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Hello, I'm Paik Jong Won (Paik Jong Won) (does a) (cooking vlog) (Paik's Cooking Log) (Gimbap) (From A to Z) If the rice tastes good, that's it [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] We'll make gimbap today! A lot of people think gimbap is hard to make Not because I'm bad at it but today I'm going to start with something very easy and do something very hard As if we're learning how to walk from crawling Gimbap? All you need is seaweed and rice We eat them all the time Just rice and seaweed together Use a bamboo mat and roll it I'll break the stereotypes about gimbap you may have We'll have fun with gimbap today We'll play around with it If you've never made gimbap before, I'll make you feel confident about making gimbap If you're a foreigner and don’t understand what I'm saying you might wonder what we're making today Sushi, Korean sushi, no! Gimbap! I'll teach you how to make gimbap Alright To make gimbap you definitely need seaweed Next... (The exact measurements...) Don't worry about it! It's gimbap So you need seaweed and you need rice! (Prepare seaweed and rice) The bamboo mat? You don't need it now (STEP.1 Seaweed) At supermarkets you can easily find seaweed There are ones for gimbap Some are toasted twice Some are not even toasted It doesn't matter because this one is not flavored Not toasted nor flavored Just very plain seaweed There's no salt on it [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] (STEP.2 Seasoning) Regular salt Flavoring salt Salt, flavoring salt Flavoring salt tastes better It's okay to use just regular salt It tastes clean The most important thing for gimbap is to season the rice well If the rice is seasoned well it'll taste good if you only use pickled radish, or just rice and seaweed For real Add some salt first (Flavoring salt 1 tsp (3g)) Add more than you think you would need Some good gimbap places use flavoring salt Some places use MSG If you use flavoring salt at home it'll taste better In terms of rice it's better if the rice is overcooked rather than under cooked If you had to choose Overcooked, under cooked Don't worry about If you had to decide between the two slightly overcooked rice is good for making gimbap Next is sesame oil (Sesame oil 2 tbsp (12g)) The best kind of rice for gimbap is after doing all that you suddenly don't want to make gimbap (Radish salad / Remember?) and want to eat the rice with radish salad Then that rice is good Oh, it's good [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] Fish cake Get a package like this You can use some crab sticks You can easily get this package of pickled radish and burdock root You can also add some ham You might as well add some sausages if you have them Sausages like these For kids This is what my kids eat Making gimbap is like making bibimbap What's bibimbap? Add whatever you have and mix it in Gimbap is adding whatever you have and rolling it (STEP.3 Rolling gimbap) Shall we get started? Here's what gimbap professionals do Grab some rice in one hand Stick it to the seaweed Bring them back together Like this Do I look professional? Spread the rice as thinly as you can The important thing is Do you have to go all the way? Supposedly, yes You should roll the gimbap so that this end part meets the other end after rolling But that's quite difficult to do and and many people give up So don't worry about that Don't worry about covering the end Just spread the rice thinly And then just roll it Easy This is gimbap See? It's gimbap If the rice tastes good, that's it Shall we make some more? An upgraded version Say you have pickled radish and eggs in your refrigerator (STEP.4 Adding ingredients) (Some cooking oil) (1 egg) Remember the fried egg you can make for yourself? Make one to be as wide as the seaweed You can break the yolk (Make fried egg as wide as the seaweed) But add some salt to season it (Some flavoring salt) Oh! It broke (Fried egg can be broken) What I'm saying is gimbap doesn't have to be special It really isn't Alright then Use one hand Like this About the size of a baseball If you don't know how big a baseball is then a tennis ball If you really can't tell take a peek And then Like this Try again Press it down slightly As if you are a professional A stick of pickled radish Put it in the middle Then the egg Like this Roughly You're supposed to roll like this But let me show you something easier Fold it Press down hard It'll stick And then roll it up If you cut it after rolling like this You'll see some thing like a yin-yang mark Say you did it on purpose And then at the end? Use water since it's not for others to eat Coat the gimbap with sesame oil before cutting it (Coat the gimbap with sesame oil) This looks like store-bought It's delicious (Making it only with fried egg is good) (Try making it inside out) [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] (STEP.5 Applying) Now that we know the trick to it Let's add the burdock root that's been braised It's easy, huh? Place the pickled radish Place the burdock root Crab stick And then what? Oh, the sausage Sausage (Cut the sausage in half) Instead of using these sausages or ham as is grill them first (Grilling the sausage or ham enhances the flavor) If you're watching from other countries or you're foreigners, you probably don't have this It's sold at supermarkets in Korea But don't be discouraged if you have don't burdock roots I'll show you something else you can do Oh, it's a little burnt Using grilled sausages in gimbap has to be good Slice it in half and grill Remember what I did earlier? Just roll it over like this Oh, it's hot Keep them in place Press it Press it so they'd stick Press it Supposedly, this end is supposed to meet the other end But we don't have enough filling to do that Right? Don't stress over that Roll up the gimbap and press it hard so that there is no air inside Just make sure they all stick And then roll it to the end Just like this This is what you do And then use some water That's it Then what do you do next? Most gimbap places do this Wrap it like this in the bamboo mat to make the shape You don't need to do this at home (Some sesame oil) (Use any ingredients you like) Looking pretty good, huh? If you use the sausage, you don't need crab stick Really It's a waste [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] Alright let's make the real gimbap now I'm telling you If I set my mind to it I can make really good gimbap I'm kidding I'm not good at it Gimbap tastes the best at Gimbap restaurants Those ladies are the best at making it This time we'll use very typical gimbap ingredients Let's see These are not a must but very typical... How should I say it? Not FM, what do you call it? Yes, standard! Standard gimbap in English Pickled radish! For pickled radish... If you can't find the one for gimbap and all you have is these half-moon shaped pickled radish you see at Chinese restaurants or maybe something like this You just cut this into strips Back in the old days, pickled radishes were very bland So this is what people who are good at cooking did back then If you happen to live in foreign countries where you can't find good pickled radishes, here's what you can do Don't get discouraged! Buy this kind, and cut it into long strips And then get a big bowl so that radishes can sit in About this big Mix the sugar and vinegar at 1:1 ratio You wouldn't want to drink it or eat it with a spoon but it should be edible About that much! I get the feeling that some of you probably want me to show you how to do this Well This tastes okay but I'm doing it just to show you I care about those on the other side of the globe This is all for you I'm not worried about people in Korea but make sure to use regular vinegar, not apple vinegar At 1:1 ratio (Brown sugar 2/3 cup (100g), vinegar 2/3 cup (130g)) (Water 2/3 cup (130g)) The same for water I'm not telling you the exact ratio because vinegar tastes different in all different countries Some are strong, some are not It tastes good Even those sold at traditional markets aren't like this They are probably seasoned and flavored well In the past, they were not We had to pickle them My mother used to make really good gimbap She did this all the time My friends really liked her gimbap Her trick was to pickle the radish like this in advance (Pickle the plain radish in sugar and vinegar mixture) Try doing this If you slice the radish, it'll make you feel like a cooking master Alright then Or you can slice it very thinly like this If you don't have much time Make it thin You can use several strips [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] What makes you think gimbap tastes good are seasoning, savory taste of sesame oil, sweetness and saltiness, and the last thing is the texture! When you bite into it Another thing is when you hold gimbap like this the color! Also, the taste of meat The combination of these decides whether gimbap tastes good or not There are so many different kinds of gimbap you can make with the perfect combination of those things [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] So, pickled radish and burdock root are ready And the spinach You should buy spinach they are in season Many people wonder what to do with the root If you cut it off like this with scissors or something they're all separated This works if you use a small amount at a time But if you want to use more spinach so that it looks very green inside, it's better to use the bunch So I'll show you both ways Trim off just the little bit at the end so they don't get separated (Clean the spinach) You can slightly blanch the spinach Shall we try it? But we're kind of lazy (Some cooking oil) Add a little bit of oil (Coat the pan with oil and add the spinach) A little bit of salt (Some flavoring salt) (Slightly blanch or stir-fry spinach) I shouldn't tell you all the shortcuts It takes no time, right? We have yellow and green ready What do we need to do next? Eggs It takes the longest but you got to have it Many people stress over it For gimbap if you're running a restaurant that all of these have to look nice but you're making it for yourself We care about how it looks afterward Right? We talked about it It didn't look nice when rolled but it was okay when cut I'm not telling you this to try and scam you The same goes for eggs Egg sheets Don't get stressed over it for gimbap, I mean! I'll help you Break the eggs I suggest using eggs when making gimbap (Using eggs in gimbap is recommended) You can skip if you use ham or sausage This much (Some flavoring salt) We should add some salt I recommend adding some sugar when making egg sheets (Some brown sugar) Eggs and sugar go well together Add some oil (Some cooking oil) An ample amount! Our channel subscribers should know Fried egg What makes it taste good? Over high heat! Like deep-frying in oil! You might as well make the egg sheet pretty thick rather than thin The best fried egg is when the egg is almost deep-fried both up and down What I like the most! Let me pour in the eggs The oil is almost burning It doesn't matter Just pour it in! (STEP.6+1 Making egg sheet VER.1) I smell something burning It's okay, don't worry You're wondering, "How do I flip this?" Look carefully Use long chopsticks Like this Like this Did you see? Lift it like this Like hanging laundry! Flip it It's okay if you mess up, don't worry That's it (VER.1 Regular egg sheet) One is done For the next one I'll show you it really doesn't matter how you make it (Some cooking oil) Add some cooking oil Heat the pan as much as you can (STEP.6+2 Making egg sheet VER.2) You can shake it up like this Why? It goes in the gimbap "Oh, it's all ripped apart!" "Oh, no!" "It's scrambled eggs" It doesn't matter (Don't get stressed about egg sheet) Move the good one to the plate Okay "Oh, what should we do?" "Let's try flipping" This is really scrambled eggs It's hot It's totally okay The eggs are ready You don't even need to cut it Just pour it onto the plate (Nobody would know if they're messy) [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] (STEP.6-2 Basic gimbap (rolling gimbap) All the ingredients are ready now (Roasted fish cake, eggs, julienned carrots, spinach, pickled radish) First I'll show you two versions of gimbap you're curious about Grab some rice, stick it to the seaweed Spread the rice The first one And then Another one Time to satisfy your curiosity The same so far For the first one Pickled radish Burdock roots Carrots Spinach Egg Crab stick That's the first one The another one Pickled radish Burdock roots Carrots This spinach is really big Egg Curious? (Stacked) (Spread) You're curious, right? Okay, start rolling Don't worry too much, just roll it Then press hard so that all the ingredients stick together Like this So they don't slip sideways How? They don't fall This one is kind of done Do the same for this one Roll and press so that they don't fall out And then finish with water This one, too (Coat the finished gimbap with sesame oil) You're curious, aren't you? Look! (Don't worry how you put the ingredients) They look the same I'm saying they're all the same! [Paik Jong Won's Secret Ingredients] Another important thing is using the bamboo mat It's easier to roll with it I'll show you how to do it I'm showing you how to use the bamboo mat because those who make it won't like it if I don't use it for making gimbap They'll think people don't buy the bamboo mat because of me You need it! This time I'll make one using the bamboo mat (STEP.6-3 Basic gimbap (using bamboo mat)) The right way to make gimbap Bamboo mat helps create the shape I showed you how to make gimbap without it so that you won't give up just because you don't have it If you cover the the end of seaweed, you definitely need the bamboo mat This time we'll put the egg at the bottom Putting flat ingredients at the bottom makes it pretty (Place the ingredients) Alright And then take the end like this You can press harder with the bamboo mat (Easier to press with the bamboo mat) You can tell it's stuck I'm telling you why should you buy the bamboo mat If you don't make gimbap at home, hang some pictures on it It's not always for gimbap It's very useful Here's why you need to use the bamboo mat See how well they're stuck? You should use it, right? This one looks really good! I'm proud of myself Look! You need the bamboo mat I didn't press as hard at the ends (Basic gimbap is done) See? The ones made with the bamboo mat look much better Since humans are animals that know how to use tools I recommend using tools Now we'll use these basic ingredients and make upgraded versions (Click here) Flitto - Finest subtitles translation (And here, too) Flitto - Finest subtitles translation
Channel: 백종원 PAIK JONG WON
Views: 10,167,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 김밥, 참쉬운김밥, gimbap, Rice, koreanfood, korean, 한국음식, kimbap
Id: 10fl2mebYHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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