoo' too. Yeah. - Now Pinggyego! - Now 'Running Man' as well. Pinggyego! Pinggyego! Pinggyego! Pinggyego is the best now! - Pinggyego! - It's the best! - Isn't it! - Auntie! Pinggyego is the best! - Isn't it! - Isn't it! Just setting this up casually taking it easy. I just gave you a summary but there are many behind stories. It's no joke. It would take several days to talk about. People would listen to that like a radio. I'm so interested in hearing your life story. I've talked about the story from my past before. Wearing the grasshopper mask, thinking about quitting. I hated it. So carrying that... There was Young-ju from my university It's a girl? It's a guy. He was on 'Hangout with Yoo'... When Uhm Jung-hwa was on the show he made an appearance as a coach. Oh, a dancer? He runs a big vocal training school in Yaksu-dong. Oh, singing... [All wrong answers] Getting it all wrong... Can't you just say "okay" and nod? Seems you know nothing about me. - I know so much about you. - Oh yeah... I should do more research on you... I'll watch all of Pinggyego! Hyeryun has a good personality, to just acknowledge that. I bring up this story because... at the time, I didn't have a manager with me. We can just follow navigation to get to Tongyong now. We needed a map back then. I didn't know how to get there. - It's really far. - I'd never been there. It's really hard to find. So I asked Young-ju to go with me to Tongyong. He drove me there. The guests were Fin.K.L at the time. So they'd already be there. They'd have a manager with them. - Get there in a van. - But! How hard would it have been for them too? - Of course. - Tongyong is really far. Doing their hair too. They probably stayed up all night to get there. And for them to arrive, seeing me in a grasshopper mask. The way Hyo-ri looked at me... That was your first impression of each other. I can remember that judgmental gaze she had. He remembers it all. She looked at me, then whispered amongst themselves. I just ignored it. But probably criticizing me. If it was good, they would have told me. I saw Jae Seok first when he was live on Entertainment Weekly. I was already a bit popular at the time. Hyeryun was always quite popular. He was live on Entertainment Weekly. I thought you had a hand tremor. It was so serious on live TV. - I was so nervous. - That's quite famous. The Jae Seok you see now had a difficult past like that. At first, I thought - Depression? - I wondered if I had an illness. Oh... Whenever I held a mic... Right. [Trembling hand with mic] Seriously. It was slightly traumatic! I couldn't hold a mic in my hand. It's okay now? I'm totally fine now. I was unaware of it! - The pressure was too much. - Probably. I was constantly nervous and under lots of pressure. How'd you suddenly overcome that? - I'm curious about that. - That's what I want to know. I still get nervous nowadays. - Even now? - I still get nervous. - I don't usually get nervous. - Yeah. But I got nervous on my first show in Japan, doing a live show. Wow! I was seriously so nervous! - I had to talk in Japanese. - Yeah. I'd never done that. I saw myself in the mirror of the bathroom. I could see myself who was terrified. So before I went on live TV, in that foreign country, I talked to myself in the mirror. "What are you so afraid of?" And within my heart, I wanted to do so well! Yeah, you want to do well. You're so desperate to do well...! And that fear of messing up is overwhelming you and that's why I was terrified. "You don't have to do well" That's what I said. You don't have to do well! Just do your best! Who cares if you get edited out?! You've come this far! And... I did really badly... [Plot twist] I did really badly. [Unexpected conclusion] [She did really badly.. She did really badly...] - HAHAHAHAHA - Oh! Wow! [In tears from laughing] HAHAHAHA! I did so bad! It was the funniest today! Completely edited out! She did it(?) What a twist! What a twist hahahaha. But the next year, I was less nervous. But I say this because I did a program called 'Champagne' on KBS with Shin Dong-yup! One day, Jang Geun-seok came as a guest. And he was nervous as I was in Japan. In the waiting room, just terrified. - A person who does dramas so well..! - Yeah. So I told him that story. You're nervous because you want to do so well! Just relax! And he did badly too! [He did badly.. He did badly...] [This is the essence of comedy] - HAHAHAHAHAHA - UAHAHAH He did badly [Loses balance] AAHHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA [Crying again] [Crying and drooling with laughter] - Don't try to do well! - Don't try to do well! Don't do well everyone. Don't try hard to do well! But you'll do really badly. That's a promise(?) That's a promise(?) In dramas and movies you overcome that. You suddenly do well.. It doesn't work like that! But in reality, this is true. Chang-hee isn't the type to be outgoing. I'm not the type to say "I'll make you laugh"~! I'm not that style. But why do you get so shy? I'm just born that way. I've always been very shy. But the times have changed so the way Chang-hee is people find it comfortable. If you go too far, people find it too much! There used to be phrases like, Be eccentric to survive. - Promote yourself - Yeah, promote yourself. And the world emphasized that kind of mindset. But now it's being natural. Yeah, be natural and be yourself! That's what's comfortable for everyone. I've seen and known Hyeryun for a really long time. Hyeryun is a person who constantly challenges new things. An icon of overcoming barriers. - That's true! - Really. Ever since I was young, I went out on my own to sell vegetables when I was in elementary school. My Mother told me to go sell vegetables in the Anyang Markets. I sold them so well. I think you would have. I wore a pouch for money. Put coins in here. - In elementary school??? - In 5th grade! I'd go with a basket of vegetables on my head. Come and buy some vegetables! If you don't, they'll haunt your dreams! - LOL - the vegetables? [Very different since childhood] - I was ad libbing since then...! - That's quite funny! A 5th grader would be this small. And I'd be selling them on my own. Some people would come back after walking by. Oh so cute~! Give me two bunches. I still remember my middle school teacher Teacher Jung Myeong-sun! The teacher heard that I was selling vegetables in the market and secretly came to see. But coming to see me might hurt my pride so she told her husband to buy all my vegetables! To let me go home. I had to sell it all to go home. I was so happy. I still remember that day. Even though my memory is bad. I lived a difficult life since childhood. Always doing new challenges. And even learning Japanese too. You probably couldn't go into all the details here. I'd have to come here 3 times, be on again! [Pinggyego~!] What keeps a person motivated in life is their passion. The thing I was passionate about lately was wanting to do a musical. First of all, you have vocals. You have to sing. I'm continuing to get vocal training. Oh... Makes no difference? No there is. (Laughs) [Fails Poker Face] Was I too emotionless? I sing Anacana like this - but musicals would be different. - Yeah. Singing itself isn't an easy thing. If I keep getting vocal training with a teacher! I could be a musical actor... a supporting actor! - Even a small role - Even a small role Maybe I could... Hyeryun, is there a song you're practicing? - I do - Could we hear a bit... It's a slightly difficult one. It's from the musical Phantom. It's a character from there... I'm practicing There's~~~ always not enough time. [About to laugh] 24 hours~~~is not enough~ [Blink] Too Bu!sy! [Mouth twitching] [Spots] Hyeryun, today your voice isn't that great. [Carefully giving feedback] Your voice today...(Laughs) Yeah, it's not that good today. Don't do it today. Not this then... She's trying to do so well. But your voice isn't great now. There's~~~ always Cough! My voice isn't great. [Self editing out] I'm trying so hard! Don't get nervous! Don't try to do so well. - You'll ruin it. - Don't try so hard. And you're not fully ready! - Just learning now. - At the learning phase. You're just learning bit by bit right now.. But it's so amazing to see you try! - It's very inspiring to see. - (Clears throat) [Attempting again] [From Musical 'Rebecca' 'I'm An American Woman'] Oh... As a new woman... (voice cracks) Today I sang Anacana live so much. I'm usually good at this. But the start was so great! Seriously Hyeryun! That one seemed almost ready It's from Rebecca! Yeah. Re bec~~ca! That's a different role! I can't sing that main role. - There's a wife called Van Hopper? - Yeah. I'm american woman~ That's what it is. I'm perfect for that! Like this. Excuse me~~ like that. - It's that role! - (Laugh) Re bec~~ca! I can't do that. You can't? The ending to that is amazing. Rebecca~! That part? That's the main role! Hyeryun, Rebecca~! Try that for us! - Shall I..? - Yeah, just once. [Breathing] Let's see if I can. (Clears throat) Ee! Ee ee! [Final Preparation] Rebeccaaa~~ Coughs! Why'd you make me do that! [Pinggyego~!] A wife that killed the husband? - A wife that buried the husband! - Oh buried! - Not killed - (Laughs) The husband passed away. Oh really? A wife that A wife that has buried the husband. She must become a new woman. And that woman is... Me. [Amazed] [Stage extended] The man was wealthy. [Communicating with audience] Brave colonel in the army. [Satisfied audience] His name is Juli~ Juli~en~~~! I can accept everything! [Acting with eyes] [Mesmerised...] Because... Anacana canari... Rebecca~~~~! [Tore up the stage!] Practice makes perfect! I have that dream! I might not make auditions! Then I can just come on Pinggyego! Chang-hee, do you have any particular goals this year? I'm just the type to do my best with whatever's in front of me. I don't really set big goals! I'm not that type. We usually think we should set goals and that we should have dreams It's usually common at the start of year! If that's what suits you it's good to set them and work towards them. But if you don't know what you really want you shouldn't pressure yourself to set unrealistic dreams. - That's not good. - It isn't. People who don't might think "Am I wasting my life away?" - That's not the case! - It's not. Definitely not! It was good last year, right? Doing Pinggyego~ Filming commercials too! Yeah, you shot a commercial! Hyeryun, how were you last year? ...Me? I... hurt my leg! [Awkward silence...] It's time to say goodbye... No, wait wait. No that's not it... It's been nice to see you... He's wrapping up! There were big laughs. So much laughing. You talking to your reflection! HAHAHA It was such a twist! You could make that into a musical! - Was I good? - You were! He was good! - More than Cho Sae-Ho! - Yeah!!! We prepared a small gift for you. What is it? This is a really famous brand! - It's a towel? - For football training... Hyeryun, it's a famous sports brand! This is really popular? It's perfect for you. Real luxury sports brand. Isn't this too big? It's to wear in Winter underneath. It's a large size.. Hyeryun try it on. It's a large. Hyeryun, it fits perfectly? It fits perfectly? It fits so nicely LOL - Is the size okay? - It's perfect! Wear it like this? On the outside? Hyeryun it fits so perfectly! What's it called? Arke? Arc'teryx. [So happy] It fits so well! I've been wearing a size too small! I should wear this size. And today, the Galaxy S24. Let's take a picture together. Should I take it? Sang-yi can be in it too. [Sang-yi who watched Pinggyego] Sang-yi. - Sang-yi come here. - Lee Sang-yi. 1, 2, 3 Click. - Does the photo come out well? - Absolutely. - Hyeryun, this is amazing. - Let me see. It's a new function. For example.. [Selecting an object to enlarge] [So focused on the phone] He's breathing so hard~! It's nice(?) Nice breathing. Okay now.. Just the chicken? Oh my. [Easily enlarge the object] You can enlarge it. Artificial Intelligence! - You can do this too. - Wow amazing You can make it level. Then this becomes the photo? It's filling in the edges! It's filling in the edges on its own. It generates it? - Wow~~! - Whoa!!! How is that possible? [A.I. editing allows leveling] [Even fills in lost areas naturally] That's amazing. - Great, right? - Fantastic. Today's Pinggyego together with the Galaxy S24. Hyeryun and Chang-hee. Lee Sang-yi! Lee Sang-yi! ['Pinggyego front row viewing'] Togeher with Lee Sang-yi. Thank you to all the viewers today. Thank you. [Ddeun Ddeun2024 Project- Gyewon of the Month] [Uploaded 2/27 Please show lots of support] Jae Seok) Thank you. Chang-hee) Good work today. Jae Seok, Hyeryun) Leave me~ Leave me now~ Hyeryun) That was so funny before! Olle~! and it ended. Chang-hee) LOL Hyeryun) Sang-yi, was it funny? Sang-yi) Yes, absolutely. Filled with sad and happy moments. Yeah. - Should we all go out, - Shall we? and grab a meal? - Sounds good. - Okay then. What would you like? I'll treat you. [Production: Antenna Plus Mixing: Chungchun Sound] [Pinggyego~!]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 3,371,756
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Keywords: 뜬뜬, 핑계고, 조혜련, 유재석, 남창희, 축가, 행사, 아나까나, 까나리, 키퍼웨이, 아나까나가사, 조혜련축가, 축가영상, 결혼식, 실비집, 아재개그, 옛날개그, 축구토크, 축구, 골때녀, 프레시우먼, 환연3요약, 스포, 몰아보기, 미리보기
Id: HGHqzCuWjAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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