챗GPT AI + 미드저니로 컬러링북 만드는방법. 아마존KDP 컬러링북 출판 방법. 컬러링북도안 만들기

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Today, we will take a look at how to create a children's coloring book using Generating AI ChatGPT and image site Midjourney, and also how to register it on the Amazon publishing site for monetization . First , create an image prompt by writing a command to create a coloring book image in ChatGPT . In Midjourney, I will create a coloring book image by copying and pasting the content created in Chat GPT. And let's take a look at the process of uploading and registering the completed coloring book on the Amazon CDP site . First of all , let's write a command to create children's coloring book contents on the ChatGPT site . I'm going to ask you to make a children's coloring book idea related to jungle animals . Then, the contents were somewhat complicated , so I rewrote the command to make it simpler . Rather than calling it Jungle Animals , I rewrite it to be more specific and to come up with good ideas related to cute puppies . If you look at it, you can see things like Adventure Breed, Fashion Party, etc. Among these, I made a command to rewrite the contents of the second dog type. If you look, several dog names are listed . They also asked me to write down the ideas for the fifth puppy party in detail . Then there are several special activities listed . With this content, I will create an image in Mid Journey . /1 I created an image by copy-pasting the command prompt like this in Midjourney . First, I copied and pasted the type of dog , and then copied and pasted the party content into Midjourney . Then, this cute puppy was created. Labrador having a birthday party . I upscaled it, and also copied and pasted Dalmatian from ChatGPT and copied the contents of the beach party. Then , this image was created. The ratio is 9 to 10, but you can use 17 to 22. Welsh corgi having a Christmas party, Shih Tzu having a Halloween party, you can create an image for a coloring book by copying and pasting continuously in this way . I made a total of 32 images. /2 This time, I will go to the Amazon site and start making content in earnest . Click Help at the top and check the trim bleed margin on the left. I'm going to make a coloring book with a trim size of 8 points and 5 inches and 11 inches. For the bleed, it is 8 dots 65 11 dots 5. The margin is zero 375 in the case of bleed from page 24 to page 150. Check all sizes. /3 This time, go to the canvas site, click Create Image at the top, change to inches, and enter the width and height size. The size for creating coloring book contents has been created . All you have to do now is upload the dog image you created in Midjourney . Coloring books are easy to make, so please try making them. Take the image and resize it. Since the color of the coloring book can bleed on the back side, I will skip one page and upload the second image . And skip another page and upload the third image. You can upload all images like this and open one page. If you're done uploading , I'll make an image frame on the outside. It doesn't matter if you just upload an image without a frame . Only the margins need to be left out. If the image is out of the margins, the quality is not good when uploading to Amazon, so a correction message appears asking you to check the margins. So please take care of the margins in advance and upload the image. The back side is usually left blank as the color bleeds through . If you just leave it blank, it may not be registered because it is a blank page, so I will simply write and insert the image description . I will copy and paste all the contents related to the dog party image from ChatGPT . I also made a square box so that children can draw something themselves . All you have to do is decorate the page according to your taste and production intention . The interior is all made this way. I made the trick like this . /4 This time, I'm going to make a coloring book cover on Amazon. Paperback Black and White White Paper Flip from Left to Right Inch Trim Size 8 5 11 68 Pages. And click Calculate. If you look at it, the full size of the cover is 17 points, Sagong 3, and 11 points. Click Create New Image on the Canvas site and click Custom Size to change to inches. Seventeen points horizontally Sagong three points eleven points vertically Insert two five points and click to create a cover size like this. Download the cover template from the Amazon site . You can upload the PNG file from the Canvas site and bring it . If you look at it, you can check the full size, size, and number of pages. /5 I'm going to make a cover image. I'll try to make one in Canva . You can write a command like this by clicking on the text to image in the Canva app . If you write the image command in Korean or English, the image will be created like this. Create an image by changing the commands slightly until an image you like is created. Once the cover image is decided, drag and drop it to fit the cover. If you look here, you can drag the back cover to come to this scale . Please make the front cover as well. I also created a cute puppy image in Canva . Make sure to change the cover to be transparent and place the image inside the lower template red line . I put a sample image on the back of the map so that you can understand the contents. I hope you all try making covers in a variety of ways. I will also put a brief description on the back . I pasted what I wrote earlier. I also made a title and wrote a coloring book. I've done all the decorations . The age was also less on the bottom. When the cover is finished, click Share at the top to download the cover via PDF Print. /6 This time, I'll go to the Amazon site and register. Click Create and click Paperback. Please write the title . You can search for it on Amazon and fill it out. I searched for “puppy coloring book” and the results came out about 2,000. I think the search rate is good for this number . write a title Please also write the subtitle . I also wrote an introduction to the book that will be helpful to buyers in the description section . Please also include keywords. When you search on Amazon, you will see the number of results for that keyword. Thousands is considered fine. You can think of it as a search rate that goes over 10,000 units. I wrote the keyword like this. I forgot the category. Please specify two categories . Play for adults and save . Click on KDP ISP to get it. I clicked on the date and checked the black and white inner 8-point 5-11-inch bleed and the cover with a matte . All you have to do is upload the content you create on Canva. Please upload the cover too . Please check the preview below. / An error message appeared on the left. It tells me to check the margins. I think I need to fix the margins . I corrected the margins and re-uploaded it. Click the save button at the bottom and set the price. i'm six dollars I wrote it down to 90 cents. If you have checked everything, click Publish below and it will be registered. It is said that it will be confirmed on Amazon only after 72 hours . Today, I made a coloring book using the AI ​​tool and looked at the Amazon registration process. Please press subscribe and like. Thank you for watching.
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Keywords: chatgpt, openai, midjourney, 챗gpt, ai, avatar, aiavatar, 아바타, 인공지능, 돈벌기, ai돈버는법, 돈버는방법, 수익화채널, 수익화, 패시브인컴, passivsincome, did, 말하는아바타, 아바타만들기, 챗봇, canva, 수익자동화, makemoney, leonardoai, leonardo, 미드저니, 레오나르도ai, 레오나르도, 경제적자유, 리치텔러, richteller, moneymakeing, success, famousquotes, quotes, famoussaying, miricanvas, 미리캔버스, 미리캔바스, 영어동화책, 동화책만들기, etsy, ebook, 전자책만들기, 전자책만드는법, 아마존kdp, kdp, 전자책, 전자책만드는방법, 컬러링북, 컬러링북도안, 아마존컬러링북, 챗지피티, 돈버는법, 수익자동화만들기, coloringbook, coloringbooks, coloringpage, 컬러링북만들기, 컬러링북이미지, 아마존돈벌기, 아마존에서돈벌기, 미드저니5, 챗지피티4
Id: _MrUBEx4A2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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