인기 많은 옛날통닭 몰아보기 BEST 5 / korean original fried chicken / korean street food
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Channel: 찐푸드 JJin Food
Views: 6,891,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 길거리음식, food, 음식, 맛집, 푸드, street, 먹거리, 한국길거리음식, 한국요리, 요리, 맛집추천, korean street food, street food, snacks, cooking, korea, korea food, original fried chicken, korean fried chicken, chicken, korean chicken, fried chicken, korean original chicken, 치킨, 옛날통닭, 통닭, 시장통닭, 후라이드치킨, 양념치킨, 치킨맛집, 전통시장치킨
Id: VvADdfX1iz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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